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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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all live this afternoon at 1:30 p.m. eastern and a half hour press secretary karine jean-pierre will face questions at today's white house press briefing always a spicy. she plays a mean game of dodgeball. i'm sure they will hold her down. 2:00 p.m. eastern the state department is set drooled a briefing with spokesman matthew miller end at 2:30 p.m. eastern pentagon press secretary patrick ryder will brief the press and to questions. again, keep it right here on fox news channel for all the live events we are monitoring for you. breaking news when it happens. as you know, we've covered from stem to stern on o.j. simpson so far more and more as we learn more reaction to his death thank you for watching, here is a miracle reports. "america reports." >> sandra: we will cover the use events live one of the most infamous and divisive figures of the past three decades has died, o.j. simpson passi awaway at the age of 76 after a battle with
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cancer. hello and welcome, everyone i'm sandra smith in new york, john, great to see. >> john: great to see you i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports" news coming from a statement his family posted on social media. simpson rose to fame and fortune in his football career. >> sandra: but his legacy was completely overshadowed by his 1994 arrest for the murders of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. 24-hour coverage as millions of americans were glued to their tvs leading up to the verdict. >> john: a jury ended up finding them not guilty in the criminal case in racial divide among the public, they found simpson liable for the deaths of nicole and ron. let's get right to william la jeunesse with the latest. >> at john, simpson looked almost as entire life in the public eye first as a football
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star send records and then in buffalo but then a actor and broadcaster he seemingly had a perfect life of course that all came crashing down in dramatic fashion 30 years ago after the bronco jay's stomach chase on a california freeway and his arrest. his trial captivated which largely reached a different verdict than the jury which found him not guilty with the bloody glove where they famously said "if the glove does not fit you must acquit" survived among racial lines and the evidence was divided. there was overwhelming evidence that might suggest he did it end there was one piece of evidence that was tampered with. so the jury concluded a very important piece of evidence was tampered with by the government. that's the reason they acqu acquitted. >> another jury in the civil case when millions in damages
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about 33 million to victim's families most of which he never paid because his nfl pension the court found out was not to be touched. in 2007 simpson hatched a crazy scheme and armed robbery to get sports memorabilia and a hotel room sent away to 33 years in prison, got out in nine and spent that time in vegas. he had family in california and florida, simpson remained in las vegas often seen on the golf course he was treated as a celebrity. he also had a huge following on twitter where he posted short videos sharing his thoughts on sports and current events. his last post was two months ago on super bowl sunday addressing his declining health. >> let me take a moment to say thank you to anyone who reached out to me. my health is good. obviously i am dealing with some issues, but i think i'm about over it and i will be back on
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the golf course hopefully in a couple of weeks. >> simpson died last night surrounded by his four surviving children. john? >> john: william la jeunesse with the latest on o.j. simpson's death. >> sandra: hard to believe, sorry, fox news contributor here, jim, you and i talked this morning i hope we are continuing this conversation but hearing from him february 11, that was two months ago and talking about how he was dealing with issues but felt in good health. now he's gone, jim your reflections? >> it's a very complicated, disturbing life and it's difficult to sum up, sandra. how do you describe life this guy lead? he was an icon, he was a hero, he captivated audience, captivated people. was in commercials running
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through airports, people of my age will never forget the way he was able to have this magnetism that attracted people to him. all of that changed with the -- not the conviction but with the charges that were brought against him. he was convicted by a civil trial. it's just so difficucult in our lives to put in perspective how someone can go from that to t this. and trying to unwind it, double murder, it is so hard to fathom that this is what he was involved in particularly from that high, high pedestal, he was a single-season rushing leader 2003 yards first man to ever do that in a sport, in our country, john and sandra, and everybody loves and he had a smile. he was all of those things until that day. really hard to -- it inexplicable.
