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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. >> as you know from watching fox news today and all week a lot has been going on so we will continue to monitor the developments of trump's hush many trials and give you news as they happen hour by hour. just so you know they have seated another alternate jurors of their prompters that have been seated and two alternates. they are still searching for three more people i believe the count is now. four, excuse me. also today at 2:00 p.m. eastern there will be at white house briefing with press secretary kareem jean-pierre the only french i speak she's a spec face questions about israel's or territory strike against iran yesterday. keep it here on fox, "america reports" now. >> we saw israel on the receiving end of an unprecedented attack, but our focus has been on of course
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making sure israel can effectively defend itself but also de-escalating tensions, avoiding conflict and that remains our focus. again, i will not speak to anything besides to say we were not involved in any offensive operations. >> sandra: topping off the new hour here we are awaiting a major update from the white house after a u.s. official confirmed israel carried out strikes in iran overnight in retaliation for the unprecedented attack on the jewish state just days ago. hello and welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york and it's great to have you back today. >> great to be back i am trace gallagher and john is off this is "america reports" this is what we know so far u.s. official telling fox news israel struck iran and what is being called a limited missile strike. the sounds of explosions reported near iran's central province which is home to one of
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tehran's nuclear and military sites. >> sandra: describing all sites in the area is fully safe so will the regime hit back or call it a day? we will get brandon a reaction from a new york congressman and member of house foreign affairs committee michael lawlor will join us live in moments. >> we begin with team fox coverage. chad pergram on the future of foreign aid bill, jennifer griffin reporting on the u.s. response to the counter attack but first jeff paul is live on the ground in tel aviv. jeff, any word from israel's war cabinet on this? >> we are expecting them to meet today if they have not already. obviously the topic of discussion would be the strike on iran. it is important to point out so far on the record there have been no comments made by anyone within the israeli government or within the israeli military. that makes sense because when it comes to these very targeted missions, it's very rare for the israeli military or government to go on the record and talk
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about them or confirm them, but the strike alone does give a message and namely sends the message to iran that israel can hit within its borders pretty much any time it wants. anywhere it wants. in terms of the specifics of this targeted strike it's roughly 200 miles away from the capital city of tehran and isfahan and near the nuclear facility. it did seem to target a nearby military base it did not hit. it has mostly downplayed the strike they have reported there were explosions and the explosions were from the iranian air defense system responding to three drones, those are their words but made no mention of a source of the attack. an iranian official has reportedly told writers it has no plans to strike back immediately but listen to what the foreign minister had to say when he was asked about israel during an interview just a few hours before that is really in
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iran. >> what will our maximum response be? i can only say it will be carried out at a maximum level and it will be regretful for them. the details have been planned by the armed forces of my country. >> we have not heard much from israel today. a little while ago benjamin netanyahu posted this on social media. it's hard to see with the graphics covering it but that is a picture of benjamin netanyahu sitting at his desk and right below his hands there are some documents right there that are blurred out and he titled it basically with a very cryptic message "shabbat shalom] " here in tel aviv things have seemed very normal today. we see a lot of people at the beach and exercising doing their shopping ahead of shabbat and the passover holiday starts on
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monday. >> trace: jeff we will get back to as the news warrants. >> sandra: continuing coverage now with the jennifer griffin at the pentagon what are we learning at this hour as to whether or not the u.s. was given a heads up about the strike? >> we know, center, the u.s. was given a heads up. not much of an heads up but they knew in advance. and the u.s. military was not involved in the strike. according to well-placed senior ute wow u.s. military sources the target of the israeli strike was a military base in isfahan t was not the nuclear facilities themselves. the israelis hit with a intended to strike i am told based on the initial bomb damage assessments. reports from the iranians said they were a result of their air defense interceptions, not a true. the targets within the strike included a radiant air defense systems at the airbase including those used to protect their nearby nuclear facilities. it was a message i am told to the iranians, we can reach out
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and touch you. the russian-made air defense systems were shown to be ineffective according to this source. there was one target but multiple strikes within that target i am told, i.e., the iranian military base with its air defense systems. the israelis used missiles and unmanned aircraft. in other words no man aircraft. f-35 or others were used as part of this strike. one possibility unconfirmed but being discussed is that the israelis used a new unmanned hyper glide vehicle that apply standoff missiles. this is one of the options the israelis have within their arsenal. no one from the pentagon or u.s. military is willing to comment on the record about the strikes last night, they're only willing to sound background the u.s. was not involved in this unilateral is really military operation they are hoping now that cooler heads prevail. there is no confirmation there were targets struck by israel inside iraq or syria despite reports last night from the
