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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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hung. >> well, monday on "special report," opening statements in former president donald trump's criminal trial, an effort to delay that trial has been shot down. going to start monday. join shannon bream on "fox news sunday." gerald moskowitz. can't catch us live set your dvr. 3:00 p.m. in the west coast and 6:00 p.m. on the east coast. make it a weekend. thanks for joining "special report," fair balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts in just seconds. ♪ ♪ ♪ the trial starts on monday which is long before the judge
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thought go as fast as possible for his reasons not for my reasons. this is really a concerted witch-hunt. very simple. >> pete: that was president trump today. i'm pete hegseth in for laura ingraham. this is a special i addition ever "the ingraham angle" live tonight from new york city. the stage is set for trump's hush money trial, the 12 jurors and six alternates finalized today opening statements start on monday. nate foy is live outside the courthouse with more. hey, nate. >> hey, pete, so, yeah, opening statements set to happen on monday. the jury is seated in former president donald trump believes that the trial is being rushed on truth social. he says that he is being railroaded by judge juan merchan contentious moments at the end of court today. trump stood up perhaps a bit early. the judge told him to sit right back down. judge merchan told trump's legal team that they can't continue
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challenging each of his decisions in an effort to delay the trial. while leaving court tonight, trump spoke about the judge and president joe biden. listen here. >> everything you heard in there this is a witch-hunt by numerous judges. this is a giant witch-hunt to try to hurt a campaign that's beating the worst president in history. biden is the worst president in the history of our country. beating him by a lot. >> pete, the former president is also frustrated with the court's gag order. he feels that others can talk about him like his former laura michael cohen but the gag orders prevents him from responding there will be a hearing on tuesday about potential sanction force possible gag order violations. today the court selected five additional alternate jurors. four women and one man. that means all 12 jurors and six alternates are now sworn in, ready for opening statements on monday. take a look at this video, pete. a crazy and disturbing moment
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outside the courthouse this afternoon. a man lit himself on fire. you are seeing the aftermath of that here. that man is in critical condition at the cornell burn center tonight. police say he came to new york from florida within the past week and posted conspiracy theories online. >> we do not believe he is targeting any particular person or any particular group. we just right now labeling it as sort of a conspiracy theorist. >> judge merchan promised a ruling on monday morning before opening statements about what prosecutors can bring up if former president trump testifies. something that he has said he would like to do. we'll send it back to you, pete. >> pete: nate, thank you very much. they never reveal the name. >> going to testify? >> yes. >> pete: trump reiterating today he will testify. but the gag order needs to be thrown out. watch. >> the gag order has to come off. people are allowed to speak
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about me and i have a gag order. just to show you how much more unfair it is. they are taking away my constitutional rights to speak. that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you, and i'm not allowed to say it. everyone else can say whatever they want about me. they can say anything they want. they can continue to make up lies and everything else. >> pete: joining me now fox news contributor and george washington university law professor jonathan turley. professor, help me out on the gag order. there is going to be a ruling on tuesday, is he gagged but he continues to speak how do you see this playing out this is the troubling aspect of this order these gag orders have become very commonplace but this is anything but your most common case. you have got a dhoft is running for president in an election and turn on for millimeter voters the weapons of illegal system. this case. politicization of that the case
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is legally absurd. and it's being brought for political purposes and the timing by in my view the district attorneys' office. there can be in regard to michael cohen. this is also another you have a witness who is essentially campaigning against trump not just talking about this case but going on the air and campaigning against him as president. calling for people to vote against. and you are telling a candidate that he cannot respond. in the very least the judge could make exceptions with regard to witnesses who are now actively campaigning against a candidate for the presidency. you think so nothing ordinary about this. the judge also decided that alvin bragg's team doesn't have to give advanced notice of the
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witnesses appear to testify against president trump, apparently his legal team to know. right now giving him a single name and come out on sunday night. can that be right? witnesses are? >> well, judges often let prosecutors in my view hold the names back to the very last minute. i'm criminal defense attorney and it drives me crazy. i have not seen anything like this because what they -- the prosecutor said was because we think is he violating the gag order, we are not going to give him other names, that's not one of the sanctions for violating the gag order. you can see $1,000 jail time. but to endanger a fair trial in due process is not on that menu. and, in my view. this is a case where the judge could have said come on. we are going to deal with that contempt. i might just rule against the
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defendant. if these witnesses may be called in the next 24 hours, you need to give those names over to the defense. instead, the judge just sort of shrugged and said i'm not going to delay this trial. we're starting on monday. it's moments like that cause me some concern. the judge has a good reputation with some. on moments like that i'm concerned that he could do more to guarantee the fairness of this trial. >> pete: you think? the trump team doesn't get to know what the charges are, specifically, many which are past the statute of limitations. hot witnesses are and who can't talk. the says he plans to testify today. most defense attorneys would crawl to a fetal position to have their clients testify in a case like this. but i wouldn't put it past donald trump he tends to rush. in i think he also wants to make his case directly to the jury. it will depend on monday and what the judge excludes from the
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prosecutor for cross-examination. >> pete: interesting. we will be watching. professor, thanks for your breakdown. trump railing against the lawfare campaign. >> this is a witch-hunt by numerous judges, democrat judges. you take a look at it, edge goran is a whack job a disgrace. whether it's judge caplin with a person i have no idea until they called and said they are suing us, i had no idea who this person was or this judge or if you look at engoron where he said that mar-a-lago, which if it was worth a billion or a billion and a half dollars he said it was worth $18 million. all over the world they are watching it and seeing it. this is a giant witch-hunt to try to hurt a campaign that's beating the worst president in history. >> pete: ned ryun american majority founder joining me now. ned, is he right?
