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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 12, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> we are learning the chilling new revelations about the terrorist threats on our southern border.
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fox news has confirmed that a national on the fbi's terrorist watch list is in custody after being apprehended at the southern border and then released not once but twice. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno and joining me today is cohost of the bottom line fox business dagen mcd mcdowell, the first cohost, carley shimkus, news contributor lisa boothe, and retired inspector and fox news contributor paul mauro. let's go to mike life with the latest on the story. >> that migrate you just mentioned is indeed in u.s. custody but only after roaming free for about 11 months and then being apprehended two times. sources told us that he crossed into the united states in march of 23 and at the time he was not on the terrorist watch list so
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he was released. but he is reportedly of a member of a anti-western group responsible for the death of nine american soldiers and civilians. he was picked up the get in february and information about his radical connections for reasons unknown was not presented to the judge. so he was released on bail but then picked up again last night and they stated that as soon as there was information to suggest that this individual was of concern he was taken into custody by ice. meantime they've already rated 100 stash houses which is up nearly half of the total from last year. they worry about the ones they don't apprehended. >> what worries me is that we know nothing about the migrants that are being checked. we know absolutely nothing about them. they could be dangerous criminals, they could be predators, et cetera -- >> we found upwards of 30
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migrants who arrived at the wall in el paso and judging by the way they put on a show for the cameras they are confident they are mitigated here in this sector. they say they are seeing about a thousand encounters per week with people crossing into the united states side. emily? >> emily: thank you mike. this story comes less than 24 hours after the fbi director warned of a possible terrorist attack similar to the one that ice is carried out at a russian concert hall just weeks ago >> we'd seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole 'nother level. the most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups or just some type of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east. to caria attacks here at home. >> emily: paul, a frightening revelation that has been frankly years in the making but it seems to have accelerated in recent months. >> paul: it does you know what is upsetting, we saw these kinds
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of cases, and these cases this is how they are launched. think about it in reverse, what if you had to do an operation inside of afghanistan or even iran. you need someone to get in and, so to have an idea that we have a southern border where people could do this type of recon is upsetting. secondly, according to the reporting they were in front of the immigration judge twice and the second time they could hold them because we didn't want to tell the judge that he was on a terrorist watch list because was classified. number one, that is not smart, and it's not accurate, you can say that this man is on a watch list and he is really concerning and if you can't do that what we have the system f for? this is the siloing that got us 9/11. we have intel but we cannot tell people in the government about it. something is broken and it's on
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my orchids. it is a reason why he has impeachment charges. >> emily: do you think it's going to work? do you think getting more money will change these issues? >> no it is the same reason that money -- that aya keita's just wants more agents to process people coming across the border. >> dagen: just in this instance you think about cash at dhs when he cross the border initially suspected that he might be a tent terrorist. but they did not detain him let's start he should have been deported immediately. but they didn't detain him because of the catch and release. they were told that yes you can check in on the app on your phone. and then will take stuff fbi almost identify that he was associated with the terrorist group that had killed
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nine american soldiers and civilians? over a period of two years -- and then as paul has pointed out to go in front of a judge of the dhs attorneys and they do not tell the judge that he is on the terrorist watch list and they also did not tell the judge to appeal his decision to release him. now he has been arrested, what is this put us? 10 million plus undocumented have come into this country. the national security threat to this nation is unknowable. and incalculable. we act we as american citizens we need to sit back and wait for something horrific to happen. >> emily: and the second thing which makes me feel sick to my stomach is terrifying, is in addition to money they wanted to expand and be able to spy on foreign nationals oversee so congress is divided on how to
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treat this but what i am hearing and what is so frightening is that no amount of anything will help. because the genie has been let out of the bottle and the threat at the southern border has been so great thanks to biden, that all of this is too great to put back or call back or try to attempt to identify in the unknowable fearmongering. >> what he really want to do is to renew the authority that the fbi already has which is important, he is right to say at this time that we need all the tools. in our toolbox to fight all of these threats. think about what happened to idaho this week where a 18-year-old pledge allegiance to eye since i came up with this plot to murder people at church in his hometown. and the fbi thankfully found out about that. and arrested him so that threat had been taken off the map that they are so many others. it does feel like you had to sit back and watching one of the
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things -- the details for this story are unbelievable from start to finish. from the beginning, the reason why he was allowed into our country is because he wasn't originally on the fbi terrorist watch list. i talked to a former hfs as that happens a lot, because that list is incomplete. there is no way he can't be complete because people get radicalized all the time. you are young and then you join a terrorist organization your country and then you come to united states and claim asylum and your end. if you wanted argument against catch and release status. and also biden administration is allowing undocumented immigrants to fly around the country without an i.d. if you do not think they are going to exploit that that they have another think coming. there's so much bubbling up to the surface right now and i'm stunned by the national security threat we are under right now. everybody knows that and nothing is being done to change the current situation.