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region that preceded the strike in isfahan by just a few minutes. i'm also told as of now no iranian proxies have responded. the next 24-48 hours, sandra, will be crucial in determining whether iran will feel domestic pressure to respond or whether the supreme leader feels both sides have made their point. the mood at the pentagon is cautiously optimistic that both sides have made their point and do not want to take the next steps on the escalation latter. sandra? >> sandra: okay, jennifer griffin lie from the pentagon, we will check back in with you soon. now to this breaking news out of new york city just moments ago from the manhattan courthouse. we are learning a second alternate juror has been chosen in the trump hush money trial. that makes two alternates now. four more needed, what are we learning, eric? >> yes, sandra we have a second alternate chosen, an older woman
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originally from spain. she has adult children meaning only four new alternates are needed. perhaps they will get through those those afternoon. she was chosen on what has been a very intensely emotional day in the courtroom. two of the prospective alternates broke out in tears, one woman because she had serve time in prison the other from the anxiety and stress from this process. as for the defendant himself, former president trump, his emotion can be best described as one of anger. he is angry over the gag order that judge juan mershon has put on him but the president complains others involved in this trial are free to speak out about him but he says he is barred from saying what he wants to say. speak of the gag order has to come off. i should be allowed to speak every time i come out to speak to you. i want to be open because we did absolutely nothing wrong. >> he has repeatedly posted attacks against his attorney at michael cohen on true social branding him a perjurer which
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should earn him contempt of court someday. there will be something on that next tuesday. something saying he routed the money to pay stormy daniels through him. they have not been chosen to serve. the new alternate who was chosen in the last few minutes as a woman who says she really does not watch the news. she says she asks her husband of something important happens and says she does not really have a strong opinion at all of donald trump. two prospective jurors say they have positive views of the former president. one said that he actually dislikes him, the defense attorneys and prosecutors now huddled together sorting through the rest of the alternates to see who they choose. we could be coming up with another alternate picked or two any moment now. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: we know you are on it and will get back to you as soon as you know something.
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to legal response. >> trace: let's bring in mccarthy and a fox news contributor, andy, it's great to see you as eric was saying it looks like they could have the jury on the alternates all in place by today sells opening statements probably on monday. i want to go back if i can because the former president spoke about the gag order today and he said this, andy. >> i have to be released of the gag order. they have taken away my constitutional rights to speak and that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you and i am not allowed to say at. it's very, very unfair. that my constitutional rights have been taken away. >> trace: it does seem a little unusual, andy, to have the d.a. alvin bragg and the judge juan mershon constantly hectoring the former president and then you see michael cohen on nbc and all these other places talking away. >> two things about this is disturbing. one is with respect to these
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courts, they have taken the position that nothing, and i'm not just saying this about juan mershon certainly the case in washington is also a gag order, they have taken the position there is nothing more important in this society than the administration of justice in their little trials. i don't mean to poke fun at it so much as to say you know, there is a lot of interest in american governance that are more important than the outcome of any trial no matter how important the trial seems. like having a presidential campaign, where people who are competing for the most important office on the planet are able to speak robustly which is what is in the public interest. the courts don't think they have to seed any ground to that. even though it is very common in constitutional law when important public interests
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collide they have to accommodate each other. these judges have not done that, so they act as if trump is just a normal criminal defendant who does not have this side job where he is actually running for president of the united states. and then the second thing is he is barred from speaking about people spend basically 24/7 speaking about him. for example i think it was a week or so ago there was a documentary that came out about stormy daniels that was very much-hyped. i understand, michael cohen, i have not watched it myself but he has a podcast where two or three episodes a week he comes out and basically talks about trump for however long that g goes. nothing says they don't have the right to do that, but it's very peculiar that they can speak about him as much as they want and he can't even say something like "michael cohen is a convicted perjurer" when that is not an insult, that is a fact.
