tv Hannity FOX News April 12, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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myers tomorrow and get my book signed. >> will johnny be ther me? >> who cares? seriously, what do you want johnny to sign your book? bill from chicago. >> don't you know miller's first name? use it. usestephen. right. not soon. it's going to be one gary froml be texas. >> if migrants came to take the jobs of lawyerse th and newscasters, we'd never hear the end of it. for meb ofrs at least i tell yo cnn. >> but i thinki te chatgpt you'l probably take cnn's job to win from grant, florida. i th said.f he >> if he can't pronounce it, prt. n't eat i that would probably limit my menu. quick. >> anyway, i'll see you at fort myers tomorrow. i'm waters and. myeri y world now. welcome.on
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hannity this friday night. now, when democrats accuse conservative whes wanting to ban books, it's important to know what they really mean. now, viewer warning what you are to hear. well, it's pretty graphic, but it's in your kids libraries in some school districts. these are the books democrats are fightingese ar to keep in yr child's public school. take a loothk. >> if you shouting about how she's done, found her new husband face down, enjoying anwith everybody, old boyfriend in the butler's pantry. i remember all hisoyfriend maga and all the details of , oral , . you could put yourself in the hospital trying to self. we'll play more of that. a lot more coming up. >> plus, we will bring you ane insane story about one will briterrorist who was enjoy inside america after crossing the southernon illegally. but first tonight, turmoilturmo at home and abroad, inflation, as we learned all weekan
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on the rise up dramatically year over year. all weekthe border of biden is . terrorists are emboldened the world is at war. and the president of this country, your president, joe. je he's taking the weekend off yete again. no matter how bad things get, joe will always make time for long weekends in delaware or, of course, at the beach, he dough he does struggle to carry around his little beach chair. now, even, of courseruggle, as s poll numbers have been declining. rest, relaxationurse as hi. that is the top priority for this. priori, gnitively impaired weak and frail president. instead of working hard for d frai insteadyour vote, biden , slander, besmirch his way intoln a second term. for example, just this week,cern joe, that he inherited skyrocketing inflation fromon fo donald trump, while in reality joe biden inherited a historically low inflation rate of 1.4%. and since taking office
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and printing money and spending money like never before, inflatioy ann jumped nearly 20%. t worsecontinues to ge every single solitary month. inflation is now so bad, even over the conspiracy theory channel empt y, nancy, evene to they have to sound the alarm. take a loondk. >> i think he's been absolutely disastrous for the economy abs. i agree. raise your hand if you think i president trump's policies on the economy would be better for your family personallye eco raise your hand. all right. so that is everybody. bodypresident biden argues thats economic record has been very good to president trump was not as good. is thereent trump wa anything j could do or say betweedon now and the time you vote that would make you feel differentle thaty about feeling that his policies would not be as good for your family? icie on the economy or very prettyr r much decided that trump's policies would be for the economy. >> i mean, i feel like he doesn't even take accountability forean k that a.
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that's what's going on. i mean, not even accountability. like he's in denian he's il. >> it's happening. i think that was on liberal joe probably had a heart attack. now, what you just heard is backed upd where by real da. renting a single family home, that's up 36%. renting an apartment, that's up 23%. mortgage rates are at a 15 year high. you want to buy groceries? well , while those prices are upp 15 25% and eating p out, that's up 25%. gas prices are now up more than 50% since joe took office. energy prices are up nearly 30% and they are going higher. increasing at a rate that is 13 times faster than under trump and obama. the last sevenr than, eight yea. it has never been more expensive to live in our country, and it's about to get even worse get in order to t votes ahead of the election. well, biden justes o wants to dp more money, your money into the econommp hy with another
