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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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morgan, jesse watters and gregss e gutfeld. 5:00 ildn new york city and thih is "the five". [ ♪♪ ] check it out here looking live added president donald trump on his way back to trump tower as the first full day of his comment hush money trail wraps. moments ago the former president talked after the trial and he said after spending the day locked inside of them and had an courtroom he had some things to say. trouble as to be excused for his sons behrens has graduation butu was deniedt . judge warning to trump you could be arrested if he skipped out oy a day. >> mr. trump: i can go to myited son's graduation or the supreme court,s if not in georgia,r florida, north carolina,shou campaigning like i should be. it is perfectly of the radical left democrats, it's exactly what they it's abouten election interference, it's all it's about. >> dana: 96 prospective jurors n getting sworn in, at least 50 of
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them dismissed because they cannot be seen as impartial, only 18 will eventually eventually remain for the unprecedented for his criminalin trial of a former president and leading candidate for the white house.wh it all trouble have to be in court physically everything thaa they and it draws it could last until june which is one month before the arms raised official stars.rippunda many legal analysts ripping apart the foundation of the casg argued that alvin bragg should have never pursued it in the first place. >> everything about this case in my view is legally absurd.ew l this case is basically estate misdemeanour that has run out om the stature of they took a dead did misdemeanour and bootstrap it into effectively trying to a federal crime. but the federal crime here was rejected by the department of justice. they did notthel t feel that she charged. it will turn on the testimony ol people like michael -- michael cohen. and michael cohel con just recey how to judge call him a serial
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perjurer. >> dana: let's get caught up in what everybody thinks aboutsb this starting with you judge kamaka. >> judge jeanine: first offirs all, to go off of what jonathanw turley wasas saying, thepart department of justice refused tr go forward, the federal election commission refused to go forward, the da refused, alvinbg bragg at the da refused. and then mark, at mean-spiritedd individual decides to write a book and bears alvin bragg and that alvin bragg bring the charges. jonathanch is right, this is anm expireisd misdemeanour, bootstrm by federal crime. know what the federal crime is, out in one of the bilt is in particular says. audit even know why this thing t is going ati want to say something i haven't heard anybody say, i wa. in da, and the way that you bring and try cases is you try them based upon what to go first a new york state, and i've sev spoken to spit -- several das about this, a new york state
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people in jail are a priority in terms of timing. or person is charged with a violent crime gets as ay. priority. so think about the fact that we are backlogged with this, i'm not talking about the extensiono of covid-19 of the stature of limitations, but because of the backlog, every major da office n new york state is trying to taks -- trying cases, violent cases s from 21 and 2022, they are not trying cases where the defendanw is not in jail and why it's on a violent crime. yet you come to manhattan which has 55 times the caseload of the das that i spoke with and therek taking thein case out of orderee where the defendant is not in a jail, it's not a violent crimee because they want to make suredd they can prorate donald trump as a convicted felon in front of the american people. and the idea of a speedy trial is not for the prosecution, it's
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for the defence. you couple this with the violation, the discovery violation of 30,000 pages of information, six months they hav to review, they gave them two weeks. this is alo wel in efforts to ma sure that donald trump does not warn for office in a positivee way. >> dana: and if he gets denied the opportunity to go to his. son's graduation, you cannot the campaign, maybe that was part of the plan's before you made to get out of the graduation? [ laughter ]ng. they elongate a very boring. it would be refreshing to see the other side reframed this honestly. last week bill marra was talkinn about abortion, and he said it'y murder but i'm okay with it. you can despise that but it wase honestsp from a liberal. it would be nice to hearcrat democratic it honest here and to say, we get it, in this case is bogus, purely political, but we
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are okay with it. right? we're just trying to bring trump down or ruble lose the election. just admit it.el our campaign strategies to eliminate his campaign strategy. a go back to what is it a friday abou t o.j. simpson, that travesty of justice, revealingay what is outside of the courtiden that is more than what is inside. you saw 50 of the jurors dismissed out of 96. the location of the trial, right? that didia not mattel,r, than we the resistance to move it andng why are you seeing so many people drop out? because it mattered more than the evidence. what about of the biases of the prosecutors that are always he actually democrats? still does not report that at a all. why? because it matters to themt al e than the evidence. this is not a federal crime, expired misdemeanour, the strangest thing about this to me is michael cole and -- michael
