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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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a little tired, a little sleepy, all of a sudden you feel toes on your elbow because somebody's foot -- [ laughter ] puts their feet up! if it's a little baby that's fine, or little cade. >> exactly. >> laura: i don't want to see a hairy man's toes in my armrest. >> of this is a psych ward with wings, is a disaster, air travel these days. happy flying! >> laura: we're leaving people with that image of harry toes coming out on your armrest while you try to get a little nap on the plane. rate, jesse watters is next, see around. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime", tonight... >> we the jury found the defendant o.j. simpson not guilty of the crime of murder. >> jesse: o.j. simpson dead at 76.
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>> opened the door now! opened the door now! open the door now! >> jesse: they media tries to web up another george floyd r riot, did you see the tape? >> and i killed him! ♪ because i'm a great american [ bleep ] ♪ >> jesse: hillary clinton the musical. >> i'm hillary clinton. >> jesse: plus,. >> overnight low to tell jesse watters i would love to slap the [ bleep ] out of him. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: america woke up to the news today that o.j. simpson end of the age of 76 was brown's dead after a battle with cancer. why did america's most infamous men captivate us? the heisman trophy, winner of
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ufc, to the all-pro running back in the nfl, the first in nfl history to rush for over 1000 yards in a season. >> one of the greatest athletes of all time, and his name is o.j. simpson. >> when you're a heisman trophy winner, he expected him to be baked, fast and strong, even expect them to break records. >> o.j. simpson! football league record! >> announcer: we don't expect them to rush to 2000 yards in a 14 game season. which is what he did. >> jesse: they called him the jews for a reason, he had brought a commercial appeal. >> -- juice. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: nobody has more
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than to get into this blank card faster. >> jesse: then it was on to the big screen. >> hi everybody! soon back on the horse!! >> that is wonderful. >> jesse: o'jays recognizable face was embraced by corporate america, and he was universally loved by black and white audiences. he crossed over, and such as smooth and charming way into america's most elite circles, monday night football, ran what country club, the tonight show, commercials, hollywood, in a way that a black athlete has not until that point. he had it all. until the night of june 12th 1994, when o.j. simpson went from a star to a murder suspect.
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>> nicole brown simpson, the ex-wife of football player turned actor o.j. simpson and the mother of their children, andrew friend, ron goldman were found in a pool of blood outside of brand what it. they were both stabbed to death, with a history of domestic violence between the couple, to o.j quickly became the number 1 suspect. >> jesse: it was emergency that shock the nation, the prize has never seen a story like it. it was until just five days later, when they cut out of game five of the nba finals with the news, that the juice was loose. >> los angeles police department right now is actively searching for mr. simpson. >> he has a gun. >> jesse: naimo more iconic rj's in the white bronco.
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you can't. over 95 percent of them -- 95 million americans all around the country watched as o.j ran from the law. but even from his jail cell, hister never faded. polices officers or bringingng football and trading cards for him to sign, but this is just the beginning. i make a witness at trial of the century, beginning in 1995. cable news was just beginning, and core tv carried the trial live. the country was addicted, the courtroom turned to players into household names. the judge, who date let out turned into a comedy sketch, defense attorney johnny cochran got a parity character on seinfeld, and who can forget kato kaylen. >> during that phone call, something unusual occurred? >> yes. >> what was that? >> i heard as something annoys. >> how many?
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>> objection. >> three. >> canadian mustard for us how loud it was. >> somewhat yes. >> go ahead. >> jesse: just like it was when he was running down a field in buffalo, it was all eyes on juice. >> in front of the jury, oj simpson turn on the gloves prosecutors say he was wearing the night of the murder of his ex-wife. he tried to show the gloves do not fit. the jurors look shock, startled as o.j stood before them, pulling, pinching and struggling to put them on, with disdain, showing the fficulty showing the jurors they are too small. >> jesse: the trial gave us one of the most iconic legal defenses of all time, listen. >> look at this.
