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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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waters like here in this harbor. with friday's incident coming less than two weeks after the disaster in baltimore fear is high. >> i think we have to rely on the coast guard and national transportation safety board to look and see if there are facts that underlie the obvious reason for the suspicion that you just described. if it's something simple like fuel quality, too much water, or, you know, unfortunately we can't discount the risk that somebody did it intentionally. it is a risk if i were involved in the investigation i would want to look at. >> so again it is important to note that it is not uncommon for ships to lose power or propulsion. the important thing, dana, is all the safety measures in place worked on friday. >> dana: and we're glad for that. madison, thank you so much. an explosive hearing getting
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underway on capitol hill as homeland security secretary mayorkas appears before lawmakers but not for his impeachment trial. instead mayorkas wants more money to advance president biden's immigration and border agenda. that's the hearing taking place this morning. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning to you. i'm bill hemmer. good morning. a day after the decision to delay sending impeachment articles against mayorkas from the house over to the senate, republican lawmakers are ready to rake him over the coles for his handling of the border. senator ted cruz hammering home why republicans want him out. >> mayorkas is not impeached for being incompetent. he is not impeached for being negligent. this invasion is not an accident. alejandro mayorkas is good at the job he is trying to do. ist is maximize the number of illegal immigrants in america.
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>> dana: congressional correspondent aishah hosni is live on capitol hill as we get ready for a kickoff. hi. >> good morning. secretary alejandro mayorkas just walked into the hearing room and took this long walk down this very long hallway and i was right beside him firing away questions like are you ready to go to an impeachment trial? do you want to go to trial to try to defend yourself against these house republicans? and have you asked leader schumer to dismiss this? >> dana: we might have lost aishah's audio there. we are watching mayorkas getting ready to take questions. have a little conversation beforehand as they get settled there. this happens after the state of the union, then the president, whoever it is, releases the budget. because congress controls the purse string cabinet secretaries make their way to capitol hill and why the budget should be
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approved. it is hardly ever given -- they don't get a blank check and they have to talk it through are congress. that's what is happening today. >> bill: dave joyce is the republican from northeastern ohio. henry cuellar is the democrat that represents the border district in texas. mayorkas is in the house, afternoon the senate. a long day ahead of him and we'll be back for headlines momentarily but first there is other news to get to now. >> front and center is china, the defining threat of our generation. to put it simply, the ccp is throwing its whole government at undermining the security and economy of the rule of law world. >> bill: a stark warning f.b.i. director saying that as president biden meets with japan's prime minister in moments on keeping china in check. the prime minister's visit is spiking concern about beijing's action in the pacific.
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peter doocy is at the white house for the festivities that go into tonight. >> it starts this minute. if you go to the other side of these -- you can see the prime minister is about to get out of a black suburban with the u.s. and japanese flag. president biden and dr. biden are there to greet him. this meeting is very important for president biden's effort to try to stop china from becoming more aggressive as his f.b.i. director is warning policymakers here in washington, d.c. that at the moment, china's hacking program is 50 times larger than every other country's hacking program combined. >> today we see china's increasing build-out of offensive weapons within our critical infrastructure. setting up persistent prc access in our critical sectors like telecommunications, energy, water, poised to attack. >> president biden talked to
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china's xi last week and can debrief's japan's prime minister. president biden does not support u.s. steel's purchase by a japanese company citing his belief it would hurt union laborers. white house official don't think u.s. steel will come up today but all this will. >> there will be major deliver ables on space. leading institutions on emerging technologies and clean energy. >> there will be a rare biden press conference later on today in the rose garden at 12:30. we haven't seen a ton of biden events outdoors for the last couple months because it is tough to keep protestors with mega phones back far enough they don't interfere with anything. so far we've been out here for a few minutes with the president and i cannot hear anybody on a
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mega phone yelling about a cease-fire. >> bill: interesting. back to you momentarily. from the south lawn. >> dana: here with us on our lawn is fox business charles payne, you are welcome any time. secretary yellen was in china last week and thoughts she was trying to express. what is china's economy like? >> it's stumbled. their covid reaction was awful. longer term that one child policy continues to haunt them. they were on the verge of eclipsing us. i think they mismanaged their population. demographics is destiny and so i don't think they will per se. but they have actually in the last year or so started to shift anyway. xi's primary communication with their congress about a year or so was always about the economy. we'll be the world's best. ten areas we'll dominate the world and a timeline.
