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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 10, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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competitive. >> brian: they're trying to compete. monopoly is trying to pick up the pace. >> lawrence: they have credit cards in monopoly now. >> the one side is the original game and the second is the less competitive version to appeal to the gen zers say it's easier and more inclusive. >> brian: what about the toss across. they don't want you to get all three? when you take a sandbag and throw it across. >> steve: you mean bean bag? >> lawrence: these kids are weak. when my dad threw my trophy across the parking lot. be better. [singing] >> bill: anti-israeli protestors shutting down a senate cafeteria. some are calling it a show of
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solidarity rather with hamas. good morning, everybody. more where that came from. a bit of a surprise i would say. maybe some familiar faces in the crowd. >> dana: indeed. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." many of the protestors painting their hands blood red. that scene as a symbol of the ramallah lynching. >> bill: more than 20 years ago when -- protestors proudly invoking that imagery. >> stop funding the genocide in gaza and stop sending more bombs. >> dana: on the heels of another hateful protest in dearborn, mic michigan. [shouting] >> bill: activists gathering in front of the henry ford library and appearing to call for a revolution on that video. >> not genocide joe that has to go. it's the entire system that has to go. >> dana: the white house under pressure to denounce the
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violence and hateful rhetoric. here is what karine jean-pierre said yesterday. >> should we expect to see -- it was a significant display. >> you are hearing from me. that's important. the other part i do want to be very clear about, peaceful protest is something the president has also been very clear that is important to give folks space to peacefully protest. any type of violent rhetoric we will denounce. >> dana: mary kathryn hamm is here with reaction. first let's go to griff jenkins in washington. >> these anti-israel protests are escalating across the country and we'll start right here in washington. capitol hill police arrested 50 protestors yesterday at the protests descending on the senate cafeteria and the hearing that was happening. [people shouting] >> history is indeed watching.
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one of the organizers said the bloody hands is reference to too much blood spilled in glass yeah. but for israelis it conjures up a inching of the two idf soldiers back in 2000. they were bodies were dragged through the streets by a mob. red hands painted on the gate outside of the white house. in michigan the chants of death to america and calls for revolution, this same guy you see here is not new to calls for the destruction of israel. listen here. >> from the river to the sea means the absolute annihilation of the zionist regime. it is absolute evil. it is a cancer in the middle east and in the world. >> all of this comes as members of the squad like tlaib from there, and michigan's governor and as you noted the white house
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pretty soft on this rhetoric that is escalating and these protestors are going after democratic leaders elsewhere demonstrating outside president biden's fundraiser in new york outside of radio city music hall and hillary clinton's visit to wellesley college. you can expect more of that to come. hamas has rejected the latest cease-fire plan orchestrated by the u.s. and little made of condemning hamas in the protests. much of which i have covered. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: what you are seeing there is one of the first protests we saw. that's on a road outside of jfk airport in queens, new york at the end of december. keep in mind the context of when that happened. october 7th a war breaks out. israel is invaded 1200 to 1400 people killed. you have protests and 2 1/2 months later they came to new york and not where they stopped.
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this from january 8th, all right? anti-israel protestors forming a commuter chaos at three new york city bridges and holland tunnel. march 14th. protestors swarmed biden's hotel. march 21st anti-israel protestors chanting death to america. the big rally in dear born, michigan that got a lot of headlines and what we watched april 8th. anti-israel agitators shutting down the senate cafeteria. mary kathryn hamm is with us now. how do you think the biden administration is handling this? >> well look, the left often doesn't pay quite the price for its irresponsible rhetoric the right does. biden doesn't seem as intent on
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denouncing when these folks are his constituency and has to worry about that flank dealing with israel. this week especially that means asking israel to change policy in the face of hamas who is unwilling to give anything. by the way, these protests if i'm generous pro-palestinian but often pro-hamas protestors started october 8th. no boots were on the ground in gaza on october 8th the day after this horrible mask aker. they don't engage with the facts of this. many facts remain true after october 7th. one, there are hostages still in gaza held that could be released and things could end if hamas surrendered and let these folks go. it remains true to this day. they are talking about how if the senate -- gazans can't eat, senators can't eat. israeli defense force report evidence yesterday the highest number yet of aid trucks went
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into gaza, 468. israel is being asked to do what no other armed force is ever asked to do in a war to a degree that's nearly impossible by the biden administration because he is trying to protect himself from these ignorant and hateful folks who are now in the capitol. i guess that's not an issue anymore. asme owe glad there are arrested. there should be rules. you are allowed to protest within certain guidelines on a college campus or in a capitol. you should be punished when it goes beyond speech and causes security issues for people. >> dana: domestic politics is weighing on geo politics. gem congratulations fear netanyahu may have undermined biden's image among voters. biden aligned himself closely with netanyahu in the after math of october 7th despite reservations about the right wing leader calculating it gave his administration the best chance of preventing wider war in the region.