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and how are people perceiving this as they watch this unfold no cameras in the courtroom. they are seeing hearing about the judges rulings. how is it playing out? >> trump is absolutely right. this law o la lawfare. you can't tell me coming together in election year wasn't highly coordinated by the biden white house in an attempt to take trump out. a lot of the normies are watching this. and obviously, when this judge told trump that he couldn't go to barren barron's high school graduation. i would like trump to do that the normies the complete abuse of what is taking place. you know, professor turley talked, about you know, he hoped that this court case is about fairness. fairness is not the point, pete. the point is to take out the chief political opponent of president biden in an election year. biden can't run on anything else. everything has gone to nell a hand basket with him. the economy, inflation,
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immigration, our foreign policy. so they want to take him out with lawfare. take trump out. if that doesn't succeed and i don't think it will. i think biden is pivoting to we are not even worried about persuasion. i don't think there is going to be presidential debates. can we get more ballots than trump. that's why they want to lock him down in these courtrooms, keep him off the campaign trail. keep him locked into these stupid and ridiculous lawsuits. and keep him tied up gears of the campaign. i will tell you, this pete's. looking at marquette poll from a couple weeks ago i think it's very clear what trump and republicans need to be doing over the next six months in the fails of this lawfare. biden was up among likely voters margin you get to register voters that aren't sure they are voting. trump is winning by 12. you get with unregistered people who love trump. is he up nearly 30 against biden. republicans should be in arm's race lawfare everything taking place. they need to get low propensity republicans battleground states
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absentee. get them ready to vote. they do that enough voters they will win. >> got to find them. harvest legally better than the other side does. absolutely right, you mention the word take him out. and sometimes the democrats really do show their cards and they did again today that democrats release legislation today. that would remove a president but it's trump, that's what it is about. trump's secret service. if is he convicted of a felony, "the washington times" reports that congressman benny thompson says it's about making sure. is he worried that having to secret service detail could lead to accommodations. these are the people accuse trump of making it unsafe for judges and juries and family members and poll workers. but they are removing his security? that's what they would want to do? >> let's face it. there is an element of the left very much see trump unprotected quite frankly see him dead. this ask a stupid political stunt iq of a turnip.