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massive student loan bailout. ohr, another $7 billion. how great is that? and according to economists, o this multi-billion dollar plan will cause inflation to spike mu further in return. well, a small portion of, the affluent americans will have some of their college and grad school loans repaid.s e >> and who are they really whing paid by? >> hardworking americans, the people that really makeis this country great. many of whom. well, they went into try grea the.trades >> and maybe they didn't go to college. why did they have to pay off didn? you know, some sociology tenured professors are student . >> take a look.oo i spend my days digging holes, y cutting grass, sweating. this d is job number two today. i'm breaking my back out here for one reason. >> i want to pay off some other guy's debtt to. biden's plan to pay other people's college loans using my tax is a great idea.y biden's right. bee my tax dollars
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to pay off your debt os. you see what's happening here. the biden administration, they are run>> you by woke ivy e elitists who have absolutely no connection to the rest of america. i've been saying this for a long ection to th time. tim the democratic party has become radicalize d and. p they have become the party of coastal elites, conservativear elitess republicans. they're now the party of working men and women in this countrre now y. grew these elites. they grew up in in u a little bubble. they went to in the little bubble. they now work in a far left bubble. that is washington, d.c.. no diversity of though t orpers perspective whatsoever. and meanwhile,pesoever biden hi, a serial plagiarism has never reallyn himsel had any original thoughts, especially now with this cognitive decline. so he just does whatever well, his self-righteous his staffers tell him to do in this case. to dg try and get youn h people and buy their votes and pay off their student loans
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with other people's mones to yo now, this week, more no written by his staff telling joe exactly where to stand, what to say, where to walk , d want and what reporters to call on, along with obviously pre-writte t n answerswers to questions that they just seemed to happen t to anticipate or expect or colludedon a on anyway. really hard to read from the script, but evennywa r thatt a struggle. >> take a look. look, we have dramaticallyced reduced inflation from 9% downwi to close to 3%. >> we're in a situation where we're bettera situated and we were when we took office. >> what we see in our joint support for ukraine in the face of russia's vicious assault was just outrageous. here the next question, who i t my mostext time i ge policy really o there are a number of hostages that aree being held by the
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hamas. and just yesterday, we're meeting with the vicee president, our national security adviser, before that. and then secur and our t american hostages as well. thank you. yo to the allies. why didn't everybody holler? >> now, joe biden is clearly weak, frail, a cognitive mess, incompetent, and the vultures on his staff, they're usin>>g to enact the most radical far left socialist policies this country has ever seen. mo is ending up hurting most you, the american people, the people that make this country greast amerit. s this is why biden is losing support from so manyis groups that well, kind of togethern are the democratic coalition. in other words, his base, the votersrds is that democrats usually depend on. now, that includes african american. cordin according to ag
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"wall street journal" poll, biden's support amonrnal g black in battleground states is down a whopping 30%. biden's support among black women is down 60 points. the new york times found that donald trump now leadsp no biden among hispanic voters. this a group that biden carried by nearl ty 60% in 2020. meanwhile, working class votersl of, all races are fleeing the democratic party in drovesee . why? because inflation is impacting and hurting everybodcausy, but especially people that are now 60% of the countrycountr that are living paycheck to paycheck oriv on a fixed fixd income. and the last thing these hardworking grea itd americans want to end up doing is to pay off. you knowup, some yale sociology professors, grad school loan s. t jo but joe doesn't think of itt th that way. why? because he cares about the coastal elites. joe doesn't think he can barelyl even read or walk at this point. >> so who's actually makinat thg the call? i don't know.
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there has never been anyont knoe less capable of serving. what is the toughest job in the world? being the president of our country. then thiwod, b s joe biden. yet and yet he wants another term. wantsamerica and the worldn the are really on the brink. this is our inflection pointinfc as a countryti in 206 days. n here with reaction, fox news contributors jason andcontribu joe concha. jason, start with you tonighsot >> you know what? you look at it. can you can you name a single policy implemented by joe biden or whoever really calling the shots there that has worked well for for a hard every day hardworking, everyday americans that, you know, obey the laws, pay their taxes, raise their kids, take in the school on sunday work, you know, they're 12, 14, 16 hour days. any policies that are working for them at 121416an?
