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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 16, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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are derivatives to companies they made. that is the essence of success in the economy. so picking on them and saying because they are successful, let's tax them more. i think elizabeth warren is trying that massachusetts and should ask how that is working out for her. are you still live there. sorted all my neighbors. now we live here in miami and we visit massachusetts because it's now taxachusetts. as long as there another place to go, that is how america was formed. taxation oppression by the british, and here we are. let's remember that lesson. >> neil: i'll put you down as a maybe on this thing. kevin, always good seeing you, thank you very much. dial finishing down 53 points, concern about not necessarily taxes going up but interest rates going up. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody.
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jesse watters a lot of judge jeanine pirro, piers morgan, sandra smith, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> i should be right now in pennsylvania, in florida, in many other states, north carolina, georgia, campaigning. this is all coming from the biden white house because they can't campaign. they are using this in order to try to win an election. >> jesse: if you can't beat them, lawfare them. democrats' scheme to knock off -- while his chief opponent gets a huge hit home i head start, was on full display today. on the left inside from scranton joe biden hitting the campaign trail in pennsylvania. on the right, donald trump spent his day fighting to avoid being locked up after returning to a courtroom in manhattan for a dak
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showdown of the century. biden rubbing it in trump's face and peppering him with hoax after hoax. >> he learned that paying taxes are something people who work for a living dead, not him. he learned that telling people you are fired with something to laugh about. listen to what he says. he says "i'll be dictator on day one." "i am your retribution." promises "a bloodbath" if he loses. i wake up every morning thinking about how to make life better, like you do, for working and middle-class in scranton and across the country. >> jesse: jurors officially selected to serve on trump's criminal trial. 12 more to go, others got dismissed after copping to being impartial. did smile at one guy who read his book spirit scolding the president audibly muttering while a juror was speaking. warning him he will not tolerate
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that. radical d.a. alvin bragg is hungry to lock up trump, filing a motion to hold ex-president in contempt and fined him $3,000 for alleged breaches of a gag order against disparaging child with no mike trout witnesses. the liberal media getting their kicks but he report that donald trump fell asleep in the proceedings. watch. >> he made a pretty specific stare at me and walked out of the room. i reported earlier he fell asleep. i've seen lots of people in courtrooms, i've seen jurors fall asleep, judges fall asleep. >> the wheels of justice grind slowly, i did not think it was so slowly that it would rock the a defendant apparently to sleep. >> imagine committing so many crimes you get bored at your own trial. >> way to go, that's news. work on that. >> i doubt anybody at home is nodding off after conversations. >> jesse: joy reid somehow topping all of that. >> there is something
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wonderfully poetic about the fact that despite the fact that even if convicted he is not going to go to prison, the first person to actually criminally prosecute donald trump is a black harvard grad and a black woman is doing the same exact thing in georgia, and a black woman forced you to pay $175 million fine. go dei. my deis are bringing it home. >> jesse: go dei, greg. >> greg: she said it is wonderfully poetic. there was no rhyming there. she should have said it's really all right because the victim is white. she could have said, because i'm black, i can pull off a racist attack. or i could be a bigoted grump because i got hair like trump. that would have been nice. imagine if a white person said this. this is so poetic, how these white folks are giving it to the black man, and it does reflect -- i'm joking -- but it reflects a seething hatred she
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has four whites which msnbc amplifies and somehow protects. a carbon copy of the o.j. trial. hate him a black man killed to whites. excusable. but reverse racism is still racism. msnbc should know that. trump appearing to sleep and be bored is exactly the response this kafkaesque persecution deserves. he is america, unlike this frothing infantile media, doesn't see this as some mutant form of entertainment and justice. trump should go to trial, bring a big book, a big fat john grisham novel, sit there and read. that's the only response this manufactured mayhem deserves, just contempt. maybe you should just bring a bag lunch, a newspaper, kickback. just, you know, because it is a waste -- they are wasting his time. they want him to break down like an anti-israel activist,
