tv Hannity FOX News April 23, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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ayatollah giving the commencement address this year at columbia. >> i think years back there was - the iranian leader. i think he gave a commencementst address at columbia. >> i attended it. i just don't even remember his name. mahmou it.d. >> something i forget. bill from chesapeake, virginiate . >> first time i'd seen a alec baldwin do something i liked. golec bat to admit. >> kind of like the two camenort from north carolina. >> don't compare joel with weird al. al has a job out. >> yeah. god, i love joel. d, i >> i love the wrap. my jason from kush, alabama. >> how was joel? not in. hor. retogethe >> big missed opportunity there. always. remember? >> i'm waters, and this is my
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world. welcome to "hannity". we are once again. we sean: t are monitoring the ss of new york city tonight wheree scoresstre pretty hateful, anti-american, anti-israeli protesterses of have beenl day, demonstrating all day. many of these far left agitator mans. on your screen, you have probably already seen it probably better arrested by the nypd. but with no bail law thes, they were probably let go without any criminal charges. now, of course the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg, he's busy with way more important matters, like an eight-year-old misdemeanor. while pass the statute of limitations surrounding the alleged missiles labelingmib of a nondisclosure agreement. now, there o are people pledging allegiance to hamas on the streets of new yorkce t and other places around the country. but according to alvin bragg accordin, inaudib while possibly mislabeling a business expense from, oh eight years ago, is way more important, a far more pressing issue. so donald trump, he continues
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to languish in a manhattan courtrooldm where anti-trumpcour prosecutors and an anti-trump judge pretend to be solemn arbiters of justice whenjudg are not. no at the very same time, new york's well-to-do. heverysocial justice warriors td hamas sympathizer. they are wreaking havoc all across the city of new nork, noacrosst even the embattd actor alec baldwin is safe fromb their harassment. >> take a look. israel. zionism, please say it. one time. >> you can you can do it for. all right. it's rare. i'll tell you why?u wh i am defending alec baldwin later in the program, but attempting to coerce a political statement from someone justmpting t trying to y coffee is beyond gross inappropriate. er t and we should be better than that as a country. we'll have more coming up now, of coursa e, what alec baldwin just encountered pales in comparisoe,n to what many man
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jewish students have faced now across new york city and the country. for example, at the ivy league beenitution, columbia they have been run out of town literally for weeks. hundreds run out of anti-israeld agitators occupying a central locationreds on columbia's camp. they're pitching their tents there, blocking a keysagewa passageway. they are disrupting nearby classey,hee disrs and anyone whd even remotely pro-israel. there were signs praisingigns hamas, praising terrorism. also calls for global end to fatah, which is a religious war against the jewish people. nearby, masked individuals forci more attacks like the terror attack on octobee attackr the sd and calling on terrorists to murder and to pro-israel protesters. now, the school's rabbi urged, e all jewish students to leave the area, immediately returnhome home because that campus is simply not safe for them. at camnow, a jewish professor wy reportedly banned from the campus to preven frot a viot
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uproar from this crowd of angry, quote, peacefuof angrl protesters. republican lawmakers there now calling on biden to mobilize bin the national guard to protect the locao l jewish population. but now, instead of clearing the campus, restoring order, columbia's president is orderingestoring that classes bd available online. that would mean that the schoole availaes jewish populath now complete the semester, hidingulatio away in the safetyi of their own homes. that not seem wron g to columbia's president is a gutless coward who now faces rightly calls, rightly so, to resign. but we see the same response from almost every elite school president anmostd now facing p a violent, disruptive protest, terrified by their own professors, many tenured and studentstheir ow and these e do nothing in the face of what is raw, repulsive bigotry hatred, anti-semitism, leaving their jewish population simply to wither on the vine.
