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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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divesting the tiktok bill. it was great to be with you. busy day on capitol hill. weren't even tortured by taylor swift. see what i did? by my top five list. save that for another day. allysia: it has been a busy day, great to see you. that's all for us this hour. stay with us. fox news live continues with arthel. griff: our team is staying with chad pergram on a historic day on capitol hill in washington. we will bring you the latest and give you the fact. thanks for being with us. arthel: we begin with major develop it's on capitol hill
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house lawmakers moments ago passed foreign aid bills to support ukraine and taiwan. right now voting is underway on aid to israel. but at any moment the house and may vote on a measure calling for the house speaker's job over that aid to ukraine. what hello everyone welcome to fox's life i arthel neville. bill: i'm bill melugin peru got a lot going on today eric shawn is on assignment let's get right to it with chad pergram. he's joining us live on capitol hill. what is going on? works what is going on over the past couple of minutes very busy. right now they are passing the bill to aid israel. this is a final vote in the series a few minutes ago. they approved $61 billion to ukraine. you had a lot of democrat supporters waving ukrainian flags on the house floor. that is against a quorum. they were admonished by mark who is a republican from new york who was presiding.
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366 devoted to getting close to -- this not that many days of the board 58 but there are a lot more republican for this bill than democratics. i am told just about 45 minutes ago or an hour or so ago they would expect about 40 democrats to vote no on this. so at 37 is the key. what this means is the house of representatives has passed the overall aid package has four parts to it eight curbing of tk in the united states aid to taiwan, aid to ukraine and aid to israel. they ran wrap that all together and sent to the house of representatives. here's the 64000-dollar question at the end of this roll call vote does marjorie taylor greene republican representative from georgia offer her resolution to try to oust house speaker mike johnson? that is a problem. if they do that then there is going to be absolute mayhem on
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the house of representatives considered with the house went through last fall when the removal of kevin mccarthy proved to be clear we've been told in the past few minute senior members of the house republican leadership do not think it green is going to offer that resolution. but if she is going to do it she will probably do it at the end of this vote series this is the end of voting for the day in the house of representatives. moreover we are told and she said this some weeks ago we should listen right now this is mark announcing the vote total. we should probably listen to the floor to sue the vote total is at if green introduces a resolution. pursuant to house resolution senate marriage hr 815 is consumed as agreed to with amendments described in section six of house resolution 1160. chair late tomorrow house communication. >> 's speakers in washington d.c. april 20, 2024 pete i hereby designate the period from
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saturday april 20, 2000. >> is a susan called the house reading clerk. so far it marjorie taylor green hasn't not introduced her resolution part will kind of keep an eye on that because sometime in the next five or so minutes we are in the zone where she might do it if she were to do a parenthesis what would happen. if she were to offer it you would have this presented from the date someone like susan called the reading clerk there would read it. it would in essence be live and what have two options were then on the table but that have to consider right away where the house is now done for the week there is supposed to be a racist until next week the house wouldd have to consider this when they came back next week. so far no indication from marjorie taylor green. but a couple of weeks ago i decayed of mike johnson put a ukraine bill on the floor she would move to vacate the chair mtv as it is called motion to vacate the chair in other words to say there is nobody in the speakers a chair and your calling for a new election if there was for a parliamentary
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system this to be very similar to a vote of no-confidence the prime minister if we were in the united kingdom or someplace in europe. that does not happen very often for that is exactly what happened with kevin mccarthy that former speaker of the house last fall. the first think that would happen if we did consider it today she would have a motion to table an effort to try to get that out of there. to kill it, to dump it. what happened last fault you did not have any democrats are willing to vote to help kevin mccarthy. you have a completely different scenario right now because democrats argued they pushed for aid to ukraine. they just passed about 10 minutes ago aid to ukraine. it is thought if marjorie taylor green or to try to remove the speaker of the house that democrats might intervene and protect mike johnson. they don't like some of mike johnson's policies they do not like his conservatism they do not like his alignment with former president trump. they do like the fact they believe he has been much more honest than kevin mccarthy.