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we don't hear enough from president biden. i don't even know if he thinks that's true. certainly the democrats that are worried about the election are worried about it. >> i think there are domestic concerns here. the mistake is strategically that fighting to a stalemate with a terrorist group allowed to rebuild next to our ally does not result in peace. as i said there are many things that remain true after october 7th. hamas is promising to do october 7th over and over and over again and why a free country and ally cannot allow them to exist right on its border. they won't take a cease-fire because they only want one side to cease firing. they want to be able to fire at will and have done so throughout -- before october 7th. there was one side cease firing before october 7th and it was israel. this is a morally backwards calculation and does not lead to peace. it leads to a more dangerous situation for our allies and for the west in general. so to be so short sighted and by
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the way to not be a leader. there is a way to speak to your flank and many people asked trump to do it, right? he is to be held accountable when his right flank needs to be told what is morally correct. he is always admonished for this. biden could do the same. the press could say you need to speak to these folks and say we aren't in support of hamas. that's an impossibility for the united states of america to abandon israel to this. >> bill: good to have you on. come back soon out of outkick. just want to roll the video about the red hands protest that we described briefly an incident in the west bank 20 years ago. this is a direct insult against all israelis and jews around the world and that's the reason they do it. what you don't know in this story yet is how much longer it goes on and where they pop up next. my guess is they will dog biden as long as they have to until they get what they want, which
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is peace in gaza. >> dana: they will. you don't see them out there demanding the hostages to be released. there is a lot of ignorance that's going around here. i think some of those people with blood on their hands don't realize what that actually symbolizes to israelis and when called upon no, this is talking about what we see as genocide, which is also an offensive comment. >> bill: early april and sometime before the big convention in chicago and that will be a hot august night or two or three there in the midwest with this. >> dana: get you to this as well. cbp tackling smuggling at the southern border. arizona officers stopped a man who strapped a gun to himself and seized hundreds of pounds of drugs this weekend alone. get an update from bill melugin in eagle pass in texas. hi, bill. >> good morning to you. the number of daily illegal crossings here at our southern border now remains remarkably low as mexico has suddenly
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decided to start enforcing on its side of the border and texas, you can see behind me, has been locking down its side of the border. crossings in eagle pass have fallen off a cliff and take you live on the fox news drone to give you perspective. three days now, first came out for the eclipse. in three days in shelby park we've seen one single person trying to cross the border illegally. one person in three days. you ask me that in past years that would have been completely unheard of when we were seeing hundreds and sometimes thousands crossing illegally every day here in eagle pass. now it's a ghost town. while the illegal crossings may be lower, the number of drug seizures are not. look at these photos out of arizona. cbp at the port of entry reporting they seized 1.1 million fentanyl pills in four days hidden in different smuggling incidents including hidden in a microwave, deflated bounce house and firewalls of a
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vehicle. border patrol reporting their agents seized coke, meth and fentanyl. street value $6 million. all those drugs seized between ports of entry by border patrol agents. the field photos off the top. look at this also nogales, arizona cbp stopping guns from going to mexico. ten different smuggling events people were trying to smuggle weapons to mexico for the cartels. 13 different ak style rifles. 50,000 in cash and you can see in the photo some guy trapped an ak style rifle to his body and thought he would bring it into mexico for the drug cartels. back live regarding fentanyl cbp says they will be having some sort of a fentanyl-related announcement making later on this morning. that will be happening at the arizona border in nogales, we'll
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have a team there and report whatever they have to say on that front. >> dana: thank you. >> president biden: what i will tell you i think what he is doing is a mistake. what i'm calling for is the israelis to just call for a cease-fire. >> bill: he chose to say that on camera now. some of the toughest criticism we heard yet. biden slamming netanyahu over his handling of the war and prosecuting the war against hamas. what does one of our closest allies think about that approach? british foreign secretary david cameron is our guest live coming up and we'll put that to him. >> if you are a repeated offender of a violent act in this city, after you serve your time, you need to leave this city. that's my position. >> dana: talk is one thing. locking up criminals another. new york city in shock after a woman is punched and shoved down
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church stairs in a brutal robbery. >> bill: new inflation numbers out moments ago. the things that you buy, america, are not getting cheaper. >> i wouldn't go out there and extol the miracle of the biden economy. it drives me crazy when he does that. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.
