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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 17, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. i hope this has no more repercussions. we shall see. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ]
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, jesse watters and tyrus 5:00is in new york city and this is at♪ the 5. donald trump slip -- flip the script on his hush money trail going from the court to a bodega if that seems familiar it's because you've seen it before it's the infamous sight whereit e it's previous owner stabbed a man to death in south -- is self defence but was charged by ida name is also alvin bragg but under pressure he dropped the ba case the former president railed against his crime record on tape watch here. >> they want to law & order ther have tremendous crime over there stores are being robbed. with crime and did these guys are great people great friends but there's tremendous crimes and it's alvin's fault.
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he goes after guys like trump did nothing wrong. violent criminals and murderersf there are hundreds of murderersc all over the city they don't pick them up they go after trump. >> he probably went under his skins issuing a response addind top priority remains combatingan violent crime in hand with them to drive all crimes downases including double-digit decreases and homicides and shooting. that would change the fact with a downgrading 60% of cases tole lesser charges last yearss meanwhile trump had that with the bodega. >> did the media comparing the
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former president to a caged animalo lashing a dangerously because of the trial. >> they are a caged annual a dangerous situation here out of control and we do expect him to lash out as it's covered over the last decade to expect that. >> judge you got a kick out of that 1? >> i did. out-of-control i mean there dreams it's out-of-control that is the pit of me under fire. the forget about the fact it was hal impeached twice half a billion dollars fraud fraud times as they are out campaigning and did now this guy i have to tell you. he is a make-believe prosecutoru this guy's job is to protect thr criminal and forget about the victim. k he's the kind of guy whose w forgives those raw people with
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weapons and indicts people tolv defend themselves with weaponses is this guy as he talked about crime being down in new york ase he is a full. first of all police art making arrests because secondly people aren't reporting crimes you can sayinges b they know that nothio going to happen and i can speak to this. the idea of downgrading 938 of those charges reducing feloniesm to misdemeanours andea almost a thousand cases with 60% reducedh it sadet and was brilliant on the part a donald trump to go back to the bodega because it was where an ex-con or career criminal out out of the owner of the bodega to stab him as the owner not give his girlfriend a free bag of chips and while they are
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stabbing the owner he isco cornered being attacked and about to be stabbed and defends himself and that this bozo alvis bragg says after pharaoh investigation we dismissed d $250,000 bail only because the media went crazy, the public went crazy and the poor owner went back to the dominican republic so alvin bragg is going to sam a great da as i will convict trump as it includes the jury pool. >> what did you think aboutn that? is first. >> anything about trump as a
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candidate for office as a a political athlete he is gifted e political athlete as i have ever seen. i don't agree with a lot of his things we have to respect the businessbusi and how the art of politics is litigated with this move here we had a conversatione erie iw s in new york goes to ab bodegaod at a gas station day or so before this is as good aa campaigning some may argue or samay the crowd was scripted, it whatever happened there he. looked good this is the kind of theatre in a campaign able to highligh ct an addition to theof issue on the forefront of a loti of voters minds not in new york but everywhere. law and ordendr and crime of the conversation and analysis around them but if you look at to the judges point this juxtaposition of donald trump there.rsus this is what is going to be talked about over the next few days n as it's a political
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movement athlete very smart thing as it could have an impact on the trial itself and theno campaign itself is 1 of the p smarter things the president could >> and president biden ie s in pennsylvania swinging through their kind o if talking about raising taxes and things like with the keystone state to the campaign need to have pennsylvania the democratic camp. how does the biden campaign compete with images like that? >> he is like at the white carl lewis if we're talking political athleticism. whi >> they call him will wait afa lightning. cal in a fraternity house rowing footballs the u.s. in a fight with rogan is that a chick-fil-
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black women are hugging him shakes on the house and he goese to the bodega where hispanicfour kids are chanting fraud from more years it blows up every hoax they have thrown at him. m as minorities lovein himre h everywhere he goes as joe biden doesn't even go there. is a brilliant tactic and ifed you're going to be pinned down in a place like this as they have opportunities there which is sick. sleepily -- sleep he dawdled 1 day in the next day he's a caged animal they throw stuff againstl the wall which is pretty calm her facing 91 charges as of their trying to rake the jury catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge asn i can't remember what about thie post where you said he should be in prison? pri ali add that 1.
