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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> jesse: hello everybody and the jesse watters along with the judge jeanine pirro, peers morgan, sandra smith and greg gutfeld? 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five". [ ♪♪ ] >> and pennsylvania, florida, north carolina, georgia, campaigning. this is all coming from the biden white house, biden can put two sentences together, he cannot campaign. >> jesse: if you can't beat them, l'affaire him. democrats came to knock him off his game, legal trials as his opponent gets a huge had started is on full display today. left-hand side, threatening to joe biden hitting the campaign trail in pennsylvania. on the right, donald trump spent his day fighting to avoid being locked up after returning to a courtroom in manhattan for day
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two over the messy paperwork showdown of the century. joe biden by -- rubbing it into trump's face and peppering him with hoax after hoax. >> president biden: paying taxes is something people who work for a living did not him. telling people you're fired is only to laugh about? this into what you says, he says, i'll be dictator on day one u quote, im your retribution. he promises "bloodbath" if he loses. wake up every morning thinking about how to make life better for the middle class families here across the country. >> jesse: today's six jurors were officially selected to serve on trump's kernel trial, 12 more to go, others got dismissed after being impartial. trump did however smile at a guy who said he had read a few of his books. at one point of the judges golding the former president for audibly motoring while the jury was speaking, warning him he
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will not tolerate that. waddick oda alvin bragg is hungry to lock up trump filing a motion to hold the ex-president income temps and find him $3000 for alleged breaches of gog or against disparaging chow witnesses. the liberal media getting their kicks about a report that donald trump fell asleep during the proceedings, watch. >> he made it a very pacific stare at me and walked out of the room u are reported earlier you had appeared to fall sleep, i have seen many people fall saved in courtrooms, judges falsely. see one of the wheels of justice grind slowly, it they would guard so slowly they would rock the defendant apparently to sleep. >> imagine committing so many crimes you get bored i your own trial. [ laughter ] >> that is a fake snooze. any bad home is nodding off after that. >> jesse: joy reeves somehow topping all of that. >> there is something
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wonderfully poetic about the fact that despite the fact that even a new could -- if convicted he will not go to prison, the first person to actually criminally prosecuted donald trump is a black harvard grad in a black woman is doing that same exact thing in georgia, and a black woman in forced you to pay $175 million fine. my de eyes are bringing it home suited go di gregg. >> greg: she said it is wonderfully poetic. there was no rhyming there. she should have said it's really all right because the victim is a white, she could have said because i'm black i can pull off a racist attack, or i can be a bigoted grub because i got hair like trump. imagine if a white person said those dug this is so poetic, how these white folks are giving it to the black man. it does reflect -- i'm joking but it reflects a seething
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hatred she has for whites which msnbc amplifies and somehow protects? it's a carbon copy of the o.j. simpson trial, lachman killed two whites so it's excusable. but reverse racism is still racism. right that msnbc should know that. trump appear could just leave them be bored is exactly the response this cap to ask prosecution deserves. he is america who with this infantile media does not see it as some mutant form of entertainment and justicemac trump should go to trial, bring a bake book, big novel, just sit there and read, sit there and read. that is the only response this manufactured mayhem a deserves is contempt. maybe bring a bad lunch, newspaper, kickback and you know, it's a waste -- they're wasting his time. they want him to break down like an anti- israel activist.
