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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 16, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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that's right. you can get three rolls of alien tape for one low price. here's how to order. to order. call 1-800- 6798495. that's 1-800- 6798495. or go to try alien so call 1-800- 6798495. that's 1-800- 6798495. or online at try alien takeover . we have breaking news as stories develop across the world. a lot of fast action on capitol hill. get smart insight on the top headlines. we'll be covering all of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is watching. we're out of time. thanks to mike baker, our tuto[e gets into florida, gets hitaghe by studio audience. pastors have ar is ♪ ♪ur >> laura: good evening, w everyone come i amas
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laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.a my "angle" moments but first... ng t>> we have real problems wia lot of things having to do with the d.a. because you go right outside and people think, all day long, he is sitting here all day with 10-12 prosecutors over nothing, over nothing. i would say over what people say should not>> l be a trial.d of >> laura: imagine if every four years instead of an a election from a small group of new yorkers led by a few overeducated liberals weres allowed to select the president he read, that is what democrats impress stooges hope effectively occurs with so-called hush money triassinl in manhattan. >> it is incredibly embarrassing to the former president, to puta dythe stress on his marriage wie melania trump, the first lady.d the heart of this entire issuefm is an alleged affair with a porn star. >> we will hear from other women
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but they will say were experiences with donald trump triggering for him and embarrassing for him givingto his personal situation. >> c i am sure they are dreading what is to come. >> laura: now, their ultimate fantasy, of course, is a guilty verdict. short of that, they hope keeping donald trump off at the campaign trail in any sort of details that emerge that will all turn the tide for biden in november. you cannot risk, after all,pe peopleci actually choosing theie own president. he can't do that! especially new polling shows trump is leaving biden and 5 of 6 swing states. now according to echelon insights on behalf of the heritage foundation, he is up ten in georgia, seven nevada, six michigan and arizona, and h leads biden by four in pennsylvania. biden nips trump one point in
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wisconsin. it must have killed axios to report on siena college poll just out, the poll found a big increase nine points and registered voteres who believe trump left the country better off here and we will dive more into this later in the everyone knows his case against trump like fulton county ande classified documents, january 6 case, none of it would be happening if trump had retired from politics after the 2020l wi election or if trump one of those politicians who played ball with the establishment. and most honest people know that a fair election where campaign actually happen and trumpon actually gets to speak to people awfaclose to coast without the l the law fair attacks, well, tha' would likely end in iran elect oriole, and they can't have the app and pure the russia collusion investigation would be insurance policy inin 2016, they think these
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cases will be there insurance policy in think of manhattan for a minute. it'stion is a bastion of liberam where registered democrats outnumber democrats nearly 10-1n and what leaders are given payouts instead of prison time. of course manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, he is perfect for the place here and himself one of the most far left prosecutors in a country of left-wingst prosecutors. now, the violent criminals stalking, beating, murdering, raping innocent new yorkers, they have never been his priority. since taking his job in he's been most impassioned about one cause and that is taking down donald trump by any means necessary. of course, attempting tot, bridk ralph 34 count indictment as doing the people's work. >> at its core, this case today
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is one with allegations like so many of white-collar cases, allocation someone lieagaid agan and again.wh we checked their interest and evad e the laws and all are held accountable. as this office has done time and time again, we, today, uphold our solemn responsibility to ensure that everyone stands equal before the law. no amount of money and no amount of power changes that enduring american principal. >> laura: oh, yeah? the only thing enduring in his case is his own radicalism. but at its core, the bragg casee is a brazen exercise in election interference new yordyk andy mccarthy has been riding about this brilliantly in the national review and put it best, "this case has not brought so much as forged by bragg who inflated a case in 2:30 four 3felonies what at most may have been a misdemeanor falsification
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of business records. bragg had to do the switcheroo because of the statue ofio limitation on the misdemeanor offenses. but the case itself payments made to stormy daniels before's the 2016 t election, yeah, two elections ago. but trump's defense is not necessarily to establish he's not guilty. the better offense, rather, to guilestablish if he is guilty ot anything, it is merely the misdemeanor. if the jury so finds, mccarthy writes, "the case would have to be thrown out" in his estimation. this case should never have seen the light ofdgan day. judge juan merchan should have had the ethical spine to recuse himself, given his family's political activism here anen ad because look, in this case, even a width of a conflict is way too much.cohe then there is trump's old attorney michael cohen, theli arprosecution star witness, he s
