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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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a spate in society. we retreat, right? we surrender in a certain way but we don't because we are americans and you see when you have enough information you are able to make the right decisions. i am very excited, july 23rd but order it now and we will be good to go i'm excited. >> you gave me chills when he said that because during the pandemic before my father passed he said we have retreated into nothingness and we are completely controllable. >> time to reverse that. >> there you go, tammy. >> can't wait to read it. awesome, presale today tammy bruce's book, go get it. "fear itself." when you don't watch us live don't forget to dvr the show and here is "america reports." >> john: harris, thank you and former president donald trump in a manhattan courtroom is testimony resumes and historic criminal trial, so for the first witness former "national enquirer" publisher pecker david detailing with
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trump over the years. >> sandra: and a gag order hearing the judge will wait till later to say whether these social media posts violated the order. analysis on that from carrier bond next. >> this is insane. it feels like anarchy and we are not being supported by the university. >> it is a question i have to ask myself every day. is this what i want to do for the next three years? >> as a jewish student at yale for the first time i feel like i am not welcome. >> college campuses in total crisis mode this hour on the left side of your screen a live look outside yale university where more than 100
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students are still hanging around the lawn to protest the israel-hamas war. at the same time students at nyu on the right-hand side of your screen are staging a walk out. at this beginning tuesday afternoon i am john roberts in washington here we go again, sandra. >> sandra: that walkout expected to start any moment i am sandra smith, this is america reports. barricades have been put up, this is the site where the protests erupted overnight. >> john: so far seeing scenes of people waving flags, banding stomach banging on drums and chanting and teasing somatic rhetoric. >> sandra: we will talk about how these groups are being funded who is behind them? >> john: complete coverage but first to alexis mcadams live at columbia university and what are you seeing there today? >> alexis: hey, john, another day at columbia and get another
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protest here and there are more nypd officers out here again today. but this did not just start here at columbia, it spreading across the country including across new york to city, take a live look that you want to get you to the nyu campus where the walkout just started moments ago. student saying they would leave to show solidarity for the palestinian people. this was all posted on social media called "the strike in town hall" saying strike and join us trying to talk about what happened last night on their campus and they will call for a boycott of all israeli academic institutions. and also saying the nyu campus must protect free speech. we will keep a close eye on this because i know from covering this on these campuses it grows pretty quickly so they are giving them the signs and they will all walk around washington square park. students say they are livid the police swarmed their campus, listen. >> i am so outraged at the response of the president of the
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nyu to make those arrests of peaceful demonstrators. >> take a live look also as you see on your screen but we want to go to this video from the nypd they just put out a time ago, john and sandra, someone in the crowd throwing a bottle at police officers and we are told a chair was thrown into the crowd according to investigators that share badly damaging an officer's helmet showing how hard it was thrown into the crowd. they are looking at the possibility someone is funding these protests at campuses across the city and country. >> look at the tents. they were all the same color. they are all the same type of tents. the same ones we saw at nyu, the same ones we see at columbia. to me, i think someone is funding this. also, they are professional agitators in there. >> we have seen some of that agitation out here columbia's campus where the calls for the
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president of this university's resignation continue to grow louder here and powerful alumni, like bob kraft, who owns the new england patriots has put in a lot of monthly stomach money and he says no more, watch. >> we can't have this intimidation filtering through all these colleges and they hate continue to grow and multiply it the way it is. >> right now bernard and columbia's chapter of the american association of the university professors they are livid she allowed the police on campus but it was after hours of asking the students to get out of here and get their tenth off-campus. they are not calling for her resignation but saying she violated academic freedom in an unprecedented assault on student rights back out here live we are waiting to hear more from president minutia peak the pro-palestinian supporters are not happy with her and also the israeli students and the jewish students on campus and the
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professors and their parents pay all this money for our leaving school are not happy either. >> john: $66,000 a year on average they call heard of step down from both sides of the aisle. sander either someone was buying the tents for the protesters or who knows may be at rei they were having a fire sale. >> sandra: exactly in this life out here you can see they are putting the signs down on the ground for anyone who shows up to go pick up a sign and join the crowd. our producer on the ground says these piles of anti-israel signs are left out on the ground periodically for the protesters to come and pick them up. they say things, john, like "resist by any means" and "the future is anti-zionist." so they are able to walk straight into the crowd, grab the signs, and join the protests.
