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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 14, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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[background sounds] eric: how will israel respond to tehran's terror? the world at this hour waiting to see if prime minister benjamin netanyahu will respond militarily after the bursts of rocket fire lit are up the an unprecedented attack on the jewish state. more than 300 missiles and drones. defending itself against a major escalation. hello everyone. i am eric and this is fox news live. >> hi. i am arthel. launching its local time. it intercepted 99% of those missiles and drones. it's war cabinet meeting right now.
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holding an emergency meeting today after israel called for an official condemnation of the attack. i ran the howling -- vowing retaliation for an airstrike that killed people two weeks ago the u.s. and other allies helped intercept those. >> it absolutely was. a massive air attack. launching as closely as we could a pretty good indication of the size and scale. what iran was planning. that is why. we had a good sense of what they were going to do and with how much. that is why we would help israel knocked down as much that i ran throughout them. >> right now in a special g-7 meeting. a united diplomatic response.
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it is moving up on military aid for israel this week. we will speak with former prime minister of israel. first live team coverage. madison with reaction from jewish leaders. live in tel aviv with the very latest from there. >> that afternoon. israel's war cabinet is meeting. what the response will be to this unprecedented attack overnight launched by iran with hundreds of missiles and drones. many of those projectiles shot down outside of israeli space. slipping past the fighter jets and slamming into the ground across this country. more than one people heading to bomb shelters in major population centers and sirens blared.
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we do know one of the war cabinet members, israel's former defense minister spoke saying that israel is planning to have a regional coalition against iran. understanding the threat is not a one-off threat. something that is maintained throughout the war between israel and hamas outside of gaza and continues overnight and into today. of course the lebanese militant group's directly threatened israel. determining their response. they don't want to start a larger war but they don't want iran to think they can get away with launching such an attack on israel. western support. the massacre in southern israel. israel started to lose some of its support.
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you had biden administration officials including the president himself saying american military aid based on their actions inside of gaza. standing clear from iran. the israelis want to maintain that support understanding that this will not be a one-off attack. they will be threatened by and ran again in the future. >> any indication on exactly how israel could respond? could they take out the drone factories that respond to russia to attack and kill ukrainians. could they take out missile sites? what proportion. >> a spectrum of targets for the israelis if they do decide to
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strike back in iranian territory they make these drones that were used in the attack overnight but also sold and used against the ukrainians. they could target facilities. going after leadership. they could even target iranian nuclear sites. the administration as part of this meeting today is working after a major attack on israel. trying to contain the israelis. the last thing they want to see is an unraveling in a broader war in the middle east. they want to send a clear message to iran that directed tax will not be accepted. there are a lot of politics at play. a lot of questions of how they will walk the messaging following this attack to be. israel's air defense overnight worked correctly.
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the most advanced arrow system works. it was able to intercept many of the drones of missiles fired at this country that is seen as a success from israel. the iranians trying to claim victory. there are reports that they congratulated the regime for this aggressive attack against israel. both sides tried to get the messaging clear here understanding that the coming 48 hours will be critical to see what happens next. >> a sense that terrorists in tehran have made a mistake? >> like many in the middle east they have a long memory and even if they decide not to act directly, they can go after the leaders of the iranian military whenever they please. they killed one of the top iranian generals and a strike earlier this month.
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they have the intelligence, they have the capabilities and there are many people on the kill list that will have to certainly watch their back in the coming weeks and months ahead. >> not resting easy. thank you. our cell. >> the un will hold an emergency security council meeting on iran's attack in which the israeli ambassador calls it a violation of israel's sovereignty. cb cotton is live with more. >> less than four hours, global leaders discussing how they should respond to this iranian escalation. the un emergency security council meeting comes after the israeli ambassador sent a letter to the council president as you said. calling on the security council to condemn the attack and
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designate the iranian revolutionary guard as a terror organization. the iranian ambassador to the un also wrote a letter to the council saying iran acted in self-defense according to the un charter and that i ran drone attack was a promise retaliation for deadly april 1 strike on the iranian consulate in syria for which israel has not claimed responsibility. they went on to say "the matter can be deemed concluded and showed that israeli regime make another mistake, iran's response would be considerably more severe. a conflict between the two from which the u.s. must stay away. while we wait for the emergency security council meeting to happen, police sources tell me there will be patrols that jewish palestinian and iranian gathering points in the city.