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he has not made deals with different sides that are not congruence with one another. they also think he did the quote right thing. he passed the multiple bills to fund the government. multiple bills to avoid short-term government shutdown and now he has advanced the foreign aid package israel, taiwan, also ukraine for the democrats it i house speaker mike johnson. >> speaker johnson recently announced his son will begin at the is not the time to be a republican or to be a democrat this is the time to be an american. he is referring especially to the ukraine aid the $61 billion everyone knows the world is watching. if ukraine cannot stave off a russia, a pollutant will keep
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going the next thing you know he is stepping into nato territory than that u.s. is dragged into that. i think it would be surprising if at this point marjorie taylor green does try to oust the speaker because it appears in sight of her own party as well as of course it democrats they are tired of basically the political games she's playing. >> two points there you have heard me say it's about the math the math might not be in favor of marjorie taylor green right now. if she tries to make this resolution live she does not have the votes to outs the speaker of the house. so you lose right there. she will draw the ire of many of the conservative republicans she's already done so in many respects people who might not be happy with mike johnson what are we doing here is absolute pandemonium and chaos in house of representatives and a lot of
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people are shellshocked from what they went through last fall went for 22 days there was no speaker of the house and republicans i would remind everyone burn through not one, not two, but three candidates for speaker of the house before they landed on mike johnson but why is that important? if it took them to get through three speaker candidates between kevin mccarthy and mike johnson how might speaker candidates with a go through now question worked as an old saying here on capitol hill you cannot beat somebody with nobody. they do not have anybody. thomas massie the republican congressman from kentucky he was on our air this morning is somebody who has signed onto this resolution with marjorie taylor green to remove mike johnson and also republican from arizona they are both in favor of kicking him out thomas massie said earlier this morning he said i could think of about 12 people who might be willing to help out here and would be a good speaker. but that does not necessarily mean somebody like that could
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win on the floor. it's very, very tricky to do so. arthel: exactly. and i was thinking we are looking at this the breaking news the house has passed the 95 billion-dollar foreign aid package. >> can i interrupt for one second this is very important been told mike johnson, the speaker of the house is going to speak in less than one minute that assume that will watch or statute which is just off the floor but we should be hearing from house speaker mike johnson momentarily sorry to interrupt. watch for that. arthel: that's important news we will talk until that happens because of course we want to take the speaker's remarks live. i was just going to say it now the foreign aid package will go to the senates. it was a rocky road getting here right now it right now. it seems to be smooth sailing this morning and by all accounts it seems like it will be smooth sailing once his bill was over to the senate. >> there's a couple of things working there. chuck schumer, the majority leader said they would consider
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this on tuesday afternoon. there is a filibuster and play here. not to get onto the bill a lot of times you bills in house of representatives you have to overcome one filibuster just to put the bill on the floor that takes 60 votes and then 60 votes on the backend. the way this was structured between the house of representatives this is a call parliamentary ping-pong. it is a message between the two houses. the house -- like something has been pinned over from the house to the senate et cetera. they will pong this to the senate and the senate will take that out. of one a potential filibuster there and maybe structure things so they are able to it all in one fell swoop and subject to final passage to a 60 vote threshold pretty wise that important? you need 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. why not send it over right now? even if they got the bill today in the senate, it takes a bite rule if you do things by the books and less you get all 100 senators to agree, you have to file -- this gives the weeds a little but it's very important,
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cloture which is how you cut off the filibuster you file cloture today bite rule that must ripen for a day. so send it be the intervening day and the earliest you could consider it would be monday. by what they consider it monday? well, monday is passover chuck schumer the majority leader is jewish they usually take off for passover. so tuesday it seems to be the rape day here when the senate would consider and align out. keep in mind when the senate passed the original bill back in february they got more than 70 votes for this for this is a predawn boat on a tuesday morning it was about 5:14 a.m. in the morning when they passed that bill. they have more than 60 votes to overcome their filibusters but hapyou have to the house and see in line at one stage because the senate passed its version the houses on something completely different here and now they are bringing something completely different back but again wedding all four of these bills together is the easier way to do it. the house of representatives is
