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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. former president trump making a major campaign push in pennsylvania this weekend, hoping to build on his big fund-raising haul last week of
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over 60 million dollars. trump is said to attend an event in bucks county where he lost to biden by 17,000 votes in 2020. welcome to fox news live. i'm griff jenkins. jackie, let's go one more hour. >> good to be with you. all this coming after the former president's joint announcement with house speaker mike johnson on election security days ahead of the start of his hush money criminal trial in new york city. alexis mcadams is live in shanksville, pennsylvania with the latest on all of this. hey, alexis. >> hey, jackie. yeah, there are a lot of people out here waiting to just catch a glimpse of the former president who will be at a large rally after he goes to that pretty big fundraiser out in bucks county whereas griff mentioned he originally lost in 2020 to president biden. he's trying to work on his ground game here. you can see the support over my should we are the signs and -- over my shoulder with the signs and all the people. yesterday he made the announcement at mar-a-lago talking about election integrity and also said when he goes back to the new york city courtroom,
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again, he would testify in his own trial, talking about the jury selection. watch this. >> jury selection is largely luck. it depends who you get. it's very unfair that i'm having a trial there. it's very unfair that we have this judge who hates trump and has tremendous conflict, as you know, tremendous conflict. nobody can believe that this judge isn't recusing himself. >> this is the former president's third visit this year to the keystone state, ahead of the state's primary. it follows that joint announcement with house speaker johnson just yesterday before his hush money criminal trial begins in new york on monday. he's in and out of courtrooms as he continues on the campaign trail. today he will have that fundraiser out in bucks county. it is a private event, the same county where trump lost to biden by 17,000 votes back in 2020. he's working on his ground game there. it is all part of a major fund-raising push by the trump team which is already racked up around 64 million dollars at recent events and counting. biden has made five trips to the battleground state this year,
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with more stops planned just next week. biden will have a major address in his hometown of scranton and will also hit pittsburgh and philadelphia. we want to pull up this poll here. this is a gallup poll that shows democrats are losing support from those two key demographics. both candidates working hard to gain support in those demographics among black and hispanic voters there. trump is trying to pick up voters in that specific demo. that's why he's hitting the valley region in pennsylvania, home to one of the largest populations of latino voters in the state. back out here live in front of the trump rally, it doesn't start for about seven, eight hours. these people have been here since 8:00 a.m. they are selling t-shirts. they are selling flagses. you name it. they have it. they are trying to rally up the support here. people also coming in from out of state. we expect the former president to be on the stage around 7:00 to 8:00 tonight to make the remarks. how many people expected?
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about 6,000 according to the trump team. jacqui? >> they are gathering there despite the wind, which looks to be whipping out there. alexis, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> good thing i have this hat, thanks. [laughter] >> griff: learning president biden will be heading back to the white house after warning a retaliatory attack from iran is expected sooner rather than later as he moves additional assets to the region and issue the strongest warning yet to iran that critics fear is too little too late. lucas tomlinson is live from delaware where the very latest. lucas, it appears the president will go back to 1400 pennsylvania avenue. >> that's right, griff. the white house making that announcement just a few minutes ago saying that president biden will be leaving his home here heading back to the white house in the next few hours this as tensions in the middle east are ramping up after that cargo ship near the strait of hormuz was hijacked. israeli officials say by iranian
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forces. this comes as u.s. intelligence are seeing iran moving drones and missiles in position to fire against israel in so ordered. now, it appears iran has already taken the first steps today sending this assault force rapelling from a helicopter to seize the portuguese flag container ship. portugal a member of the european union. this latest move from iran follows a series of warnings from biden and his cabinet. >> -- iran in this moment? >> to any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of the situation, i have one word, don't. >> to any actor, state or nonstate, trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel, don't. >> anyone thinking about trying to take advantage of this atrocity, we have just one word, don't. >> just a little over a week ago
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that president biden was criticizing israel over its war against hamas in gaza demanding israeli forces leave southern gaza and not launch an assault on rafa, also demanded more aid get in. a former israeli prime minister says the war must end now. >> we should stop the war now. gaza is a long story. and we will have sometime in the future a way to somehow settle the [inaudible] with gazan if we have to. at this point, there's not any advantage in continuing this military campaign in invading rafah. >> a spokeswoman for israeli prime minister netanyahu says hamas must be finished off including in rafah. >> there are four hamas operational battalions in rafah. we won't leave them untouched. one of the ministers in the war cabinet said that would be e
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equal to putting out 80 percent of the fire and leaving 20 percent and you know hoping for the best. >> on the seized cargo ship we just received this statement from the white house which reads in part, we strongly condemn the iranian seizure of the portuguese flagged british owned in international waters. the crews is comprised of u indian, filipino, and other nationals. we call on them to release the crew immediately. we heard a few minutes ago from the white house that president biden is leaving his home to return to the white house to meet with his national security team as the world is posed to see if iran launches this attack on israel. griff? >> griff: he will head back to 1600 pennsylvania. i apologize, lucas, i think i said 1400 which would be a starbucks down from the white house. either way, important news. keep us posted, lucas.
