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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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[chanting] >> you are blocking vehicle traffic. >> "nypd kkk they are all the same" >> anger in the streets growing anti-israel anti-american protests. popping up all over happening right now at one of the nation's most elite mayor in the city is calling these protesters mild for their comparison of the nypd to the kkk. in just moments we will see whether the white house condemns what you are seeing and hearing on your screen there, protesters outside of columbia university
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hello and welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york and trace it seems like every day now we are covering a new set of these protests this time last week the golden gate bridge. they get better and they get bigger and more vocal. >> trace: i am trace gallagher this is america reports the white house is expected to brief in a moment now after a u.s. official confirmed israel launched strikes into iran. the administration has so far been tight-lipped over the operation and here at home protests as you see on the side of the screen crossing from anti-israel to pro-terrorist. yes, we will continue that. >> sandra: fox team coverage is right now, trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the latest from israel's war cabinet but first we head to the white house. peter doocy is in that briefing room awaiting the briefing to begin, peter, what can you say
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we are expecting to hear today? >> we are in the two-minute warning to all i can say is we do expect to get some kind of reaction to those protests when the door opens. and a second, see you there. >> sandra: you can go ahead, peter. we will go to when it begins but you can continue with your report. is he still with us? >> i am still here. i will just sit down. >> sandra: i see you have to sit down. my apologies. >> i don't want to block -- i will be here. you can still talk. >> sandra: we are in the two-minute warning, i've got you you need to sit down. just give us a heads up if you could in the few seconds here off the top as we do anticipate this. >> and look at the white house, their line about the protest has been a so as long as they stay peaceful people have a right to express themselves. they do generally condemn that kind of rhetoric. but there is also a lot they
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need to talk about concerning the relationship with israel and next steps now that we know that israel was told or the white house was hoping back channeling they would not respond the way they did last night. we will throw it back to you and i bet the door opens as soon as i stop talking. >> sandra: always respectful we know you are and we know you have questions ready to go, peter we thank you so much we will see and hear from you again soon at the white house. >> trace: meantime let's get drive on mike tel aviv trait yanked any word from what happened overnight? >> trace good afternoon not yet israel struck back against iran overnight in response to the drone and missile attack last weekend. the israeli valuation was limited in scope and meant to set a message to the islamic republic that israel can strike within iranian territory. the explosions took place in the
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province about 200 miles south of the iranian capital tehran. a were close to the nuclear facility. iranian state media confirmed overnight and the defense system intercepting small drones. points to iran trying to downplay the incident that likely involved israeli missiles fired into iran. reports indicate the united states was informed ahead of the strikes. the event does appear to be over and gives iran the ability to de-escalate rising tension with israel. with iran saving face and israel sending a message is unlikely iran retaliates directly or for the activates one of their proxies like has below or the hutus to respond. >> the sound heard earlier today was not an explosion it was our air defense firing at suspicious object. it caused no damage or incident at all. >> these are dangerous and unprintable times in the
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middle east and israeli officials are keeping quiet about the incident overnight. >> trace: tres angst live with us in tel aviv thank you. >> sandra: many reasons we want to hear, we will dip into the press briefing room karine jean-pierre is speaking, peter doocy is in the room, let's listen. >> the biden/harris administration is considering more than 41 million acres of land and waters. this administration will continue to take ambitious action to meet the urgency of the climate crisis. protect america's lands and waters and fulfill our responsibility to the next generations of americans. on a more solemn note, as many of you know, tomorrow marks 25 years since the tragic shooting at columbine high school. two students killed 12 of their fellow cocktail my classmates and one teacher with guns they obtained from unlicensed to dealers and without background checks.
