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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  April 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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there's a. sure in the hot tamales which kind of bums me out with do you know what is really good when i was a kid and take the hot tamales of the movies and eat it with like a big handful of movie popcorn and chew on it together it is delicious. delicious. because if it dipped to french fries and a frosty? okay nevermind it. [laughter] >> in no but i believe you. [laughter] how about oris we can't do without. >> okay, can we have to go for that does do it for us but would see a back here tomorrow at 7:0g weekend show. [laughter] "life, liberty & levin" starts in 10 seconds. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is a "life, liberty & levin" saturday. i'm glad you are here is going to be a killer show we have two great guest senator tom cotton trump attorney william scharf. but before we do i was in israel last week as you well know and wash some of the activities that took place there as a result of the biden administration policies of appeasement with a wrong intentionally funding a round to the tune of over $100 billion. none of this to be happening at donald trump were present around was broke on its back about to be overthrown by its own people. i keep hearing our own media, news people ask these riots, these and violent people at columbia university or other universities and in our streets and all the rest of it, who is
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funding these people? it is funny i thought it was a drop of that media to find out the who and why. so i will do it. never again do i want to hear anybody in that media say who is finding these people? first of all i've done this before going to do it tonight and expand upon it. who is funding these people? the democrat party and the terrorist regimes, what? you have a fusion of a marxist or bird you have a fusion of islamists. a complicated matrix and network of democratic party billionaires and dark money including soros, including the tides foundation among others and you have hamas funding the muslim brotherhood and others. also a funding network in qatar funding colleges and universities. in other words the enemies of america. this has had an enormous effect
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on our foreign policy towards israel. there are attacks on trent one two's overthrow the israeli government for the purpose of installing a puppet regime. the will bend to the democrat party hamas it's all being done right in front of our eyes. only cobble this together from certain media reports and others and tell you what is taking place here. unheard of fantastic sites here's a piece by park mcdonald from just a few months ago and i cannot read the whole thing. the division between the activist left in the party establishment is little more than a politically useful fiction. in reality the radical contraries are bankrolled by the same and nexus of progressive oligarchs and dark money that is dark money/slush fund t that financed the party establishments. the dnc protests for example was organized by two progressive
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jewish ngos. george fort piece and if not now these same groups behind a rally pre-cease-fire protests at that u.s. capitol at more than three hunter people were arrested. both groups are funded by an array of big money progressive donors including george the rockefeller brothers of foundation and the tides and network. these are charitable wings of major financial institutions as well. part of vanguard, fidelity, morgan stanley another group called 1630 fund. a big group called arabella advisors a. umbrella group, a democrat party, billionaire, millionaire group the head of the octopus that pushes money into organizations. soros is the most prominent individual democrat in the country. personally spent 170 million to get democrat elected in 2022 midterms nonprofits spent at least another 140 million.
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arabella advisors is less well known but may be just as influential to run by clinton world insider eric kesler the for-profit consultancy manages a vast and opaque empire funds nonprofempire fundsnonprofits at party. what's to allow wealthy donors to hide their donations. and they are hiding. hundreds of millions of dollars worth. scratch a nationally pro- palestinian organization you are likely to find democratic oligarch of money somewhere. the radicals in the democratic establishment work together towards a shared ends even when they are fighting. this is especially true when it comes to israel. the biden administration allegedly pro israel stands us more retort than reality. they pose adopted to box critics into a cone constrained to act independently of the united states and, obscure the true nature of the white house middle east policy.
