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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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dialogue with china, wondering what your take away was that we heard from his posture there? >> finally i think the dialogue both leaders and saying they dialogue with china, the bottom line is china is a big threat to the u.s. and japan. this gets together was to signal we are on the same page. >> john: a trilateral meeting tomorrow with the president, prime minister of japan, and of the philippines ferdinand marcos jr., who thought we would hear that name come up again in history. but they will talk tomorrow about how to secure the south china sea which will be a real foreign in the site to china, brett see you tonight at 6:00. appreciated. a live look inside the capital where top intelligence officials will brief house lawmakers on the controversial government spying program known as size. they say it's a critical tool to
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fight terror but americans are swept up in the surveillance and former president donald trump just weighed in all of this. i am john roberts in washington here we go for another jam-packed our. >> sandra: could be with you, john i'm sandra smith and this is america reports. right now lawmakers seem divided on this, listen. speak of those individual saying this is a warrantless search for american's data is not telling the truth. >> it's a disservice to the americans for a member of congress to vote against a simple warrant requirement. >> if you want to track terrorists are bad guys in russia or china you have to have fisa. >> sandra: david is a compromise in the works? >> is all over the place right now. i wish i could tell you more. it is literally changing by the minute on capitol hill. the deadline, sandra, is friday april 19th at the debate is coming to a head this week with a potential vote tomorrow. the fbi and cia use fisa a lot.
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the controversial section 702 allows intelligence agencies to collect communications of foreigners overseas without a warrant. yes, that foreign person could be speaking to someone in the united states, and only specific indications between the foreigner and the american in the u.s. could be concluded in a possible sweep of the 240,000 foreign targets overseas, the fbi has about 3% around 8,000 foreigners in the fbi database for full-blown investigations. proponents of the fisa letting section 702 is expire he insists requiring the fbi to get a warrant. it paralyzes the bureau, slow it down to stop fast-moving threats here he is just yesterday. >> 702 allows us to stay a step ahead of foreign actors located outside the united states composed a threat to our national security. and the exploration of our 702
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authorities would be devas devastating. to the fbi's ability to protect americans from those foreign threats. speak of those against a 700 to say it needs some changes, some progressive democrats have been joining which you don't see every day to fight it jordan says he is not a post every part of 702 but wants a warrant requirement, the former president donald trump who has a tight grip on his party wants the whole program gone arguing it was used to spy on his campaign. that's what he said today on true social. trump is talking about michael flynn although their crisis were part of another second of fisa that is not expire and that does require approval of a warrant by a judge on the fisa court. >> sandra: a lot to dig into, thank you. >> john: let's dig into it bringing in carry the fox news
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editor leaguer stomach legal lee have people on the right and thr left who are saying we need to kill this thing. >> it's completely understandable why donald trump wants to kill it. it was abused terribly against him. it was the basis for the mueller investigation which hamstrung his investigation the first couple of years, you would know better than anyone with a front row seat to all of that. >> john: you had a front row seat too. >> that's right at the department just as we both had front row seats in our respective roles but look, just because something is abused doesn't make the thing itself bad. that goes for anything in life. and fisa is a critical national security tool that is used to thwart attacks by isis, to fight china, to fight russia, the problem is when the fbi needs to present those stories to the american people to sell fisa and say look, this tool makes you safer in your everyday life they
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can't because it's classified. this was a messaging issue we ran into when i was at the dha because they needed my help to sell it against the american people and i said i need some examples and they said we can't talk about them and i said that's part of the problem. >> john: you mentioned donald trump here's what he posted on true social he says "kill fisa it was illegally used against me and many others, they spied on my campaign. d jay t" that stands starkly at odds with what your former boss and the secretary of state said. they said congress could not let fisa section 702 expire. our country's safety is at stake, congress must reauthorize a reformed version of fisa. i will give you the reforms in just a second but speaking of the idea you have the former president and two of his top deputies at odds on this. speak or write because trump was a victim in all of this. the abuse was atrocious but that's why they instituted these reforms, these safeguards. some of which, i don't know -- >> john: let's look at these.