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>> bill: here is a new number. not a great one out a few moments ago. in flags report. the consumer price index rising 3.5% from a year ago. that's higher than economists expected raising questions how much the federal reserve will be able to cut if they are able to cut, if they want to cut and if they are willing to cut this
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year. i've been saying it's not going to happen. i think we have more evidence today it gets pushed off further. >> dana: you might be winning that wager indeed. this from the former white house chief of staff ron klain last week on msnbc. if i was in the white house now i would say oh really, this is what you think? here is what he said. >> the prices are still high. price of gasoline is still high. other prices are still high. people feel that pinch and the wages have gone up and wages have gone up faster than prices people still feel pinched if their pocket books. the president needs to make more progress on that. >> dana: yeah, one of the reasons the additional spending they pushed through in the first few years of the administration. >> from what we're hearing overseas they'll cut production and it will hurt come this summer. the market will sell off today. futures down 500 points. we have had a great run and
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things are starting to cool down in wall street. >> dana: we'll keep an eye on that for you. there was another brutal migrant attack on new york city's finest. a group of venezuelans were caught robbing a store last week when two migrants attacked shoving and slapping the cops. most of the suspects are reportedly walking free. alexis mcadams has the news for us in manhattan. what is the mayor saying about this? >> the mayor of new york city put it simply. he said if the migrants in the city continue to repeat offenders and have crimes on their record they need to do the time and then leave the big apple. i will step out of the way so you can see in this area on the upper east side where the most recent incident happened at that target store here. there was another shoplifting incident there. the group went inside. went aisle to aisle stealing everything they could get their hands on. when police tried to place them under arrest the migrants attacked an nypd officers.
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there is a group of venezuelan migrants. one migrant throwing rocks at police. a look at the migrants arrested in this attempted shoplifting incident last week. four of the five migrants back are on the streets released without bail according to law enforcement sources. not just the stealing. two of them, the "new york post" reports have criminal records, injured the officers as they tried to run away. the duo wrestled, shoved, flapped and pushed the officers who is expected to be okay. initially charged with robbery, assault, resisting arrest and criminal possession of stolen product. one was left go without bail and one was on $3 thousand bail still at ryker's island this week. recent incidents like this are making headlines in new york. the mayor says the migrants need to be held accountable but stopped short of calling for
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deportation. watch. >> even with those who are undocumented and those who are migrants and asylum seekers, if you are a repeated offender of a violent act in this storks after you serve your time, you need to leave this city. that is my position. >> we'll have to see what happens with that. see if the mayor changes his stance. there was six migrants involved in this throwing rocks at police. no word if they've been arrested. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: another day in the big city, right? bill brat en, former nypd commissioner. four of the five are released without bail. all are here illegally. who is going to get smart and change the way we're doing this? who is going to get smart and change the law? who is going to get smart and put pressure on the d.a. to say we can't keep living like this?