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strike they keep throwing these undercover is at him and they're doing research on these people. is a guy born in ireland and my other hope is a guy born in puerto rico the rest of them aro corporate lawyers with de i all over their websites a 20-year-old white girl who works for disney and likes to dance. as that looks like trouble like a hung jury is the best you will get here. >> hashtag white lightning. when somebody's in courtus rulem always shut up and win your case going out in public is a bad idea usu this is the 1 time it'a great idea. i think trumi thp and his team w smart enough to know whatever happens in the courtroom is lai out they know what's going on. he will used this trial and itiy
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will be public. he is doing things another president wouldn't do or can't do. you can'yot haveve j is joe shos a bodega and answer questions it would get weird. as what he's doing is phenomenal i he he's read the room is not going to get a fair trial in new york but for all those days he is there he is free campaign freemoney making up for the losf took half a billion away i will take the free press which normally the coseet canadats c millions of millions of dollars and as a former wrestler he's a master at the promo needs a booa called the art of the promo gets in front of the microphone thee crowd is chanting you can't manufacture that you don't hand out scripts for that because there's so they wouldn't see you online right now. what he's doing is we are seeina in realtime a living martyr. you said in the courtroom but his trials and the
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>> listening to the there i differ with you there. >> first of all is doing anyways it's designed for him to loseo when you look at that nobody else is getting charged with this nobody is crazy the statute of limitations route should have been a done deal 1 time probably about 50 times is like best of, our guy. >> the might be true what you're sayingou s they sought to preset the case and the jury did the- same thing. >> there is no such thing as a fair trial when manhattan is 90% democrat the defendant is a politician running for presiden> there should have been a change of venue in a county close to manhatta an where the same judge would try the case where at least at a 50/50 a sweet to just
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waiting district.ic >> sano they should have convico him because they are democrats ry oe? >> what i am saying is if the jury pool is pulled from the voting rolls and 90% anti- trump 4 years ago stop kidding each r it could be a fair trial. as a political venue is a swing state or swing county venue. >> coming up they might need to google a good defence lawyer anti- israel tech workerscc arrested after occupyingup thei♪ boss' office. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: from blocking bridges t >> from blocking bridges t o harassing jewish students on campus the pro- hamas the crowd is that a busy week of causing chaoearls. a group of columbia students se6 up 60 tents on the main lawn tos protest israelt and now these loons have found a new way to show off n their anti- semitism, occupy their boss' office. anti- israel google staffers got arrested after storming the headquarters in new york, ayo californian seattlrke as well as staging a sit in at executive officeces,s demanding the tech t cut ties with the israeli government. >> google, google you can't hide you are funding genocide! >> the anti- israel insanity didn't stop there as they
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chanted death to america in the streets of new york. here's marking confronted an activist who said the chant wasn't that big of a deal.ou t >> when you think about peopleoe chanting death to america as i they did in 1 vehicle. >> i think it's a phrase said by an individual. >> the crowd joined in w. >> i didn't see it. this guy said in the whole crowd began chanting would you condemn that?>> >> i'm here to talk about...d >> you hate toyo answer my actually would you condemn them. >> i think we should condemn palestinians actually being killed. g >> dana i willo go to you it's interesting hotingw when they ae called on they won't admit it and and this particular case you have these google and amazon employees, 90 google 300 amazon out of 1 million and a halfma amazon employeeszo who want to t an end to whatever business is being done with israel. s
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>> i'm not shockedho google is full of pro- hamas lunaticsth remembered the ai thing a couple weeks ago they want to make george washington black like thi original white lightning callback from the first block of the show but also the highlighting of how they've hijacked the word genocide this is not a genocide. and they don't speak up when there is actual genocide nobody's talking about thelk sudanesein we can have a conversation because they haveon talking points they brought a interviewing and as soon as he asked them a question on their approved list of talking points it melts on contact so that was pathetic. the cease-fire calls are detroit when he for what the funding the police was in terms of political concepts and we will see if f these corporations falorl for ia inagain. remember in 2020 they bent over backwards we will give you the money and so on and now theyh is