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>> no, quite the opposite. let's remember , democrats had the house, the senate and the presidency fore the first the two years. they they could run the table, do what they did. first ould rthey opened up the border. they decided to import, you know, illegaopenborderl alie tune of 10 million. >> guess what? tthose 10 million people, they need housing. they want they want health care. they wanneed h t education. e and then we're surprised that all of a sudden rent is u p ,gas is up, all these expenses are up. all the president p is mystified that black americans, the inner citre iy people living in the inner cities are suddenly not getting the resources that they usedto to, that they're going to the illegal aliens. you're treated far better by as an illegal alien than you are united states citizen. state but that's exactly what joe biden and kamala harris wanted. s so they implemented everything they wanted. >> and that's what americaimplau >> and it's disastrous. that's why the country knows it's off tracky th. >> if it will make a change in this next election. and joe concha, we nex have anor problem. >> that is an information
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crisis in the country, and tha t the c is mob of media. that is nothing but a mere extension in the white all the house press office. all they do isy do, is is is tae talking points from the biden white house. they regurgitate them. if they dare deviate, then they yelled at and then they change their headlines and even change thisthen t. y. >> i think one poll. to your point, sean, fromsays gallup says it all, where they found that 84% perce of americans say the media is to blame font americar political divide in this country. so it's not here about informing, it's dividing. noti remember in 1976, nearlyan three quarters of americans said they trusted the media. >> so it wasn't always like this. evens trusted was as recently 5 of americans trusted the media . now that number is completely and totally belober isw that by0 20 points. so again, i cannot get over the fact pgain i you know, we t about, obviously the reporting in the biased, but the bias of omissioths thn that really ss out most because here you hadllt a presidenant just like
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you talked about one of many whoppers which he's this week, as you just showed when he said that he inherited quote, skyrocketing youd wh inflation. as you said, it was 1.4% in 2021 when trump took office. it's now a 150% higher at 3.5%. and you have the media notyo challenging joe biden on this in any way, shap e or form when, inflation is at 9% and it goes d down to 3.5%. that does not mean that its li is dropping. it would be like me gainin mg £0 one year. >> and my wife says, hey, how do you really need to lose weight? reo lose the following year i only gained £35. and i go back to i say, hey, honend sayy, see, i lost weight. no, that's not how it works, because i'm still getting fatter icausi am sti. inflation still continues to go up. but every major checking outlet, of course, ignored this blatant lie because, you know,sh they're essentially worthless. >> so here's where we are now at thit lissentials point. food prices are up nearly 40%. 40 pk about that 40% sincet 2019. >> that's according to a "wall street journal" report siw so the question is, how does
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biden get away with it? well, because there's no accountability from so man away acting as activists for the biden wipeout at white house anjour ad. it's not going to change from now until 200 or so days until election day because, well, we wouldn't want to make mr. biden uncomfortable in an election year, now, would we,ule sean? >> all right, jason, thank you. joe concha, than. nd k you. all right. tonight, it's not just biden's terrible policies that arecies driving away key demographics. the presiden t is or unwilling to connect or have genuine conversatione or with anyone. everything is scripted. biden comes across weirds and creepy and decrepit and he mumbles any bumbleross as and he stumbles. in contrast, there's probably n no one more authentic and personable that can talk hours on end. i speak from experiencehours that donal speakd this week at n atlanta chick-fil-a, trump was warmly greeted by the employees, by the customers. trump'fil-a hereeteds, includinp organizer who had this to say fx
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on fox and friends. take a look. andthe general consensus or sol media, what have you thinkin>>g that if president trump were to show up to the hbcuo show u o or walk around the abc community that like some angryun mob would form or ryan would ensue and that he would not be welcome? and clearly, the sentiment in that room the other day was the completeimen . he was very welcome. people were excited to see him. opposit suople showed up in support of him and people, of course, were from all four institutions within the abc , the local hbcucommunit community in atlanta and theypp all showed up in support of him. >> now, the democratic partyof, they completely taken african-americans for granted, as well as other democrats the e hispanic americans, and they are sleepwalking intmatico could be a political disaster. well, our next guestol disas put this way. >> take a look. you can fool some of the people, some of the top, but you can't hold all the people all of the time. ther people is panic at the dnch
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26% of black voters are going to vote down john trump. >> all right. here with more is the host, e vc the events, everett ellis and show vince ellist c and himself along with fox news contributor tammy bruce is with us. event, vince, but as wel played your tape, i'll moart with you tonightstar. you have a lot more to say.watce i watched the whole tape and the whole is riveting and it's kick ass. yod i know biz you is all you and that is the real you. >> how reae rel is this demograd shift that we're seeing in polls? emog shifthow wil will it be in 20l 6 days from nw ? >> shawn it's real. i mean, the democrats are goingr out there, man, and they have just pulled down their pants to show their naked r nakes to all of america, black america, anti-christian america. and they're tire ad of it.d of i mean, they, they, they, they just go up there, they disrespect the people. >> you know, they do this transgender visit.