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take a look at your screen. this is at an nyu protest wherep a demonstrator alludes to the horrific attack on october the seventh with a sign that reads, take a look right there. e colonial power by any means necessary. power,now, does that include th and the murder of of of the jewish people that include burni burning entire families alive? what about abducting e kidsd and babies? what about the beheading the childrenose and women and men as well? n what about violent revolution against the american republic? what do you think they mean >>en they chant death to israe l ,death to america? what does that mean to them? and by the waydoes tha, where'su your president? where's joe? the one who promised to restorer the soul of the nation, the one? that cares so much toout democracy that he claimsat is in peril? well, today he was far away from any of these protestswas ,t struggling to walk, struggling
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to talk, made up stories t about his experience as a big rig driverries, as per usua, avoiding reporters like the plague. biden has been nothing himself but gutless. he has been cowardly because desperately needs support from his violent in some cases anti-semitic base. and joe doesn't really want to weigh in and pick a side. his own state department condemnepickd israel yesterday i report that likened the world's only jewis h state to theish st terrorist group hamas, citing both forat rights violations. >> did they forgetdi hoo the victims of terrorism more here. how is it possible that the leader of the freew is tha worls zero in terms of a moral compass? zerois it? he has been appeasing the number one state sponsor ira of terror, iran. his entire term as presidenthi and his eight years as vicete president, the number one state sponsor of terror. why won't the presiden t of your
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country stand firmly against radical islamic that have as part of their charter, the destructio parn of israel? i guess he'll probably get busys restoring the soul of a nation. oh, i don't know. maybe whenn' his borders are actually goes down to the troubled parts of the borderact meanwhile, donald trump, who was busy attending another mandated session of thef th democratic party's latest dog and ponyic party show. and, of course,we the weaponization of justice on full display for all toapof e le did take time to weigh in. let's take a look. what's going on at the college level? >> the college cognitive at nyu is a disgrace. and it's a it's really is the wrong signal. >> it's got the right tone and the wrong word is and of back and it's a mess. >>it's joe biden has a lott do of explaining to do, but don't expect a get his burg address. aside from aside from his obvious mental deficienciess
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and cognitive decline, he is i not a leader. at best, i'm being charitable. he's a mediocre, lifelong politician, looking out for his own blind political ambition, looking out one, all while making up a lot of folks stories and heroic tall tales tl in order to bolster his his deteriorating self-image. but in the 195 days, you, the american people, you wille have a chance to getce t our country back on with the latest on the ground at columbia university, verywelm own sara carter. >> sara, welcome. thanks so much, sean. you know anti israel pro hamas protests continued here today. columbia university despite growing concerns amongcontin jeh faculty and staff that they are no longer safe herand ste te on campus. sean, we spent the day here with them, although initiall day
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many of the protesters refused to speak with me. eventually the some of them brokebroke and they did talk and this is what they hadan talk. say.. >> everybody in america wantser to know whicy you're all here. what does that mean? is that. what what is disclosed?oe david? which you know, that hamas attacked israel. but they didn't attack idf. they attacked women, children. and that is why israeli sources say a lot of work.eing that's what's been documented. what is from the river to thet n sea instead of outside into the outside of the white river. okay. that question is not that. know there is an actual river and an actual sea. i'm aware, you know. but what river?