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the nypd says right now there are no credible threats to the big apple. back a more than 2000 jewish institutions in the region telling fox jewish synagogues and community centers will continue operating with the same tools that have been used since the october 7 attack. >> we have been guiding our institutions to be vigilant in their security and access control making sure that there are cctv cameras and guard situations are all being checked on a regular basis. we are also watching the situation because it is very dynamic. things could change. should the u.s. and iran come to direct close, that would probably be the type of catalysts out of us increase our elevator threat level here. >> the un secretary-general also condemned the iranian drone attacks. >> live at the un. thank you.
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>> president biden spoke with benjamin netanyahu last night pledging america's ironclad support for security. the president told the prime minister that the u.s. would not participate in an israeli counterattack calling the defense of victory and went for the state. the president is expected to talk with leaders this afternoon to discuss what he is calling a united diplomatic response to this terrorist attack. the latest on what the administration is doing. hi, lucas. >> that call has just wrapped up here at the white house the marine corps corporal stand guard is still there. president biden remains in the oval office. president biden offering his ironclad support israel and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, also cautioning the leader not to counterstrike and launch a strike against iran
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following last night's attack. security council spokesman john kirby did not deny that report. >> we need to see what the war cabinet says. whatever next step they want to pursue. that is a sovereign decision that israeli counterparts want to make the deciding what the next step is here. >> one day after telling the nation iran would launch this attack on israel soon back to the white house at his home yesterday afternoon to huddle with his national security team here at the white house. biden also spoke about the role u.s. forces play the defending israel. thanks to these deployments and extraordinary skill of our service members, we helped israel take down nearly all of the incoming drones and missiles u.s. officials say 70 of the more than 300 drones and missiles launched from iran was shot down. u.s. central command had
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positioned in the eastern mediterranean using the radar to spot direction of those missiles to take them down. they are at a lower altitude. american british fighter aircraft also engaged as well. the former offered this assessment to last night's attack. >> iran could not replicate last night's attack tonight if they had to. ballistic missiles, drones and they are cruise missiles. they have now been deployed in the major combat test and frankly, that test has failed. israel this morning is now much stronger than they were yesterday and iran is relatively weaker than it was yesterday. >> for years as a senator, joe biden was skeptical. last night it saved israel. >> live at the white house. thank you. >> as israel weighs its next move, let's bring in former
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israeli prime minister. thank you for joining us. should prime minister netanyahu respond aggressively, measured or should he not respond? >> we would do what america would have done the 330 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles were going towards american land some of them hitting the i will just mention that a 7-year-old arab is ritzy -- israeli girl is fighting for her life. >> that means full force response. >> we are going to need to have clever, surprising and decisive response. i am hearing about the incredible victory that israel achieved yesterday versus iran.
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i would define it differently. basically we have managed to fend off and protect against all weapons coming from all directions simultaneously. you cannot win wars by defense alone after incurring 330 heads and does not hitting just blocking, the only way i ran will sink twice next time is if they paid a very painful price. >> meanwhile, president biden told prime minister netanyahu that the u.s. will not back any counterattack against iran. is this the best stands for the u.s.? >> i will not tell the u.s. what to do. israel will never ask america to fight or worse. we are fully capable of defending ourselves.
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i would say, though, for all the viewers right now, we are fighting the war of the west. they domestic, if iran goes nuclear, and it has these long-range ballistic missiles, it will not be that difficult to reach america. this is a global threat. number one global exporter of terror is the islamic republic of tehran. fighting the crisis regimes and terror organizations on earth. we expect america stands behind us as it has done in the past. that is how allies and friends should treat each other. >> trade just reported that israel wants to form a regional coalition against iran did what does it signal to you that saudi arabia and jordan joined the u.s. and uk in shooting down the
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drones of missiles aimed at israel. >> this is a very positive development. it has been in the works for several years now. as prime minister of israel i worked very hard with some regional players in the united states in putting together what i called the middle east air defense system which is integrated air defense system where all for one and one for all identify aerial targets and we can all intercept them. that is final period ultimately despised by its own people. it is corrupt. destined to collapse. at the sake of global stability this will happen. >> meantime, the situation in gaza remains dire.