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>> john: and i know you knew him and you knew him well and nicole as we. this has got to be an emotional day for you with so many conflicting feelings.. how do you reconcile -- >> my emotions, my emotions -- >> john: go ahead. >> my emotions ended for him when all the evidence came out. so, that portion of the relationship was long in the rearview mirror after we heard all of that evidence. obviously he was not convicted in the criminal trial but was later convicted as was just reported by william so we knew all of the facts of the case and then everybody had to make up their own mimi that portion of the relationship had long ended. but still, the times we had spent together this guy was so good with people. this guy had time for everybody. he was always happy to do it. he signed autographs. there was not picture taking like there is now because nobody
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had cell phones, but he would stop for everybody. this guy would walk through an airport and everybody would come out of the restaurant to see him. he would go into a restaurant and everyone would come up to his table. he would be in a stadium and they would all want him to wave at them. so it was just unfathomable that he was leaving this other life, this life of abuse to nicole that none of us knew. >> it's really something to look back and remember, somebody people are talking today about knowing exactly where they were when the chase was happening and then the trial and people were all over the country glued to their tv sets. i remember you earlier talking about that moment for you and that moment of disbelief when you learned of these charges against him and the accusations againshim. >> it -- it could not possibly be the case. that's how everyone felt who knew him until we heard the
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case. until we heard the evidence. and so it never quite came into someone's mind's eye that this could be the same guy if you knew him until you were presented with what was in front of you. it ends a life, tragic for his family. tragic for so many people, those who lost their lives and the others who had to live with the aftermath. >> john: the dichotomy between the life he led as a football star and a movie star as well starring in the "naked gun" series and what happened after 1994 really is striking. here is a guy as you pointed out was beloved by nearly all of america and now upon the occasion of his death caitlyn jenner tweeted just a short time ago "good riddance" >> sandra: i saw that. >> john: wow. >> obviously they were acquainted back when caitlin was bruce. i believe they worked together
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at abc two of the greatest athletes in their generation. it is one of those things. how do you explain the inexplicable? how do you come to grips and now at the end of o.j. simpson's life, all of us will look back on all of this and you will remember, you know, so many different aspects and it's still just confounding. >> sandra: gym, to have known him in the way you did prior to 1994-1995 and dealing with this is obviously emotional for you and we appreciate you joining us to talk about it. >> john: sounds like thunder in the background at the masters, is it? >> no. the rain has cleared out. we don't expect any more rain, they are out there playing. i believe bryson has the lead. he plays on the live tour but one of the stars of golf three
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under par and some of the other stars will tee off later this afternoon probably halfway through the first round. many of them will finish and they will be able to make up the time tomorrow as it clears out but it should be beautiful the rest of the way. 72 tomorrow and 80s over the weekend. this is the wonderful aspect of sports. what we are talking about a few short moments ago is the disgrace. >> john: i heard a noise like thunder but i guess it was something else. jim, think great to see you. >> sandra: thank you. >> john: the white house sent to bree for the first time since receiving bad, bad, bad news on inflation front, how will the biden administration defend? stubbornly high prices that continue to squeeze american consumers. >> sandra: also, john, israel on edge as concerns for potential attack by iran will speak to the lead negotiator about the looming threat to end the chance for a cease-fire live event coming up, keep it right here. >> this organ is brought to you
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>> it's crazy when you think trump's policies would be better for the family, so that is everybody if you raise your hand. >> we are in a situation where we are better situated than when we took office where inflation was skyrocketing. and we have a plan to deal with it. >> it's like you don't even take accountability at all. >> we will continue to build an economy that leaves no one behind. >> interest rates are way too high. >> biden's plans are working. >> he is gaslighting literally everyone in the process. >> john: we are awaiting the white house briefing is president biden what raises warning signs from undecided voters in swing states. energy costs all pushing americans deeper into debt. "new york post" summing it up with one word "swamped" fox
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coverage starts now but jacqui heinrich live at the white house, how are they dealing with this? >> we have not heard anything from them today, john, on this but yesterday's report showed an unexpected bump and overall inflation and today the producer price index which tracks wholesale prices showed a 2.1% jump year-over-year in march which is the steepest increase in 11 months. it was slightly below what con mists expected the overall picture decreases chances the federal reserve cuts interest rates anytime soon and some say it eliminates the chances of multiple rate cuts this year. the president yesterday on defense. >> i do stand by my prediction before the year is out there will be a rate cut. in may delay a month or so, i'm not sure on that, we don't know what the fed will do for certain. look, we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%.
