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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  April 21, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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to win that but the rhymes work on it. want a business that collect you think it was right this is moved to give him the job? >> i'm just here for participation trophies. [laughter] >> be nice. you never talk about that thank you. we are watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news. follow us on social media event saturday night with listen to my radio show fox across america weekdays noon to 3:00 eastern. good night from new york city. i am jimmy failla, see you next at night and until then, you want to help the world, you can be republican, democrat, you can be independent just don't be a >> that's how fox reports this saturday april 20, 2024. i am jon scott, the "big weekend show" is next. ♪
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>> hello, i am alicia acuna along with lisa bruce and david webb, welcome to the show. the big story tonight, the house passing a controversial 95 billion-dollar grenade package with bipartisan support on capitol hill. this is efforts to oust speaker mike johnson divide the gop where senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is standing by with the latest. >> good evening, the house pass three distinct foreign aid bills, one assist israel, one helps taiwan but the most controversial bill is for ukraine. the right fume house speaker mike johnson did not attach border security to the plan. thomas massey wants a new speaker. >> is going to cause us to lose the majority he's completely demotivated our base. he's disappointed us in the conference and everybody in america will acknowledge this but they will acknowledge him in
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d.c. yet, he can't be speaker again. >> he supports a resolution by marjorie taylor greene to oust johnson but green did not trigger her plan today. johnson called the bluff, he but the ukraine bill on the floor and green never came at the speaker. democrats may have protected johnson. >> i would impart to my leadership that you shouldn't punish somebody for doing the right thing. i know hardly taylor green wants to do that, i don't. >> johnson's move to put the ukraine bill on the floor was a test of his power. he passed the bill with democrats and no one challenged him. the drummer saw members of the gop. >> i just don't think. you don't replace the money unless you have a surefire
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consensus. it's not what i would want. stay in the job and hopefully get all of the stuff. >> the foreign aid bill now goes to the senate conservatives, they are not pleased but a similar plan passed the senate with 70 votes. expect senate action on tuesday. >> i hope you're almost done pathetic because it's a long one. chad pergram, thank you. [laughter] have a good one speaker johnson plowed ahead with democrats to pass to foreign aid package but days with the caliphate be numbered as theory grows. we've congressman saint we can pretend he's not a lame-duck but everybody in america knows he can't get to 18 are generate three, 2025 so he is a lame-duck
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speaker. trying to keep the house. there's a reason this fundraising is less than half of what kevin mccarthy's musk whether i like it or not, the speaker of the house is a fundraiser in chief for majority party and we are going to have lackluster fundraising with everybody, especially donors being aware he's not the next figure. it would be who of us to get somebody in there. joey, let me begin with you because marjorie taylor greene did not move on vacating the house speakership today but you have called white there and probably not going anywhere. >> i have thoughts on why he's there to begin with, there's a lot in that poster statement, a lot of tentacles to the school politics of it and then policy involved. before we get into should we spent the money they spent? look at work speaker johnson is and whether republicans are. it is a good chance republicans will win the senate, a good
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chance donald trump will win the presidency in a decent chance those two things will then republicans will be in a deficit in the house. what got us here when you look about kevin mccarthy, the last straw and matt gaetz make say because of the spending bill and not a chance to go through and develop spending bills for each section. the truth is, they asked if kevin mccarthy with the help of steve scalise and his team knowing mike johnson would be a lame-duck because everything with a one-vote majority, everything republicans have to handle like will be on johnson's neck. i think he's embraced it, just going on with it and plans the term that don't involve being in congress much longer and what it's going to do is put steve police the seek to be minority leader it's easier to raise money and be minority leader because you don't need to be held accountable. the reason why 112 republicans voted against it for the reason why they voted for it, when you
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get down to it, they are using is deitch other to create a majority where when you have republicans or districts, a chance to vote for or against the party to keep their district happy. the vote today was inconsequential for republicans because democrats showed up and voted and i think that will be easy to use against republicans in the election. >> republicans are experiencing something democrats under nancy pelosi experience with the slim majority in dealing with coalitions, it creates chaos as we've seen. i want to play something from mike, who was upset. >> continuation of the concho, when you look at the challenges facing our country, voters elected house republicans majority to govern, serve us a check and balance on the walking
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a penetration. what's happening within our conference undermining our ability to govern and hold the administration accountable. johnson like mccarthy before him is doing the right thing putting article legislation on the floor in favor of the american people and america's role in the world. >> what is also political for republicans is democrats flying ukrainian flag on the house for what they represent america, not ukraine and another 61 billion or potentially unwinnable war but to what end with all of this? we were told we had to get rid of kevin mccarthy for conservative speaker and we were told speaker johnson was the most conservative and now he's not conservative enough, i worked on capitol hill before i
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got into tv, john banner was there, paul ryan and people didn't like them, no one ever likes the speaker. right now all we have to do is land the plane. trump is doing well in the polls, the environment looks good for republicans, just land the plane, don't screwed up. almost impossible to get the boats on the house for for anyone. any speaker even if you got someone new likely to be a lame-duck speaker heading into the next congress so land the plane. i don't think speaker johnson is doing the right things, they stated i don't approve of the funding to ukraine but landed the plane. >> speaking of former president trump, campaign rally in north carolina today was scheduled, counsel due to severe weather. this week the jury was selected, hush money trial with opening statements set to begin monday and we did hear from the former president friday.