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admitted later with zero credibility there. of course, the case itself. b6 has sho to show trump commitd the alleged fraud as an illegal campaign expenditure to make it a felony. now, this is absurd. in new york the eighth has normn authority to make federal h campaign finance determinationsv a fact that conflicted judge should have cited to dismiss the case d at the outset. now, the fact is, stormy daniels thoughtrumt she had the leverage over trump in 2016, and she use that leverage to extract some money here at like other politicians who had made embarrassing mistakes, donald trump was, apparently, trying to get that episode behind him. l show trial.itica. but is designed to do one thing: to blunt trump's momentum and give bragg a shot at a higher, office. and the end as often the case, donald trump is right here at the fact that new york is spending untold amounts of moned
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we don't have the final count and we probably never will, and countless man-hourneves on this with violent criminals to rome three is a travesty. one of the most important i periods of our industry whom i h might add. it is also election interference of the highest order. joining me now chris landro,o also a former ambassador to mexico and from outside th ceti courthouse, mike davis, a new documentary called chasing trump. mike, former president trump today said he may have to miss his son, parents graduation due to this trial. and he is currently under a gag order from the judge, your reaction.demo >> it shows that this democrat manhattan judge, juan merchan, is a partisan activist in this judge donated to president biden's campaign against trump, he donated to
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another anti-trump cause. his adult daughter is the leading consultant for joe biden. adam schiff adam schiff, kamala harris, and many others and a clear financial interest.m shine has raised $100 million oe nther father's criminal prosecution triapresl of unprecedented trial of former president and leadinearlg presidential candidate. he should clearly recuse a former federal clinton judge in new york who came out on cnn and said this on april 5th that he ist sh refusing to recuse. it shouldn't surprise anyone that he has trump illegally m gagged and this criminal trial for thonse next two months instw of on a campaign trail. >> laura: now, we will get into more of that in a minute but chris, today on msnbc, theyb were trying to discuss jury selection and put everybody's concerns to rest. watch. >> can donald trump get a fair jury in manhattan? cha
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it is overwhelmingly democratic, but there are republicans in the city. speak with the challenge youur e in any case of high-profile nature is always about the peope overly prejudice what happened. but wea don't ever say that mes you don't get a trial or get off scot-free. al capone was notorious. c so i don't mean to say they are the same month butriou i mean ty people heard a lot of things. t> laura: chris, he doesn' mean to compare trump to l component, but he can don't --, al capone, but can he get a fai? >> of course not, but this is a sad day for thuntre country. we are democracy going on 200 years. and our election should be decided at the ballot box. this is a norm shattering development that we are having these criminal trials over our politicians during an election season. c we would be one thing if this were a clearly establishedong. crime. ing making this up as they go a. g to make a crimebody
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for the facts. so when they say, "well, nobody is above the law," you shouldnd know what the law is. the problem is theicaly have twe and turned the law to basically try to get trump.n that is what braggth campaignedn and letitia jamecouns campaigne. this is the new normal in our country, laura, and it is a sad day for our country.lf >> laura: what about this issue, mike, the jury itself? b again, they are trying to claim all of this can be overcome, not everybody follows the facts that closely. but a jury of his peers in new york, really? is that why you don't try former presidents in the middle of a campaign among leading candidates on these bogus criminal issues. >> yeah, we have this george soros funded d.a., alvin bragg bringing in his senior biden senior justice
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department appointee unprecedented terminal justiceei against a former president and leading presidential candidate. before the democrat, bias judge, juan merchan whose daughter has a financial stake in the jury will voted 85% against president trump. he is supposed to get a fairs trial in manhattan? there is no way that is ever going to happen. i >> laura: now, chris, this idea of bootstrapping this case, taking a misdemeanor and enhancing it into a felony, there was a six year statue of limitation that gave the advantage that went to bragg by turning it into a suppose that but couldn't this be nullified essentially with what is known? as the lesser included offense doctrine? mccarthy and others have written about that, and that seems the way the path forwardrh for trump's attorneys. >> again, laura, you are 100% l right and trump is 100%
