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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 13, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now. so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. eric: president biden cutting short his weekend this concern
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that tehran may attack israel at any hour now. the president will soon have friends beach home back to the white house to him myth his natl security team as the world waits to see what tehran will do. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" america sean. hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. tensions between iran and israel rising again today. commandos from iran's revolutionary guard repelled from a helicopter to seize a container ship link to it is really owned company. it happened straight eight vital shipping routes in the persian gulf. only days ago iran vowed to retaliate for a suspected israel strike on its consulate in syria. that strike killed an iranian general. israel has this morning for iran. >> ron backed hamas started this war on october 7. i iran back hezbollah expanded this war on october 8 since then
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iran backed militias in iraq and syria and iran backed in yemen have expanded it into a global conflict. iran will bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further. arthel: fox team coverage former cia station chief dan hoffman standing by. first we go to lucas tomlinson is live in rehoboth beach, delaware where the president is currently. lucas. >> arthel, president biden cutting short his weekend here in rehoboth beach heading back to the white house and the next hour or so to huddle and meet with national security team as the threats for my ron increase. just moments ago received a statement for the white house national security council about the hijacking of the cargo ship. it reads in part quote we strongly condemn the iranian con seizure of the portuguese flag british owned various ares intel
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in waters. the crew is comprised of indian, filipino, pakistani, russian national too: iran to release the vessel its international crew immediately. it appears president biden's word into a round yesterday is being ignored. early today outside the straight and iran salt force repelling from a helicopter as you mentioned onto this portuguese flag cargo ship portugal of course as a member of the european union. there was biden's warning to run yesterday. >> surprised around this moment? lexi don't trade. >> american personnel. [inaudible] mr. president are american troops at risk as well? >> we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support israel but we will help defend israel. and iran will not succeed. >> israel former ambassador to the united nations says if iran strikes israel will depend how
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and aware that strike is delivered to determine the response from israel. >> we will defend ourselves retaliate no matter what. there is a huge difference if a proxy of iran like we saw in the past few weeks from lebanon and yemen or iraq will send into our direction. you're going to have a rocket or you av flying into israel. it is a difference the retaliation will be different as well. >> as far as u.s. assets in the region go to the uss dwight d eisenhower aircraft carrier strike group has been moved closer to israel and the red sea some of the worshiped me strike it carried the s and six which can shoot down ballistic missiles. other interceptors on board can shoot down drones and cruise missiles. israel possesses sophisticated air defense systems of course zero two, arrow three for ballistic missiles. david's link is comparable to the u.s. army patriot system and
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iron dome. general keith kellogg on the last hour spoke about another option for israel. >> if they strike hard, the israeli have no fear about punching back and they will do it. there is one thing i always know when we are in the white house you deal with the nuclear power a lot differently than a non- nuclear power i remind everybody israel is a nuclear power if they get hit really hard and they think there is an extension sit existenial threat to them who knows where it is going to go. >> general kellogg talked about the samson option they are. if israel feels his existence is threatened it will use nuclear weapons. arthel: lucas tomlinson with the president rehoboth beach, delaware thank you very much lucas. see for how will iran potentially hit israel customer former cia station chief fox news contributor dan hoffman joins us now. serve the middle east inn in moscow and knows us region very well. so what do you expect iran could
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do? >> you know i am not quite sure past is necessarily prologue in this case for israel struck ir gc irgc military advisers in sya back in january. in in january of last year. iran launched strikes against israel in northern iraq. iran also did not mount significant rotella torrey strikes after israel launched a kinetic strike against iran of their nuclear program. back in november of 2020. nor did they really take significant action after we struck i rgc commander at sola moni. this situation feels different. iran is probing us right now. the decision to seize that vessel in the strait of hormuz is designed to probe us all indications are ron will launch a significant strike of both