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it would prohibit media reports as a basis for securing a warrant to spy on u.s. citizens, that was used. >> that's a key one. >> john: require notification of congressional leaders that the target is a politician, limit fbi personnel to green light 702 database inquiries on u.s. citizens and would reduce the number from about the current number 10,002 mark 550 so that turns it down and civil and criminal penalties for misuse. >> enhanced criminal penalties, the reduction of who can sign off and it's reduced by 90%. a small pool of people to sign off and compliance by that small group of people would be directly tied to that compensation. their pay will be affected and they will be in charge of a crime with enhanced penalties so very important tool for security purposes the problem is
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americans are familiar with fisa because of the abuse but a hundred percent it's used to fight some of our biggest enemies. >> john: let's go back to that first reform. prohibit political opposition or media reports from being used as a basis for securing a warrant to spy on six u.s. citizens come again that's the carter page thing the steele dossier that blew up in the media fbi said and got a warm. if there was an intermediary that said where did you get it from? they said know you can't do that with that have prevented everything that happened with trump? >> it certainly would have posited. it would have caused someone in the new small pool of people to look at this and say no, no, no, no we are not doing -- but we are not going after the front runner and his team based off some warmer on the internet. >> john: but they were determined to. >> they were at the end of the day can you stop anyone from doing bad things with anything? you can't. these safeguards have been
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created and instituted to hopefully prevent what happened to donald trump that will never happen to anyone again. >> john: so if you wanted to lay a bet would you say it passes or fails? >> passes. >> john: we will see. it keeps getting reauthorize somebody likes it. great to see you, carrie. front row seat again. sandra? >> sandra: anti-israel protesters back on capitol hill getting into a heated exchange with republican senator josh hawley. a group of protesters shut down a senate cafeteria, it happened yesterday. griff jenkins is live in washington with the latest on all of this for us, griff, is anything being done right now to reign in these protesters or what can we expect more of it? >> sender we expect more about 50 of those protesters were arrested yesterday but that did not stop them and harassing a few hours ago senator josh hawley chanting stop the holding up the hands in
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his face now he expect all mike responded x saying the anti-israel crazies are back calling israel a terrorist states but when i confront them about all of their dirty funding from china they suddenly get tongue tied. here was the same image and yesterday as the protesters dissented on the cafeteria, watch. ♪ ♪ notice there is a painted hands red like blood. now organizers say that signifies too much blood being spilled in gaza but for some israelis it conjures up a painful memory way like this of a youth like these two soldiers the precedent of human rights
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voices shows the emasculation of jews in bloody defeat remember the bloody handprints that were painted on the gates of the white house? meanwhile in dearborn, michigan, the rhetoric is escalating. you are hearing chance of "death to america" and a demonstration of the organizer appearing to call for revolution. >> it's not joe that has to go it's the entire system that has to go. >> of the white house responded to that same leap support peaceful protesting but will denounce violent rhetoric. josh harley will be on the ingraham angle tonight we will see what he has to say about all this. >> sandra: for sure griff jenkins on this live from washington, thank you. >> secretary mayorkas do you think you should be here asking for more money for the border when you have been impeached for your job the border? secretary are you ready to go to
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trial russian mark >> john: not a peep out of dhs secretary mayorkas as he appears before lawmakers but this time not for his impeachment trial not yet. will bring the latest from capitol hill coming up. >> sandra: plus inflation is rising and stocks are falling. a top economist now rns he would not be surprised if not only do we not see a rate cut but we might even see a rate hike this year? we will take this up with charlie gasparino live onset next. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan,
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>> i do stand by my prediction. look, we have dramatically changed inflation from 9% bound up close to 3%. we are in a situation where we are a better situation than when we took office where inflation was skyrocketing and we were planning to deal with it whereas the opposition my opposition talks about two things. i want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on the other people. so they have no plan. are planned and sustainable >> sandra: okay. markets would like to know what that plan is because inflation is the biggest problem for every american out there dealing with these high prices. markets are down right now because they don't know what the feds' next move will be an president biden during the news conference a short time ago made
