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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> out of time, thank you everyone, love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles
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and this is america's late news, fox news and night. >> i should be in pennsylvania, in florida, in many of the states, north carolina, georgia campaigning. >> this is all politics coming out of the white house and it makes me campaign locally and that's okay. [ chanting ] [ simultaneous talking ] >> trace: breaking tonight, one in the courtroom, one of the campaign trail. president biden hitting the campaign trail in his hometown but the former president tied up in court using a courtside microphone as you see to get his campaign message out. meantime seven jurors were seeded today in trump's hush money case but many are questioning how impartial the jury might be. far left da filing a motion to hold trump in contempt of court for allegedly violating a gag order but michael cohen a
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convicted felon and liar is free to speak to the nation at will. we are live with more on the unusual jury selection process. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, trace. a busy day in court today. seven jurors have been seeded which means we still need five more as well as six alternates but a contentious moment between former president trump and the judge in court today. president trump was seen speaking towards, gesturing at, one of the prospective jurors when the judge told trump lawyers to speak to him, the judge said "i won't tolerate that, i won't have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom. and you mentioned the gag order. that's another big issue today with the das office asking the court to hold trump in criminal contempt because of a few social media posts he made about witnesses in the case, namely his former lawyer michael cohen an adult film actress stormy daniels. a hearing with possible
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sanctions related to a possible gag order violation will happen on tuesday but after court tonight, trump spoke about that gag order as well as the judge. >> there should not be a gag order. let me tell you, that gag order is unconstitutional. the judge should not be there. the judge is highly conflicted, he should not be there. this is all politics, this is coming out of the white house. >> reporter: the manhattan da requesting the court find trump $3000 and possibly even sentence him to 30 jake -- days in jail. today trump criticized him for prosecuting him but if using to prosecute violent criminals. hear what we know about the seven jurors so far. four our men, three are women, all of them live in manhattan. their profession includes an oncology nurse, two attorneys, a teacher and a software engineer. at the end of court today, a new batch of 96 prospective jurors were sworn in. they will come back on thursday as jury selection continues.
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tonight president trump was asked what he thought about the jurors so far and he said he will be able to answer that in about two months. right now the court is preparing for opening statements on monday which is earlier than many anticipated but of course the timing is fluid and it depends how long it takes for the rest of jury selection. back to you,. >> trace: live in new york, thank you. was bring in former dod chief of staff kash patel. great to have you on. the juror, one of the jurors said he's impartial but his social media tells a different tail. "the justice denied another attempt to dismiss a prospective juror over social media posts, one of which said republicans projected to pick up 70 seats in prison. agreed with prosecutors that the posts in question were largely satire. we should note that the judge said he can stay. he was eventually dismissed but it really gives you an idea of what's happening in the
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courtroom. >> it's great to be live with you. when i was a former national security prosecutor, i probably picked about 60 criminal juries and the one thing that is the bedrock of our constitution when it comes to a defendant's due process. the core concept of due process is the jury selection process. now you have a two tier system of justice. the da in this case came in yesterday and said i want to put donald trump in prison for violating a gag order based on social media posts but he then came in today to court to the same da and said judge, the jurors who issued posts that were conflicting were only joking so we don't really want to use them, take them seriously, we want to give them on the jury. which is it? our social media posts a joke or enough to put you in prison? >> trace: exactly right and people ask that today. it does not make sense. meantime you have convicted lawyer and felon michael cohen, you know, he can do this, watch.