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>> sandra: andy, jumping in with some news in the last minute or so we are getting word there are a total of four alternates that have been selected now. you can see than the bottom part of your screen. we just got word within the last 2 minutes. two more alternates have been the seeded. we now have four alternates, two more are needed. paving the way for prosecutors to begin presenting their case. to trace's point do you think this will all be underway monday as it is looking now? >> i don't think there is any doubt about that, sandra. barring something unforeseen happening over the weekend, which makes some jewelers unavailable which i would not anticipate, i understand the judge, as the jurors were approved were being seated, when he let them leave he told them to be back on monday. the only reason to tell them to be back on monday as he expects to start the trial on monday and
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on the pace he is on i don't see any reason why you would not start the trial on monday. you would think he would want -- they are taking everyone's day off because he has this other docket he wants to hold onto involving mental health cases. he will sit monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday. if there was any doubt about whether he could start the trauma that he would be better off starting at thursday. so clearly he is trying to started monday so they can get two days under his belt before he takes the day off. >> sandra: thank you for sticking with us through breaking news as it happened while you were speaking thank you so much so two more to go we will look for any word to come from the courthouse here in manhattan on that shortly. trace, this as we continue to watch these life pictures also new york city is a growing number of protesters are taking to the streets here. we have just been told looking at this shot together that
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officers are beginning to get involved in this march on your screen. our camera in front of the march is walking outside those leading the protests. you can hear sirens in the background as we turn our background noise up, police just pulled up saying over the might go up on the sidewalk, you are blocking vehicle traffic. they are now on the sidewalk as they continue their march toward columbia. we are told they are currently heading south on 121st street. it has grown in numbers since we started watching this and we will see how it goes. >> trace: this is the m.o., sandra, as we look at these protesters they want the police to show up and they want to talk to please. the idea is to get some of these people arrested because it raises the profile. it in their profile as fighting for justice it gives them this
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latitude to be able to say the police are unjust- cracking down it's not like it's a secret. there is a method to this protesting and we have been covering it every night. they were told to shut this down at 9:00 p.m. they continue to go until 11, midnight, even later. some of them sleeping on the sidewalks and the push there is they are pushing back against columbia, which has said to them you will be suspended, and they have suspended many, if you don't stop. instead of stopping these things they continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger. >> sandra: we will get a life apart from cb cotton who has been here since the beginning, we will take a quick break. as we do, let's turn it up and here are these processors as they take to the streets in growing numbers here in new york and beyond.
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>> trace: back now live look of the protests in new york city columbia university, they have been going on now for days and days. they of course will continue to go on. they frame these as pro-palestinian protests but in essence they are anti-israel anti-semitic protests. in the break you couldn't hear they were chanting from the river to the sea palestine will be free. of course from the river to the sea is the arata eradication of israel which is between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea. so thus these protests keep ramping up day after day, more people are there, cb cotton is outside columbia university in
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new york's upper west side with more that is happening on campus. >> hi, trace, good afternoon the phrases you just mentioned we are hearing them again today from the crowd of protesters who marched here to columbia university. i will step out of the way and give you guys a better view. take a look behind me. this crowd has marched here in support of columbia university students who were arrested yesterday. we know that more than hundred students were arrested. many of them issued court summons for trespassing. the nypd right now if you look is trying to keep the crowd contained to the same area of sidewalk where the crowd was yesterday. the chants again are condemning the university for punishing student protesters. i even heard some of the demonstrators say students inside were righteous for their actions. trace, i think it is safe to assume this is fueling some of the student protests that are continuing on the campus.
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we have stayed in close contact with the university over the last couple of days and they tell us even though the encampment has been dismembered students will be allowed to continue protesting a university spokesperson telling me there been steady protests since october 7th and there will be conallowed to continue. i will pause to see if we can hear with the crowd assaying. [chanting] >> that you have it, you can hear one of those chance i believe i heard them yelling revolution and we have been talking to several jewish students as things have ramped up and they say it has been hurtful and it has been scary to walk past these protests where
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they have these sorts of chants. if we have some aerials showing the campus lawn like i mentioned -- okay we don't have those aerials but we were taking a look at an overhead view of the campus this morning. again, the encampment has been removed, but there are still several signs of protests continuing at columbia university. you saw palestinian flags and trash scattered on a campus green space is all after the roles of nypd officers in riot gear took more than 100 students into custody yesterday. students who had spent more than a day in what they call a gaza solidarity encampment protesting the conflict in gaza and demanding the university divest from companies connected to israel. you know, trace, the nypd moved in at the university's request after students were given repeated warnings but would not lead.
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, chemically of. representative ilhan omar's daughter was among those arrested and suspended from the school but again live on the scene continuing to monitor these protests that we are expected to continue on a daily basis. back to you. >> trace: we will check back in, cb cotton live on the scene for us, thank you. >> sandra: chatting with our next guest who has an incredible viewpoint of what we are seeing play out here, a group of students pursuing columbia university over its failure to address campus anti-semitism. danielle simons joins us live in new york city on our set. welcome to you. i mean you and i just spoke. i am feeling awful for what you have been through. on that campus, what has this been like for you? >> it has been absolutely awful. it's not just about me, really, the entire jewish community is -- the entire zionist community is really suffering right now.