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>> but inflation was 1.4% when the president took office and all prices are up nearly 19% since that day. the news a souring chances americans will feel better about the economy had of the election. formal president trump honest truth social wrote "inflation is back and raging, the fed will never be able to credibly lower interest rates because they want to protect the worst president in the history of the united states" and widens critics say on his commentary of what the fed will or won't do is an appropriate. >> whatever happened to the independence of the fed? what happened to monetary policy targeting prices and not simply targeting political outcomes? i think it's a disgrace. >> yesterday politico reported or tuesday rather politico reported leaked audio showing biden's longtime chief of staff cursing about him talking too much about infrastructure on the campaign trail when grocery prices are too high. ron klain teed off saying
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"effing bridges are not interesting to people and that's why biden does not get too much coverage of these events, john. >> john: some people in the baltimore area that died on at least one bridge, sander? >> sandra: great reporting, larry kudlow is here host of "kudlow" on fox business a little earlier so thank you for jumping in the chair but this is big news. people want to know what it means for their pocketbook, for their family, and my question, i think i hit you up earlier this morning, where is the white house -- where is the plan? who is in charge? who is the larry kudlow of biden's administration? was working on economic policy to bring the prices down? i want our viewers to know we have called every day to the white house. they are welcome to explain that plan any time because we want to know what will bring down sky high prices, they are not budging. >> it's a funny story because it's a good point.
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in terms of spokespersons, we had a pretty steady diet. trump was very media conscious, of course. so i was out there a lot to. pal, kevin hassett, was out there a lot. wilbur ross and the congress department did a great job on explaining the economic point of view, steve mnuchin has a treasury. >> sandra: press secretaries were great on it. >> yes, you are right. i don't understand because you never see those guys. i'm not saying, look, jared bernstein is a very good -- >> sandra: they know that. >> is very dear personal friend of mine and he is very good at communicating, but i don't see much of him. i think that a mistake. the few times he has been out there he has been talking about fees on airport baggage and nonsense like that. >> sandra: this is why they have to get out there come these are the headlines this morning, "the new york times," larry, a blow to president biden, the times. "financial times" resurgent inflation looms over biden's riwhite house bid, politico
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stubborn inflation rains on biden's good news parade wire than not getting out there when we are hearing this from voters you have to respond to this, watch this. msnbc. >> my past performance of my 401(k), i know it was post-2020 and evident kind of flipped around, but you can't blame everything on 2024 forever. >> we have areas here in pennsylvania where it is at a standstill and the interest rates are way too high. >> try to become a first-time qualifier but prices are too high right now it's hard. >> i think he has been disastrous for the economy. >> some of those voters say they voted for joe biden. >> look, the inflation problem is a problem by policy, and they don't talk about this, the first half of the fiscal year '20 for the first six months you already had a $1 trillion deficit. would have $2 trillion somewhat
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if you look at the baseline it's too trillion dollars as far as the eye can see for the deficit which means more debt and borrowing but it's coming from spending. it's coming from massive spending which is inflationary. okay? that's the point. look come under mr. biden the cpi level, hang with me on this, 19.4% increase in the cpi. >> sandra: those are prices. >> those are prices, it's unbelievable. the average annual inflation rate is 6.1% for the whole period. that's the worst since 1983 roughly 40 years ago. under donald trump, because they blame trump, under donald trump for his whole -- >> sandra: scrolling on these price increases by the way. >> trump's whole four years the cpi only went up 7%. not 19.4, but seven. and an annual rate, his cpi was 1.9%. why? the supply-side tax cuts boosted
