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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. bill barr a special guest. congressmen where we go next. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone i'm sandra
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smith along with... it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. >> that was former president donald trump moments ago saying he is ready to testify after the stage got set. the 18 people who would determine his fate have been seated in his hush money trial in new york. opening arguments will begin this monday. the big developments today among them the judge ruling that prosecutors will not have to give advance notice of the witness list to trump's legal team because the former president cannot be trusted not to post about them. team trump will get one name on sunday night. trump railing against the gag order imposed by the judge that limits what he can publicly say about witnesses. he says it's time to take the
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muzzle off. >> they've taken away my constitutional rights to speak and that includes speaking to you. i have a lot to say to you and i'm not allowed to say it. everyone else can say whatever they want about me. they can say anything they want. they can continue to make up lies. they are real scum. i'm not allowed to speak. i want to be able to speak to the press and everybody else. why am i gagged about telling the truth? >> some of the liberal media don't care about fairness. it seems like all they want to see is the former president thrown in jail. [ simultaneous talking ] >> why not? that's what i'm saying. yes, i get he's a former president. how else are you going to maintain the quorum or respect. >> it's even more incumbent on the court in this process to
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hold him accountable. i don't think vines are going to do it. i think he needs to sit in a cell. he should be put in a cell and contemplate his behaviour. >> steven a. smith has a message for them. he's putting democrats on blast accusing them of using the courts against trump. >> that appears to be their strategy but i'm here to tell you it's not working at all and i don't mind the fact that it's not working. i might not be a supporter of donald trump but i want him to lose the right way. i want him to lose because you have better ideas and you make your case to the american people better than he does. >> that was stephen a smith. does he have a point? this is a former president. shouldn't he get a fair shake here and has the media gone too far with calling to lock him up. >> brilliant move by democrats. indicting this guy so many times and then he can't talk about how
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unfair it is. you are rigging the election and he says you are rigging the election and he gets thrown in jail for saying you are rigging the selection. this is probably the best campaign strategy the democrats have ever come up with. i don't know if it's going to work. i don't think it's working. stephen a is right. we sent johnny out and they have had it with biden. never met a biden fan in my life through johnny except my mother. so this could be a landslide that nobody sees coming because of how unfair this is. i would make them put me in jail would have a tweet about something may be perhaps i said on the five with jesse watters primetime. i would force them to throw me in jail if i were donald trump. the mug shot backfired, the day hashmak the indictments have
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been backfired. being a martyr in jail for a day or 24 hours. >> i absolutely could not go to jail. i would if i was running for president because it would probably help. couldn't hurt. if they make him testified you think donald trump is going to testify? i would probably not testify and go to jail instead. that's what i would do. >> does jessie have a point? this is starting to make it look like democrats just don't like fairness. >> i will push back on that notion about democrats. he says he's innocent i believe he is innocent until he is proven guilty. i would employ a different strategy. i hawed at -- i would have the lawyers my case i would be out the doors after a day of court saying here's what happened and here's why what happened today prove that.
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he said when he was walking in the press asked the question... he has the right not to testify. i think one of the things, i had that upon one of my screens in my office earlier yesterday or today. i thought what he was responding to was whether or not if the president violates the court orders would he be not just arrested, maybe i misunderstood the way the point was introduced. i'm torn there. i think if you don't... if you have a set of rules... and one of the penalties is after a while you get arrested. i don't know how you don't arrest him because if you don't that means that you and i or jesse or anyone if we are in court that we would be able to use that as the trump defence.
