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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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in march of 2021 a leaked presentation from the pentagon asserted extreme members -- extremism is rampant in the military... patriots everywhere are finding out and the purges ongoing. i've written before about the takeover of education. this issue of the military and its takeover is just as pressing. we only have one pentagon, one secretary of defence and one army. if we lose it we are toast. 's book might be the most important and most controversial i've ever written. we name names and expose the truth and the depth of the leftist takeover. the war on warriors is available for preorder right now and we'll hit bookshelves june 4th. thank you for watching this special edition of the show. jesse watters primetime takes it from here. >> jesse: tonight...
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are these the cannibals that ate biden's uncle? >> you know what i like most? the curtains. >> jesse: models now leaving california. thanks homeless. >> we observed a male walk into the park and then he pulls out a canister with some kind of liquid on himself and he likes himself on fire. >> a man goes up in flames in new york city plus. >> my little brother -- brother paid a buck to see her underwear >> jesse: in 1961 the air to an american dynasty michael rockefeller disappeared. whatever happened to him is still a mystery to this day. his last whereabouts swimming towards the coast of papua new guinea after waves toppled his
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vessel. >> he was in a canoe with a dutch anthropologist. they were trying to go by land and river. rockefeller wanted to try to swim ashore and he wanted to have a go. that was the last he saw of michael rockefeller. >> jesse: the theory has been that rockefeller was eaten not by sharks but by cannibals to this day historians believe this photo of a white man running with a cannibal tribe may have been michael rockefeller. last year primetime spoke to a rockefeller investigator who paid a visit to the tribe of cannibals. >> according to culture, carried a sacred obligation to reciprocate to kill somebody from the tribes that had killed their people and michael rockefeller unfortunately swam
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up to a group of men on the morning of november 21st 1961 and he was dispatched. >> jesse: it's a mysterious story. the job -- joe biden has always been a storyteller. usually he is stealing stories from the kennedys, hubert humphrey, british diplomats but he's never plagiarized a rockefeller. that is until now. this week biden told us cannibals eight his uncle in new guinea. >> my uncle was a hell of an athlete. he became an army air corp. before the air force came out with those single-engine planes doing reconnaissance over... he got shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because there are a lot of cannibals in that part of new
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guinea. >> jesse: primetime can't get over the story. the pentagon called biden a liar. the truth? he was the passenger in a plane that went down in the pacific when its engines failed. there was even a survivor who never mentioned anyone being eaten. they were asked about it today and said cannibalism is no laughing matter. >> wise president biden saying that his uncle was eaten by cannibals? >> the president had an emotional and i think a symbolic moment. he had an opportunity as president to honour his uncle's service in uniform who lost his life when the military aircraft he was on crashed in the pacific after taking off near new guinea >> why is he saying that his uncle was eaten by cannibals? that's a bad way to go. >> he lost his life. we should not make jokes about this.
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your last line is for a laugh, it's for a funny statement and he takes this very seriously. >> jesse: no one takes this more seriously then new guinea. diplomatic relations between the united states and new guinea have now had an all-time low. turns out you accuse a country of eating your uncle they don't take it lightly. countries have gone to war over much less. locals on the island say president biden's story is unacceptable. they say the cannibals wouldn't just eat any white man that fell from the sky. the whole episode leaves a bad taste in our mouths. one journalist actually visited these tribes and they've never even seen a white guy. >> people have so many questions. people are confused mind to the
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white people want to come. we are having a little town hall if you put it that way. >> jesse: if he was eaten 80 years ago surely tribal elders pass this history down to the next generation. the great white feast they would call it. fact checkers appeared to be shy the associated press says biden is off on details. nbc's says biden's mischaracterized the circumstance. cnn says biden's account differs from the account provided by the pentagon. but here is cnn fact checking trump. >> the little speech from mr trump, what did you make of it? did he say anything that was not true? >> he did. it was mostly subjective opinion but he did say things that weren't quite right.