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weeping. it's not going to happen. >> jesse: i'm going to send him a copy of "get it together." opening up inside the courtroom. sandra, you covered this today and saw some of these jurors. they cannot be impartial. some of them looked a little stealthy to me, like they were trying to get on the jury. >> sandra: yeah, the president takes to the microphone to air his frustration that he is sitting there while joe biden is campaigning in scranton new jersey. what was really interesting, i said this to you guys right before the show went live, we were covering biden's speech there in scranton, his hometown, working class, 75,000 people. it was somewhat angry. he was very forceful about how he can do better for them. that's a tough case to make two people when they are paying roughly 888 more dollars a month because of the biden inflation. never mentioned bidenomics. he was not touting bidenomics by
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name. under this presidency. their gas prices are up $1 in pennsylvania since this president took office. we have the median home price in pennsylvania up 30%. there is an affordability crisis in pennsylvania and he is trying to tell those working-class voters that his policies are working, so while the former president can't be on the ground campaigning in pennsylvania, his record surely is speaking for itself. but an interesting split screen, though, that biden is out there and he has to sit there. >> jesse: piers, did you ever fall asleep during "the apprentice?" >> piers: absolutely not. thank you for reminding the american people. look, i just think, actually, this is playing brilliantly for trump. he just has to sit in that courtroom all day, every day, let's biden go off and lose his mind and make speeches that are incoherent and don't make much sense.
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remind people this is the guy in charge of an affect my life, adversely. but there is also at the heart of this a real hypocrisy, particularly about the case, and i wrote about it in "the new york post" today. i just discovered i think is probably the best example of that hypocrisy, which is yesterday we touched on the fact that trump may not be allowed to go to his son barron's graduation ceremony. you know who did go to his child's graduation ceremony? bill clinton. he went to chelsea's in the '90s when he was president. he took to the stage and made a speech, talking of his great pride. that was the same bill clinton who last time i checked had sex with an intern in the oval office, paid to get rid of an allegation of harassment and
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abuse. while he was a sitting president of the united states. i didn't see him in a courtroom for six weeks. in an election year. so my message to my liberal friends is this: why do you think this is going to do any good for you? why do you not think people will see through this absolute double standard? john legend was on msnbc talking about trump being the epitome of a two-tier justice system. he is. one rule for trump. another rule for any democrat presidents who have been and i would argue far worse situations when it comes to sexual peccadilloes. i think, in the end, this is going to pay well for trump. i think this is a reality show playing out every day of him sitting out in the courtroom, reminding people of a double standard. >> greg: do you remember what bill clinton said when he spoke to the students? call me when you are 18. >> jesse: judge jeanine,
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congrats on being the first "five" host to say peccadilloes. >> piers: my instruction in the english language. >> jesse: how did you determine day 2 of this trial? >> judge jeanine: i was stunned they have as many jurors as they have. i go to the legalities of it. number one, i say to myself, you've got 87% of the people in manhattan who voted against donald trump. you've got a man with 100% name recognition. there is no question about it. we've got a fundamental principle that you are going to be tried by a jury of your peers. but when you can actually prove that the jury is anti-trump, as an 87-90% anti-trump and remember jurors are taken from the voter rolls. they are taken from vehicles and a few other places but primarily the voter rolls. i know this, use to impanel jurors all the time. and yet what they are saying is even though 87% of manhattan is
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against him, even though this trial is also about politics, and the man who is being tried as a politician, we are going to deny your change of venue and make you have this trial here. it would have been very easy for this trial to be moved to west westchester or rocklin, which are both swing counties, they would have had a more fair jury, a more split jury. and this is a case that not only calls for it, it demands it. i believe that no matter what they do here, this is a hate donald trump jury. the second point, the gag order in this country has always been at a crossroads with the first amendment. i have been gagged as ada, as a judge, i have gag to d.a.s and defense attorneys. but when you gag, you gag both sides. and when you've got michael cohen just a few days
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ago trashing donald trump on april 12th, and donald trump is gagged and cannot respond to that, and cohen is talking about the georgia case, the florida documents case. he's talking about this case. and this judge is good with that and the optics at the top of this thing. joe biden trashing donald trump, and trump being gagged because he's locked down in a criminal courtroom, in a jury that hates him, and a fake misdemeanor that is bootstrapped by a felony that no one knows anything about it. this is not america. this is a kangaroo court with a kangaroo judge, whose daughter is making millions, and you cannot gag me. and this president should not be gagged. >> jesse: have you ever been gagged? >> greg: i got gagged a lot downtown. >> jesse: the liberal media think you are stupid and poor.
