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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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1 breaking moments ago they are moving additional assets end of the east to protect our troops. the u.s. warning iran could attack israel or israeli assets within days calling the threat real, incredible. i'm john roberts in washington, sandra a new news filled our out of us? >> sandra: certainly big news as tensions rise in the middle east there is a growing fear of a terror attack at home. fbi attacker christopher wray has reupped since yesterday. >> now increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland akin to the isis-k attack we saw at the russia concert hall a couple of weeks ago.
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>> john: fox team coverage former cia chief dan hoffman on the likelihood of a major iranian attack. >> sandra: with some morning it could happen within the next 48 hours. but jennifer griffin, jennifer, what exactly do we know at this hour? >> sandra just moments ago israel's iron dome and defenses were activated when 40 rockets were fired in with two drones. i am heard by well-placed officials this is not the official retaliation but it did light up the night sky in israel. i have been covering the middle east in 30 years and i've never seen things so tense with the potential for a wider war to get out which could draw the u.s. and others to a wider war. until now it's been facing proxies but in the israeli ale air strike damascus that killed
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the guard general and six other commanders for arming the proxy groups iran appears poised to revenge that attack with that massive show of force of targeting israeli territory. speak of the wicked regime of israel made a mistake in this case. it must be punished and it will be punished. >> in recent days the u.s. has prepositioned additional military assets in the region. the attacks by those supported by iran continue to threaten u.s. ships in the red sea, tensions are at an all-time high. u.s. officials tell me they have been seeing movement suggesting iranian ballistic missiles or one-way attack drones can launch any day. israeli warplanes are patrolling the skies along the borders and israel's military has been put on high alert for a massive missile and drone strike expected to emanate from iran. u.s. embassy told americans who worked for the embassy not to leave tel aviv, jerusalem, or bear shave and to avoid travel
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to the north and south of is israel. the head of u.s. central command general eric carrillo was in israel to meet with the defense minister who praised general coelho as a true friend of israel. he briefed his defense counterparts on the latest intelligence and is still in the region. what is unusual, sandra, is for iran to telegraph its response. it usually relies on proxies and terrorism. it is clear this time similar to iran's response to the u.s. killing in january of 2020 it wants a big show of force in response israel and u.s. forces have crossed the middle east remain on high alert tonight. >> sandra: john griffin on that breaking news we will see you again soon, jen, thank you and fox news alert to the dell right now as we watch the geopolitical risks rise, this is a snapshot of the u.s. stock market there is continued concerns and uncertainty obviously of geopolitical risk, john, and the dow right now is
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off a 524 points. that this is the biggest sell-off we've seen in the u.s. stock market up 2024 so far. john? >> john: we will keep watching that, meantime let's bring in dan hoffman former station chief and fox news contributor. dan, there is some notion if iran does attack on israeli soil it may be some military facility away from big cities. what do you expect iran will do and how would you expect israel would respond to that? i'm sure they have a number of contingencies based on what might happen >> i think israel began this planning, john, back when they struck mohammed the one responsible for the lethal operations targeting israel i think when they took that strike they had to have factored in the likelihood that iran would respond. and i think israeli intelligence, the u.s. intelligence community is on high alert. key collection requirements are the targets iran might choose,
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perhaps military bases may be israel's nuclear facility, potentially civilian sites as well. that would certainly invite a different kind response from israel. and the launch sites does iran target directly from iranian territory question what do they use proxies? they have lots of those. proxy terrorists in yemen, iraq, and syria. obviously in lebanon with lebanese head has be hezbollah. this is where collection matters so much. i can tell you from my own experience running the cia's near east division that we are on high alert mounting a full-court press to deliver the intelligence to our war fig fighters. >> john: if iran were to launch a ballistic missile from iranian territory into israel that would be an unprecedented escalation but general jack keane does not think iran will take any action that will provoke a wider war. listen to what he said. >> they have a weak air force.