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who is providing the signs and who is laying them there for the students or protesters to come grab, john? >> john: those are definitely professionally made. i don't think there's any question about that. nobody is handed drawing signs and taking them to these protests. someone is supplying all this stuff. trying to get to the bottom of it for you. >> sandra: we are, our coverage will continue in this simple question to the president about anti-semitic protests at colleges across the u.s. periods answer to a very simple question was to pander to both sides and that is now exploding into controversy on its own. our white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is live on the north worn anything new from the president today? >> not yet, sandra. the president announced both sides when prompted by fox yesterday, but he has not taken it upon himself to speak out about any of this yet. he has tweeted 25 times since all of this spiraled out of control on saturday including nine times about climate. he made no mention of this in his remarks yesterday, and
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although there was a strong white house statement over the weekend, it was written by the deputy press secretary, andrew bates. this afternoon the education secretary miguel cardona put out a statement he posted in part "anti-semitic hate on college campuses is unacceptable i'm deeply concerned by what is happening at columbia university." he went on to say "hate has no place in our schools, all education leaders must stand definitively against hate, anti-semitism, anti-arab, and anti-muslim sentiment" when asked by fox yesterday, biden declined to weigh in on whether columbia university's president minouche shafik should resign he said he had to find out more about it but john fetterman has his mind made up he wrote "i fully agree with the white house. these "protests" are unconscionable and dangerous. add some tiki torches and its charlottesville's for these students. to columbia president minouche shafik do your job or resign so columbia can find someone who
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will" congressional democrats up for reelection like president biden are a bit more guarded. >> right now it's up to the president of columbia and these other universities to do the right thing -- >> do you think she should resign? >> i think she certainly better step up right now i will leave that to the trustees to make that decision. >> right now president biden is on his way to florida where he will be campaigning on abortion. he walked past reporters and did not say anything on his way out of the white house. will be watching to see if he says anything about this this afternoon. speech of the day is young, jacqui heinrich on the forest, jackie thank you. john? >> john: senior foundation and former counterterrorism analyst at the u.s. treasury department. so we heard the deputy police commissioner daughtry talking about the the mayor of new york erica adams talked about it as well, wiser buddy the same? was there a fire sale on those tents? there some organizing going on. a conservative organizing effort was the goal?
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that's what we need to be asking ourselves and using disgusting terminology. does this, to you, in your previous investigations, appear to be a coordinated effort funded by outside sources? >> absolutely. we have been watching this network now for the last ten years i foundation for the defense of democracies. we started looking into who was behind this group known as "students for justice" and palestine and what we found is there is an organization, an umbrella organization known as amp, american muslims for palestine previously pasted in chicago now based here in falls church, virginia. they are the ones that created this network to begin with. it started with just a handful of campuses. there are now 200 campuses that have sjp. they use a lot of the same rhetoric, they use a lot of the same devices on campuses, the different means of protest, there is a lot of commonality we see nationwide. they have been wielded as a
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student army by this group and we are now seeing it reached a fever pitch. >> who is funding them? >> that's a good question because a.m.p. is a corporate non-for-profit, it's not a c3. they have a fiscal sponsor called "americans for justice and palestine" you get a sense there is a lot of obfuscation going on. there is also a nonprofit in white plains, new york, called westpac that gives to students for justice and palestine. and obfuscated money trail to put it mildly but we can see there are organizers behind all of this and a broader network of organization supporting it as well. >> what is the ultimate goal? >> to put political pressure on biden but before biden the pressure was there for trump and obama. the idea is to wield that political pressure as much as possible. we are seeing tactics that look
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like the 1960s revisited. >> john: and the promise to disrupt the convention in chicago this coming august, shades of 1968 and the vietnam war protest. in terms of putting pressure on biden, it seems to be working because listen to what was said when he was asked about the anti-semitic protests on college campuses, listen here. >> i condemn anti-semitic protests that's why i've set up a program to deal with that. i also condemned those who don't understand what is going on with the palestinians. >> john: a lot are saying that is his very fine people on both sides moment. in the same way donald trump was criticized for that even though trump went on to explain he was not supporting white supremacists or neo-nazis. >> you can see right now the president is having a bipolar moment when it comes to the israeli war effort in gaza. on the one hand, we are now supporting with additional funding this very just war the israelis are fighting.