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katie couric letting it rip on maga voters. ♪ ♪ remember space? and legroom? (♪) that's more like it. the three-row lexus tx. (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> greg: hillary had her basket of basket of deplorables and now katie couric becomes the latest elite blowhard to psychoanalyze trump supporters. america's sweetheart, now an old fort, thinks she has cracked the code of maga by calling them a bunch of rubes. >> socioeconomic disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot, add anti-intellectualism
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and elitism, is what is driving many of these antiestablishment, which are trump voters. i don't know if you've ever been jealous of what someone else has or resentful. it is such a corroding and bitter, almost vile feeling. >> greg: even after the colonoscopy, she is still full of crap. anyway, she is a prime example of the rot in the middle liberal media. remember the npr veteran who blew the whistle on that outlet anti-trump bias? instead of changing how cover the don, npr suspended him for speaking the truth. this is kind of fun. what happened, judge, to katie couric? people should get behind trump because he upsets the right people. look at her, she is shrinking. >> judge jeanine: she's shrinking in a lot of ways. she is shrinking mentally, too.
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you know what it is like when you're jealous of people and the vile -- what the hell is she talking about? for years they were the people who didn't like people. they loved everybody. a big umbrella. now they hate everybody who supports donald trump. and, you know, if there is anything that is anti-intellectual and she talk about anti-intellectuals, someone takes a broad brush approach and simply says that, you know, we are a bunch of jealous people and that, you know, we don't have a brain, but, you know, i've never been a real fan of hers, and i don't have a lot to say, other than she just can't deal with it and she is typical of the democrats who absolutely hate anybody who doesn't think like they do. >> greg: you know, piers, i bet she has a number of peccadilloes. [laughter] >> piers: we have had a few discussions about the word peccadillo, so just for the record, for those who don't know what it means, because i don't want to dazzle you with my
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knowledge of the english language, obviously. it is a small, relatively unimportant offense or sin. and the point i was making is that one might allegedly with a porn star in beverly hills, compared to defiling an intern in the oval office -- >> judge jeanine: and lying about it. >> piers: i would think the american people being honest with themselves would view the clinton offense as a slightly higher level of peccadillo than the offense that trump is currently languishing in a courtroom four. as for katie couric, interesting, isn't it, because trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 then 2016. so people looked at his presidency, which according to the left was the worst of all time in 10 million more americans voted for him the second time around. as for katie couric's claim that all the people who support trump are jealous, bitter, and resentful, this is somebody who wrote a book a few years ago,
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"going there," in which she went there. she launched a series of jealous, bitter, and resentful attacks on other female tv hosts, from ashley banfield to deborah norvell to diane sawyer to martha stewart. there was nobody spared the bitter, jealous, and resentful wrath of katie couric in that book. for her to start lambasting 18 million americans who have the gall, in her eyes, to vote for the nonintellectual trump, when she herself has been so hypocritical about spewing the file herself, i suggest you put a sock in it. >> greg: jesse, that is what happens when people do research before the show. coming from "the today show," which is the bastion of intellectualism, right, i mean, matt lauer was a regular -- >> jesse: don't who that is.