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>> this is a political show trial. this isn't your regular felony or misdemeanour. >> you can say he was indicted because of things you don't believe he should have been indicted about. >> he was indicted because he was running for president against joe biden. >> it's a trial. if he is found guilty in this trial he can't say if you'd sentence me i'm not going to jail because it's a show trial. >> it's not a real case harold. he has someone without a criminal history, this is a white-collar situation, there's no way he's being sentenced to prison for this. >> i don't know if you're right about that. >> i am right harold. [ simultaneous talking ] >> i look forward to hearing the
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case. >> we know where this is going next. the jurors are in place. they have been sworn in. we know that the prosecution as of monday it was confirmed today. they will be able to start making their case. >> the question is sort of will the defence be able to make their case? when you post that hypothetical about he would have your lawyers make the case for you and if rules are set in place and you don't obey then incarceration is the next step. what if the rules are unfair? what if they are rigged against you, what if the application of those roles are faulty. as trump's defence has tried to subpoena stormy daniels this week, they said this is so we can get all that information that is in that released documentary just in time for her to make a lot of money. that was called when this image -- intimidation and harassment. how can the defence team adequately and accurately defend themselves when they are being blocked from even assessing the information? how is it that the defendant's
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gag order but the star witness is let free to taint a possible jury. let's talk about the jury. here after eight years these charges were brought. jury and panelled after three days. interesting how it took two months to a panel... unit know how look it took two and panels copied since trial? four months. the list goes on and yet here was three days. [ simultaneous talking ] >> forget the gag order. keep it in the streets because that's what's building him omentum. we are all paying attention. president trump going to jail would be right up with martha stewart. he will see the from the inside and he's going to have amazing prison reform and fixed off. he's knocking to be like jesse with delicate skin and good hair. he's going to go in there and
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come away some cornrows and i'm telling you this is the best thing for him to fight it, keep in the public. if he is saying that it is stacked against him and that's his mindset than accept the fact that you were going to go to jail, keep it out when you come walking out. more american people identify with being screwed over by the system to see somebody that this is modern-day living martyrdom. you give us the word egregious, this is egregious and i don't agree with much on political stuff. i'm a celtic fan, if they meet in the finals, loser has to wear the other teams colours for a whole week. keep it up. mr president, keep it in the streets and when you get imprison use that time to do amazing prison reform.
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this is a win-win. look what martha stewart did with her present time. she changed the lives. if i had a microphone i would drop it. [ simultaneous talking ] >> up next israel just hit back at iran and it's driving the pro- hamas protesters on-campus crazy. they are back at it again. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv...
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>> emily >> joe biden's toothless foreign policy on full display out again. israel rejecting biden's advice to quote take the win when iran launched but failed to land 300 missiles and drones inside israel last saturday. the jewish state retaliating by launching a limited strike on iran. the u.s. officials as israel struck near a major iranian airbase and nuclear site about 200 miles south of tehran. reports indicate that iran has no plans to strike back. while tensions arise in the middle east, the pro- hamas students at columbia are back at it.
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>> cops rating there anti- israel liberation zone encampment, arresting my hundred of them including a congresswoman's daughter. today they try to rebuild their solidarity camp but minus the tense. i find it so curious as those students, frankly children in student clothing saying that they are all hamas which is -- which is not mean they are all rapist butchers, they called a black female nypd officer kkk. wise that solidarity seemingly acceptable as they say those protests aren't anti-jewish and her fellow democrats say that's just political reprisal. >> i don't know. i would hate to be related to omar. doesn't seem like the best
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person to instill values to other people. sometimes you need to get suspended to learn a lesson. i surely got suspended a few times in high school and look at me now. to look at me now. i learned my lesson. i don't know what they are doing. looks like a guilt -- a lot of young women. i don't see a lot of men out there in the camp. you tell me what that means. maybe they're missing something in their lives. this isn't it. i would definitely not side with terrorists as something that i would fill my friday afternoon with when i was in college. i think i speak for everybody here around the table, we were doing different things in college. we were studying diligently and doing a lot of things diligently >> you were suspended for trying to hard. >> i was in the library past library closing hours.
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>> we talked about the message that the israeli defence sent to the world. it's been argued that we will respond to any attack on our soil. it's been argued that this is demonstrating capabilities. to me the biggest message was i don't care what you say biden. >> i have heard that narrative today. i think a little differently. i thought what the israelis did they had every right to do. every country has a right to defend themselves. we as a country that has been the greatest ally and they are our greatest ally in the world. we have the one of -- one of the most unique relationships. we are allowed to say the things that we want to say. i thought what israel did was tactically and strategically and militarily brilliant. it was as powerful as message as you can send without killing anyone. they sent over 300 missiles and we shot them all down.
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israel sent about three drones and basically told the iranians we know exactly where your nuclear reactors are. we know where your most important military assets rp are we can either do this or not do this. i don't mean to simplify in that way but that was the message. the real thing that concerns me is when the spokesman said this is a new equation for us now. it's always been proxies. the question becomes is this cap on escalation serious and we go back and revert to the proxy war or not? i think we will. the irradiance aren't even saying that this was a big deal in their country and israelis aren't even owning up to the fact that it was done by them. the congress past the rule around a foreign aid to build. speaker johnson put his political career as speaker on the line to do it.
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i thought today what he did was to show that he is speaker of the house, sometimes democrats and republicans they are the leader of the party first. he is the speaker of the house of representatives and the courage and bravery he showed today, he showed that not everyone... the country needs to win and he represented his constituents and i applaud those democrats who supported that rule who broke party line and i those republicans who broke party line to advance this bill and hopefully we are able to get the funding, the 61,000,000,002 ukraine, this 21 billion to israel and the 13 billion to taiwan. >> you've been covering this since minute one. >> earlier today they said this may be only the beginning of israel's counterattack. we will have to see what happens in the coming hours and days. really raised eyebrows at the press briefing today which we covered life this afternoon.
