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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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to win that but the rhymes work on it. want a business that collect you think it was right this is moved to give him the job? >> i'm just here for participation trophies. [laughter] >> be nice. you never talk about that thank you. we are watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news. follow us on social media event saturday night with listen to my radio show fox across america weekdays noon to 3:00 eastern. good night from new york city. i am jimmy failla, see you next at night and until then, you want to help the world, you can be republican, democrat, you can be independent just don't be a [bleep] ♪ .
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>> what it is, welcome to the tyrus edition of gutfeld excuse me while i wait these out for those of you who don't know and have been living under a rock i am tyrus in for greg who is currently hanging out with his friend i'm displaying speaking of playing and jokes uber has released to their annual list of unusual items left behind in the car over the past year which includes commands to pay what hoover was able to return it to
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its rightful owner we love you jesse a proposed chinese train station cancelled because it's embarrassing designed room resembled a massive terry sanitary pad unfortunately the new design is not much better i told you that would work tom president biden said the number 1 overall wnba pick should be making more money, if she wanted to do that she should probably get a real job and she can the concession stands need to be cleaned up after the games members of a 20 person polyamorous relationship are speaking out about their
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unconventional lifestyle but in america we already have a large group of people that [ bleep ] everyone congress on this day in 1934 the first laundromat opened in fort worth texas and you'll never guess who was there to cut the ribbon let's get serious and do the monologue tonight want to talk about opinions i'm going to share mine and you can all yell at your tv these days opinions are like genders everyone has 50 which is 48 more than you need it's like doritos you can have a million flavoured but we only need to because when it comes to national discourse not all opinions are created equal its hallowed dumbass drowns out the voice of reason just because your ladder doesn't mean you're smarter otherwise msnbc would be full of geniuses to have a good
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opinion you have to do a little work just having feelings is in fact glancing at information and freaking out what is an opinion without facts basically it's a tantrum a shouting match or worse both you can have an opinion and so can someone else and two people argue their opinions like you're saying faxing when you think the conversation can't get worse the opinions drunk inbred feelings causing shows up and feelings are lies that we tell ourselves to make us feel better about being a dumbass the fax should determine your feelings not the other way around if you start with your feelings the facts become irrelevant that bad we have too many people in charge that are just fact up they don't know what the fact they're doing or talking about here are some examples. >> it is simple you name the crime, did you watch him steal something.
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>> corruption statutes rico conspiracy. >> what is the crime sir rico is not a crime it is a category. >> we have solar clips and earthquake and i learned that the cicadas are coming all those things together would maybe lead one to believe that either climate change exists or something else was going on over $300 quintillion trump talks to talk but we walked the walk the walk. >> the complete rounded circle made up mostly of gas how can we as humans live on the moon it's almost impossible to go near the sun the moon that's another planet which we will see shortly >> so you see there are [ bleep artists everywhere even at art galleries but they'll tell you
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it's my feelings it's my truth know it's [ bleep ] what they miss is that you need knowledge and information with experience and i'll say it again experience let's all say it together experience is not just famous people it's everyone think about all of the dope screaming on tiktok as if they build jerusalem and fought in the crusades that's like if i wanted document on childbirth and then start lecturing women about how they need to cross their legs during childbirth because no one wants to see that but again i'm not the one to talk about birth control when i take a family photo we have to book multiple days my daughter got it daddy who are all these people? these are your siblings this is how and why we see debates with awoke protesters for hamas the problems with those feelings is
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they don't have to be true or even logical that's how you end up with clears for palestine who i would call hinz for chick-fil-a to be fair i don't want to assume their gender but whenever they are called out on it they can't answer or get triggered the good news is when presented with facts most normal people can change their minds or member this. >> quick petition to help hamas free palestine are you in your end? i just have to read the terms and conditions so you know you're signing by smarting hamas spring housing agree to the following average a christian and non-muslim in the world must be slaughtered. >> i don't know about that one. >> homosexual punished by jail or death. >> you don't agree with that? do you believe that iran should use palestinians as puppets to spread radical to hot and
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destroy the west i'm glad i read the terms and agreements it's amazing when you do research people like that who will listen or the exception these days these are the ones that we need to reach instead of giving the spotlight to people that don't know what they're talking about but that's my opinion let's welcome sides cast like a nascar rests she is loud and fiery and loved by white people can't tip he's picked up more men than heidi flies actor pro wrestler and cohost of my podcast arran henn she is named after my favourite president and his favourite dance reality tv star reagan charles dan she's been in more men's locker rooms then ask