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but it went more military. we have to defend ourselves and taiwan became more of an issue. they diverted but yellen's mission was intriguing saying hey, don't overbuilt, slow down on the subsidies and the exports. that's what they've done for a long time. by the way that's what the biden administration is doing. you can't brag about we're going to invest in all of these things but tell china not to do the same thing. >> bill: xi suggestion they would issue sanctions against beijing if china helps russia with the war in ukraine. >> you could argue they are helping them already. you hear maybe logistically but certainly economically. if you look at the economic relationship between china and russia it's through the roof. are we going to apply the same thing to india? india has us over a barrel. if you think about the britts nation ever superseding america,
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alternative reserve currency it's the i that's the wild card. the young, largest democracy, very intelligent, really mobile. we look the other way. india is the one buying russian oil and china is buying a lot. they are putting themselves in an interesting quandary there. >> dana: this is china's claimed territory in south china and japan is asking the united states to make sure they are there to be on top of this. >> for years i've argued that japan should try to find a way to scrap their passiveist constitution. article nine in that constitution -- i really did like abbe a lot. he actually modified or tried his best to reinterpret article nine. defense agency made it a ministry. but here is the irony.
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in the last decade i've seen officials from the philippines and other countries ask for japan to also change their -- you have to think about what that means. the atrocities that japan committed against the philippines and all these other nations was so -- it is so horrific, so horrific. for them to say okay, we're so worried about china we're willing to let japan rearm to the teeth. that's the counter balance we need. >> bill: similarity in eastern europe with nato after the invasion of ukraine. finland tried to stay neutral for decades and they did. now if japan sees that threat, they may perhaps do what you are suggesting, charles. >> i'm not sure legally how they have to go through the u.n. or any of these things. i do know that china is -- listen, the militarized islands. under the obama administration we watched them start to make these manmade islands.
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they will use them for fishing or whatever initially. they are militarized now. you have silos there and sea facing garages. what can come out of those? missile launchers, anti-ship, surface to surface, 5,000 people are there. they have militarized the islands in these disputed areas. it is really a scary thing. listen, we're on a path whether we like it or not toward a massive conflict with china. are we willing to send men and women to defend taiwan? it will be a big question mark. one of the presidents will soon may have to deal with. >> dana: at some point the rubber will hit the road. >> bill: everybody said something but no one did anything about them. >> it is what it is. >> we wonder what china is so bold. when yellen was a finger they go okay, here, have a beer. >> bill: we saw that when we went to the arctic ocean a couple of weeks ago. the contrails of what china did
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are being felt up there now and we don't want to get burned next time. thank you, charles. >> dana: great to have you, thank you. >> if hamas does not release the hostages and does not take part in that way, then we have to support israel. can't expect israel to live next to a state that in part is still run by terrorists. >> bill: that's david cameron with dana and me last hour. this as israel gets ready for a possible escalation from iran. what both countries are saying about that at the moment. >> dana: the so-called worst mayor in america coming face-to-face with some very angry constituents. we'll show you what happened there. plus this. >> president biden: we don't have enough machinery we can defect illegal drugs coming in. it is all there. what happened? >> bill: president biden talking about the border. 70 executive orders dismissed when he came into office. teasing the possibility of more
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>> dana: president biden and the first lady jill biden have the japanese prime minister and his wife with them today at the white house. the president giving some welcoming remarks here and keeping an eye for news. a press conference at noon with the two leaders. >> bill: you have mayorkas, secretary mayorkas is now speaking delivering his opening statements. before that house subcommittee. he is looking for more money on immigration. so we expect that to be his pitch and we kind of know what the republicans are going to do, too. long day ahead for him. we'll keep an eye on it and let you know the headlines as we work through those appearances today. >> to the people across arizona concerned about the future of