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>> this comes at a time when people are chanting death to america, this isn't a product of a broken system it is a system working as joe biden in the left intended. we have now arrived in a scenario where they needs of undocumented immigrants supersedes the people in america right now -- democratic policies have created this product could moment where we have it record number of people crossing the border or terrace on the watch list being caught in the southern border. the people are entering the united states at a time where there is more in the middle east and war europe and masses instability around the world. dez fitzpatrick could moment that they have created in one? is it for cheap labor when you look at the fact that his job numbers are fueled by foreign born people or assist for voting? people are saying that she needs my migrants and her district --
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i don't know, i think americans around the country should be asking themselves why are democrats putting us get brisk. what is behind that? why are they allowing this to happen because that is exactly what they are doing putting us at risk. >> emily: up next, israel is bracing for a worst-case scenario that u.s. officials believe could materialize within hours from now. the possibility of a direct attack on israeli soiled by iran. stay with us e into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold.
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>> israel reportedly preparing for a new worst-case scenario. a director talk from iran from is really soiled sources say
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that the strike could happen at any time within the next 48 hours, iran is already vowed to take revenge in damascus,syria. the white house says they are taking the threat very seri seriously. >> we are mindful of the very public and what we consider to be a very incredible threat made by iran in terms of potential attacks on israel. we are in constant communication with our israeli counterparts about making sure that they can defend themselves against those type of attacks. >> we're live at the pentagon with mark. >> i have been covering the middle east for 30 years and i have never seen thing so tense with the potential for a wider war to break up between israel and iran which could draw the united states and others or to a wider war. until now the united states have
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been facing proxies but in the wake of this air strike on aprie revolutionary guard general and six other commanders responsible for arming iran proxy groups. iran wants events that attack with a massive show of force targeting israeli territory. in recent days they have preposition additional military assets in the region, the attacks supported by iran continued to threaten u.s. ships and tensions are at all-time high. the u.s. officials told me they have seen movements suggesting that iran ballistic missiles could lodge any day, and warplanes are patrolling the skies along the borders and israel's military has been put on high alert for a massive missile and drone strike that is expected to emanate from iran. the u.s. and u.s. macd told americans not to leave and to al to the north or south of israel.
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the head of u.s. central command was in israel to meet with the minister of defense who praise him as a true friend of israel, they briefed the defense counterparts on the latest intelligence and are still in the region. >> we are comfortable with the way we have communicated and the reality of this threat. and the conversations we are having with israel. what we are not going to do is sit back and be comfortable on knowing exactly what this will look like, that is why we are working so intensively to make sure that israel has what it needs to defend itself. >> what is unusual is iran telegraphing its response, a usually relies on proxies and terrorism, with the united states releasing what is clearly very specific intelligence you cannot rule out that iran will look for an
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off-ramp that could avoid a war drying and u.s. forces. all eyes are now on the supreme leader. to add to the discussion, we just received a statement from cia director bill burns an urgent statement about the 702 fisa vote that is upcoming. he explained how crucial they 702 -- renewal is for the intelligence community. they said that they would not be able to track the chinese networks that bring fentanyl through mexico and up into the border at that could not have killed al qaeda leader -- we are hearing that they could not have stopped or found the network that attacked the colonial pipeline. so this 702 legislation needs to be renewed, and without any amendments or warrants because it would be so dangerous otherwise. dagen mcdowell? >> dagen: thank you so much.