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body spray former nfl slide line reporter the one and only legendary michelle cat opinions versus feelings versus facts has a libertarian what is more frustrating for you because you're basically just facts. >> just the facts although i also have a lot of feelings. >> yes, you do. >> as most people or anyone who has had the displeasure of being close to me knows i have a lot of feelings and i love to share them with the people around me and i have said this before in my book and my show and i will say it again now it's not bad to have feelings i have a lot of feelings i know it's good and true that facts don't care about your feelings but sometimes feelings don't care about your facts. >> but you can separate the two. >> sometimes but for me it often manifests as maybe continue to care bill people that aren't good for me and don't care about
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me but where becomes a problem and what you're talking about is expecting the world to revolve around your feelings which is not being sensitive as being selfish is being obsessed with yourself and that's where becomes a problem. >> speaking of being obsessed with yourself and open about your feelings aaron let me ask you when it comes to, i drove with him on the road for seven years i just want to put this out there he never drove once. >> he's not lying. >> when you have a debate or with someone and feelings get involved how frustrating is it if you just trying to make a point in terms of everything else? it's like is it hard to get people to listen to facts. >> yes especially nowadays were the line between facts and opinions has been blurred and we can look to social media has an excuse as to why about the factors that opinions are the lowest form of human thought because you can form an opinion without any information as you said in your monologue and
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nowadays you have that combined with more people wanting to just simply win an argument than arrive at the truth and i think that is really the nucleus of a lot of the issues going on today and again facts are facts henry need to start getting there again. >> reagan let me go to you you deal with facts here at trial lawyer how, is it easy to deal with is there a special word, hearsay in court, i didn't take the bar but open book sometimes and as a lawyer how much do you have to deal with facts versus feelings when you're in trial dealing with cases? because sometimes those cases you have a lot of feelings involved. >> yes, and of course there are feelings involved but you have to look at the facts on the evidence and what case can you make for yourself and unfortunately now people only think about their feelings and there's no rationalizing with people there is no reasoning with people you can to get through because the feelings are literally the only thing that matter you can lay out all of
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the facts and someone will look at it and shake their head and say yes, but none of it matters and it's so frustrating and take a step back okay there's a saying about opinions that i won't say on national television but everyone has one and they all stink and no one wants to know your opinion and i think it's egotistical for a one to like their feelings matter so much when there is literally the world of information available to you take a second to google it look it up open a book research what you're talking about unfortunately no one wants to do that they read on facebook or instagram or tiktok or twitter or x or whatever it is and they've arrived at the conclusion and that's what they will live and die by and it's extraordinary. >> i've heard of sa opinions are like elbows because everyone has to, you were a legit sports journalist and you interviewed hundreds of athletes and you
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dealt with feelings when they won the game when you have to do interview with the loser and are getting in the facts how tough is that? because you like man you guys lost by 50 is that difficult to split that? >> yo it's amazing that no matter who you interview they kind of want to wander in and out of the facts and get you to just say or to answer the way they want to answer which is generally what they are feeling and where this gets kind of scary is now and high school debates across the country judges in high school debates will say if you're going to use the name trump in your debate you're not allowed in my debate you may not debate here you will lose or if you're going to argue that israel is a force for good don't even bother showing up this is true and now there is some small debate organizations popping up fries core so they
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can debate facts instead of worrying about what the judge feels about it all but that's how far gone this is a little scary. >> why even call it a debate what's the point. >> no point. >> that's why we don't have them anymore before we go quick reminder i'm going on tour all over the country, literally all over the damn country i will be in california ohio texas florida and more go to my link tree sight for weapon -- to get information i hate those damn rhymes but i do love music so i asked the producer jean nelson to sing what's coming up next hit jean. [ ♪ ]
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here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? get scotts turf builder rapid grass today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> bidens lies include what his uncle was food today's video of the day comes to us from the big guy himself joe employed his uncle a world war ii pilot was eaten by cannibals after his plane crashed in 1944 watch. >> shot down in an area where there were cannibals they never
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recovered his body. >> he got shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals are real and that part of new guinea. >> the military says his uncle died after crashing into the ocean so another fairytale from joe wanted to keep making up this weird stuff? since he grew up in black churches in jewish temples in a puerto rican neighbourhood i don't know who to blame but what is lost in this is that his uncle is a hero who died for our country cat we know as a child