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>> the big visual day on on easter. they're they're having this in the libraries that you're drlkinthey havg about. >> they're have been dragag queens going to the schools. and people are tired s . w they they're just tired. they know they go to bed. joe biden is like a chicke forbg going for colonel sanders. and they are done with him. coloned theyand telling you theg to have a surprise on election day. people jumping on the train trup and the long ride all the wayna through 2024.ough >> you know, when you look2024 at the numbers, they they're so dramatically different than where they were just are four ys ago. tammy. yeah. joe biden had to work hard to alienate key demographics of makes up the democratic coalition of the democratic base. upwhat what went wrong fromm ti their point of view? is there anything they can do in ther view, next 206 days to ? >> well, i6 t really is coming fast, isn't it? and, you know, this is not just rhetoric that we're hearinitg or wish fantasy talk about demographics.
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people moving toward donald trump, because as americans, regardless of who we skin color, ethnicity, gender, whatever we care about thend abt future and about our families. here's a couple of numbers that are familie really astoundg in the picture of four regarding elections historically, in 2020, joe biden won the under b 30 voter by 24 points. right nopointsw. poe under 30 voter is for trump by 21 points. that is a 45 point swing for 4 voters5- under 30 to donald trump. now, that is should a constituency that the democrats can completely rely on. consticy that but clearly, it it like they're losing some of thesot juse it is a catastrophe. black wometastrophn in 2020 votr trump at about 6%, according to a new wall street journal jon poll we're looking at now. 11% say that they are goingo
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to vote for donald john trump. voteand this is because of thehg things that we have in common as familie s. we care about diversity. all of that is fine. iversity goodness, this is abou political ideology movinggh the time they spend at the schools and going after the and moving gender, ideology and all that, regardless of what you think about that, in the meantime, the economy is collapsinmeg effectivelying and god forbid, should there be a black swan event, let's say, in the middle east or evth north korea, that changes k everything in this country and that would change the economy, the shutting downes of shipping lanes in the middle east. then what do you think's going to happen to energhe middle eas at that point? so i think americans understand that iint,f you care about youri your family in the future. you've got you seen th theseaffy numbers affect you and how trump's policies affected you in a positive way and open the future up no matter who you were. donald and joe biden's policiesa
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doing the opposite. >> all right. thank you, bob pence and time. nkh ehave great weekend.y ha when we come back, shocking video of a scuffleve betweenn illega illegal immigrants and the police in new york. we'v nd thee the tape. we'll also check in with a judge jeanine pirro. ls and later, when you hearter we what parents in tampa, floridaid ,found in their kids school library that we have a viewer warning alert for that straight ahead. good morning. with the collapse. good, good, good morning. yeah, i don't collect chewy fruit bites for fast and gentle constipation relief in as little as 30 minutes, making your good morning even better with all relax every night it's the same thing. after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing and scraping the stovetop. it's a nightmare. well, now you can wake up to a clean dream kitchen every day with the old guard. >> that's right. on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they start sauces
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vago forward slash camp login for more information. >> and this is a fox news alert. i'm charlie painter. why in new york. the u.s. is rushing warships into position to protect israel and american forces in case of an attack from iran . there are reports iran could strike within the next two days. president biden addressed the issue, saying this expectation is sooner rather than later.
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biden also issued a warning saying, quote, we will support israel and help defend israel and iran will not succeed. tehran's threats of retaliation, stem from a deadly strike on an iranian diplomatic building in, syria. >> a judge refuses to dismiss a federal gun against hunter biden. lawyers for president biden's son push to get the charge tossed, claiming it's politically motivated and a separate case. hunter biden also faces charges of failing to pay some $1.4 million in taxes. i'm charlie painter.back t >> now back to "hannity". kai jones. water crisis continues wreak havoc all across the country. newly released body cam frome fm earlier this week shows a scuffle between illegal and police officers. this at a hoteofrsl being usedus to house more illegals in yonkers, new york.