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cohen being the lead witness. the person in charge of giving you the legal advice to the defendant is a witness to the crime as well as being the responsible party for the crime. it's like the hospital suing the patient for a surgeon smiled practice. it makes n o sense to me. it's incredible. -- malpractice. i also want to indulge in those, how many men and women into the media are cheering this hushoney money charge have it signedhi nondisclosure agreements whichch are exactly the same thing?me you paid money not to divulgelg information to the press in the last 20 years, in the entertainment industry, haveng o been doling out and das like they were bed bath and beyond coupons. so i just find -- and d8 -- it is not a crime but it's a hypocritical one where the media thinks it is. >> dana: jesse did you have ae
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chance to digest all of thising today to bring us your brilliant thoughts? >> jesse: those coupons are great, 50 percent off sometimes? >> greg: but you always leave them at home!te >>r] jesse: never bring them! [ laughter ] >> greg: you get that and you realize, i go back home? >> jesse: like the bags at the supermarket now. never remembered to bring and then they gouge you. what are we talking about again? [ laughter ] alvin bragg is arguing thatt donald trump should have paid with campaign funds stormy daniels.nd >> dana: [ laughter ] >> jesse: and filed with the fac. you to thank alvin bragg would have charged donald trump withhg the crime for using to donor money to pay off stormy danielse he is damned if you does, damned if you doesn't. you are not allowed to use campaign money for personal expenses. it is illegal for politicians to spend campaign money on haircuts, plastic surgery, to make themselves look better fore the electiontt.
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golf club memberships. those types of things that makea you moreli appealing before election, you cannot use campaign money those arnee personal expenses.ol what is more personal than your marriageat i? this is all this is about. this is a personal expense. bill clinton when he wasn he president paid off paula jones. is alvin bragg saying you should have used donor money for that? of course not.d he used private money, because it was a private matter. this is the most corrupt prosecution, the judge, this is a guy who ran on against donald trump, is a democrat, the judged emis a demagogue donor, whose families getting paid by the biden campaign, got paid by adam schiff and the jury pools 90 percent democratic, and the starwood's as a stone cold felon and and the jury pool is basically
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like the og sims and jury pool,v you wille have people trying to wiggle you into the jury and send a message, just like they did with the juice. not all trump is eyeballing these prospective jurors which is the best part.t [ laughter ]pa so this is going to be fun to see him kind of size of theseor jurors ands. the fact that thist judge saysha you cannot attend s son's graduation, he wins in a landslide. >> judge jeanine: donald trump bright now, in a gonna case, he will issue a bench warrant if the defender does not appear foa trial and have them arrested. >> jesse: in california. [ laughter ] >> dana: do you think any of those what we're saying he is crazy? >> piers: this is one of thest most pathetic, petty, self harming acts of political suicide i've ever witnessed. donald trump should go to hisgo son's graduation t.
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go to the onua a saviour watching presidet trump, just go to the graduation. every parent in america, whether they like you are hayti will go, yeah,, i would have done that two. this case is utterly ridiculous. there were plenty of reasons to criticize trump, plenty of casei down the line where there is more serious case against him. this is completely nonsensical m to me, that he would take a former president of the united states andit hede would put hima courtroom or hush money toll potentially '01 night stand with a born star. he may get a 10 year business sentence. have you losentet your mind ame? what a demeaning way to treat a. former president anyway.uld it here on the left body think this would possibly work? w why woulord you not think thatwt what you are doing here is going to almost guarantee donald trump once the next election? the only thing that can absentle guarantee it as if he's found guilty of -- and put in a prison
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cell. at thantt moment donald trump os by landslide landslide. this ie.s a farcical case and anybody on the left is watching this and doesn't agree, you have lost your minds. los ticket to the banks. >> dana: hope they can take a telling. that i s gooa good british phrase edges through in their v8 yes. >> dana: g: >> jesse: never heard that i. no. b >> dana: it is a british phrase. around strikes is all despite president violence many warningy [ ♪♪ ] -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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cyclic. [ ♪♪ ]♪ >> greg: old joe taught to tell them don't. >> president biden: i have onee word, don't. don'i hat you and what is your message to hezbollah and itsr me backer iran? v9 don't. don't, don't. >> don't? don't. >> what is your message to iran in this moment?n >> president biden: don't. >> greg: all theth radicalsar heard wad s don't listen to this old fart. iran attacking is over 300 drones and missiles, thankfully the iron dome swatted them out of the there was only one injury. that hasn't been a military flop that is embarrassing since piers morgan lost the revolutionary war. is will now weighing itscked response to the historic iran attack what the white house cooks up new ways to blame it on the orange man.