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does this unprecedented attack have any bearing on how israel and how to proceed in gaza? >> it does. the islamic jihad are arms like an octopus of terror. it sends its tentacles around the middle east to iraq, syria and lebanon. everything it touches fails. fighting back and entire octopus of terror both into arms whether it's in gaza or lebanon or hezbollah. i think that we ought to do this together. we definitely need partners for this. >> former prime minister of
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israel. thank you for joining us, sir. >> thank you very much. >> eric. >> the regime exposed by its direct attack on israel. now that terrorism may have done something else, but congressional military aid to the jewish state into overdrive. nancy mace is here and will tell us what washington will do to help our strongest ally in the middle east. stay witi meh us.
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a few days after i became speaker way back in the sober we passed our israel support package it has been sitting on chuck schumer's desk ever since. we will try again this week and the details of that package are being put together right now. >> house speaker mike johnson hours after the first direct attack against israel. kickstarting the push to pass this dead alone military aid package for our closest ally. continuing to face the threats that seek its annihilation. serving in the house of armed service committee.
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congresswoman, good to see you. good morning. will it move the house this week >> i believe that will build swiftly. the united states stands with israel. what we are witnessing today, the wing of the democratic party we have gone from peace to strength to war through week because of the white house. they are weak on all of these issues. >> why do you say that? >> just a few weeks ago joe biden and his administration allowed a waiver of sanctions to the tune of $10 million in cold hard cash that would allow them to access that money of foreign banks, for example. money over this $6 billion. separate issues, separate times. watching joe biden just sort of distance himself from israel.
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at the same time he supports israel he is doing things that support iran did you cannot have it both ways. >> trump issued sanction waivers >> i go back even farther than that. i look at the obama biden administration and the poorly executed agreement. i go back to joe biden poorly executed afghan withdrawal. over the last couple of years what iran's point is, what they are trying to do and this is today about israel, long-term talking about a larger fight that iran wants to have. we have to be very smart here regardless of who is in charge. i believe we can resolve the global turmoil we are seeing today by getting donald trump back in the white house. i don't believe this would have happened under his leadership. >> there was an attack.
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military troops suffering injuries. sending them to two airbases. how can the regime that hates us and hates israel, how can they be curtailed? do you think that they can be overthrown? how can we and the regime in tehran? >> we have seen attempts to do that in previous administrations republican and democratic alike. some of the disruption we see over there because of our attempts to do that. i think we need to be very strategic here. we will pass aid and resources to israel. the house run service committee is negotiating the national defense authorization act. i'm talking about ways that we can ensure we don't embolden terrorism around the world. we are providing aid or resources or equipment to countries that i line with my
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run. a lot of tools in the toolbox we can use to settle things down in the middle east. >> military capabilities helped israel, of course. directly trying to repel. do you have a sense of what can be done going forward? prime minister benjamin netanyahu being told the u.s. will not participate if they seek a retaliation to this attack. do you think that that is a wise step? if indeed the jewish state retaliates? >> i do not agree with the president announcing it to the world. he just weekend israel by stating to iran publicly that we will not be by their side if they decide to retaliate. i do believe that there are a lot of resources. the house reconvenes and we will be back in d.c. tomorrow getting
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israel in a stand-alone bill, the aid that they need to move forward in whatever direction they decide. their decision based on their sovereignty. we need a coalition of allies that support israel to help decide what next steps will be around the world, how we can support them. sanctions should be on the table we should ensure that we are not aiding and abetting or finding the other side of this fight with iran or anyone that aligns with l ran. >> we saw saudi arabia and jordan also defending israel. hopefully this goes forward. good to see you. thank you so much. we will see you this week. take care. >> leaders across the middle east are urging restraint after iran's unprecedented attack, direct attack on israel. now tehran is morning one of those nations to stay out of this or else.