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sisides are messaging each othe. it's kind of like we are about to see some serious kinetic action take place. of the critical importance is the intelligence community in the united states with a partisan israel and nato allies to determine where the strikes might take place. from my ron or potentially in conjunction with iranian proxies like a lebanese hezbollah were the strikes might take place you could look at israel potentially the amount of preemptive strike if they determine iran is going to launch attacks we may see preemptive strikes in israel. eric: if you think the iranian action can be limited to taking of tankers in boarding other ships in the strait of hormuz or hezbollah to the north as well as houthis to the south launching ataxic density is really homeland itself. >> think what is really important and i can say from experience u.s. intelligence committee, cia analysts are doing this for trying to see the world to the eyes of our iranian
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adversaries. in this case i rgc took a significant hit when israel killed the eye rgc commander for syria and for lebanon. i just don't believe the eye rgc can let that pass without retaliatory strike a significant one but not of the sort we have seen so far. right now iran is failing to deter israel from launching strikes against iranian key military officials. i think that is where we are going to see this response. it is very dynamic. we are messaging iran they are messaging us back very think iran may be changing their calculus about what they might choose to do ultimately. that is a challenge for intelligence community. until we got yesterday may not be true today. eric: them the crews missiles f course are seeing a parade they have drones they perfected the drone technology. those are drones can fly so low to evade rate or potentially
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could it be attack aimed at military sites in israel just because a military site with the alleged embassy which it wasn't it was and i rgc compound for a military response? >> we could see a combination of cruise missiles and drones. we could see targeting of israeli critical infrastructure including israel nuclear facilities. we could see civilian targets we could see proxy terrorist the houthis and yemen on the lebanese hezbollah. we could see all of this the risk of escalation potentially the united states is drawn into a war particularly if u.s. military base or u.s. persons are hit too. we won that whisk as well it's a good thing president biden is back from rehoboth beach the president needs to rally his team at right now be prepared for all sorts of scenarios. eric: what if there's more of an escalation as you say let's seee
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iran attacks what does israel do do they sit back and take it and say it was one for one or do they retaliate against the retaliation? >> that is the wargaming we are seeing here. if iran does strike israel i would not be the least bit surprised to see israel strike back at around. remember iran's closest allies particular since russia's invasion of ukraine is russia bro they're going to a diplomatc top cover from russia who relies on iran for their drones are using to kill ukrainian civilians. china supportive of iran as well as north korea. we are seeing a division of two camps here. democracies against dictatorship it's playing out right now with a very dangerous consequences potential in the middle east. eric: something cia analysts are dealing with what if there is an attack on the world was on the edge of its seat? everyone is waiting on the looming damocles is over
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everyone that iran could attack or launch something at any time for basically that gives him the power. >> yes, the silver lining in those dark clouds is israel is at war right now with hezbollah and in effect with iran and iran's proxies. israel and the united states have been on the highest of alert in terms of intelligence collection and military readiness. not just since october 7 but for years but particularly over the last few months. i think we will be ready with our intelligence collection and the event an attack is potentially postponed. eric: the global waiting to see what the terrorists in tehran do former cia station chief dan hoffman always good to see you thank you. >> you too. >> regardless of where that you elect people into office they will backstab you but they let you die and for that reason you want to criminalize us with metal detectors? see you at your house we will yl murder you.
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eric: . arthel: protesters currently in jail facing 18 felonies for that threat to the city council and mayor of bakersfield, california but she came to wednesday's meeting with a group that is calling for a cease-fire and the israel hamas war and opposes israel's treatment of people in gaza. let's go to christina coleman she is live in los angeles with more on this story, christina. >> pro- palestinian protester was ordered to stay 500 yards away from city hall during her arraignment yesterday she was ordered to stay away from the businesses and the homes of the people she threatened. this bakersfield the city council meeting on wednesday. pubpublic defender also enteredt guilty pleas on her behalf. she was arrested and removed from that mee the meeting aftere these threats. >> i'm here to speak in support of the city council intr introdg a cease-fire resolution specifically the one the united liberation front has drafted.