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that policy was edward wrote in these pages is to fulfill barack obama's ill-conceived desire to distance the united states from israel and saudi arabia and reconcile with iran. plus at the same time it's granting defense critics to israel the white house is also funding iran. i want to thank our friend charlie who put it all together here. what are we talking about? jon kirby said the other day to peter doocy we are not doing that, what are you talking about? this guy kirby is the worse the propagandist. $10 billion in november 2020 biden regime approved a sanctions waiver that allots upwards of 10 billion frozen funds of iraqi payments from iranian energy. six of billion september 2023 as part of a prisoner swap lincoln in short a rating funds would be moved to a restricted fund for humanitarian trade. oh yeah, right. 10 billion july 2023 blinken signed a national security
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waiver allowing iraq to deposit payments for iranian energy in a non- iraqi banks of third countries instead of into restricted accounts. 3.42 billion august 2021 imf sent 3.42 billion to iran special drawing rights abide administration had the authority to stop it but did not. eighty plus billion since 2021 put iran's oil exports have surged breaking records because the biden administration has eased enforcement of sanctions allowing explosion in illicit purchases mostly to communist china. 3.8 billion since 2021. iran turned to the sale of petrochemicals to avoid a trump air at sanction sales of surgeon thanks to biden. 1.6 billion since 2021. the trump administration impose sanctions on iran steel industry which the biden administration has not enforced the biden administration says its commitment to israel is ironclad apparently so was its commitment
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to finding and renting terrorism. even on military matters continues the piece the u.s. have tried to split the difference between israel and the iranian axis of resistance. since october 7, the latter specially ran its proxy hezbollah belted to criticism of israel claims that hamas acted alone demands the u.s. restraint israel from escalating beyond gaza. the white house has complied demanding israel not carry out any significant operations against hezbollah and 11 on leaking to the american press that it views israel's relations to hezbollah as an attempt by jerusalem to create a pretext for a wider war that could draw the u.s. in the u.s. has publicly backed the iranian and hezbollah claims that hamas acted independently without their knowledge on october 7, despite early public assessments from former u.s. intelligence officials the sophistication and complexity of the attack was beyond what hamas could do on
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their own it has been proven hamas had the backing and training of iran. the u.s., in other words has effectively boxed israel in. having been struck hard by an iranian proxy asked could attempt to limit the proxy at exhilarated timetable massive international outrage. that limited strategic benefit. it is being prevented her from the u.s. taking any proactive measures to reestablish deterrence against tehran. even more recently, the same thing. the oligarch funded protest against biden are somewhat less mysterious. they are in fact that useful form of kabuki biden pretends to be the best friend of israel, that's israel has ever had. the left pretends to hate him for it, both sides benefit biden pressure from the left gives him a leverage to turn around to the israelis and say you better listen to me or i'll have to cave to my party's flank. while offering parties jewish pro-israel voters a show of the president's resolute commitment to the jewish states.
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even has a quartz iran. this opposed especially to justify the latter policy since americans remain overwhelmingly supportive of israel and overwhelmingly hostile towards iran and its terrorist proxies. the left to be longest to demonstrate its principal from the democratic establishment what setting the stage to extract concessions within the party and party adjacent bureaucracies. set-asides for air palestinian and muslim staffers national strategy to counter islamic phobia will be administered by professional anti- islam a phobic asked activists a general resetting over the window for the next round of conflict. plus there is the continued channeling of anti- system energies into a web of party controlled nonprofits. which is already proven themselves adept at redirecting the righteous anger of america's radicals and never ending g hot against races, maggots remix, and other deplorable's what else do we have?
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december 7, 2023 from fox nonprofit has received donations from george has been bankrolling groups both hosted pro- palestinian rows according to a watchdog group. the nonprofit san francisco-based tides foundation has been given over $22 million from different causes. the tides foundation is then given millions to liberal organizations of all organized pro- palestinian protest according to the research center. democrat party, democrat front groups, soros, other democrat billionaires and multimillionaires, funding what you are seeing in the streets as well as the hamas as colleges and universities. washington free beacon take a look at this community adjuster six change the tides foundation solicits legal defense donations for arrested protesters the protest which took place in