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legal analysts who look at this passionately and not just politicians who are claiming some kind of disinterest realize this is totally bogus.thes first of all, they are bootstrapping these federal election alleged violations. that is the heart of this case.r spoon which the fcc never founda the fcc never found a violation >> you have a federal agency ent 100% federal agency entrusted with this. what the heck is the manhattan, the local d.a. doing trying to use these federal, these allegev federal offenses that the feds never brought, not even under the biden administration.e okay, making that the basis for alleged state law charges. i mean, where does this end, laura? are we going to see -- this is akin to next year, let's say, biden loses the election. our he and alejandro mayorkas
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going to be in oklahoma?vere >> laura: we are violating our>i own sovereignty. >> again, this never commodious to fight political disputes atia the ballot box. we didn't use to cheer on the idea we will put political opponents behind bars. this is what the democratic base demanded and demands to the state. this is what the politicians are giving them. but is so bad for a country.n. >> laura: they can't risk trump winning again. the establishment cannot risktci it. >>nigh i get it! >> laura: let me tell everybody watching this tonight and chris and mike, i think youo know this. but this t is a warning to anyo. who will stand up to the machine of washington: you do this and we will do this to you here this is not just about trump but it is and he went down the pike who thinks like trump and this is a warning shot across the ballot. rethis is what they are firing f the trials. chris and michael mcdougalloa dipbd not meet me on my soap boe
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but thank you. what democrats are getting out of the trump hush money trial. that is next. ♪ ♪
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>> it is more diminishing to see inside of a court room then be outside one. >> he could be doing something else besides dozing off in a thi courtroom. >> it would be par for the tha e on the campaign l that is important position.supe >> laura: it was like the super bowl, the oscars, all of in one today, celebratoryp mood across most of cable news today as trump started with,pa of course, this idea he is forcibly removed from the campaign trail for the next 6-8 oweeks. it is the equivalent of being on the injured reserve if not injured appear at their opponent could not come at a better time. i told you i would get into more "new york times" whole and what do you know, voters are not asg stupid as democrats think theyto are. mo forages wishing to turn back the clock the better days under trump. 42% say they remember the trump years is mostly good for america while 25% said the same about bidethe last three years underro
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biden, i should say so. 20 mae byron donalds, florida congressman campaign the surrogo congressman, the economy is driving the numbers, also immigration is a top concern. but do you think that this bogui trial in new york will have the intended effect? again, the real effect is to try to t turn the tide back to bideo away from trum bp and hishi campaign. >> first, laura, it is good tota be with you this evening.m i think the impact of the trailh will be the same impact from the indictments. people look atand this and sayy are the democrats and joe biden and the crazy d.a. os wasting our times with these stupid trials and why are the media networks following over this coverage left and right when tht country is a mess, inflation o neskyrocketed in the world is on fire? joe biden is the one who is the master of disaster here joe bide hedn is the one who hao
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america to its weakest point and more than 40 years! for you guys to want to focus on donald trump as if he is the, problem, that is ridiculous because when he was president, america was significantly better off. it is going to backfire this november. >> laura: congressman, the media,them the regime media is t i like to call it, having a b little bit of a identity crisis because they told everyone they will be careful about showing. trump's speaking.t they claim it is a big lie all the time he would but now nicole wallace over at msnbc, a formerh republican, she promised her view or something. she wanted to warn them aboutso something. watch. >> let me just tell thate viewes wwewhat we are we have made a decision on thisr first day, donald trump comes ou t and starts talking, we might listen to him for little bit. we will dol co something and wel artsdo it together.op lei promise we come out of this and if he starts lying and:
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bethreatening people, this is donald trump is donald trump. >> laura: because joe biden always tells the truth here at the economy is going to be a soft landing, the border is sece here that is where we are. >> listen, joe biden only has one word and him and frankly,t the rest of the nation and the world don't carerd. about is one word.e they areth doing whatever theyd want. it is about time they startit listening to donald trump and his words beer there must be p truth, reality leadership in the country. joe biden is not providing youim and democrats give me a break,m. don't estimate about them or waste my time because they've wasted everybody's time. these trials are a joke and everybody knows it.k th >> laura: i don't think it is going to work. i think they are making him into a martyr of a failed establishment. h all they havimat'se is to throw fair at him. that is all they have. your life is not going t o get better over the next several months or the next four years,
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heaven forbid if we can biden remains in power. all they can do with this. it's all they got. congressman, great to see you. iran's attack on israel as a. problem what biden is setting it up for. "the angle," you don't want to miss it.