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you have been seeing me for a year. who in my? i'm still johnny cochran with a nightcap. if you look at o.j. simpson over there, and has a rather large head, o.j. simpson in a nightcap from total blocks away, is still o.j. simpson. it is no disguise, it is no disguise, it makes no sense, it is an fate, if it isn't fit, you must acquit. >> jesse: the trial lasted nearly a year. the lapd was called racist in trial, accused of framing simpson. dna evidence was fairly new, detectives were accused of sloppiness and contamination and america was on the edge of the seat. jury deliberations lasted only four hours. the verdict was in, and america, time stood still. >> the california county of los angeles, in the matter of the people of the state of
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california versus o.j. simpson case number v. a. 211, we the jury entitle action find the defendant not guilty of the crime of murder in violation -- [ cheering and applause ] >> lots of people as he saw her some pretty strong reactions, always a very happy. >> and very happy for his family and children. they happy. mimosa very happy at the justice was served. >> jesse: the verdict exposed america's racial divide, whites were flabbergasted at the acquittal, forensic evidence was overwhelming. o.j had gone away with murder. many black americans are differently. for once, a person who look like them was able to use the legal system to their advantage and get away with something that they believe white americans have gotten away ways for far
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too long. justice was not about guilt or innocence, it was about being able to afford lawyers like the dream team. you ask people, o.j innocent or guilty? technically he was innocent. even though everybody knew he did it. because you know, that's what the law says. america's judicial system wo worked, or it did not work, defining on who you talk to. juries are filled with people, not machines, and sometimes people send a message, without weighing all of the evidence. and that messages final. the verdict may have divided us, but the trial brought us together. a hundred million people wat watched. those are super bowl numbers. the episode produced rivers of contents, the kardashians, and humor. lots of it. some of the dark.
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>> been using it a lot this year, you line your quarterback, running up pattern, the defenses frozen, allowing you wide open to be open on the other side, hole in the middle and a seam on the left. [ applause ] [ cheering and applause ] >> i really have to go, i have to go! >> jesse: after the acquittal, o.j tried to reenter society but it was impossible. he was a socially outcast at a guy, a double murder free walking through the airport or sitting across from you at the bar. simpson for years would trade his surroundings like nothing has happened. he played golf, or nightclubs, do interviews claiming he was looking for the real killer.
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>> if you promise that you would not ask me another question -- >> i would never. >> we would not have to talk about it anymore. >> they do it? >> no i did not. nope. did not do it. >> after we finished filming, o.j said he had a surprise for me and i was genuinely surprised. i think it was his idea of a joke and this is it. >> jesse: o.j famously wrote a book written "if i did it, confessions of a killer" he called it a hypothetical description of his murders of his ex-wife nicole brown and her boyfriend ron goldman. and when he was on his media tour, o.j said something that most to this day believed was his confession. >> she hurt herself, she fell, and this guy kind of got into a karate thing. and i was like dazing you can
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kick mass? i grabbed my knife, remember and be honest, after that i rem remember, except him standing there and it's all kind of scuffled around, -- >> will kind of stuff? >> blood and stuff. i hate to say it. [ laughter ] >> you write about removing a glove before taking the knife from charlie? >> you know i had no conscious memory of doing that but obviously it must have because they found the glove there. >> jesse: o.j we not have been found guilty in a criminal court of law what he was found civilly liable for the deaths and still to this day, the family, over $100 million is owed. but it's just money. nothing will ever bring nicole and ron goldman back. >> do you believe in heaven and hell? >> yes. >> do you believe he was seen a
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goal? >> yes, when mother and my dad. >> what will you say to her? >> you know, i haven't thought of that, i would hug her. it depends. they know, at have to explain anything. they know. [ laughter ] that's what heaven and hell is all about. >> jesse: that's bringing our accurate and witness at o.j trial, kato kaelin format, how close a friend was o.j to you? >> well i always said this, not a really close friend. in text terms he was danish and i was [ inaudible ] not a close friend. i did not hang out in the time that i was there, probably a handful of times. >> jesse: now he has passesed, what you think of him as a person? >> you know, i look att and foremost i would just say that,