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have sit ins with employees because i thought ever but he worked from home now so whoey cares that they are in theirfi executives offices butce the gol of these employees to denounce israel they don't just want those employees to stop working with the israeli government theh wanted to stop working with our government they wanted to boycott working at the pentagonn because ofse this nonsense they have problem set google i would fire all of them. >> there aren't many to fire it's like 300 out of over a million and 90 google employees out of 182,000 you expect axp ecleadership even though they ae parking themselves and, the ceo office they have a lot of guts -- they have the chutzpah. >> what' cs that mean? >> it's your spine.ra >> i can't imagineig 20-year-old jesse watters sitton in that
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office demanding anything. they would kick me out the window down to the pavement. and it wasn't just the rally the cold palestinian activist who couldn't condemn them hillaryem vaughan chased dowocn house democrats and they wouldn't condemn death to america it's the easiest thing to say ico condemn. that's all you need. you can do a sit in at columbia fine. you sit in on the boss' office has they a mask on as how about a murdoch office that's even worse. as let us know how you would react. >> thank you for coming, you are fired that would've been over and 3 seconds the part that when
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i believe in something strongk enough to risk my job or judgement as a nice support israel what they're doing against thomas 1000 percent go to town you have my support. if i didn't say that and they say do you support israel iis don't wantra to answer your don'question means i don't so t death toto america chant if you have the constitutional fortitude to just say i support death to america that's how you support them i am on that line i'm not condemning it because him okay with that i have more respect for somebody who tells p me liklae it is rather than playing a game g.i my neighbour growingdo up didn't like black people cool o i understand we aren't camping weo know where our line is whatever. but if you refuse to have a line
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makes you spineless nobody takes you seriously on anything. they do these chants death to america blaming israel andst ufamerica. where to getting mad at jordange and egypttt lane opening doors being like we'll take the refugees and bring you and help there's a reason for that.'s >> it's anti-semitism. >> does your neighbour not like black people or just not like you?e ju w for weeks wasks like 8 you ir my neighbourng b becoming by and i'm still waiting. >> he might just be scaredy.. >> fair enough. >> so harold do these people not realize at their ideology would be totally rejected if they were in gaza and why do they keep saying free palestine. palestine is free its hamas that has them on lockdown.
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>> i will build on the point tyrus made if you have ak, position i if he can deal the consequences of your position you have to defend it we have at history inor this country of protest and dissent in thein protest that happened in thes an fifties and sixties that paved the way for new freedoms forwa blacks in women's across the country dr king and john lewis would've gladly went on peers morgan show and defend every position. i think there is a lot of particular young people he protest today i may agree if their position who don't understandheir what dissent and protest is. the young lady bless her on the like she does agree of " death to america whatever you agree with you have to defendd your positioyon second they shoe quit working where they are im, would've fired them as well givg every righhtt to disagree of google's positions in anything t
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they do if you want to be an employee of google you either need to quit the job and agitatk and talk about what they should be doing we had a group of people we did jessie on the shos they sent a letter how theyt didn't agree witthh what thet wa president was doing quit.he they were interns. everybody's entitled t o their positioned t we live in a county people believe they can disagree a summary and still work there f and put their finger in the face and fist in the face of those they work for.ight you've every right to do thate but theyev have every right tond fire you m as well and more importantly you should quit if you disagree that. >> they should quit or be fired and google should refuse to confirm they were ever employed there in the white house should say al tl you never knew them. >> we have people who protest funerals>> h are used to be a
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decency etiquette shame onon people who p go to a funeral she >> maybe i'm old-fashionedsa there's mea lack of respect and ignorance that goes with it you get askepod a question and your answer is i didn't see the video like what you want talk about. u >> bless her heart you're such a sweet guy >> coming up ane defined movemet republicans can get behind cut taxpayer cash to biased npr. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs.