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a prediction that even though these inflation gauges keep coming out showing inflation is running hot and prices are still high he believes there will still be a rate cut by the end of the year. let's bring in charlie gasparino are fox business senior correspondent we almost had a caption that because we couldn't really hear it. let me tell you, he just said on inflation that inflation when asked if he is concerned about it he said that it is better now than when he took office which is factually incorrect. that is false. right now inflation year over year 3.5% when he took office it was 1.4%, okay? you reference prices are better off now than under the previous administration. that is factually incorrect. in fact we have put together this squirrel using cpi data showing the price of everything from new cars to clothes to shelter to the food you are putting on your table at home,
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gasoline prices over the past three years are up, charlie, why does this administration keep insisting that this is a better economic environment? it clearly is not. >> [laughs] you want me to answer you? we to say something smart that's why you're here. >> it's an election year. he does not have a lot of good courage to deal with. let's be clear as joe biden came in to office inheriting a growing economy. we are not on the balls of our you know what at the time, rear end -- go let's keep clean. >> that's what my old man would say we were not a country whose economy is going into the you know what. both of them barked on stimulus we have never seen before. i mean, massive money printing and massive, massive fiscal spending. put all that together it's impossible to get down inflation to a normalized rate of 2% with
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just five rate hikes. that's it. so the real question is do they still cut? you know, here is one thing. i think they will end here is why. not because they should end its bad public policy in my view, because inflation is a pernicious tax on working-class people. >> sandra: absolutely. they are affected more than any other group. >> it's really bad. i think they will because knowing what i know about powell is that he does what he telegraphs. and i think what he is thinking is okay, i telegraphed one rate cut at least in june. i'm going to go there and see what happens. >> sandra: there is no way. you can't cut rates in this environment. you will only produce more inflation. >> i'm not disagreeing with you. i'm not the only person saying this by the way. >> sandra: you and i had a long discussion or back-and-forth earlier earlier this morning and my point was this, and i have heard rumbles of this. on wall street that well, what if the fed decides inflation is
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not the most important gauge for cutting rates? one of the federal reserve decides to save the labor market which seems to strong demand maybe that's the most important aspect? maybe it's so strong we can cut rates? >> that's exactly what i am saying now. i think he will look for some silver lining so his guidance is fulfilled. he is big on this guidance stuff. if you've noticed anything jerome powell said a few months before that he will do he does. he does not deviate from that. i'm not saying that's good i'm just telling you. >> sandra: let me get some big voices as we see the dow down 500 points off of its low of the day but still reacting to this uncertainty, larry summers as you well know worked in the obama administration. he says "you have to take seriously the possibility that the next rates move will be upwards rather than downward, jerry baker was on last hour with us, he made this prediction weeks ago. we will see if they are right. meanwhile this is a quote from
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politico biden's former chief of staff on inflation. he is saying what everyone is thinking. i think the president's out there too much talking about bridges. he does two or three events a week cutting a ribbon on a bridge you go to the grocery store and eggs and milk are expensive. and they are. >> inflation is really bad. by the way even though the rate came down we should point out that prices didn't really decline, right? we still have very, very high prices. here is one other thing people are not really talking about. why is it we had a spike in full and part-time employment? we had because illegal immigrants are coming to this country in droves. one reason i hear on wall street all the time that they want that the biden administration is throwing up his hands on the border is essentially a way to combat inflation by flooding the workforce with cheap work. >> sandra: let's work with the
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fact we have. >> end if you didn't have that cheap labor that number at 3.5 maybe 4.5 right now. >> sandra: there is some data point to back up some of what you said, not all of it. >> i'm not saying i agree with it. be to with a larger amount of the jobs taken. >> i don't say i agree with that i'm saying that is out on wall street. >> sandra: meme, we feeling this is something no one is talking about do you want to know where gas prices are memorial day on an election year and how it started versus how it's going national average is anyone listening? gases up 52% since early januar. >> if you look at income groups how many across races and genders it's trending to trump as many times as he has been
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indicted. i will say again i just got a text message from a very notable economist. >> i hope sandra does not bully you. >> that was my friend mikey from las vegas. my chemo said that >> sandra: i have to go. >> this is a noted economist who said he wants to cut badly. he may not be able to. >> sandra: noted thank you for the discussion now and earlier too. >> i've been very blunt and straightforward with prime minister as well as his war cabinet. >> john: israel's war against hamas is a big issue at home as president biden slammed our strongest ally, former president of jason chaffetz coming up. >> sandra: california shelled out a whopping $25 billion to tackle its homeless crisis. where did those funds go exa exactly? we are tracking the money next.