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>> jesse: à la sent him a copy of "added together" so you can open it up inside the courtroom. sandra you covered this today, is all these jurors. they cannot be impartial and some looked stealthy like they were trying to get on the jury. >> sandra: the president takes to the microphone to air his frustration that he is sitting there while joe biden is campaigning to their. 's scranton, new jersey. what's interesting and i said to you guys when the show went live, we were covering joe biden speech. in scranton,'s hometown, working class, 75,000 people. it was somewhat angry, he was very forceful about how he can do better for them. it is a tough case to make two people when they are paying roughly 888 more dollars a month because of the joe biden inflation. he never mentioned biden all
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mix, he was in town to get by name, under this presidency. their gas prices are up a dollar in pennsylvania since is present took office. you got the median home price in pennsylvania up 30 percent. there's an affordable to crisis in pennsylvania and is try to tell those working-class voters not his policies are working good so while the former president can't be on the ground campaigning there in pennsylvania, his record shirley is speaking for itself. but an interesting split screen and though, that joe biden's out of and he has to sit there. >> jesse: did you ever fall asleep during the apprentice? >> piers: that's why 11 at jesse watters. thank you for reminding the american people. i just think actually this is playing to trump. he just has to stay that courtroom every day, he needs to let biden go off and lose his mind and making speeches that are incoherent with no sense, as
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he said remind people, this is the guy in charge, and affecting my life, adversely. is also the heart of this, there is a real hypocrisy, particular about this case and a read this in the post today, in my research for the column, i just discovered what is probably the best example of that hypocrisy. which is yesterday we touched on the fact that trump may not be allowed to go to his son barron's graduation ceremony. and think most parents would have heard that and gonna while will, really? he sort of laid out at this p past, this graduation say monee, he went to chelsea's in the nineties when he was president, and he took to the stage and he made a speech, talking of his great pride. that was the same bill clinton the last time i checked had sex of the internet in a oval of office, and eight i paid $850,000 to get rid of an
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allegation of harassment and abuse. while he was a sitting president of the united states. i did not see him in a courtroom for six weeks in an election year. my message to my liberal friends is this, why do you think this is going to do any good for you? why do not think people will see through this stumble? john legend was on msnbc talking about trump being to the épée to me about two tiered justice system. he is, one rule for trump, another role for any other democrat president that i would argue has been far worse situations when it comes to sexually -- i would say this is actually in the end is going to play well for trump. i think this is a reality playing out every day, all day of him sitting that courtroom reminding people of a double standard. >> dear member will bill clinton said when he spoke to the students, call me when you're 18. [ laughter ]
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judge jeanine, thank you -- congratulations on being the first host with armadillos. >> piers: i just out of the assignment. >> jesse: how did you interpret date two of this trial. >> i was stunned they have as many jurors as they have. looking into the legalities of a. number 1 is it to myself you got 87 percent of the people in manhattan who voted against donald trump. you have a man with a hundred percent name recognition, is no question about it. we got a fundamental principle they going to be tried by jury of your peers. but when can you actually prove that the jury is anti- trump as in 87 and 90 percent anti- trump and remember, jurors are taking from the voter rolls. they are taking from motor vehicles and a few other places? i know this, nice to hound jurors all the time. yeah, to others it is, even as though 87 percent of manhattan's
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against him, even though this trial is also about politics and as a man that's being tried as a politician, we're going to deny your change of venue and make it you have this trial here. it would have been very easy for this trial to be moved to westchester or rockland which are both swing counties and they would have had a more fair jury. thomas white jury. and this is the case and not only calls for it, it demands it. so i believe that no matter what they do here, this is i hate donald trump jury. the second point, the gaggle order in this country has only been at a crossroads with the first amendment. i've being gagged as at da. as a judge i have gagged das and defence attorneys. but when you gaggle you gagged both sides. and we michael cohen just a few days ago trashing donald trump
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on april 12th and donald trump is it gagged and can respond to thoughts and michael cohen is talking about is a georgia case, is talking about of the florida case, is talking about this case and his judge is good with that, and the optics on top of this thing, joe biden trashing donald trump and trump being gagged it because he's logged down in a criminal courtroom in a jury that hates him, and a fake misdemeanour that is bootstrapped by a felony then nobody knows anything about. this is not america. this is a kangaroo court with a kangaroo judge it was daughters is making millions and you can't gagged me. and this president should not be gagged. >> piers: have you ever been gagged? [ laughter ] >> greg: a's to get gagged a lot downtown. [ laughter ] >> jesse: the liberal media thinks you're stupid and poor,
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letting it rip on voters. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> greg: cleaners and hillary had her basket of deplorable's, now katie couric become as elitist elites blow hard toor psychoanalyse trump supporterst, america's sweetheart now an old fart thinks she's cracked the code of maga. >> socioeconomic, disparities arice a lots and class resentmet is a lots, anti- intellectualism and elitism is what is driving