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he repeated his false conspiracy theory that the joe biden is behind this case which was brought by a locally elected district attorney. he said biden is behind it. he has his tall people working with the office to make sure everything goes right. was no basis for that. >> jesse: when biden says cannibals eight his uncle he is just off on the details. when trump says biden's justice department is railroading him it's false. biden can lie all he wants, bring charges all he wants and if trump takes issue with anything they will throw him in jail. >> they are taking away my constitutional rights to speak. that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you. on the only one. everyone else can say whatever they want. they can continue to make up lies. arv else come. i want to be able to speak to the press and everybody else. so why am i...
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i'm only telling the truth. >> this new york trial is going to last two months. that's two months with trump taken off the trail. if he says the biden... or the lying star witness or the crazy da is corrupt he violates the gag order and gets jailed. biden can spew hoaxes, plagiarized rotten -- michael rockefeller and trump can't say a thing or go anywhere except on wednesdays and on weekends. with advantages like that you would thank biden would be cruising to reelection. wrong. biden world is trying to skip out on the debates. his body in the atlantic says the constitution is not debatable. the president does not participate in forums with a person under criminal indictment for his attempt to overthrow the constitution. jail your rival, dr bates to save democracy. you know the real reason he
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doesn't want to debate? trump is going to say your uncle was eaten by cannibals. white house correspondent joins me now. are they eating this up at the white house? >> it is not funny. it is a bad way to go but the other day i'm on the fourth floor of the union steelworkers headquarters in pittsburgh and president biden is going through all his normal lines that he says that these things. unions built the middle class and we are going to challenge china and add new tariffs. that's great. then he gets to the end and he's talking about his uncle, a new character. i try to listen to everything he says. he's a new character for the reelection. but he says this thing about how they never found his body because he crash landed in an
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area that there were a lot of cannibals. the union guys were looking around like that is a crazy story. but it does not seem like it is true. i'm really surprised. when i asked in the pressroom today people were laughing about it. not a joke. that would be a terrible way to die. the worst. i assumed they were going to say something like joe biden was told this when he was a little kid. it's part of the family lore, he thought it was true and we checked and it was not true. instead they did not say that. because the storyline is part of this thing that trump like to talk about. this article from 2020 john kelly says he heard trump calling american war dead from world war ii sufferers and losers. biden tells the story all the time so it's possible that we will hear this story again and again and again as we go.
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>> jesse: you are right about the characters. he will introduce acorn pop or a black somali or eight forget which one it is. these would come reoccurring caricatures in the theme of his life. you can't introduce him eaten by cannibals ten minutes before the selection is about to start. do you think that he got this from the michael rockefeller legend? because this doesn't come out of nowhere. >> if i had to guess, we are in scranton to start the day on wednesday. he is at the war memorial, he sees uncle ambroise finnegan's name etched into the war memorial and i'm sure a lot of memories from his whole childhood start coming back. somebody told him at some point that this happened. i don't know if it was meant as a joke. i don't know if that is just what they came up with to tell the kids when their uncle, a war
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hero, past away. it was right there and he said it twice on wednesday. now it's made its way all the way to new guinea where the quote is a political science professor told the daily mail cannibalism is very specific. they wouldn't just eat any white man that fell from the sky. >> you have to recall the ambassador after a diplomatic breach such as that. do me a favour, you have to ask the president about his uncle. i know you don't have a lot of time but i don't care. >> i went to the marine one departure today. with the defence pow mia and i had his comment. i was ready to ask him why he thinks that this is the case. >> jesse: do not let this go. i don't care if something is wrong, ukraine, russia. you have to get this in at some
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point. do it for us, do it for the uncle. we will never move on or forget him. have a great weekend. >> jesse: hour next guest visited the tribes of papua new guinea and has insight on what cannibalism is all about. when you went there, are they still practising cannibalism? >> the stories are just stories at this point. i don't think anyone will contest that at some point there was cannibalism but nowadays people just lived their lives just like you and i and the images that they are showing right now. these people are just doing the festival. it's a festival that we put on.