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abortion rights in our state, who are worried about their bodily autonomy, who don't want to see the freedom of their wives, sisters and daughters restricted, you can make your concerns known at the ballot box and i encourage you to do so. >> dana: arizona's democratic governor after the state supreme court upheld a near total ban on abortion. it took a lot of people by surprise. we have more from atlanta. >> good morning to you. within the next hour former president trump will be here in atlanta greeting some of his supporters here on the the tarmac at hartsfield jackson georgia. a battleground state. the focus, the news out of arizona and the abortion ruling that could upend the race. the arizona supreme court ruling just yesterday that a law dating back to the 1800s would be enforceable that would ban most abortions, still making some exceptions for the life of the woman. however, we're already hearing some strong condemnation coming
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from the white house. >> it is dangerous what women now in arizona are going to have to go through. there are 21 extreme state bans across the country, across the country. and it is because of what extreme republicans elected officials have been able to do. >> arizona republican senate candidate kari lake opposes if the supreme court ruling. they will hold a primary this summer. trump put abortion front and center and told his supporters he believes each state should decide their own policy. trump taking credit for the supreme court's decision to nullify roe v. wade. >> at the end of the day it's about will of the people. that's whether we are right now and what we want, the will of the people. >> the latest fox news polling shows voters are more focused on the economy, election integrity and immigration before abortion.
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trump has been trying to make that clear when he comes to campaign events. he believes it will be those issues most important when voters head to the ballot box in november. today's fundraiser will be closed doors. campaign trying to cut into democrats' advantage when it comes to money. trump will be on the tarmac and see if he speaks when he alives in atlanta. >> dana: mark, thank you. >> so we are watching public statements by iranian officials, public reports of iranian plans to potentially take retaliatory action. >> america's support for security is iron clad and threats from iran and its proxies is iron clad. >> bill: iran has promised to retaliate after last week's deadly air strike in its consulate in damascus stoking tensions again in the middle east cranking up higher.
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ben, welcome back. play a clip from senator cotton yesterday talking to secretary austin about genocide in israel. watch here? >> is israel committing genocide in gaza? >> senator cotton, we don't have any evidence of genocide being created. >> that's a no. >> we don't have evidence of that. >> senator cotton didn't get the word no. where do you think we are on this? we're getting a number of different viewpoints coming at us even today, ben. >> it's fascinating, bill, to see how the administration is trying to position themselves at the moment. they don't want to lean in too heavily with an anti-israeli sentiment nor do they want to go as far there may be genocide going on. interesting to hear that from secretary austin. he didn't believe there was genocide going on. interesting to see what will
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happen. we're seeing from the administration real messages saying israel has gone too far. they must pull back. there could be real consequences if they don't. israel watching to see how iran will respond to the attack which brought down the iranian consulate inside syria. i have think while we've talked about a potential regional war since october 7th. the next few days could be critical. the iranian leader came out earlier today and said israel would be punished for that attack and israel has already responded. their foreign minister said if an attack on israel happens they will respond. we don't know how it will play out. certainly a statement like that from the ayatollah means iran has to respond for the sake of their own people. now we have to see what will happen. >> dana: we asked david cameron, the foreign minister of the
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u.k., about iran and he said this. >> the people responsible for october 7th cannot remain in gaza. i have relations with the iranian foreign minister and i can deliver very direct messages to him about the unacceptable behavior of his country. we stand up for israel's right to self-defense and we're very clear about the important role that jewish people play in our country. >> dana: do you think he can stave off an iranian attack? >> well look, so far we've seen iran act whenever they want to act. many people will tell you there hasn't been a response to slow them down. the israeli attack on the consulate inside syria was the first real sign that we've seen of trying to push iran back. i don't think they'll be listening right now to messages from the foreign minister of the u.k. or even the u.s. and secretary blinken. we know iran right now is not in a position for a full-on war against israel. all the analysts i speak to that's the line they don't want to cross.