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we continue to pray for the families and victims of the columbine shooting as well as communities across the country that are being torn apart by gun violence. since columbine, there have been hundreds of school shootings. exposing hundreds of thousands of students to the horrors of gun violence. as the president has said, this is not normal and it must end. that's why he signed into law the bipartisan saved her communities act, the most significant gun legislation in decades and the first ever white house office of gun prevention. and also in youth mental health in american history just last week the biden-harris administration implement of the largest expansion of the gun background check requirement since 1993. addressing the very loophole
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that allowed the columbine shooters to obtain their weapons. under president biden's leadership we are taking action. but we need congress to finish the job. they need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage of guns, pass a national red flag law, and invest in proven solutions that reduce violence. also an act universal background checks. and finally, i know there is a lot of interest in reports from the middle east overnight, and we understand that, we get that. i will say it now, though i know you all will certainly ask me about it, that we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. obviously you all heard from secretary blinken early this morning. darling it's good to see you. >> good to see a-determiner. on the middle east why don't you
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have any comment? it has been several hours since the reported strike certainly that's enough time for the administration to investigate and come up with something to say. >> i will be really mindful going back to what i said just before i called on you to ask me this question. so i will not speak or speculate about any of the reports that are out there. i will not comment and i will leave it there. >> can i ask you a domestic question? >> absolute. >> average gasoline prices have raised about $0.20 a gallon, oil production domestic oil production is down slightly from its recent peak and now we have a situation and the concern is the administration about the combination of all of those things. >> we will continue to watch the markets very carefully. as you know this is an administration the biden-harris administration is committed to maintaining a stable and secure energy supply and lowering
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prices for americans. as you saw her as you all know when russia invaded the ukraine and gas prices started to go up, inflation was obviously affected by that. the president tapped into spr so we are getting energy supply and lowering prices for americans. the united states current record domestic oil and gas production is helping meet our immediate needs while we make the historic investment needed to transfer into clean energy economy but obviously we are going to continue to watch the markets carefully. >> this level of silence from you guys about what is happening in the middle east is really no. i heard what you had to say but can you explain why? because the official line we are not going to talk about this, that is the line. that is the choice.
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is it part of your strategy to de-escalate? >> again, i will be super mindful. i get the interest, obviously i understand the interest. and i will be disappointing many people here this afternoon. i just don't have anything to share. i will not speculate on the reporting's out there. you heard the same. obviously what we have been saying this morning you heard from secretary blinken and you ask as well about the escalation i will speak more generally. we have been very, very clear from here from the beginning that we do not want to see this conflict escalate. we continue to consult with our allies and partners including in the region, obviously, and reduce further risk of escalation in the region and that is expressed in the g7 foreign ministry's joint statement that went out this morning.
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you heard that obviously from secretary blinken who was part of that meeting. i will be super mindful and i will not speculate or speak to any of the reporting's that are out there at this time. >> earlier this month president biden said if israel does not change his approach with regard to gaza then the u.s. would have to change its approach so can you bring us up to speed in what israel has done other than the steps it announced in the immediate hours after the president? >> look, we are continuing to have conversations obviously with our counterparts in israeli government. you know we put a readout of the raw fund meeting yesterday. it was a constructive meeting. obviously the readout speaks for itself and as it says the united states and israel agreed on the shared objective to see hamas defeated in rafa continuing to express with
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courses and israeli participants agreed to take these accounts into consideration and between experts so as it relates to that we will have more to share and continue to have more of those conversations with our israeli government -- go with the israeli government and our counterparts there and the president made himself very clear. >> so what about doing more to protect billions in aid workers this week and israeli strike hit a refugee camp that killed several children. i am asking about the commitments to better protect people and get more humanitarian aid in. >> i think speaking about rafa is protecting 1.5 million palestinians seeking refuge in rafa we care about that which is why the president is being consistent in not wanting to see
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a military operation so i think it is important for folks out there to note and look, we have been really clear. the president had that conversation with the prime minister about making sure we protect innocent civilians as i mention and the humanitarian aid workers. look, we do not want to see that type -- any civilians any innocent civilians lives taken. we don't want to see any humanitarian aid workers, their lives being taken as well. as they are really undertaking some brave, brave actions by making sure what we are seeing in gauze of the humanitarian crisis that they are attending to that and making sure people get the food, get the aid that they need. we will continue having the conversation. the israeli government said they are going to take action and we will continue to obviously speak through our counterparts there. >> on rafa did the delegation get any hearing of them being
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open to changing plans? >> they shared their side of their concerns, we shared our concerns, i will not go into details. we have the readout we share with all of you, just nothing beyond that. >> after the g7 meeting the prime minister today said the u.s. was informed by the israelis at the last minute about this counterstrike. is that accurate? >> i will not speak to our diplomatic conversations. >> domestically here at home if the republican is going to be joining to get him from his post was that part of the conversation that he had with the speaker on monday? >> i will say this and we have been very consistent. what i will say i think will answer the question. we don't get involved when it comes to leadership and whether it is the senate or in the house. >> sandra: we will come out of the briefing room for a minute and get back in there in a bit because peter doocy has questions for the press
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secretary as well but pointing out, trace, first noted john kirby in the room. she made it quite clear up at the top there is no comment on the part of the white house after the israeli strikes in iran overnight, and the reports of them. she said one thing, that they don't want to see the conflict in the middle east escalate when pressed but no further details added so far. >> trace: terrible look for the administration because this is 17 or 18 hours now after the strikes on iran and southern iran. she said on three or four different occasions that the white house was not about to speculate. if the white house has to speculate 18 hours after the strikes and they don't have a solid information to be able to convey to the american people, there is something wrong. there is something in the line of communication that is a mists, awry, so i think that is where dan hoffman would be great if this.