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jacqui? >> let's bring in fox news contributor retired lieutenant general keith kellogg, former national security advisor under president trump. general, thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> what does it tell you that the president is heading back to the white house right now about how soon we might be seeing something happen? >> that's the big tell, the fact that is we read other people's mail. we know what's happening. you've seen a lot of airlines, lufthansa, air france, diverting flights not going there. that means this thing is coming. i was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen today because it is the holy day. but starting tomorrow i think the window is wide open. the iranians have a real problem, though, jacqui. when you look at what's happened previously, they have used surrogates, hezbollah or hamas or the houthis. hezbollah doesn't want to get involved this fight very much because they are part of the government of lebanon, hold 13 of 128 seats there. if they go into this fight, the israelis will respond quite in a significant way. so the only way the iranians can really hit the israelis is through the air.
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that's through missiles or drone attacks. the israelis have a very good air defense system, starts with the iron dome and goes up to david sling and arrow system called patriot, so they can respond. in the back of the iranians' mind is if they strike hard, the israelis have no fear about punching back, and they will do it. there's one thing i always notice when we're in the white house, you deal with a nuclear power a lot differently than a nonnuclear power. remind everybody, israel's a nuclear power. if they get hit really hard, and if they think there's an extension, existential threat to them, who knows where it is going to go. that's the problem the iranians have. i think they will respond. it will be interesting to see where they go. if they hit really hard, they put the regime at risk. if they don't hit hard, it is like okay, you check the block but go on. i think the iranians have more of a problem than most people realize in their ability to respond. >> what is the risk of u.s.
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forces involvement right now? what level of involvement would trigger which they vowed to happen attack on u.s. forces if u.s. gets involved, do they consider intercepting iranian missiles that would warrant a response that would target u.s. forces? how at risk are our troops right now? >> they are at risk, a great risk, from the iranians doing something because the iranians don't have a lot of fear of what we're going to respond in doing so. this is one of those where i would go through the protecting power. we don't have diplomatic relations with iran, so we go through the swiss. they are a protecting power. they have the relations with them and protect our interests out there. i would go through the swiss and say very clearly you attack an american installation, we're going to put this to a level you can't accept. that means you lose your fleet, your facilities, your building facilities and remind them that we can get to their nuclear facility. we know we can get there if we have to and strike hard and deeply to buried targets. i think we need to send that
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message strongly. the problem jacqui is they don't believe us because we have never set up a condition that they fear us or they respect us or there's a little deterrence. i think the israelis have. they are fearless in their attack. we have been very cautious about it. i think we're more at risk honestly than i think the israelis are. >> that's a significant statement. to your point about messaging strongly, and how much that counts right now, yesterday president biden's initial response on what -- he was asked what's your message to iran? and he said don't. i had to ask him or else what? he did to his credit turn around and answer it. but that was not part of his initial plan. watch how this played out. >> what is your message to iran in this moment? >> don't. >> or else what? >> we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support israel. we will help defend israel. and iran will not succeed. thank you very much. >> it's a diplomatic way of putting a threat out there. it's certainly not don't hit us,
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we're going to make your country a parking lot. >> well, the question is, do they believe us? i don't think they do. i mean, our response has been very very weak and very very measured. how you re-establish deterrence is you go super escalation, hitting them really hard, sort of like the israelis did. they have been fearless in how they have gone at it. you have to take it to a level that the other side says -- the adversary says you know, i don't know where these guys are going, but i don't want to go there with them. we haven't done that to them. when you say don't and blinks and follows by saying don't and when you have the secretary of defense saying don't, that's a party line. they go okay, that doesn't mean much to us. it is not establishing deterrence. tough do that. -- you have to do that. >> on the other side the message towards israel is also a bit muddled. you have the president saying this week our commitment is to israel's security, we will help them with their defense, that's ironclad, but a few days prior, he was threatening to change u.s. policy towards israel if it didn't take immediate steps to address disaster in gaza.