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bottom of the hour. some of the stories we are following for you. israel successfully defending itself against iran's first-ever direct attack overnight. more than 300 missiles and drones fired from iran iraq syria and yemen. shooting down 99% of those outside of its airspace. president biden telling benjamin netanyahu that the u.s. has an ironclad commitment to the security of israel. he spoke a short time ago with g7 leaders. that meeting has now ended. meanwhile on capitol hill the republican led houses moving up their vote on more military aid for israel. that vote this coming week. >> tehran is morning the country
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of jordan against coming to israel's aid he had this is after the jordanian air force down dozens of iranian drones that entered it airspace. saudi arabia is urging restraint and calling for de-escalation to prevent the conflict from spreading in the middle east. the white house now says president biden told prime minister netanyahu that the u.s. would not participate in a counteroffensive against iran if israel launches one. let's bring in national security analyst, president of iris independent research. first of all, no one wants a widespread war. could that be the reason saudi arabia and jordan joined israel's defense of iran's attack? what do you make of the warning to jordan? >> yes. calling for restraint. i interpret that that in actuality they are shocked at
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what iran has launched against israel. this isolates iran even more. it was a very stupid move by iran. when you see them talking about restraint, they want this to simmer down. as for jordan, i am so impressed by what that airspace and king have done. they actually visited washington back in february. very involved with their drops. the king himself flew on a plane to do an air drop a few months ago and last night, jordan stepped up and helped defend their sovereign airspace and also part of that team defending israel. incredibly impressed with jordan today. >> of course you know israel wants the security council to condemn the attack and designate the revolutionary guard corps as a terrorist organization. first of all, is this a reasonable request and what with the designation do?
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how do you expect the council to vote? >> i think that it is very reasonable. i have just about given up on the un. russia and china block and mess everything up there in the security council. so they g7 meeting that -- with our top allies like britain and france and japan, that will be much more important. the un is basically sidelining itself because of china and russia. we just cannot count on the un for leadership here. >> meanwhile, you just mentioned president biden. he had this call this morning with the g7. mr. biden reportedly urging a diplomatic response. i ask you, what diplomatic options are there to stop iran from watching another attack? >> it does not feel very satisfying after what we watched
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happen. great credit to israel and our u.s. military forces who helped shoot down so many of those incoming rounds, but the diplomacy, you just want to see them do more. i think what president biden is trying to do is keep the momentum so that down the road we can have a cease-fire in gaza and saudi will recognize israel. the one good thing coming out of all of this is jordan, saudi arabia and others may not want to talk about it publicly, but they are realizing that iran must be isolated. iran is a tremendous threat to israel and the whole region. finally willing to take steps to contain and help with that. >> i 30 seconds hard. how does a shaky relationship between president biden and prime minister netanyahu impact this volatile turn of events? >> to me, biden left elaine for israel to defend its security.
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israel will take a little time and think about their options. the key word from the white house is ironclad. ironclad support from israel. i expect to see capitol hill followed that this week and pass and aid package. we are behind israel 100%. >> doctor rebecca grant, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> the iranian attack bring some new meaning to a rally about to be held at cornell university. jewish students protesting anti-semitism. they will be calling for support organizing the unity rally. next to explain her message to others across the country.
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anti-semitic incidents on u.s. college campuses have been on the rise. there are some renewed concerns
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about potential more backlash after iran's attack last night. students at cornell university in ithaca, new york will hold a jewish unit d rally to fight against anti-semitism and show support for israel. one of the leaders joins us. a cornell student. amanda, welcome. your reaction to the fact that iran directly attacked israel last night. >> i think all of us here on campus and frankly every jew and israeli in the world, holding their breath right now waiting to see what happens. i think that it really emphasizes and really underscores the purpose of our rally today to show our unity, show our support for the jewish people in the state of israel. >> i think i will be opening the rally really setting the stage that this is a moment for us all to stand together united. both jews and non-jewish
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students who support us to show that we will not be intimidated. we will not love -- we will not let fear dictate our actions. we will continue to be proud jews on this campus. >> what have you recently experienced? >> almost on a daily basis we are seeing rallies in which students chant from the river to the sea palestine will be free directly calling for a genocide against the jews and the destruction of the state of israel. this process every day in a daily reality. >> i will call them what they are. pro- hamas demonstrations largely. when they talk about any occupation. not israel. do you think that some of those people will turn around and say iran is right. do you think they will be supporting iran in this attack?
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>> frankly, i think the demonstrators are the same ones cheering them on. >> why do you think that there is this sense of always blaming israel. always putting the onus on israel. >> since the beginning of time, jews have been the escape goat for everything and have really been blamed for all of the world 's problems. i think that the emergence of the state of israel is a very young state and throughout its history it has constantly been targeted and the only jewish state in the world in a sea of arab states is constantly and consistently the one targeted entity in the world. >> former prime minister in an interview with the said they don't have any friends they only after and only have rocks but
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israelis have the human spirit. let you get off to the rally. thank you for joining us, amanda , and what you are doing. what the u.s. can do to have israel's back. we will be right back.