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>> sandra: let's bring him and former cia station chief, dan, thank you for joining us. you have been listening, your reaction to what you have heard from the white house so far? >> i think this reflects the tension in the u.s. relationship with israel. at this point israel has not acknowledged launching those strikes and they are doing that purposefully to try to dial down the tension and decrease the risk of any escalation. i think that's why the white house does not want to get out in front of israel but the fact we have not coordinated on our messages makes it very uncomfortable because we live in a democracy and these are questions that will be asked of the biden administration and they really don't have an answer for them at this point. >> trace: it seems like the overall communication because for weeks now it feels like the president of the united states is saying don't come the admin attrition is saying don't and iran did.
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and talking about the readout of the rafa mission and the united states said we will support the rafa if you don't go into iran and israel went into iran. so it seems to have a lack of communication and it appears from the outside looking in that the administration may have lost control of the dynamic. what do you make of that? >> i think message discipline matters and it has to be consistent with reality and policy. look, iran has a limited to whatever israel thought they had over a credible deterrent. that was the first time last saturday night that iran launched an attack from its territory and it was not a pinprick, it was a massive attack over 300 cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones against israel so that genie is out of the bottle. i think there is reason israel
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struck was to demonstrate in the effect that iran thinks they can strike israel again israel can strike iran. the policy is not linked up with the reality in the middle east right now. >> dan, as we look to get into this briefing room are you surprised that the white house is not offering any comment right now? >> i think again they will have to issue some kind of comment i think they are waiting for israel to do that but israel may not end it may take some time. israel did not officially acknowledge their strike on syria's nuclear program which took place in 2007 for a decade. and right now iran is downplaying this -- these strikes and calling them wrongly that they were just drone attacks, but that is to israel is holding right now but the biden administration needs to get with their israeli counterpart to figure this one
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out. because the longer this goes on the worse it gets, the less credible we are talking about further deterrents down the road. what i think really is really focused for israel right now is iran is a nuclear threshold state. the israelis going back to the doctor and is making clear that they will not allow an enemy of theirs like iran, to have a nuclear program which is where we are headed. >> good analysis as always thank you. >> sandra: thank you, dan. a live look back at the white house press briefing room. where the briefing is underway, peter doocy is up there in the front row he has questions for the press secretary. we are going to get back in the briefing room shortly. >> trace: meanwhile day four of president trump's hush money trail all the jurors have been selected and sworn in. shannon bream standing by to give her analysis next plus. >> you know --
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[bleep] is messed up when mcdonald's is a luxury. how much does him in trouble have to be before you go this is a little bit ridiculous? >> sticker shock with the state of the economy many young americans are feeling the american dream is out of reach. maybe even a happy meal but one social media star is looking tor changeou their thinking. he will join us. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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>> sandra: fox news alert we have heard from the new york police department there will be an nypd presser and update from the police after what we all know played out just a short time ago outside the courthouse for the former president donald trump's hush money trial where a man lit himself on fire. it had to be right at the
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conclusion of the confirmation that the jury was in place for this trial. the trial starting monday. a man lit himself on fire. the emergency personnel arrived at the scene and took him away. they will give an update and let us know what they know about that situation shortly. we will have that for you in the meantime we have fox team coverage for you, shannon bream standing by to make it down for us but nate foy it live outside the state supreme court in manhattan. nate opening statements will begin monday we now know. >> that's right, sandra. the jury has been seated but outside the courthouse most of the attention as court is now getting back underway after lunch is on that man who just beyond the camera beyond the courthouse poured gasoline on himself, through pamphlets in the air and lit himself on fire. you were on the air with our colleague, eric shawn when this happened, i was sitting in a live truck on the other side of the park where the man lit himself on fire. i saw a gentleman run into the