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>> laura: suicide of a superpower and that is the focus of tonight's "angle." it was more of the new normal in biden's america today. [chanting] and it was more peace and love
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for the pro iran coalition in chicago on saturday. >> i'm going to teach you a chant in person to encounter those ion species. you will say... [indistinct] those two are dominant. [applause] [speaking non-english language] >> laura: death to israel, death to america! these are the voters, by the way, joe biden was desperately trying to court over the weekend by telling israel to bring down the temperature after attempted drone attack on sunday morning by iran. it is a muddled mess and an embarrassment to the united states. >> do you want to say to iran at this moment? >> don't! >> a barrage of drones and missiles to israel, significant escalation in the middle east.
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>> has president biden considered beefing up the public posture to be more than one w word? >> you were referring to "don't!" >> and they did it anyway. >> and let's talk about it. >> laura: now, let's pause for a moment and realize first off, this is not 1994, it is not 2,004, america, sadly it is not the force she once was. how can we be? we welcome people into our country who stand deeply opposed to our traditions that are judeo christian beliefs, and who can blame them? after all, look at what the top leaders say about america. >> america has a long history of systemic racism. >> including systemic racism. >> we will rip out systemic racism and our institutions and culture. >> laura: now, these are not the words of a superpower
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because a superpower is proud and will resolute. america under biden is ashamed and shaky. way back in 2011, pat buchanan predicted all of this in his best seller "suicide of america." will it survive? a great civilization the world has ever produced, and i think it is dying in 1905. western empire is controlled the entire world with the addition of japan, asia, six or seven countries in america including controlling an entire world. you mentioned two world wars that carried off 100 million people, and the western nations all lost their empires and almost all lost their armies and navies. they have lost basic fundamental christian faith. there cultures began to disintegrate and the people have begun to die. >> laura: that we see buchanan really was right as usual.
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today the same people who got us into this mess are now somehow stunned that americans are opposed to more foreign intervention, more money for ukraine? in the same people think america is weaker and our enemies are stronger because the american people are the problem here in and representatives in the house lacked the will to stand up to our enemies. in the same people think if we just agreed to borrow more money, if we agreed to take on more commitment to other countries, if we agree to trust biden and his team even more, things will be better. well, they are completely wrong. the american people are still loyal, they are still patriotic, they are still committed to building a richer and safer world for everyone to. most still support israel. they still miss trust vladimir putin. they still want america to be number one. the problem isn't the american people.
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the people is what the leaders have done to the american people and america. measured on the basis of purchasing power parity, china's economy is now larger than ours. the united states is over $34 trillion in debt and counting here at the united states intel community lacks credibility. and young people, they are not interested in joining the military anymore. government geniuses gave vent to globalization and guided our jobs. look, the united states is hated around the world. that wasn't an accident. it resulted in part from the constant drumbeat of anti-american propaganda put out by america. both tell the world that america is irredeemable greedy, polluting everything, racist, evil, who can forget obama's apology tour?
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these conditions mean the united states doesn't have the type of leverage that we once did in world affairs. and of course, biden, he's made everything worse and simply not credible as a global leader. we have become, sadly, under biden, a laughingstock. can you imagine him putting him on the phone with other world leaders? imagine listening to those calls calls. they know he's not serious, and therefore, they think that we are not serious. after all, we elected him. it is not surprising that evil countries everywhere are on the march. and it is certainly not surprising that washington seems helpless to stop them. but the answer here isn't to criticize house republicans, op-eds calling on americans to make sacrifices for ukraine. let me be clear, americans will not support a government that they do not trust. and they are not willing to support throwing away resources
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on policies that are doomed to fail. that was true when we left vietnam. it was true when we left iraq and afghanistan, and it is true now. look at the chaos that has been sown around the world in biden's first term. then imagine how much worse it will be after four more years of biden's decline. and that is "the angle." robert greenway national security heritage, former national senior director for the national security council under trump. robert might want to remind everyone what biden said about iran when trump was president. >> of the world has changed because of what trump has them. american people and some independents and republicans know how that he is, know how much he wrist represented him getting close to getting us in a war. i said i'm worried he will get us to a war in iran. unfortunately, i may have been
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right. >> laura: robert the one of many old clips of biden's come america is going to be stronger and we will go back to normal. is any of this normal? >> no, no, thank you for having me here or there are two remarkable consistencies in the biden administration around the world. the first is to constraint partners and allies. the second is to empower adversaries whose gdp growth exceeds ours in every case, both china, russia, iran, venezuela all exceeding us in terms of economic growth. you can argue the biden administration has done more to improve our ever adversaries than her own country on the attack against israel is proof f that and tantamount war. so biden is right that the world change under trump and i think everyone recognizes the benefits of policies peace through strength. everyone equally recognizes the consequences of the biden administration's policies.