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>> it's hard to look at what wan donee and he has gone soft on iran, it was the previous administration that is added toi get usni out of the iran deal ad now iran is so much dramatically o potential nuclear weapon capability than they were before mr. trump was elected to. >> has president biden consider to be think up the public iran posturp the to be more than juse wart? >> don't. he made it clear he did not wan to see escalation in the region. when we had an inkling this was coming, he added more military resources. >> greg: dana, okay. so it's quite an accomplishment dissent hundreds of protective -- projectiles and not kill anyone, it's either deliberate, like as a face-saving exercise, or they're bonded, or its the amazing iron dome, that is our nickname for jesse watters by the way.
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what is going on here? >> dana: i think a couple of things, you don't send that kin of armour without intending to hurt people. there was a 7-year-old girlhe fighting for her life but it was intended to do a lot more harm. all of those things can be true and we can be glad that one wete have good allies helping us, it was the uk, of course,, but also the jordanians, the saudi arabia and that uae offered intelligence. the others think that technology worked, our defences to work. something we have not talked about enough is a where does iran get to most of its materiaa and defence weapons? china. guess what, it was made in china. that is exactly the kind of weapons they have. it is a humiliation i believea for chinana and iran and maybehe it'll helplp people people rethk some things. i though t peter's question was excellent, one how we heard this word "don't" before? what it harasses say to the migrants comment don't come.
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what are they tell the taliban?g don't retaliate againsait the woman. when iatt is easy to rush about going into ukraine, is i don't except for a minor incursion would be okay.g "don't"'s nonworking. anothearr thing in the administration's are trying toal have it all different ways of im comes to the coming occasions. crystal i have biden that wouldc publicly prays benjamilyn netanyahu and say missionio accomplished, we havn e your bao no problemur, at the same time n background to reporters they say, they better not do anything and theyd undermined benjamin netanyahu and they prioritize iran's feeling s. and then that's on background they sent the only person who can articulate a message fromon the administration out on thews sundays show t to say, it was good, it was great, we are on top of things don't worry. in the meantime somebody thatin shot iins undermining both payment, the president and a benjamin netanyahu with beliefsb about hoacw they want to back oe before it'g:s a weird that after this unprecedented attack,is
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historic, it's kind like we're all good in a way. you know, i think it's a jerusalem post claiming that biden was aware and was okay with a measured response from iran, i don't know if that's real i. >> jesse: after the israelis to go to the generals at these damascus embassy, they had a response, iran, rolls they would look week.ook they would call this was powell's because of the conduit, because don't talk to the iranians and they said, yeah, we will launch this many drones, this many missiles at this time and here are all the flight paths. and thenth so we were able to he all of our people in position ta intercept and israelisel were ae to intercept all this. why do you know?ds hundreds o of missiles and drons in on a single fatality. then iran comes out and says mission accomplished! great success! we are done. so it was the most highly
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choreographed well produce thedr i have ever seen. that's an expensive way for the iranians to say -- save face and pretty risky to. i guess now it looks like benjamin edge and yahoo won't retaliate because he is going to show a little restraint, and he will keep hammering hamas in gaza while the rest of the worlr says, okay,, thanks for showing restraint. what he has to be happy the united states, you take out of these iranian generals and the united states came and defendede it sveo for the first time ever. pretty good deal. >> greg: de thank it was also the check on our resolve? again, rare that jesse watters is right , it's the iron dome. but it's a risky move to save face and to test the resolve byl sendinveg this.s do think it was just a failure? >> piers: i founded far more significant than the unitedhe states coming to help, as i expected with thsre uk. i think it was the speed thatjo