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bennie thompson knows is he a minority. have no chance of passing. but is he throwing a bone to the left to make it look like is he actually doing something. i really view this pete. obviously they are getting into the worst impulses but at the end of the day, it's a stupid. >> pete: bennie thompson chaired the january 6th hearings as well. choreographed tv show meant to show certain clips to make donald trump and his supporters look bad. >> correct. >> thank you your your time. appreciate it. israel just attacked iran. the white house is referring to tell americans what's happening. ♪
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>> mr. president, iran what is your message to iran in this moment. >> don't. >> pete: don't. biden's don't diplomacy didn't work with iran. now, after biden had warned israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to use restraint and they didn't. the white house oddly has no comment. >> i know there's a lot -- a lot of interest in reports from the middle east overnight and we understand that. we get that i'm going to say it now, though i know y'all will certainly ask me about it that we do not have any comment on
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the reports at this time. >> pete: we know what the most important thing happening in the world is but we're going to choose not to comment. joining me now former u.s. ambassador at -- jim hanson special forces and chief editor confident idle east forum. gentlemen, thanks for being here. i want to start with you. is that what passes for american leadership on the brink of a wider war? >> the answer is we support israel's trite defend itself. a couple of days ago last week iran 300 missiles. 300 drones in israel. missile defense because israel was able to destroy 90 incoming. they just cleaned iran's clock. because iran wasn't able to touch israel. the response overnight was measured and restrained send a very clear message to and you
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can't stop us. there this is a time for the united states to be patting israel on the back. spiking the football because that kind of message from jerusalem is going to help deter iran from picking fights that it can't win. no doubt. jim, i want to remind our viewers something that joe biden said on the campaign trail in 2020 about trump. watch. >> the world has changed because what trump has done and when the american independents and some republicans, know how bad he is. how he is getting close to getting us in a war. i said the walls close in on this man i'm worried is he going to get us into war in iran. unfortunately i may have been right. >> pete: or maybe you are the one that could get us in a war with iran. that didn't age well, did it jim? >> well, with biden nothing ages well. and this just quite
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distinguished. foreign policy failures. i think the major problem right now the way the biden administration is dealing with iran is they are clinging to this delusion from back when he was partnering with obama to do capitulation as their foreign policy that they can bring iran back into the community of nations if they just treat them nicely enough. and that is never going to happen. you know, the idea doesn't mean to do these horrible things is insane. it's a feature, not a bug in the islamist system that they run. they are looking for armageddon and they are willing to do what it takes to get to it and we are all just playing along as if that's something we can change. >> pete: yeah, they have had that view. obama had that view because he had a fanciful view of the resolution and rejecting the shaw and colonialism and now stuck with iran almost having a bomb these ayatollahs. nathan, the white house did issue new sanctions on israel
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though. they did announce that they are targeting steel -- excuse me against iran. targeting steel and drone companies as well as 16 individuals but not the nation's largest export, oil. so why do you think they would hold back on a real sanction and not do something that would actually deter iran? >> well, pete, these half measures are entirely symbolic. they are not going to do anything to constrain iran's ability to create mischief across the middle east. if you want to seriously constrain iran, you have got impose sanctions on their chief export. you have got to hit their energy sector. that's exactly what we did in the trump administration. but, fast-forward to the biden years, in the past three and a half years, past three years, iran has been able to sell over $100 billion worth of oil. now, that can buy a lot of bombs, a lot of drones, a lot of missiles, and it can be used to fund a lot of terrorist groups that threaten americans around the world. and that threaten israelis. and so like the fact that they are imposing sanctions on
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drones, i mean, my jaw hit the floor when i heard that. because not too long ago, this white house had the chance to snap back u.n. sanctions on iran's drone program, but it was a swing and a miss. they just let that one go. so a half measure like this, when they actually had something in place that made it illegal for iran to sell drones, or to buy munitions from russia. that's the way to cripple iran. not these half measures. >> pete: not to mention if you sanction oil and supply goes down and price goes up in an election year and oh, joe doesn't want that right now. unfortunately, jim, we have got leave it right there and nathan, thank you very much. columbia university once again in crisis. anti-israel student protesters continue for a third day as anti-semitism runs rampant. will there be more arrests tonight? we have got an update from the ground, next. [shouting] [chanting genocide
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>> pete: nypd arresting over 100 pro-hamas anti-israel protesters yesterday as more protests continue tonight. c.b. cotton joins us now from columbia university with the latest. c.b.? >> hi, good evening, pete. there have been protests happening both on and off campus today. we have watched droves of people make their way here to columbia university protests right outside the main gates to encourage the students behind me who are calling on the university to divest from companies connected to israel. and sever ties with israeli universities. we have heard songs, chanting, march from the students behind me. right now we are going to try to go in and see if we can hear more about these student demands, stay with me.