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i would put up my condolences to the kids, sydney, justin, adjacent, losing a father is never easy. but everything that i'm feeling when i woke up this morning and saw the messages go out, and fred goldman, i expressed my condolences to them. and of course cherished memories of nicole, she was a beacon of light, she really was. she was bright and funny. people should not forget that. it's really about two young beautiful people that were murdered. >> jesse: they were murdered. they say he is innocent, do you believe o.j. simpson is innocent? >> now. i have given my opinion. my opinion is i think he's guilty. i still believe that today. i was listening to the show, sort of captured the last 30 years and i was going my god, the monolog brought back so much
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to my feelings. not wonder but, i went back in time. i was singing about that line, about heaven and hell, you know, on his deathbed, i don't know... and really believe he is guilty and he made peace with god or nono >> jesse: what was it like being in a courtroom with johnny cochran, marcia clark, would you simpson? accused of double murder sitting right across from you? while you're next to the judge under oath? >> you know jesse, it's -- i'm from wisconsin, growing up again to california to become an ac actor. as star. of never been in a courtroom i entire life, not even a parking ticket, no first time i'm in a courtroom is for a double homicide of a man that i'm living at his property and a friend of mine nicole, i didn't know ron but i knew kim and
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another that he's a wonderful person. that's what it was like. to testified -- to testify. to explain was that when you show, many times i was on the stand i went through reviews with the defense and the prosecution, and sometimes i had a deer in the headlight look that was printed in so many different magazines and papers. it's because i want to be so truthful and is trying to think of making surer member the question in the review. that is because of my experience of being a witness. >> jesse: you see a lot of stories now part of the criminal justice system and people still feel the criminal justice system one way or the other is just not right. going back to 1995, do you think america has changed at all and if so, how has it? >> it's gone backward. it is still a divisional white and black.
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they put split screens on when a decision came out of the ver verdict, we have not grown and all. i see constantly. with what is happening, george floyd just happened so, it still as divided -- i think it's even more divided now. i think it's just steps backwards. constantly happens. >> jesse: de thank it is more divided racially? that is just a sad assessment, i'm so sad to hear that from you. do you think the justice system has gotten any better or gotten any worse since this verdict? >> well and look at los angeles, a look at rda and how criminals are getting off or committing crimes, and i'm thinking this is the wrong way to do it. and i think when he can openly shoplift somewhere not been thrown into jail, i think it is wrong in the system is wrong
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anything as part of the problem. as a think education, if to be educated. committing a crime is wrong, that is how i stand. it is more and more common with homelessness, more and more common with people in the streets, the more we see to the more people keep accepting it and it's wrong and they cannot do that anymore. it has to be clean up somehow, it has to happen where justice has to be priority number 1. >> jesse: long overdue. kato kaelin thank you so much for joining the "jesse watters primetime". it is a crazy day. i think we said about the families, i think it really rings true. thank you for joining us, really appreciate it. >> thank you for giving me time to say that. i appreciated jesse, thank you. >> jesse: the masters, henry's musical and ddi thursday, that
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is ahead. [ ♪♪ ] file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: it is an election year and joe biden is in trouble. one reason why, donald trump is attracting blacks. yesterday at chick-fil-a, it was all love. >> we support you, don't care what the media says. we support use. >> mr. trump: let me give you hug! [ laughter ] [ cheering ] >> so cute! >> jesse: the media knows which way the wind is blowing so they're trying to stir things up. the george floyd death and the rise edit energized the base and
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cab the black vote and the democratic column. and the medias try to run it back. we caught them. three weeks ago, dexter read, out of chicago, shot by police during a traffic stop? he is black, 100 shots were fired. here's the family. >> why do the police keep doing this to black young folk, he pulled over for a traffic stop, why did they have five guns at him? >> he had just bought his new car three days before that. he was just riding around in his car, and they killed him. they killed him. >> jesse: the families upside, and we are very sorry. there's nothing like losing a child. but they are not telling you the truth. dexter read to open on police. after he was pulled over, he shot at police first, and they