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>> sandra: the leader of hamas says an air strike killed three of his family members just after president biden ripped prime minister netanyahu, trey, what exactly is the latest on all of this? >> yes, sandor, good afternoon. in a big development out of gaza today israel struck and killed upwards of six relatives linked to hamas leader is mild crimea including three of his sons and he got the news on a tour of a hospital visiting injured palestinian youths. we understand his reaction was stoic and he thanked god for honoring them as martyrs. this speaks to the religious beliefs seeing their deaths is honorable. on how to end the war, once
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again a massive rift between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over a planned rough offensive. the israeli leaders had multiple times this week that his troops would enter gaza's southernmost city where they are sheltering. the move would need a huge evacuation of citizens with nowhere else to go. on tuesday president biden said he had a clear opposition to the plan and there are aid trucks in recent days, israeli officials have blames the u.n. for not disturbing the eight once supplies make it inside. today palestinians are marking the end of the holy month of ramadan with the need holiday is noticeably a different feeling across noting the war continues. >> tres, thank you, john? >> john: more now with former chair of the house oversight
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committee so there have been some question in recent days as how ironclad president biden's support for israel is, he addressed that in the rose garden a short time to listen to what he said. >> as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel security and its proxies is ironclad. let me say it again, ironclad. we will do all we can to protect security. >> john: he's talking a little bit about a potential attack from iran against israel in the wake of the commander being killed in damascus. i think he's also talking about hamas as well but you think he needs a whole lot more clarity than he is articulate end. >> i do. if the relationship is truly ironclad i think it should, and i hope it is, then you don't go out publicly and criticize and yell at him from the podium for the whole world to see. you have those discussions behind the scenes. >> john: we know that was for domestic consumption. >> but there is a protester in
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michigan or some guy and a bullhorn outside the white house that won't cut it. what i want to see from our president is great clarity. i want them to say you know what? you can protest me as the president of the united states all you want but until hamas releases all of the hostages, we have american hostages they are. until that is done, we will not have this solved and this war will not end. you release the hog stooges, do that that's how we solve this. >> john: why doesn't he just issue a demand to hamas instead of saying release the hostages now as a tagline to everything else why does he not look directly and save this is his message you need to release the hostages now. nothing will change until you do that. >> eight that is right. that is the clarity we need to president biden is a weak leader. he's trying to have it always. he's trying to have appeasement here. trying to appease the far left and these progressives. he is trying to appease the people who are pro-israel and because wetly everyone is upset at. >> john: you don't win friends
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and neighbors by taking everyone off. elizabeth warren i want to jump to this she all but said israel is committing genocide. she was at an islamic center was kind of goaded into saying this she said if you want to do it as an application of law, i believe the criminal court find it is genocide and they have ample evidence to do so. that was initially in private then it went public and her spokesperson got weaselly and said senator warren spoke about the ongoing legal process on the board of justice, not sharing her views on whether genocide is occurring in gaza ignoring where they said they have ample evidence to do so. >> i totally disagree with this senator. she was coaxed i think into that. i think immediately from a political standpoint she should have pivoted and said you know what? back in october maybe hamas should not have launched that attack that killed more than 1300 people and took all these
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hostages including the united states citizens. that should be the drumbeat for both republicans and democrats. we should be united in telling the world and hamas it's all about the hostages. if you want to get to the next step, you want to provide peace, stop killing people and stop taking hostages. in fact, release the hostages. >> john: also there was some waffling going on it looked like at the state department as well when matt miller was asked if the state department was investigating israel in much the same way in investigated russia after it invaded ukraine, listen to his answer here. >> we have a number of ongoing assessments but we have not yet at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law but we have ongoing assessments across a number of different fronts. >> john: this is our closest ally in the middle east, we give them weapons and now the state department will be back channeling an investigation? speak of this is public consumption, you don't think they are taking in the middle east they are taking this around the world to make the case even the united states has
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deep concerns? >> john: the u.s. knows everything israel is doing. >> you would hope, you would think, but to have this spokesperson from the state department, this is not helpful. that is not an ironclad relationship with israel. contrary to what president biden tries to say publicly. >> john: is this about israel or gaza or michigan? >> it's about domestic politics. i think the left is so afraid of it's own shadow and the progressives that go out there with the big bullhorns, they are not able to take a definitive stance. people appreciate printable and leadership more than the waffling there trying to do with biden and harris right now. >> john: jason great to see you. thank you so much appreciated. >> there is no guaranteeing that i have that power all by myself without legislation. >> sandra: so is presi president biden hinting he may finally use executive action to shut down the border?