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paul, do you, jennifer mentioned china. the united states is bankrolling iran because biden has not done everything in the power to drive down the price of oil at the stop the export of iranian oil to china. we have not even sanctioned chinese buyers of iranian oil which the republicans in the house try to do. >> paul: yes, and we also send them piles of cash. we have not made iran feel any real pain here. and i argued with the original blunder is, the original attack -- the united states has a very -- we took a step back and operated through the media and through pronouncements. at the same time, the hamas leadership resides in what is now known -- we have left the operational control in place. where is the case of them? hamas is a designated terrorist
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group. why are we not treating them the same way we treated isis. indict the leadership until then to -- get them on the -- they have a major american university campus is there. we have a major military base and we have plenty of leverage there. we hadn't used it and it's one of the reasons why iran is still having power. >> dagen: they remember that iran is listening, they say the following, abandoning an ally and what time is an invitation to its enemies. in essence that is what biden of the democrats have done in israel in the recent weeks. he threatened to withdraw support for the israeli war efforts and you had 40 -- up to 56 house democrats threatened to cut off weapons to israel. and what happens? well, iran is not an bolded. >> emily: that is right, we
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have demonstrated to the world how we behave to our allies and to afghanistan. we set the plate and the table right then. the reason we have pointed out, is that we are closest to a middle east war is because there has been a failure of deterrence because our president has a fee of escalation that is equipped any show of strength. when you have a leader in the oval office that has no backbone but is afraid of ruffling feathers throughout the globe and throughout the middle east is afraid of showing support for allies rather than in exchange for capitulating enemies this is what happens. the fact that it in the supreme court right now and making a decision on what it's going to happen or what is going to do -- should not be going that far right now. the globe right now is on the brink because this person and our oval office has not made it clear what would happen if
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things happen to our allies or maybe he has made it clear what will happen which is nothing. >> dagen: oil is up so far this year, it is snowing today, up about 20%. that is enriching iran, giving iran more money to fund terrorism and fund its proxies. and if this administration is not doing everything to drive down the price of oil and cut off oil coming out of iran, again we are funding as a nation those very terrorists and the death of americans. >> but joe biden has thrown israel to the wolves over a few votes. ask yourself, when you hear biden speak that he projects strength? i have interviewed a lot of generals and intelligence officers, foreign policy experts, and electrically you get is that a lot of foreign policy comes on human nature. it's that playground mentality
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dealing with bento authoritarians and strength -- we went from being the big guy in the playground that people were afraid to to getting your lunch money stolen and stuffed into a locker under joe biden. the only way to bring peace and stability is electing donald trump. he's the only one we can trust with nuclear codes. so that is the only path forward. everything that i did was a show of force. whether setting those missiles to syria or the mother of all bombs -- the list goes on. that is the only way to get peace and stability back into the world. >> carley: this is significant for several reasons, one reason is because it is expected to be a direct attack from iran. and what does that mean for the united states? there are a lot of american citizens to living in israel. so what happens if american lives are lost in this expected attack? what if that put us in terms of
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escalation between the united states and iran. what will that mean in terms of the future of the war? that is different and that could be an escalation and in many ways the situation is somewhat more of the same because iran already funds hamas and two other terrorist groups that are already fighting in israel right now, and that is one of the main reasons why stopping the sanctions against iran and taking the foot off the gas and the maximum pressure campaign was such a grave mistake. >> paul: the member hamas has americans. and iran knows that and they'd seen a response. >> said that guidance policy. money to iran fade and refusing to change course even when they suffered traumatic brain injuries or people are killed. coming up, another round of fighting student loan bailout blitz.
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>> president biden student loan bailout blitz rolls on. the white house announcing another plan to cancel an additional $7.4 billion in student loan debt. at a time when the campaign is struggling to reach young voters. i would national debt is already at $34 trillion in how people are saying that the move has the potential to drive inflation even higher. it brings the total handouts that biden has given borrowers to 153 billion with a b, all paid for with your tax dollars. those are some big numbers there. the question is when the inflation number came in hotter than expected this week, could canceling this amount of student loan debt not just be unfair or an attempt to buy votes but could actually drive inflation even higher?