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returned fire. his gun was recovered and he emptied his clip. it was showing the video and a a second but look at these headlines. seatbelt violation ends of the black men dead on chicago's street of the cops fired and nearly 100 bullets. please fired 96 shots and 41 seconds killing black men during the traffic stop. deadly chicago traffic stop where police fired 96 shots raises serious questions about use of force. not one of them headlines tells you that reed is the one who started the shootout. they medias looking for another george floyd to divide and conquer with. in a chicago mayor is in on it. >> as mayor and as a father raising a family, including two young black boys in the west side of chicago, and personally devastated to see yet another young black men this is life during an interaction with the
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police. >> jesse: an interaction with the police? he opened fire on police. police did where they are trained to do, returned fire until the threat to the lives and to the lives of their fellow officers is neutralized. with the media won't tell you is dexter read did not want to go back to prison because he was awaiting trial on going charges. he also just been arrested for shoplifting, the warning, this is the body cam footage of the shooting and it shows a very different story than what the media is presenting. >> roll the windows down. roll the windows down. what are you doing? >> a roll the window down the. >> role that one down to. no, -- roll it up! do not to roll the window up! [ bleep ] unlock the doors now! [ bleep ] unlock the doors now!
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opened the door now! opened the door now! [ gunshots ] [ gunshots ] [ gunshots ] >> jesse: all reed had to do was comply, roll down the window, catch another gun charge, serve time and stay alive but he tried to murder police officer in cold blood just a stat of jail 11 shots were fired by reed, you only stop shooting because he ran out of ammo. knowing all of that, this is how cnn describe the incident. >> chicago police firing 96 trots a net one seconds at a one-man in a deadly traffic stop last one that killed 2060 will dexter reed, you released body cam video shows what happened, they pulled reed over not wearing a seatbelt, when officers approach that the scv the situation quickly escalated it.
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>> jesse: wider to escalate jake? police shootings can be complicated, we know. this was not. are police opposed to just allow themselves to be shot at? and let the shooter drive away? the media also won't tell you this, some of those offices were black. the one that got shot was black. and trust me, this won't be the first time between now and november that the media tries to pull something like this. stay alert. ashley's -- dana, this is not even complicated. the fact that they're trying to twist this and to sell this as somehow controversial or an egregious act by the cops, what is that tell you? >> jesse tells me the need to get up the vote to make it is because democrats can't sell voters on the economy and the consulate on stability internationally so they have to come up with some way and racial strife that is democrats calling
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card. they have been doing this for years, we have live through this three years. washington post to bury to the fact that it was extra reed that fired the first shot, everybody needs to understand, reed mad dunked into these cops, he emptied his entire magazine into these police. if i get pulled over and i should have the cops pulling me over asking questions, same response, you represent a fatal threat to the law enforcement officer and they're going to use lethal force to neutralize that threat. that is standard operating procedure. a lot is talked about when it comes to bad policing but every thing i saw in his video was good policing. these police protected their community from a lethal threat that presented themselves, and they deserve our thanks not a criticism and condemnation, not stupid politicians trying to save themselves at the ballot box, they deserve thanks. as far as the media, shame on the media. if there's a saying for a
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reason, they're using this to save their bottom line, to save their ad dollars and helping their friends democrats get reelected. it is shameful, it is sickening and one last point about the mother crying about this, where were you one years and had his priors cuba? where were you when he was an illegal possession of a firearm? where were you when your son was going from streets to prison? where are these parents? defined the cameras fast enough but not there when the kids need them. >> jesse: absolute disaster. dana, thank you. happy dei thursday. >> what is dei mean to you? >> dei, it's called... the...hat december? [ ♪♪ ]r laying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want.