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it's not like they live this on a daily life the costumes and the rituals and the traditions. it something they do for specific events. it is a larger story than just cannibalism is this or that. they are humans. they used to eat from the stories that i was told when someone died and it was in the context of they respected that person so their body won't decompose. back in the day hundreds of years ago if an enemy tribe was captured or something like that. >> jesse: they would eat someone out of respect or if it was an enemy tribe. >> that's what i was told. >> jesse: so they weren't eating for hunger, it was a part of a ritual. >> no. i don't think at any point i was the case. we have papua new guinea and new
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guinea where they have... we're talking about an island that has hundreds and hundreds of languages and ethnicities. the people have different customs all throughout. that's the thing, it's so diverse. this happens only here. it's a larger story. >> jesse: is this something that they are ashamed of? is it something they accept as a part of their history? >> yes, they accepted. i don't know if there is a shame part or anything like that but everyone is going to tell you. at one point hundreds of years ago or even probably 100 years ago or so. cannibalism does not exist anymore in 2024. >> jesse: do you think if his uncle had swam ashore on that
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fateful day during world war ii that he might have been a great white feast. >> i'm not sure what to say about that. it is stories at this point. things are kept from the passed. they have a really interesting way of maintaining their tradition. most of the stuff that you will see we'll be about their dancing, their community about their festivities. no one talks about cannibalism. at least i just got into conversations with people regarding cannibalism. people asked does this happen, table tell you what they heard. >> jesse: you didn't see their mouths watering as they were interviewed by you? >> this is the deal...
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which is a small little not from a palm tree. they do make the saliva completely red. when you see it for the first time it looks like blood. most likely, they have a bad reputation because a lot of these incidents. >> jesse: what a coincidence. you are a brave man, a great in venturer. thank you for coming on prime time and sharing your experiences with us. we respect everybody from papua new guinea and everybody around the world, whatever ritual day and hashmak they are involved in. maybe not cannibalism but short of that we respected. thank you so much. scared to death swimsuit models plus the swami i had on prime time.
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>> jesse: for the next year the whole world is going to know where trump is at all times. he's got four trials on the calendar. it's easy to find out the exact time and date he's walking in and out of court houses in densely populated cities. the secret service is best in the business what we are not worried about the former presidents safety. nothing like this has ever happened before. his presence creates a circus outside. today a man lit himself on fire outside the courthouse sending people running for their lives. the man is 37 from florida. before dousing himself in flammable liquid he threw pamphlets in the air directing reporters to a website where he railed on about trump, hollywood
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and other bizarre conspiracy theories. he is still alive in critical condition tonight. feels more dangerous than ever out there. they got this close to trump's courthouse today and democrats don't seem to care. today they proposed a bill that would strip the trump of his secret service protection. if he is convicted of a felony and sentenced to prison. that means trump could go to prison without protection. democrats don't just want him in prison, they want him shaved. vivek ramaswamy is a former presidential candidate. they are gagging this guy, they are fighting him, mug shot. people are allotting themselves on fire about 100 yards away from him. how scary is this? >> this is downright frightening. you have to think about this.