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dozens of u.s. cities including san francisco, chicago, new york city, philadelphia. organized by a petit action of the farm group that worked to coordinate a multicity economic blockade on april 15 and solidarity of palestine quote unquote. to bail and legal defense fund hosted through the democratic parties online fundraising. shutting down bridges. getting into tunnels. all of these things are funded by wealthy democrats through dark money and front groups. those who donate our sending money to the community justice exchange. which provides quote money they'll court fines and other legal services to community based organization exchange is a project of the tide center a left-wing dark money network petabyte soros and other left-wing billionaires. they organized the title 815
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targeted economic chokepoints. economic chokepoints with the express purpose of causing as much financial disruption as possible according to their website and it goes on. yoyour aunt soros washington fre beacon october 18, 2023 hundreds of protesters with jewish voice for peace and if not now, infiltrated the capitol calling the israeli government to issue a cease fire response to hamas a terrorist attacks on israel. we refused to stand by as the israeli government commits genocide against palestinians in gaza to jewish voice for peace which calls itself the largest progressive jewish anti- zionist organization in the world. it is marxist and pro- islamis. the protests comes as anti- israel pro- hamas groups call on lawmakers to pressure israel to end retail tory strikes against hamas strongholds in gaza. council on american islamic relations this is a hamas front
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group created in philadelphia, funded by hamas that has for its purpose pretend it's it civil rights muslim organization with representation and our media, and the biden administration, and the democrat party a complete front group. more, look at this washington free beacon the son of left-wing maga donor has visited the white house at least 20 times since biden has been president for this is a year-old so it's more than that. alex soros regionally took over his father's open size society foundation funds progressive organizations pretty hate this word progressive its and marxist organizations and islamist organizations. has held meetings with senior white house advisers he was named the new head of the foundation in june announcing his more political than his 92-year-old father. open to sideboards and millions of dollars in democratic organizations to help elect radical progressive prosecutors who are overseeing rising crime in american cities. like the one trying to put
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donald trump in prison as i speak. now, soros, alex is over his connections with high-level democrats. he's posted photos with biden kamala harris, pelosi and the like. there is more the "new york post," pro- palestinian protests of the last months tens of thousands of the u.s. obtain for the end of israel but not really a story of organic rage. there also funded in large part by an uber wealthy american-born tech entrepreneur neville and his wife jody evans. since 2017 he's been the main funder of the people's forum. which has co- organize at least four protests 1200 innocents were murdered in israel he has said more than that. a review of public disclosure forms multimillionaire and his wife have donated over $20.4 million to the people's form from 2000 to a series of
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shell organizations and donor advisory groups accounting for nearly all the groups funding. it goes on. more than just a marxist with deep pockets. he is also a china sympathizer who lives in shanghai has close ties to at least four propaganda at news sites that boost the chinese communist party image abroad as reported. it goes on born to a cuban mother and a sri lankan father in 1954 he grew up steeped in part left politics his father worked as a professor of political science at brooklyn college was a first resident at the new york state martin luther king jr. institute for nonviolence in albany. when he was 17 he joined the marxist group and labor union league of rebels were galician night black workers the following year according to a 2021 blog quote like all i went to work in the factory. 1974 fbi investigate him as potentially dangerous because of background emotional instabilities or activity groups
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engaged in policies and medical bowl to the united states according to its report which he published on his blog and it goes on. wow, what a matrix of network of billionaires. all democrats every one of them i went over this report before the hamas network came out last october it was put out by the program on extremism at george washington university. hamas supporters have long operated in the united states. fbi wiretaps introduced as evidence in various criminal cases clearly show the existence of nationwide hamas network is paraspart of the muslim brother. that is that umbrella operation. of terrorist islam x. the terrorist islam is clearly show the existence of a nationwide hamas network engaged in fundraising, lobbying, education and propaganda dissemination dating back to the 1980s. the network formalize its existence in 1988 it created the palestine committee and that u.s. the committee's goals
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included increasing financial moral support for hamas fighting strength solutions and politicizing the savagery of the jews quote unquote. the committee's bond at several public facing organizations much of which are based out of chicago, dallas at washington they include all-purpose islamic association of palestine the financial arm represented by the occupied land fund the former holy land foundation. creates a think tanks and it founded care. individuals and networks provided various forms of support for hamas have been active in america for decades. small numbers of palestinians belonged to the muslim brotherhood networks in the gaza strip and in the west bank. in fact arrived in the u.s. since the 1960s to study at american university, immigrants, refugees, and so forth. it goes on in great detail. now ladies and gentlemen, this is the public record. it goes on and on we have it's finally gotten off and done its