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♪ ♪
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epub >> ed.d. fund movement they can get behind proposing they finally cat all -- cut off federal funding for npr is a got exposed as an arm of the dnc $500 million a year money goesot to a corporation which helps support the liberal outlet. big bird at pbs get so that doet well but that's another story senior editor who blew the whistle on the bias resigned sen after they suspended him for telling the truth.nnot he says he can't work for the company's new ultra woke ceo conservatives have been having a field day exposing her olderexpo left-wing tweet calling donald trump a racist saying she's a proud hillary supporter things w white silence is complicity andm says it'ads hard to be dim -- md about the george floyd riotss in that caused billions in damage and is also confused about the truth. >> the truth might be a
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distraction getting in the way of finding common ground getting things done. >> dana what you think of this r new ceo. >> 1 of the things we've learned is never accept a invitation to give a ted talk that's number 1 her tweets are wild and i'veoppe been a long time listener of npr it's dropped off in recent years from the original piece in 2011 way back when that's when the fight started in there. the npr audience tilted lefty mu still down the middle 26% described themselves as conservative .3 is middle-of-the-road 33 is liberai by twined 23 it was completely different only 11% said they were conservative 21% middle-of-the-road and 61% were liberals so to me they've lost the greater public trust and ira
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think they had to let him go is probably at that point knew it was coming she defended her old tweet byin saying in america everybody has a right to free speech except for him he didn't have 1 and the other thing is instead of saying he made pointk we will take a look at them they instead went straight ahead caly anybody who doesn't support them for their funding whatever they are going to call them i have defended them for years but i am about out. >> or uad fund there as well? >> know when i have an issue with the word i'd like to see that change because i think its has a definition and this time t in our history we need to not water it down. to fund crippled our police forc crie and ruin families becu their mesen and women and oceanl blue tueo retire early was usedo
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this merge them and ruin them in the whole movement was basically spitting in the face of law enforcement so when i see it used to the fun something else it's like we need to rememberme thatmb word anytime you hear tht wordev it's is as if somebody ue the term animal to describe medc and harold they want to use animal to describe big bird stay with the original definition i think it's important not to use that worfod for other thingsater because it waters down we need to stay vigilant to rememberened what is happened when was theg last timare walking around you a police officer with a smile onfe his face when we use that word for something else, defunded the police. smacked the last time i saw aa smile on a cop's face was when judge g in walked over and shook his hand. >> if you wante to cut off funding because they are biased bu t we need to stop trying to
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convince people this is who she is that's her brand and if our i federal government which is a democratic government if they want to let that run it's their time they are in the office fine make those decisions we know whr you are trying to convince us that they will smarten her up is a waste of time.n th they made their line in thest stand don'ent listen that so yog make changes in this country. >> you can't have public broadcasting were the editorial board is 90% for 1 party i agres they've changed over the past f few years and i respect what you are saying about death fund ande the negative context it has but at the same time i think it's appropriate for this because to take public money and to try and convince people of your side is the right side and this ceo saying she cried out overleaf because donald trump was not elected these people are in
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their own bubble creating news that many americans think is news when it's not that all cara about the ordinary americans they don't care what the ordinary. american and things they are elitist in their own bubbleda money fromti foundations and grants because they have the word public broadcasting they u come under an umbrella we are, protected we are faiwer and a noble when they are everything but that is about time people took them down and then the name of the conclusion npr's missioni is tsio celebrate humanity by hearing every voice the name ofn inclusion you can'clt have journalismalis of exclusion and that's what they are doing and some about time the rug waspu pulled out from under them. >> use that word exclusion. >> they don't get much money according to the data but some suggestions say they get some o.