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this is something that's been, you know, a question that we have asked the white house to explain what do you mean? are you going to be conditioning future aid? they've refused to sort of lay out what that is, but they are sending conflicting message about our relationship with our allies as well. >> that's the absolute worse thing you can do because you create a seam or a gap. the adversary looks at that and if i can exploit that seam or gap, then it will split the alliance. you have to be consistent in what you say. you have to be very simple with what you say. you hit, we're going to hit you harder and here's where we're going to go. you have to be clear. i remind everybody, when we went after -- [inaudible] attacked our embassies on the 1st of january in 2020. on the third we killed soleimani. i hate to say this, it sounds
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partisan, the fact is there's no consistency to this administration. they talk a good game, but they don't back it up with strength. that's a mistake. theed a rer say -- the adversary will capitalize on that. the israelis are hitting back with strength. what they have done recently is taken out the leaders of hamas and the generals. the other side understands that. those are clear signals. the iranians understand and do believe in strength. hitting them hard makes them think where do we want to go? that's the reason why i think he's been so delayed because they don't know where the israelis are going to go. i don't think we do either. the fact is that they said well, they could go really hard on us if we go hard on them. that's the reason i'm saying i don't think it is -- i think it is going to be a very measured response. i don't think it will be a heavy duty response. >> we will be watching it certainly. we have got, you know, top pentagon folks in israel to coordinate and biden heading to the white house to, you know, been making the phones i guess and watching everything that happens. we will watch it as well. >> yep. >> john kellogg, thank you very
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much for being here. appreciate your time. >> thanks, jacqui. >> thanks. griff? >> griff: a trial for hunter biden and his federal gun charges now looking more likely after a judge denied a bid to throw out the case. we are live with more. >> good afternoon, griff. a federal judge is rejecting hunter biden east argument that he is the -- biden's argument that he's the target of haven't diktive prosecution -- vindictive prosecution. he allegedly lied about his drug use when he filled out a form to buy a gun in 2018. a judge who scuddled that plea deal dealing another blow against the first son on friday. show throws cold water on his argument that he's being unfairly pros kutded for being -- prosecuted for being the president's son. she writes, therefore, defendant's claim is effectively that his own father targeted him for his being son, a claim that
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is nonsensical under the facts here hunter's team also says republicans exerted political pressure on special council david weiss. but the judge is dismissing that notion writing regardless of whether congressional republicans attempted to influence the executive branch, there is no evidence that they were successful in doing so. another ruling issued on friday addresses a diversion agreement on the gun charge which was part of that failed plea deal. though the defense maintains the document is valid, the judge disagrees because the probation officer never signed the document. hunter's legal problems extend to california where he is facing federal tax charges for allegedly engaging in a four year scheme to avoid paying at least 1.4 million dollars in taxes. both of these trials are set to begin in june. it is possible plea deals can be reached in both cases as well. griff? >> griff: all right, madelyn rivera with the latest. thank you. >> i would testify, absolutely. it is a scam.