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sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> john: happening now dhs secretary alejandra myrick is testifying on capitol hill about his not his impeachment trial, instead he is they're talking about more money for his department's budget. aishah hasnie is on capitol hill with the latest for us. what happened during the first errand this morning? >> hey, john, it got heated at some points. this will be interesting too because you have vulnerable democrats that possibly do not want to see in impeachment trial but i have to tell you it's been
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a very ironic day for secretary mayorkas on the hill pleading for more money for the border all while he has been impeached for his job on the border. that is a funny one. so he is in their coming early this morning to the house side and i tried to ask him a bunch of questions about the impeachment and here he is ignoring everything one. >> are you asking the leader to dismiss this? have you considered stepping down, secretary? any comment about being a peach? in the first cabinet secretary and 150 years to be impeached. you have to have some thoughts, secretary. if he had thought he did not want to save them out loud. so the impeachment proceedings as you know, john, they were not happening today. they were supposed to happen tonight. they were denied by house speaker mike johnson to give him some time to pressure democrats into holding a trial.
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in one impeachment prosecutors today congressman michael guess here is just talking about reports that he may be taking executive action soon to to shut on the border. >> are you talking about executive orders relating to border security and/or immigration? >> congressman we are consistently evaluating what options are available to us. we do that on a regular basis. >> again, john, we are watching someone like jon tester here in this hearing very closely because he is a vulnerable democrat who wants to be tough on their border but a lot of republicans say they do not want to take a boat to vote on the border. >> john: we'll see if he does anything with executives because he insisted time and time again there's nothing he can do. aisha, thank you. now this. >> we are examining whether or not i have that power. i would have the power and
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legislation when the border has over 500,000 people. let's say 5,000 people a day trying to cross the border because you can't manage it slow it up. there is no guarantee that i have that power all by myself without legislation. >> sandra: president biden hinting a positive dull my possible executive order to shut down the border, reporting it could happen by the end of the month. biden says he may not have the power to do it despite taking executive action on other issues like student loan debt and climate change. let's bring in our panel, sean duffy is here former wisconsin host of the bottom line on fox business bottom line he absolutely can take this action, right? >> to your point he does not care whether he has the authority or not. he has signed executive orders to give out student loan forgiveness and he has the
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authority of the supreme court who did not say he had authority and he did it anyway. joe biden signed 90 executive orders of the start of his presidency to undo the secure border donald trump has created. so of course he has the authority to secure the border. he just does not want to do it. this is bad politics for joe biden and in the polling he is losing to donald trump so he made a decision that he can hopefully increase those poll numbers if he actually take some action on the border. an interesting point he is doing spanish-language television. democrats thought open borders would win back the hispanic vote and they have been losing the hispanic vote not just because of the economy inflation but also because of the open border. interesting. >> sandra: patrick according to this scoop on biden potentially using the pen to get this done and protect the border, it says we are told this fierce debate is internal about
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the legality of politics of a trumpet like locked down. sorry, team, i was going up script there. a trump-like lockdown biden briefed on poles of rising voter anger when a dramatic step so is he responding to the polls? >> no, he worked his tail off with one of the most conservative republican senators in passing a bill that will not come up for a vote in the house. i agree with sean, i agree with you it's a crisis no doubt about it. you can't say democrats or republicans sold it in your corners. we have to come together as americans and solve it and sean knows in our congress you can't just write checks and hire 3,000 people that comprise of immigration pill that they will put in there we have to make sure we are cracking down on fentanyl but you can't do it with executive order you cannot only congress has the power. >> sandra: let sean go. >> patrick, i love you to death
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but the bottom line is president biden has the authority to do it the bipartisan bill would've done nothing to secure the border, everyone knows that rely on that bill because they have him not being able to secure the border is hogwash, from did it biden can do it and that legislation would've done nothing. >> sandra: there's obviously a lot of questions, guys come over who is to blame for the crisis we are seeing happen right now. this was an exchange with mallorca's earlier of who is to blame. >> you are pointing the finger to fix what has led to this crisis, correct? no that's incorrect. >> why do you think that's an car? >> actually pointing to congress to fix whatever one agrees is a broken immigration system. >> sandra: i think sometimes patrick how long it took him to even acknowledge the crisis at the border of the problem at the
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border. >> listen, senator, i've been on your show and sean and i have talked about this, there is no doubt there is a crisis but we also can we take a step back? we need to solve it. american people are passed off because congress is not getting anything done about it. we have to work together. can i imagine something really fast? ten days ago the francis scott key bridge collapsed. there were six immigrants doing pot holes 2:00 in the morning, they are jobs no one else wants to do. one and four construction jobs in america are done by immigrants. we don't talk about those six that perished in the cold waters and died that night. no i don't know if they are legal or illegal or undocumented but we know we have to fix this problem. when you have 18% about one in five of the workplace are immigrants we have to do something. >> sandra: let sean go. >> really quickly if democrats want to solve this issue real border security ever signal democrat or republican in the
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house and every republican in the senate are on board to do a border security bill, democrats don't want border security. that's the bottom line. you might but your fellow democrat colleagues don't want it. that's why you don't have it. >> sandra: you see what a political headache it is becoming. now he is exploring his options, the president says, as if that could not have already been done, thanks to both of you for joining us. good friends who appear to be. [laughs] all right. >> our very own irish twins, california has spent $24 billion to tackle homelessness so where did all go? we have new details from the state on it that will shock you coming up next. ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies.