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their budget but here's the thing when you reach a point where you are comfortable around the table and everybody sayingss the same thing we seen this inse media outlets over the last few weeks as they confront theseof t things to gets bed i like whati this guy did laid out what he thought was a problem and he resigned. now something else made up in getting ready to happen but is people going to their boss' officeeis for r mask on their fe this guy said look i don't support calls to defund i respect the integrity of mya colleagues but i can'tne work ia newsroom wormed disparaged by the new ceo hopefully this causesy th internal conversatiod even external conversation even if you are liberal but like npri the second thing you should likn if you are a conservative listening to conservative radio you should want back and forth
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so i applaud him for what he did i'm not for this. they should have to overhaul this if the money is only 1% mak which difference does it makei anyway but i hope it works because it is valuable and i importanmpt but they've gone ofe to the left side we need to gett them back to wha it it was wheni was in school. >> effect as the nomenclature of public broadcasting they get mon funding -- funding and money and grants because they are seen as public broadcasting to get tax benefits not just about the 1%. >> i don't want to see him to gy down i want to see them fix it. >> and they'll continue to argue >> we just agreed. >> john cougars rate melting down of the concert the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day...
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♪ ♪ >> harol >> john making imat hurts so god for those who want a good show he went ballistic on hisormi audience in ohio storming off the stage after somebody heckled hi m while he was telling a story listen to this through a good got real quiet. >> i could stop the show and go home that's what i'm gonna do. and sue been so wonderful i wilo cut about 10 songs out of the show shows over. he >> he returned to finish the ses eventuallyet said in an interviw fans should learn how to behave or don't come to my mccue beener to a lot of concer. >> when i went to the concertto
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that cbsta screwed up when the d the billy joel concert everybody's having a great time it's remarkable to me how many t people are watching the show fo. their phone and not enjoying th experience want to just watch it on tv my favourite thing that nigh t was a girl in front of us online shopping while here husband wahes having a great tie i could see why some people in a more intimate venue like this 1 where you can have a contact with the people in the crowd ana realized he was frustrated iy ge totally get it i don't think heb had toec say much because if you listen there are people shoutinh down the hecklers right that'see often the best way to deal withe something like that. pressure of other fans telling somebody to shut up. >> i'm with them and i do my standup shows i was dream of having hecklers personally. t >> is gonna heckle you? >> judgeyrjean janine did it whe came to my show and she got it. i wasn't afraid because i hadwo
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them likrde and she had to listn to everywhere they had to say io every rate to do this the problem is people buy a tickettt they think they own the rights to the whole show because theyut bought the ticket. h he is telling a story to set up the song and the guys just like play some music that'set h epistemology didn't want to be told what to do so i get it ands he walked off and that's how you raze children also gets won'tp stop talking guessta what partis over everybody go home you leave the room you wait a few minutes and 1 kid will be like dedham sorry can we i please of the pay it happens twice a week at my house. t twi so this little thing he did the right thing they were punished and then he came back out they sang the song they learned their lesson i'm pretty sure the guidance a play another song because otherwise would be likeh 1 ofe my kids at the show. s >> there's guys like thioms at a show is what happens? >> i spent time thinking about
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: i this as i can see both sidet it was also interesting person knew yelled apparently said play some music he was telling a story about his grandmother righ at i think whether you aren entertainer or politician or a chef or whatever your client or customer or whatever i thank you try to appease them they camesi for yourc. music and this guy ws triggered so i kinda see the hea public response for music i didn't come to see you talk youi could cometh down either way i think.ugar >> i figure if he is telling us story is probably a good story and if he's telling the story about his grandmother usually the polite thing to do is not interrupt somebody is talking about their grandmother i don't interrupt somebody who's holding anything like a guitar or a
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: what it is. i am a superstar. welcome back. actor nick hoffman says that if he >> after nick offerman says if a he is president of the united states you would bring back a ho, ho, ho. >> it would reinstate woodworkinworkg and kitchens an sewing in our schools to teach our kids how to make things witn their hands. >> making a casserole school as well as building a table allif those things you need if you want to serve casserole you need a table. >> i love that actually and most of my kids are homeschooled ands they teachew them sewing andouts woodwork they have to be outside most of the day so all of us aro old enough with the exception of maybe dana to remember woodshop and things like that. harold are you for this i missed trade schools i did learn how to make a casserole that way.