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growth and the trump budgets not to 2020 because of pandemic, obviously, but pre-pandemic the trump budgets were much tighter than he has ever been given credit for. those are important. >> sandra: what does this mean to people at home when they see and administration that is still spending? >> right, still spending and they won't go for that. they will not vote for inflation. >> what about the inflation reduction act? >> the inflation reduction act will cost about $1 trillion and is completely phony, bigoli no matter what they said. at least $1 trillion and by the way no one is buying it. there was a nobody wants that is where the subsidies are from. wages that were going up are now going back down. >> sandra: can i say i put in a brain room request i said tell me with all these prices up surely people are getting paid more to compensate for that, not the case. brain room just responded since
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biden took office january '21 to now real wages accounting for inflation are down 2.5%. >> that is correct, that is my number. i'm glad brainiacs agree. >> sandra: 2.54%. >> if you look on a weekly average basis it's worse it's about 4.5. this is the killer. >> sandra: what do we do? >> it's the affordability crisis. middle income-low income folks, working folks cannot afford the biden economy. >> sandra: hold on president biden gets on the phone and says okay, larry, what do you want me to do? >> stop spending. first of all tell the truth. axelrod, the obama guys, are so much smarter than the biden guide. so axelrod, they beat us t twice with obama. he said you should be feeling their pain. you should not be out there saying we are the best economy in the world, you should say we have a lot more work to do.
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>> sandra: ron says wake up. >> although he was chief of stafof the first half but they have to tell the truth when they lie and people get -- look at these headlines. it diminishes confidence in biden. >> don't deny the reality of the situation. >> right. the lack of confidence is the key part. his economic approval rating is in the low 30s or the high 20s. people are not confident that he will give them growth and opportunity in the future in a second term because of all of this. now my pearl for you is janet yellen's treasury secretary is basically has been missing in action this current job. nonetheless was a pretty good fed chair, okay? in interest rates, sandra -- >> save some for 4:00. >> no interest rate cuts, none. >> sandra: you are making the
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production? >> yes i've been saying it for weeks. when she was fed chair she raised the target rate in december of 2016 right after the election. history sometimes repeats itself, just saying. >> sandra: as mike rowe said earlier to dana and me that he feels like we are getting punk to. i have to leave it -- >> you got me out of bed early i am giving you everything i've got. >> sandra: thank you and i can't wait to hear what you have to say at 4:00. john? you for the early call. >> john: awaiting remarks in borrowing costs continuing to crush americans will someone from biden's economic team address this? >> sandra: we are watching for that and jackie will be in the room plus o.j. simpson dying at the age of 76 of cancer. how is murder trial forever shaping the coverage of courtroom proceedings? we have joe concha on deck next.
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>> john: look at the white house now as we wait on karine jean-pierre and john kirby for the first white house briefing since the bad inflation news came out. consumer price 3.5% producer price index up 0.2% month over month. people finding it more and more difficult to make their dollars meet their needs. we will find out if any members of the press corps other than jacqui heinrich are in this decision coming up. >> sandra: we are watching for that briefing room, john, meanwhile looking back at one of the most infamous murder trials to date following the death of o.j. simpson. at the height of racial tensions in america following the l.a.p.d. of rodney king, covering o.j.'s murder tried to my first trial first hand, your thoughts hours after we learn of his passing? >> pretty stunning and
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surprising it was known he was kind of sick but not to this level. my main take away from all of this is for domestic abuse victims around the country. i covered the trial in 1995 for fox news but when the autopsy photos were shown in the courtroom it's what arguers could not see it showed a view range come the violent anger behind this double murder. the autopsy photos that show poor and nicole brown simpson crumpled in the fetal position and my heart and my thoughts today are with the families of nicole and ron. of course you have o.j.'s children losing their father but the viciousness of this brutal, savage murder was so displayed when you see those autopsy photos and franklythey were so shocking and also been horrifying could not put them on