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>> dagen: yes. absolutely. joe biden and company are not going to change course or even the rhetoric that has been coming out of their mouths because it would be an admission that their reckless spending and destructive policies have caused this intentional hardship and suffering for the vast majority of americans. you have to keep reminding people and people at home actually know this, almost 90% of americans have no student loan debt. it is avon 7% of americans, so not only are the vast majority f americans not getting this bailout, and the words of john carney -- student loans are not being forgiven, it is student loans being extended to everyone else. either pay them back and never took them out in the first place. this is actually backfiring on joe biden because younger voters know the best. they know that $75,000 a year
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for college will be driven even higher if you forgive these debts. so they know there is an idiot on pennsylvania avenue, and they are not going to vote for him. >> there is the economic and political angle. but his approval rating amongst people under 30 is 50%. but in 2020 it was 61. so when you talk about slim margins in the swing state that 11% deficit could mean all the difference here. >> yes, driving inflation i was thinking to myself he was just trying to drive votes. he is literally buying votes and now we all have to pay for some gender studies degree because of him because dagen mcdowell is right. this is a shared burden on all of us. >> carley: he wants under 30 and -- it is a dramatic swing and donald trump -- and a lot of
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young people are looking at the economy and saying i'm never gonna buy a house or even get a head i feel sinking. i went to college for what and delimited cities where there is crime and all these different things going on and they realize they can afford things. this is not the american dream. >> it is so true ed emily, it could be driven by the student loan bailout plan because this works for some young people but it doesn't work for other young people who did not go to college because it was too expensive and how they are saying wait a moment, i was responsible because i could not afford college and i'm working now and now i have to pay for somebody else's document are you kidding me? of course. a gender studies doctorate. >> emily: in that equation people are being punished severely for what is arguably a very tiny reward for a very select group of people whose votes in this administration wants to curry. think about that garbage rhetoric and the administration and the mainstream media selling
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vista people. it is a relatively easy way to address those primary concerns of young voters which is the rising cost of living. so they say it's good because they take that heavy debt off the followers plate. what type of garbage economics is that? what are you talking about when you have paid for something but say don't worry if you do not pay for it anymore someone else has to observe the cost. the cost of education is a certain fixed amount that goes to mostly pension -- the whole point is when you tell someone not to pay for it everyone else has to. >> we are fighting inflation -- >> after the static counseling student loan debt that came what the poll on what people are going to do with the money they received now that they do not have to pay student loans off and they said 73% of borrowers say they plan to spend more money on travel and dining out. so there is also that. if you are her and not using that extra cash to go to aruba.
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>> paul: 's people in town here who own restaurants said that their businesses had spiked. here's my question, why do we not ever get anything back as american taxpayers on this? why don't you get something out of the deal? i would be okay with this type of program if there was a tit for tat. if they said things like love, you will get a degree that is going to strengthen this country. something i can cyberdefense or going into military, or even teaching are certain areas of teaching and some parts of the country et cetera, my point is what lesson i'll be giving young people when we say here you go, this is yours for free. it should be a deal or something that is inherently good for the country and it's a lesson they would learn and we would all be better off. >> that is a great point. prices overall are up 19% since the he has entered office. a woman who met donald trump at a lack of chick-fil-a claims the media is not being honest about his popularity amongst black
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voters. we will dissect that coming up next. ♪ ♪ my name is marie. i'm 49 years old and i'm a business owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i'm still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i'm really, really happy with the results. it's still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. >> i don't care what the media tells you we support you. [applause] before th was former president trump at his surpris stopped and the atlanta chick-fil-a. hugging michaela. she is the founder of a grass-roots conservative group and she says that the media is not being honest when it comes to the black community support
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for donald trump. here's what she told "fox & friends" this money. >> in the excitement of everything i wasn't able to relay my message but, the general consensus or on social media what they have your thinking is that if president trump were to show up to the hbcu campuses walk around those communities that angry mobs would form or riot would ensue and he would not be welcomed, and clearly the sentiment in that run the other day was the complete opposite. he was very welcomed and people were excited to see him and people show up and support him, and people of course from all four institutions, and from the local hbcu communities in atlanta and they'll show showed up and supported them. so it's crazy to see people in an uproar when all four institutions were legitimately represented in all four institutions were represented by said students who wanted to support president trump.