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the wake of iran's unprecedented direct attack on israel, president biden is now telling the prime minister that the u.s. will not participate in a rather talented tory attack by israel. this comes as the president called the successful response a victory and they went. that barrage of more than 300 missiles and drones were fired from iran, iraq, syria and yemen forces shot down 99% of them outside of israel's airspace and included the participation of jordan and u.s. forces. the president told the israeli prime minister that the u.s. hasn't ironclad commitment to the security of israel. we finished up a meeting with the g 7 leaders coordinating what they are calling a united diplomatic response to the attack. on capitol hill this attack is now reignited the fight to pass military aid, a package for
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israel is expected to be voted on and passed by the republican led house early this coming week >> iran's first attack against israel is indeed renewing the fight on capitol hill to expedite a military aid package. will it pass this week? let's bring in kansas senator who serves on the senate intelligence and appropriations committee. thank you for joining us. $95 billion. bundling funding for israel with aid for ukraine and taiwan. the house has not touched or considered that senate package for months. in light of iran's direct attack on israel, do you think speaker johnson will finally take up the senate bill? >> majority leader indicates that a bill dealing with israel will come up this week in the house of representatives is way late. we should always be better prepared than we are.
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this delay in the passage i think it's very damaging and gives the world a chance to think that the united states is not united in its views of how we need to protect not only ourselves, but our allies. i think last night iran's attack on israel is a game changer, a different world, red lines have been crossed. i thought the united states, while we responded correctly, i think the next question is what do we do next. what happens if israel retaliates against iran. do we still have their back? i think that there are a lot of questions. we saw nothing to come together and pass out package. not separate out components of that package. slowing it down dramatically. it would take much longer than have to come back to the senate, have another debate, go back to the house. it becomes much more difficult
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to get this done in a timely fashion. i would say, we ought to know, do we not think that china and russia are cheering iran on. are they not pleased every time we are distracted by something else in the world? >> senator, i am sorry, i do have to get some questions in here because we are short on time. what if the house only wants to push through a standalone aid package with funding for israel only. when the senate accepted? >> i don't know the answer to that, but i think it would be a terrible mistake. i ran in particular is an ally of russia in its efforts to take over the country of ukraine. we would again demonstrate that you can distract, something in israel and in the united states does not have the capacity to deal with china and russia elsewhere in the world. i hope, i asked the house to deal with the entire package so
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that it can be done quickly. dealing with all of our circumstances are most of our circumstances that they face at this world challenging time. they really are not separate issues. >> do you think it will be put aside in the american people can expect they both this week? >> i believe that to be the case i know that it should be the case. our country faces tremendous challenges. it is time to put together an effort to pull us together, not pull us apart. serving the national security needs of our own nation ought to be forefront over any kind of republican politics, democratic politics or even just the next election. >> you will be attending an intelligence briefing on the situation they are in the middle east. if congress again cannot do something and get some sort of aid package pass, do you fear a
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terror attack on our soil by isis or a terror organization from that part of the world? >> absolutely. i spoke on the senate floor this past week. we think of it in many capacities enforcing the law, drugs, human trafficking. i spoke for what i know to be true in what i'm concerned about it is also the opportunity for terrorist which have been coming across our border and numbers. they have been apprehended but how many have not been apprehended? our border security remains a significant challenge and needs to be addressed as part of our own security. there are other things that other congress could do. they have to change their energy policy. change in the paul's on liquefied natural gas. iran benefits. we need to enforce the sanctions that are already in place. this is the most amount of oil produced by iran even though we
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sanction them in the last five and a half years. the administration needs to do more in enforcing sanctions against iran. let's take care of also the sanctions we already have in place. >> how do you enforce those sanctions that are in place? i'm so sorry. we are just tight on time. how do you do that? >> you do that by making certain it is a priority for our entire country. the sanctions that have arose in the particular nuclear arrangement, the deal struck to modify the nature of nuclear capabilities of iran and for all of the other sanctions that we have in place, say something more than just we will sanction you. actually make certain that those sanctions are effective. you cannot look the other way because you are worried about the domestic price of oil in the
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united states. >> we will leave it right there. thank you very much for joining us. take care, sir. >> thank you. >> israel considering a possible response to iran's attack on tehran terror. it could backfire. that in more as the attack on israel continues straight ahead.
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new video shows israeli defense forces intercepting drones and
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cruise missiles launched


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