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>> wondering, can we talk to you about your demands for the university? >> um, we have -- do you mind we have like a media team here talking to people. >> speak with media team? do you mind? >> well, i see there are other cameras here. >> i know, if you would mind stopping recording we can connect you with our media team. >> we just want to talk to you about your demands for the university. >> and we understand. >> we're with fox news. >> fox news? >> okay. yeah, we do have a press team. >> if you wouldn't mind stopping recording can i direct you to them but you have to stop recording. >> so you guys do not want to speak with us. >> no. we can direct you to a press team. >> okay. well we will reach out. we were invited by the columbia university school we were told we could come in to talk with our camera to talk to you. that's why we are here. thee we do see other. >> talk to us. i don't know why they would say
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on behalf of the students. >> okay. well, the journalism school valued the free press, they said we were welcome to come in and speak with students what is being called a liberated zone that's why we are here. >> i will totally have this conversation with you. i would appreciate your respect. >> walk away for a second. >> well, pete, there you have it. we tried to go in and speak with. so students but they don't want to speak with us. and they are very selective about how they allow into this liberated zone. there are other cameras in there right now. we can see those cameras but again, our camera is not allowed in. back to you. >> pete: good on you for going in there you are a journalist. they are covering something they are trying to get attention for. yet, they are covering their faces and won't answer your questions. do you think why do you think that is? >> i think going to ask tough questions hearing from other students in the student body from jewish students and from other students who, perhaps, don't have particularly strong views about what's going on in
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the middle east but they feel that this ongoing protest is a distraction to the campus. it's disrupts the campus. and so i think they are aware that we are going to ask them some tough questions. again we want to hear their side, too. clearly they don't want to share it with us. >> pete: if you are going to harass and disrupt you better be prepared to answer tough questions. that's what c.b. cotton is doing tonight at columbia. thank you so much. be safe. a columbia student harassed on campus last night and caught it on tape. [shouting] [chanting say it loud and say it clear we don't not zionist here ♪ chanting we don't want no sign nist here] >> pete: that columbia student jessica schwabb joins us now. you saw what the reporter dealt with there. you described to me as we were talking about the incident you h everybody is wearing a mask.
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everyone is wearing a kfir, and you got attacked but you weren't taking a stance. you were just observing. >> we were completely neutral observers. all we did was pull out our iphones and start recording. and a friend happened to drop the football that we were carrying because we were just having a catch right before we came over, and then when i picked up the football, they started targeting their chants at us. >> pete: why did they target you? >> i have no idea. i wish i could get that answer, but all i know is that they started screaming at us. we don't not zionists here say it loud. say it clear. they also started calling us nazis. and they backed us up until we couldn't move. i was actually pressed up against the hood of a public safety vehicle. and i had kfir's camera. i was being flipped off. my friend was shoved.
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my one friend cut in and tell somebody someone to back up and then he went and got the nypd and we asked them like when are you going to do something. and we sort of had to put ourselves. put the nypd in between the you didn't know you tell me these are mostly columbia students you presume. agitators as well. they don't know you but they assume you are a nazi? >> correct, yeah. >> because you weren't wearing the symbols. you weren't virtue signaling you weren't wearing their cause. >> that's my belief nowadays it's so polarized that if you are not wear a kfir, if you are not masked up. you are anti-palestine. >> happened to you last night. watch this. [chanting we don't want no zionists here. say it loud and say it clear we don't want no zionists here.
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>> pete: these are fellow students outside your campus targeting you for believes you hold but they don't know you? >> correct. >> do you feel safe on your campus? >> right now, no. actually, last night was the first night i felt the need to look over my shoulder as i was crossing the encampment that's now situated on one of the lawns in front of butler library. so, it seems to me that there is really a disconnect between what the nypd can do to intervene and also what public safety on campus can do to keep students safe. >> pete: not to mention what adults like university administrators should be doing to keep students safe as well. jessica, thanks for being here, sharing your story. stay safe. >> thank you. >> pete: you got it. all right. the squad to the rescue. they are now mobilizing to defend the entitled anti-israel columbia students. rashida tlaib calling any disciplinary actions appalling. cori bush accusing university
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administrators of targeting saying we must protect free speech and dissent. and ilhan omar is now denying these protests have anything to do with jewish people. no, no, no. it's only about being antiwar. >> there has been lies and targeting and harassment against antiwar protesters because it's been pro-war antiwar protesters. >> joining me now is stephen miller senior adviser to president trump and founder of america first legal. steven, leave it to the squad. just say, nothing to do have w. israel and antiwar. what do you say to that? >> when you accuse jews for genocide for engaging in self-defense, it is one of the most monstrous libels i can possibly imagine. this is a military action against a terrorist army.
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there are half a billion dollars muslims in the middle east. there is 2 billion muslims in the world. the idea the small jewish state, which has friendly relations with its muslim neighbors, like jordan and saudi arabia is on some mission of genocide. it's so heinous, so hateful, so inherently anti-semitic that for the squad to stand up for these demonstrators is to align themselves with the most veer sr virulent strains. this is joe biden's democrat party of today, hamas sympathizers. say it like it is. that's what's going on here. >> pete: no doubt ilhan omar's daughter by the way has a ma'amer and sickle on twitter bio. she wasn't a fan of her suspicion at school. barnard sister school at columbia. she wrote this in my three years at barnard i never been reprimanded.