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>> don't hold your breath waiting for any changes here in new york city or new york state. the state and city council have been captured by the progressive left and it's unlikely the voters will take them out of office any time soon. that's where it has to change because they create the laws and ordinances. right now those laws and ordinances are creating the chaos you have just described in the new york court systems and the new york criminal justice system. >> bill: okay. we have more for you unfortunately. 68-year-old woman was thrown down the stairs. severely injured. >> she is able to speak to us a little bit. she can't put in full sentences. she suffered a skull fracture. she did get back up and attempted to walk towards her car. she got to the car, he stole the car and she had walked home where her daughter called 911. >> you could say we're putting
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our focus on this because it is on our minds. the problem, sir, is that it is happening all the time. it wasn't this way before. and as you look at your former city, what would you do? >> well, in 2016, 17, 18 they were the safest three years in the history of new york city. that began to turn around from the worst year of 1990 and for the next 25 years we got it right. then starting in 2018 the legislature in new york city and in albany changed many of the laws on the criminal justice reform. that began the crime turn around and accelerated during the covid years. the city is celebrating that so far this year overall reported crime is down by 9%, that sounds pretty good. overall crime in the city is still up 40% from what it was five years ago. you have hard numbers to look at
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but as importantly is each day there seems to be one of these horrific incidents similar to the two you have described. the numbers are not as large as they were back in the bad old days of the early 90s, it's still front page and leads the news at 6:00 in the city. >> bill: i'll give you one example, okay? the nypd commissioner talking about it in a broader sense. watch here. >> we're heading in the right direction for crime but to someone with a victim of a crime tells a different story. that's one of the things we struggle with now. perception versus reality. >> bill: is that it, perception versus reality? >> he is right on the money in that respect. the idea that the crime numbers tell one story but it is what people see every day. what's not being addressed every day is the chaos on the city streets. the aggressive begging, the street prostitution issues.
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the quality of life. the fear in the subways, erratic behavior of a large part of the homeless population who are mentally ill. the same issue we dealt with effectively back in the 90s. took over the transit and city police under giuliani we went after serious crime but also went after quality of life crime. broken windows. the city is handicapped in attempting to deal with the broken windows, the quality of life crime. there is no penalties. the d.a.s won't prosecute and laws don't allow for punishment. >> bill: we are back from the days you just described in the 1990s. thank you for being here. >> dana: pro-palestinian protests becoming a fact of life not only here in the u.s. but also in the united kingdom. what does it mean for person policy in the israel/hamas war? david cameron is on deck for us next. plus california spending tens of
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>> president biden: i think what he is doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his approach. i think it is outrageous that those three vehicles were hit by drones and taken out on a highway where it wasn't like it was along the shore. what i am calling for is for the israelis to just call for a cease-fire. >> bill: president biden hitting the israeli prime minister netanyahu for the way he is prosecuting that war now. some of his toughest criticism yet over gaza. while making no mention of hamas or the hostages at least in that interview. british foreigsecretary david cameron is our guest. sir, from washington, d.c. back to london and new york city.
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welcome back to our country. good to have you here. you said yesterday i come with no intention to lecture anybody. do you see a change in the american president toward the war with israel? if so, do you support that? >> i think it's right to call for a pause in the fighting because we could use a pause to get aid in and to get the hostages out. then i dearly try to turn that pause into a sustainable cease-fire where you remove the causes of the conflict. get hamas leaders and fighters out of gaza. you get rid of the terrorist infrastructure and you start to build a peace from there. but we do have to have a plan b as i said yesterday. if hamas does not release the hostages, if hamas does not take part in that way, then we have to support israel to finish the job of getting hamas leaders out of gaza. you can't expect israel to live next to a state that in part is still run by terrorists. >> bill: you would agree in order to make that happen you
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have to go into rafah and do it at some point. there is a date circled on the calendar. we don't know the date. you met with the former president, donald trump on your trip here. without giving away too much of your private conversation, how would he prosecute this war if he were in the white house? >> well, i have to be careful what i say. it was a private meeting. former president trump has said quite a lot of things in recent days about how this war does need to be brought to a close and i would agree with that. as i say, one way or the other, we have to get the people responsible for october 7th cannot remain in gaza. we need to get those hostages freed and hopefully this can be done in the coming months before we get to your november election. >> dana: sir, we have been watching a lot of the -- here in our country we've had protests against the israelis since even october 8th. but in some ways when you look
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at the protests in britain they pale in comparison. the streets almost taken over by these pro-hamas folks there in britain. the jewish community is describing a country becoming unrecognizable in terms of the toleration of this. what would you say about what you all can do to try to fight back against this? >> well, like you, we're a country of free speech and a country of strong opinions and people are entitled to make those opinions known. they should do it within the law and should choose their words carefully and not inflame hatred. i would say britain is still a great country for jewish people to live in. our jewish population makes an amazing contribution to our country and britain is a strong defender of israel, it's right to exist and self-defense. we're a country under the rule of law and believe all countries should obey the rule of law and israel has to think carefully how it makes sure aid gets into