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jordan and particularly saudi arabia got involved. if you were iran, i'm not ahe conspiracy theorisort but let's just paint the picture here of what may be going on behind the scenes. iraniran s hates it, iran to see down the line saudi arabia ones to join the normalization with e israel, hates that even more. something we have october 7th where we now know there is serious funding from iran to hamas, it on an epic scale which is intended to go to a potentia overre response from israel and potentially drag america in. that it has on hot -- that is not quite work as they hoped. you know how 300 missiles and rockets heading straight into israel and unprecedented action. you put it altogether and you have iran that are facing what they think is the ultimatemali nightmare, which is normalization of a number of at least in countries with her hated enemy, israel, how did they sto ip them. the only way they can stop themf
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as i tf they're successful and guiding israel and america intog a full-fledged wared in the region. and that's when i saw what happened i posted, it was a bit controversial, i think israelis shouldra show a bit of a restrained. does not meaofn you don't respod when you take the time, you are smart about how you execute the response. i think what iran wants to do is have a full-fledged conflict in the region which would destroyza all ofti this normalization, rih up the abraham accords. and i would like israel and the united states and everybody elsn involved tvoo just look at what saudi arabia did in relation to this and think, this is the way we should all be going. we should be pursuing at normalization in the region andp itit was great that despite t everything that happenedha in g saudi arabia wassa straight in o help israel when these rocketsh came in. h >> greg: judge what you think of piers morgan's a crazy conspiracy? >> judge jeanine: i think it is greater that the nations were
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supportive , but i think what isnk significant here is th ie fact that you know, people are saying again to israel, no, nobody really died other than the 70-year-old girl, arab girl in7- yefact, who may die as a resultf her injuries. -- 70-year-old. let's be proportionate again . look at the fact that iran launched 300 drones, cruise and ballistic missiles, they bal targeted israel and they didn't make it, not an excuse to says. oh, that bygones be bygones. if i'm the da and somebody gets a gun, pics of victim, shoots of the gun, the gun does not abortn i'm not going to charge of attempted murder and i'm gonna walk away? bys requires a response israel. and israel is not going to go quietly because iran will never go quietly. qand i will tell you what else. when is joe strikes, they shoulr
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strike military installations, there is an iran's principal oil exporter, take that out to. because joe biden by giving what is it, six or $10 billion last week to iran, is funding this w war. and the fact that iran is a clueless, you can't even get, that their stuff is made iney china, the can't even hit anything, does not mean that they're not going to continue to fights to destroy israel and america. and joe biden as for his "don't" nobody listens to him or kamala harris or anywhere else. by the way now is a time of strategic petroleum reserve, it's at the lowest point ever.rg and we will start seeing to the prices go up for oil. maybe it's time to hit that oil on that end of the world.ld >> greg: it does feel like the f eebest and only time right now o breast ak this business model ia
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iran, you know? like october 7th, this is the correct response. up next, pro hamas lunatics blocking traffic and chanting death to america.fe [ ♪♪ ]ri ting these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds on golo. golo isn't complicated. i don't have to follow a restrictive diet, and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals. using golo was truly transformative. it was easy, and inexpensive. ♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] [ chanting ] >> jesse: pro hamas lunatics at it again because in kayla's in new york city and blocking traffic nationwide. the mostly peaceful protestersit getting to them a way with cops and the brooklyn bridge shutting down the highway leading the chicago's o'hare airport, forcing travellers to walk their