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i do not have faith that you will do this but you are all horrible human beings and jesus probably would've killed to himself. i hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you. >> here is more from the comments from patel we aired at the beginning of this report along with reaction from that layer. again patel was complaining about the recently enhanced security measures at city hall. as she made these threats. >> a regardless of whether you elect people into office they will backstab you but they will let you die and for that reason you guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors? we will see at your house, we will murder you. >> ms. patel that was a threat. what you said at the end. so the officers are going to escort you out and take care of that. >> and a statement following her remarks the united liberation front's that unequivocally condemns any statements that threaten public officials.
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patel is facing 18 elements including 10 counts of making terroristic threats. she remains in custody heard her bail is set at $1 million. arthel: christina coleman thank you. eric: meanwhile there was chaos and heartbreak at a busy shopping mall and sydney, australia this afternoon. police there say men killed six people and injured eight others with a knife. before a female police officer inspector shot him dead. among the victims 38-year-old mother who died trying to save her nine -month-old daughter. that baby undergoing surgery and is in serious condition. police say this attack is not an act of terrorism. the 40-year-old suspect in these killings is known to law enforcement. arthel: national security concerns over the migrant surged right up next to a texas sheriff who will be testifying about border safety tuesday on capitol hill.
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balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. eric: crossing the border illegally drops slightly last month to about 137,000. marchant tallied the lowest for the border patrol under president biden. experts are crediting mexico for recently stepping up enforcement
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ain texas also added more barriers authorities and its southern border but many of the migrant still trying to get into our country. now they are shifting at what you are looking at life and now going west toward new mexico senior correspondent mike tobin is in sunlandpark, new mexico it's right snug in the border to the west of el paso and the south part of new mexico. hi mike. >> hi there, eric would love to show it in real time what you're talking about you talk about the stats and numbers for this is a group we have been watching for hours now this morning. they've got binoculars at the top of the hill and presumably they are waiting for the right moment to take a break for it and tried to get down from the mountains and blend it with the population. you talk about those numbers. they say this is the lowest march of the bite administration and terms of crossings and encounters here at the border. it is still significantly higher
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than the marches before president biden took office. here the el paso sector agency about 988 migrants per day coming across but here in the desert they are subject to a thing from heat exhaustion, to drowning in the canals for border patrol agents frequently rescue them. >> they encounter these injured migrants in distress w are often abandoned by smugglers in these dangerous life or death situations. this fiscal year to date the el paso sector has performed more than 300 and migrant rescues. and unfortunately 34 migrants have succumbed to their injuries. >> lasalle county texas state troopers try to stop a truck after a short chase the driver got out and ran preacher was found 23 migrants men, women, children concealed in the flatbed but one had to be treated for dehydration for the driver is still on the run. back out light into the mountains of new mexico just to the west side of el paso, texas you can see that group that is
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up on top of the hill. or possibly they are spotters for some of the smugglers. they have not moved. one of the reasons you see this constant flow on the new mexico side of the border as they do not have all of the fencing texas has been putting in but we watch them all day long there's a lot of recreational hikers going up the mountain here. you have people from the mexican side consulate flying over the mountains down to the u.s. side. eric: there is a part there i've been there and said this before you go in the butt one leg and america and the other leg and mexico. don't doubt you will get arrested if they catch you but there is the open part right by the river f britain exactly whee you are. my comment good to see it when sunlandpark, new mexico. arthel: are eric and mike. thank you let's bring in sheriff bill weyburn of tarrant county, texas which covers fort worth area. he will testify on capitol hill on tuesday at a house hearing on the border. i am very happy to have you here today sir.