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tv but if you wish to see those photos you would understand this case completely. the rage, the anger of poor nicole's basically she was practically decapitated, sandra. voice box cut, her carotid arteries were cut and the overwhelming evidence against o.j. was overwhelming. have to keep in mind he was held liable by the civil jury. the criminal case, that jury at one point felt there was reasonable doubt because of police mistakes and other factors that the case was not proven at that time but i have to think of nicole and ron today and both victims of domestic abuse. 17,000 and estimated 17,000 people murdered in domestic abuse situations in this country. 1.3 women a year assaulted, those are my thoughts in the death of o.j. simpson. >> sandra: it has certainly brought so much attention to that issue. and to jim gray's point earlier
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it was so hard for people who knew him personally before all this to have even imagined these issues were going on behind closed doors in his home. to not have the public and not have those outside the doors that were friends of his covering him, eric shawn with obviously a very intimate perspective on that, thank you very much, eric. >> john: let's bring in joe concha for more on this. and the passing of o.j. simpson i really do think cut turkey always some people are continued to be friends with him, some continued to admire him for what he didn't sports and then you have people like caitlyn jenner who was bruce jenner knew him quite well and simply tweeted today "good riddance" what do you think? >> i think people that are friends with him admired him for his accomplishments after leaving football or his athletic accomplish rents which are the 1% at 899% of people now at this
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point no to eric shawn's point terkel people lost their lives in the most drizzly and brutal ways possible and o.j. simpson should have died in prison and been convicted in 1994 but when you look back 30 years ago and look at the fact the slow speed chase june 17th 199,495,000,000 people tuned in the trial ends the verdict when that was handed down declaring o.j. simpson was not guilty, 100 million people tuned in. we are talking super bowl like numbers here. soap operas on major networks were preemptive for months upon months before fox and msnbc the major networks made all the people involved here on top of o.j. the first reality tv stars that we saw because think about it, even 35 years later you can reel off the names of marshall clark and the names of the o.j. defense team like bailey and johnny cochran you see on your
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screen. like robert kardashian who was a part of that as well. so these were all reality tv stars and o.j. simpson was the first reality tv villain, john. >> sandra: when you put it that way, you look back at his football career before all of this was happening and jim was talking about this earlier. i mean, this was a guy who turned heads. he walked in and lit up the room. he was a hero on the football field, 11 years with the nfl. i mean, that moment was something for so many who knew o.j. on the field. to get that alert, that news that these charges that he possibly carried out these heinous murders. >> not just on the field rush more than 2,000 yards on a very good team with the buffalo bills and was this huge star but afterwards he really made his mark. not a lot of people know this but back in 1975 a lot of younger viewers know this, hertz sine o.j. simpson to be its
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spokesperson. this was unheard of because sports marketing was not a thing back then. o.j. dashing through airports we've all seen those was to hertz what michael jordan ended up being for nike. i mean, that's how big he was. he catapulted from there as far as abc signing him to join howard casale on friday night football and the naked gun movies for example o.j. was such a huge star that's what made it so shocking to jim gray who knew him well. it's like hearing peyton manning or eli manning just killed terkel people. stabbed them to death and saying what, those guys? like somehow peyton or eli? that's how good he was seen because he was such a happy person off the field but again, terkel people lost their lives and he should have died in prison, john. >> john: i remember the low speed while i was anchoring on cbs with dana tyler. also a little piece of trivia do you know where the bronco's today? it's in the alcatraz east crime
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museum and pigeon forge tennessee round the corner from dollywood. >> wow and still broadcasting. >> yes. >> does a great job. >> great person. >> can we help get something on ukraine or on the pfizer bill? >> we have a lot of things to discuss and talk about it frequently. >> house speaker mike johnson facing a rocky path in the controversial surveillance tool. brad winthrop will join us by fbi director christopher wray. >> plus the pentagon update minutes away amid growing fears that iran is ready to have a direct attack against israel. the peace agreement just ahead. >> what we are seeing before our eyes live joe biden marching the united states in the war in the middle east. he is playing footsie with iran. we have a moral obligation to support israel.