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now out. ththey're out until tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. sometime in the next few minutes or it latelatertonight will call the t clerk's will get together and start to get some of this paperwork together and send this over to the senates. the senate will package this up, send it down to the white house for the president to sign if they pass it on tuesday. arthel: the press is basely standing by with the pens in hand ready to sign this into law for sure. again we are waiting to hear from speaker mike johnson so far he has staved off mrs. mr. greed others to keep his job. remain as they house speaker he's going to be speaking momentarily and really interested, chad, to find out what the speaker has to say. not only about the process today and the message of the passage of this foreign aid bill package sends to the world. two world leaders to friends and foes alike because everybody was
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watching. if the capitol hill does not work in concert then such division since a horrible message about our country. were going to go to speaker mike johnson broke turn their backs right now the consequences can be devastating. so this after the house acted pretty sent over to the senate will be transmitted shortly, our supplemental national security legislation. make no mistake this is not a blank check like the senate supplemental bill was. this is very different. instead of taking the path of least resistance and bringing up the senate supplemental on the house floor or just allowing a discharge position to pursue and come forward which would have the same outcome. we gave our members a voice. we gave them a chance. we gave them a better process and ultimately a much better policy. unlike the senates blank check
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that house as a number of important features. it provides for greater accountability over ukraine aid, it forces an end game strategy for war. it includes a loan instrument of the foreign aid to ukraine and the rico act to ensure russian assets pay for part of the bill. unlike the senate bill, the loan system itself is a house innovation and allows for much needed insight. 80% of the ukraine funding will go to the replenishment of american weapons and stocks. our facilities and our operations. it also includes tough measures and sanctions on iran and russia and china at which most of the american people understand that's a necessity in a very important thing. our process and the and ensured each member was able to consider the individual supplemental elements on their own merits which is exactly how the house is supposed to work.
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i saw the perfect piece of legislation. we are not insured that in a time of divided government. and in a time where there are lots of different opinions there is no question whatsoever the houses made many strong improvements to the senate bill and the product we have sent over there is much better. this package, i will note because is very important also includes national security priorities and many of them. got democrats to support aid to israel. there's a lot of misinformation out there about the bill and i want to make one point of one issue that any of this money go to hamas? or to a terrorist organization or what have you? that under is not fun of the un agency includes tours to tears o participate in the october 7 attack on israel. we also have a language that prevents it from any of the funding going to hamas or any
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other bad actors. congress takes the oversight very seriously and we will continue to keep an eye on every dollar that we are using and investing at this time. i will sit very simply else it once again. it's an old military adage but would rather send bullets to the conflict overseas than our own boys, our troops. this is an important moment, important opportunity we allow the house to do that expect the senate will make the same decision. cooks what is your message? [inaudible] >> a listen as i have said many times i do not walk around the building being worried about a motion to vacate. i've done here what i believed believe tobe the right thing. and as i have said you do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may. a brave step.
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twenty-eight ukraine and what you decide to do right now. >> the house had a lot of important work to do here. the appropriation process. and to reauthorize the foreign intelligence surveillance act we have a lot of important measures that had to be done and we had to get that to this as quickly as we could it's an important matter we've heard from leaders around the world including ukraine this is been done on a timely basis and the house had to have the time to deliberate ando this in the right manner. i think we did our work here and i think history will judge it well. >> mr. speaker speaker you are g asked to resign. arthel: women listen to speaker johnson after this 95 billion-dollar foreign aid package of pass there in the house. and still with chatter program. a couple things that stood out to me in the speaker's remarks, he made sure to say this is not a blank check like the senate's original bill.
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he pointed out it provides accountability. it requires an endgame on part of the war in ukraine it also mentioned $10 million to be alone ukraine would have to pay back. he also said it's not the perfect legislation. he pointed out there are national security priorities but also noted there are safeguards in place to prevent funding going to hamas. back to the top it's not a blank check it seems to be the speaker was directing his messages to those in his party, and his chamber who disagreed with this wholeheartedly. >> i was struck by some of the debate earlier in victoria sparks who is a republican from indiana that was born in northern ukraine. she indicated she was skeptical. i have to look how she voted to have these rollcall votes this afternoon on her amendment and final passage on the ukraine side here but she called this a slush fund.