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have. >> jesse: happy dei thursday, this week primetime has a very special edition of dei thursday. we have tickets to the exmac super bowl, national action network convention hosted by none other than the godfather of dei, al sharpton. does anybody there even know what dei means? [ ♪♪ ] >> happy dei thursday. >> happy dei thursday. >> what does dei mean to you? >> dei? split. it's... december? >> diversity, equity and inclusion. >> okay,, got you when i guess you learns of a new every day. >> some say dei stands for did not earn it, should we hire people based on merit? >> those are some fox talking points. >> what about dei q.?
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>> what's q.? >> qualification. >> think so, some people have to be trained. >> well if you are the most qualified person is not a fair? >> it all depends. >> martin luther king jr. said he should not judge the people on the contents of the scan but the contents of their character. >> we are not there yet. >> i'm tired of seeing the same people have the same job. >> i feel no ways tired. >> why not focus on crime? spoon run forest, one! >> how is kamala harris doing? soon i don't know hers who and what is her job? >> she is his secretary? [ laughter ] >> kamala harris is running the country. >> she is free to speak at her own will. >> who is gagging her? >> those who own her. >> joe biden? maybe. >> jesus? >> i would not say jesus because jesus is not here see what it's
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not even clothes. >> what is kamala harris' biggest account which one? >> yeah... him... >> whatever it is not affected by it. >> is the dei dream. >> my dream is bringing the bridges on walls. >> what has joe biden done for black warders? >> nothing. >> i'm not voting for joe biden. >> and you ain't black and. >> he's healthy... i don't know you and who will you be voting for? >> independent. >> and you ain't black and. >> there's intentions to be behind him -- >> also hold them accountable? what has he done for the black and unity? -- community. >> that's it. >> why are african american voters at flocking to donald trump. >> they had a better when he was an office. >> a lot of black people don't have history. >> they are stupid. >> at the trump called, maga has
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black people and their two. >> he's helping them. >> how? >> moneywise. >> he believes in taking care of america first. >> donald trump was a trash talkers is sometimes people gravitate to the trash talk. >> mr. trump you are not a nice person! sue and that's true, but actually i am. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: >> what about jesse watters? >> albot tell jesse watters that would love to slap the [ bleep ] out of him. >> his own nose i would also like to. >> a lot of people would. >> the tall light-skinned guy? >> he's 21 percent black. >> okay. >> [ bleep ]. that's what i think about jesse watters. most of you fox doing what about me? >> you are all right. recall. [ laughter ] >> jesse: the masters with a surprise guest, a former world
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golf number 1. [ ♪♪ ] fileax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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[ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: ladies and gentlemen, it is masters week. it is a tradition unlike any other, fill the tv screen it with shades of green and who can forget, jim nansen's voice is even more enchanting than judge jeanine's. i know it's clothes. but what happens over the next 55 days is transcendent, it works for me the official start of spring. ninety years there and almost nothing has changed. they want be a cell phone inside, they are banished. of there's an emergency, use a payphone. remember what those are? inferior backwards hat guy, you are not welcomed. turn it around. you are at the masters not a nets game. the many is frozen in time, not even by an economics could break it. the famous cheese sandwich plus chips and said it will cost you five dollars. let's get to the golf. tiger woods, five times masters champion, quits this week. is currently one under, so it
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must have worked. sorry ladies. walking up to the 18th agreed on a master sunday, putting on the green jacket doesn't just make you a champion, it makes you part of history. looking to make history today, starting off on fire, shooting 65 and the opening-round iraqis in the clubhouse seven under with a one-stroke lead over scotty scheffler, the favorite. so get ready, to do nothing for the next three days except watch golf. in this case it will allow you to change the channel from fox. but only in this case. david duval is it what were times masters runner up in the former number 1 player in the world david, thank you for joining "jesse watters primetime", what is it about this tournament that just mesmerizes everybody? >> i would say part of the
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answer is what you brought up. that little dialog. it's kind of an official start of spring, certainly for golfers around the world? at the same time have to reflect back to 18 months removed from the last major championships, is a lot of buildup to it. and it's the fact that it's played at augustine nationals year in and year owned at everybody who watches it or may have been there, there is some familiarity with the venue. >> jesse: your remember watching it with the grandfather, you remember watching the masters with your daughter. it is such a special moment. really it signifies everything about a family and to sports and golf. what were some of your fondest memories participating? >> participating, i think a played a dozen masters. you would have to go back over to 2001. there was a stretch before i
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started to getting injuries, where i could have 14 straight and 19 of them. and i heard you talking that two time runner up and i wonder if the runner-up trophy may be the worst trophy in golf, or in sports rather. you know? [ laughter ] i don't need to be reminded i don't have a green jacket, and to my television days, doing some stuff, came up and i was like, how long does it take to get over it? and you don't! you don't get over it. you work a lifetime to strive and succeed in the masters, the u.s. open pga, the players winning on the pga tour, and when things are a new grasp and you don't get them, you don't really get over it. >> jesse: is like losing an election, i'm sure there's a few politicians that got that close and then did not get over the line. so tiger woods quits, one under.