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well, here we go again. take a look at the mayor. i mean, they're also breaking, according to a new report, an afghan illegal immigrantlso bren on the terror watch list was released by border patrol and later freed again when he went before an immigration judge. thankfully, he is reportedly now back iation jun ice custody. maybe, just maybe, you know, put him in jail or send him s back home. meanwhile, boston's law enforcement and removaen l operations, they announced the arrest of a brazilian illegal previously released from custody who is being charged numerous childarge sex offenses. the city of denverd with they've announced this week that they will spend nearly $90 million$9 on incoming illegal immigrants. millillegali that's courtesy of.
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where's that money going to come from? you'll love this. well, despite a nationwide crime crisis plaguing blues cities and states around the country, part of it will come by defunding the police, the police budget now. also tonight police bu, have a r update in the story of a purseen snatcher. r who shoved you? remember this? this woman going intano church,l 68 years old. he literally shoves this woman down the churcoves thi h steps before walking off with her purse and stealing her car.lice police did announce that as arrt 16-year-old suspect was arrested for the violent mugging. and while the victim's family is speaking out, attackingily is lawmakers for refusing to hold these criminals accountable. remember, no bail laws anyway. here with reaction, the co-hoste of the hit show the five f, our friend judge jeanines is is with us. you know what infuriates me about all of thih usws is, you , we have the right director right now for the third time in a row where he appears
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before congrese s. re the threat has never been greater that this country th to attacked again. another 911. okay. he's suppose bd to be the head of the top law enforcement agency in our countrad oy. y we we keep showing example after example of what illegal immigrants are. do they enter the country illegally? they get out in states. bail laws, sanctuary states. they flip the bird. then they go to another sanctuaruary y and commit more crimes. all right. but he's warning about terror threat mo it's. and yet, if you're the chief law enforcement officer ofr of e the fbi, why don't you go to the president of the unitedsa states and insist that he enforce the laws of this country? so there may be people from afghanistan, egypt, china, russia, iran , and syria. maybe they'll stop coming in. i know i live in a fantasyg in world, right, judge? >> one where law and order would exist. on, christopher wray has gone ca before congress. congressin can't do anything t
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about this. the only person who can is joehl biden. he refuses to. if he does anything at all, it will be for the purposn ife of politics. look, this afghan individualdual came into this country in itto during 2023 joe biden's term and is released as ofpart joe biden's catch and release. he's given an alternative det detention as if they take any of them into detention. vour and he's told, listen, do we do us a favor, give us a call every now and thena . let us know how you're doing. and in the meantime, you can apply for asylumand within the year. he is roaming across the united states and the fbi finds out that this guy is part of a virad i findl anti-western, anti-american, islamic group. s and so they tell ice, you got to take them into custody. ice takes him into country custody, takes him before an immigration judge.ion judg and these fools, these fools i'm sorry this is like a kangaroo court. they don't telgaroo col the jude
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that we have connected him with the most virulent terror anti-american terrorist group around because they that'snd classified information. and what they say to the w judge is, look, we think he's a flight risk. so the immigration judge whoseoa name i cannot get, i've beent ge trying all day to get the name of this judge because it's time we identified who these judges d are and what they're doing. >> the judge releases themt thi and yorkas yes. this is why york is his group. they say we won't disclose we what we told to the judge and we're limited in what we can tell the judge. >> so what happens now is for the third time, we go ous not lt night and pick this guy up, this country is filled just this year with 170 connected to the terror watch list. joe biden has created, as i'veds said many times, a globalist landing spoti've sai, which is g more than an area where people can come in for benefits. they can hate america, they caen
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chant death to america, they can commit crimes. in my own county, westchester county, i was d.a. had jurisdiction therecheste. if if those guys dare beat up the cops, if they dare try to give the cops a hard time in preventing the cops from an arrest, that wouldn't happen if i were the d.a., but insteadf ,. what they do is they release them and they're back to do it agai talkingn. n a ga >> we're like suckers in ame game. it's a suckers is probably the right the right term. i mean, how do we become a country where we allow literally over 10 million come people to come into our country illegally? we don'tin country them.then then w we have to pay fore ha edeir foodve, their housing and their education and health care. and that and the costsuctheir he criminal justice system. then they get arrested for coating up cops, then they get let out becauspse of no laws. then they get to stay in a sanctuary city or state. flip us the bird and just go out and commit more crimes.