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i want to start by looking at numbers and get your take on those numbers put up first we are going to take a look at the terra watchlist encounters at the border. according to customs and border patrol of course there were 16 of such encounters in fiscal year 2021. ninety-eight in fiscal year 2022. 172 terra watchlist encounters in fiscal year 2023. and so far there have been 76 terror watch list encounters at the border. so it sheriff, what do you make of these numbers? >> certainly our enemies are coming across the border. they are not here to be our friend. they are not here to anything else but hurt us. what concerns me about the large numbers is not what we have caught but what have we missed? the porous border all the way around too california is just wide open in a lot of spaces as a segment before us you can step
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across on dry land. i've witnessed it myself in arizona just recently. we have got to get our game up and secure the border. arthel: let's compare migrant encounters but went over the terror watch list encounters now we're talking migrant encounters of the border. 1.3 million encounters in fiscal year 2024 compared to one point to million the year before. i want to ask you, what is behind us roughly one or 15000 migrants encounters just in the last five months or so? >> i think people from places that do not do as well as the united states alone of the third world countries are are still being pushed america still has got an open invitation. i think that is part of the problem these people are trying to get in because they can see from their perspective the doors closing. you can bet the cartel has a
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hand and moving these number of people they have found. our intelligence showed the cartel is finding smuggling lucrative they are pushing people also. arthel: fbi director wray, christopher wray testified thursday think he needs more help from mexico and testify before congress he needs more help from mexico on the fentanyl and the cartels you spoke of it. let's take a listen and then we'll talk about it. >> i would say it is very uneven. their individual instances that are bright spots. this is such a big problem we need consists sustained scalable assistance from them. we certainly need more for mexican government. i am pleased with what we have gotten but we need a lot more paired. arthel: sheriff on tuesday you're going to testify before the house of representatives what is your pitch to them? how can congress help and how
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soon do you need congresses help question mike you just heard director wray say this is a big problem. >> he is also said that all lights are on. to get help from mexico is going to be difficult. i think the border governors on the other side will help. i think the corruption is low there. we have got to have relationships over there and they have got to help us. we have got to insist on it. some of the things i will be telling congressio congressionas what is impacting the county. i am going to relate to than the last six months of last year we had over 3000 fentanyl or opioid overdoses that everyone on our team is securing fentanyl part we use it often and use it often unfortunately its driving mental health. it is filling up our jails. and china, and the cartel and venezuela are not helping us. in fact there working hard
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against us and are part of what i believe his weaponize in these drugs. arthel: it seems like a big effort in a big way to harm the kids and people in our country who would be susceptible to taking some of this deadly drug. so it is a big problem. we have to compartmentalize solutions. is there a step-by-step solution you might suggest to congress? >> what i would be suggesting to them is moved with great urgency at all haste. to move resources to the border produce supplement what we have down there. with this border patrol, fbi, let's put the politics away. if walls are working let's put them out. if there are other barriers working, let's put them up. at the same time when your diplomats until mexico enough is enough. and also the south america countries. there will be no more coming up.
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we need to absolutely do all of that it once in order to secure the border. we need the federal government to get in the game and bring more resources to bear. also move diplomatically through south america and mexico and stop it there. arthel: i've got to go but you said diplomatic through mexico and south america. what about consequences, diplomacy does not always work unfortunately. >> i think when i say diplomat they need to go down there with trade and say we are cutting you off. we are not going to send you money we are cutting off trade if you do not assist us. we have got to be tough on this part with got to get with the program i think them come alongside of us. arthel: thank you for expounding sheriff, they are in fort worth. thank you very much. eric: former president trump is headed to the key state of pennsylvania today. we are at their live before his
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final campaign stop before the first criminal trial of his begins in new york city on monday with jury selection. fox news with more news right after this. i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume! ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax. ooo, that looks complicated. that's why visionworks organizes our frames by shape and price so it's simple to find a pair you'll love. there are the shapes, that's the price. now you get it. visionworks. see the difference.