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luggage across the road.lso they also blog commuters in san francisco by shutting downdo traffiwnc for hours on the goldt gate bridge e and chaining themselves to cars. weary travellers forced to use the portal party on the bridge. that's just a taste of what is to come, for left activistsre gathered in chicago ord iran it will lose a holding a conference to discuss her plans to describi the democratic national convention. they cheered o.n iran's attack n israel while teaching others how to sayg "death to america" and farsi. [ chanting ] >> iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago. [ cheering and applause ]d >> iapn addition there are repos of drones having been fired on israel. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> jesse: wow. we talk about this last and we discussed this, this is actionable? s you know how hundreds of peopg chanting thi ts and cheering on terrorist attacks.atta >> dana: first of all alike to h saery piers morgan has been here for 32 minutes and he alerted change the pronunciation oni hamas and i think we will all follow your lead. [ laughter ] it is very i thinatk all of these protestes like the climate protesters are the most unpersuasive people in the world,un people that may hae sympathized with them before the bridge today are now furious. also i don't know what that is,k new york c city. watching this video of peoplepe being completely inconveniencedn and actionable on the legal front? yes perhaps, especiallly wy whe. block a bridge, but i do want to mention of this there was a pbs poll that shows why don't has a
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33 percent approval for his handling of israel, and i think that is because he has gone so far out of his way to say to the far left and people who live in dearborn, michigan, i have you, i hear you. has been so critical of israel.. when it ended up happening is he's prioritizing being friends with them and have their votes, y losing the support of democrats who support israel and are against terrorism and stupid protesters. >> jesse: judge, i believe the five it will be in chicago for the democratic convention,at ioshould be warned of the pro hamas protesters the judge willh be ie n town and if they try anything they should watch out?l >> judge jeanine: [ laughter ]d ways to have the grand jury behind me, it'll have that the e amazing part of those, you listen to these people and these are people who hate donald trump because of the way he talks ande yet today are okay with death to america. we think about the left and the democrat party, thee
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progressives, i see them asse self-loathing, sellff hating, t hate thewe west, they hateever america, they hate everything about it and they're trying to inconvenience as.. here's a problem. t we selhil is on the west coast d it's happening on the east coast now. this ist cs a well organized, wl oiled group and it's a problemeo that were not ahead of this. we should have known about at this, these people are joiningso us somewhere to figure out how they are going to meet, what are they going to do, honda going to connect, some of that industrial glue used like in europe, connects them to the asphalt and then the cops have to cut the asphalt around them because the cannot jusrot dislodge their't and they have their hands and their joints together in a pipe that goepis into the cars. this is very that bizy the law enforcement my be the fbi is not on top of thiw and wherhee it's going to happe,
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because this is stopping traffic and commerce, emergencys, it is a real problemsp. an pd if the fbi is to looking t parents at catholics and, ma everybody else maybe they don't have time for this. but this is open on socialci media, it'als easy to find and stop it. >> jesse: there was a lot of radical rhetoric frofm muslimsic across the o pond as they say, e you seeing similar trends here? >> piers: i mean i remember when october 7th happened, within 48 hours, in west london, the israeli embassy. and a large crowd turned up and i mistakenly assumed instantly this was a pro- israeli demonstration of it was not. it was a pro hamas demonstration of support for what they've just done. niceu se to the same thing happn after the irani and strikes. i would say to these people, you are very lucky you can do this, and the america or uk.