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she said this not even guarantee some of this money would go to necessarily ukraine and everything else. there were democratic concerns i member coupled democrats are very skeptical about the aid going to israel. said some of this money's going to wind up in africa and everywhere else. brad sherman people are going to break down both bills and find reasons why the voted yes or no. keep in mind michael johnson is not necessarily touchy intelligence briefings are little bit different. by average members are seeing very similar information to at the presidencies. you can see why that might affect and change your point of view. mike johnson did change a little bit. the house of representatives went out until tuesday.
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there was no movement by marjorie taylor greene to kick mike johnson out today i'm told she spoke outside some rhetoric outside on the house steps of the vote series here but she would not take questions yesterday when we try to talk to her. but again, they'll be something to watch of some of these conservatives if there is a mounting fear over what mike johnson has done here. they do not think they've gotten necessarily conservative wins. he passed the spending bills, a lot with democratic support to keep the government open. and now this big package here in ukraine i've got to the final vote total but they were at less than 100 republicans. the majority party for the ukraine built right after the end call vote i thought that was significant. arthel: how do you think this will proceed in terms of the speakspeaker's job question angd i am here i'm going to continue to do the right thing. basically it let the chips fall where they may. do you think he doesn't seemed
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like she's putting on the façade if it is a façade or if he really means that he does not seem to be concerned about being ousted by a green, or at massie or whoever else may join the parade. >> might sense from mike johnson, knowing him and kind of understanding him even before he going to the speakership here is that he was somebody who wanted to do the right thing. if he thanks in his heart of hearts this is the right thing, so be it. the other thing here and i've noticed that sometimes with members sometimes you have somebody who is kind of elected to congress in an accident hurt my johnson probably started this congress. probably started last october not relink he was going to be the speaker of the house. i remember us first in the job a psalm in the hall is going to a meeting with the prime minister of australia present i bet you didn't think the first thing to be his meeting with the prime minister of australia. i tell that story because you get people who sometimes wind up in these are jobs in leadership and government and they were not
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quote supposed to be there in the first place did not expect to be there if i am here and doing what i am comfortable with doing as the right thing, what i perceived to be as the right thing if they would just throw me out, so be in a sometimes is like that in politics in it with you are just running for reelection in your district or in a primary i get the sense there is a calm around mike johnson when it comes to that. he said i don't call walk around here worried about a motion to vacate. that is the reference to a potential motion to vacate the chair which is the parliamentary move to try to dump michael johnson out. that said especially after what happened to the ukraine voting probably has the votes from some democrats who will be willing to step in and intervene and maybe that is why marjorie taylor greene is not willing to intervene at right now. here's the other thing when thomas massie was on our air this morning he said he is going to have a challenge to him by the end of the year. he said he is a lame-duck speaker. we do not know if republicans
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will hold control the house. we do not know what sorts of issues will come up this is now his record you are establishing a legislative record as speaker of the house. maybe he won't be speaker of the house a very long at the house flips or even if republicans retain the house and they decide to go with somebody else and maybe if former president trump wins the white house he kind of blesses someone, we just do not know. something i've always said about leadership getting into leadership i call particle politics in other words is decided at the subatomic level. nobody realized michael johnson was going be speaker of the house but you cannot divine that when they kicked out kevin mccarthy therefore that is what he is in i'm told right now we have a little bit for marjorie taylor greene kind of tipping her hand about what might be next in her quest to remove the speaker of the house, listen. >> i'm actually going to my colleagues hear from their constituents. or obsessed with voting wars in
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the industry here in america to actually understand how angry americans are. when you have the strongest loudest voices in the republican movement grassroots furiously calling for mike johnson should be vacated. the people here, my colleagues have not heard the message i'm looking forward for them to go home hearing from the folks back at home. this is a sellout of america today we had members of congress and their waving the ukrainian flag on the united states house of representatives floor. while we are doing nothing to secure our border. every american in this country should be furious. who is going to vote for these people? how can we vote for these people they don't serve our country. hugs i asked michael johnson just the other day said what about trying to put border into this bill? he said i don't have the votes what marjorie taylor greene is trying to do here is to ripen this issue as we get toward fall
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and get maybe the house to coalesce around someone who she thanks of those conservatives think will be a better speaker of the house. >> remains to be seen and you are right the border issue is certainly not off the table it is an important issue but did not get addressed today. you mentioned former president trump earlier. he does have a role in this in that we know speaker johnson was out mar-a-lago just a few days ago we know the former president has a strong relationship with ms. green. here are the two of them sit at odds you also mentioned if perhaps the former president becomes the current and present president again he will have a say in the speakership or at least influence. what do you make of those two supporters of the former president at odds with each other? quickset something a lot of people thought this meeting with mike johnson a former presidentr president went very well for mike johnson.