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we do not feel safe, we are not being protected as students come our basic rights are not being upheld, the university is failing to enforce values and it's a terrible time. speech of this is your first year? >> my first year. >> sandra: wow. this is obviously the campus where the events went on, they were asked to leave twice and a third time they were arrested live during the program yesterday. you know, they blocked the buses from leaving. the mayor of new york city says the police are being treated awful. vile acts towards them are taking place. and then you have the protesters in the streets now we have been watching live marching toward the university protesting what they saw yesterday to the students when they were arrested. your thoughts as you look at these pictures with us? >> i am disgusted. i am deeply saddened that this is the response that students are taking.
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this is part of the reason i decided to sue the school. i am suing with benson torres for failing to protect students. i don't -- it doesn't make sense to me because yesterday the cops came in and we still are seeing what we are seeing. why are they still doing this? why is it being allowed to happen? >> sandra: some in the protests yesterday were saying "i am hamas" this is a frequent guest on this network and she reacted to those protesters saying exactly that. listen here. >> i really don't know whether i have to cry or laugh or be angry because those who say "i am hamas" they are clearly saying i am a terrorist. i am capable of raping and killing people. >> sandra: do your viewpoint
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as a student there why he thinks university is not doing anything about this? >> i think in some ways the president is trying to be diplomatic. i think she is trying to play both sides. i think she is failing to draw the line between freedom of the speech and academic freedom and failure to protect students. this is clearly violated university policies of hate speech and has infringed on student's ability to learn in classes what they are hearing blatant supports of terrorism when they are trying to perform their final exams. a failure to uphold the values of columbia university. >> sandra: do you think there is room for debate with your professors and leadership at the school? >> not enough. definitely not enough. i know the zionist perspective is shut down. especially by the middle eastern department which is deeply disturbing because that is the department that needs the zionist voice as well. we need discourse which is the
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university -- it's part of the university's values. is not being upheld. >> sandra: is that so the solution? >> discourse? in my opinion respectful dialogue as part of the solution and very necessary. >> sandra: this is happening right now this is your time this is your university you came out of the idf. i sense i can feel the emotion. this is tough. this is tough for so many of you right now. i mean, do you go back? you're obviously choosing to sue the school. but is that the end of the road? do you see yourself attending this university? >> it is a question i have to ask myself every day. is this what i want to do for the next three years? but i see it as important because i want my kids to have the ability to go to columbia if they want to and i want jewish students to feel safe. i just want the university to uphold their values as it
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relates to everyone. i want the experience i signed up for so that is why i am here and i am taking it day by day but i am fighting the good fight. >> sandra: it's hard to be so young taking on this battle we've heard this from so many students who don't feel safe on their campuses and it is really tough. i can't imagine how tough it is to speak out about it so thank you for being here. we will check back in with you. >> thank you for having me. >> our best to you. >> trace: daniela is great she has some great comments here and the concept of the people on the side, the students who are israeli, who are jewish, who want there to be free, open robust debate seeming to be a one-sided deal because you talk to some of the protesters, they don't want the other side. they don't want to hear it. they want to make their point and that is it. and you have these jewish students who say it is time for us to have everybody on board debating this. we will continue covering this
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>> sandra: fox news alert jury selection is now complete. we just got word from the courthouse here in manhattan five additional alternate jurors have been chosen for the former president donald trump's harsh my trial. jury selection is complete. eric shawn is up on what comes next. eric? >> hi, sandra. this became a very quickly it just happen all the jurors are now seated. the 12 jurors who will sit in judgment of former president trump and how the six alternates. those alternates will listen to all the evidence and all the testimony and only be brought in if a juror drops out during the trial because of sickness or
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some other reason. one of the new alternate jurors as a woman, she is married, she has two elementary aged children, she gets her news from tthe new york, new york, times from reuters international as well as bbc she is on facebook, she does not listen to talk radio, so you get an indication of some of her interests. also there is a man who is an audio engineer professional, has a bit of a sense of humor because during the questioning he said there is a problem with a mic to the judge. if there's a problem with the microphone i can fix it. he also says he can be fair and impartial and also there is a woman who gets her news from "the new york times" and google. she is from chinatown. so for that reason, we have a fire over here, turn the camera exmac turn the camera! turn the camera! >> there is a fire. >> oh, my god. >> a fire has started as you can see live. we wonder if a person is on f
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fire? in the fire? we apologize for showing this. get a fire extinguisher! do you have a fire extinguisher in the truck? do we have a fire extinguisher in the truck? connor, bring a fire extinguisher out extra inflammation point does anyone have a fire extinguisher! we deeply apologize for what has happened. this man -- they are putting jackets over the body of this man. aman has set himself on fire. they have put to jackets over him. they are now putting fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire. someone has set himself on fire in the protest area here at the donald trump trial as you can see. >> sandra: eric you be saved and addressed the situation there we will check back with you very shortly. in the news outside of the courthouse there. quick break will be repacked.