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>> greg: austrian economist. >> jesse: before we get started i have to make a clarification about something that was said during the last block. kennedy mentioned peccadilloes a year ago, so i was wrong about that. it's been mentioned twice by kennedy and now piers, so again i am deeply deeply sorry for that. >> piers: i believe the american version of this his shenanigans. >> jesse: eleanor roosevelt said great minds talk about ideas. average minds talk about events. small minds talk about people. katie couric seems to me like she talks a lot about people. and she talks a lot about one person in particular: donald trump. a lot of a great idea i know my guys around, greg gutfeld. >> greg: thank you. >> jesse: jordan peterson. >> greg: he's okay. [laughter] >> jesse: joe rogan. >> greg: nice guy. >> jesse: x.
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piers morgan. >> piers: thank you! >> jesse: those are the kind of spaces where people are talking, people are curious, they are humble, and they listen. that is what people are attracted to. i see those shows. all you see is love and affection. when i walk around d.c. or new york city, i see a lot of bitterness. i don't see a lot of very smart people who have it together. i see a lot of people living in boxes, in dead-end jobs, and they are jealous of people that can live outside most of the day and have fresh food and sun sunlight. and i think she's confusing antiintellectual with antiestablishment. we see the people in the establishment is trying to appear to be intellectuals, but what they are really doing, in doing so, making stupid decisions or saying stupid things, like a supreme court nominee who couldn't define a woman, or the harvard president who said, oh come if you chant
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"kill the jews," is not harassment, or trading for fentanyl, or a politician shut down schools for two years. we see that as a really dumb. we see that is antiscience, as antihuman, and so we just don't like being lectured to by people who maybe went to the right schools but do and say all the wrong things. >> greg: well put, jesse. you are a man of the people. double s, i want to talk to you about npr. they suspended this editor who blew the whistle. i thought the left loved whistle-blowers. and also, can't have their government funding pulled because they are not an objective source for journalism? >> sandra: sure. >> greg: you don't seem certain on that. >> sandra: i'm thinking about the framing of your question with katie couric -- by the way, i think i was saying this during the break -- what happened to her? she seems so bitter and angry. watching her on "the today show" and they embrace her.
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she has changed. i think so many people are not shocked to see an elitist member of the media out there calling out what they see as the lunatic fringe right, right? but where is, you know, where is the dichotomy of the far left lunatics out there that are chanting "death to america" in dearborn, michigan, and there is no conversation in that interview being had. not shocking to hear both sides calling each other out, but when you look at the lunatic fringe right, what are they taking issue with? waving big american flags of their pickup trucks. on the lunatic fringe left, they are chanting "death to america." remember that when you hear her calling out the far right for being jealous, bitter, resentful people, and that interview was really interesting. i think it stopped a lot of people in their tracks, like 2020 all over again. >> piers: according to bill maher, who did take her up on that, criticized the trump is
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much as you like, you don't criticize all his voters en masse, some appalling -- >> greg: she's probably never met one. that's the thing, you know. all right, coming up, gavin newsom just said that biden needs brain enhancers. ♪ ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays,
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cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: nobody tell joe biden but gavin newsom is still running his shadow campaign for president despite claiming the contrary. >> under any circumstances would you get in this primary? >> no. who in their mind would want to run when you have someone of such esteem as our incumbent president of the united states?
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that was a never ending response to your question. >> i think we need to move past this notion that he is not going to run. president biden is going to run, and looking forward to getting reelected. >> judge jeanine: the greasy one is stealing biden's spotlight and getting a big, glossy profile in "the atlantic" titled "gavin newsom can't help himself. california smooth talker cracking jokes about how biden should be popping brain pills like prevagen to soothe voters nerves about his age. the reporter calling him out on that one, and gavin responded by saying, "i don't know if i was joking, but i was lamenting about how many different ways, on different networks, i've answered this question in an effort to try to answer a little differently each time." my gosh. is he, like, trying to be
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kamala harris? >> sandra: i was wondering where he was during the entire bridge debacle yesterday. i don't know, i watched biden on the stage today, going to lead to more questions when he was exiting was again, didn't know where he was going. there is a reason people are asking about that, but newsom -- i think he is probably getting in, i don't know. >> judge jeanine: what about the prevagen? basically saying joe needs prevagen. >> piers: i have some information on prevagen. >> judge jeanine: you do? >> piers: yes, part of my extensive research for this program. prevagen is quite interesting because it has all the normal side effects, headache and nausea and stuff, but it can also come in certain people, have the exact opposite effect -- go >> judge jeanine: really? >> piers: my theory is biden may have actually been on prevagen and gavin knows this because if you have the reverse syndrome, a small number of people get come apparently you can have cognitive impairment, memory lapses, and confusion.