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msnbc. >> every time donald opens his mouth you know that something nontruthful is coming out of it. we also know that he's not a good defendant. he's not a good witness, he's not going to take the stand. >> trace: he can talk, trump can't talk. what is it, a unilateral gag order? i'm confused because i'm not a lawyer but it seems a bit like this doesn't smack me as. >> you don't have to be a lawyer to know the constitutional process of free speech is on fire here. if i were donald trump's attorney and i saw michael cohen on tv the week of jury selection, i would be playing that over and over again in the courtroom when he hits the stand along with his felony convictions, a long tree list of lies. i think michael cohen, there's a reason he keeps hanging himself in a reason the southern juristic never brought this case >> trace: i want to get your take on the conservative justices, kind of skeptical
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about the federal government using obstruction of an official proceeding to prosecute -- prosecute the january 6 rioters. >> for all the protests that have occurred in the court, the justice department has not charged any serious offenses. it's wrongful. do you think it's not wrongful? >> i think it's in a fundamentally different posture than if they had stormed into the courtroom, required the justices and other participants to plead for their safety. >> trace: this could benefit the former president down the line. this is one of those things were looks like the doj is on thin ice. >> not the president only but 300 individuals charged with a crime. the statute was for the enron case when arthur anderson destroyed financial evidence when doj was investigating them. that was the obstruction. the department of justice charge those individuals with obstructing a federal investigation. what the supreme court was saying, what official proceeding
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are you obstructing? the next question after that was more pressing, what if there's a riot, what if there's a protest, what if there's a protest on -- outside of dc and justices can't get to congress or people can't get to work? is this doj going to prosecute all of those protesters on these bridges and tunnels around the country? they are on thin ice because they know it's hypocritical. >> trace: we could run the video to back up what you are saying and there's more coming tonight. kash patel great to have you, thank you. meantime, more anti-israel protesters gathering today in scranton, pennsylvania during president biden's three-day campaign. meantime those protesters who shut down traffic in several major cities across the u.s. on monday make it legal help from democratic party dark money. we are live with the new information. >> reporter: smaller crowd in
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hometown of scranton today [ chanting ] >> reporter: bypassing. >> trace: we will stop you for one second. and we give matt a microphone over here? his has died. can we give him one that works? that's great. this is the old-fashioned way they used to do news back in the old days when you put the microphone on right there on camera. matt, just let him hold it, there you go. let's roll. thank you. >> i'm from the scranton area. >> trace: they segue. >> protesters expected to use. >> trace: is it on? >> reporter: here were some of those protesters creating the president in scranton. [ chanting ]
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>> reporter: local reports say biden did not use the expressway to enter the city is the protesters expected but through a different route, bypassing the group. you're in california, 26 people were arrested in connection to yesterday's anti-israel protests on the golden gate bridge. the san francisco district attorney says they are investigating each person right now to determine who will be charged with a felony or misdemeanor. police have also released this new picture that shows protesters finding themselves together using pvc pipes. further today, governor newson says he supports read him of expression but not these types of protests. >> i think there's a better way of expressing it then denying people the ability to get to work. someone in an emergency who can't get to their destination. i don't think that's helpful and
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i don't think that's responsible. i think there are better ways of protesting. >> reporter: the anti-israel protesters who were arrested in coordinated protests across the u.s. yesterday may be getting some assistance from so-called democratic party dark money. a group named a 15 action help organize yesterday's protests and at least one website is asking people to donate towards the protesters bail and legal defense fund. using act blue which is the democratic party's online fundraising powerhouse. trace, i think we got it done. >> trace: even in silence, your information is golden. thank you. meantime brand-new video into fox news as anti-israel protesters stormed the office of google clouds ceo. the group refusing to leave until the company stops doing business with israel. and on that and the video, let's bring in the founder of last people forget, elizabeth pipko. it really is amazing because you