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tried going somewhere like the gaza strip and chanting death td palestine anead see how long you lost they are.u in relatiolan to your point danh about who they had to converge to the records, how many people stuck on these bridges do youg think? you know what, that's persuading me! it reminds me of greta thunberg, every time they do their stupid stunts , i go and by. automatically -- oil.oi i think it has the oppositeit effect o'sf what they think will happen. if i'm benjamin netanyahu, a from these early government and' watching the seeds, i'm probably thinking you know what, this is probably one of the best devote winners wefo can have for our cause is of these people chanting death to america one oe their very lucky to be in america with the freedom to stay with her staying. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: these hamas-holes of those same people in a different uniform, the blm rides, the
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climate epidemic, anything that they wanant to cut the air behit o what are the single death to america the domenech. it is a system they believe is oppressive and judge, they are well organized. v there's some very well done signs of their that just show up and once in the cities decided t to stop babysitting and let the cops do their jobs, start charging these people sitting in a highway, a highway is not public property. right? it's all like a park?can you can't sit there. i think you will start seeing people take the law into their own hands, especially people that are in a desperate situation, getting t o the hospital or even a job int interview, or to get to fox. i would throw over -- somebodyg: over the bridg ae, it's a short drop. [ laughter ]ro death to america is by the liberal definition hate speech
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and if to i said go back to yor own country, that would be zero phobia. but death to your countryt somehow considered thede voice s the oppressed, excuse me? it's like, i just want to finish , tyra said something that was a grade point.go we werese talking about o.j. simpson, the way the left defensive hamas sympathizers is no different than how the left defended o.j. simpson. t surehi they did bad things but it's part of the larger conflict of oppression and racism, which you can see as an excuse, i'm sure they used it, to justify killing jews in the forties. it's always about of theey w historical context. they will justify anything, including killing you, jesse watters. >> jesse: finally summary made a great point unusual.. jesoi it's about timnte. it's the pole that is drivingin the liberag l media insane. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> judge jeanine: piece in the s middle east, economic prosperity for all and his keyboard. and surprise americans arehavi having trouble no stage. and new york times poll finds only 25 percent of americans's view biden's term is most gooddo for america, compared to nearly half who viewed trump's the samt way.wa why do you say, appears morgan? [ laughter ] >> piers: i was reminded myself, if it hadn't been for the pandemic, think trump would have won by lancet in 2020.d it complete changed anything, of course not the least the economy, so i think look, trump always thinks, the utterly insufferable way that the leftth
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to go abouatt dealing with trum, the constant t hysteria, thehyst concert attempts to finish them off, stop him running to and so on and so on. into the end, i think it has the opposite effect and makes people think, how about was he?he how about was donald trump? he did not go to war anywhere, had of the economy going pretty well, hewe had a big idea for getting dealt with the south and border what she not finish, buti it seems thede border right now, you put it altogether in if your could just removed all drugs rhetoric which is of course part of his appeal, i get that, if you can take away that rhetoric, you are left with a reasonably moderate republican president who just got landed with a hot worst health crisis and ahu hundred yearnds and all the imp. of that could cost of the election. it iits not surprising.. right i have a president who let's be honest can barely s string atr sentence together an oncan stand on his own toward my feet which is not that
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encouraging. >> judge jeanine: okay. consistent with my toby keith>> questioning, what do you think? >> greg: it judge i think the media has been trying to figurey out whiny americans like trump, and they say oh, it's because l he's aea coleader, oh, we want a dictator on day one, it's af ra bunch of racist hillbillies. no. we just liked having more money and safety. that is the bottom line. >> judge jeanine: dana what do>> you know? >> dana:elie i believe it would not be surprising that the new w york times ended its entire polling division because in last year and a half every time they come over the polder like oh, mh god,. they have to go get theirn d eyes checked and make sure the math is correct. president trump is benefiting go also from auto think they blame him for covid-19, i think theyor blame china, and have pretty biden nostalgia. and then joe biden came in and he spent all of his capital onli things that basically ran upy inflation. and noraw he's having to pay th