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park and try to fan the flames with his coat so i ran up to see if i can help out in any way, and the man was frozen and charted of. you could still smell the remnants of that fire right now. people are very emotionally disturbed. there were some protesters wearing clothes that indicate they support former president donald trump and i saw several of them crying. in the aftermath of what we witnessed. you mentioned we are about to learn more coming up at 2:45 p.m. court again the afternoon session is underway right now with the court hearing about what prosecutors can and cannot bring up. a former president donald trump testifies, we entered the day with 12 jurors and one alternate, we got the five additional alternate so we now have a full jury as far as the alternates that were added today, what i can tell you about them there is a man who lives in
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murray hill, a woman who lives in chelsea and was a contract specialist for 20 years, she says she is not a big news consumer. a man who works as an audio professional end of the 12 official jurors seated yesterday the group includes a couple engineers, two attorneys, financial consultant, a speech therapist, and a physical therapist. as court continues right now, sandra, i imagine prosecutors talking about what they can and cannot bring up they previously mentioned other cases that former president donald trump has been involved in including the civil fraud trial and the e. jean carroll trial that is being discussed right now. opening discussions will happen on monday. this is the last time the court will meet this week. monday and tuesday of next week for the passover holiday court will end early at 2:00. we will send it back to you. >> nate, thank you. >> trace: let's bring in shannon bream the host of fox news sunday and fox news chief correspondent it is good to see you. we are moving on beyond what
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happen outside the courthouse now we know the jury the alternates have all been selected and monday is opening arguments. everyone was so focused on the jury selection this week, shannon, as much as there was a laser focus on the jury, the potential jury members, this judge juan mershon is going to be analyzed every step of the way. >> absolutely. not just because the defense team's always looking for possibilities to use on appeal if there defendant ends up getting convicted, they are already logging things together and putting together objections they have and ideas that they have beyond just the trial that will take the next six weeks or so but i think we are now over a year ago alvin bragg was the first to indict a former president. now they have a slew of all the civil and criminal trials. some of them have played out and now we start with criminal trials and for the trump defense team they just need one juror who does not agree he should be convicted on any of these 34
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felony charges to end up with a hung jury or a mistrial. so while we have watched and tried to person everything we know about these jurors now that they are suited to, term defense team will look at at least one. that's all they need. >> sandra: give us a sense of the timeline here. this will all be underway as we now know on monday, shannon. >> i think it's interesting the judges not telling the prosecution it has to give the witness names to the defense. normally you would because you have to prep. potentially dozens of witnesses, you want to know who's on the stand but the judge has listened to the prosecutor's arguments that the former president has been harassing people on social media and they don't want to say which witnesses will show up on the prosecution will make its case, we'll go for the defense, everyone is waiting to see if the former president takes the stand. he has said he would that he wanted to but there are a lot of ava skeptics whether they actually will end at six weeks down the road or so we will get to those closing arguments and wait on that jury.
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>> trace: they were talking about a unilateral gag order if you will earlier and wondering it seems unfair that the drones are going after the former formr president while michael cohen can do is podcast or appear on msnbc. stormy daniels can speak all she wants. it just seems like it's uneven. >> you have heard him make arguments the hu former presidet did it's an attack on his first amendment speech they know it's a strong argument they say they will take it all the way. whether that means ends up in supreme court on a constitutional issue, we will see. they have a hearing scheduled for tuesday before the jury was fully seated to talk about violations but the term defense team says it's a first a first amendment free-speech issue and they will fight it from that vantage point. >> sandra: thank you, shannon they could for joining us on breaking news we will be watching all of it of course. thank you. >> thanks, guys.
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speech we will see you on fox news sunday. all the breaking news is hard to keep track. karine jean-pierre and peter doocy just had an exchange in the white house press briefing room. and ducey pressed her on the anti-american/anti-israel protests popping up in cities and towns all over the country, also an interesting exchange about the president saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals. we will have all of that for you we will play it for you when we return we will be right back.