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what sea equal? it's beside israel and the palestinian territories. what? it's the jordan river to the mediterranean sea. october 7th, hamas attacks women and children. israel have a right to defendo itself. i'm asking you a questio ntself. to jason. israel have a right to defend itself. no one has a right to defendtin] . people. no. no one has a right to dismemberd babies and put them in ovens and kill them. that's never happened. what is your solution, sean? there was continued continued calls for more security hereecut at columbia university and across the nation as ant ait semitism appears to be on the rise. they expect these protestsi- to to continue throughout the week and some even suggest that these protests will continue next week. one thing is certain is that jewish studentll contis and jewr
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faculty are looking for help and they're looking for answers and they're expecting the bidena administration to make a statement. sean, you know, how could somebody at an ivy leagueinstit institution, supposedly the best and brightest, get intoutnly the b that, that e of school? that never happened. yeah. and we happened. and we have the video evidence. many of us have seen it. e videmany osara carter, great . >> thank you. if i guess news warrants would go back to sara. we go now to steve harrigan. h, whe is near the campus of ny i did go theredi as a student fr a year. steve, what's going on there? shi'as peak there. about 1500 protesters out here during the day right now, about 200 left. it's been peaceful sabouoe far today. we'll see if the police move in to push those remaining protesters out. move-inthis demonstration todaw follows about 100 arrests last nigh t about.ed 100 people were zip tied by police. it's not clear how many of those werye students,nt how many were outside
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agitators. but reallyd ho on learning in mi places like columbia has pretty much been shut down by theth atmosphere. we heard crowds here singing and chanting from the riveer to sea here as well today, too. but just realloday, twy on a pel note, a lesser note here, just standing here, we saw two young women walk by, three police officers. oerthey looked like two studenn here at nyu. and one of the women just looked at thtsnye police officer and swore at him, used t the f-word at them, and then continuallt y casually keptwalkn walking. you really get the sense you can really feel the hatred in this crowd. sean.s real yeah, it's really sad. steve harrigan keep us updatedl. throughout the night. thank you, my friend. all right. joining us now, former seniok rp adviser to president trump, stephen miller, hoover institute, fellomillerer instiw professor, let me start with you. let's get your overall thoughts on what we're seeing and more importantlverallhoughty, reactio of president biden and very specifically to the fact that he would not support
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israel's offensive counterattack against iran. he wouldn't support israel winning their war outrightould. s terrorists that have fired tens and tens of thousande fires fro of rockets from gaza into israel over the last 15 years alone. and that, to me, why he has thi moral ambiguity on this issue and not moral clarity. i can't i can't understande an. >> well, i think he feels h that he doesn't want a war, the middle east, that would disrupt oil prices before the election. and here at home disrupt price s that the muslim vote is crucial to his electoral mus college ane sends a message of no deterrence abroad that encourages hamas and its supporters, no deterrenc te homo so people get on the streets. you know, the biden administrationnd s has our backn and anyway, the united states, there's no consequences for illegality sta. are >> but it's a to other forces at play. for been in this territory.
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we have 55 million people who were not born in the united states. that's the highest number in our historyted stat and the t percentage, almost 15% with the latest 10 million. we don't we don't authenticatebr them. we don't d checks,o background . we don't even try to integrate assimilate them. so they they are tribal. we say you're your age, not your american or your shared residence is what counts sha? t and then we shouldn't forget this diversity, equity and inclusion. diversitquity anit's pernicious. >> it says that if nonwre so-called nonwhite, you can't be discriminatory, you can't be racist you can't b be anti-semitic. and the world is divided, oppressors and oppressed, and the israelis and the jewssiw are oppressive white people. and therefore, you're you get a completehie anerefore pass to n whatever you want. and the second aspect of it is w e even have the s.a.t.e anymore to go to these elite schools. in most caseo tos. >> and yale gives 80% a's. the rest of the ivy league is closed behind. these students are not taking rigorous courses. they have studre note plenty of
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it's got courses. and these universities that intent intent on racing to the bottom because they're letting in students, by their own admission, would never have been admittedan according to their own standards, just four or five years ago. and novew, as students and are running the university and they determine the grade policy, the typeys of courses that are offered and their own control, and the president's thr are terrified of them. think of thids of professor, that if if any of these students ever use the wrong pronoun, that that might have gotten them expelled. and then you watch and you witness witness and you listen to outright support of terror,an we are hamas and all the other things we have heard. it just it boggles the mind.just stephen miller, let me ask you about it, joe. neville chamberlain. biden in this sense, he has done everything in his career as vichae president andent president to appease iran. he's turned a blind eye toward s and he's allowed them to make hundreds of millions of dollareo