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>> to go as fast as possible for his reasons, not my reasons. >> to take away my constitutional rights. i have a lot to say to you and i'm not allowed to say it on the only one. everyone else can say what they want about me, anything they want. they continue to make lies. >> opening statement monday. i know you've been watching this closely, what are your thoughts? >> no surprise donald trump and it goes to what lisa said, landing the plane, don't cause more destruction. donald trump is your lead story if you are republican. under prosecution, even though bar how to come out and address the on fox news so typically you wouldn't even see him behind trump legal scholars showing the american people what a first assist. there's opportunity here if you let the focus be on trump, back
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to landing the plane pretty he confirmed stormed new york everyday after court like he went to the bodega, he went to bat neighborhoods, roosevelt avenue and brothels and make it so democrats regret him being in new york. can you imagine if you made them uncomfortable everyday because the media would follow him around that strategy would keep the focus on the failures and under prosecution. i like the strategy or in this case, lack of strategy in the house. the what's next? if you go after the speaker, what are you going to eat up, where is it going to take you? with got to climb higher and look at this from a higher altitude and i will give lisa the credit -- land the plane. trump force one can literally take the focus off these issues and that's what you need because
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you need an executive in charge. >> before even opening statements get started, an attorney brought up the possibility of a hung jury and how it could start over again in the summer so there could be even more of this? >> if the election held today, georgia, wisconsin, i don't know about michigan and pennsylvania. their best shot is biden takes the winds democrats think they been handed in the house because what the funding bill does is gets are not the hook for israel and ukraine as far as they can keep president trump involved in what looks like a frivolous case, it doesn't matter the outcome, it matters the kept them off the campaign trail. auto president trump has to show up in every state in the age of cell phones, a lot of us would say biden one from the basement but not being able to fund raise is a big deal especially right now. >> on the fundraising but his
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poll numbers and battleground states are doing incredibly well, the former president even after is caps off the campaign trail. >> a lot of americans are seeing what's happening in new york city and with these indictments against him realizing that this is a witchhunt. it is a little rich for democrats to wait on the like, trying to jail political opponents and put him in jail and now trying to remove your service protections which could get him killed and you look at alvin bragg, political hitmen for the democrats. alvin bragg reduced 52% of felonies to misdemeanors in 2022 trying to elevate a misdemeanor to a felony 2023 and then you've got this judge donating to joe biden and his daughter is a democrat consultant and then you look at the jury and more than half of the 92 potential jurors said i am not impartial, i can't be impartial so it's a total
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political hit job in the trunk and democrats are such hypocrites talking about all of this stuff trying to jail, bankrupt and potentially get the poor guide build. >> jampacked blocker into jampacked the "big weekend show" including this. >> we are so tribal now. the left will overlook [bleep] if the guy from the wrong ready calls about. >> the list lucy plus hillary clinton -- is trump with another anti- maga red. enter her rent involves putin and college students are playing the wrong game as the user survey in hopes of walking down love. that's next. ♪
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♪ is that what we are doing? will come back to the "big weekend show". president biden remaining silent on israel's counterstrike
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against iran as he spends the weekend in wilmington, delaware. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson at the white house with more in. >> the president hasn't made any comments about israel strike on rent but he did, today in a statement of the house passing $95 billion aid bill. white house releasing a statement saying it comes at a moment of great urgency with israel facing unprecedented attacks from i rented ukraine under continued bombardment from russia. i want to thank speaker johnson, leader jefferson bipartisan coalition of lawmakers in the house who voted to put national security first. i heard the senate to send the package to my desk so i can sign into law and quickly sent weapons and equipment to ukraine to meet urgent battlefield needs. the $95 billion aid package represents about 1.3% of biden's $7.3 trillion budget for next year. it comes has some conditions,
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cost for the president to articulate a strategy ukraine and 45 days. it took about two years for the president to say goal is for ukraine to win much cost by ukrainian journalist carol the white house during the press conference alongside present zelenskyy in december many lawmakers want to know what looks like. return to 1991 orders? crimea these from ukraine. does government articulate and the white house are pentagon. a few days after announcing sanctions on iran, axios reports biden administration is expected to announced sanctions
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pretty much classic bill maher. at times he calls out the left and he does it again here. alicia, i want because he's from the left and he makes no bones about believe are fans of trump makeup is based should be ignored in our people on the left to find it intolerable and feel he's become conservative and he said multiple times, i wasn't the one who changed, they did. my party changed some of the people are the most extreme parts have taken things to a place no longer for people who want a sense of normalcy.