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when used on amazon said i had concentration blackouts when all of a sudden it is like i just woke up and was totally lost and had no idea where i was. so my theory is that he has let slip to a new sum, hence the mentioning of prevagen, that he has been on it, but having a reverse effect. in effect a small number of people. >> judge jeanine: back to you, jesse. >> jesse: i did my research, too, piers. >> piers: raise your game. >> jesse: turns out, according to my sources, you are on prevagen. and you are experiencing the same side effects as the president. so they are. i think he was telling the truth and biden probably needs pills and he shouldn't have said it to a reporter. but if you're asked a question a zillion times, something like that is going to come out, and i hate to say this and i probably shouldn't say it but there is something stupidly likable about gavin newsom when he answers the question, yes or no, and he g
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goes -- there is something real, whether it is really stupid are really human, gavin newsom makes me laugh. as a guy that comes across -- >> judge jeanine: you are kidding. >> jesse: not really pulling off the sincerity. >> piers: i agree. >> judge jeanine: jesse come he comes across as a lying politician who can't give a straight answer. >> jesse: but he knows he is a lying politician and that is what is funny about it. >> judge jeanine: i don't like lying politicians. >> greg: i understand, jesse, because you said you identify with patrick bateman from "american psycho." i think it's cool to suggest brain pills for joe biden because that assumes he has a brain to work with. you could water a dead plant all you want. it's still going to be dead. to me, gasum nesome is a sneering ne'er-do-well from every colombo episode come impatiently waiting for the odd,
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old, rich uncle to die and finally decides maybe it is time i push it along, so here's some advice to you, joe. do not accept any invitations to go hiking with gavin newsom. we are at a time where you need more than prevagen. on the verge of world war iii, a president who thinks iran is something he only does when he has to go to the bathroom. we had speak softly and carry a big stick. now it is whisper feebly and carry life alert. even the visiting angels aren't taking his calls. >> judge jeanine: ♪ visiting angels ♪ [laughs] coming up, molly ringwald wants "pretty in pink" to be "pretty and woke." ♪ ♪ my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel
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♪ ♪
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>> a brain. a beauty. a jock. a rebel. and a recluse. >> i can't believe this is really happening to me. >> before this day is over they break the rules. >> piers: molly ringwald is criticizing the '80s john hughes films that made her famous. the actresses pondering potential remakes. classics like "the breakfast club or "pretty in pink," instead of whether they will be good, it's all about race. speak of those movies, the movies that i am so well known for, they were very much of a tu know. if you were to remake that now, i think it would have to be much more diverse, and it would have to be, you know, you couldn't make a movie that white. [laughs] now. those movies are really, really very white. [laughs] and they don't merely represent, you know, what it is to be a teenager in a school in america today. i don't think.