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they have a weak navy. they have a lot of troops under arms, but they are not particularly well-trained nor are they particularly well-equipped. what they do have is a lot of offensive missiles and drones. iran knows that while with them would destroy their regime economically and also they would likely lose it. so the leverage has always been on the side of israel, the united states, and the west but we absolutely refused to use it. >> john: do you agree with the general's assessment and why would we not use what leverage we have? why would biden not stand up and say to iran don't you dare do this because the consequences for you will be unbearable? >> yes, we are not really playing our strong hand when it comes to deterrence. i agree with general keane i would add only one point and that is iran is faced a lot of domestic unrest. that also has to be a concern for the regime. they would lose in a direct
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conflict with israel or with the israeli and the united states so they don't want a direct conflict. but they do have to do something because the ir gc fails to deter israel from launching key strikes against ir gc leaders. that's where we stand. the key, john, as you outlined is what about the day after? what happens after iran launches their strike? how does israel respond? how do we respond? to quote margaret thatcher to paraphrase her back in the day it's not a good time to go wobbly if you are the president of the united states. this is one of those times when leadership really matters and message discipline matters. >> john: as we saw in january of 2020 when the trump and administration took out solo monitor was was an iranian response at all assad airbase. the president donald trump was advised that it would be a limited strike, more of a show than anything. there were some u.s. personnel who were injured, but it was fairly limited. you expect iran would do
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something also more limited this time around? >> it's awfully hard to predict. there are a lot of calculations that iran made back then and they may be different now. i would highlight that strike where iran's response was pretty faint and when israel launched back in november of 2020 the same thing the iranian response was pretty faint as well but iran i think is going to mount the largest counterstrike they feel they can get away with without risking a wider war and this will reflect the extent to which this has deterred iran. went to see how that plays out. >> john: i'm not sure waving $10 million in sanctions is deterrence maybe the president thinks he can get them with honey instead of vinegar. dan hoffman, thank you.
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sandra? >> sandra: house speaker mike johnson headed to mar-a-lago with his job on the line. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie is there for us. this would prevent noncitizens from voting which is already illegal so what is this all about exactly and what will we hear from the two? >> sander, good afternoon. if republicans want to win big in november they want to win back the senate, the house, and of course the white house and they have to woo the conservatives back to the ballot box in november. but it's also sort of daring democrats to vote against an election integrity bill if it does actually hit the house floor and it looks like it has the endorsement of speaker johnson so we could see that. the big story, though, happening sort of underneath all of this to pay attention to is the former president's influence on capitol hill right now and house republicans, trump has been weighing in on practically every issue on the hill.
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sometimes even undermining speaker johnson and leading to a frustrated and a divided conference here. we saw that actually this week with fisa. for speaker johnson, though, this appearance is like a political lifeline for him. as you saw in congress mallory taylor green hanging that overhead if he does not go ahead with policies, he was expected to get a big win today by passing the fisa renewal, largely in part thanks to trump bring to a shorter term but there motion now to reconsider it. so he just left capital, the capital was quite a mess on their hands as he now heads down here to align with trump and try to save his speakership. >> are you planning on speaking with president trump about the motion to vacate? >> i don't ever comment on my private conversation with president trump and i'm looking forward to going to florida and spending some time. >> so the biden campaign is responding to today's election integrity event with a statement
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of their own from former januars donald trump and johnson don't care about integrity they only care about helping the campaign of revenge and retribution to regain power at all costs. pressure starts in a few hours and we will see if the former president will publicly endorse the speaker. sandra? >> sandra: we will watch for that. aishah hasnie live in palm beach thank you. >> john: center for many young people buying a home is hard not under current market conditions but could the increase in cost of things like home insurance but the dream out of reach? >> sandra: plus we are breaking news. this just in on oil and gas from the biden administration as rampant inflation is causing more pain at the pump for drivers. phil flynn will react to oil and gas companies now being made to pay more to drill on federal lands. this just in.
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>> sandra: fox news alert out of brenham, texas, this is northwest of houston by about 7. that 18-wheeler that we now know deliberately crashed into the texas department of public safety building they are. this is as per our latest reporting the driver had recently been denied a commercial driver's license as soon as yesterday. we are awaiting some sort of news conference and update from the ground there. when that begins we will certainly have that for you. the driver is in custody.