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we think they'll try to respond in a way that doesn't lead to full on escalation but a gray area. if they go too far or too many israeli lives were lost it could bubble over into something bigger. >> bill: i feel like we're living on a pin at that point. you went back to southern israel. a clip from surviving hamas there. >> they drove in the city just to show everyone what they caught. you always hear about the tunnels of hamas but i never even once thought to myself that i will be kidnapped and taken down to the tunnels. >> bill: she is a survivor. what did you learn that has not been reported from your journey back? >> i would say so many people are watching what is happening in gaza and forgetting the hostages and the people still inside there. what this special does it sheds
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a light on some experience. the girl is 21 taken from the dance festival and paraded inside gaza. had one of her feet almost blown off. inside the tunnel and tortured by them and listening to her is a reminder not only of the atrocities that happened but also how difficult the future will be for so many of the people i spoke to. they said before october 7th they really hoped there could be peace between the two. that has been lost and that they will not stop until the hostages still being held can be returned. but i can tell you, listening to some of their stories and speaking from my own personal experience as someone injured in war, speakering to them personally was a very emotional event for myself. we put that together in a special on fox nation at the moment and it will shed light on what so many israelis are feeling at the moment and they feel so many communities have been demolished and not sure how to rebuild in the future. >> dana: an important program and one we can watch on fox
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nation. ben, thank you. president biden trying to reverse his drop in support amongst latino voters. is it too little too late? california throwing billions of tax dollars at its crisis but the state hasn't been tracking the effects of all that spending, imagine that. ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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to come by the end of the month. daniel garza, great to have you here. have you listen to him. favorability with hispanics in january of 2021 biden was 53, trump 24. in march of 2024, biden down 12 points to 41% and trump up to 32%. president biden said this last night on univision. >> president biden: let's look at the way trump talks about them as mexican rapists and criminals, murderers. he talks about how -- look, there is not a fundamental difference in the value set between irish catholics neighbors i grew up in latinos. it's faith and family and having each others back and togetherness. he doesn't share those notions. >> dana: what is president biden
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missing here? >> he deliberately takes trump out of context when he is talking about certain criminal elements coming across the border. not all immigrants. he does that purposely to manipulate the latino vote. the clear message coming from the biden white house he is oblivious to the economic pain. the spends induced inflation spiked the cost of everything. the cost of the very basic things, dana, that people can't do without. inflation and high interest rates are debilitating latino families who were already having a tough go at it. look, latinos are looking back at the trump years with nostalgia when they could afford the basics. >> dana: in the energy industry there is a lot of jobs out there. is that on their minds as well? >> 100%. the sense is the democratic party over biden fawns over the
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college educated and highly indoctrine nateed and highly dependent on government for votes. the conservative minors tease and working class, those who embrace american principles and no longer fulfill the aims of the party are treated like second class citizens and that's what latinos are feeling. not a rejection of failed biden policies but they're recognizing our policy priorities align better with the gop candidates especially the senate candidates in those key states. >> dana: let me ask you about border encounter comparisons. in trump's total time in office 2.4 million border encounters, for biden thus far 7.4 million. how do latino voters factor that in? i know the economy is the most important issue and i understand that. how do they think about this? >> look, latino voters are angry
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and resent the loss of control at the border when you consider that biden eliminates effective executive actions then ignores the border crisis that he unleashed with his own failed executive actions. like he said over 7 million migrants without prior authorization entered america and then proposes reforms that would codify that caused the border crisis and is rightly rejected by congress, the gop. then full circle finally in an election year he now proposes to reverse his failed policies validating trump's policies. what a mess. the ineptitude is off the charts. >> dana: it feels like a mess. on the abortion issue, does that weigh in here? it might not be high on the priority list but could it make a difference? >> it will make a difference to young female latinas. look, just you need a full
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throttle defense of reasonable policies. moderate are favorable to an extreme agenda the democrats are proposing, abortion to the ninth month. very few americans believe in that. but that's what they are proposing. you really need to weigh that. >> dana: that will be the debate going from now to november 5th. daniel garza, thanks, great to sigh. >> bill: 25 minutes before the hour. jessica alba is in the news on the move. have you heard? she got rich on this deal. wow. so she is leaving her post as chief creative officer of the honest company and stay on as board director but focus on new projects and passions. they launched the sustainability focus company in 2011 creating products for kids, 550 million
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value two years ago. if you step down from the honest company are you no longer honest? kidding. >> dana: she has another venture up her sleeve. very successful company. american accused of plotting a master orr attack targeting churches in the u.s. knee name of isis, what federal prosecutors are saying about this. we continue to monitor today's testimony by homeland security secretary mayorkas happening right now. and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence.