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>> laura: robert, we are seeing live video from seattle from palestinian testers blocking the main artery to the seattle-tacoma international airport, major airport there, obviously. this is happening across the country. a back to you buchanan's point, one of his points, many, many years ago, long before trump came on the same politically was that we have to be careful who we invite into this country of ours. not because we don't love other people but because holding together a country under strains and difficulties and challenges is very difficult. in some of these people are like, we have to bring in more refugees from this country or that country including countries that literally despise everything about the united states, i guess, except for some of the freebies you get when you get here. they are complaining, but they caused this mess here >> is interesting to know what this nation was built on illegal
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immigration and some 13 million individuals that have come across the border since january 2021 we read i don't know how many now on the terrorist watch list we were to we are looking at 26,000 chinese nationalists that have crossed since 2021. and i'm sure they were not looking for work. many are coming from the regions of the world we are talking about placated with chaos and a whole of ideas and member global to u.s. values. i find it interesting that there was not when the syrian population killed so many to get rid of the body and spirit it is interesting when israel is taking action, there is always seems to be protest that manageo close down. >> laura: one of the protests against china. a few little things here or they are, but they have been running the table in the united states having their own private police forces and cybersecurity breaches, spying on us through the universities, buying up our land. the people who protest against
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that are considered freaks by the establishment. oh, you are anti-chinese. we are not anti-chinese. you are against what is happening. a lot of people at the protest coming from middle eastern countries, not all of them but a lot of them, are illegal in the united states, robert up here of the bush start of the policy bringing an refugees income all over the world. they are here illegally and a lot of these people are not coming across the board yesterday. these are people that have been in the united states many years. we reap what we sow. >> that is absolutely right. some know what they were doing and some are being manipulated. either case, it shows how close the threat is and it's not just the problem is we look at the escalation problem. >> laura: robert, thank you. good to see you tonight your dental 401(k)s and psychedelics? the latest workday perk to leave you dumb and numb. we will get into it next.
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>> laura: we are on the way to zombieville and the money toj push for medical marijuana despite scant evidence ofmo medicinal benefit. thaty le morphed into state legalization of efforts and big money behind those efforts.ed everyone was bored with that and
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moved on to psychedelics. corporations are bowing down tor the zombie crowde once again pe to companies are returning to alternative therapies as a wayts to help employees and lower t cost. this includes psychedelic assisted therapy with substances like ketamine and what could possibly go wrong? "the new york times" reported while the data on the drugs is scarce, they can trigger psychotic or manic episodes. according to dr. brian roth, ecology professor at chapel hill, he said i had many patients who would give me the stories that they were more or less fine here then they took lsd and they've had schizophrenia next year they hai underlying predisposition to schizophrenia and tipped them the edge." 20 may dr. nicole saphier, boarn certified radiologist and fox news contributor, author of e nethe new book coming out tomorrow, "love mom."al doctor, great to s see you as always but what do we really
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know about these drugs? >> first of all, this is a two-pronged home with grassroots er organizations insisting employers are actually startingm to cover psychedelic medicationd for some of the mental healthwe treatments. and we have gone way too faric what we expect employers to dupe and health insurance to do, which is why the premiums and everything else and the cost of health care continues to go up. but i believe that we are talkingin specifically about psychedelics, dna, lsd, and many more.they by the way, they workor icdifferently. they are not one-size-fits-all.r historically, they were used 50-60 years ago to treatng psychosis. some people stopped using them in the 1970s and they became ase controlled one substance and we restricted them fear of misuse, the stigma, and really, we had no idea what they did to theye human d fast forward 40 years, 50 years, and we still don't know what, but because we have developedjo technologies such as
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neuroimaging, we have been able to do majority of animal buddies and small human studies on the effects of some of the psychedelics oisn the brains. the hypothesis that neuroplasticity essentially swhrupts the neural connection in your brain. when is this a good thing? this could potentially be an okay thing with someone with a severe clinical depression or someone ptsd where they have that depression ward psycho where deeply depressed but that rewards impure or typical ssri and other depressants can causet increased suicidal thoughts andd actions and people. we are starting to see that your people veterans suffering frompe ptsd taking ssri os and may have been predisposed to suicidalhere actions. what canch be done? so there is a lot of research right now on the cou psychedelis you would of course some therapeutic doses here with us ais not trying to go get them a high but altering their reality.