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john? >> john: strange afternoon in brenham, texas. the skyrocketing cost of home insurance just another pricey headache homeowners are facing. new data shows home insurance is out more than 400%, not 4%, 400% compared to last year. joining me what is behind this rise in premiums because i got my new premiums earlier this year and they wanted double. >> it may be 400% for some people but it's on average 4%. it may not seem like a lot but that's on top of double digit percentage increased last year. >> i was going to say. >> people like yourself may be paying more. >> for me it was 100%. >> two main reasons number one's cost of repairs and the materials needed to do them those prices are going up and there are more claims because of more and more severe natural disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, and the like, and the bad news is premiums are
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probably going to keep rising. insurance comparison platform says homeowners insurance is on track to climb 6% by the end of the year hitting more than $2500 on average. fannie mae says nearly one in ten insured homeowners weren't confident they would be able to afford their insurance premiums at the next renewal date. it also found a couple of years ago the largest contributors to hone homeownership cost are not related to your place at all its home-improvement expenses accounted for half the cost of owning a home. and of course higher mortgage rates are keeping some potential buyers on the sidelines waiting for rates to come down. president biden says despite rising inflation he still thinks the fed could cut rates later this year, but some experts are warning of a possible side effect of that. >> i predict if rates go down, housing prices will go through the roof so you have a buying frenzy again much like during covid so i think the thing right
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now is that mortgage rates are high but if they lower the rates the prices could skyrocket ag again. >> and a recent online survey by the tech company clever real estate found one in five homeowners said they cannot afford a $500 emergency repair without going into credit card debt which we also know is through the roof right now. >> john: let's be clear regardless would do doofus here said it's 4% not 400%. >> yeah. >> i mean i thought it was not much but i guess it is. >> when you talk about a big chunk of money for percent is a large dollar amount. that would be crazy at 400%. >> math has never been my strength. grady, thank you. appreciated. >> sandra: when you consider that's going up and everything else including gas prices as well it does become a big number. let's look at this latest news out of the biden administration because it is obviously moving
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markets. just in oil and gas companies being ordered by the biden administration it's a new rule are now going to have to pay more to drill on the federal land. this is happening as oil and gas prices keep going up. aaa now says the national average in this country for a gallon of gasoline has climbed to $3.63 per gallon. that's up about 50% over just the last three years under this presidency. let's bring in phil flynn, senior market analyst with fox business contribute a-determiner. bill, this new rule oil and gas companies that they will have to pay more to drill on federal lands, how does this do anything but continue to push these energy prices up? >> it doesn't. that's exactly what it does. center, you know how this kind of stuff drives me nuts. and it should drive american outs too because listen, this is an administration since they
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have gone in to office prices are up over 30% for oil, 19%, 20% this year and they keep picking on the u.s. oil and gas industry with these ridiculous regulations. now, that would be bad enough if it weren't for the fact that this weekend the biden administration reportedly met secretly in mexico with venezuela to allow them to increase oil production, we just have a report that iran's oil production hit another 5.5 year high because of the biden administration plan back on sanction so what do they have against u.s. energy and why do they like venezuela and iranian oil production even more? it does not make any sense. >> sandra: looking at this new rule this is now happening and by the way it's part of the sweeping 2022 climate law that was approved by congress. this is meant to or stronger
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requirements are meant to clean up old or abandoned wells over this final rule that was just issued today, fill. to give you some perspective, though, we are not talking about going up a couple percent, you know, tiny little incremental increases to drill on federal land, you are talking the previous rate was 12.5% of the oil and gas companies had to pay. this interior department rule raises royalty rates for oil drilling by more than one-third to now almost 17%, fill. when i look in oil prices today they are heading back to $90 a barrel. but is this perhaps the biden promise when joe biden was campaigning he said quietly but allowed that the intention was to do away with fossil fuels? >> not only that i think he said his intention was to put u.s. oil and gas producers out of business eventually. in this rule it will do that to
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a large extent. we are already seeing small producers that are getting close to the verge of bankruptcy. we are seeing new regulations on methane that will shut a lot of producers out. when you look at what is happening with global prices, this is only going to add to the turmoil. you know this, sandor. i mean, right now for the first time in many, many years, probably since the shell revolution, the globe will be consuming more oil on a daily basis than they actually can produce. that that's a bad thing because what that means is that supplies are going to fall, prices could go up, and if you have a disruption like we have a risk of we could see a big price spikes and that could be an economy killer. >> sandra: that's what axios is saying, soaring oil prices, i will finish off by asking the political consequences, of the chicago federal reserve who joined on coast to coast talking about the oil market and the
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future, listen. >> when the price of oil goes up, that is a key component to the production of a whole bunch of things. from fedex drivers to manufacturing et cetera periods that is a negative supply shock perry we have seen over the decades what happens when you get negative supply shocks hitting the economy, it's not too good. it leads to more of the inflationary environment. we had to keep an eye on commodity prices. >> and the u.s. stock market as a result. of those commodities go up, the stock market is going down. here is the dow right now. earlier down more than 500 which was the biggest sell-off we've seen so far in 2024. phil, finish off here as we watch the geopolitical risks in the market as well as the u.s. stock market, your thoughts as we head into the weekend and people know their money is at risk, obviously. >> yes, i really do, sandra. watching these markets for a long time and i look at the
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record high we saw in gold and we may get every reversal or we see silver the highest in four years we see movement in the commodity markets as risk aversion. on like we have seen since the glory days of high tides, we are talking 1970s fear. when i see the markets move like that, that does not bring back good memories about the economy. i think people have to be concerned. very concerned. if we don't change policy on energy and don't get back to producing here at home, it's going to be a big rest for everyone watching. >> it's great to see you on this friday i appreciated. >> good to see you too come happy friday. >> john: tender brutal attack outside of a new york city church has people on edge. the age of the suspect will surprise you. plus this.