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>> bill: we're just listening during a commercial break house speaker mike johnson at the microphone at the weekly -- martha, stand by. we may get questions about
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marjorie taylor greene. ukraine money. the deal in the middle east ongoing. you've also got mayorkas right now in a hearing on the house side on the senate side later looking for more money. there you go right now. a lot moving right now on this wednesday morning in washington, d.c. so we are moving to the west coast. $24 billion now to tackle the homeless crisis in california. $24 billion and very little to show for it other than these tents on streets in places like los angeles. a new state audit says the programs were barely even tracking to see how that money made an impact. all the while homeless rates were soaring and still continue to in the golden state. william la jeunesse on the story from the beginning and back on it today. what is the update there in your state? >> well, bill, here is the deal, right?
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we pay the taxes, government spends the money to fix the problem and that includes homelessness. but that new state audit, not a think-tank, says the state has virtually no idea how that $24 billion is being spent. what works, what doesn't, what is better? tiny homes, hotels, shelter beds, apartments? they don't know. how much is too much overhead? a dime oh are a dollar, don't know. the key quote. the state lacks current information on the ongoing costs and outcomes of its homelessness programs because the supervising agency has not consistently tracked and evaluated the state's efforts to prevent and end homelessness. >> the old adage how much of each one of our dollars is getting to the end user in an efficient way as possible. difficult to determine that with this audit. >> so tents line the streets,
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businesses closing, residents see higher crime, neighborhoods decline. the state is flying blind when they are spending billions of dollars. the one answer it does no, the problem is worse. homeless population grew 6% last year to 180,000. california is now home to 30% of america's homeless. san jose and san diego don't know which programs work and which don't? >> you can't solve what you don't track. it makes no sense the city is continually throwing tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars at this issue without knowing what they are doing. >> so what went wrong? the state agency that tracks other agencies that track where the money goes stopped tracking the money. the $24 billion, don't know how it is spent efficiently. >> bill: at some point we have to hear from the mayor and the governor.
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>> donald trump, >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. [speaking spanish] >> dana: border chaos, crime crisis, terror threats, global wars and conspiring to undermine safety and security. president biden says the greatest threat to our freedom and democracy is donald trump. consistent on that and what he always says. martha maccallum anchors "the story." sorry it is in spanish. this is what president biden said about his own legacy. >> president biden: i hope the legacy is that i kept my word that i said that the reason i was running was to help change the life of ordinary people, reduce the prospect of war. i hope my legacy is that i was
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honest, straight forward and did what i said. >> dana: a softball interview. president's often get asked about their legacy. he wants to have a re-election effort like your legacy supposedly wants that judgment in five years, not four months. >> interesting listening to him in the oval office say he ran to elevate the life of regular americans across the country and to reduce the possibility of war. so now we're involved in two wars, one in europe and one in the middle east. many people say -- i always think back to the minor incursion comment which a lot of people think gave putin a little bit of a green light to go a little bit but not too far, right? so those assessments of his own i'm not sure how he measures up on those. he keeps pointing to the threat to democracy from the former president doesn't register in what we see in terms of what people care about. they care about the border and crime and education, they care
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about what's going on overseas and involvement in these wars. so it feels tone deaf to keep honing in and focusing. i'm not sure what else he has to point to say this is the really great things i've done. >> bill: eric trump was on this morning and said this about democracy. >> we're losing our u.s. currency right now. losing everything under biden. we lost afghanistan, the most embarrassing fashion ever. our military is not as prepared as it was. look at the litany of things happening in this country now and donald trump, who had none of these problems, is the threat to democracy? >> bill: if you look at the list of things that need to be solved in america and you ask yourself how much can biden help on that list over the next seven months you will hear a lot of that real soon from donald trump's team. >> the rare situation that we find ourselves in is that people