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>> and they get arrested again and again and again. and our guilt and our. >> how dumb are we? because we come to make it is it, we're supposed to it all up and.e su respect these migrants. they're not migrants, they're illegalsospect th untile recognized. since they are. you know what, the word illegale is in the end is in the federal law. 93 times illegal.times >> illegal alien. [ s. talkingthey they're not migran. and by the way, this guy who's with this terrorist group h who hates america, he is applying for asylum. how stupid are we? we've got to get rid of joe biden. we've go stupid et to get rid oi progressive. they're not progressive. they are marxistd he leftist people who don't care about american citizens. and i' people m tired of money g to legals. i'm sorry, tired but it's got to to senior citizens who pick up t and putirupermarke it in their basket and then take it out again. ba to veterans.o to it's about time we had a a president and a countrboy
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that respects the people who respect us. if you don't respect, then get the out. >> you know, if it wasn't so serious, i'd make a joke and say, judge, you get an fd md minus from the wokeness policeei because you dared to say the word illegalceou. i'm sure you'll have to come back on monday. like joe biden after the state of thenday and say, oh, i regret saying illegal. why don't you apologize for getting lincoln? not lincoln name wrong.g th that's where the apology said he apologized. atpology the murderer by call the alleged murder by calling him illegal, which is exactly what he is. we are living in awhic exa worle everything is illegal. >> illegal, right. i got it. take care, judge. >> okay. f minus on the wall. this, you know, scale,t but object class from the show. all righa+om thet thank you, ju. coming up, alvin bragg's trial to get trump. it startg ats on monday. we get analysis. gregg jarrett, alan dershowitz, as we continue this friday night.
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in delicious gummies. >> when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news business and news on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news audio. >> sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. trump's legal saga has putag our country's two tiered system of justices back. the spotlight next week, of course, radical leftist manhattan d.a. albumt manhat brags ridiculous case accusing trump of falsifying business records as it relates to stormyb daniels, who we know knew about in 2015 while about to begin jury selection on monday. seleco meanwhile, according to a new axios report, the dnc paid biden's legal bills. whoopsie daisy and the special s counsel's probe into his his mishandling of classified document s. while democrats were attacking donald trump for having the rnc contribute to his legal expenses. >> hmm. more hypocrisyl expenses more . anyway, they paid more than
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$1.5 million for two lawyers or firms that were representing. and that's all according to dnc financial filings. here was reaction fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, harvard la witw professor, formr harvard law professor alan dershowitz. although not sure if he wantsnt to be introduced that way anymore. maybe he should justtoe introdud be introduced as the author and get trump, because that's all this is about. uced ae authoranyway, good to s. so jury selection on monday, we've all read the questionnaire. i get a kick out of it. tionnair do you listen to talk radio? do you watch fox news? gregg jarrett i guess anybody that says, yeah, i listeny's ra to sean hannity's radio show and watch him on tv on fodx . why do i think that person will be immediately excluded from that jury? >> oh, they absolutely will. >> and look, politics is goingpo to play a predominant roleedomin in this case because it's a politically charged case. >> so, you know, if i'm trump's
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lawyer, you know, i'd loves lawr to have law enforcement on the jury. >> i'd love to have people who have had a bady experience with the legal system. >> those are the people they'll be looking for. you know, all of these indictments, though, have a common denominator, sean. >> they're driven by political animus. >> they're a partisan attempt to interfere in ainterf presidential election. prosecutors manipulatingin a, the legal system to bring specious charges, an opponentg h to damage his candidacy. >> it's classiarges c warfare. i >> but i think what biden, whaocrats and the medi underestimate is the intelligence of american voters. >> they see these dirty legal tricks for exactly what they are a pernicious attempt to steal an election through an abuse of our system of justice . >> and i think it's backfiring. a growing number of people see trump asg,owin victim, not a vi.