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see this brand-new video which we just got in. they are in the google offices which many could argue is the biggest mouthpiece of america. it is the biggest megaphone and yet they are saying if google does not stop doing business with israel, they are going to keep protesting as the pressure just keeps ratcheting up. your thoughts? >> look, i think it's obvious this is not going to stop, it has only ramped up since october 7th. i think it's gotten more popular amongst young people. we've seen the protests become extremely violent and dangerous. last week chance of death to america which i think should be incredibly disturbing to a lot of people. i think when you are protesting in this country you have that right as long as you are not obstructing traffic, putting anyone's safety in jeopardy. you should have that right to protest, however people should pay attention to what people are saying, what is right, what is wrong, what is good, bad, immoral, moral and i think when
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we are supporting in many instances a terrorist organization that wants death to the united states, people should be aware of that. what they are doing, where they are doing it and what they are loudly saying. >> trace: as we have said before, these people saying death to america and burning the american flag live in america, it's their flag. you were talking about blocking roads and so forth. senator tom cotton getting pushed back for saying the following... >> vigilantes are blocking traffic in the streets when moms are trying to get kids to school or people try to go to the hospital or just try to get to work. they should be removed from the streets, yes. i said that, i posted it, i would say it again today and do it myself if i found myself in that situation. >> trace: and he's not alone. in your state of florida there were arrests in miami because people were doing that, truck blocking the streets. florida is like, this is not allowed. >> it's not allowed. i don't think it's allowed in most places actually. i'm not an officer, i'm not a
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lawyer just yet, i know what i know which is that they should not be allowed. i think we just heard governor gavin newsom say this was not allowed so i think there are obviously correct ways to do it but i think our responsibility as americans is not to obviously get involved in any of these violent protests but to pay attention to what's being done and said and take the time and the opportunity to condemn those wishing obviously harm to the united states and standing with actual terrorist organizations that want to do worse things than many of us can imagine. >> trace: one of the bigger stories we broke tonight is that usc canceled the speech of it's valedictorian. the valedictorian who is a pro- palestinian protester. they thought it would be unsafe to have her going up and speaking. the jewish journal writes the following, a link in her instagram bio that refers to zionism as a racist settler colonialist ideology that advocates for a jewish state built on palestinian land and that zionist founders believe
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that the palestinians needed to be ethnically cleansed from their homes and homelands. a lot of these groups pushing back saying she needs to be reinstated as the valedictorian speaker asap. what do you think? >> i don't know why she was removed from being the speaker. i don't know if there were safety concerns, which i think we all understand, however i will say i stand with everyone when it comes to free speech and the ability to protesters a what they believe in. schools might have their own rules but i think when we are talking about free speech, which is kind of what all of this is about, it's important to remember that it becomes dangerous when the protection of free speech is extended to one side and not the other. that goes for pro-israel students, and it goes for the situation as well. if she wants to speak and not breaking any rules she should be able to speak. >> trace: i think there's a lot of pressure. elizabeth pipko kick great analysis of always -- as always,
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thank you. breaking tonight in the middle east, we are told the israeli response to the missile attacks over the weekend could come at any moment and it could be significant. is senior national correspondent live in dc with the latest on this. good evening. >> reporter: good evening. u.s. officials expect israel's reaction will be limited in scope however iran's president tonight's warning that even the smallest action against iran's interests would be met with severe extensive and a very painful response. this is the treasury secretary janet yellen is warning of potential global economic damage from rising tensions in the region. as of course the administration readies yet another round of new sanctions on tehran. national security advisor jake sullivan said in a statement that the sanctions would take effect in the coming days.