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the former president did not throw him under the bus. he also expressed support for this idea there's another bill in the series that dealt with repossessing some of the russian assets and kind of leasing some of this aid to ukraine. that was something the fuller president endorse and that was in this bill. even some members who do not support funding ukraine saw that signal from former president trump. politics does make strange bedfellows member nancy post as speaker of the house he former speaker use or talk about it being a kaleidoscope it's constantly rotating in the person you're with today might be the person or against tomorrow and vice versa. how he navigates that, i do not know that is why come back to the point i made a few minutes ago about particle politics. it is so hard to see oso and stays in the speakership or any leadership position a lot of people do not think kevin mccarthy on that friday night about 15 months ago it was going
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to survive after 15 votes and finally he won. that is a remarkable situation. we see people who get into power and how they got there. sometimes it's by a very narrow margin and mike johnson is in that case now. it's going to odell by what we think of the end of the day today because mike gallagher the republican from wisconsin announces going to quit early it can about a former republican congressman quit a couple weeks ago. gallagher was supposed to end his tenure here at last night. earlier in the week i reached out when it's clear they're going to consider these bills this morning, i said hey he will stay here maybe work something out to be here over the weekend. now that they have passed this ukraine and foreign policy aide supplemental package at some point we expect mike gallagher to reside and what does that mean? it's a smaller majority for house republicans. it's all about the math.
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super touch of this early for months speaker johnson said he would not support in the ukraine funny without first having a fix of the southern border he just put this ukraine bill on the floor, $68 billion in the past with twice as many democrat votes as republicans. what you think change for him? what's again that was significant prey pressed him on that very issue earlier in the week. i said what about border? we started to hear that a lot this is were so many republican said let's not worry about just the borders of ukraine. what's weird about the southern border. again, it probably comes down to the mouth. the math matrix of putting border into that bill, you might've been able to get it through as an individual will here in the house of representatives. but what i said as they are combining all these bills together in one package and sending it to the senate. that is not going to pass the senate but that was in there so michael johnson had to look at
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this to make the four corners perspective. he's thinking about what hakeem jeffries are democratic leaders going to think about he's thinking about what chuck schumer the majority leader in the senate and mitch mcconnell the minority leader. they have to say what can get to both bodies i think it is heart of heart mike johnson like to do border security package. there is a reason other than messaging bills and hr two which was the very strict border control measure which the house of representatives passed about a year ago why there is not been anything on the border pass through the house and senate hoe literally in years almost. i was just thinking today you had this bipartisan coalition of senators marco rubio, the late john mccain and others getting involved in this bill the got nearly 70 votes in the senate that was 2013. that was 11 years ago. they were starting to get close negotiating this bill between kyrsten sinema the independent from arizona, chris murphy the democrat from connecticut and of
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course to james lankford at the republican from oklahoma and that was blown up by conservatives in the house and mike johnson some of the conservatives might criticize mike johnson but they did not want that bill. he is on the first people out there saying we are not going to consider this at all. even though they came legislatively to some kind of agreement the conservatives killed that pretty quickly and that never even came up in the house or senate. so it does come down to the reality of what the numbers are bird michael johnson, if you look at the totality of what he wanted to do. help israel because it they did not help ukraine they're not going to look at the aid to israel. that was punctuated and augmented by the events of last saturday when they had the airstrikes for this have got to get israel done, guys. bill: speaker johnson's conservative critics are going to say that by giving the democrats what they want here, 60 billion to ukraine he is essentially handing over any and all leverage he had potentially to get something done in the border. do you get the feel that is the case?