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>> and it's fortified his.s yo >> you showed the numbers. it's growing his supportt. you know, professor, i think we all agree. in i don't think that this is a i fair venue. i don't think donald trump can get a fair jury in new york or d.c. or fulton county, georgia. this case goes d back eight long years. but here we are, 200. d three it'll be 203 days before the 2024 election. we knew about this before 2016. >> and now they're going to bring this to trial. i want you to analyze this case from the legal standpoinsing thh because, well, we don't really know what the felony charges are. most scholars that i have interviewed have said really they're misdemeanor charges. but bragg is trying to somehow o upped them to the felony level by using federal statute suits, which he doesn't have the authority to do so. f whicdo you see it the same wa?
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do you believe that the case is strong considering they're their top witness? not exactly the most credible person on earth. >> i've been doing this for 60 years, sean, teaching , defendingses criminal cases, writing about criminal cases. this is bying crim far the weakh criminal case i have ever seen in my 68 years. there is nothing here. there is no misdemeanor. there is no felony. there is no federal crimlonye. feds refuse to prosecute. even brag refused to prosecute until some of these young progressive woke prosecutors pr that he prosecute. forget about the fact that there. o doing it to try to prevent somebody from running for and succeeding and running for president. forget about that. if this were usually against an y this combination of tryingtioo to elevate it to a felony by claiming that the only reasoa fen that he paid
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the nondisclosure funds was to prevent people, voters from learning about it. obviouslpl y, he did it becausee di he didn't want to embarrass his family. he didn't want to embarrasant ts my wife. >> and the idea that you can can prosecute somebody, they could have gone after alexander hamiltonsecute s on this theory. i have challenge. name anyeory case in the history of america where anybody wasanyd ever prosecuted for failing to disclose a hush money payment on some kind of business. r ha it's never happened in the history of this country. n thand use an unprecedented a jerry reid case against the man running against your president, your your president is such anyp abusree of the legal system.yst, we ought to change our, you know, motto from e pluribus unum to double standard hypocrisy. that's what we're seeing here. we're seeing the same thing in terms of the legae wel bills
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that were paid, obviously, by the dncl. he the democrats went crazy when they heard that some of th e legal fees paid to trump's but ers came from campaign contributions. but you know, what's good for the goose just isn't good for the ganderu know the when it coe to politics in america today. >> and we're all the for that. every american is in danger ifns we don't have an objective standard of justice that's equally applicable all. >> all right. thank you both. coming up, parents across the country, they're exposing materials inside of their youngf kids schools. wait until you hear the parentsp actually reading what is in the kids library. you're going to be surprised actually about the content of a lot of it. >> straight ahead. south dakota has the blueprint for success. recently, we led the nation in new home building. but we're still growing so fast we need to hire more builders
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>> all right. you might be very surprised about the content of some o of the books in the libraries at your child's school now. recently, a group of florida parents in hillsborough countyhr ,which includes tampa. they did a little diggin gt of in the library they found some of the most graphicdiggin content from school library books and they decided to bring it to the attention of the school board. they'll probably be investigateeion of td as domc terrorists by the fbi. that should be watching terr coming immigrantsigated a in to our country. but they're not doing that. but anyway coming e no i guess e to say it, although really, i want you to hear it unedited,n but i have to say it viewert discretion is advised iter is graphic content. >> i nod. allie pulls away and seemse pull to swipe a from mid-air and rolls it on.a a wave of nerves wash over me, he pushes in slowly and great pain surges through my body.
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my hands brush every inch of her palms open on her that were so sensitive, her soundsn grew wild and her ge knees clamped on my hips. >> we switched positions and iw sink between her legs. >> and it's talking about two transgender girls. this is a girl talking.s. i climbed on top of him, started kissing him in a way g sayi, here i am.that >> i ready to have. don't you want to? >> evie? shouting about how she's done, found her shouting new husband e down, enjoying with everybody's old boyfriendeo in the butler's pantry. i remember all his magazines and all the details of oral . >>s you couldof put yourself in the hospital trying to self . >> are you going to ge itou your act together? i sure hope so, because in the , thousands of students across hillsborough county have read these books that i've read te inhe o you. >> and who knows? they're not going to come here expressing thet going harm that they've faced because of reading a book that they're ashamed to say they've read.