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gaza. it has a responsibility to those people and i have been making that very clear. >> dana: israel has been doing that, though. no other country, the brits and americans didn't provide aid to the germans in world war ii and israel has been trying to do this. i feel like that the united states and u.k. being their strongest allies. they appreciate that support. in some ways i feel they think the time is running out for them to be able to do what they need to do. you said when you were talking to bill they have to be allowed to get hamas out. also just recently in the u.k., there was a journalist who was on u.k. soil involved in a stabbing attack by an iranian republican national guard person. not a formal description of the irgc. the iranians --
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>> we've taken steps against the thugs that attack people on british soil. we not only have arrested and prosecuted people but also we've called it out very publicly. now, we haven't prescribed or broken a relations with the iranian government all together. it's not a conversation i look forward to. i have relations with the iranian foreign minister. i can deliver very direct messages to him about the unacceptable behavior of his country and frankly as a foreign secretary i would rather do that myself than have to ask my french or german counterpart to do it on my behalf. britain is clear about the threat that iran poses to the region and we're the only country that has joined the united states taking the military action against the houthis, iranian proxy. britain stands with our allies
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crucially including the united states. we stand up for israel's right to self-defense and very clear about the important role that jewish people play in our country. >> bill: we need you and you need us. you are pushing for more ukraine aid. we'll see if you are successful in convincing lawmakers in d.c. thank you for coming on and travel well. david cameron, thanks. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: wild video of a 9-year-old girl in india dead lifting 169 pounds. that's three times her body weight and this lift beat her previous record of 132 pounds. video has racked up 48 million views on instagram. she posts the feats of strength for her followers. she is nine. >> bill: i want her on my team. >> dana: she is one strong girl. you go, girl. >> bill: 20 minutes before the hour. one of music's rising stars
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speaking out against a music mogul. why jelly roll backed out of a meeting with diddy at the last minute and plus this. >> i'm afraid. i'm going to have to challenge that. >> bill: classic game of scrabble gets a major update. you might be a little surprised about this, too. the changes coming your way with brian brenberg and charly arnolt coming up next. >> dana: hi, guys. ♪ and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> bill: minutes ago here we go. breaking news in new york city. allen weisel berg is going back to jail. not just any jail.
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he is going back to ryker's island in new york. former cfo of the trump organization. his father fred hired him in 1973 started working for donald trump in 1986 pleaded guilty to lying, perjury under oath in trump's civil fraud case. he says the trump organization never committed serious crimes or offenses and the trump team is also paying his legal bills. he faces a five-month jail sentence starting today. he was in ryker's several months ago. at age 76 he is going back to one of the more notorious prisons in america, one would argue. happening now in new york. 15 minutes before the hour. >> we don't believe it's a ban. there are certainly some restrictions. first of all, our male sports are open to all. we did this for consistent with
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title ix and protecting our women who are playing and making sure they are spared safe competition for them. >> dana: they vote unanimously to ban transgender athletes competing in women's sports. only student athletes who biological sex is female may participate in female sporting events. brian brenberg and charlie arnoldt join us now. this is a no-brainer but the naia coming out and saying we're making it a policy and official and unanimous. >> a few things about this that make me very happy. we have gotten to a point in time you shouldn't celebrate something like this but we are. more the fact it was 20-0 vote speaks volumes. it is so rare to have everybody on the same page when you understand there are politics going on behind the scenes. also the timing of this
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announcement. the fact they passed the ban happening the day after the women's title game took place when they knew all eyes were on women's athletics means a lot. it shows they are not going to cave to the woke mob. they are taking a stand and want to make it known. >> bill: i wonder what the ncaa does now? the naia is division iii and ii smaller schools. >> it makes it fun. you get the new element of institutional competition in college sports. naia says we'll do it this way. what is your move, ncaa? they're trying to figure out all the name, image and likeness stuff, too. maybe the ncaa doesn't play a role it does today because somebody else has better policy. maybe that's the naia. i'm totally for that. we need a shake-up in college
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athletics >> dana: women's sports over the weekend, they beat the men in terms of ratings but certainly didn't beat them in terms of money in regards to the tv time. do you think that could be next to change? >> absolutely. one of the things i saw sunday why are the women playing at 3:00 sunday and why not prime time? >> bill: on saturday you didn't know when the game would be played. >> i think that will be changed. the fact that they beat out the men's game by 4 million viewers. i also think a lot of people why are you putting the men's game on 9:20 on monday night. we have to go to work and can't stay up all night. a lot of changes, i think. >> bill: these contracts are made years in advance. we'll see whether they change in time. scrabble is making some changes. scrabble wants to become less competitive and more inclusive. shall i read this from our folks across the pond?