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you dreamed of writing novels about shipwrecks are you willing to tell tall tale to get that deal done? what's the wildest stretch door you've ever told? >> when i was a kid would pretend to be a dog a lot i wanted to be a dog and make my dad do pigtails to be my dog years i was a loser. >> you were a child with imagination i did it. >> and weird because he doesn't seem to understand how cannibalism works they couldn't find the body like the eight the bones also? that's like a ghost story from the sandlot right? the bones eight -- he ate them bones and all, not only is it a lie it's not even a good one. >> how did he know? did they mail them in an
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envelope and say send more the bidens a delicious? >> this and the oil cancer. >> he's been through a lot. >> he said oil cancer to. >> speaking of embellishing stories and making [ bleep ] up which if you work from a college class you have a masters in it. >> that's what i lied on my resume to get here. >> the wildest lighting virtual virtual to get out of doing something? >> i'll pull the sick thing may be i was a little sick maybe the thought of going to where i was going made me sick so there is a shred of truth there but with this my first red the story i went okay there's mermaid cannibals because the upper torso the digestive track of the
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mermaid that constitutes cannibalism but now that the white house is just said no this didn't happen they announced an official statement i think really the most disturbing thing is that he said it twice if you're in a conversation once and they said my uncle was eaten by cannibals but no, he said it twice he stuck with it that's what really bothers me. >> to be fair like any good liar he builds on it goes the first door he didn't get eaten there were just cannibals around some shifty cannibals just hanging around nothing worse when you're trying to have a meal of food and this cannibals in the window >> plus the mermaid cannibals. >> yes in the boat i always thought if mermaids were made that be the opposite way all
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right reagan in court if you hear someone how do you get to say objection i will point in the present story would you have yelled objection. >> if i was his attorney i would have died let me put it that way can't imagine was like to be his staff on a daily basis just white meckling through the day and never knowing what's going to come out but to be fair we can't be too hard on him because everybody has that one uncle or family member that everyone says was eaten by cannibals in the woods right? there is a tall tale somewhere and like you said maybe there's a shred of truth to it but i can't imagine, is just giving brian williams and i'm so sorry for his staffers having to do damage control the time but i just want to watch the clip over and over again it so funny. >> damage control is one thing but animal control is a whole. >> that's not on the bingo card, cannibals can you imagine being in the back in the staff are
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under lightweight what cannibals? that's what he came up with today. >> and then you have to figure out what the cannibals pronouns are what's coming next. >> don't miss gender the cannibals. >> what's the cannibal here. >> accountable on the pale your diet. >> when all else fails eat the human. >> before we get too far afield or just want to congratulate cats parents because these days when young children say i'm a dog put my hair in a ponytail you become a furry and they give you a litter box on the whole 9 yards. >> i was still using the toilet. >> that a girl and i still am. >> that a girl. >> here's the thing though if you go down the parade route and you live is a dog you could probably put them down. >> who could put cat down? >> no, she kicked out of it she was clever. >> interesting she want to be a dog and her name is kat but anyway. to good point.
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>> biden has your detailed earlier he has grown up in every possible community that there is from polish to scandinavian to puerto rican and african-american he just has a little bit of, i want to see his 23 me profile but one of the things that should bother people about this is that if he's so easily lying and you noticed he always says for real, for real i swear to god this is true, is always underscoring his stories with these exclamations if he can do that so easily and has been doing that so easily for 50 years i think we can safely assume that he does that on official stuff to, afghanistan was great, economy great, bidenomics works how can you trust him? >> in the worst-case scenario if you get too nosy you get eaten by cannibals before we go go see
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cat on her book tour tickets still available for her tucson show this sunday go to the real for more information and here's gene take it away jean what's next? [ ♪ ] can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work,
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nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. >> it's not cool to say illegal alien in school, i hate rhyming, a carolina high school student says he was suspended for saying illegal alien class i'm guessing that was a college prep course the teacher who assigned project with the word alien and the student asked like space alien or like illegal aliens the green
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card which offended a fellow student meanwhile meanwhile actual violence is happening in our nation's high school student arrested and charged after slapping his female teachers several times in a video that has gone viral on social media the student also ran his mouth and cursed the teacher out this also having the north carolina leaving us to ask what the hell's going on north carolina also do we really need to carolinas? he seems a bit much how is it that they are putting the same level on the student who says are there illegal aliens in the student to actually put hands on the teacher but the big story is the words as a parent how does
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that. >> as a parent i was horrified to see the video in north carolina the first thing i thought was about the parents and there must not be parents at home that are paying attention because kids that behave like that at school are not going to go home and facing the counter winces from from someone that cares and that makes me sad as it relates to the other incident with the illegal alien as an attorney i'm offended because that is a legal term it's a legal definition is used by the supreme court its use in federal code it is a definition and for an educational system a school official to say that you are suspended for using the word in its appropriate context, it could have been a learning expense and it wasn't this was just a total failure and for that other school what went on with that student was horrifying and i think were seeing videos all over the country lately were there are acts of violence in school only have to look at what's going on in public schools louisiana just reversed