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they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. eric: supporters of former president trump are in that lehigh valley in pennsylvania today. that was speaking at a rally there in just a few hours. first former president will go to a big fundraiser in a neighboring county as he looks who tried to gain ground on president biden's campaign war chest. comes two days before jury selection starts first of his four criminal prosecutions, that in new york city on monday. alexis mcadam in pennsylvania which is where that rally will take place at the local fairgrounds later this afternoon. >> that there are lots of people already here for they been here for hours the former president is not here at the fairgrounds just yet but they'll be around 7:00 p.m. tonight h there before trump does head back to new york city again for another court
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appearance he is here in the swing state of pennsylvania. he is thinking about that court appearance check this out for a short time ago he posted this on "truth social" but riding in part there's no way i get i can be given a fair biden trial on monday with judge who is a totally conflicted and corrupt. he went on to say a few more things as well about the attorney general and other people in new york. people are not fazed by the presidents a busy court schedule ahead of monday's jury selection for the first criminal trial ever for a former u.s. president, watch. >> i am not concerned about it whatsoever as far as the election and our road forward. my concern is for this country and trump will help us to the security of everything. quick snow, i am not nervous. and neither is trump guaranteed. >> absolutely not. we have seen the american people and see was going out of the sky
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with four cases going on four jurisdictions all democratic all during the election but we are not stupid rather than the cold to support a man who loves us because we love him. >> this is the former president's third visit this year to the keystone state had the states primary. biden has made five trips to the battleground state this year. with the more it stops a plan by the president next week. he will have a major address in his hometown of scranton will also hit pittsburgh and philadelphia. the county is considered biden's home turf trump has a fundraiser teddy and bucks county that is the only county were trump lost to biden by 17000 votes back into thousand 20 paid that is the county that trump lost to biden it's all part of the major fundraising pushed by the trump team which is already wrapped up $64 million and counting at recent events. just before the hush money criminal trial begins in new york on monday. >> we have a president that does not know where he is. he cannot speak.
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the whole world is collapsing. the world is on fire. they have no respect for our country anymore. >> back up here live we can say there are still people here showing up. we know president trump is a wheels down here in pennsylvania for their expecting to see about 6000 people the outdoor rally. it is very windy, it's not right nice out the people here do not care. steve what we can hear the wind and the microphone but we see it behind you. windy and rainy and they are still there as well as you. >> that is right. eric: alexis thank you, arthel. arthel: hunter biden federal trial and gun related charges is still on after a judge rejected his legal team's request to drop the case. hunter biden is also appealing a similar denial of a motion to dismiss federal tax charges in california. both trials are scheduled to start in june. madeleine rivera has more. >> a federal judge is rejecting hunter biden's argument he is
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the target of vindictive and selective prosecution. after a plea deal fell apart in july hunter was indicted in september with three felony firearm charges for allegedly lying about his drug use when he filled out atf to buy a gun in 2018. judge who is scuttled that plea deal, dealing another blow that is the first son on friday. she throws cold water on hunter's argument he is being unfairly prosecuted for being the president's son. twenty-five page ruling she writes executive branch that charge defendant is headed by that sitting president. the defendant's father. therefore defendants claim is effectively his own father targeted him for being his son. a claim that is nonsensical under the facts here. hunters seem also says republicans exerted political pressure on special counsel david weiss. is dismissing that notion writing regardless of whether congressional republicans attempted to influence executive branch, there was no evidence they were successful in doing so.