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and i appreciate that we were able to not only let him know that regardless of what social media says, i know they try to make it seem like we are supposed to hate you, but we don't. it was a learning experience for my students because they were able to see and experience firsthand how the media can warp the perception of an opinion or a person. because like i said, to think that the students who attend these illustrious institutions are smart enough to make their own decisions, so much so that they would only so support for donald trump because he bought us chicken sandwiches and milk shakes. that is the most disturbing part of -- when you think about it was mainly media outlets doing everything in the pirate to turn other black people against the young black kids who simply were not shy to explore other opt options. >> what if an eminently accurate take. >> i think americans are waking up.
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unfortunately they had to learn the hard way. donald trump on this campaign trail to black voters in august of 2016 -- what he had to lose and they found out a lot. under joe biden. you look at the polls, and you see that they are better off four years ago than they were under joe biden. and americans are now waking up and that is why we are saying it is reflected in the numbers but donald trump as well. >> let's talk about those numbers you mentioned that people are fleeing by dennis especially the younger person, d this was the person who said that they are not black if they did not vote for joe biden, but he support is following a box black men. 57% say that they favored the president but 30% prefer donald trump. but his support back in 2020 for donald trump was nearly 90% >> carley: one thing they found is that the pillars holds up the democratic party is fracturing. black voters and hispanic voters
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and young people. it is happening for a lot of reasons such as the economy, this will be a very interesting election it's the first time where you have two past president and a current president, what you have actual records you can look at and see what did i like better and world was i succeeding more? more prosperous? and that's how a lot of people are going to vote with the pocketbook and mind. i also think people are sick and tired of identity politics. it has been shoved down our throats and into our faces so much especially with the comment that you mentioned about president biden saying if you did not vote or if you want to vote for donald trump you are not truly black. so i think that is not really working anymore, and i love this woman michaela. she also said that a lot of young black people like donald trump because he is honest and he is a politician that is not a snake in the grass waiting for his chance to bite us.
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whether you like donald trump or not. you get what -- he is who he is. you know what he is and you know what he is coming from he is not a traditional politician in that way. >> he treats everyone like americans instead of shoving them into up political box or their skin color as democrats do. >> paul: the great conundrum is that he is a billionaire no matter how you slice it and he manages to connect much better with average people then joe biden every well. it's up question of distance and i feel like it's not just black people by young people in general, joe biden is just a cranky grandfather who tells you get your feet off the couch with a get off my long type of saying. it shows you that donald trump going out there and meeting people -- that woman i feel like a woman -- a star is born. and she really summed it up, it just took him showing up and for the present what? i shake a milk shake, and a chicken sandwich.
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you didn't have to give people billions and student loans to buy people. intrinsically they see a lot more substance there and a lot more opportunities for them and donald trump than they ever did in president biden. >> because money does not mean early december but with biden in the democratic does. with donald trump, money did not equal an elitist approach. he is normal. >> dagen: their control of money is about that very thing. it is about control and power. rather than the policy that you will hear from president trump. and he is the best at elucidating particularly economic policy. even standing in the middle of a chick-fil-a. that is about policy that lifts everyone up. one thing that michaela did say is that she mentioned donald trump's first step act. the criminal justice reform. and how that has allowed people
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out of prison who were wrongfully incarcerated for a longer period of time, and she said this about joe biden but he locked up a lot of people that look like me and they are still sitting in jail waiting for justice and appeal of some sort. and so, all of these individuals, particularly young people they are able to watch and listen and learn about policy and make up their minds on their own. and that is what michaela is talking about. >> how refreshing. coming up, the student exchange program that swaps kids from red states into blue states. that is coming up next.