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at the same time issuing sanctions or withholding certain funds in the idea the same army we are looking to find here. the president is learning how to walk a fine line. i think the message is modeled right now and i do wonder whether these campus educators have a role. >> walking a fine line, alexandria ocasio-cortez just looked at the line and walked right over. look what she said in the same event that the president was at. >> it's up especially important we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days. as we once again witnessed the leadership of those peaceful student led protests like columbia, yale, berkeley, and many others. >> john: she led them as student led protests, the was said by them that this has absently no place on college campuses or anywhere in our
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country. the custody seems to be saying "go team" i am with you. >> she does seem to be saying that but it's amazing because she is the first person to admit she doesn't really understand this conflict very well. she sent them publicly so she's out there supporting these protesters and anti-semitic rhetoric that they are spouting while she -- i mean she will admit she does not understand what week she is talking about its remarkable. >> john: what did mark twain said it's better to keep one's mouth shut? jonathan it's good to see you, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: former president donald trump in court for day six of his new yorker mill trial. the first witness former national pirate publisher david packer back on the stand today, his testimony following a hearing over whether to hold trump in contempt for probably stomach violating a gag order. eric shawn live outside the courthouse in manhattan for us, what's the latest out of the courtroom at this hour?
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>> eric: the latest is revelations behind the curtain, pecker revealing the site down my secret partnership between the tabloid and donald trump. fentanyl back on the stand for a second day in the courtroom discussing that relationship. he is a longtime friend of the former president and a detailed from the stand how the tabloid slanted its coverage to help trump's election campaign in 2016. he said that the tabloid would write positive stories about trump but negative ones about his republican primary opponents like ted cruz, marco rubio, and ben carson. slamming them with negative headlines and articles. he said the so-called "catch and kill" plan paying for negative information about trump and never publishing it was highly confidential and it came up during an august 2015 meeting at trump tower with trump, trump's lawyer michael cohen, and himself. that's when they made the agreement he said and the arrangement to kill negative stories about trump when he was
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a candidate for president. prosecutors say that payments were eventually made to stormy daniels. those part of the plan that led to him falsely putting payments as legal payments when it was actually for stormy daniels to keep quiet about her alleged affair with trump under wraps. as for the gag order and finding in contempt of court, judge juan mershon reserved on that moments after the hearing ended the former president posted this on true social saying "highly conflicted to put it mildly judge juan mershon has taken away my constitutional right to free speech. everyone is allowed to talk and lie about me but i am not allowed to defend myself. this is a kangaroo court and the judge should recuse himself." the judge has already denied two attempts for that so that won't happen. testimony now continuing with david pecker and expected to be
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back on tuesday followed by the former "playboy" playmate who claims she had a ten month affair with the former president and that she received $150,000 as part of that cash and kill scheme from the "national enquirer" to keep the alleged affair quiet so voters would not find out about it, back to you. >> sandra: we will wait and see if we hear from the former president shortly. we will watch for that, eric shawn, thank you. john? >> john: also watching the walkout unfolding on nyu's campus carried at what point of the federal government step in if at all? we will ask republican arkansas senator tom cotton that question coming up next. >> sandra: plus outrage at the southern border after a judge just ruled on a case against migrants accused of writing. dana marie mcnichol is live in el paso. >> dana: send her come we'll have why the judge decided to
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drop all of the charges against the migrants whoho rush the borr el paso comingcar up. va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> sandra: fox news alert we are watching these pictures live out of new york city at nyu where we are watching this walkout happening in real time. this new demonstration is happening after more than 100 arrested in new york city last night. we saw a growing number of protests emerge and erupt all over the city. the group here is a group called the nyu palestine all of coalition they are calling on students to walk out of the classes today following the anti-israel protests that unfolded their last night. they are posting on instagram
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for students to walk out of the class at 1:00 p.m. eastern time. where in that hour in washington square park a couple of blocks there to reflect, debrief, and strategize according to their post. let's bring an arkansas republican senator tom cotton on breaking news as we watch these pictures, senator, what are your thoughts as you see this happening and now to think you have classes canceled at columbia university? why can't they get a hold of the situation? >> sandra, i gather there are about 100 people arrested last night at nyu it seems they need to be more arrests today. these university presidents need to ask the mayor and the chief of police in new york to send in new york city's finest to arrest anyone breaking the law squatting on private property when they've been told to disperse. who is harassing or intimidating jewish students and demand students actually do it they are supposed to do which is go to