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within 24 hours of this attack didn't step up to the microphone. they lot off that briefing by saying if any of you ask me about it our answer is no comments. very author they couldn't say something like you just did their that they have the right to defend themselves. that wasn't even said. mayor adams weighed in on these protests and they seem to be growing in number and getting bigger and more vile is what he said. the vile treatment of these protesters to the police in particular. yesterday filled six buses outside the university. they made a chain to not allow those buses to move. so think about that, chanting kkk at the police as you mentioned yelling pro- hamas slogans and slayers and holding up their signs. i had a student from the university earlier today, i feel
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horrible for those people. what about those who aren't involved or the jewish students on campus. who is standing up for them and protecting them, who is helping them feel safe. she is living out her dream going to the university. just left the idf, there she is. she can't even walk down the sidewalk at her school and feel like she is safe. a college student. that's where this has gone and it's gone too far. >> over 100 professors sun onto a letter... >> they are always the same thing is no comments. they never ever owned their stuff. they never stand up. [ please stand by ] >> they are calling a black person the kkk, you clearly have no idea what that means. they spew stuff unlike jesse who was diligent to the library to the point of suspension.
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they go to college and they'd have no knowledge and no experience. if we give them too much credit and we give them too much camera time, they do those chance, they don't rhyme or sound right, no one can get behind them. when they do their marches, turn the cameras off. you can still be present and not give them their moment on tv. i look at them the same way as when someone is arrested for committing a crime and they become famous for being on tv. take the cameras away and let's see how long these marches last because they are doing it for reaction. in the civil rights movement when you ask what you are standing for, anyone with him they're willing to die for it. and this is why and this is what we want. when you ask them they say you are racist or the kkk.
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it's nonsense. turn those cameras off and let's see how long these things last. >> there is a total difference in saying that you want to protect gazans, you want to protect people in rafah. to say we are now hamas. [ simultaneous talking ] >> you can't go and say i'm in isis and not be arrested. they should be arrested. >> coming up, joe biden is exploiting a kennedy family feud to tank rfk junior's campaign. stay with us.
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>> jesse: family fights >> family fights usually private affairs. leave it to the democrats to exploit that drama for political gain. team biden pitting sibling against sibling. >> i'm here to proudly endorse joe biden. >> one i think of modern politicians in our country, i think joe biden is the rfk of his generation. >> applied and has good reason to be worried. rfk junior secured ballot access in the pitiful -- pivotal battleground state of michigan. is he trying to convince us that his brain is fine. check out their new ad. it's called sharp. >> have been a proud steelworker for 23 years and i know hard work when i see it. i love to tell this tory about meeting president biden because when you meet him this guy is as sharp as a knife.
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>> they had to spend millions of dollars for that. you could also be sharp. >> i love that that man... this is what they have to sell now in campaign adds that he is sharp. was watching arthur's hour in the 3:00 hour and she had this. it devolved into who is going to stay awake. i guess because they are going after trump for falling asleep in court. kind of funny but not. how are we getting to this point. i don't know if that's a huge selling point that he is sharp and running for president. >> i think two things. i said yesterday on the show i would give yesterday's performance i think i would give him a be. i think what he needs is reps. part of the concern that some may have... he needs to demonstrate to the
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country and perhaps to his team what he is good at over the next several months. he is not great at going into wawa alone. i think they weren't on -- it dynamic and unbelievable person. she ran on getting public safety better and improving the life in philadelphia for everyday philadelphians. trying to understand better what she's doing and letting her say ... but doing these kinds of things, this is not going to work alone. him being out, give him reps and let's figure out where he has best, what he's able to point to that is working and how can people around him interact with him and interface with him better. the sharp ad alone is not going to work. >> i have been on the headset
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with headquarters trying to find the right thing to say without getting in trouble. all i can say is the optics are bad. that speech was worse than the red curtain speech. i have a commercial coming out next month right talk about when i met joe biden and he had a pulse. it was wonderful and he breathed unassisted the whole time. at one point he went... and i said you have my vote. he is sharp. that's what you say about one of your kids and everyone else... [ simultaneous talking ] 's between >> respectfully when you say
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this meant need some more reps, he's been in public service for 50 years, do we need another 50 years. i think it's quite clear he is just utterly failing and he'd trod doubt that kennedy family resurrects this relic of a family to try to save him. he is hitting the panic button, it is so clear. in their statement where he said it was encapsulated by love and wisdom and compassion. you are telling me someone has compassion when he tells... he calls republicans neanderthals, causes out looters to daring to ask about unions. it is a joke... and clearly no strategy because right now it's just i love hamas and free school and how do we get jens a back. we know trump wins georgia, pa
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and that might be why the newsweek had a headline that said why jen z. loves rfk junior >> that was gone too far. a step too far. >> this is a tight race and it's going to -- going to get tighter. >> sharp race. [ simultaneous talking ] >> the fastest is up next.