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>> just pause for a second to ever think this wouldol happening at a school board meeting. thankfully, in florida, rnor rho governor ron desantis is well aware of the issue. he wasis wel, in fact, the one who allowed parents to raise these very concernallowed s ands what he has said about this in the past. he h sai. >> we believe in the rights of parents to be involved in the educationhe of theire children and therefore have enacted curriculum, transparency legislation soum tra that the parents know what what books are being usedns in the classroom, what books that their their kids have access to.and th and then they have procedures where they can say, wait a minute, you know, some of the stuff you saw out there that is why would we have that a in a media center with a ten-year-old students? >> it's just wrong. well said. governor desantis here with reaction, outkick founder clay travis, former floridarney attorney general pam bondi. you know, pam, there's a lot i of issues i didn't think i'd ever have to be discussing whein
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i in radio before you were born, which was like 1987, that's when i started in radio. i never thought i'd be talking about squatting and people stealing houses and homeowners being arrested and having squattinling houg laws that need to be put on the books. i never thought i would literally be listening to explici t or from parents that went into their kids schools library and found all these book libras. but this is the that we're now dealing with. and then the parents that their speak out at the school board meetings. we nowark ou know the fbi oftens into them as possible domesticts terrorists. tell me what the has gone wrong here tell me. oh, everything's gone wrong. and it's very personal to me that school boards are showing that's my home tha that's tampa, florida, hillsborough county. good grief. first and foremost. >> yeah, first and foremost, we've beena. preaching this, for
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sean, for a long time. people need to pay attention to these dow n ballot races, meaning not only days,ce but schools not boards in hillsborough county right there. the video you were showing ther ie are only two republicanl on our school board. oone of them is a dear friendd of mine. and we have the best commissioner of educatioofmine , the country. and manny diaz. yeah. first, how are these books these bo getting into these schools to begin with? these leftist libera thelh librarians are putting them in our schools. the superintendents have thentse ability to take them out t. nthey're not there ye these parents are having to it's become a full time job for these poor parentsit's a f.v they're having to come in and police the books that their children read.r ki they're having to come read this graphic, disgusting material to to these school board members. and this should not be a partisan the schoo issue. we have to have a high standardv collectively on what our children are learning and reading in schools. and and that's just not happening. and it's happening primarily
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in the counties where we have the most liberal schoolt board members. and that's sickening. libeer sce need to vot and look at their school board members more than anything now ,you know who could possibly believe clay, that this that this is okay, that this is not a problem? you would think that this this would not be a controversials wo issue that parents would hear this, read thit bes, see this,ts and unite and say, get the garbage out of the school.e ou stick to stick to reading, writin theg math, science, hist, computers. and let's calld math a day. you know, why is there evenis a disagreement on this? >> i it's a great question. and i would actually i think parents have actually not adoptedd something that i thinkh is a really good argument. you know, we have movie ratings . there are movies, there's pg movies that would probablyere a be appropriate for most elementary school age childrena,
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pg 13 is pushing the boundary. if you took an year old to ann r-rated movie, you wouldn't be allowed to doan that in anyya part of the country. you're not permitted to do so. so you this is not some sort of book ban or censorship or everything else. it's jussome soroft trying to a what material is age appropriate for what age kid ts to see. and i'm with you and i'm with pam. this is an easy callto see wit.l >> i've got three school age kids 16, 13 and nine. d i don't want to have to worry td about my third grader going into the library. i'm excited when he reads goin i'm and books like i think everybody out thereli basically watching, essentiallyy every parent on the planet would say elementary school watct ond not be reading or able to check out of theor library books such as these. and so i think you have to push the next question,ou had which i that's very interesting to ask, whose agenda is to get these bookinterestacs into elementarys and why are they trying to do so? so it goes back to what i think was the right decision made by florida, which is tryingh is to mandate age appropriate
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learning for particular aspectgs of tutelage. right. you shouldn't be teaching elementary school kids graphiccl related incidents. it's absolutely indefensible. t >> all right. thank you both. clay travis, pam bondi, we appreciate both of you. eczema, all right. coming up, more "hannity" as we continue when your child hasessh moderate to severe eczema, it's okay for them to show offre ,show off their clearer skin and noticeably is with dupixentb ,because children six months and older with eczema have plenty of reasonsio to show off their skin. off their skin. with dupixent, the numbe thr one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay h ahead of their eczema. ca of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczemn severe.a w m serious allergic reaction can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such
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