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they will stop at nothing to keep this man out of office. first they tried to sue him. with it -- when that didn't work they prosecuted him. they try to remove him from the ballot. went out of it worked at they are now denying him secret service protection. ask yourself what outcome they are actually rooting for. this is ugly and un-american. i think they are being much more transparent about to what extent they are willing to go to achieve their single-minded objective and it's disgusting. the best way is to call that out which is what we have a responsibility to call this nonsense out as we see it. >> jesse: joe biden is saying everybody and cannibals ate his uncle. no one's fact checking him. they are saying he was off on the details. and then and donald trump can't even say the judge is a donor and that he gets gagged and thrown in jail. this isn't right. >> the only thing joe biden is cannibalizing is the truth in
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this country. that hypocrisy is now running rampant across the country i think it's working against them. the more ridiculous these steps get. i know a lot of people who voted for biden last time around that are going to stay home or come-around and vote for trump this time around. i think that every step they take is backfiring and we are setting up or potentially a landslide of historic proportions. 1984 style outcome. i think trump can unite the country because of the red carpet that biden has rolled out with some combination of his incompetence and dishonesty. the people of this country, especially independence and young people are starting to see through it. >> jesse: i feel that too and i see it on the streets. i can feel it in my heart. tell me something that make me feel more confident sides feelings. is the rnc, the republican part of the donors, are people coalescing, to the have a ground game? are the harvesting early voting? tell me what's happening on the ground. >> i think the republican party
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has learned from its mistakes of the past to say that we are not going to have the same outcome. i think the new party leadership is off to a good start and have big on saying we don't like all of this early voting. we don't like the way the elections are done but we have to compete on the same terms if we are to win. you can't change the rules unless you went under the current rules. there's been a real awakening to that across this party. we are also saying that among large supporters. people you would never imagine supporting donald trump. businessmen across the board, even people outside of politics who are saying that this flailing economy, the open border situation at the south of our border and the lack of stability on the global stage. four years of trump and a lot of business people see it as a clear opportunity. you don't usually get to compare the records of two presidents side-by-side. usually have a challenger who hasn't been the president before. this is a wants in a century
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opportunity where people can objectively assess the facts. i think we're seeing a shift that should leave you feeling pretty good. >> jesse: biden can remember four years ago but everybody else can. vivek your confidence makes me feel confident and i -- that make me feel good going into this weekend. have a good one. >> you two men. >> jesse: models used to flock to california. now they are fleeing. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had.
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>> jesse: a massive gun battle broke out in a gas station. guy with an ak-47 open fire and did not stop. at least four men were involved. almost everybody at the pumps pulling out their pieces and firing. three bind at -- bystanders were injured. known was killed. so far only one arrest has been made. darius morris. he was out on bond after allegedly being involved in a
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murder. he was supposed to be under curfew during this gas station firefight. you have to be home by curfew. primetime introduced you to the homeless cavemen of modesto. they decided to get prehistoric. digging out and furnishing a commune of caves complete with all the core, furniture and even floor tiles. even a makeshift fireplace with a chimney. primetime didn't see a problem with it but the neighbours did. >> those caves go well into the ground here. what is to stop them from going under the house is next? >> you are saying they could borrow underneath your house and a tunnel up through your den and may be still something out of your fridge. >> or swim in my pool. >> jesse: they weren't up to code so the cavemen got the boot. shooting up heroin fine.
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living in caves too dangerous. the roof might collapse. california u.s. posted die on the streets outside of a starbucks. but the la homeless are evolving from cavemen to contractors. building a makeshift mansion in the middle of the 110. the walls are really, it's got a garden, hi, decorative lighting. a barbecue of course. they have two fire extinguishers. very responsible. look at the water feature. gorgeous. the rest of la's vagrants still need to hand. she says she needs donation from you to make it happen. >> right now we are working to move past nightly room rentals including by... and already built permanent housing. now we are asking the most
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fortunate angelenos to participate in this effort with personal, private sector and philanthropic funds to help us acquire more properties, more of the cost of capital and speed up housing. >> why do they need money? what did they do with the money taxpayers gave them? they lost it. california lost 24 billion estate earmarked for homeless. where is it? nobody knows. the money is gone and there's even more homeless. the sports illustrated swimsuit model has had it with them. she grew up with not a lot and lived in san jose. now she is blasting past for taking advantage of hard-working people. she hit it big as a cover girl. now politicians are asking her to bail out junkies. she is leaving. she is fleeing california and heading to nashville.