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it is a scam. that's not a trial. that's not a trial. that's a scam. >> griff: former president trump saying he would testify at his hush money trial set to begin in manhattan on monday with jury selection. for more on this, we're joined by former federal prosecutor alex little. alex, thank you. it's going to be quite as the "wall street journal" says a spectacle and a lot of media coverage and now of course the former president saying that he's going to testify, and i think it is worth noting that there is a reason why it may be a spectacle because it is the first ever we may be going into uncharted legal territory to have a former president and a leading presidential candidate face a criminal trial of this sorts. for just your, you know, processing that, what is your reaction? >> it is absolutely going to be a spectacle for all those reasons. you have the first time a former president has ever sit in a trial in a criminal case. the first criminal trial that involves actions that took place when a president was in the
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white house because these payments are alleged to have occurred when he was president, just before and just after. and then you have the nature of the allegations itself. it is salacious. it involves affairs, porn stars and money and payoffs. the national enquirer is implicated in there. it has been salutely has all the mark -- it absolutely has all the markings and very salacious. it will be an interesting week. >> griff: alex, obviously we have heard almost daily from the former president about his gripes with this d.a. alvin bragg and of course there is certainly a case for him to make that a misdemeanor that would have run its statute of limitations turned into 34 felonies, but just from the lawyer-prosecutor standpoint, is there in your mind a scenario where the former president testifying in court hurts his own case, whatever defense that they choose to make? >> yeah, so two things. i mean, i think the fact the prosecutor is taking
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misdemeanors turning them into felonies unfortunately happens in courtrooms across the country. the former president is not the only one to face that sort of vindictive action by prosecutors to keep the statute of limitations alive. as to the former president's testimony, it will be the most watched period. he's promised things like that before and then ultimately not testified. i wouldn't be certain that he's going to do it, but in this case, i suspect he will. he will deny -- say everyone else is lying, and it is ultimately going to be up to the jurors. that's what the jurors do. they are supposed to determine credibility. here they will be trying to determine the credibility of the former president. >> griff: and a lot of questions about this jury pool. now, former acting attorney general matt whitaker on our air this morning had this to say about whether or not the president might get a fair and impartial jury. listen. >> i think the biggest challenge is in new york county which is manhattan, 61 percent of the people that were polled said they already judged the case and think donald trump is guilty. you have 7 of every 10 voters that voted for joe biden.
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only two trump voters out of every 10. and so it's just going to be hard to pick a fair and impartial jury. >> griff: alex, can he get a fair jury? >> yeah, i think he can. look, the jury selection process will take a long time. the judge i think will be pretty deliberate about making sure that folks who have made up their mind previously are not on that jury. that's what his lawyers are certainly going to push for. this is an issue that confronts every criminal defendant. this is a special criminal defendant. one of the most well known people in the world. i suspect they will work this process and pick, you know, enough jurors who don't have preconceived notions about this case. people will be surprised about how many folks really don't follow the news that closely. >> griff: when you say special case, alex, that's really interesting. you know, it made me think in this case, if they get -- if trump's defense gets just one juror to look at this and say well, this is a special case. in fact, if perhaps anyone other
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than someone named donald j. trump were charged with this, they might see it as a case that shouldn't have been brought. do you think that's a part of the thinking? >> oh, absolutely. if you are the former president's legal team, that's 100 percent part of your strategy is to demonstrate this prosecution was brought only because president trump is who he is. that's not an uncommon defense that defense lawyer wills bring. in this case, i think they will hammer that as much as the judge lets them. >> griff: this is certainly an uncommon trial. alex little, thank you very much for your insight. we will talk to you again once this gets underway. it's going to be all eyes on a manhattan courtroom on monday. thank you, alex. coming up, behind the scenes look at the army ranger competition as the very best in strength and courage are on display. that's coming up next. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping.
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>> griff: a police officer in australia being hailed as a hero after fatally shooting a man who killed six people in a stabbing attack at a shopping mall. stephanie bennett is live with the latest developments. hey, stephanie. >> hey, griff, yeah, several others are in critical condition today, including a young baby. now, this all happening of course just a couple miles away from the popular tourist
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destination of a beach. the australia prime minister calling the police officer a hero today after she ran towards the attacker, challenged him, before firing the fatal shot. the prime minister says the devastating scenes are beyond words or understanding. >> it would appear that this person has acted alone. the motives are not known yet, and speculation on that would not be helpful at this time. >> king charles iii issuing a statement saying he and the queen were utterly shocked and horrified by the senseless attack, adding their hearts go out to the families and loved ones of those who have been so brutally killed. details are limited. during the news conference, the new south wales police commissioner says five of the six victims were women, while eight, including the 9 month old baby were taken to the hospital with stab wounds. it all started just before 4:00 local time.
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the name of the suspect has not yet been released. but he's believed to be in his 40's, and police say he is known to them. australia has some of the world's toughest gun and knife laws, and attacks like this one are rare. crowds could be seen fleeing the complex at the junction, and witnesses say people hid inside stores until police could evacuate them. >> i still think this incident happening is just one person. you can't blame everyone, but i still think sydney is a safe place. i would never imagine this would happen, especially here with all the security and stuff. >> yeah, and police do not believe that this is terrorism related at this point. griff? >> griff: all right, stephanie bennett live for us. thank you. >> jacqui: army rangers from across the nation are competing in the best ranger competition this weekend in georgia. half the teams were eliminated on day one leaving only 28 left for today's activities.