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>> sandra: a short time for now the pentagon will be briefing amid concerns iran will without a might retaliate against israel for a strike that killed senior iranian leaders in syria. adam boulder the former lead negotiator of the peace agreement he will be joining us live in moments but we begin with trey yingst he is live in tel aviv for us ahead of that briefing, trey, what's the latest? >> center, good afternoon. tension remains high across the middle east as israel braces for an expected large-scale attack by iran or it's proxies. leaders speaking this week to mark the end of ramadan saying that he israeli strike against the iranian consulate in syria this month was like an attack on
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iranian soil. he called the israeli government and "evil regime" saying it must and will be punished. the iranian retaliation could be imminent. which aligns with comments from american officials including president biden who have tried to send a message to iran over the past 24 hours that the united states stands behind israel. today the head of u.s. central command michael carella is in israel to meet with defense officials. his visit is meant to coordinate what a joint defense to enter any attack would look like. there is an understanding on the ground that americans could help in case israel's air defense is overwhelmed. if any such attack takes place from iranian territory directly targeting israel, this would be a major step up on the regional escalation ladder and would likely draw an israeli response striking iran. sandra? >> sandra: trey inc.'s live in tel aviv for us, thank you for the update, john? >> john: adam boler or senior trump administration official who led the negotiations of the abraham accords peace agreement.
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adam, good heavy with us today. it looked like an attack from iran against israel was imminent. the posture coming out of the lawn was telegraphing signals that something might be coming but it seems to have been dialed back for the moment at least. what do you expect in the hours or days ahead? >> i think what is really important here is how the united states responds. and what i worry about and why you are seeing iranian responses like this is because we have not acted. a policy of appeasement is going to drive actions like this from iran so what i want to see is the united states not only backing up israel with words but actions. and that is my greatest concern here. >> john: which bring ms. mead to this point i want to discuss biden said this in the rose garden with japan's prime minister in regard to a potential attack against israel by iran, listen here. >> we want to address the iranian threat to launch a significantly or threatening to
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a launch a significant attack on israel. as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel purity gets this and it's proxies is ironclad. let me say it again, ironclad. we will do all we can to protect israel security. >> john: but he did not say to iran don't do it and he has been soft on iran to your point. there is no direct attack on iran from those proxy attacks against u.s. interests in the middle east and just the last couple of days the white house renewed waivers on $10 million in sanctions against iran. >> it's unbelievable because what people don't know -- abraham accords they think of it as peace accords. why did it happen? it happened because we were strong. we killed a number terkel person and they shot a missile that did nothing. the reason is they knew we would take action. when you take our foreign policy right now, think about afghanistan. that drew russia which drives this. we can't keep having a policy of
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appeasement. that is not how peace is driven in this region. it's through strength. so here is what i think. we say support of israel is ironclad. on the other side we have senator schumer calling for a change in regime in israel, our ally. they are very different things and it's telegraphing weakness. >> john: right. to clarify iran shot more than one missile at the airbase and there were a number of people who were hurt from that. that attack i know while the white house knew it would be limited some people suffer from it. israel is warning that if iran attacks it will respond. here's with the foreign minister of israel said if iran attacks from its territory israel will respond and attack in iran. if israel launched a counterattack against iran proper what you think that would
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be would it escalate further or back down? >> iran is like a bully and i think at the end of the day when you punch a bully in the nose with enough force they go away. iran does not want an escalation. of the united states backs up israel and a shape and form that are not just words they will back down. >> john: rights of the hostages in gaza traveling development hamas says it cannot find 40 hostages and satisfy the criteria of the cease-fire proposal. here is the deadline it says hamas does not have 40 hostages to meet the potential swap with israel officials says. we have jason chaffetz on yesterday, he doesn't know why biden doesn't talk tougher to hamas about the hostages listen to what he said. >> we should be united in telling the world it's all about the hostages. if you want to get to the next step you want to provide peace then stop killing people and stop taking hostages. in fact, release the hostages. be one this is troubling that