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what a moment that was former president donald trump surprising americans of that check flynn atlanta getting some love from minority voters and the mainstream media doesn't understand why. anchor shannon bream will join us on the next.
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>> sandra: a 68-year-old woman in the hospital after being shoved up down the stairs how's the church community reacting and who did this? >> a young teenage boy, 16 years old. now the suspect in custody for that sunday morning assault of the priests of of saint demetrius church says he is very glad and wants the attacker to know this. >> i am praying for him to realize his mistake, to repent. >> surveillance video shows a
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male bird elite pushing 8-year-old irene down the steps of the saint demetrius greek orthodox church as she arrived before services sunday morning at queens, new york. her head smacking the pavement while the teen grabs her purse with khakis and phone and then ends up stealing her car. police are not releasing his name because he is a minor, just 16 years old who is now charged with several crimes including assault and grand larceny. deputy commissioner kaz posted on x72 hours after this cowardly attack in front of a church this violent criminal is where he belongs and handcuffs. and also posted the low life's off our streets for now and we are hoping the system will do its job this time. irene, a mother and grandmother but hospitalized with a fractured skull, her nephew posted she is in stable condition. father kolel still in shock this could happen during the holiest time of the year for orthodox
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christians. went. >> it was the feast of the cross because it's midland and you go to church to receive a blessing of the cross. to get strength to finish the fast to finish the lenten se season. and here she goes and she has to face this attack. i don't understand how someone can do this. >> father says she remains positive, upbeat, and smiling. >> that is so brutal perry lauren green on that thank you. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. braun, we support you. >> let me give you a hug. [cheers and applause] >> john: a viral exchange in a georgia chick-fil-a showing how former president trump is pulling minority voters away from therty. they say even a small shift in the usually blue demographic could spell disaster for
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president biden's reelection hopes. shannon bream joins us now. that was a true retail politics moment there. biden goes into get ice cream, he grabs himself a double scoop and walks up eric trump goes into a check for land buys everyone lunch. >> he does he is doing selfies the whole thing and this conversation the young woman was on "fox & friends" this morning talking about this which sparks the conversation of why he is making inroads in ways other republicans have not with black and latino voters. there are interesting pulling is polling is there. a lot of people who are interviewed potential black voters are worried about immigration, the economy, things all our worried about. >> john: you'd be surprised when you go across america how many voters of colors are republican. the woman, mikael montgomery, here's what she told lawrence jones. >> i think, this is a sentiment i get a lot coming from the young people themselves, is that they feel like he is honest. they feel like this is somebody who while we may not agree with how he says things, how he goes about things, at least he is telling us what it is.