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she is here. kristen, what happened? you heard bass and you said that's it. >> thank you so much for having me today, it's an honour and i want to piggyback. when we see nonsense it is our duty. i'm speaking wholeheartedly as a mother of three young children what's happening to the beautiful state of california that once was beautiful. what has happened is it's embarrassing, it is sad and for someone to ask us for our hard earned money. we have already the highest taxes. we should have the most beautiful and clean state. instead of have the number 1 homeless problem in america. 28 percent, the homeless problem is right here in california. you have lost track of over -- close to $25 billion and now you are asking for more money. i don't think the solution is to ask me for money. i think it's a higher new
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leadership. >> jesse: to other people feel the same way as you do? is there going to be a model exodus? >> you come to california, it's the state of dreams. you think this is where i can accomplish anything. it does not feel safe anymore. i do not feel safe going to the grocery store and i don't go outside without my husband with me. i certainly don't take my kids into city limits. there is a movement, i'm sure you've heard of this red wave leaving california and they might say don't bring your views. i think there needs to be massive change and if this guys fumbling over and over again, you have knew some with over 20 years of experience and he keeps fumbling, it's time to bring in someone new and lead us to a w. >> he thinks he is slick. do you have a message for gavin newsom? what is it? >> that's tough to be on air saying that.
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>> jesse: he is listening right now. tell him what you think. >> take a seat. it's time, let someone else come in and clean up the city and the state that you so-called love. if you really love it let's bring in some new heavy hitters to genuinely clean it up. i would actually say let's offer not only housing but let's offer a skill to these homeless people. let's put them in trade school and teach them a life skill that they can carry on into the job market, give them a job. let's have them build the houses. they are earning money and learning a skill while providing homes. >> jesse: probably get off the heroin. that could help as well. >> i saw it -- a couple of -- a couple of people smoking crack. >> jesse: thank you so much. >> thank you so much jesse. >> jesse: johnny visits aoc's district next.
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>> jesse: primetime heard that aoc's district isn't in great shape. crime, illegal vendors,
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prostitution, very third world the. we sent in johnny. once they saw our cameras they started packing up. >> what's going on. >> i don't know why they don't want to let us sell because we have many people here who need it. we are generating money, we generate tour $3000 daily in taxes of stuff we sell. ranks, used clothes, used things that are given to us and we sell it. >> we are selling out here but when i came over you packed up, why? >> when the media calms the police comes and they take everything. >> jesse: when the cameras come the police follow. the illegal market closes, prostitutes skedaddle. the only way to clean up neighbourhoods today is by embarrassing the politicians. broadcasters streets to the country... the people who lived in the district they don't feel safe. >> is this a safe neighbourhood -- safe neighbourhood? >> no. >> what goes on here?
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>> a lot of prostitution. >> people selling on the slight -- sidewalks that can barely walk. >> it is dangerous. >> i live in this neighbourhood for many years. i see a lot of drugs and prostitution also. it will never end. >> jesse: we will have more from that neighbourhood on monday. >> jesse: all week it's been spring break for hamas here in new york. they are calling for finance and chanting death to america.
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these people love to hate america for our colonizing history. they remind me of an interview i did for the get it together series, the statue top layer. the big advocate for keeping historical statues, they symbolize our identity and what we've achieved. but not everybody believes this. i talked to mike... the leader of the american indian movement. he became infamous for toppling the statue of columbus in minneapolis during the george floyd riots. he really hates america but why? let's bring in mike. why do you hate america so much? >> to me america was built on genocide, slavery and colonialism. and we have been through so much trauma and america doesn't even
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realize it. they don't know what we've been through. and i don't hate americans. i dislike this experiment, this failing experiment because one of your most important documents talks about how all men are created equal. the declaration of independence. when you get down to the bottom it says the merciless savage indians. 's that that's what they referred to us as. >> jesse: you say that your declaration, your constitution, you are an american indian but you don't seem to believe you are an actual american. >> i am an issue now bay. my that is where my allegiance lies. i do not stand for the pledge of
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allegiance. we do not stand for that flag because that flag does not stand for us. >> jesse: what do you believe gives you the right to topple our statues? >> it's not our statues. it's that one in particular. i believe christopher columbus should never take up space in the public square. he is a rapist, a murderer and that's why i don't understand why would you look up to this guy? he was lost for heaven sakes. there was no redeemable qualities of this guy. he brought satan and jesus with them and those have done so much damage to our people. >> jesse: the judge sentenced you to teach about the american genocide to young schoolkids. i'm not sure if that judge had the best idea there. >> whenever i talk to anybody, a group of people, the first thing i tell them is a message for the nonnative, a message for the
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white people that you were not here, you did not do it. i wasn't here and it did not happen to me. but the animosity, we're not blaming them. the animosity comes from the fact that they have it all, they already took it all and they are benefiting from the genocide. benefiting from what happened. my people, we are still suffering from what happened. i want to let them know that we do not blame white america. they were not here but we need their assistance. >> jesse: we have a lot of conversations just like that and get it together. i will bring more of that stuff to you guys through the weeks to come. you can also get a copy. , meal and toured tomorrow, beach haven new jersey then vero beach florida, and belinda california. sink or swim is next.