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price anthd president trumpbe benefits fronem something you my have heard before, that time heals all wounds. it's another phrase. >> greg: all right. >> judge jeanine: wait aa br minute this is toby keith. >> greg: i said before, the g further yoreu get from doldrums presidency the better it looks, which is why the bidenbi presidency always felt like the world's worst halftime show. imagine a super bowl halftime show where the performer f destroys a field, that is what were experiencing. also there is nostalgia for trumpet there's also nostalgiaup for a grown-up what -- grown-up vibe, the values that come withg being an adult when men were men and could identify what a woman is, wherise crime is considereda crime, in a border is treated like a border. these were all adult conceptsep that arets adults understand, b. children don't. children so tantrums anden t thn they demand things for their tantrums under the false guisei of compassion, that is what you see on tiktok every day. whether it is no bail or asylum,
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or pronouns, you comment we hav had it. need adults to enter the room and say go to your room? >> jesse: so the oldest president of all time is a babye >> greg: exactly how ironisic we tend to stay victorious or bolder than ever and destroyingg ancient rock formations. f [ ♪♪ ]or you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> piers: steve read taurus are causing a landslide of trouble, these two lockers destroying a delicate rock formation, million-year-old sandstones to the ground. the vandals could face at leastm six montonh of jailhouse rock. there's a great little girl up thereto, chanting daddy don't fall. i think the rest of us are thinking daddy fall, and hopefully be followed by one ofc the rockkss. >> greg: i don't understandis what he'.s doing, just say that the rocks have been there since slavery and the rocks did nothing, so they are a symbol of white privilege and patriarchy, a solid formation reflecting the prejudice at oppression of atr country that protects it, those rocks need. to be calm down and
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replaced with a statue of george reed. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: is the only thing i can tell you is obvious to the that much -- it is a crime, it's disgusting how dangerous. here's the problem, the day it occurred is not a significant,od if it was generally six we would know who they are by midnight tonight. >> piers: what should be done with these people?>> g >> jesse: as teddy roosevelt and one that went out one with nature of mine a deplorable and i want the chair. but also as a guide, guys like to push stuff down. like to roll things over and break stuff, i can kind of see what they're doing. >> piers: as a parent to why would you want your little girl watching you do this act of stupid vandalism? >> dana: maybe they'll find out they were not sober, i can imagine god, not could readit
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child endangerment. >> greg: >> dana: that's a way to deal with meanwhile in afghanistanagai bringing back stoning against t women fohar offences, lucky they don't live there. >> piers: "one more thing" is up next. [ ♪♪ ] stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. chris counahan for leaffilter— the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing
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roger that robinhood goal get you the biggest match of any i.r.a. on the market. >> get ready. well, let me make this really simple. this story has everything. now we know filter. i'm a go getter. i never start. is such an inflammatory statement america can't get enough of go by at five only on fox news channel and time now for one more thing. >> breaking news from the five. jessica tarlov and a wonderful husband brian have a new baby and is a baby girl. this is what's her name. >> i got. i got in my head. i know, i know. it's teddy, teddy. tarlov mckenna wanted to make sure i had it right. she was born thursday, april 11. she weighed £8, four ounces. she's 21 inches long. adorable photo. she met her big sister, cleo, and they had a wonderful time. i think these are such beautiful pictures. >> and look at that. that's my favorite picture. i think it's so great. >> congratulations. enjoy your time with your baby. we can't.
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we wait to meet her and then to have you back also, brain on politics with brian greenberg on the economy and tax day. >> brian greenberg, such a crowd favorite. yes. and jesse, your next fox corporation chairman emeritus rupert murdoch, attended the 10th breakthrough prize gala to celebrate achievements in science and math, the charitable foundations dedicated to advancing knowledge of scientific and technological innovations to improve people's lives. >> other notable people attending what's known as the oscars of science include robert downey jr. >> kim kardashian and elon musk. i think we should celebrate breakthroughs in technology because they help make life better for people. >> the breakthrough prize presents $3 million in prize money in the fields of life sciences, fundamental physics and mathematics. >> over the weekend, i was in fort myers, a lovely town, selling a book, maybe you've heard of it called get it
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together. everybody came out very festive outfits and they did touch my hair. >> i got a little carried away with the hair touching. >> we don't need to rub your fingers down my scalp so aggressively can just be a guy's head. >> i did. oh, i would usually don't sun men's foreheads, but it is what it is. we have to hurry because greg has talked about it. well, tonight on my show, we're going to have mark geragos talking about the jury selection from the case. >> now, greg, you can promote your show. i have two tonight, 10 p.m., mike baker, tudor exchange, jim florentine, kat timpf. you know, i was at that event that they had science event. >> food was not great. no, no. >> i left early. told you about that. we i shall get you tomorrow, piers. hod the judge. >> have mea great night. welcome to jesse waters. >> primetime tonight. this is an assault on ouris i countrd


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