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>> understandable he's been around while, he seemed changes in the party, have been radical and mainstream. >> battle drink the kool-aid. it would be impactful if he said this or courageous three or four years ago, maybe when was in the heat of the battle is distant from both sides of the political aisle. bill maher saying this not because bill maher had an epiphany, he saying it because he's believing it but didn't have an issue until he realized joe biden is a sinking ship and donald trump is almost inevitable. he saying it because he knows the reading spoke with don when he says it because americans understand this even the liberals, even actual liberals understand how ridiculous this is. i don't care if you are a new york times reporter or motown order but if you are open to understanding this problems to do because bill maher said it in the summer of 2024, shame on you you haven't been paying attention. this same bill mark went on
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makeup for woodytipping far under a sign that says it's not going to lick itself, do i have to pretend that's cool to keep my liberal id card? i can't do that. at a certain place, inclusion becomes promotion and contrary to current progressive dogma, children are adult wise
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were issued summonses, and columbia university's president maneesh shafiq authorized officers to come in after students were given repeated warnings to leave but would not listen. congresswoman ilhan omar's daughter was among those who were arrested and later released. the congresswoman, writing on social media that she was proud of her daughter and adding in part, quote, stepping up to change with come to see all names of
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the pro- palestinian demonstrations. susan sarandon protest happening outside columbia university yesterday. we've tried to speak to pro- palestinian demonstrators most declined to talk on camera. we expect the crowd to grow from the evening to the night as is a protest planned for later on. back to you. >> cb has done an excellent job. moving along, president biden sounding the climate to gain favor with this and progressive voters. internal talks declaring acclimate emergency. as the biden administration petroleum preserve for oil and gas ahead of her birthday, activists pushing the commander-in-chief for answers saying biden wants to win the
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amid all the city out by themselves in the parks. if you have a pavlovian type of response from a group of people
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, play into it politically the tax dollars son 42% in mark as pr right now biden solis located wish and now it's more expensive the buyback. another sham by joe biden. >> that sums up his presidency but i want to get this on the documentary, energy security is national security, is it not? >> we are so concerned how weak we are, congress spent billions of dollars today. their justification because the was national security. wernicke's that's what you said. it's wide open, invaded by china in the south. we can't afford to
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kill them in states like pennsylvania with voters who actually
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jobs. moving ahead, don't miss battle for the arctic with bill hemmer available on fox nation. you want to watch that. coming up, hillary clinton at it again trying to trash trump 2024 momentum. that is next. >> he sees putin, he sees xi jinping, in conjunction north korea. those are the people he's modeling himself after. ♪
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north korea. those are the people he is, modeling himself after. and we've been down this road in our, you know, world
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history. we sure don't want to go down that again. yeah. one of the things we probably don't want to go down again is hillary clinton. nothing. i mean, can she retire? right. they they've got no self-awareness. is it a trait commonly found in politicians anymore? but does hillary clinton know what the majority of the country says about her and her husband? i'm just curious. i mean, this idea that trump wants to kill his opposition, i mean, there's a lot of she's still alive, and she was same lies, one reason bill clinton runs to arkansas, to get away from her, i know people who have worked with the clintons, she's trying to say relevant and that's the problem : she can't stand her existing irrelevance and that's it pathetic place to be but also the outflow of being a nurse assist your entire career.