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>> at a financial literacy and financial education along with that most kids think really good thin tg like you can have this device in google how to build something that you still have to have a habit of doing it. >> unless ikea. >> out they bring that back out they bring back helping kids understand what happens out of sync how do you turn it on how do you clean things gets don't know this stuff.he b >> jesse? >> to the boys have to learn that or. >> everybody. >> the reason they don't teachhe financial literacy is because, the economy wants us all in debt they don't want people managinge or saving their money. >> and they ordered them you just ruin the segment possibly evening. >> is that where they teach youa not tont get pregnant before yon are married in ho, ho, ho.
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>> that you are >> you learned everythinghg i think we are done here i made a cupcake pillow in ho, ho, ho. d >> at some pointow people learn how to survive. >> you gotta sew it up didn't you watch outlander dammit jesse 1 more thing is up next.e! come on man. is up next. come on, man. ♪ ♪
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>> it's better outside with ninja 5 minutes of is five minutes okay. you getting that bit in before the bull run l.a. all the way well. oh, come on, man. you know it's boston, baby. casey got him to say when he said it, but it's like jail. >> you said, you know what it's like i you stand up because it's l.a.. >> you know what? you ain't skinny. let me tell you something that in boston. boston, boston's l.a. and from best selling author dr. nicole saphier comes a new book, love mom shines a light on the magic of maternal love. explore powerful first person stories from moms in the fox news family and beyond. buy your copy of love mom by dr. nicole saphier today at fox news books .com. time now for one more thing jess here'so behday gigi one years old and you're not toy
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going to believe it. she walked today. oh fect, on her first birthday. i feel like her brothers. roud yes, she does. they look very much alike. we're very, very proud and wendl loveov you, gigi. >> tonight, jesse waterfront on jfk, the cia and lsd at jfkau will not be a guess, but we'll be exploring that in depth. >> can't wait for that. judge. all right. what did he do? what did he do t? ho h >> okay. it's going to drop tomorrow on fox nation. obviously, you know who hed boy is as a music mogul, self-proclaimed bad boy, sean diddy combs faces a growing list of disturbing allegationgrowins, not only as, but right now the feds are after him based on those two big raids. and on this on this special. we'll talk about all of the trouble he's been c but you seemed to evade anyt criminal convictiosuren. i'm not quite sure that that's going to last forever. there's a lo it of stuff in this special, so be sure to watch it
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and tomorrow morning, i'll be on "fox and friends" earl>> >> see you there. right there. i'd like judges picture to bhen? up whenever i'm talking going forward here. i was a good picture was a g ofo golf course. >> how that unconventional event to benefit the ronald mcdonald house. gol the papago golf course hosted the for the house golf tournament where a helicoptehel drops thousands of on on the green below. check this out. every ball was a hich an entry into a raffle which was won by landing in a hole. prizes includeaycationds vacatis and phoenix suns tickets. but the main thing is that ronald mcdonalld house prod hous free shelter for families of children traveling to arizonafor for medical>> da: treatment. >> hope they raise a lot of money. yeah, right. so, okay cool.eing called a, i f this is an ohio man who's being called a hero because this is my great fear of going to anythis guyally sort of game. this guy basically had quick reflexes and saved the lifegh of a four-year-old boy at a hockey game. the puck was coming right at him him at the cleveland monsters game. and andrewe an polak jumped in front of the boy to block the speeding puck with his hand, deflectingd it. you know, it came so close that it left ice particles
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in the sears hai hai r. >> they were reunited and this year was able to do the puck drop. you know nas what? that is just it happens at the start of the game. so that happened and also theree is a new quiz at the quiz box. you know, i love. a quiz and yos can take it every day. it takes you less than c lovenutes and we can compete as tyrus loves to do. >> we're going to take the quiz together one of these days. i could beat you on jesse's show? i believe i did. a. fic., i was in montan not could not have imagined what caused the afternoon traffic jam. no, it wast me. i'm usually the elephant in the room, but i will takee room a backseat to biola, my newest sweetheart, and she can come s live with me. had she escaped fromng the circs during that time, she was captured and you know, she wasd just walking around town during that time. during that time. and of course, you know, i bf you want to see more elf in the room, you can check out my live events coming up. a comedy tour. ht jesse, everywhere. i know we're going to have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters, primetime time tonight


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