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madison is here with more details on this competition. hey, madison. >> hello, jacqui. we're in the middle of day two in one of the toughest tests of the military. we're talking the best of the best rangers are competing in this. there's 32 different events. we have one going on right now. i will give you a closer look at it. we will see if we can get some action. you can see a zip line that starts at the top of a hill, goes down across the chat hoo chee river. that's alabama the other side of the river. once the rangers get dropped off there, they run over to kayaks, and once they get inside of those kayaks, they will go about mile and a half down the river. you can't see it too well right now, but let me tell you, it is pretty rough. there's some white water that you can see right now. once they finish that mile and a hah f of -- mile and a half of kayaking, they get picked up into a black hawk helicopter to get transported back to base.
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after that, they will get one of the very short breaks that they get through this entire process before they start the night events. i want to bring in lieutenant colonel mike who is in charge of training some of these rangers at fort moore base here in columbus, georgia. when it comes to fort moore and the rangers here, there's several teams that are competing in this year's best ranger competition. what does that say about their skill set? >> first of all, we train the best of the best, and to be able to win and defend the nation, so we put all these guys through rigorous training. most of these competitors train for up to six months or more to be able to be prepared for this competition. that's just the basics of that. it starts with the ranger tap and getting into the school where they put themselves into rigorous training to be the best leaders to fight and win the nation's wars >> we have been watching since this started yesterday all of these different events that the rangers have to do. they are extremely intense. the average person probably
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wouldn't make it five minutes to be honest. it is real life combat situations that these events mimic. how crucial is it that these rangers not only know those skills but excel in them? >> absolutely. they have to master the basics. they have to know how to use their weapons systems, how to use their bodies, how to be able to put all of that, the mental capacity, you know, into those tangible actions. and they are masters at their crafts at this. that's why they are the best of the best, prepped to fight and win the nation's wars. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. well, we are wrapping up day two here in a little bit. i shouldn't say wrapping up. they don't like i said get many breaks. 27 teams remaining. unfortunately, there was an injury. come tomorrow, about half of those will be eliminated. we will be out here keeping you updated. pretty cool stuff. >> jacqui: awesome to watch. madison, thank you very much, appreciate it. griff? >> griff: great coverage the best ranger competition, i covered that, rangers lead the way. meanwhile, how the impact of
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>> griff: crews at the site of the collapsed key bridge in baltimore are working around the clock to remove the wreckage left behind after a container ship crashed into it. in the past week, teams have krortedly removed -- reportedly removed 20 of the 178 containers needed to refloat the cargo ship. the collapse has had a massive impact on the transit and shipping port of baltimore. >> jacqui: u.s. steel shareholders on friday overwhelmingly approved the company's sale to a company of japan for 14.1 billion dollars in cash. the biden administration had objected on economic and national security grounds. over 98 percent of the shares voting at the special investor meeting approved the takeover. that deal does still need approval from the justice department as well as other cabinet secretaries.
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>> griff: new data from the national federation of independent businesses showing small business optimism at its lowest in 11 years, with high inflation and interest rates as the main culprit. joining us now to analyze everything a small business expert and president of the marks group and all-around great guy. nobody better to talk to when it comes to my pocketbook and of course that of the small businesses, let's start with the small businesses. what do you make of this? >> griff, you know, i tell you, i spent a lot of time running around the country talking to business groups and training associations, like more than 50 times a year, you know, manufacturers, distributors, construction companies. it's not just inflation has been brought down to anywhere between 2 to 4 percent, but these companies are dealing with significantly higher costs than they have ever dealt with in the past three years. if you're a construction
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company, the cost of construction materials are up 30 percent than what they were in like january of 2021. this goes across the board. utilities, freight, hourly labor, you know, manufacturing costs, the cost of fertilizer is up 48 percent. i guess the reason i just wanted to make sure that that was clear to you and obviously to your audience is that as much as we as consumers suffer with rising prices, you have to realize that businesses, small businesses that are making and delivering stuff, they are grappling with, you know, significantly higher costs than they have in the past two to three years. that's why we're seeing it in our pocketbooks, you know. >> griff: you talk about pocketbooks. i have long believed the political adage that there are minds you can convince, heartstrings you can tug, but gene, when you grab this, you will grab their hearts and minds which will follow. let's show you what happens when you go to the grocery store. things are up all across the board. you see milk up 12.4.