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>> piers: okay. greg, the movies were too white. and she is ashamed of this. why do we keep having this need to revisit everything which brought us pleasure at the time, in the moment, and suddenly reedit them? >> greg: it is a difference, i think, and philosophies. we have a large -- our intelligentsia, the left, they live in the past because that's where they pull out all these examples of persecution. if they want to go that route, let's remake "shaft" with harry styles. let's do "ali" but jake gyllenhaal, he is ripped. i would like as the "the color purple" of megan fox. that would be amazing. i'm tired of remakes. stop with the remakes. except for "roadhouse," which was absolutely amazing. i am all for diversity in movies and tv shows. if the content is well-written, well acted, well directed, it is only when it is shoehorned and
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the presence of the actor becomes the message in itself and it is distracting. like the show "the diplomat," right? really good tv series except in every other scene they inserted a nonbinary character in a bow tie, and the person just was standing around, and you are going, that ticked three boxes so they could make the show without being fined. >> piers: sandra, we have seen with disney trying to redo "snow white and the seven dwarves" without dwarves. >> greg: i lost a job. >> piers: the actual remakes of these movies have been a catastrophe in most cases because they get woke to hell. looking back in history are trying to take today's thoughts, morals, ethics, whatever you want to call it, and put them back, that is such a waste of energy. why can't we just let them stand the test of time and do stuff now? >> sandra: i might be a skeptic that she has that deep. it might be more about now and her and making herself relevant
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and what is a very woke hollywood. younger generation. make yourself feel better, tractor sell to younger audiences. don't touch "16 candles." it just works and it is one of those movies that when you play today, still relevant. but the remakes flop. people don't love them. end of hollywood is going to go this route and remake it because -- she spoke out during the me too movement, right, she went after "the breakfast club" and set her character was sexually harassed in that film. what about every murder that takes place and are we going to go back -- just doesn't seem well thought out. it does seem a lot more about molly ringwald then making things right. >> piers: judge, picked on movies that have nothing to do with that pure "pretty woman, one of the all-time great classic films. julia roberts is wonderful in it, didn't like the story. even then, i felt like there was something achy about it.
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>> judge jeanine: you know what? i think the majority of young women would love to have been julia roberts in that movie. i mean, you know, she just is not connected. she is so upset by what she did in the past. maybe she ought to, like, return the money and not take any royalties. put the royalties she is still getting into something that is -- you know, that is a little more relevant to what she thinks is what is going on today. i don't think she's that deep, either. i don't think she's that significant. i don't think she's that important. i think she's just speaking the words without really understanding what she's saying because if she's in, she shouldn't be all in. she's not the most serious person out there. >> piers: jesse, look at -- >> greg: "pretty woman" was one of the weirdest films. there is never a hooker that good-looking. julia roberts as a hooker, unbelievable. >> piers: john legend want to
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rewrite the lyrics to "baby it's cold outside" because it encouraged sexual abuse and violence. what are you talking about, you stupid man? if you want to start rewriting stuff and changing videos, look at some -- >> greg: be pro-global warming if you hate that song. >> piers: this reminded me where megan rapinoe, just after she retired from the women's national soccer team, said she felt that trance athletes should now be encouraged to employ in the women's national soccer league. wouldn't have taken her place, i imagine, because she just retired. is this a case of bad but molly ringwald is like i wish there had not been some white -- i made my money already appeared to be where i came up with a couple titles that were woke from these '80s. "pretty in pink hair." "16 genders." "ferris bueller's day of activism." "the breakfast crt." and finally, "no planes, trains,
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or automobiles." the planet is dying. [laughter] >> greg: well done! >> jesse: one of the producers gave it to me. [laughter] >> piers: okay come up next, chaos in georgia's parliament is making -- a yoga retreat. that's next. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm todd. i'm a veteran of 23 years. i served three overseas tours. i love to give back to the community. i offer what i can when i can. i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: i mean, if you thought our congress could get unruly, wait until you see what mayhem goes down in georgia's parliament. >> [speaking non-english language] >> sandra: wwtv-style brawling while the media -- upon and argued the law would compromisef joining the european union. this seems like right up your alley, piers. >> piers: i love this. i would like to do a shout out to the mp, the man who threw back the offending punch, turned out to be a bit of a hero,