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many of these anti- establishment which are trump voters. i don't know if you've ever beef jealous of what somebody else has or resentful. it is such a corroding and bitter, almost bio feeling. >> greg: it while will. e even after the colonoscopy she still full of crap.e is anyway. she is arime prime example of te rat in them liberal media, remember the npr veteran that blew the whistle on the outlets anti- trump bias? 's are-tru changing how they do what, they suspended the guy fod speaking the truth. all right. this is kind of fun. what happened judge to katie? s yohou know why people should get behind?pe because see upsets the right people. she starts shrieking --ot o shrinking. >> judge jeanine: she's
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drinking mentally toinki. you know what it's like whenit i you're jealous of people, thend bile, what i ts she talking abo? but for years, they were the people who did not like people? they loved everybody, and now e they hate everybodvey who suppoy donald and yow,u know, if there'sythi anything that'slk anti-intellectual and she talks about anti- intellectuals, it'si somebody like he-ir who takes tt approach and simply says we are a bunch of jealous people and that you know, we don't have a brain. but i've never been a real fan of hers, i don't have a lot to say other than she just can't deal with it, and she is typical with the democrats were obsolete anybody who doesn't think likedo they do. >> greg: you know, i think she has the numbers of peppered yellows. >> piers: we had aweave fewword discussions about of the word. s for the record, for those at don't know what it means, i wanted dowsing with my know
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knowledge, it is a smalls relatively unimportant offencelr or sin. and the point i was making is one might allegedly with airborne store in beverly hills, comparative to the oval officefi are paying somebody in the world ofn $50,000 in harassment case, or think the american peoplean p would be honest of themselves,cl to clinton's offence is a higher level than the offence at trumpa is currently languishing in the courtroom for.ric, with katie, it's interesting as an end because trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than 2016. people look to the discrepancygo which according to the left wasl the worst of all time.amer 10 million more americans votedd for th te second time around. and i forget the claim that alls the peopleup to support trump ae jealous and s this is so many who wrote a book
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a few years ago for going there, for which she went there. she launched a series of bitter and resentful attacks on other female tv hosts, martha stewart. there was no bettering thee jealous and resentful loss of. katie in that book. for her it's not just ram blasting 18 million americans who have thecans goal in her eyt vote for the nonintellectual donald trump which she herselfhh as being so hypocritical aboutic spewing the bar herself. i suggest you put a sock in it. >> greg: see jesse this isit what happens when people do research before the show. she is saying maga as dominic it coming from the today show which is this and of intellectualism, matt was a regularma.>>
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>> piers: don't know who that is. >> greg:fo austriaretn economist i do have to make clarification about what was said during the last block. kennedy mentioned that word ang year ago a. i was wrong about that, it's being mentioned twice by kennedy and piers morgan assume deeply sorry about that.ev >> pierse : you think thethis american notion of this is shenanigans?esse >> jesse: eleanor roosevelt famously said grade lines talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, small minds talk about people. katie kerouac seems to me like she talks a lot about people. and she talks a lot about onepe person irsn particular, donald trump.nald a lot of the great idea guys around greg gutfeld. >> greg: thank you. >> jesse: peterson. >> greg: he is okay. [ laughter ]>> you >> jesse: joe rogan it. >> greg: nice guy.
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>> jesse: piers morgan. p >> piers: thank you. >> jesseie>> j: those are the kd of spaces people are talking about nice ideas, what people were curious, come in and theirt humble and they listen. that is what people areto attracted to right now. see those chosen all you see is love and affection. when i walk around dc and new york city as see a lot of bitterness. i don't sea e a lot of very smat people who have it together. i see a lot of people living in boxes and dead-end jobs and their jealous of people that can live outside most of the day and have fresh food and cellulite. and he think she is confusingtu anti- intellectual with we see people in the establishment as trying touals appear to be intellectuals but what they're really doing is in doing so making stupid decisiond or saying stupid things like thp supreme court nominee who coulda not definen, a woman or the hardware did president who sided oh, you can kill the jews, a
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harassment.," or the ceos that traded factories for fentanyl, theut politicians who shutdown forools twahtwah years. we see that is really dumb, we see that as anti- science, anti- human.o we it is like being lectured by people who may be went to the right schools that do and say all the wrong things. g >> greg: well pipere. today's thank you a. >> greg: you are a man of the people. >> jesse: i am. >> greg: you know i want to talk to you but npr.pend is suspended as editor who blew the was a.tht is that the left lobeir whistleblowers and also, theyrn have forme government funding of pulled because and not an objective source for journalism? >> sandra: sure. >> greg: you don't seem certain on that. [ laughter ] >> sandra: i'm just thinkingth about of the framing of your question with katie couric which i think i was saying this at the break, what happened to her? she seems so bitter and angry, g grew up watching her on the today show and we embraced her..