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>> john: the house voted to block a test of vote the reauthorization of the fisa program installing fisa legislation for the time being 19 republicans voted against the procedural vote. our david spunt's got more. they did this after donald trump said to kill fisa even though in 2018 he gleefully reauthorized to section 702 saying it was not the same fisa law so wrongly abused during the election. what is going on here?
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>> that is right a lot of changes, section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act allows united states intelligence agencies without a warrant to conduct intelligence and obtain communication from foreign people overseas if they happen to be talking to someone in the united states about perhaps a nefarious plot. some of those communications get locked up. right now the house has blocked a test vote may vote on the role which means this cannot come to the floor at least right now. we are told by our senior g.o.p. officials will have a closed-door meeting to see where they go forward from here. we also know now, john, intelligence officials are on capitol hill giving a classified briefing to both republicans and democrats. perhaps the mines will change after that. congressman dan crenshaw or republican texas and for the first time he is afraid and he feels scared based on what he is seeing right now because he
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wants this reauthorized and of course the deadline is next friday at midnight april 19th, john. >> john: clearly former president is holding a lot of sway over this boat let's see what way it goes. david, thank you, sandra? >> sandra: john one-third of all homeless people in this country live in california. over the last five years the state has spent $24 billion trying to tackle the crisis. how is that going? william la jeunesse is tracking the money live from los angeles. a-state audit was conducted what is it revealed? >> basically showing the state has no idea what works and what does not work and i tell you what upsets me. the state is always asking for more money to help the homeless. and taxpayers step up and government is supposed to fix the problem. now we learn from this state audit california has virtually no idea if it wasted a $24 billion. were programs efficient? we don't know. what work? tiny homes or hotels structures?
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not sure. dime or a dollar? don't know. why? no one is looking. the state doesn't measure success or failure. here is the in government speak. "the state lacks current information on the ongoing cost and outcomes of its homeless programs because the supervising agency has not consistently tracked and evaluated the state effort to prevent and end homelessness. >> it's the old dogs how much of our dollars is actually getting to the end user? in as official a way as possible it's really difficult to determine that with this audit. speak of the state is flying blind and it was one thing the problem is worse as the homeless grew 6% last year, 180,000, 30% of americans homeless living in california, san jose, san diego, the audit does not track spending or performance. >> you can't solve what you don't track. it makes no sense in the city is
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continually throwing tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars at this issue without knowing what they are doing. >> what went wrong? the state agency that oversees the other agencies that oversees the nonprofits that spend the money has stopped collecting the data. tilde politicians and lawmakers have no idea what works and what does not come back to you. >> that is a brutal reality you are learning there. william la jeunesse we will keep tracking it, we will be right back.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> breakingmac now, some troubling news to tell you, news of a shooting reported in northwest philadelphia. report of a number of people shot, four guns recovered, one police officer reportedly discharged a weapon. the lists was apparently a ramadan event 70 the end of ramadan, and now we have this
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incident in philadelphia. >> hundreds were in attendance you were told, a police officer also had to fire the weapon, numerous arrests have been made and as he just mentioned four guns recovered. multiple people's shots, more -- more of an update on the story, these are live images. >> this is a celebratory day for a lot of people across america marking the end of ramadan, potentially turning to tragedy here in philadelphia. we have no word on the condition that may have been shot, you can save a buddy knowing about the neighborhood in that entire neighbor has been closed off? thank you for joining us, we will see again tomorrow. >> and hit -- i'm sandra smith and our coverage continues, "the story" starts right now. >> martha: thank you they much, good afternoon, m. martha maccallum and this is "the story". today with clay travis clay travis, timing land in an exclusive with robert f. kennedy junior. we will get his logs and the announcement such as gam


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