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we don't feel like this is a snake in the grass waiting for his chance to bite us. this is somebody telling us this is what my plan is. >> john: democratic leading blatz are shocked and who quoted flamm munro who said "very fake, looks staged, they paid this woman pay attention please why was this not at a school or library? i'm not buying it at all." the term campaign did tell me this woman is a conservative, she is a grassroots activist. she heard through the grapevine trump was going to go to the strictly and brought a bunch of students with her in hopes of eight meeting him, but does not sound like it was staged. >> no and she sounds like she brought up this point and she says a lot of the media that was there and that has been covering him and covering us was urban media. she says it's hurtful they would look at young people who are of a certain category, a potential black motor and say there is no way they could possibly think this way. she says young people want to be open and have ideas and hear
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from different people. she felt like it was good exposure for them to hear from former president potential second time president. >> john: looking how black voters are beginning to swing trump's way, and the vpstakes marco rubio is on the short-list apparently, we talked to him a number of weeks ago listen to what we asked him. >> i was told weeks ago and now it's reported by other places that you are on donald trump's short list for a running mate i'm wondering if you are ready to change voter registration? >> look i think anyone with the chance to be vice president of the united states should be honored by that. i have not talked to anybody either the president or anybody on his staff about that so i don't know where this reporting is coming from. >> john: he said he would help with the hispanic vote but he would have to change voter registration because. >> and this this weird procedural thing could cause a problem with the electoral college if both are from the same state. that's probably the best answer you could give like of course
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i'd be honored to serve but i haven't talked to anyone about this. there's been no conversation about it at all. he's been pretty clear about that but gosh, this list is growing and growing. some think president trump will be tied up with court battles, he should go ahead and name his vp pick so that person can actually be out there as a surrogate for him but he has a lot of people who would like to be vp and are acting as surrogates and he likes ats. >> john: you think? >> the kingmaker isn't the king when he makes the cane anymore but i can see him having an apprentice style showdown like these are my five finalists and now i'm going to announce the runners up. i mean, he likes a production so i don't see him doing the vp pick any time soon. >> john: may be like the apprentice. rubio's answer surprised me because no beast people sam focused on the job i have right now and he just said he'd be on an. fox news what is up? >> john kirby coming up with reports possibly of iran getting ready to strike on israel's territory and senator john kennedy in ukrainian funding all of that
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and will scharf one of the attorneys were present in president trump as they go into this criminal trial on monday to talk about legal impacts. >> john: shannon, thank you. >> sandra: good to see shannon can't tell my college students here to denounce their school's lack of action in fighting anti-semitism. plus -- >> john: medicine scoping out live in fort moore, georgia, to see what it takes to be one of the u.s. military's most elite fighters. medicine? >> john, we are at the 40th annual best ranger competition here in fort moore, georgia, formerly known as fort benning and over the next three days rangers are putting their mind and body to the test. i will show you how coming updde next s, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent
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speeches that will pump you up the most elite taking center stage today as the best ranger competition is underway. the nation's greatest soldiers will battle it out and grueling competitions to see which team takes home the top spot. medicine scoping alive there at fort moore in georgia for us. medicine, i love this. what are we seeing so far? >> hello, sandra. i got these on my head because we had some guys shooting pistols earlier. one of the many competitions. if we are lucky enough we may hear a little bit of that but you said it. some of the country's best rangers come here to compete and over the next three days some brutal challenges mimic some real-life combat situations. they are really just getting started. we actually got a chance to speak to one of the guys who came really close to winning last year, listen.
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>> getting a second end being that close to winning last year is definitely motivating me through training to get better. for me it's all about the journey, the people you meet, these are all skills we as a soldiers needed to have two fight america's wars. >> we got lucky we have one of the rangers right now competing in one of the 32 competitions that go on over the next few days. they are firing some pistols at different targets and as you can see, the focus for this challenge really is precision and focus. now some of them are really hard physically. they carry a lot of weight on their backs, like i said, so many different competitions, these guys are very experienced and even they look extremely out of breath. like the exercise are taking a toll on them. we actually had the chance to go through some of the obstacle
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courses ourselves the other day, but let me just make it clear, sandra, it was nowhere near as intense as what these competitors go through. what you are looking at right now is called the punisher. this is what a lot of the rangers based here in fort moore do to change for these. again, i've got to say this was nowhere close to some of the challenges these guys have to do. back out here live we are really less than ten hours into this three-day competition. a lot of these guys compare this to the olympics of the army. they run 60 plus miles during the whole time, half the time they have dozens of pounds of weight on the back. barely any sleep and by tomorrow half the teams will be eliminated. we will see what happens. >> john: medicine this is john i once was at the graduation where they have a big demonstration which brings all of the ranger skills together
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and they jump on helicopters, fast world, they blow things up, it's a great demonstration. but you talk to the folks there, what is it that drives them to want to be the best ranger? >> you know, it's funny you ask that. the rangers that we spoke to we asked them all the same question and they said that the skills they have to have two go through the different competitions are skills everyone in the army have. they just want to show the public they are here to serve the country. a guy that we spoke to earlier who almost won said even if you won this year he would give the prize money away. all he cares about is showing the world hey, we are passionate about the military and we want to show that. >> sandra: just incredible. did you fire a pistol as part of your training? >> i did not yet, but i will say another thing we did was jump out of a 34-foot tower. i was really scared but i'm knocking alive, i loved it and i wanted to go higher. those guys certainly do periods
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fee to very impressive. >> john: when you jump out of a 34-foot tower would you land on or are you attached to something? >> i probably should have explained that a little more, of course we are harnessed up and it was almost like a zip line you go through to the end. some of the awesome rangers help you get out of there because they know what they are doing a lot more than we do. >> sandra: awesome experience. madison scott pinot on that for us, thank you. >> john: medicine, good luck. several jewish students sounding the alarm at cornell on anti-semitism pay one of them william jacobson how the campus community is fighting back next.