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received notice one of three students standing in solidarity with the palestinians facing genocide and, of course, aoc came to her defense writing how does a student with no disciplinary record suddenly get suspended 24 hours after a nonviolent protest? steven, they were camping out on a lawn where they weren't supposed to be. you just heard the student we had on intimidating other students, yet, somehow they find a way to make it look like they are the victims spewing anti-american and anti-israeli hate? they are obstructing. engaging in rank physical intimidation and, again we return to that word. genocide. faultsly accusing jews of genocide is the language that is used to justify terrorism you accuse jews falsely of genocide to justify the actions of hamas, the barberrist murderous actions
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of hamas. but these are the voters. let's be very clear. these are the voters. those college students, the voters who support the squad, that joe biden is courting in november. i hope the decent americans, centrist americans, independent americans, normal americans will reject cozying up. reject it. >> those are the voters that joe biden is most afraid of, you are exactly right. that's a preview of college campuses now and into the future, based on what we are pumping into the minds of the kids. thank you for your time. do you know how bad the biden campaign is? they just had to put a new ad out touting joe's mental ability.
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♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. ♪♪ shell. powering progress. >> i love to tell the story about meeting president biden because, when you meet him, this guy as sharp as a knife. nothing else to attack because they can't attack the things that he's doing that are so good for this country. joe biden gets things done. >> pete: ha ha, sharp as a knife. what kind of knife is that? really the biden campaign has been on the defensive recently, obviously trying to convince the 60% of americans who say biden lacks the mental ability to hold office that he deserves another term in the white house. but that's far from biden's only challenge this election cycle.
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as democrats are growing more and more concerned that r.f.k. jr. might spoil their re-election plans, especially in certain states. the biden-harris campaign thinks they have a solution to the r.f.k. problem. by pinning kennedy against kennedy. >> my name is joe kennedy. >> i'm carrie kennedy. >> kassem kennedy townsend. >> chris kennedy and i'm here to proudly endorse joe biden. >> joe biden. >> joe biden. >> what i think of modern politicians in our country in this century, i think joe biden is the r.f.k. of his generation. >> pete: oh, boy. it must hurt to have to say that joining me now is charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor as well as monica crowley, former trump assistant secretary. charlie, what do you make of this kennedy vs. kennedy? it might make for an awkward thanksgiving, i would think. this must show how concerned the white house is about r.f.k. jr. >> yeah. i don't know which is more unbelievable, the sharp as a knife thing or the joe biden is
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the r.f.k. of our time. >> pete: amazing. >> both of them are completely ridiculous and back a doodle and unbelievable and everybody knows that they're all unbelievable ie haven't learned anything else from politics go with the bigger lie. >> if you actually have to run an ad claim claiming that you are sharp as a knife, you are not sharp as a knife. right? they are seeing these polls. they know that increasingly americans do not believe that he is capable of doing this job. that's why they are putting this ad out. but they protest too much, right? because just because you claim that he's sharp as a knife does not make it true. and it's not persuasive. the american people have seen joe biden in action now for four years. and they see a man who is in
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clear and progressive physical and cognitive decline. they see him falling. they seem him wandering aimlessly, they see him stumbling. they see him confused. they see him not knowing where he is most of the time. and i think, you know, most of the american people obviously do not think he is up to the task and certainly can't do another four years. but, i also think that they are furious by this. you know, at the beginning, they were like oh, this is so sad and tragic, no, they are really, really disappointed and furious that the united states of america is in the position now where our commander-in-chief, our president is clearly a corrupt, commented hack and america has put on its back heels because of it. >> pete: it's true. now we are going to convince them that he is sharp with one ad. charlie, what do you make of how does this end up playing out? do they try to lean into defending his age this way or do they go with the basement
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approach leading toward the convention? >> i totally agree with monica. they realize that this is a real liability for them and they can't ignore it. they have to address it. the problem is this is not an effective way of addressing it. honestly, the real only thing that they really can do, i think, is to protect him and keep him from engaging from fueling the press keep him from engaging. they are desperate to keep him from debating. i don't believe it's possible that he doesn't wind up debating. and so at the very least, they are going to try to down play his, you know, exceptions as much as they can. so that when he does perform, they will just -- they will just plunge him with every cocktail of drugs known to man to get him through just maybe one debate. and if he doesn't completely fall out, he pulls off a performance like he showed us
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with the state of the union address. then they will call that a win. >> pete: we'll see. there is going to be curve balls all over the place. monica, real quick, you are a graduate of columbia university. saw that you interview we just did. 2020 was marked by riots across the country. could this be the type of thing that leads to the civil unrest we saw in 2020? >> could well be new pretext before the election burning down the country. all the same revolution. whether it's the pro-hamas people or antifa or black lives matter. doesn't matter what the superficial issue is. it's just a grab a pretext or create one to get their shock troops out on the street to create instability, destabilize the society, create fear and uncertainty and chaos in order to ram their candidates through. and we certainly saw that in 2020 and this may be the new antifa and black lives matter. >> pete: this time just pro-terrorists and pro-hamas.