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another ruling issued on friday addresses a diversion agreement on the gun charge which was part of the failed plea deal. though the defense maintains a document is invalid, disagrees because the probation officer never signed the document hunter's legal probes extend to california where he is facing federal tax charges for allegedly engaging in a four-year scheme to avoid paying at least $1.4 million in taxes. both of these trials are set to begin in june although it is possible plea deals can be reached in both cases. arthel: madeleine rivera thank you. eric: after a string of scary made air mechanical failures boyle have to answer to congress for eight straight up a pilot whose work with the faa safety team breaks down the issues with boeing and what we can expect when we go to the airport "fox news live" continues at next. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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arthel: nypd is much more than officers patrolling city
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streets. prepares to respond to emergencies by air and sea. fox news got an exclusive look at how an elite team of scuba divers trained for search and rescue operations. cb cotton is live in new york city with more. >> as you said we got a look at lease scuba team among the team is considered to be it is not easy 500 miles surrounding new york. [inaudible] have training to navy seals. arthel: seat b, or going to be a shot up and running and get her back up at a moment. meanwhile there is this. >> the american public deserves to hear these serious shocking
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allegations about the absence of proper safety practices and safety culture. the company ought to show up as well to provide answers. to fort connecticut senator richard blumenthal with stern words for boeing. i headed the committee hearing that have been revealed at the company. the hearing comes after second whistleblower has come forward alleging boeing has cut corners manufacturing it's a dream biters but this of course the wake of several high profile incidents. it started with the door plug blowing off an alaskan airlines at 747 max but how deep are the problems customer care to weigh in safety team and expert kyle bailey. always good to see you. this whistleblower alleges shortcuts that boeing, which the company denies, tried to put production over safety. what you think we will hear in
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this hearing? >> good afternoon. this is both the 777-7087 aircraft. he is claiming these shortcuts that were put in place are jeopardizing the integrity of the fuselage with differential takeoff and landing cycles. the interesting thing is he is claiming on the 777 and 787 program. i am finding that a little hard to believe this could be happening in both programs within boeing. eric: we are looking at a 777 the tire fell off the united flight that took off. with that shocking incidences. would it be a boeing issue at the tire falls off versus a mechanical issue? we are looking at an while something was ingested to because of flames to come out for some these alarming instances may have nothing to do with the manufacturer of the airplane.
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>> tires are falling off, things are falling off and flight most likely is not a problem of the manufacture of airplanes a have been out there for several years. with the door plug the defects caused by a contractor or boeing. boeing has half a million employees. yes we have a senate hearing coming up next week and hopefully get the boeing ceo there. he has one or 53000 employees. even if he wanted to fix the problem, how quickly will this happen within such a big organization? the other issue there is not much automation like in the car industry. for example boeing produces. tesla one or 43 model threes and they have a high level of automation. because there's half a million parts in every 7:30 seven. you cannot have an automated
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process. you have all of those employees who are doing manual work. it's not a matter of a retooling or adjusting things every single employee has to be on their game. the top management has to make sure every single employee is doing what they are supposed too and it is double checked and checked again after that. eric: that's a fascinating insight we think of car sounding lines airplanes are basically made by hand? >> that his rights. half a million parts on one 7:30 seven. the assembly process is mind-boggling. the current boeing ceo is retiring shortly. he is stepping down. they are in search for a no ceo. the issue is there's probably not more than a dozen individuals in this country that are out there who actually can run a boeing.
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boeing is so complex the individual, unlike other ceos has to note manufacturing, production, aircraft operations, and also help to deal with government regulators which is a huge part of boeing's business. eric: it is unclear if he will appear and boeing says we've offered to provide document testimony and technical briefings are in discussions with the subcommittee regarding next steps. they deny the fact accusations from the whistleblowers of retaliation. do you think in your view are boeing airplanes basically safe? are you confident when you get on a boeing plane? that's 7:30 seven from alaska they said four bolts were left off of that door. that is why it blew out. what about the factory? something like that someone forgot to put the bolts honor put the bolts back on. you have a high level of competence getting on a boeing plane or do you have second
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thoughts? >> any airplane is certified and flying in the u.s. for major airline is one 100% safe. i'd a friend of mine yesterday text me and say kyle i'm going down to florida. how would you possibly avoid traveling on a 7:30 seven max but i said go on the internet, buy a ticket and don't worry what airplane it is, you will be fine. [laughter] 's before you are right for kyle bailey great to see everything so much looking forward to that hearing. we'll see what comes out of it. more news a straight here on "fox news live" when we come back. you love your bike. we do, too . that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one.