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british scrabble president the makers of scrabble found that younger people, gen z people don't like the competitive nature of scrabble. they want to enjoy language and words and have fun together making words. i thought scrabble was all about competing. >> on its face i hate this. the younger generation doesn't have facility with language anymore. they aren't tough. they don't want to compete. so i get that. here is the other side of this. the board game market is growing and really competitive. the trend across everything is the more collaborative game. so scrabble is trying to get in. i think what we're doing is putting training wheels on the game. one side is the the training wheels game, what you described. the other side is the real thing. i think what they are hoping you do the training wheels and turn over the board and say i wonder if i could do that? i'm hopeful on that. >> dana: i think back to my
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sister and i playing chutes and ladders and candy land after school. >> national scrabble day is on saturday. gen z finds everything intimidating these days. what direction are we going? what is next, we play a non-confrontational football? would you mind running into the end zone? >> bill: i love the gen z members of my own family, by the way. they are really competitive, all right? come on over sometime. thanks, charley and brian. dhs secretary mayorkas will have a long day first in the house, later in the senate. hearings expected to be fiery as he tries to sell congress on a new budget. breast cancer is ov. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence.
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>> bill: some updates now on a high-profile case you might remember. a first grade student shot his teacher in virginia about a year ago. now the former assistant principal is facing charges, prosecutors claim she knew the 6-year-old had a weapon and did nothing. alex, good morning. >> good morning, bill. groundbreaking. considered the first time where a school administrator is charged in connection to a school shooting. ebony parker the former assistant pricher in newport news, virginia was indicted by a special grand jury . she faces felony child abuse charges . court records accuse parker of dismissing multiple concerns that a 6-year-old boy was in possession of his mother's gun. he went on to fire that gun in his classroom last year striking his teacher in the hand and chest. she have survived and went on to file a civil lawsuit against parker and others. parker refused to have the boys
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searched and said his pockets were too small for a gun. she expect more criminal charges not just civil lawsuits in cases like this. >> we start to see that many jurors are looking for accountability. it can't be just the shooter himself. in this case it's a 6-year-old. what criminal liability can you attach to a 6-year-old? others want to see a much wider net. who others could be criminally liable. >> he points to the case of jennifer and james crumbley. four students were killed in that. the first parents to be held criminally responsible. the judge said parents aren't expected to be psychic but repeated warning signs were ignored. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: massive container ship lost propulsion passing under a
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new york city bridge on friday. it comes less than two weeks after a cargo ship ran into the baltimore bridge. two reasons it didn't turn into a similar disaster. fox business's madison all worth is live from staten island to explain. >> the main thing that had to happen to prevent disaster in this case is that once that ship lost propulsion they immediately notified the coast guard and three tow boats escorting the ship helped move it out of the channel. this happening because. a big difference between baltimore and new york. in new york the u.s. coast guard operates vehicle traffic services, vts is like air traffic control for the busy ports. all ships monitored and tugs can respond quickly. 12 ports with vtf stations in the country including new york. now naval experts tell us losing power or propulsion is not unusual.
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but it is uncommon in narrow waters like here in this harbor. with friday's incident coming less than two weeks after the disaster in baltimore fear is high. >> i think we have to rely on the coast guard and national transportation safety board to look and see if there are facts that underlie the obvious reason for the suspicion that you just described. if it's something simple like fuel quality, too much water, or, you know, unfortunately we can't discount the risk that somebody did it intentionally. it is a risk if i were involved in the investigation i would want to look at. >> so again it is important to note that it is not uncommon for ships to lose power or propulsion. the important thing, dana, is all the safety measures in place worked on friday. >> dana: and we're glad for that. madison, thank you so much. an explosive h


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