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he also said that it would penalize tehran for it's attack on israel over the weekend, target iran's missile and drones program and targets entities that support the country's military groups, adding we will not hesitate to continue to take action in coordination with allies and partners around the world and with congress to hold the iranian government accountable for it's malicious and destabilizing actions. all of this is happening following a series of exchanges between the countries including a strike on iranian military leaders in syria and of course the corresponding response, that attack on israel. not surprisingly, the administration by way of the pentagon urges congress to provide more funding for the escalating number of foreign entanglements on mr biden's watch. today the navy's secretary telling the senate appropriations committee that the navy needs about -- wait for this -- $1 billion worth of munitions to be replenished and they are hoping that will come by way of the budget
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supplemental. it's a lot of munitions that they say they need right -- need right now. >> trace: a lot of money. kevin corke live for us, thank you. let's bring in rabbi chaim mentz , a veteran of israel special operations counterterrorism unit aaron cohen. we got word tonight that there are reports iran's attack was designed to cause significant casualties. that's the quote and yet the white house is asking israel to practice restraint in it's response. your thoughts? >> i'm a start was some hebrew. [ speaking alternate language ] >> which is an expression that we say which is when is biden going to learn how to speak arabic. what it means is, these people don't think the way americans think. 300 plus missiles were fired at israel. israel's survival relies on a very aggressive and strong counterstrike. that's the core of israel's survival. that's what israel is going to
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get prepped into right now. regardless of what biden thinks, that calm stance, backing israel down is very dangerous -- dangerous and it's naïve in the world of counterterrorism. >> trace: talk about naïve, rabbi, this is what struck me. this headline, israel, the immediate question is whether israel's leadership understands when to leave well enough alone. you talk about a lecture. a nation just got attacked as aaron was saying, 300 plus missiles et cetera and they are saying may be leave well enough alone. >> maybe pearl harbor we shouldn't have done anything. >> trace: leave it alone. >> let me tell you something, the whole world, the whole world can't wait for israel to do something. why? just like we did with iraq when it came to the nuclear equipment, they bonded out, they condemned it. everybody in the world can't wait for iraq to get off the face of the earth.
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should israel do something to get a lot of missiles being thrown at them? no. but america, we are doing this for you. get on our back. let us carry you into battle and take care of this. everybody in america wants iran out of business. america, pump oil and watch them go broke. >> trace: i did it show earlier today, aaron, and the whole thing is you should have been watching. >> i'm always watching, trace. >> trace: but you see all of the surrogates are out talking about we are going to implement. we can't really tell you what they are going to be right now but we are going to implement new stations i get -- sanctions against iran, we are going to crack down on iran and you think we have heard this so many times before. it's another way of saying may be leave well enough alone. >> israel doesn't have the luxury, nor does the rest of the western world have the luxury, is it back while this is -- this
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islamic state in ten years. -- kent to news -- they fired missiles and suicide drones. the administration wants to keep talking. the fact is there has been a multi- failure policy which means how many things have to go wrong in order for one of those nuclear missiles to get to israel? it's laughable at this point right now. biden nights -- needs to learn arabic and farsi. i mean that metaphorically but look, you don't get peace in the middle east through weakness. it's a different mentality and israel understands it and israel is going to hit back. it was a big mistake to hit israel. >> trace: rabbi, 30 seconds. >> america was it in their army bases many times. nothing was done. iran has nothing to be fearful for. i hope israel does a strategic shot, maybe go after the oilfields. do something smart.
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the world will get crazy, they will blame the jews. it's okay, we've been blamed for many things but at the end of the day they are going to give us a high five. >> trace: rabbi, aaron, thank you. coming up, conservative voters, the constant target of the biden a ministration. the media and those on the left now former news anchor taking a shot at the crowd. and later in the nightcap, where's the beef? we are bringing back a decades-old debate. medium rare or well done? simple right? some say if their stake isn't medium rare it's not stake. others claim they don't want their meat still moving. are you team medium rare, well done, somewhere in between? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher and we will read the best responses coming up in the nightcap. [♪♪]
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>> trace: breaking news coming into "fox news @ night". the family of -- saying former u.s. senator in florida governor has died. a democrat, served three terms in the sun and gain notoriety as the chairman of the intelligence committee in the aftermath of 9/11. also an early critic of the iraq war. bob graham was 87 years old. meantime conservative voters targeted again by the left. veteran journalist katie couric taking he tonight for suggesting donald trump's maga crowd is fueled by anti-intellectualism. >> reporter: a long time picture on multiple mainstream media outlets is facing backlash tonight over her recent characterization of trump supporters. katie couric who once anchored for nbc, cbs and abc told late night talk show host that the
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maga base is really just made up of people who are uninformed and jealous. take a listen to that part of the discussion. >> the socioeconomic disparities are a lot, and class resentment is a lot, and anti-and electoral is him and elitism is what is driving many of these antiestablishment, which are trump voters. >> reporter: for his part, bill pushback saying many of them have legitimate concerns. >> not to defend trump but to defend the people who still vote for him because what they see on the other side to them is even more dangerous. those kinds of things are what they say that's why i'm voting for trump. we don't like him but he's all that stands between us and madness. that's their view. i would like that view presented.