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school. by the way any of the students who are foreigners on visas should have their visas provoked by the by demonstration and be deported. they have no right to be here and especially not spewing anti-semitic and anti-israel spiel. >> we know it's up to their officials to call the police however there were students, we had one onset or two i should say yesterday jewish students who feel so threatened their rabbi on their campus at columbia is telling them to go home. they say the only solution to bringing in the national guard. do you think that is needed? >> sandra, first off it's not the university's prerogative whether or not the nypd come onto their campus. it would certainly be welcome at the university presidents and their police forces would cooperate, but new york city has an obligation to enforce the law and to protect innocent civilians like those jewish students. there is a crime being committed
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in a private home. the police have every right to go into the home to stop the imminent crime being committed. they certainly have every right as well. and yes, i do agree if erica adams won't send the nypd to protect these jewish students, if kathy hochul would send the national guard, joe biden has a duty to protect these jewish students from what is on these campuses. these are his scenes like you see out of the 1930s in germany. they should never be witnessed or tolerated here in america in 2024. >> sandra: the or we are seeing organized the current walk out on your screen for our viewers to mill washington square park, new york university, this group organizing this is demanding "to end all war profiteering and investment in. a complete economic boycott of israel" it reads. the removal of nypd on campus and the nyu must protect free speech on campus and provide full amnesty to all students and faculty penalized
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for their pro-palestinian activism. let me ask you this, who is behind this? >> sandra, that's a very good question. something the department of justice should look into. these encampments did not just spring up spontaneously and it looks to me like they have some pretty expensive camping equipment there as well. i think it is worth asking who is funding these organizations violating the law? is it left-wing activist groups? as a foreign government's? the department of justice should get to the bottom of. i just rode along with the majority of republican senators to the secretary of education to enforce civil rights laws to include with the protection of civil liberty why they are not taking action to stop these programs in addition to doing things like finding where the funding is coming from and who is generating them. again, they don't look spontaneous to me sitting out there in $500 camping tents. >> sandra: final question on that, now those who are arrested
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overnight the more than 100 of them that where they were claiming the arrests were violent, but that the violence we faced it's only a fraction of the violence that the palestinians face on the ground every day. who is winning here? i mean this lawless behavior, they are stopping police vehicles from moving on the streets, how do you see this ending? >> i have confidence in the nypd. some of america's finest. if there were any violent arrests i suspect it was because they were facing violence themselves. yes, civilian suffering and deaths in gaza which is the fault of hamas using individuals as human shields trying to increase human deaths. that's what the protesters should be protesting is the crimes hamas is committing against its own people. not israel which is trying to defend itself from another murderous attack on the state of israel or provide safe haven for the jewish people from exactly this harassment you are seeing
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on today's campuses. >> sandra: i want to confirm of the 133 demonstrators arrested last night the nypd tells us they used zip ties and flex cuffs to remove the protesters from the campus. they were then taken on a police bus to headquarters and charged with trespassing. we are still waiting for the reaction from the mayor on how he plans to proceed as we watch this live together. senator cotton, thank you for joining us today, appreciated. >> thank you, sandra. >> john: a lot of those protesters end up back on the street and then there is this. more than 100 migrants released from jail after a judge found a lack of evidence to detain them on writing charges after being arrested this month. it comes as fox cameras continue to capture growing activity, dana marie mcnichol's live in el paso. what do you see there today dana marie? >> john, good afternoon we are stealthily seeing some activity on the other side of the border wall but i do want to share with you a large group of migrants that were rioting,
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cutting razor wire, pushing down government fences, they will now be released from the el paso county jail and taken into federal custody. this specific incident i'm speaking about happened april 12. i want to show you video two days after that rush layers upon layers of razor wire and fencing installed to reinforce the area. be 142 migrants were arrested by texas dps for writing, but an el paso judge dropped the state misdemeanor charges citing "not enough evidence" to prove each person was involved in the riot. these migrants will not be transferred over to ice to face federal charges for illegal entry into the u.s. this comes weeks after a similar incident when migrants rushed the wire leading to more than 200 arrests on the state writing charges. in this case a judge released the migrants on bond citing the state was not ready to proceed with the cases against them. the el paso d.a. said that is not true and texas was ready to take on each case.
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he says those migrants would be handed over to be processed and potentially removed from the u.s. now the seven migrants facing felony charges and that instance were not released and back out here live this border wall behind me is just a couple miles from those incidents, but i am standing here because this is where a lot of the action is taking place. our cbp source says yesterday they saw 1,000 encounters an earlier today we watched a massive group to bust away by a-determiner. john? >> john: dana marie, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: to add to the live events we are watching for you at this hour we expect the pentagon briefing moments away as the u.s. considers imposing sanctions against the unit of the israel defense force fighting hamas terrorists in gaza. morgan ortagus with reaction just ahead. >> plus the stunning conclusion in the case of the arizona rancher accused of second-degree murder and the death of a mexican migrant honest property.