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now, set himself on fire. the flames were 20 feet in the
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air. it took a few moments for police to come. i am looking at his body right now, this man is sitting in the collective pond area. this is a small park across the street from the courthouse. he is sitting up, he is moving his arm, he totally set himself on fire. i can't see in any way how any human being can survive this. the police came to throw a blanket on him. there was a panic and scream and obviously when this happened. it happened while we were live on the air as i was giving the news that a jury has been seated now here. we have more police and more fire and you come of the smoke, i apologize more sense of this total tragedy. emt param x are attending man. he is moving his arms so he is alive. his body is gray and white. his clothes are white he is moving his arms and scattered
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about him are lots of papers. colored papers which are obviously possibly some protest papers that he has. he is lying on the ground moving his arms, the police and paramedics are attending to him at the moment. heartbreaking heart rendering tragedy. this unidentified man set himself on fire in the protest area when the jury was announced that a jury was seated. we do not know his political views at the moment. we don't know anything about him. that is all i can tell you at the moment. the place and the ambulance now here police are talking to him he is lying on the ground. it almost seems inconceivable that anyone can survive that. i can see the emt talking to them on the ground now. he is barely moving his arms but setting himself engulfing him as the buddhists often do as we have seen protest in vietnam is that one person did in front of the embassy. the police are picking him up he
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is being put on a structure. you can see his arms like this and he is alive at the moment. they are about to take him obviously but put him in the ambulance to get them to the hospital. just a horror wing heartbreaking scene momentary scene of shock and horror that we have witnessed a few moments ago as this protester, this man, set himself fully engulfed in flames 10-15 feet tall. they are rushing the stretcher to the ambulance running over to the side to the ambulance. we will try to get some details on who this man is on what his views were if he was a pro-trump person or if he was an anti-trump person or if this is connected at all in any way with this trial or some other issue, but again, tragically, here we were on the air and i apologize to our viewers around the country if you had seen that at
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the moment when it was happ happening. the smoke is still here, you can still smell it, he is now going to the hospital or after they find out more information on who exactly this protester who set himself on fire is. >> trace: i think we cut away, we cut away pretty quickly out of that. i am wondering for maybe some lay of the land context here how far is the protest from the media position? how far from the courthouse and was it a coincidence, eric, that it happened as the jury was selected? do we know what was the protest this particular day this particular protest about? >> this is a protest area. the courthouse is behind me. the media across the street and then about 30 feet from us is a park. it's the collect pond park which dates back to the beginnings of new york city's history and it is the area where the protesters cannot stand. the protesters throughout the beginning of the trial and throat today were pro-trump
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protesters basically. they had pro-trump flags, there was a large trumpet flag, some other people, supporters of the president trump an maga supporters we don't know if this was someone with another feeling about that or if this indeed was that, all i can tell you is while we are on the aaron out that it was a indication from us but that a jury has been seated while i was on television with you i saw the flames and thought someone set a garbage can on fire. not imagining it all it could be a human being who self emulated. >> sandra: that's awful. >> that's all i can tell you right now. as far as who this may be or what it may be. >> sandra: i'm sure we will get more detail shortly and i
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know you will bring those to us. as this was happening and as you were reporting what you were seeing on the street, we did just get word from inside the courthouse not only is jury selection complete, we also just got word all the alternates were just sworn in. the opening statements confirmed will be monday. the judges instructing jurors not to discuss or research the case before sending them home for the weekend. that just out from inside the courtroom a moment to go. >> yes, as i said i was on the air live with you reporting that the alternates, the six alternates have been chosen. so the jury was of 18, the 12 jurors and six alternates were impaneled. about that moment as the news flash does exactly one we saw the flames. as i said i thought someone set a garbage can on fire. there were a few of the
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protesters it's been very quiet just trump flags and a few other protesters were on the left and i saw a right over the camera the flames shooting up 15-20 feet. my initial impression was that it was a garbage can and someone set something on fire as a protest. and then you could see in a moment it was the screams that it's a human being and there. you could see the image of a human sitting up on fire as we have seen in other protests through the year. we will try an effort to find out who this person was. there were not very many protesters. they been a very peaceful, it's been very, very quiet but a horror albacore horrible thing to see. >> sandra: for the first responders that were there in a very busy day in manhattan with a lot of traffic it appears they got on the scene there very quickly. thank you for your reporting from there we will check back in with you again soon as we know
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you will have more detail shortly thank you. >> and we should note while eric was in this horrifying scene the jury sandra noted earlier has now all been selected we have 12 jurors, seven men, five women along with six alternates. six alternates have been chosen and the judge has announced that in fact opening statements will begin monday. the trial begins on monday. >> sandra: it will indeed certainly moving forward now and when i say a busy day in manhattan, you have the trump trial that is happening here in manhattan, you have these growing protests that are happening all the way up to the upper westside, trace it's a busy friday afternoon indeed. >> trace: we are continuing to cover it, breaking news after the break that's more like it. the three-row lexus tx.