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what difference does it make? she doesn't empathize, she's someone who's just, you're done hillary, he won't believe it. sorry. but even sorry. it's over. >> i don't understand, she said trump models himself after putin and xi jinping also if he doesn't just get elected for the wall, he definitely collected for calling of china for actions against us in all sorts of ways. she was a secretary of state for president who went around the world going to people and apologizing for the american exceptionalism accrue from the country. where is she coming from? the mark she's a liar, there's jokes i like to make a part of me is like say it and others, maybe don't so i'm going to be a good girl. hillary clinton funded russian disinformation, christopher steele garcia which the fbi web-based. she was the one that allowed russia job incredibly destabilizing impact on the united states and donald trump's
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presidency cost $32 million with robert more joke of an investigation to come to the conclusion that there was no rush inclusion because hillary clinton's campaign is the one that concocted it and put together. the book shot at documenting her campaign lost his head within 24 hours of concession speech, john podesta who came together and decided to blame russian hacking is a reason why so she is the one who is allowed russia to have stabling and mind you, democrats are the ones trying to bankrupt donald trump and throw them in jail it removed his secret service detail so shut up. >> i can't help but notice, she says trump wants to do all these things to opponents and put journalists in jail and all of this but from my recollection, the trump desh's department did not indict hillary clinton when she didn't do enough to do looked into. >> totally forgot about that and she said in the podcast she believes trump if he wins, he
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would move to withdraw from nato because would leave europe on its own, this was product which was the same time the republican house speaker was moving to get aid to ukraine to assist europe. >> house speaker in malabo this week. coming up, fairytales for the future, college students playing the long game as they use a survey in hopes of walking down love. that's next. ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're
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>> now college kids are getting into packs of their own. the marriage packs survey which is found its way 90 kat assistance to 17 uses an algorithm that has batches based on specific questions. one founder said the idea is if you think about everybody who goes to your college, shirley there someone is a good backup plan for you, not prince charming, not a perfect person necessarily but maybe somebody who's number you should have so let's put up some of these questions in these patents. your thoughts. i prefer politically incorrect humor. i pride myself on telling hard truths. i would and friendship over different political views, i would send older relatives to a nursing home so where do people think on this? can i just say, did people talk about when the will became out, that's your done for?
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[laughter] this is very responsible. fifty question survey on core values instead of focusing on looks so that is responsible. 30% of matches and meeting in person, one into dating for a year or longer so it's very responsible about time we get on gen z and younger generations so good for you. >> twenty-eight is not too old. now we have a story, a survey done for joey jones. this was a list put out by penn, a survey on the sexiest accents out there. number one -- seven. number two, new york. number three, california. texas, boston, chicago, minnesota and new orleans. joey jones, number one?
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the mark what i love is they were smart enough to differentiate between seven in texas. i lived in texas for three years in texas doesn't think i sound like a texan but if i come to new york they don't know the difference. i feel it's discredited because it did put new york at number two and still trying to understand what is sexy about a new york accent. not saying it's bad but very aggressive so i'm prideful because of an accident like seven altar is steeped in courtesy and politeness. we open the door with our words. bless your heart, can be the worst one. >> i'm with joey. forget about it. they do know the difference. >> i live in florida which has everybody moving from around the country so pretty soon florida
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will have to. there's things like the marriage back, is made up and went to do so let's have fun with it. i think we should go overseas and do a little international accents. why is everybody with a british accent sound smarter than everybody else? [laughter] >> big weekend lobster next. [laughter] >> bless your heart. [laughter] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is time for our big weekend flops. picks for the biggest veils of the week. i'm going to go first. biden is getting called out for telling a dubious detail about his uncle earlier this week. listen. >> reconnaissance over or zones paired he got shot down in new guinea. they never found the body because ther they'r there used - there ar were a lot of cannibals for real and that part of the country. >> we've got to go for real you have probably gone too far in the made up story. i don't think he knows it is made up he had the dream last night here we are talking about it. that is hard to believe, isn't it? what's in his elder abuse and going to leave it at that. squad member omar's daughter was
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arrested during anti- israel protests at columbia university this week. all i can say is talk about throwing away the american dre dream. she comes here on the fraud she raises a daughter within goes out and supports her terrorism and terrorists. to the left to all of you tell me how you support all the bad things like rape, gang rape, murders, baby beheadings and more. that was just october 7 there is more. >> bad people put new ad from the biting campaign is touting the presidents mental acuity. i wish i was making this up. going to love to tell us or about meeting president biden. because when you meet him this guy is as sharp as a knife. [laughter] is that the truth? [laughter] he was drinking with college students progress got escorted away with the easter bunny player or sense of everyday snacks and treats may be banned under new legislation in multiple states crackdown on ingredients with links to cancer it is true those include pez,
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there's a. sure in the hot tamales which kind of bums me out with do you know what is really good when i was a kid and take the hot tamales of the movies and eat it with like a big handful of movie popcorn and chew on it together it is delicious. delicious. because if it dipped to french fries and a frosty? okay nevermind it. [laughter] >> in no but i believe you. [laughter] how about oris we can't do without. >> okay, can we have to go for that does do it for us but would see a back here tomorrow at 7:0g weekend show. [laughter] "life, liberty & levin" starts in 10 seconds. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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