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developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at >> sandra: a russian court today with a appeal "the wall street journal" was appealed accused of espionage while reporting in russia. he is the first american journalist to be arrested on spying allegations since the cold war. a challenge he, the journal, and the u.s. government all design. till my coming. despite being there for over a year there is no date set for his trial. speedy one we are all praying for his release. and as iranian proxies launch new attacks against u.s. troops
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for the first time in nearly three months. there but now at least 172 attacks on u.s. targets in the middle east since october the 17th when all the attacks first began. morgan ortagus former sports person for the u.s. state department, she joins us now. a couple of drone and rocket attacks in syria and iraq in the last 48 hours, what should biden do about it? clearly these proxies maybe they got the message but they sure are back at it again. >> i am not sure they got the message and you know who definitely did not get the message? the ayatollah, the islamic republic of iran. president biden and his national security team should make it clear to iran that not the proxies but they themselves will be held responsible for any iranian proxy attacks against u.s. military forces and installations. that is the key difference. the major and key difference between what heaven and the trump administration and what has happened in the biden administration especially since october 7th.
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we told the iranian regime you don't get to hide behind your proxies and say we or you find, you train, equip, you direct these proxies, and therefore we will hold you personally responsible for what happens. until president biden stops his appeasement policies the iranian proxies are going to continue to feel they have the ability to go after u.s. forces without any consequences as they did in jordan when they just recently a few moments ago killed -- killed three americans. >> john: and does not look like there is any indication biden will take that route though. what he is doing is he seemed to be creating a bigger rift between him, netanyahu, and the israeli war cabinet when secretary blinken said no way, know how would the u.s. support military engagement and raw thought, tell them what he said. >> we cannot support a major military operation in rafa perry we believe the objective can be
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achieved by other means. >> john: i'm not sure what other means he is talking about. en masse is not about the mark about two to render in any cease-fire would lead to more bloodshed for israel down the road. >> this has been disastrous and tony blinken has been one of the more gnomic least effective secretaries of state's, look what is happening around the world but in the middle east. their policy is entirely incoherent. on one side of them out they talk tough against russia and china but then they embolden iran which is directly a part of this quartet of evil with russia, china, north korea and iran. going after israel the way this administration is going and reminding as a jewish-american it's passover, it's a high holiday and we still have five jewish americans won't be at a passover seder tonight because the biden administration and tony blinken have done nothing to get them home.
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so going after israel are democratic and free ally makes absolutely no sense. >> going after israel there are now considerations in the biden administration about sanctioning this net see yehuda battalion part of the idf and there is a report that was released by the state department highly critical of israel for human rights abuse lumping them in with those around the world, what signal is biden sending here? >> i mean it is just shameful. to answer your last question israel should've already gone into rafa i put an op-ed about this a couple weeks ago they should ignore biden and go in. israel is not a state of the united states they can make their own decisions. you know, number two as it relates to the sanctions as it relates to the report the human rights report reference yesterday in a press conference he was not asked about china he
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was not asked about north korea he was not asked about venezuela or syria, just as real. by the way just remember what is going on here, the biden administration has not sanctioned the taliban who are currently stoning women to death and preventing young girls from going to school. they have not sanctioned north korea for humans right abuse. they're not going after trying it with an ongoing but who are they going after? israel. and ongoing genocide in china. >> thank you. >> sandra: former president trump's trial as questions remain about the strength of the prosecution's case andy mccarthy will react just ahead. >> john: plus anti-israel protests erupting in colleges across the country michael lawlor not holding back what he thinks needs to happen. he is just ahead on "america reports" stay with us.