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you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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speed sink or swim have you ever one carly? >> no she's going to tonight she knows so much more about pop culture don't hold your breath. >> jesse: no pop-culture on the squares good luck the categories hadn't played jill biden claims his uncle could've been eaten by cannibals a democrat says this conversation was upsetting because he's a vegan was it dennis or harold ford junior's pieta she looked, she looked. >> i wasn't actually meaning to focus on output that's okay i'm keeping it. >> now she winds is always an asterisk. >> jesse: this game under dispute.
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>> as a vegan i find this discussion. >> like you would ever say that. >> i don't know who he is. >> do should she get a point to? >> jesse: all run the game. >> surly. [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: to which famous eighties actors said their movies were too wide, molly ringwald or susan sarandon. >> confident about this one. >> both going with molly, what is it? >> those movies, the movies that i'm so well known for. [ simultaneous talking ] 's pieta if you watch the five you all took -- automatically do well on the show the next category is donnie from the block which commentators said black people find trump relatable because of his indictments was it stephen or charlemagne the god is going to
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be some guessing here. >> what did he say? that black people like drunk more because of his indictments. >> i'm going to say stephen a smith because they know that stephen a smith talked about trump this week. >> let's see it. >> because what is going through is similar to what black americans have gone through he wasn't lying, he was telling the truth. >> jesse: this is what we do for sportsmanship you're up by two now to make it a game were going to make the last one count for two. >> can you remind me which one is which i know their last names but i don't know. >> jesse: this could get ugly if she guesses write the category super bowl which kelsey brother lost a super bowl ring in a pool of chili? was it travis or jason? >> i have no idea. >> you're both going with the eagles. >> i'm just going with this face i saw this face.
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>> i lived at me lost my super bowl ring i can safely assume it's now in a landfill's pieta doesn't matter you lost boy want to talk about this great book it's called love maulmak inspiring stories celebrating motherhood can someone take, there it is right there, it doesn't matter if mother's day is over every day is mother's day. >> mother's day isn't over it hasn't happened yet within a a couple weeks but the book is out now. >> jesse: was that easter? on my god, my mother's birthday that's why i was thinking that her birthday was in april, congratulations carly you get a hat you can wear it all weekend long way to go. [ ♪♪ ] 's pieta the last day for our intern she had a fantastic semester i guess you could call it, there she is thinking so much, much for all of your hard work and you have a lovely
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family let's do some text messages mark from plant city florida stockpicking on our president he's the victim of a systemic generational cannibalism edward from peoria arizona, campbell's eight my uncle sounds like a dingo ate my baby dug from denver you're taking the cannibalism thing way too far it's only connie to a point i'm telling you the worst way to go, todd from alabama 51 cia former leaders have just signed a letter confirming that the uncle was eaten by cannibals glenn from vero beach vero beach said johnny to osc district said they would be safer in new guinea johnny is so delicious that's what they tell me laura from vero beach, see you soon i will see you soon have a great weekend i'm a waters and this is my world


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