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>> may be. i mean it seems like he might have a little bit of opportunity now. but again if they're going to put something into law it has to be negotiated by the senate. otherwise it is just a messaging build the house. bill: alright chad pergram our resident expert on capitol great reporting, thank you. chris chad knows it all up or pd spring ilvania republican congressman brian fitzpatrick he is a member of the house intelligence committee cochair of the problem solvers caucus congressman good to see you. first i went to get your reaction to the passing of the house foreign aid package concessions and deals it made and all the rest. >> no piece of legislation is perfect but i'll take half a loaf over note love any day of the week. much like 702 passage last week with significant reforms attached to that which will make our intelligence community much better, much more accountable this bill today amongst many things sees russian assets,
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liquidate them use them to finance ukraine or efforts there's a lot of smart things here clearly the united states has a role to play in preserving world peace across the globe this bill was very, very important to get done for those in many other reasons. spotify was there anything missing you would've liked to have included? >> the bipartisan bill i had offered that we discharged as well both my discharge and the democrat discharge and position had border provisions attached to it. it would have included the remain in mexico and also title 42 without the public health requirement. the combination of those two provisions every border patrol agent tells us we sold 80% of the problem at the border. arthel, as you know 200 people mostly young people dying of fentanyl overdose week and traced directly back to our southern border that's the equivalent of a boeing 747 airliner crashing every single day in this country. clearly a lot of this falls at
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the feet of the president we have to enforce thought no matter we pass in congress it is got to be enforced by the executive branch. that being said that is not what we can turn our backs ever on our allies invaded by communist dictators in the case of taiwan and ukraine and terrorists in the case of israel. it came under attack by hamas. bill: let's break it down 95 billion on foreign aid package includes 61 billion in aid for two ukraine, 26 billion for israel, 8 billion for taiwan. so as far as ukraine is concerned how quickly can you ukraine does the aid be put to used to help ukraine regain momentum against russia? >> actually quite quickly. more faster then people think because a 70% of that money gets spent on her own u.s. military at modernizing our own equipment this allows us to export the things that needed to be upgraded anyway out to create now that this is been passed a
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message is sent a signal is sent to our department of defense they can release those weapons that limited inventory we have logistics set up their other the router natoallies countriesy poland to get that in there quickly but even more important the message that gets sent to these ukraine soldiers on the front line this is waning enthusiasm. the agreement soils fight's a big motivating factor for them but. >> much more needed motivating factors written reports without it ukraine could lose the war by the end of this year. but here we are in pass. we move forward in the senate could approve this package as early as tuesday.
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they expect them to move swiftly and get the bill and president biden's desk? >> i sure hope so. there will be some speed bumps they had in the senate just like they did last night. ipo confidence are going to get this and get this to the president's desk by tuesday lined knowing america once again has the back. arthel: marjorie taylor greene the ringleader to oust mike johnson with support goes to arizona tom massie of kentucky. it did not happen today be speaker does not appear to be bothered about being ousted. what would you do you expect to miss marine to read a generate this issue and try again to kick speaker johnson out? >> yes it is a question for her. i do not know what her intentions are. but i do know speaker johnson is said this many times he probably said this to you earlier, you
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cannot govern out of fear you have to do what you think is right of the chips fall where they make. if only 35 most of the house they'll represent zero districts. i certainly am do enjoyed my bet represent mine. marjorie represents hers and people need to do what they think to represent their people with that being said, i think speaker johnson has shown tremendous results, tremendous courage i think he's doing the right thing and he will be rewarded in the long term for that. arthel: although it was an ugly fight to the finish line, what message does today's vote sent to world leaders a of friends ad foes alike? >> they all know democracy is a very slow cumbersome process but with all the challenges it is still the best system in the world, arthel. as exhibited by everyone wanting to come to america but no one is looking to move to russia, china, north korea, or iran because of that they have massive demographic problems that will be their undoing eventually. everybody wants to come here.
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so, is many challenges and speed bumps we hit in this legislative process is still the best system of government in the world. we just need a lot of people with courage that have the courage to lead not just follow but lead the polls. because what we did today was the right thing. arthel: you did the right thing as per congressman brian fitzpatrick you are right democracy is the best governing system in the world and america is the greatest place on earth if you ask me thank you very much congressman fitzpatrick good to see it. thank you, we will be right back. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons!