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actually. on the street, he said come he was wrestled to the ground and beaten up. i got beat, but it is for georgia, then so be it. we must shove this law -- with his fist to a cheering crowd. there's no time for politeness. they are driving us into russia directly. we are either georgians or slaves and we are not slaves. what this law is all about is making it more like russia. it is intended to make them more like russia. and it is similar to the legislation the crime when used crackdown on dissent in russia. and so this guy, although he may have used uncouth methodology -- >> judge jeanine: is he going to jail? >> piers: i just admire the spirit of someone saying -- let me tell you, a lot worse is going to happen to people at this law gets past. we see what happens to dissidents in russia. >> judge jeanine: you know -- >> sandra: go ahead, judge. >> judge jeanine: if we were to have any kind of standoff. i'd like to see
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mitch mcconnell and joe biden. or i would like to see adam schiff and jim jordan. >> jesse: oh, i got jordan. >> judge jeanine: okay, gaetz and mccarthy. and then marjorie taylor greene and aoc. >> sandra: jesse? >> jesse: i'm with piers. i admire the spirit. i wish sometimes our members of congress would have that type of passion, instead of just day trading all day and then leaving for their district on thursday. >> sandra: i mean, as our notes note, this makes our congress look like a spa day. >> greg: georgia is weird, man. but that's the south for you. [laughter] that's all i got. [laughter] >> sandra: i'm sorry about "thunder." >> greg: what band is that? imagine dragons? really, sandra? imagine dragons is 2014. and we went through the imagine
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dragons phase. it wasn't pleasant. >> sandra: can i give you the story behind it? i run a lot and it has a great running beat. >> greg: i would not stop running up i heard that song. >> sandra: okay. "one more thing" is out next. ♪ ♪ .
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then replenish at our world class spa. and when the sun goes down, enjoy an intimate country music concert. this summer, discover the west kept secret. book your all inclusive luxury experience at three forks >> jesse: time now for "one mor" judge? >> judge jeanine: have you ever to entertain kids on a trip? check out this guy's strategy for his dog. using the windshield wiretap and fluid to keep the pup amused. it wasn't even raining. it was purely for the pup's entertainment. when he stops it the dog stops and then he goes back and forth. the people behind him are always taking pictures. okay. the best i could do.
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>> greg: ha. >> jesse: got to do what you got to do sometimes. >> judge jeanine: only tuesday. >> greg: tonight we have another great show and then i'm going to go away for a little while. emily compagno, joe devito, kat timpf, tyrus! and now we're going to play this will greg's guess the animal sounds. i will play the animal sounds and go around the horn because i know pirsz has never played this before. okay. play the sound. [purring sound] >> hippo. >> judge jeanine: it's a motorcycle. >> greg: it has to be a motorcycle. >> jesse: chewbacca. >> sandra: my dog sounds like that.
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>> greg: dog, chewbacca. >> piers: hippo. >> judge jeanine: i don't know. okay. all right. how about a tiger. [laughter] >> greg: let's play. >> judge jeanine: no way. you won? >> dana: i won? >> greg: you are close. >> judge jeanine: i got the closest. i did. see, stop laughing at me. >> greg: i win $5,000. >> judge jeanine: yea! >> sandra: i'm super excited for mine. love mom. this is dr. nicole saphier's new book. it is just out today. inspiring story really honored to have a chapter in this book and we talked a lot but again we did a fox nation special. very therapeutic. we all sat together martha mccallum, janice dean, carley, and we talked about the lessons we learned from our mothers that we are now passing down raising our own children. it's really a great book. go out and get it today. fox news
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>> jesse: wonderful. speaking of the get it together series continues on "jesse watters primetime" with a drug trafficker turned comedian. here's a little taste. >> so you can't do drugs anymore. fentanyl has ruined it. it's ruined cocaine fun. i'm sorry, that's just the way it is. >> jesse: that's just the way it is. piers. >> piers: good one for you, jesse. mega shield based on harry potter. precision engineered lens. person standing behind it. two years to develop. high grade polycarbon night. big enough to hide multiple people behind it. cost $750. you can buy that, jesse. >> jesse: you will be ordering it and putting it right here tomorrow. >> judge jeanine: why would you buy that? >> jesse: people would love that with the invisibility shield right there. that's it for us. have great night. >> bret: add another person with the invisibility shield. could be the


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