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the raise the age legislation so now they are charging 17-year-old as adults and i think we'll start seeing things like that more frequently but it really starts in their community and sun of a saint you've been affiliated with them in new orleans they reach out to the boys whose fathers are incarcerated and its community work they worked to mentor and get them involved in extra curricular activities these guys all graduating from high school going to get scholarships and go to college and you have to look at it as a holistic big picture thing and to see that video gasped it's horrible but you treat the students the same you just have to, it is what it is it's ridiculous. >> what battles going on in our schools? it's weird female teachers dating students? i was in school just that one creepy mail teacher what's going on with education? >> my mother was a secondary school teacher for her entire career i think the worst thing that ever happened to her was this one delinquent girl drawing a nasty picture with my mom holding a knife and i remember seeing it and i was horrified
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but seeing that video if people have actually looked at this video where he's talking to the teacher and saying the only to hit you again and she saying i would prefer that you don't, we have inmates running the asylum i think when my mom was a teacher she was allowed to takes on by the ear and lead them at a class, allowed to touch students anymore i guess unless you're having an affair with them but there is that that's not allowed >> that's frowned upon at least. >> as far as the illegal alien thing you remember when the don't -- don't say gay bill cannot name is schumer got up there and said gay gay gay well in honour of this young man who said illegal aliens was going to do this, illegal alien illegal alien illegal alien it's a legal term. >> as a libertarian cat having someone punished for their basic
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freedom of speech that's insanity right? >> i don't understand how this was allowed legally to have been and a broader level i think that one of the issues that we have is when we started, not mere you but win people started saying that it doesn't matter what your intention was if the person is offended that's all that matters and that's what we base it on because of course it matters of course it matters if someone is just asking a question or making a joke versus someone saying something on purpose to hurt something's feelings because their jerk we all know that that's why we treat like murder and manslaughter differently we all know that intentions matter we know that but we start pretending that that wasn't the case that some things get out of control over all because of course intention matters we have to weigh things when it comes to speech based on intention for what happens to fit what actually happened. >> and no one is talking about the kid who threatened him with
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physical violence he wasn't suspended, the kid who said asked for clarification and the kid who threatened violence we didn't hearing thing about how is the violence or threatening the act of violence not have as much weight as someone saying a trigger word which it's not. >> because it's not subscribed to the particular ideology that is attempting to really being forced upon these children where if in a legal alien by definition we've gone over that what are you supposed to call people who come into this country illegally? >> newcomers. >> yes, illegal newcomers is that? >> i think undocumented immigrant is what people like to use about theirs like 13 different terms that are used interchangeably by the courts and legislatures and this is one that has been discussed by the supreme court is still using it so it's hard to say that it's
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necessarily a bad one. >> and what's even more disturbing is that i guess the student that threatened violence was hispanic and the term illegal alien is not just for hispanic people it's for anyone who comes, our friend e.t. from outer space he didn't have paperwork by definition, but that really is kind of a not the best look for the carolinas on both cases. >> centre talking about the ugliness of it because ours thought newcomer was someone who lost their virginity so i was confused. [ ♪ ] [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine.
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one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing.
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marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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>> a story in five words our unhealthy addiction to phones can't you wear the guru of the phones. >> i love my phone. >> the average person supposedly looks at their phone 144 times per day i feel like that's an insult to you. >> that seems very low but then i realize what counts as one time because i do keep looking at it for so long that it may be about that, you know what i mean? there's so much to see on your phone their social media there's read it you don't want to miss any of the t. you have e-mails the e-mails alone how me e-mails do you get a day? 7000? there are a lot of e-mails articles suggesting things to do instead of your phone, hang out with your family okay well i have to start one but in the
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light go outside i am in new york city we don't have outside i can look outside on my phone there's a lot on your phone you can change your life for the worse usually though the amount of damage that i can do with just one text message i should teach a class. >> for only 99 cents a month you have grown children. >> when they come down in the morning and say i'm so tired it's like what time did you put your phone down last night that's the first thing i ask them. >> it's hard to do. >> i get that i just wonder is this going to be so bad for our health, mental health, physical health that someday people start suing these digital companies for making this stuff addictive because you do get the dopamine hit it's already starting right?