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>> a group of people grabbing bear cubs out of the tree just
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so they could take photos. lucky for them mom wasn't there. mother bears are known to attack if they -- if you touch their cubs. you had us particularly strong reaction about the story. >> it's a death sentence. you sent them to starvation, a worst case hopefully something will eat them. the mother will not touch them wants they smell that. if you see a cute baby squirrel fall out of the tree, don't pick it up. these people see this and they are holding these bears, they have human sent all over them. the mom is going to reject them. he wasted a whole year of energy for the mother and the cubs for what, a picture? have some respect for mother nature. >> what is your take on this? >> it was so atrocious to me. so difficult to watch this footage. i wish there was someone there that would've stopped them and beaten them. the cubs safety -- figuratively
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-- figuratively because i'm on tv... the fact that one of them was purported to be super traumatized. they come out and they say they should be ashamed of themselves. they should be in jail. where were the people videotaping this? where is the accountability. and makes me so enraged that they were okay to do that. >> what was the goal? to get a picture and posted on your instagram? i don't get it. there was a risk to them and the bears. i think it's awful and people are doing a lot of really dumb things right now to try to get a photo, it's not worth it. >> how does this one compared to some of the other ones. >> as an african-american, we don't do this. this is a white thing. african-americans, we don't go into the wild like that and just grab wild animals.
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it is stupid. it's a white thing. >> if you're looking to score, try upping your score and pickle ball. they are now a hotspot for singles to hook up. what are your thoughts on this? >> shut up and play pickle ball. just play the game. you know the game socks, they are dating. it's ping-pong for people who can't do that. nobody's says i was at pickle ball and this ten walked up to me. for out of shape guys going there because they think there might be women there. this is a rouge to some local -- lonely guys playing pickle ball. >> with this be a place if you would go. >> that's a bis parchment jesse. >> emma took a tennis lesson today.
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how different is it? now i'm thinking i don't know. [ simultaneous talking ] >> i think i'm going to go home. what are your thoughts about this? >> pickle ball is for nerds. it's like that game in the park where there is a mini trampling and they are kicking around the ball. i'm not single but if i was... that's an immediate... [ simultaneous talking ] >> pickle ball i'm not going to hit on it because i think it's a good sport for people who can't. >> so is teaching. [ simultaneous talking ] >> there is nothing wrong with finding an activity if you are single to meet someone. >> researchers have found that
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students with last names later in the alphabet may get hit with lower grades because the teachers get lazier as they great things from a to z. that might be why you got such a bad rap because the teachers were lazy. >> i want to correct the record here and say that i did do well in school. why is everybody laughing? i did well in school. [ simultaneous talking ] >> i'm obviously a smith rights? i was a great student and got great grades. >> you didn't take your husband's name? >> this is a whole different segment. [ simultaneous talking ]
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>> i was murdoch so i was middle-of-the-road. that's a lie. [ simultaneous talking ] >> we earned our stripes...
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: jesse, you've got to let that 1 >> jesse you have to let that 1 percent kick in. it's fan mail friday. we know how this works when i do it. it's around table and you go quick. if you can't answer you get passed up and the fans will destroy you. we will start with emily. what is your worst airport story >> my sister throughout our luggage tag tags and they lost our luggage so we had to sit in the airport for another ten hours and every time a plane came we had to look.
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>> i was having a drink at an airport bar and this girl comes up and she had one of the service dogs. she says i have stage five cancer. >> i missed a flight home the night my husband was going to propose to me. [ simultaneous talking ] >> i saturn airplane with a large woman who kept falling asleep on my shoulder. i said and off and knocked her out of the chair. wasn't on purpose. >> emily with whom would you most want to go out for a beer? >> my answer is blake lively. >> living are not?
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>> anyone. >> that changes the whole thing. >> i'm going to go with tiger woods. >> martin luther king. [ laughter ] >> it's funny because i was doing deep dive on the engineer behind the eiffel tower and the statue of liberty, he would be amazing to talk to. >> fred looked -- frederick douglass, the stories he must have. [ simultaneous talking ] >> what is your favourite movie to watch? >> goonies. >> come to america. >> cutting edge. >> i love that movie. >> blazing saddles. >> what is your favourite old-fashioned arcade game? >> pac-man. >> gallagher. >> pac-man. >> miss pacman.