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eggs 104 percent for eggs. bread 25 percent. butter 23 percent. chicken 25 percent. in steak, albeit you splurge, but are you going to splurge when it's almost 30 percent? let's go to the automobile industry. i want to show that as well to really show that you're feeling it all the way across. you can see cars up 15.6 percent. gas prices continue to be up 50 percent, despite what we were hearing from the administration, and car insurance also socking people. why? >> so you've got hundreds of millions of consumers that are dealing with this issue right now of that higher price. you've got at least 30 million small businesses around this country, and they are all voters, and they also have employees. they employ more than half the people in this country, also dealing with higher costs. and what has always frustrated me, griff, is that, you know, the administration talks about inflation is under control and the economy is going good, and, you know, to me, it just seems very tone deaf.
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they don't see the prices that we're paying at the grocery store and for cars and for basic costs of living, and i don't think the president fully understands the high costs that are being impacted by so many small and mid-sized businesses all around the country, companies that really just don't have the ability to just increase prices to make up for it. they've got to absorb that somehow. it impacts their spending. by the way, we haven't even talked about interest costs. i mean the prime rate is at 8.5 percent. i don't have any clients that are paying 8.5 percent interest. they are paying a couple points above that. they are held back on getting loans and financing and their overall costs of financing are so much higher. it is tough. it is very tough. >> griff: i'm glad i'm not buying a house right now. before i run out of time, gene, a new "new york times" sienna poll had some numbers in there and one stood out to me and that is a problem for the white house, and that is 85 percent of young voters say they are dissatisfied with bidenomics. is that going to be a problem for the white house and
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president biden when it comes to november? >> i think it will be a big problem for the white house, griff. i have kids in their 20s as welt. they've -- i've got kids in their 20s as well. their dollar is not going as far as it used to. it is a struggle to pay rent. where i'm from, the cost is less than new york and d.c., but it is still really tough. a lot of the young voters will question themselves when it comes to make those votes about how the president is handling the economy. your pocketbook like you said at the beginning of the segment is probably the most important thing. when people are suffering, they will let their voices know. >> griff: those youngsters have to pay somehow for door dash when mom and dad don't. great insight, gene. >> take care, griff. >> jacqui: a bit of hope for families who have children -- whose children rather have been diagnosed with the most common form of brain cancer. been a breakthrough thanks to the funding efforts of a determined father and the doctors at children's national
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medical center. fox news chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has that report for us. >> it's simply the worst thing that a father or mother can hear. >> he was 9 years old when he was first diagnosed with life altering brain tumor. until the discovery, he led a healthy life in brazil, loved to read. his father said he read every christie novel. >> it is sad to see a kid suffering from cancer. they have their whole life in front of them. >> the most common form of brain cancer in children, 500 new cases are diagnosed in the u.s. each year. the current treatment developed in the 80's leaves kids with life-long cognitive and developmental problems. >> technology and medicine have evolved tremendously in the last decades, but unfortunately, not for kids with brain tumors. >> his son is now 17, when he relapsed, his father teamed one
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a leading children's brain tumor special nis the u.s., and -- specialist in the u.s., and the initiative was born. >> it sometimes took between 10 and 15 years to go from a discovery to a new treatment to proving that the treatment is better. >> raising more than 10 million dollars, in just over two years, they are now on the verge of two clinical trials. every dollar raised contributes to the research behind a cure. >> we know that we have a long way ahead of us, and we still need more support and more people helping us to help all of these kids. >> jennifer griffin, fox news. >> griff: coming up, a live report from new mexico with the latest from our southern border when we come back. need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover.
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>> jacqui: new numbers from customs and border protection show migrant encounters for the
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first six months of this fiscal year are exceeding those at the same point for fiscal year 23. this as new march numbers are showing more than 189,000 migrant encounters. senior correspondent mike tobin is here with the latest on this. hey, mike. >> jacqui, as we talk about those numbers, let's show you what they mean in real time and real life. the next mountaintop over from me, we have been watching this group all morning long. we don't know what they are stalling for. they have been waiting on top of that mountain. they have binoculars. presumably they are waiting for their moment to try to come down to the u.s. side of the border and make a break for it. when you talk about the new numbers that are out, they show that march had the lowest numbers for the biden administration, but the biden administration, the numbers dramatically go up from the moment president biden takes office. now, when we're talking about a county in texas, another example, troopers with the department of public safety tried to stop a truck.