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americans will be ten to like the quick fix. my biggest concern, there may bi a small set of subset peopletamp that can benefit from this but need data to put my stamp on it. i think this'll be overused and will cause a lot more harm than good. >> laura: you have a book out about motherhood, and here is my concern, okay?ne we need more money that goes into this from a big money backing this, but i have threedw teenagers. and do we not risk harm to children and young people by mainstreaming drug use? just as we have done with increased ush the of thc mariju, dr. saphier among our youth, very quickly? >> laura, if a 24-year-old son and my hav other kids are young. i am extremely scared about this. , a we have normalized alcohol,? cigarette smoking, vaping, a lot of drugs and now psychedelics?we this is not normal and we want our children to be healthy and
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happy and cope with the reality of covid, social media andvid everything causing'sbe disassociated effects on the children. they will not be able to function as adults and we need to get away from normalizing drug use. >> laura: doctor, always goodo to see you. thank you so much. coming up the white house turns. to sitcom to push its agenda and hillary hits broadway but willle it hit back? raymond arroyo has it all in "seen and unseen" next. ♪ ♪ o go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase,
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>> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" segment where wen rebuild the stories behindr the headlines. we turn to fox news contributor, raymond arroyo. the president was laser-focused on in paris today. >> laser-focused? it was barely awake, laura. he read the entire statement to the iraqi prime minister today from no cards. when the iraq he prime minister decidenistd to talk back, biden thought that wasd a good time t check the time. he started looking at his watch and i don't know if he wass
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looking foonr updates on the trp trial but he was focused on that watch, may be candy crush. i don't know. >> laura: was that an apple watch he had? they were getting on trump for closing his eyes today. i would be falling asleep inan that trial, too he read this is another embarrassment. >> i agree, i agree. it was a mess but look while the chaos is chaos is engulfing thei middle east, laura, the president is doing his routine, his failed diplomacy, the vice president is doing what is most important. e is partying with the old sitcom crew from a different world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> okay, now, laura, what i love
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about this, okay, you see the different world theme song for v minute. what a lip about this isarri kamala harris is recruiting this task. you remember this show is 40 years old and a spin off of the cosby show with historic black college. >> laura: it was actually a good show my main i actuallyke t like that show, and i read about this, raymond, the cast is touring to raise awareness of the hpcers. >> only at the white house is recruiting to support the president student loanpl forgiveness planan. tand i guess lead the occasional pressroom dance party. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the >> the 44th president didn't get rid of his student that or they
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are until he became president. >> we are wearing these babies down. >> student loans and college work space, it was not until i got this job and diploma that i was able to pa y it off there >> l>>laura, that is the right o do it.he here is someone wh wo wanted too to college, they got alone andth they waited until they had work and deferred the loan and paid for it here that is not what the president is doing he committed, what is the number $146 billion of loan cancellation. this goes too far, i'm sorry, a spin off of someone 40 years old to come as a cause cosbyat spin-off is needed as o.j. memorial i'm okay question marka be one that is fair, that is a fair point. but they are all having fun. this was the most entertaining thinenteg i've seen come out ofe white house and some time. tim was that kj p there?e
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okay. >> leading the second line there. it was pretty good. >> laura: she is having fun. the country is going down the tubes but at least they are dancing and having fun. but kamala harris is not just using pop culture to push anduce agenda. hillary is a broadway producer and her show is called softs. the audience suffering depending on what your perspective is purely feel feel this will go thspece way of the carried the musical, one of broadway's biggest flop spirit here is aemn bit of excitement to be had appeared watch this. >> am a great leap and i earn my own wages and burst into wages when men say "no your placed." i'm a great american [bleep] [bleep] , i seduce whoever. >> hamilton, hold her purse!
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the performances are not exciting, perhaps a side of hillary will entice audiences. >> in 1930, women were not. allowed to vote, but we were allowed to fight so that is whas we did, we fought, we marched. h atand very uncomfortable shoes. o equality is long which is why we keep marching. >> but way more comfortable shoes. >> good lord!g laura,76 they tried revival of 1776 this past year on broadway with all-female castal transgender, people nonby her nares. it flop and closed early. the last time they had a playwright hillary clinton and also closed a month early. broadway is not ready. >> laura: i'm just going to stay home. >> todd: a fox news alert, a senate impeachment trial against alejandro mayorkas could kickoff as early as tomorrow with ho


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