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with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah vehicle president biden and sylvania bowser working for pennsylvania business owners? owning a trucking company based out of florida and the owner of a super gym in pennsylvania welcome to both of you. ed i will start with you or rick
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is a review can take it up. edit, to you first, what is it like to do business in pennsylvania right now? how is the economy? >> the economy is not as great as it was a few years ago. it is definitely challenging and requires us to constantly be changing the way that we operate our business. in order to be able to succeed. product is impossible to get sometimes. there is the latest, operational costs have drastically increased, so things have not been easy over the last few years for sure. >> rick what about you you and your wife own four restaurants, obviously food prices are a major challenge for so many right now. what is it like for you and your business? >> that is absolutely correct. our business has been difficult just like ed said in the last couple of years. we have struggled with rising labor rates, rising food costs, liquor cost, it has been a
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struggle to keep people. we are constantly hiring, training, and you know, it has been a rough ride to struggle to make the same profitability we enjoyed back in 2019. >> sandra: that's interesting. it feels like you guys can bounce your ideas and challenges off each other because ed, i know that is something you talk a lot about, the struggle of hiring and retaining good workers. >> yeah. it is definitely not the same. there are not as many around. it is very difficult to find the help nowadays. >> and rick when you look at the economy you are experiencing today versus a few years ago which would you prefer? >> definitely one in 19 we were setting records. we were in expansion mode. we were in a process of opening another restaurant in
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morrisville pennsylvania. that's when covid hit and that was the start of it, but we got through that part of it and finally got it open but you know, the government was saying now you can open but we will pay people to stay home. that became an extreme struggle to try to reopen, to try to get quality people and the people that would come out to work, we needed to pay a lot higher wages. so the wages in some cases have almost doubled. that has been a real struggle. you can raise prices to a certain extent but you cannot double them or people will support you less. >> sandra: ed, this is a poll on people's financial situation pennsylvania. 44% say they feel like they are falling behind right now. but the current president campaigned in pennsylvania three
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times just this past week alone. he is putting a lot of his focus there and putting a lot of focus touting his economic policies, yet this poll when asked who is more trusted who you trust more in the economy by ignore trump, 54% say it is trump, 42%, 12 points less, say it's president biden. which category would you say you fall into? >> i would say during the trump administration i was able to drastically increase business and was able to grow at a much easier rate i will say. there were a little bit less obstacles now it's extremely difficult to grow and expand. 's feature really interesting stuff. we like to hear directly from the small businesses. you are the engine of our
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economy. two-thirds of gdp we count on you, thank you very much for joining us and giving us your thoughts and our best to you. >> thank you very much. >> of course, good to have you. a trace? >> trace: a live look outside the new york state supreme court we are expecting a news conference by the nypd to begin immediately after the break. it will deal with a short time ago outside of the trump trial where the jury has been selected including the alternates. somebody lit themselves on fire right as the jury was announced. someone with themselves on fire. we do not know the condition of that person. we do know they were taken away apparently still alive and an ambulance, but we are awaiting a news conference from nypd. we will bring you that on the other side of the break. he's got so many life experiences that he can share. finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded,
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>> sandra: fox news alert awaiting the nypd pressers we see they are starting to organize their outside the courthouse were former president donald trump is in dave four of his trial. they have confirmed jury selection as this was happening earlier, a man outside the courthouse while we were giving a live report set himself on fire. we don't know the details but we did see the flames. what we know about that person former nypd inspector is joining us by phone, a very unusual situation a short time ago. >> yes it certainly l is. the tensions around this and what how it means a lot to a lot of people but certainly something unprecedented in new york city as far as my experience goes.
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>> trace: hey come up while it's trace gallagher, i want to know if, in fact, it turns out this person who set themselves on fire has some connection or did this because of what happened inside the courtroom does that change the posture going into monday for nypd and how they handle security around the courthouse? >> my understanding -- the security around the courthouse is pretty good but you can't account for everything and obviously this is not something anyone envisioned from the early indications of what i was saying online i will not talk about what appears to be this person's name but it does look like there are some mental health issues here which obviously comes with the territory of what he did. the manifesto seems to be quite confused and pretty out there, frankly. i don't know this is anything anyone could have anticipated as a result they don't do a whole lot more witches a lot from what i've seen and heard.
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speak to paul obviously this all happened very quickly. you consider the amount of traffic in new york city how hard it is to get around. as eric was reporting this was happening it was mere minutes emergency vehicles on the scene to put this man on a stretcher to load them up in the ambulance and carry him off it was impressive how quickly it happened. i suspect some specific details from the police to imagine whether or not this was related to what was happening inside the courthouse or if it i've nothing to do with that at all, i assume that's why they will have a presser. >> i can tell you almost certainly what has happened here is that they grabbed the literature he throughout which seems to identify him, they have been tracing that this will go to the investigators they will
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scrape his social media, his background, his linkedin, all of these things seem to be out there and they already probably went through his background and spoke to his family et cetera. that he is still alive which goes to the quick response you are talking about with the firehouse not too far away. manhattan is very congested but they know how to respond very quickly. obviously he is very badly injured but by now they probably have a lot better of an idea even though it has not been long i'm sure they have a better idea of who he was and who we are dealing with here. it looks tangentially to a been inspired on what is going on inside the courthouse. >> trace: meantime in a different part of new york city we think we have life pictures near columbia university where these protests have been ongoing, paul, for the better part of a week now and it seems to be the protests are getting bigger.