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she has changed. i think so many people are noter shocked to see an elitist member of the media out of their calling on what they see as a lunati tc cringe right. but where is the dichotomy of the far left lunatics out there that are chanting death to america in dearborn, michiganin and there's no conversation in that interview being had. not shocking to hear both sidesh calling eachen other out. when you look at the lunatict ar fringe right, what are theyca taking issue with?ruck waving big american flags? and on the left the chantingar death to america? remember that, when you hear her calling out the far right for bank jealous, bitter resentful people.i anthd i think that interview stp a lot of people at 62020 again.d >> piers: according to bilinlta marra heke did take her out onee
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you can criticize trump as much as you want we don't criticize all of his voters. on mastic there some kind of appalling entity.- >> greg: i probably never met one. that's the think. are a coming up, avenue since advaita needs brain enhances his eclectic. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] ♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> it was a never ending response to your question.o >> we havemo to move fast this motion he won't run, president biden will run, and lookingd forward tolo getting reelected.e >> judge jeanined.: as a greasyy one is stealing a biden spotlight and getting a big glossing profile in the atlantic title gavin newson can't help himself. california's smooth talker cracking could joe helhims abouk biden should be popping her brain pills to susan voters nerves about his age, the reporter calling him out on that one and gavin responded by saying "i don't know if i was wasjoking but i was lamenting t how many different ways on different networks and answered this question in an effort toy try to answer little differently each time" . my god. is he like trying to be kamala
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harris? >> sandra: i was wondering where he was during the brain debacle yesterday. i don't know what it is biden oi the stationgn day that will leat toin more questions when he was exiting once again, does he knoe he was going? is a a reason people were asking about that. but it newson's quote i think hg probably is getting antsy, i don't >> judge jeanine: all right.oe n he basically sank joe needs>> project in. >> piers: i have some information be tended you dove f >> piers: in m my extensive research, it's an instinct. there is normal side effects,tu had itff, nausea, you can also insert and people, it can have the exact opposite effect of what it's supposed to do. my theory is joe biden might be on it, and gavin newson knows ie because if you have the reversee syndrome which a number ofrent people get, apparently can get memory lapses and confusion, onn
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user o un amazon said he had concentration blackouts and then all of a sudden it's like i woke up but i was lost and had no idea where i was. [ laughter ] m my theory is he slipped, newson of mentioning pride did during, he's having the reverse effect which i think effects of a number of people. >> judge jeanine: go bank too you jesse's. >> jesse: i diyojed my research to.d [ laughter ]my turns out according to my sources you are on it. and you'resa experiencing the s. side effects as the president. so there. i think he was telling the trut prand joe biden probably needs pills and you should not have said it to reporter. bua t if you are asked a questin a zillion times, something like that will come out. and i hate to say it, but there is something stupidly likable about a gavin newson when he answers to questions yes or no, and he goes...
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[ laughter ]e is there is something real weather it's really stupid or really human, gavin newson makes me laugh, is a guy that comes across as not really pulling off in sincerity. : jesse comesine across as a lying politician who can get a straight answer. >> jesse: that's what's funny about him. >> judge jeanine: are like lying politicians. >> greg: i understand jess e because he also cited he really identified with patrick bateman from american psycho. ck i think it's cruel to suggest a brain n pills for joe biden because that assumes he has a. brain to work with. you can water a dead plant you want, is still going to be deadg to me newson is like from every colombo episode, patientlycolo waiting for the odd old rich
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uncle to die and you finally decides maybe it's time i pushed it along. here's some advice to you joe, did not invite -- accept anym. invitations to go hiking with gavin newson. we are at a time when we need more than brain enhances, world war iii, a president who thinks iran is something he only doeses when h we goes to the bathroom. in the old days we carried big stick, now it's whisper feebly and carry life alert. evens the visiting angels are not taking his calls. [ laughter ] >> sandra: >> judge jeanine: coming up, ui" winding up pretty pink to be pretty and rope. [ ♪♪ ] ♪ ♪ frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags
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>> a brain. a beauty. a jock. a rebel. and a recluse. >> i can't believe >> i can't believe this iss really happening to me. >> before this days over the the will break the rules speed for legal work is criticizing the film that made her famous,s potential remakes of classics like the breakfast club and pretty in pink. stressing over whether they wil be good, it's all about race. watch this stew in those movies, the movies that are -- that i'mr so well-known form, they were at a time, if you are to remake hav that now i think it would have to be much more diverse, and i don't think you could make at movie that white now. those movies are really, really very white. i don't -- they don't really represent what it is to be at teenager in a school in america today and a sink.