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>> unbelievable. >> thank you for your time. up next. >> the city of chicago has millions upon millions upon millions of dollars to give to people who ain't paid a dime into the tax base. say no, put these people on the back burner and put this money back in the opioid fund. we need that money. >> pete: chicago residents are fuming over the city approving millions more for illegals. we will talk to one of those fed-up residents, coming up next. ♪
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>> chicago city council approving a bailout today to address the century city they're illegal crisis now. this comes after residents called out the mayor earlier this week. >> now that i understand they have basically turn their black -- back on black chicagoans. >> you vote for these immigrants today and...
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>> we need that money in my neighbourhood. we need that on my block. i'm asking you to use our tax money for our people we need it. we have people leaning, rocking, we have overdosing. we have pass outlines. we need the money for us. we are the headquarters of the cartel and everybody knows it. they are selling more drugs and you are giving money back to them because they traffic those people appear. >> joining me now is that chicago resident. i would say it is self-evident that you need the change in leadership but chicago keeps replacing extremist democrats with it seems even more extreme democrats and now you're spending money on illegals and not you're own citizens, how do you change that? >> that's what my own organization is doing. we are rapidly turning the city of chicago read.
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we are telling everyone that the chicago blues of us the blues and we want everybody to put on their gym shoes, tied them up real tight because we are running to the right. we are done. we don't want to talk to them anymore, we have choices. >> have you seen this inside the black community insides chicago? you are wearing a big red hat. when they see that, how did they respond to that and what is the appetite for going right amongst the black community in chicago? >> they love it. everyone loves our hats. we wear fedoras with the feather on the side. everybody wants to come to the meeting. everybody is saying you've been trying to warn us for years, you were right, we are sorry. please accept our apologies and let us join your organization. i'm like it's for everybody. our goal is to get our people away from this cultural of liberal failure that's currently bankrupting our city and leaving americans behind. you have to remember that black
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people, we've been in this country for a very long time. i'm in eighth generation american. we understand how our government works very well and i think that we figured out... and we don't want to look at his big ashy but anymore. >> not everyone seems to agree. watch this from the same meeting >> this migrant crisis is a resource crisis and we need vast resources to protect our new community members. 70 million... you can fight it as much as you want. these are our neighbours and part of our communities. immigrants are a basis for our future of the city ever since the beginning to now. immigrants are the lifeblood of the city and we need to support them. >> you are welcoming your new illegal neighbours. >> firstly that man doesn't represent us. those blue haired liberals are not our neighbours. they don't hang out with us, they have not been living in the city as long as we have and you
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can hear that we open -- openly owe him. we wish they would speak a lot quieter. we are done again. they want to dominate the conversation. they believe that they are intellectually superior to us and that we are so pitiful that we need them to come defend us. we are saying we don't. leave us alone. leave us alone, we're not a pity party or a charity, we are proud americans and we want the best for our country and that does not include subsidizing illegal immigration that was brought to us via the cartel. absolutely not. >> you are a patriot. i love what you are saying and i hope you keep fighting. turn chicago read it, i would love to see that. thank you for your time tonight. >> before i go i want to also say to president trump, please come to chicago. you will get more love than you've ever had, eat better than you've ever eaten. >> thank you so much.
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that's it for us tonight. before we go i'm honoured to share with you my new book the war on warriors on sale right now anywhere books are sold. starting with obama and underbite in, our pentagon has embraced gender equity, racial diversity, climate stupidity and the alphabet soup and recruiting pushes and training programs for our troops. this focus is dangerous and it is deadly. the military cannot be organized like a harvard fraternity catering to ever more obscure constituency. the book reveals the real leftist mission, to take over the last institution dominated by what they hate the most, strongmen, fighting men. 20 years ago i joined the army to destroy extremists. i fought in iraq and afghanistan. 20 years later that same army labelled me 1.
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