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hamas says we can't find 40 hostages are they alive? do not fit the criteria? and i did? why doesn't biden say as opposed to a tagline on every thing he says oh, and release the hostages, why doesn't he put that up front and say you release the hostages this is over tomorrow? >> you know what? i was talking to robert and brian are national security advisor in the trauma administration we were close together and he says what we would've done in the drum and administration we would've said to hamas we have seal team six coming out and you either release the hostages or they are coming in and i guarantee you it will only terkel choices. of hamas is dead because we join israel or they released the hostages so in this case saying you can't find 40 hostages, the concept is ridiculous. it's smaller than the island of manhattan. if the united states actually acts, they will release them because hamas can't withstand the force. >> john: and it's not just for public and presidents who act like that. i remember 1994 president clinton said to roll phaedrus in haiti to either
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accept down or the 82nd airborne is it coming in, it's on its way and he steps down. adam, always great to spend time with you. go ahead. real quick. >> i was just going to say we say inhe united states we support a cease-fire, we want to support the palestinians, it's the opposite that is happening. if we want to support palestinians we have to get hamas out. we are doing the reverse the action is the reverse. >> john: we appreciate you and will see you again soon. >> thanks, john. >> anti-semitism on college campuses across the country getting worse by the day. dave rubin will tell us what he says needs to be done to fight jewish hate. >> plus an explosion of god are ways on the border what it means for national security andr, for national security andr, personal stressing your budge. for national security andr, personal but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan,
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>> sandra: a crackdown on the southern border targeting convicted creditors is a shocking number of migrants continued to slip into the country evading our border agents, kc's in dallas for us, casey, how many migrants slip past these agents every single day? >> sander, as you well know the numbers fluctuate quite a bit but border patrol sources tell fox and the last week or so they have been averaging roughly 550 known got aways every single
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day. and they say it's at 1.8 million mouth since president biden took office. death across all the u.s. border patrol sectors. officials say that is obviously alarming because we don't know who is coming in considering in the del rio sector alone at least 54 migrants have been arrested so far this fiscal year who are conducted sex offenders according to the feds. men with a variety of charges from aggravated fold of children to child molestation. over in the rio grande valley after agent saw him clearly cross the rio grande river on a jet ski. terms of the mexican national was wanted in florida for sexual battery of a child among other heinous crimes. police say gabriel gutierrez per house is now in custody and has a full extra warrant. meanwhile this is brand-new video from texas dps this morning showing special teams in
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texas searching for a very thick vegetation in the dark, you can see with flashlights were troopers discovered four migrants trying to hide after they had illegally crossed the river. they also located a 16-year-old smuggling foot drive from mexico. all of them were taken into custody along with dps troopers and handed over officially to border patrol agents. sander? >> casey stegall on the stunning new numbers, thank you. john? >> john: we are expecting three, count them, three briefings from the next hour in the white house at the pentagon as the threat of iran retaliating against israel has the world on high alert. >> sandra: plus, john from reaction pouring in following the death of one of the most polarizing sports figures in our time. brian kilmeade will join us on that coming up. uches wool... you see why we need downy free and gentle with no perfumes or dyes. it not only makes your clothes softer,
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>> john: fox news alert o.j. simpson who became one of the biggest celebrities has died at the age of 76. hello i am john roberts in washington, sandra good to be back. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith to new york this is america reports "america reports" simpson rose to fame with his talent on the football field hedonic stomach dominated college while before doing the same in the nfl for me first ever run out of 2,000 yards in a single season. >> but his legacy on the field came crashing down when he became the prime suspect for the murders of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson, and her friend, ronald goldman, was found civilly liable later for their deaths periods arrests in 1994 in the trial in 1995 became appointment television for people across the country with many key moments still resonating today. >> both victims were killed in a similar manner. slashing and stabbing wounds. both victims had their throats slash. >> that does not fit the genetic profile of mr. simpson


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