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>> reporter: and we could not help but notice an article published in the new york times yesterday saying that while trump's base is largely made up of working-class voters, college-educated republicans are increasing in their support for the former president. >> trace: ashley, thank you. [♪♪] the "fox news @ night" commonsense department had to listen twice to katie couric's comments to make sure that she said what she said. turns out she said what she said all right. "anti-intellectualism and elitism is what's driving trump voters." apparently we have moved way beyond the deplorable's and roope's who need to be deprogram to and we are now just calling trump supporters dumb. if commonsense has this right, crime is exploding, the border has exploded, frosted flakes are eight dollars a box and trump supporters are the dumb ones? katie garroch also thinks trump
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supporters are jealous of what someone else has. she did not elaborate on who the someone else is or what they have but she called it a corroding and bitter feeling. maybe katie should enlighten commonsense and the rest of it's backward bumpkins about her knowledge of corrosion and bitterness. or is she simply savoring the sweetness of stereotyping 100 million people? it's fascinating that president biden has built his entire campaign on income, inequality and resentment and now katie couric thinks those words describe trump voters. commonsense finds it sad to think that couric spent so many years hosting a show called today only to have her relevancy relegated to yesterday. let's bring in former rnc press secretary cassie smedile and steamboat institute fellow kaylee mcghee white. thank you for coming on. kind of sad that katie couric is going after maga voters. your thoughts?
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>> it's the same tired script over and over again. well the trump voters don't think the way i do, they don't vote the way i want them to so they are stupid, they are racist, they are insert your favorite leftist insult here. it's bad enough that this is a person from the media who as you mentioned earlier has worked for numerous outlets in a position of prestige for many years. it's bad enough that someone with this position, she's comfortable enough insulting half of the country but it's also extremely concerning that they want the rest of the country to think the same way of trump voters. i think msnbc refusing to air trump's speeches are refusing to -- firing mcdaniel after initially hiring her because they were afraid to platform her views. they want their own viewers to think of trump supporters the exact same way that couric does. >> trace: exactly right. moving on to npr because this is important. unpaid leave for putting out
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that mpr is going far to the left. they said "his essay and subsequent public remarks stirred deep anger and display -- dismay within npr" cheering picking -- cherry picking. they also note he did not seek comment from the journalist involved in the work he cited. he did not cherry pick data. he's been doing this for years and years. your thoughts? >> absolutely. anybody who heard what he said was like that's kind of what i always thought npr was all about. what i think is so interesting, two points. the taxpayers fund npr so shouldn't we have a right to know, to look under the hood, no the makeup and know that it's worth our taxpayer dollars? i think what he's proving is that no, it's not or that they need to do some course correction. but the other point i would make about whether it's npr or katie couric is why isn't there a bigger push for them to say they've got us wrong?
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i mean yes, they have trump supporters wrong but these "journalists" to say no, we are not biased. we might be left in our personal beliefs but we work hard to make sure that's not infused into our work. instead they are saying get rid of them, we don't want these points of view and that only propels those of us who come from the very places that katie couric seems to despise and the very background she seems to despise to go more in trump's direction. >> trace: and i looked and was waiting for someone to step up and say that's not how i feel. one mpr employee to say that's not the way i do my journalism. filmmaker michael more said this about joe biden, you are going to lose this election in part because too many people will stay home. they won't vote for trump, they won't switch their vote from trump to you, no, that is not how this is going to play out. as what happened with hillary in michigan, losing two votes for the whole state and that's what will happen to you. the pressure on biden to go further left is mounting.