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for a long time that the house would pass these aid packages $95 billion as you mention two ukraine, israel, and taiwan for the white house has just released a statement, president biden is saying quote this package will deliver critical support to israel and ukraine, provide desperately needed humanitarian aid to gaza, sudan, haiti and other locations by conflict and natural disasters around the world. it comes at a moment of great urgency with israel facing unprecedented attacks are my ron and ukraine under constant bombardment from russia. one think speaker johnson, leader jeffries and bipartisan coalition with lawmakers who vote to put our national security first. i urge the senate to quickly send this bill to my desk so that i can sign into law we can quickly sent weapons and equipment to ukraine to meet the urgent battlefield needs. earlier, just a few minutes ago the white house and president biden reauthorize the signing of isa section 702 to protect it
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against international terrorism. there's one writer in this bill that's worth mentioning about ukraine. that isn't orders and mandates the by administration articulate a strategy when it comes to the ukraine war within 45 days but lotta lawmakers want to know what is the strategy the president took almost two years to say the goal was to win we never heard specifics as a goal to u-turn to 1991 at borders 19h means crimea goes back to ukraine. we've never heard that ukrainian president zelenskyy has been stressing another ukrainian lawmakers who've never heard we did here recently vice president kamala harris and the national security adviser jake sullivan who told zelenskyy to stop these attacks in russian territory destroying a russian infrastructure. of course in recent weeks ukraine's massive aerial bombardment from the russian federation as a power plants have been destroyed ukraine's
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have been complaining while he for weeks they just do not have enough air defense systems. yesterday for the first time in this were a russian nuclear capable bomber was shot out of the sky per the goal here is important or u.s. air defense systems into place to perhaps shoot down more russian bombers. >> i get it, still a lot more to go on this part of the story is part of the aid package. lucas tomlinson thank you very much as always for that update from the white house. >> let's bring in the last be found at principal of low stastackstrategies. former advisor to house speaker jon weiner. thank you for coming on today. >> thanks for having me. former boss until they whole lot of internal opposition within his own gop conference. that's the same thing house speaker johnson is dealing with now. i got these bills through today but with a lot of democrat help. what kind of needle do you think
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he is trying to thread? >> i think he came into his own here during the press conference we watch where he spoke out to the press after words. he was short in his decision. he is confident what he had done. i'll harken back to my former boss would say often if you do the right things for the right reason the right things will happen. i think what you are seeing here is speaker johnson is yes, chad pergram has mentioned earlier in the program but he has received has given him a real idea of what america's role is in the world. the way he navigated this by allowing his embassy vote their conscience and breaking up the bills is best case scenario for him. he is going to be okay with where things end out. did not have the votes that tells him he did the right thing and he can continue to move forward for not only the conference but the house as a whole. quick scanning twitter a little bit, a lot of speaker johnson's more conservative critics are outrage for their posting videos
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of the democrats waving ukrainian flags around on the house floor after the aid was passed. they are frustrated saying we are getting nothing done with the u.s. border but we are sending tens of billions over too ukraine. what if any political risk is he incurring with that image? >> think what is important to point out into his conservative members but also to constituents, we are not in this world alone. as the leaders of the free world, which america is we cannot sit on the sidelines when our allies need as we step up. we remind our enemies where we are in the world we are number one. you're not number one by sitting and hiding in your basement. that is how moss role we are going to stand up and support our allies in israel, our allies and ukraine against the bad actors who want us to be isolationist. johnson h is come into his own here and understands this aid, this money is generate the u.s.