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>> we have big news for you this afternoon, we have the latest breaking details, sump people of baffled that black people's of vote donald trump. one was iran attacked israel and what are we doing to prevent the attack and what if they pull the trigger? and why is by you and still cheerleading the economy when people are saying they are struggling. and is cornell university safer jewish students? join sandra and i at the top of the hour for "america reports." ♪ ♪
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>> ever want to know what is really like to live and be another part of the united states, one program is making sure you can't. they make an exchange program offers people a complete change of scenery. they think kids from red states and blue states or people from big cities or rural areas, they are brought to community events and local service opportunities. your organization sets its mission is simple, bring our country back together. watch this. >> divisions defined the moment. political cultural geographic. differences we want celebrated now polarizes. what a student from palo alto and the bronx got to taste the best barbecue in texas. what if teenagers in jackson, mississippi, in jackson, georgia, could come to the river. the american exchange project,
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we sent high school seniors in the summer after graduation on a free week long trip to an american town or city radically different from their own. >> paul, this sounds great in theory but the problem is, i have lived in blue america here in new york and i live in the free state of florida now and it's like my red little bubble i won't lie. >> paul: when i see those images is can i join this program? can someone take me to florida or somewhere else? you forget how beautiful america can truly be. all i can say is this, it's a week long for high school seniors after getting out of press corps and they're hitting the summer, what could go wrong? especially coming up to new york, i have a feeling people who come to new york and then go home at the nickel back with saying they can smoke certain substances. i'm not sure how long this might last it's a noble effort but i hope it all works out. >> people in north dakota are probably wondering why you bring certain things back here?
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>> this is a great idea. 53 high schools are taking part in 400 kids have done it. thinking back to my personal experience i have learned more on service trips to west virginia and kentucky when i was in high school and went 2 out of country like nicaragua when i was in college and it's all about perspective. you learn about the differences that you have with other people but really what this program is about, and with the sheep are going to learn is that we are all the same when it comes down to it. we all want the same things, although we have slight differences here and there, we are all the same. >> but are we? [laughter] >> i don't feel like i have that much in common with democrats. and i think god for that. it's these five this is not about red state or blue state. this is city mouse and country mouse. this is rural america versus urban america and city america.
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this is country versus urban america. i grew up an account of a thousand people and i've lived in new york city for 30 years. so, i think city people would do better in north dakota at the north will do here. >> i looked up perspective it's less political and more about seeing other parts of the country. >> i love this but i would add in a philanthropic portion to it and i've lived everywhere and get a bunch of different stuff, but the service element was important on its kids who i wanted to do this. nothing would be worse than some kid sitting in my living room on their phone. also i would never sign up to have another person's child in my home. >> paul: 's what happens when a kid from kansas go back home with the face >> we have to mix it up. more "outnumbered," and just a moment. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ >> last but not least calling all mcdonald's lovers. if you are obsessed with mcdonald's french fries this is for you. the chain is rolling out what they are calling the world's first ever scented billboards. if you get close enough you will start to smell the signature fries from the brand, watch. >> mcdonald's presents smells like mcdonald's. announcing the world's first billboard that smells like mcdonald's. >> would you take a whiff? dagan this is what i argue. around mcdonald's restorative smell in the matter what it animates for no matter what. you don't need a billboard to smell it. >> i would argue that's in the netherlands, mcnuggets our america not fries. i would go with a nugget. >> it's better than pee.
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i feel like you would get fat if you could smell french fries, i would eat them. >> even just watching that i know what that billboard smells like. it smells like grease but the good kind of grace. i am all for the smelly billboard. >> how far will this extend into the advertising world? what happens when the pampers company decides -- >> oh, no. >> oh, paul. >> that ed mediate experience right now you do not want that smell. >> here you go. >> remember they got rid of the perfume and magazines because people complained. now we only have fries. thank you to everyone for watching now is "america reports." >> i think inflation is a huge deal. >> i'm making more money than i ever did in my life and i'm still paycheck to paycheck. >> we are spending more money at the grocery store and going out to eat all the prices have gone up. harder to save money. >> it's hard to afford copy. >> the cost rubber thing is going up


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