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>> and we seem to forget how close the 2020 election was. it was really decided by a handful of states where the margin was very tight. i think of michigan which biden won by about 150,000 votes. i think specifically of my generation of young voters. they are not enthusiastic about voting for biden again even if they tend to lean more liberal than older generations. if they decide to stay home in november, regardless of whether they end up supporting trump, that is going to affect biden's outcome. >> trace: yes. fifteen seconds to wrap us up on this cassie. >> hundred thousand protest votes in the michigan primary alone. people aren't enthusiastic because they see the policies of the last four years hurting us and so that's a real issue for him. he's getting heckled in his own backyard of pennsylvania will trump is out there getting cheered in harlem. it's a real picture of what's happening in the country right now. >> trace: yes, it is. it's a dichotomy for sure.
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thank you both for coming on. coming up, the war on woke education. our next guests are on the front lines of this story. they join us live to tell us how they are fighting back against the cultural indoctrination of your children. and still to come, last week we told you about a 94-year-old deejay who spends his time helping other seniors get in the group. well guess what, he joins us live with his mix, next. nts) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours
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>> trace: in the nation wide fight for parental rights in education, a new online christian school is trying to debunk what it calls the woke lies taught in most public schools. let's bring in school bored president sonja shaw and founder of that online christian school the exodus institute kali fontanilla. great to have both of you on. will come. i want you to know -- if you
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could give us an instructive lesson and when you say teaching kids to be anti-woke, what does that mean exactly? >> well we have a lot of lessons that basically counter the leftist indoctrination happening in our public schools that i witnessed as a 15 year public school teacher. lessons like what happened in venezuela where they learn about the socialist collapse in venezuela, lessons like cancel culture and learning about cancel culture and lessons that debunk black lives matter, just a lot of very important lessons that will help our students get prepared for when they go into college. >> trace: when used a off like this, you deal in this stuff every day, it is -- is this message getting out, are these schools valuable and vital to our kids today especially in places like california? >> i absolutely think they are. the rebranding of the name should be commonsense because what she's teaching is what
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should be taught. it's sad that we have to do damage control but with what they've done to our kids i think what she's doing is amazing. we need it more and more. i think there is a need for it. >> trace: it's interesting because i want to read this to you, this is from california globe, california's woke education is a failure going on to say "it seems like the entire california department of education is more focused on diversity, equity and inclusion and there woke ideology think giving students a proper education. it's are graduating without being able to read and write, without mather history knowledge, but they certainly understand what diversity, equity and inclusion are all about. out what do you think of that? does that smack you as being the absolute truth? >> yes, it is. i saw it firsthand is a public school teacher. might students were taught about critical race theory in a required class in ninth grade, lessons that were pro- black lives matter in a district where 40% up the students were not reading at grade level.
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it's just wasting time, it's wasting our tax dollars and parents are fed up and that's why i wanted to be part of the solution instead of just complaining about it and decided to leave my job as a public school teacher and start this school. >> trace: it's interesting because when she says parents are fed up, nobody knows that more than you. parents are fed up and they are tired of having schools dictate to them what they are going to do and how they are going to give you information. >> absolutely. i think the department of education earns a f and it's time to expel them permanently. they have politicized our school system and i think parents have had enough. i've had enough. i think the nation has had enough. it's time to get back to reading, writing and math. our kids are failing at the basics while we push all this other stuff into the school system. enough is enough. they fail. i'm going to work on getting rid of them. >> trace: i've gotta go but young patriots, is this something you notice, do you feel like you are leaving a