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do you think that is a good strategy for him? >> you know what. [ laughter ] i don't know if i can comment on that. whatever he needs to do, look, we can sit here and talk about if he is that goat or if jacket is that goat of their both codes, but one of that watch what greatest players who have played this game. talking to friends and staff during the lead up to the opening-round, it's like, regardless of whether you think tiger hasn't played, tiger has not competed, you know what it still tiger. you don't put anything past him. >> jesse: he battled him, a great champion, great competitive. love watching you growing up. thank you as much for joining "jesse watters primetime", we love you. >> thank you for your time. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: hilary the musical. be right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: throughout her career hillary clinton has worn a lot of had's first lady suggested to time presidential candidate and carpool karaoke singer. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: do but today she has added a new hat to the collection, broadway producer hillary is debuting her new feminist musical which despite popular belief is not short for insufferable but short for a suffragettes about women fighting for the right to vote it is exactly what you would expect. [ ♪♪ ]
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♪ we demand to be heard, we demand to be seen, we demand equality ♪ >> jesse: you will not see hillary onstage but know that she is very hands-on with this project she's even singing along during dresser aerosols -- rehearsals. >> my god i'm going to go out marching to do something and i cannot tell you it's such a joy were going to change history. >> jesse: to hillary says the musical reminds her of herself telling the new york times that given my own life and career including the tension between the so-called establishment and activist voices many of the themes resonate with me personally.
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i hope she is not referring to this song. >> at the marked this old man he called me a [ bleep ] >> congratulations. >> isn't it a bad thing? >> that's what they want you to think, i'm a great american -- >> jesse: to scheduled to open next week on broadway theatre tickets now, do it now. i'm not sure how long this thing last. someone has been sending me free during for one year, i did not know how it came to my house but it is coming to my house in boxes i don't know i think it is male deodorant i asked emma and she said no so i take it i opened it it's mostly good and have just been using it?
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i just been using free deal rent sent to my house for a year and i didn't think much of it, i kind of like it, and then johnny texted me this morning and said with a picture of your rent, you have this and i said yes why didn't he set up and accidentally sending my deodorant orders to your house. can i have some of it back and i said no, i've been using it, i liked it kelly from santa barbara california put a grand slam thursday, hillary the musical plus de i thursday, well, jesse, well weight until you see tomorrow rex from georgia i think rfk junior should rethink his vp pick cato's deep i like that mark from michigan oj is in god's
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courtroom now and we believe god judges, barroom from grand rapids michigan thank you for informing us of the truth of the chicago shooting we would have never known if not for prime time that's why you're not allowed to watch anything else except the master's. susan from washington, i don't know who would want to slap the most handsome man in the world, why thank you, stewart from bel air california do i need to get johnny a sport coat how rude of him not to show up without a sport jacket how rude i am water and this is my world. >> sean: welcome to hannity tonight a deadly shoot up on tape 26-year-old killed during a traffic stop


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