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diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. (♪) ask your doctor about hormone—free veozah... and enjoy more not flashes. >> sandra: day six and former president donald trump's article trial david pecker testifying about his relationship with the former president as questions linger about the strengths of the prosecution case. a key decision remains. should trump take the stand in his own defense? let's bring in former assistant u.s. attorney and fox news contributor mccarthy maybe you can answer that question for us, andy? >> sandra, i think he will have a difficult time chasing down my
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taking the stand given the ruling from yesterday. not unexpected that the civil fraud trial and the carol case where they are not going to let the prosecutors get into the sexual misconduct, but they will get into defamation by lying which is what the jury essentially found. so what judge basically ruled yesterday as if trump takes the stand, those rulings and the result of those cases will be paid as a stomach place in front of the jury. that he has fraud and the defamation stuff and even though he is appealing those for the moment those are the rulings of those courts and their game cross-examination. >> sandra: andy, on the case how strong is it? this is from the latest piece. i want you to dig into this for us. when you say bragg's apologists
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say he is our strong case what they mean is the evidence of what happened is overwhelming. that should not surprise us because the evidence proves activity. that was legal. expand on that, andy. >> right, it's not hard for prosecutors to develop a lot of evidence of legal conduct. if people are a little embarrassed over some of the things they have done because they are unsavory, if the conduct is legal, you can get in more trouble by covering it up by you can fessing up to it. it's really not hard to assemble by that kind of information. bragg has a ton of that. of the problem bragg's has he is trying to spin that into something that is not a crime and the indictment does not charge. what he is saying is trump conspired to steal the 2016 election by suppressing politically damaging infor information. to commit conspiracy, you need
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cargo or more people to agree to commit a crime. it is not a statutory crime to suppress politically embarrassing and information. it's what these campaigns do. he's trying to hoodwink the journey into the amount of evidence he has is probative of a conspiracy when in fact it is not. this behavior, though unsavory, is lawful. >> you also write about the law fair against trump pace compounding interest, trump has some hard thinkidot may not have fully anticipated when the new york civil fraud trial was ongoing. the findings could be very damaging to him in the eyes of the criminal jury and the ongoing manhattan case. the only way he can keep them from hearing those findings is by forfeiting his right to testify in his home defense. that seems to be growing a case when you hear this, andy, from the former trump attorney tim
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parlatore advising against trump testifying, listen here. >> i don't think he should. will he? obviously that is his choice. that is a decision that really comes down to the wire. if the jury disbelieves him on anything, however small, that is something they will hold against him and it will be much more likely to convict. >> sandra: final thought on that for you, andy? >> problem is the dual political and legal context here, sandra. legally i think trump would be much more likely relying on the case but it will be consequential if he does not take the stand because they will see he took the fifth. >> sandra: we are watching the doors at the supreme court in new york city we will potentially see the legal team thank you. >> john: sandra soft-on-crime se policies in blue cities across to america are democrats finally ready to reverse course? plus this.
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>> i never thought seeing what is going on in america and what is happening right now and it really pains me to see it. >> sandra: billionaire robert kraft and other big donors pulling their money out of these colleges as anti-s anti-semitic/anti-israel examples grow. bryant romberg and jack in the endless look at the reality all of all of this for thesete universities,. and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. i'm jonathan lawson,
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>> john: and we are watching the unfolding situation outside of nyu and washington square park where people have walked out of classes at new york university. such a prestigious place and they are now rallying against israel and support palestine. we see this across the country, sandra. >> sandra: we do. we have a growing number of live shots like this because it is popping up these demonstrations on many college campuses. this one as it developed overnight, obviously there is great concern about the number of people we were seeing. just a couple of blocks away they marched here in washington square park which is already a prepopulated park during the d day. but, john, this is becoming almost a new normal that we are
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seeing. to think these universities can't get a hold of the situation to the point where columbia has now stopped all in person classes. this is affecting absolutely every student who has worked so hard to get to these universities. >> john: pay like you are at columbia, learn like you are at university of phoenix. we will be watching this and we will be righback after this. reag with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just the click of this button. a button? no mask? no hose? just sleep. yeah but you need the hose, you need the air, you need the whoooooosh... inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more, and view important safety information at your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors,
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speaks mom today is the deadline to at a measure as states run by democrats struggled to contain criminal behavior. are these blue jurisdictions just admitting failure? >> in a way they are. especially with drug policies. into caramelizing narcotics these same places are recriminalizing. organizing good example the democratic governor set a bill
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making small amount possession a crime once again. these temporary drug free zones popping up on a rolling basis it returns power to police with people appearing to be with distribution. to come i would plan to shut down the market. >> the open air drug markets the widespread addiction comes a deep despair that it is unacceptable and changes on the way. >> in california residents have taken charge to bipartisan group for safer communities had until today to submit signatures for a measure to be added to the november ballot. they say they got 900,000 to strengthen drug and theft penalties, listen. >> i think everyone needs to take a breath and say what we are doing is not helping. dumping save date money into initiatives that do not require sobriety that giveou


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