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mark? >> sam. we've had a lot of parents tell us that the students in our program are responding to the lessons really well, they are buying into -- loving the american dream, loving what they are learning and you can find out more about my cool online. >> trace: we will put it on, a website. tk as always. meantime we last brought you a story of 94-year-old korean war veteran who is now a dj at a senior center helping his peers on long island keep their groove in their heart. tonight let's bring in the mix master himself, kirk johnson. great to have you on. i know you are a war veteran, thank you for your service. i just want to know why it is that you wanted to be a dj, what's the motive behind it? >> well it started accidentally. somebody just asked me in a senior center to do some karaoke
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i said certainly, i would love to, to entertain the citizens mostly. but i didn't have any equipment and i didn't know anything about it. so i had nothing to do. i went out and bought the equipment, i put it together, i use a laptop. i never saw a laptop in my life. i did not know how to operate a computer. so i had a lot of help from a lot of people but i put it all together and for the past four years now, four, five years, i've been entertaining senior citizens. i love it. it makes me feel good to see these people enjoying themselves, dancing and having a good time and everything like that. >> trace: i wonder because i know you were a bus driver until you were 91 years old so i'm wondering, when you talk about music, we can see you on the right-hand side of the screen doing your thing but when you
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talk about music, what's the genre, what do they love and what are they requesting? >> yes, i was a bus driver for 28 years. i wasn't going to be a bus driver that long but one year followed another and it just kept going and going and when i was 90 years old i could not pass the physical to drive the bus. my hearing started deteriorating, my eyesight and one i started to deteriorate so i could not pass the physical so i had to stop driving the school bus. >> trace: and the music, what style of music are you playing for your fellow residents? >> what style of music did you say? >> trace: what style, what genre, what type? >> well i play the music that they want. i play their music -- the music that i like because we are all in the same age group.
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they like the music from the forties, fifties, some of the sixties. i liked it so i started playing it and then all of a sudden they liked it and it just took off. now i'm pretty busy with it. >> trace: will you should be. you are an american treasure, thank you for coming on the show. it was great and the best of luck to you and all the residents and we would like to send a camera and really get some great video of that show. kirk johnson, thank you so much. >> i salute you from captain kirk. >> trace: we salute you as well, sir. coming up, say you are at a restaurant and the waiter asks, how would you like that steak cooked, juicy, read in the center or a little bit more well done? let us know what your stake is supposed to look like, the nightcap is next. [♪♪] many at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done.
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[♪♪] >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. kevin corke, ashley, matt, sonja,... we are bringing back a decades-old debate. medium rare or well done. somewhere in between? some say if it ain't medium rare it ain't stake. others say they don't want their steak mooing.
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kevin corke, how do you take it? >> you already know the answer, man, medium rare. if somebody orders well done i have to get up and leave the table, come on. [ laughter ] >> trace: okay, kevin is not having dinner with us anytime soon. sonja shaw. >> i'm with kevin, medium rare it is. let it -- i don't want to say that aloud. >> trace: okay, let's see, ashley. >> i'm a medium rare girl. >> trace: really? >> oh yeah. if my steak comes too well done i won't eat it. >> trace: wow. elizabeth pipko. >> okay, trigger warning for all of the vegans. when i was a little girl as my mom would cook stake for dinner i would take the container it came in, pour the blood into a cup and drink it. my parents called me a vampire
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it so i think you know my answer to this question. >> trace: kaylee mcghee white. >> i was the exact opposite. i like my wreak medium rare but i grew up believing the only way steak was cooked was well done because my dad likes his tasting like a hockey puck. so i like mine medium rare now that's for sure. >> trace: matt. >> growing up i thought medium, well to well done. now i'm medium. >> trace: best way to cook it, medium rare 76%, 75%. rusty says rare. walk it through a warm room. anthony, cooked medium well. it's not sushi. mary says medium prime rib. trisha, well done like a hockey puck. choline, any way other than medium rare is this in. >> trace: i like mine medium,e i'm with matt.anents thank you for watching america's late news "fox news @ night",in i'm tracg e gallagher and we wid se be you back here tomorrow. e . that's when i started making tiktok videos.
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after we posted the video, we were slammed, people letting us know that they were trying it out for the first time. i always knew tiktok was a pretty powerful platform, but i never realized the extent of that power until a small town girl like me was able to reach millions of people and help keep my parents' dream alive.
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[ ♪♪ ]


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