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economy and industrial production we have seen because of our aid to ukraine and that's really important turbine they can search is over 70 american cities are getting some of this funding. it is important to point these things out, to come at it from the role america place but also the economic benefits that we will also incur here. >> former speaker mccarthy lost his job for reaching across the aisle but working with democrats to come together and avoid a government shutdown. democrats did not bail him out back the militant twist in the wind. it's eight motion to vacate would come up ago speaker johnson this time do you believe democrats would try to protect him even though they do not try to protect mccarthy for doing the same thing, reaching across the aisle? >> you've heard a few democratic members who have floated the idea of tabling the motion so you can vote to table the motion to vacate if marjorie taylor greene does bring up they can vote with republicans to table at that is one avenue would be most likely to happen but i do
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think the general goodwill of members who so it johnson has been trying to do. again he is very new. he does not have leadership experience they have seen him step up, do the right thing that's a good enough faith effort for them to get behind and have a another round of endless votes for a speaker that cannot get elected by the republican congress. so again it's a gut check. not necessary what's best for you personally and politically but as a body and institution i would hope democrats would see their role in supporting speaker to jojohnson's for their benefis well. >> strictly from political optics perspective who do you think that the bigger win today republicans or democrats or both sides able to take a victory lap here? >> i think america one. quite frankly both sides could take a victory lap they can point out certain things mike johnson mentioned have unwrapped
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funding that that support for republicans to be able to point too. and for democrats getting this done because they are able to legislates. they can point to that and they're campaigning but i'm sure they will. again i think overall as an institution, as a body this is a good day for capitol hill this is a good day for congress and they have not had that in some time. i am going to enjoy seeing the institution working the way it is supposed to. looks real quick last question, 15 seconds your advice to speaker johnson given your experience with speaker jon weiner he's going to have to navigate choppy waters ahead what is your advice to mrs. getting more opposition with the conservatives in the house? >> continued to do the right thing for the right reasons his core compass is guiding him. not like this outside lighter louder voices like marjorie taylor green dictate what he knows his right to do for. >> thank you so much for your time today. >> thanks for having me. >> we will be right back.
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see five protesters rallying in tehran after israel's counter attack on iran yesterday. the strike was a response to the barrage of drones and missiles iran launched at the jewish state last weekend.
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jeff paul is live in tel aviv with the very latest. >> arthel, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is just reacting to the big news coming out of d.c. writing on social media at the u.s. congress just overwhelmingly passed a much appreciated aid bill that demonstrates strong support for israel. in defense of western civilization very thank you friends, thank you america. makes those comments as there is a period of calm between both iran and israel that appears to be holding as of now. there still is a heightened sense of tension throughout the middle east. in iraq it really understands that feeling. place in central iraq has been described by investigators there as an explosion that hit a base that's being utilized by a coalition of a run allied militias. one person was killed. another eight were injured u.s. military official tells fox news
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it had no involvement in the coalition of militias mean will only sing the explosion was an attack and did not blame any particular source. the blast happened a day after israel hit i wrought with a strike and response are ron's recent missile and drone attacks. i run at the moment appears to be downplaying the attack perhaps signaling it is trying to move on. when you come back out here live in israel you can get a sense of people are sort of going about their daily lives. we've seen a lot of people out today going to the beach as they normally would. so far no comments directly related to the strike coming from any israeli government official or anyone involved in the military. >> seems like they are trying to calm things down for let's hope it continues. jeff paul live in tel aviv, thank you. super key senate race in pennsylvania may end up deciding the balance of power in the upper chamber for democrat senator bob casey and his republican challenger david mccormick are both stomping across the keystone state ahead
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of tuesday's primary votes. bryan llenas is live on the campaign trail in scranton. >> both the senate candidates are running unopposed so all the attention right now is on the general election six months out presenter at bob casey the democrat his hometown is right here in scranton, pennsylvania sure south prison abided preset to start a 20 plus stop tour of pennsylvania today from here but instead isn't washington getting ready to vote in the senate for the foreign aid bills. his challenge to republican david mccormick is also campaigning in state college today he is desperately trying to tie him to president biden blaming both for inflation and the immigration crisis. casey is instead running not on biden but on so-called shrink. mood took comic book store spoke to an owner here in scranton about the financial situation, listen. >> as far as a business goes is
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consumer confidence going to the rest of the year. a lot of people know that the rising cost of just about everything else might not have as much money to spend on nonessential things like their hobby and they got back that we rely on that of course. >> back to you. sue for big one to watch. thank you that's all it got today arthel, busy day it was back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. arthel: join us then.
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