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there was a chase. the driver got out and ran. the troopers discovered 23 migrants concealed in the floor of the flat bed of that truck without proper ventilation, men, women, and children from guatemala, honduras, and mexico in the flat bed. one of the immigrants was treated for dehydration. the rest were referred to border patrol. the driver who ran is still missing. smaller operation in a county, trooper arrested two smugglers after finding multiple illegals crammed into an suv. one of the migrants fought with the trooper. he was charged with resisting arrest and assault on a public servant. both a driver and passenger were charged with five counts of human smuggling. in chambers county, texas, law enforcement went to an address with intel that child pornography was being down loaded there. the officers found a group of immigrants, asian and hispanic. they seized phones and computers. now the investigation is underway to determine what was on those devices. >> we start our investigation from there and start trying to figure out who did it and
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usually end up executing a search warrant behind it because we 'not going to tolerate that in -- we're not going to tolerate that in our county. >> back out here live, still watching that one group. apparently some kind of scouts that are waiting on that mountaintop. and as we compare those to some of the new numbers that just came from customs and border protection, they said they apprehended 76 people who were on the terror watch list during the last fiscal year. jacqui? >> jacqui: 76 people on the terror watch list, wow, all right, mike tobin, thanks very much for that. appreciate it. griff? >> griff: jacqui, interesting news south of the border, a new report from the mexican government shows the country's facing a dire shortage of fentanyl as medical -- for medical use as mexican cartel members turn out tons of the narcotic and some mexican border regions are seeing increase in fentanyl addiction. jacqui? >> jacqui: big day in sports as fox news live continues. more on that coming up next.
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we're traveling all across america,
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>> griff: the huskies are celebrating their men's basketball national championship with a parade and rally today in hartford, connecticut. the men's team stormed through the march madness tournament winning all of their games on double digits as they won their
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second straight championship, 7 foot center has already declared for the nba draft. >> jacqui: the united football league is kicking off week three on fox tonight as the memphis showboats take on the birmingham stallions. fox weather's max gordon is live at protective stadium in birmingham, alabama, for more on all the action. hey, max. >> hello from beautiful birmingham, alabama, where we have got some gorgeous weather on tap for this game. it's kicking off at 6:00 p.m. central time, 7:00 p.m. eastern. look at this, blue skies. it is going to be 78 degrees at kickoff, as the birmingham stallions take on those memphis showboats. i love the names of these teams in the ufl. if you haven't watched in the ufl before, it is a combination of the xfl and usfl. it is the inaugural season for the league. it is a really exciting atmosphere inside the stadium. everyone sitting real close. it is an intimate atmosphere. even if you aren't watching live and in person, if you catch the
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game on fox sports, you are in for a treat. there are 35 cameras on the field, all roving around, all sorts of technology is being used m we talked to a producer with fox sports about just that. take a listen. >> we have a lot of toys that we like to play with. one of the best ones is we have the helmet cams. those cams work with two players, one in the offense and defense. they give us unique looks, huddle, quarterbacks, cornerbacks catching interceptions. we also have one that follows the play first down and ten line, gives you unique looks if he makes it or doesn't. we have pylons in all the end zones. we have a drone. >> there's all sorts of mics on the field too. players, coaches, referees are all micced up. you feel like you are a part of the action. i love being here in birmingham, alabama. i have to go back to los angeles tomorrow. i'm a little bit bummed out.
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the food here is a lot better than the l.a. it is none of that kale and granola. we have fried chicken and barbecue, good stuff. >> jacqui: enjoy your great assignment today, you are doing a great job. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> before we make this thing official, i thought i would give you guys some advice. you got to fight for your right to party! >> griff: nfl stars, travis and jason kelce kicking off alumni weekend at their alma mater, at the university of cincinnati, in ohio. the two were awarded with their diplomas years ago but missed the commencement ceremonies and didn't get to do the walk. travis danced on stage to instrumental rendition of girlfriend taylor swift's shake it off and chugged a beer. you have to see this. it is unbelievable. you know, i don't know whether taylor swift approved of this, jacqui, or what the swiftie nation feels. one thing is for sure, these kelce brothers know how to chug
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beer, and that's an okay thing in my book. >> jacqui: it didn't look like he was waiting on anyone's permission. >> griff: not a bit at all. chug travis chug. we love it. that will do it for us. fox news live continues with eric and arthel. i'm griff jenkins. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich. thanks for watching. see you next time. that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15
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