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>> do you have a good sense of direction? is. >> yes, i do. >> no. >> not really. >> my husband would say no. >> i have amazing direction. enough said. if your pet how to human job, he or she would be a. >> a special forces operator. >> a doctor. >> gigolo. >> you have to say while not one >> homeless. my animals are lazy. what is the worst hairstyle you ever had? >> when i had it short with a tail. >> i had a part right here for a long time. >> jerry curl. >> you had a curl? >> he did not. i got a bob when i was 18. >> my football coach convinced me to get a flattop. on a long trip would you rather
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have with you a book or your phone? >> a book. not lying. >> a book. to get it together. >> a phone and i would download the book. >> same thing. all right. one more thing is up next.millir
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protection package. >> enroll now. >> there was a kidnapping today. experienced a new
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needs to every thursday. help fuel today with boostn' high protein complete nutrition. boos without the sf you don't. so here's to now live coverage. powerful reporting local media is reporting explosions in the iranian city of isfahan. do know now that israel has responded to iran's attack. >> the u.s. was not involved in any of this. only on fox news channel. all right. it's time for one more thing. harold, you got a florida t educator, got the opportunity of a lifetime after being named teachehe yr for of the year ford in seminole county. jinan had just celebrateddg with arrive ride with the iconic u.s. navy blue angels. hodges, who works as an instructionas inst l coach at bear lake elementary school, got to sit in the back seat of an 18 super hornet. she got she set a goal to no.tu pass out or get sick during the flight. luckily for her and the pilothft that was a test she passed with flying colors. >> congratulations, young lady. congrats colors..
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>> very sharp. all right, jesse, get it together. book tour. continuese. se: get as i got a little carried away when i said you could run fiur fingers through my hairsaiu >> don't take liberties, ladies. oh, my gosh. i mean, come an >> vero beach. beach haven, mendham, yorba linda. and then tonight, we have carley shimkus, vicvive and christine gaffney, 8:00. >> that's it. that is it.s me.t, swell, all right. for think this is me. all right. so this actress was mistaken for a real life police officer when it reallya dr mattered. mariska hargitay dressed in hero svu gear, was mistaken for a real life police officer by this young girl who is lost and looking for her mother. ershe was here filming one ofof the final episodes for t the historic 25th season in new york city. so she's not just a herosh on ta >> she's a hero in real life. she helped that girl connect thhat is modern love amazing. >> you know, speaking of amazinge wonderfut fi, the wl people at fish heaven, they give to me this breeding pairr horns.m so of flower horn.
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and i'm so excited. this is the flower horns and this is. she'll be traveling soon. he's out in thailand right now getting work out whe>> sandrn e he's getting ready, hear what is. yes. and guess what? just like you,a good eater emilt good eater. speaking of a well-balanceyreaks meal, i'llur be hostingu gutfeld tonight. so make sure you watch that. and ifwatch that ireally n you e me, tyra's live comedy tour is everywherjee. , and jesse, if you ask me where i'm going to slap you now. okay, soana, i am everywhere fr california, new jersey, ohio, indiana, missouri, michiganevad. nevada, arizona, florida, colorado, nebraska, you name it. ev jessee and everywhere but jesse's house. >> don't you dare voice a voice. what's it called? illinois, illinois. >>. nois yes, illinois field, in a way, yes. all right. so for me, guys, a texas shelter dog, it became a canine, a working canine for>e the police department. so rourke is a german shepherd mix. he was rescuedmiworking departn and brought into the fort worth police department, where he has now ousandw taken hundreds of ts of pills off the streets with the narcotics detectionhrc
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detection program, making him, of course, a vital tool, an asseg tht in combating the fent. crisis. he's found heroin, meth, cocaine, marijuana >> j >> that is a very good and we thank him forth his birthday. thaning e yourk you.d >>me and i want to i want. to mention something to sandra, because your husband just e. ted m >> yes. and he wanted me to ask you why you missed that flight, the first to be on where he was going to propose, what happened that night? e as i was cutting it really close, as i always used to, you know, before you have kids and it's really easy to fly. >> i used to sho to showw up ate gate. i don't know, you knows befo,d 5 minutes before they shut the door. >> and i was just 5 minutes late. this time. >> and i this being sharp and i would only learn later. that was the night he would propose because he says that's not what you told him. fr but all right, that does it for i think you're very therapeutic. that's it for us. have a great night, everybody. >> welcome to jesse watters, primetime tonigh


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