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>> i never thought twice about putting on my jewish star every day or opening up my keyboard with my hebrew keyboard but now i think twice and being persecuted for who i am and looked at differently and being discriminate against crosses my mind multiple times a day. >> sandra: that was amanda silverstein a jewish sophomore at cornell university. she testified to lawmakers earlier this year after a wave of anti-semitic protests hit college campuses nationwide this week along one of karma done at cornell's students pleaded
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guilty to sending anti-semitic threats to classmates. all this led to a jewish unity rally to combat anti-semitism. joining us now is amanda silverstein and william jacobson. aiken i'll law professor set to speak at sunday's rally. thanks to both of you for joining us of professor if you could preview what will happen on sunday first? >> well, we are expecting up to 1,000 students, may be more, it's a campus with 3,000 jewish student spirit and a people are coming from off-campus who want to participate. there will be a number of speakers. that i think i'm the only faculty speaker, but this is a show of solidarity with the students. this event is about the students who for six months now have undergone almost nonstop harassment. nonstop intimidation from anti-israel groups and anti-israel professors. this is a student event. i think it will be a great show of solidarity. >> sandra: amanda you are a jewish student at cornell a sophomore, what has that been like for you?
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>> especially since october 7th there has been a true surge in anti-semitism on our campus. american college campuses have recently emerged as one of the major sites for expressions of hatred against the jews. not only is hate speech being sanctioned as long as jews are the targets but calls of genocide are being tolerated especially at cornell. >> sandra: rewind the tape. this is october 2023. professor russell rexford, listen here. >> hamas has punctured the illusion of invincibility. it was exhilarating, it was energizing exmac >> sandra: we remember that, right? it was exhilarating.
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it was energizing. looking back at that attack. professor, cornell's president responded it took a while it was december 9th 2023. over the past few days a number of universities including cornell have been asked by members of congress to make clear their policies around genocide. it is a born and if it calls forth the genocide of any people, and explicit call for genocide to kill all members of a group of people would be a violation of our policies. professor, what would you say about the way the universities are responding to this problem? >> i think that statement is a good example. it is carefully worded to use a definition of genocide that is not the standard definition. the people on this campus are calling or mass murder of jews. maybe not all jews so they do not run afoul of the administer ration policy so that's part of the problem. that professor's attitude of feeling exhilarated is an attitude shared by many
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professors shared many students on campus and they verbalize it. they march with bullhorns calling for this suicide bombing campaign against israel. they march with bullhorns inside academic buildings calling from the river to the sea palestine will be free. by the way, that is a phrase that was one of the phrases shouted by that junior in the criminal complaint against him. those are all acceptable on this campus only because they are directed toward jews. >> sandra: a med if i could finish off ahead of the week and when we expect to see this rally and hear the professor talk the report card your school got was a d on jewish bigotry. it's an ivy league school. i know you're proud to go there, have you considered leaving? >> i frankly have not considered leaving. i think the best things students can do to combat hatred we are
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seeing is stand strong. it's to show we will not be silenced into submission and that is what this rally is about. it's a testament to our collective strength and resilience as a community in showing we are unapologetically jewish on this campus and that will never change. >> sandra: i met a is so much of professor, thank you we will watch to see what happens this week and we will take a quick break we will be right back. nothing brings us together like eggland's best eggs. always so fresh and delicious. plus, superior nutrition. for us, it's eggs any style.
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12:00 pm
all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. >> that will wrap it up for us for another week. that went by quickly and we will take a weekend and see you again on monday. set your dvr never ms. miss america reports and thanks for joining us. >> good to be with you. the story starts right now. >> martha: thank you very much you guys. good afternoon i am martha maccallum and welcome to the story on this afternoon. reports breaking out that the united states is moving troops to the middle east. this is part of a backup preparation plan of a possible


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