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the police presence is getting bigger and it seems they push the envelope to see how much they can get away with. you can see we have video of police pushing them out of the streets today near columbia university and the question seems to be that it is a tactic where they may want to get arrested and then complain about having their first amendment rights shut down. >> i think that is right on target. to leverage the police department had here are not very powerful. first getting columbia to cooperate and can be a saying we will press charges but for the most part was trespass violation. they don't even get photographed and fingerprinted. they put them in buses and get them out of there with the summons and get them out of there but then put them right back out which is why this will continue. >> sandra: paul morrow thank you for joining us. we will take that presser live when it begins, now the white house press briefing has
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concluded. we have turned in full the exchange our own peter doocy had with karine jean-pierre, a couple big items let's listen here. >> what does a president think about young people in america saying things like "we are all hamas" and "long live hamas?" >> i will say this is a president who has been since he has been in office and the reason why he ran as been very clear about what he witnessed in charlottesville let's not forget with the anti-semitism, the bigot, the hate we saw in the street of charlottesville as i just stated was one of the reasons he decided to run. and no president has taken more action to combat anti-semitism then this president. in the strategy we can say when jews are targeted because of their identity but when israel is singled out because of
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anti-jewish hatred that is anti-jewish semitism and that's completely, completely unacceptable. >> i have to ask about a different topic. why is president biden saying his uncle baozun was eaten by cannibals? >> answered this question yesterday. i believe i have seen these clips on your network answering this question, i don't have much to say beyond what i said to some of your colleagues. look, i was there. i think you traveled with us to pennsylvania not sure if you were there at the memorial. in scranton. the president had an emotional and i think a symbolic moment. he had an opportunity as president to honor his uncle's service in uniform. he had an opportunity to be there as president to speak to the bravery of his uncle and not
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just his uncle but many u.s. service members that put their lives on the line on behalf of this country. his uncle who lost his life when the military aircraft hen crashed in the pacific after taking off near new guinea. the president highlighted his uncle's story as he made the case for honoring our sacred commitment to equip those we send to war and take care of them and their families when they come home. as he aerated the last thing american veterans are or the last things they should be called were suckers and losers. and those types of words should not be coming from a commander and chief as we have in the past and we should be lifting up our american veterans and honoring them. that is what you saw from this president. >> i agree secondly lieutenant lieutenant james finnigan was a war hero but the pentagon says for unknown reasons the plan was forced into the ocean both engines failed at low altitude.
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why is president biden saying he was shot down, there is no evidence of that, and why is he saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals? that's a bad way to go. >> he lost his life -- go look. we should not make jokes about this. >> president biden said to his uncle was eaten by cannibals. >> your last line? it is for a laugh. it's for a funny statement. he takes his very seriously. has uncle who served and protected this country lost his life serving. that should matter. you have a president who lifts up our u.s. troops, our american veterans every day who thinks about them. who actually thinks they are all heroes and they are. and you have a former president who disrespects that. who does not honor that. he said it as president, suckers or losers, that's what he said. >> where the cannibalism come from? >> i think you are missing the point. the point is you have a
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president that lifts up american veterans. who lifts up our u.s. service members. that is what matters. he understands how critical and how important it is to be commander in chief. >> sandra: all right, trace in the white house a few moments ago that has since ended the white house press briefing. there was that and also the question of the arrests. she was asked about arrests made at columbia university as well as today she said "we understand this time is incredible and painful for many americans but students should feel safe" >> trace: and as paul morrow was making the point this tends to be a strategy as protests grow and become more organized and as they become more organized they become a little bit more disruptive. in the tactic seems to be to push and push and push to see how much of the area when arrests might be made they can use it to their benefit. as far as the cannibalism with the uncle thing there,
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karine jean-pierre used it a couple of different ways to take a slap at trump. but it was one of those things where she did not answer the question. there really is no answer to the question because there is no evidence that even happen to. >> we will take a quick break looking live in new york city here? >> we will be right back.
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