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>> piers: greg the movies were to and she is ashamed of those. lottery how to revisit everythingryth that was good ate moment, it is suddenly we added them the. twenty-four it's a difference in philosophiessoph. we have a large intelligence y yes, the lef ourt they live in e past because that's where they pull out all these examples of persecution. if they want to go that route that's remake harry styles, drug jeff banglid hall, alike to see the colour purple with megan f f i think that would be amazing. i'm tired of remakes. except for roadhouse which was absolutely i'm al al for diversity in movis and tv shows if the content isdi well written and directed.
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it's only when it's shoehorned and the presence of the actor becomes a message in itself and its distracting. like the show the diplomat"t, really good tv series, excepta every other receding and nonbinary character in a bowtiea and the price just standing around and you're going that thr take three boxes, it took three boxes. so they could make the show without being find. >> sandra: eight. >> piers: psycho them doinge snow white, the remakes of these movies have been a catastrophea in most but again, it come back to look and go history and trying to take t today's thoughts, morals, and plants of them back.ergy i think it's such a waste of energy, what can we let themuff stand the test of time and do stuff now. i might be a pic that she is that deep, might be
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about her now and being relevant and what is debate woke hollywood, attracts yourself to younger audiences. don't touch 16 candles, okay? it worked. it's one of those moviesla even when you play today, some of the themes of that movie arev still relevantan. but the remakes people don't want themem. r and ofou hollywood will go this route and remake it, she was in that me to movement. i went out for breakfast club, she said her character was sexually harassed. what about about -- what about every murder that takes place? j i begin to go back?we it doesn't seem well thought out and it seems a lot more about molly ringwald than makingdge, things right. >> piers: judge picking on movies i have nothing to do with anything, like pretty woman she said julia roberts is wonderful by did not like the story, saidf even withieln a felt like there was something ickyac about it.
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>> judge jeanine: think the majority of young woman would have loved to be julia roberts in that movie.u she is just not connecting.t she's so upset about what she did in the past, maybe she could return of the money, not take any royalties, with the s royalties she still getting inti something that is, what she thinks is going on today. d dowsing she's thatee db either,i think is that important, she's just speaking the words of that understanding what she's sayingi if she is an, she should be all in and she's not the most serious person out there.he >> piers: relet's talk about --> >> greg: pretty woman was one of the weirdest films. there's never a hawker that good-looking. [ laughter ]ever julia roberts as a hawker?end
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unbelievable siu is a drawn t legend rewriting the lyrics toba baby it's cold outside because it encouraged to sexual abuse and violence, what are youwh talking about?if y stupid you wantuf to start rewriting stuff, go induce some of your rat bates. gre the ridiculous. >> greg: it be pro- political warming if he hate that song. >> piers: it also reminded me when megan just after shete retired from the woman'sr soccer team felt that trans athletes should be encouraged to play in the woman's national soccer teamal s. is is the case of that, when he was like you know i wish they wouldn't have been so white, i made all my money already. >> jesse: it is and he came up with a few titles which are more work -- woke now, pretty in pink hair. [ laughter ] sixteen genders. fares bueller's day of activismc [ laughter ] the breakfast crt. crt and finally no planes, trains or
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automobiles. [ laughter ] >> piers: well done. >> jesse: the producers gave it to me. [ laughter ] >> piers: okay,, up next, goerges parliament is making american congress i think for a yoga retreat. that is up next. [ ♪♪ ] oh, yeah, man. take it from your inner child. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get
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powering progress. [ ♪♪ ] >> and mean you thought congresl could get unruly coaches waitn until whatge mayhem goes down is goerges parliament. s >> sandra:an while. doubly w. e. chaos, marshall lawmakers debating a controversial law and foreign agents, opponents argue to the would call became george's aimis of joining the european union. this seems right up your alley. >> piers: i love this. p anied to the mp, i will echo thn man who through the offending ck tpension makkah he turns it e a bit of a hero.