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will be choosing from a person they've seen be president for four years against a person they've seen be president for four years. people have a lived experience with both of these people. this is -- we've never witnessed this in our lifetime. they really have very ingrained feelings across america what they got and what they want and how they want to vote. >> dana: people are writing off and forgetting about covid. that is an anomaly. let's talk about other lived experiences. do you get that sense? >> i do. and i think that when you look at the things that are -- people care most about is what rights in front of them. the tents in california and it is extraordinary what people are facing and you look at the wrong direction/right direction track and you have a difficult situation but people understand what it is like to have both of these men be president and i don't think anyone anyone says
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will be stronger than their own experiences. >> bill: very interesting split screen this summer. if gasoline goes to four bucks and four years ago it was 1.79. >> look at the inflation number this morning. mostly energy there. >> bill: in a moment an 18-year-old american allegedly planned to help isis carry out mass church attacks inside the u.s. the f.b.i. foiled the plot and we'll find out how next. any of u who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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prime minister. the growing threat from china. senator roger marshall. gianno caldwell. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: an 18-year-old american from northern idaho under arrest accused of planning to support isis with a series of terror attacks against churches in his state. he is from coeur d'alene. chris, you are perfect for this topic. alexander is his name now 18 years old. he wrote the plan is this. lie to my dad and say i'm going on a walk, leave, walk to a park, send the pledge video to leave the social media on my phone and walk to thenerest church. equip the weapons. kill as many as possible before they scatter and burn the temple to the ground and flee the scene and move to the next church. rinse and repeat for all of 21
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plus churches in the town until killed. you work for the f.b.i. is this a hard guy to get or is he easy? >> well, not to diminish the work of the f.b.i. these kind of self-radicalized proto typical lone wolves in the heartland of america are not hard to spot. he posted to various people on the internet a lot about what he was thinking and what he was planning, and very easy to get an undercover f.b.i. agent or cooperator in the dialogue with him and follow his journey and maybe even sort of lead him down that direction and cross that bridge between dangerous talk to dangerous action. >> bill: chris, no tolerance policy, right? how do you know he is serious or if he is just a nut?
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>> well, you don't take the chance. we had too many mass shootings with young people with mentally disturbed individuals. there is a tipping point where the f.b.i. has to move. bill, i would rather, as good a job as the f.b.i. did on this case, i want to hear about broader strategies to deal with probably the greatest threat of our lifetime. it stems part life from the open border. terrorists are streaming across that border and hear about the f.b.i. surging resources and all the agencies surging resources at the border to interview every special interest alien that comes across the border and develop strategies to catch the active cells in the united states. they are in here now. it's nice to catch this lone wolf, definite lay threat. this kid would be lethal if he had the means. we aren't sure he did. but i want to hear about terror cells and strategies that are geared towards facing the threat that we now have in the united states, which is worse than
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9/11. >> bill: who does that come from? is it at the top or the f.b.i. or where is it? >> it's from the top. this is creative thinking an initiative. nine 9/11 was a failure. solving the problem with cases like this, cases like this don't really describe what is going on out there. what's going on out there is a broader threat to the united states that require a lot of initiative and a lot of pro-active action on the part of the intelligence agencies. that's what i want to see. >> bill: we'll see whether or when we get that. hopefully not too late. chris swecker, former f.b.i. thank you. >> dana: this in. hamas is claiming an israeli air strikes in gaza killed the sons of the supreme leader. this is war and as we had
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benjamin hall on earlier surviving fox on fox nation. looks like a good piece. before we go i have something for you. i know caroline likes it. tiger woods gearing up for his 26th masters. he won it five times. he is still confident he can compete with the best. >> i still think i can. so i don't know when that day is, when that day comes but i still think that i can. i haven't got to that point where i don't think i can't. >> dana: i will go with him. who are you going with? >> scotty scheffler. i'll give you the field and i'll take scheffler. all the other golfers and i take this guy. fox nation special to drop on tiger is really good. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. here she is. ♪ >> harris: you see the red paint on their hands. blood on your hands. they call the pres


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