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is this going to be the tobacco, nicotine, cigarette of the next decade or so? do you think it is? >> absolutely. >> that's going to be the problem but i don't know how you put this toothpaste back in the tube i really don't. >> the term is that t. just drop the t. you have a court case. >> i'll work on the social media addiction litigation the primary focus is children in this case and for me as i'm working on it the products are designed to be addictive it's the dopamine, slot machine paul it's designed, our phones, all the absent products and specifically these defendants are met at deck -- meta, tiktok, youtube, these defendants have designed their product such that children become addicted to them and there is document and harm that is associated with the continuous speed of content and tiktok pushes harmful content to
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children the algorithm absolutely directs harmful content to children. >> i hate tiktok. >> i'm not on tiktok but it is designed absolutely to be addictive and it's harmful it's like brain rot but while i'm working on it i'm on my phone every five seconds and why look at it i think i'm a hypocrite at this is terrible and going straight to hell but then i go right back to going through discovery so he does what it is time with you i love my phone and social media but i am 40 so it's okay. >> you're on the wrong side of 40 what do you think about this? >> thank you for that i appreciated your wonderful host. >> you thought you were gonna get through the whole show? he broke my leg. >> i didn't it was wrestling it was supposed to, but i will completely butcher a quote here in that is humanities problems stem from the inability to sit alone in a quiet room and these devices are designed to be addictive and our society now
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has grown to the point where we all must feel a need for stimulation of the time. >> not almost, yes. >> and you can kind of correlate that which i guess may be being productive like we need to be doing thanks constantly but then there's also the flip side to wear like at what point do we lose ourselves and were getting to that point i mean if there's already a court case like this. >> it's huge, this is going to be one of the biggest cases of our generation it's absolutely the tobacco case of our lifetime and our kids are all impacted by it, kids are killing themselves they're doing challenges there harmful there is so much that can be talked about when you talk about technology and big, and how big attack avoids liability is major. >> your opinion you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube wood temperance be a good way to combat that? limiting. >> excuse me, i'm the host, are you asking questions?
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>> you insulted me you brought me on here. >> you are out of line, thank you for coming. >> denied america. [ ♪ ] (♪) weeds... they have you surrounded. just gonna stand there? or are you gonna take your lawn back! we are gonna take it back. with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps your lawn growing strong. glorious! - agggghhhhhh! - aaagghhhh. no no no. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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it's an amazing thing when you show generosity of spirit to someone. and you want people to be saved
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and to have a better life, then you don't stop. the idea that we have saved five million people's lives, it's overwhelming. it's everything. >> tonight on [ bleep ] , it tonight on should we be concert at boston dynamic showed off a new humanoid row brought that is freaking people out with its moves which raises the question should we be concerned? does this concern you? >> maybe another people but i don't find myself attracted to the robot i mean that in any sense of the word not just sexually attracted there is something not quite like getting validated from another human and
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robots don't do that for me. >> you're basically a cold blooded cyborg are you excited about these robots? >> actually not one of the most disturbing things about reading the article is this model has a much more friendly design, look at it, telling us not a laser beam on its head in there bragging about how it can do a complete 360, i'm very concerned >> the cool yoga moves are awesome but still a cup of water that's it you done reagan does this, listen, the robot apocalypse comes tomorrow as a lawyer are you going to represent humans are robots? what's the winning plan? >> i had a knee-jerk reaction right was like absolutely not and i thought about it and i was like well how do i get one? because like on the single mom and i might need to cut my grass and take my garbage out and walking to my car late at night all the things you can have someone there to do.
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>> there's a scientific word for that it's called a man. >> yeah, but the man won't, you know. >> it's a lot of problems. >> i've never dated one i don't know but i've heard good things. >> i was thinking of the personal assistant but the man won't pull the laundry or put away the dishes they just the robot can be good for that but just like dishwashers and refrigerators and now alexa and all listening to us and they control our life these things scare me i think they'll be great in the military maybe i'm sure there's a use for them but i don't know it gets me worried when now instead of cloning this is like a way of cloning isn't it? it's like a super flexible thing >> did hollywood ruin robots? every time we see one of these there is a malfunction and murder.
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>> that happens in real life to think about this one of those things is going to mess up maybe it's arm will stop working maybe it will decide that humans have to go i don't think we need to find out. >> and it will be a man that messes it up it will be a man that tries a robot and it'll just be. [ simultaneous talking ] >> ruins every cult every cult a man starts and then all of a sudden he decides to get with all of his breast friends wives and that ruins everything it be searched -- besmirch is the robots name, hated jean. [ ♪ ]
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