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jamie? my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. i ran my own hvac business and now i'm retired. i'm not good being retired. i'm a pain in the neck. i like to be able to have a purpose. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i saw the prevagen commercials. short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. we're traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. you feel like it's good? how do you know when it's time to check in on your heart? how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. that is a medical-grade ekg. want to see how it works? yeah. put both thumbs on there. that is your heart coming from the kardiamobile card.
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wow! with kardiamobile card you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think that costs? probably $500. $99! oh really? you could carry that in your wallet! of course you can carry it in your wallet, right? yes, yes. checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. don't wait. get kardiamobile card for just $99 at or amazon.
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eric: president but a return to the white house this afternoon from his vacation home has a beach home and rehoboth, delaware. the purpose to meet the national security advisers. this as israel's bra pricing for potential attack from iran or for one of the iranian backed proxy groups. how should the u.s. respond if iran doesn't strike our ally, israel congressman will be here he is a member of the house armed services committee. as the world at the moment weights that interview, the appearance of 4:00 p.m. eastern here and "fox news live." arthel: must go back to cb cotton here in new york city and her behind the scenes look nypd air and water rescue.
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>> round two again. we've got behind the scenes look nypd scuba team which is elite among the ranks is considered the hardest team to qualify for because it is not easy to help patrol more than 500 miles of waterfront surrounding new york city. we are told highly skilled nypd officers have training comparable to navy seals. throughout the year there's a team of divers on standby at 24/7 writing to respond to emergencies in the water. that could be a swimmer or a jet skier who's a drowning or a boat that is in danger but lieutenant leads nypd scuba team he says his divers are preparing f for busy summer. >> the environments that we go into her ex are extremely diffi. it is dangerous. are members of the team need to be physically fit to handle any challenges presented. we could be anywhere in five minutes but we do not wait for traffic lights. ia summons and distrust in the
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water will be the rapidly. >> these divers help the city crime-fighting efforts off land. >> another major aspect of the scuba team is evans recovery. from time to time to help recover anything from a vehicle to a firearm that was involved in the crime. most recently we had a recovery of a firearm were we did it 10 dives over a seven day period in zero visibility conditions to recover the firearm to help bring that suspect to justice. as we get closer to those warm summer months the recommendation for everyone across the country we all know this it but it may be important swimming and a waters that are near lifeguard station t says it gives you the best chance to have someone save your life if you get into danger. arthel: does not hurt to remind
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that over and over send that message out again and again but we did it twice as nice. cb cotton. [laughter] thank you. eric: for the police to the military the best ranger competition is among the toughest test in the u.s. military physical mental limits get pushed madison for an inside look at that from columbus, georgia. >> hello eric we see that blackhawk helicopter behind me. we have seen a lot of those in action since his competition began. they're currently taking one of the very few short breaks they get before the night portion of the events begin. you said it since yesterday we have some of the ranger teams push their minds, bodies and technical skills to the absolute limit. >> you are supposed to be kind of suffering through three days, no sleep. like degraded supplements and
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you just have to like you know everyone is suffering along with you and you have to get through. >> captain chandler ramirez put him and his teammate are currently in fourth place at all the ranger teams remaining. pretty impressive. his partner got second place last year. they had extra motivation going into this year's competition these competitors are some of the best the military has to offer but here's a look at some of the brutal 32 events the rangers go through. as mentioned is not just physical events at the mental so there is a memory game today the rangers had to compete in 28 teams made the cut today. tomorrow half of those will be eliminated only one of the teams get the coveted title of 2024 best rangers back to you. >> that's exciting competition i could not do it wow. madison thank you. >> i have seen madison do
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push-ups when they weren't like we have a shot of her doing push ups or i think she can handle some of this. covering the lifeguards the police lifeguards were back at0 4:00 p.m. eastern please join us then. meanwhile the journal editorial report is up 37 next. see how at that's me! i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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♪ snots >> welcome to the "journal editorial report," i'm
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paul gigot third straight mo


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