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job a list of the number of groups had been formed that are doing what you see in the streets. and i just want to be clear forever at the forefront, the point of the spear making the point diffusion between american marxist and islamist. they are coordinating together. they're working together. their funding together it is a democrat party that is overseeing all of it. you can see the change of the biden ministration when it comes to israel and the phony declarations about how he has israel he sent over $100 billion directly and indirectly to her rent he is not stop that. so israel why is blinken who is eight marxist ideologue. that is what he is going to look it up. look it up it's out there it's in the public record he hires robert maui special fort moran who brings individuals were back to china with the foreign
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minister of iran to negotiate for us on the nuclear deal. that's what's going on ladies and gentlemen. that is who is funding the protests. this is who the people are not media, report it and stop wondering why. i will be righ
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mark: welcome back america. we are with one of my favorite senators, senator tom cotton. you saw what israel did. we all did a few days back in making it clear to iran, hello we can hit you very hard and we can do anytime we want in any way we want. but i am deeply troubled by the fusion of domestic politics and foreign policy in the biden ministration. he says nothing. not a word about this massive spread of anti-semitism. it's coming from his voters this coming from his universities. coming from the corner of his politics. we see it in congress as well. this is a link to chew these groups that are heavily funded by democrat party dark money it is now effecting literally our foreign policy. israel, if you go on offense we will not support your part israel you cannot finish off
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hamas. israel you better not take on hezbollah they lifted major sanctions against iran. what you make of this? looks good to be back on with the original biden in the democrat party have linked their electoral calculus with foreign policy. specifically with the war in israel. my question is linkage? many say they're worried about michigan are worried about losing in college campus part of their coalition. they have to take certain steps to placate them. maybe that's true but what i fear is happening here is the second kind of linkage. they see the arab and american voters in michigan the sea progressives on college campuses protesting and writing and they want to use that as a pretext to justify what they have always really wanted to do but what they wanted to do going back to the obama era which is get quote unquote daylight from israel but is not so much they are worried
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about reelection. that using those worries about reelection as a pretext or justification to finally take steps towards israel and iran they've always wanted to do from the very beginning of the obama/biden presidency. now what is that look like? cutting off their weapons supply or accusing them of war crimes or putting sanctions or revoking visas from israelis living in judea and samaria who try to defend their communities from palestinian violence. it is exactly what you saw it last weekend when joe biden urged israel not to hit back after they've been struck with 300 missiles and drones sink they should take the win. immediately leaking those comments of that media to heighten the pressure on prime minister netanyahu. i don't understand how it is a win your country was targeted with the largest missile and drone attack in "new york
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times." to pull its punches towards iran as well. they need to elevate around the viewed the tension going back decades and barack obama and joe biden thought if we would atone for our suppose it sins and pull on our against iran let them be a normal nation and check itself off against israel and its arab friends in the region that america would not to do so much in the middle east. that's why you have not seen a single change in our ironic policy. not just since last week but since october 7 they let sanctions on missiles expired last night. even after it last weekend for them not for instance an enforcd the oil export sanctions tens of billions of dollars every single month. all of these things show they are not taking the threat
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seriously. they have a theory about the middle east this not only dangerous for israel and our arab friends but is very dangerous for america as well. mark: center cotton, israel is not supposed to take offensive action so they do with the code or the circumstances. you have a massive diplomatic lobbying and coordinating efforts against israel to try to hold them back. even with our allies. you now have this a push by biden who wants to be peace who wants saudi arabia to make a diplomatic deal with israel but only if israel is going to agree to a separate palestinian state. with her perch and make a diplomatic deal with israel without that condition. my question to you is this, if israel is not free to go on the offensive with the backing of the united states how are we going to stop iran from having
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nuclear weapons? diplomacy is not going to do it. that has to be taken out and taken down. buwe come back, i went to ask you. you sit on various committees, you listen to the debates in congress, what exactly is the plan of the united states to prevent iran, and islamist nazi country, spreading terrorism worldwide from getting a nuclear weapon controlling the flow of oil to the rest of the world. we will be right back. raine aid.