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i would not usually encourage violence but he said onto the stream he was wrestled to the ground and beat her now. is that he got beat but it was for georgia so be it. you must stop this law up their assets he said, lynching his fist through a this is no type of politeness, they are drugging as into russia, we are the georgians of slaves and we are not slaves. i admired because actually what this law, it's intended to make you more like russia, and it's similar to that legislation thed owkremlin used to crackdown on t dissent in russia.hi so this guy although he may have used not great methodologies. >> judge jeanine: is he going to jail? >> piers: i don't know but i admire the spirit, of somebody -- [ laughter ] peo deltell yo u got a lot of wars will get -- will happen to people who make you see whatknow happens to dissidents in russiaj >> judge jeanine: goud ahead,if you know w what i would like tof see? if wi'e had d any kind of stand?
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i would like to say joe biden and davis mcconnell, or i would like to see adam schiff and jimd jordanam. >> jesse: i got jordan. >> judge jeanine: gates and mccarthy and margarine it to the green and aoc speed that would be a good one.? >> jesse: and with piers morgan. i admiremired the spirit and thy were sometimes our members of congress would have that kind o, passion instead of daytrading all day and leaving for the district on thursday. >> sandra: that i mean as our notes note, this makes our congress psycho spa day before georgia is a weird man butt that's theth south for you. [ laughter ] >> sandra: i'm sorry about thunder. >> greg: what band is that?im >> sandra: imagine dragon. >> judge jeanine: reallyag? imagine dragons is 2014.h
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weth went through the imagine dragons phase, it wasn't aandr pleasant. >> sandra: can i give her theru story behind it?n d are run a lot and has a great g running beat sue for our would not stop running it by her lastr songa:, running away. >> sandra: all right, "one more thing" is up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> okay, your best second year. now let's se: at youe what you e don' jt like to stay. g >> correct. all right. tonight, we've got another great show and then i'm going to go awayto for a little whileo god, yes. emily campion, you go to camp.o i readin it. >> and now we're going to play this great. and the animals sound all right. so i'm going to playounds theses animal sounds and then we're going to go around the horn. know it appears, has never s before. playe >> but guess what it is. okay, let's play this out. okay, people here says hippo joe. it's a motorcycle. well, it has to be an animal. oh, you say a ha. no chewbacca. that's not an animal. it's not even real.: chew you say so. i say, is it a dog? lik that dog. ikeba
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>> the chewbacca hippo. all righ i don't know what. yeah. okayt . all right. how about a tiger? let's playet's pla. >> oh, no way. you won. i won. now you're teaching family. well, i go t the closest. yeah, you did. yes, i did. reg: i. $ >>5, $8,000. a! yes. okay. >> s i'm sup oh, i'm super excid for mine. >> love, mom, this is dr. nicole sapphire's new bookored is just out today, inspiring stories celebrating motherhood. toapter in to haveed a chapter in this book, and we talk a lot, and we did it all at fox nation special. it's very therapeutic. we all sat togethe satr. d abou martha maccallum, janice dean, carl y, and we talked about the lessons we learned from our mothers that we're now passin childreng down, raising our own children. it's really a great book. go out and get it toda y, wonder
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fox news books, that wonderful. >> speaking of thefu get it together series continues on jesse watters primetimeste. with a drug trafficker turned comedian. >> here's a little test. ore. >> so you can't do drugs anymore. fentanyl has ruined it. it's ruined cocaine. fun. ity. orr >> that's just the way it is. that's just the way it is. >> cheers. was it good for you? yes. you see visibilityd on har, megd based on harry potter. it's a precision engineered lens that bends the light away from the person standing behind it. shield develop. s at two years to develop from high grade polycarbonate, six foot tall and full foot wide, big enough to hide multiple mpeople bd it people bt seven and $50. so if you hit behind that, yeah, jesse, we're going to be putting it right here tomorrow. but why would you buy that? love, tomorrow's>> show withe the invisibility shield right there. >> that's it for us. have a great night, . welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonigh


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