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>> sandra: fox news alert back to the scene where we had breaking news just a moment ago as eric shawn was reporting outside the new york state supreme court where the jury selection had just completed for the former president donald trump's hush money trial. as eric was reporting, he said he saw flames. our camera caught the flames as
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we turned back around and eric said a man had lit himself on fire outside of the courthouse there. since that happened the emergency vehicles had arrived on the scene, the police and fire department and they have taken that person away. apparently still alive, but we have no further details on what happened or why this person did that. but this is the scene there. you can obviously see new york police department and officers walking about because, trace, this was an area with protests happening. again we have no idea the connection or the reasoning behind the fire was. >> trace: it's interesting because as we are not drawing any parallels or any kind of pivot point between what was happening inside the courthouse and what was happening outside the courthouse but we will go to eric and a few seconds it's interesting that eric shawn was pointing out that just as the news was flashing about the alternate jurors being in place,
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that is when this fire happened. that is when this person set themselves on fire. we do not know if this was a pro-trump supporter. we don't know if this was auntie former president trump, we just don't know the context right now. maybe we should bring back in eric shawn to see if he is learning anything else about what happened on the scene outside the state supreme court. >> yes, trace, as you said we don't know what this person was protesting or the reason why he set himself on fire. according to the witnesses and what i saw her, there was a group of pro-trump protesters if you want to call them that, supporters of the president with the trump flag and this man walked over and he has colorful pages of paper, pieces of paper was something written on them, we can't see from this position or see what they are. he started throwing these colorful pink and white and yellow and green pages, throwing them in the air and that got
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some attention from some of the trump protesters who don't know him. we talked to a couple people they don't know who he is at all. he just started throwing these papers in the air and took a can over his head, doused himself with gasoline and then set himself on fire. it took a few moments, it took a couple of minutes, a minute and a half or so for the police to come to douse the flames with fireworks tinctures because people thought, as i did when you saw the flames that it was perhaps a garbage can that was set on fire, not realizing there was a human being engulfed in the middle of the flames. we are now waiting for a police statement on perhaps identification of this man who set himself on fire and whether or not he was or was not part of the protest or if it is at all related to the trial of the former president at all, but one must, you know, you must wonder if there is the connection considering the fact that this occurred as the juror was being
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seated and as the jury was completely seated, but then again, many times in new stories stomach dubbing news stories you can't make a connection, we have to wait for the official police sources to tell us exactly who this was, why he did it, and why he decided in a horrifying way in front of the media and the world to set himself on fire in this manner here right now. >> sandra: eric, that was really something. just played out there live a few moments ago. we hope everybody is going to make it through this okay. we know that person was taken off on a stretcher with emergency personnel and is now being treated. eric, thank you. by the way, trace, we are keeping an eye on these protests also still happening throughout the city. the one that is heading towards columbia, this is a live look at that s scene there where the police asked them to move to the sidewalk they were blocking
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traffic as you can see from university stop on the subway 116th, this is all still playing out as columbia university deals with a growing number of protesters. we just had a student here greatly affected by this, this is still happening right now. >> trace: and the police presence is growing. that something we noticed all week long these protests have been going on and we have seen police all week long in places along these protest routes. now you see this robust police presence and you wonder if this is because columbia university requested more police? you wonder what the background is, but columbia university has said there will be penalties for those who protest beyond certain hours, and we will see if that is the fact it's right back.
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