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i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: welcome back america her center cotton. so my question to you is what exactly is the biden ministration doing to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons? >> almost nothing. they are empowering the nuclear drive for their giving tens of billions of dollars of sanctions relief every month. they are looking the other way is on exports more oil and gives them more money not only financed arrogance israel, america and our friends, also to invest more in their nuclear weapons program. and as you said in the earlier segment, they are terrified of is getting on the offense as opposed to staying in a defensive crouch but that is their mindset as well but you see it for instance in ukraine the administration is urging ukraine not to strike arms dumps
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or oil refineries just across the russian border where they admitted last week to me in senate hearings it was because they did not want oil prices to go up but look at our own settlers in the red sea you have an outlaw band of rebels in yemen who are shooting missiles and drones that our sailors all we can do is shoot them down or maybe blow them up on a launch pad as opposed on getting to the offense of against these rebels. and again with israel they are always saying you cannot go on the offense of in gaza you've got to pull back for do not strike against iran just stay on the defensive crouch. look at is a wonderful thing american israel have developed the air defenses and missile defenses that we saw on display at last weekend that protected israelis or we have on our ships in the red sea that are protecting our sailors you cannot win wars on the defensive it only takes one missile or one drone to slip through and hit in downtown jerusalem or tel aviv or hit one of our ships in the red sea to have hundreds or thousands killed by this
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aggression for the way to stop it is stop it at the source. just think how different that attack would have looked at last week if iran was operating with a nuclear umbrella of conventional forces. mark: center, i was around in the reagan administration can over the sdi and general daniel graham they mocked it as star wars the democrats did everything they could to defund it, to cripple it. one of the senators leading that charge was joe biden he gave a speech in 1986 the hudson institute and others have talked about it the national press club demeaning reagan, mocking reagan attacking the whole idea of this said it was the lowest point in modern history and american states graft. has biden always been a bonehead when it comes to national secured and so forth? now he keeps bragging about a system that is senator who tried to kill produces the worst president we've had a special it
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comes to issues of life and death with our enemies overseas? >> mark, there's no question about that remembered former secretary of defense cia director bob gates said about joe biden with whom he served directly in the cabinet for two and half years joe biden has been wrong about nearly every major foreign policy and national security decision of the last 40 years he said that 2014 you can definitely make it the last 50 years. joe biden's and sinks are terrible. his staff's instincts are worse as political incentives right now are awful. mate worst of all he somehow has supreme overconfidence in his own abilities. yet you see what that is resulted in major wars in europe and the middle east and more aggression by china in the western pacific. a white open southa wide open se have hundreds of people will auteur watch was crossing over and migrants during lord knows webster biden's and sinks our national security and foreign policy have always been terrible.
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mark: what happens if ira of irc gets it nukes doesn't change the entire equation not just in the region but the entire world? >> absolutely do not even have to use the weapons they don't do shoot them in israel but i would not put it past them. i will significantly constrain israel's freedom of action in our own it could lead to widespread proliferation it's hard for instance to see some of the arab nations in the region not getting their own nuclear weapons if iran has the nuclear weapons you could see widespread proliferation it was a fairly unstable region of the world but that is why it is so important that the united states for not just israel but the united states has a vital national security interest to prevent these theocratic tyrants and iran from getting nuclear weapons. mark: center tom cotto and to thank you for the things you do in the senate and out of the senate and your service in the past or country as well. god bless you my friend. >> thank you mark. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love.
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>> welcome back america. william sharp is a great lawyer he's been on the program in the past his attorney for president trump is a candidate from missouri attorney general former federal prosecutor. will scharf, really i see justice standing on three legs that is a prosecutor who is pursuing the public interest in doing so with virtue and prudence. a judge she was a true referee to ensure the defendant is properly treated and the court room is a court room that really has as its purpose the devotion of justice and a jury of your peers to ensure a trial that is held for the purpose of the jury to make a determination is not a farce. is it some kind of soviet show trial? on all three legs this case in manhattan fails with a fourth leg. this entire bill of indictment's
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eight fraud, a farce it is funny. everyone knows it it's in the middle of an election and yet here we are. what do you make of all this? >> mark, we are seeing is a show trial in the truest sense of the word president trump did absolutely nothing wrong here. we are going to be able to prove that in court. but notably with the height of election season right now the pretrial publicity, the wall-to-wall media coverage has had the effect of creating a situation in new york's seating a fair and impartial jury is going to be very difficult. we've had a judge who is imposing unconscious a gag order gives the president and our team and every step of the way. the honest administration of justice has been stymied here. the net effect is not just on president trump we are seeing a fundamental undermining of our system of law and order of the rule of law in a way i am scared america won't be able to recover from. mark: you are quite right about that.
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i former federal prosecutor been around a little while, with courtrooms and out, are you familiar with any other individual who has faced for criminal trials in four different jurisdictions simultaneously? are you aware of anybody was had to do with that? >> we are an absolutely unprecedented times in that respect as was made clear by our request in new york earlier in the trial for president trump to be allowed to attend his supreme court argument on presidential immunity next week. the judge obviously denied that. it just brings to light how all of these cases are coming to bear at the same time we believe the timeline being imposed by these prosecutors is fundamentally political. i was trained as a federal prosecutor prosecutions are never supposed to be political they are never supposed to appear political we are seeing exactly the opposite play out in courtrooms right now.
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they are after president trump they want to interfere with his ability to campaign effectively for office for they do not want him to win the presidency. and so they have weaponize the courts and they fundamentally anti- american way to pursue him and persecute him. all americans of all political stripes should be outraged by what's playing out in courtrooms across america today. mark: that's not going to have for the going to ask quick short questions and short answers. what authority does a local elected soros a democrat prosecutor have enforcing a federal campaign laws? any? >> it's a very good question. what alvin bragg is done here in terms of structure this particular indictment is absolutely unprecedented. it's worth noting the election aspects of this case, the biden department of past pressing similar theories in courts and proceedings and yet alvin bragg
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feels entitled to bring this case which is called a hush money case it's a fairly mundane business records case were again president trump did absolutely nothing wrong. it's absolute crazy it's abuse of his office is an abuse of his power and again we believe at the end of the date this is all but election interference and that is just shameful. mark: we will be right i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. hmm. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me.
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>> welcome back america who heard of a judge who gives donations to democrats uncovers 2 cents. it tells you what is in the minds of. he runs for office as a democrat. he is in a heavily democratic jurisdiction. he knows the prosecutor is a radical left wing soros democrat. this is beyond appearance of a conflict i looked at that new york rules for judges. and their code of conduct at a minimum he should've stepped down if he did not do that he shouldn't move the case to westchester or something like this. a jury of your peers as he made a jury of joe biden spurs a jury of your peers who can make an independent decision pay what you make of this? >> we have moved to recruiters the judge off this case for exactly the sorts of reasons you
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are talking about. the u.s. supreme court said even an appearance of impropriety can justify judicial recusal where the facts are sufficiently extreme for new york law we believe is quite clear on this issue and we believe the judges should have been recused out of this case and to speak to the jury question we believe a change of venue was absolute warranted and that is been borne out by the jury selection process so far. a vast majority of jurors have been dismissed largely because some of the jurors have admitted they cannot be fair and impartial and unbiased at assessing the facts and evidence in this case it just goes to show how outrageous this whole process has been. mark: these guys are playing the system aren't they? they know and ultimate appeal to the highest judicial authority takes time. it can take a year. it can take two years so they are rushing the cases to trial. they want to rush the verdicts.
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they want to rush the sentence so they can get the verdicts they want. they want that scarlet letter pasted to donald trump's for head as he goes through this election he is prevented from campaigning in pennsylvania, wisconsin, georgia, all these battleground states. this is exactly what fred warned about when that law is used against its purpose that is not justice that is a lawlessness, no? >> james mattis may have said it best when he said one of the greatest dangers to the republic was the use by factions of new fangled artificial to reasons to politically prosecute and persecute their opponents. that is what we are seeing play out in all of these cases this rush to trial at the height of election season that we have seen in new york. we have seen from special counsel jack smith and his team is a fundamentally at variance with principles of fair prosecution it just goes to show all of these cases at the end of
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the day are proceeding on a political timeline designed to interfere with the 2024 election. last december we went all the way up to the u.s. supreme court in jack smith attempted to force the d.c. trial to go on precedentipresidential equipmene and fortunately supreme court ruled the right way for us on that but we are fighting on all fronts to keep things as fair as weekend. the full spectrum of litigation is so vast and so dramatic it is impossible to view in any way other than did the political lens of election interference it's a very, very sad day for our republic that is what we are dealing with as we proceed deeper into election season in 2024. mark: i want the american people to understand something. put yourself in president trump's shoes you do not even have time to think about how you can defend yourself. how you could help your counsel there so many different cases on so many different fronts with so many allegations all concocted
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in different jurisdictions. you have a right as a citizen let alone a presidential candidate former president to help your counsel defend you. we are flying from one place to another you are being alleged to have done this or the other you are an appellate court in one state you're going to the supreme court in another case the whole point of this is to swamp and smother and devour and elect joe biden that is the whole point of the whole thing. that's why it's all democrats that are involved in this. william sharp and want to thank you, god bless you my friend fairplex rate to be with you mark, thanks for havin
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welcome back, america. look was going on in our beautiful country. the democrat party with biden, surrogates, marxists and islamists, media destroy get in front of our eyes. what exactly are we going to and our kids and grandkids?
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is wide open intended hours taking place. we are destroying our constitutional system, our justice system eviscerated trying to but the former president in prison before the election. we are undermining stabbing in the back, closest ally state of israel while we are funding 200 billion and islamists regime in iran to build nukes. what is going on in this country? i'll take was going on. the democrat party hates america. yes, it does. it allows america, it has a funny way of showing it. but for the same brain and they're doing all this to our country. god forbid. i'll see you t liberty and levin. ♪


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