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,anywhere between 80 and $150 billion in revenue by selling oil, in some cases, even to joe biden's administrationases in mh of 21. he has helped make iran m rich again. he's helped make the mullahs rich again, which is now been r'fomenting more terror in the g region. proxy wars with hezbollah, hamaion, pros, the houthi rebel. and what has he gotten forthing. all of his appeasement? >> nothing. he's got he's put our ally put in more danger and won't support their own defense. >> donald, as president broughte peace to europe, asisidea and w we're talking about tonight, the middle east, his strategy with ira t.n to contain them,ff to cut off their funding, to choke off their abilityr to spread terrorism to their proxies was unprecedentedlyy suc successful. his peace agreements with israel and his neighbor
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s helped establish tranquility in a region that has known bloodshed foquility r so many years. >> joe biden reversed all of that progress and, unleashedthaw the nightmare we are seeing now in the middle east. >> but let'se seeing talk about what else joe biden is doing as pro-hamas radicals in theal democrat party are terrorizing jews, terrorizing americans, terrorizing students. is joe biden usinge depart the department of justice to go after them for their riotous aviour behavior, for violatingol the civil rights of their fellowatincivi americans?g afte >> is he going afteruniver the universities for using your taxpayer dollars? si joe biden, the democrat party,ji new york state democrats and democrat authorities are using all of their collective might might to persecute one man. and his name is donald every resource is being directed not to protect jewssou not to protect students, not to protect americans, not noeiversicrime, beat at thamerin campus, in the subway,ty s on the streets or at the border. onthey are using their resources to try to put one man behind t barsy the ultimate electiond bas
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interference. this, president is a lawless offense to democracy and civilized nation. everything coming out of this white house is destroying the veryghi of this countryf and our democracy because of joe biden. indeed, in grave peril. sean. perilyou know what? >> at 195 days, everybody watching thi95s show, you have to do your part. all hands on deck. , victor davisnkal hanson, thank you both. all right. joining us now, texayos ted cru, who is being called in to a vote. i know you don't have a lot knowe. vote, great to have you back. before i get to the issuyou bacd of aid package and i read your comments about it, i think i'm i agree with every word y that you wrote. i'm conflicted as you are. there are thingsou that i suppot like aid for israel. there's not a pennt likey in ths bord for or what's happening at the border in your state and in arizona. in california. te ionafirst, let me get your rn to these radical students
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on campus. yourjoe biden's appeasement to e of the worst terrorists in the world. >> what's your overall reaction? listen , what we're seeing at universities is absolutely horrific. >> this anti-semitist m and this hatred, this violence, these threats directed at jewishs dire students should be utterly unacceptable. at columbia university, the orthodox rabbi advised, jewish students go home and stay home because the university will noaye t protect wil your safety. columbia university also barredn one of its own professors, a jewish professor frorofessormn on campus, because they concluded they would not protececause tt his safetys and understand these administrators and many of these faculty andd that membe with the radicals. we saw an image this weekend wiy of presumably a columbia student. and by the way, by all appearance s, not a palestinian, but a young blond womaninia standingn there with with an arab headscarf and holding a signb have and she's standingf
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in front of several jewish students behinrad her whoo have have israeli flags and american flags in her sig flagsn, saysth al kassam next target with an arrow at these jewist wih stude, al-qassam is hamas's military arm. she is literally advocating that terrorist murder. her fellow. udents, if you had any administrators anny studentying that advocates terrorist murder, fellow studentent s woup be expelled on the spot. if you are threatening other studentseld , you shouldu sh be arrested and you should be expelled. and by the way, that'se expell r you were threatening jewish students or you are threatening thres or or anybody you else, you don't have a right to engage in threats, violence. and the problem is thesece administrators agree and with to anti-semites on the street, and so does the biden whitebide house. you know, the biden twitter account, he has yet to say a wordter accoye about what's ho at columbia, what's happened at yale, what's happened at nylu . he's got over 30 million
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followers, but he will not say a word. shand just this weekend,d ju joe biden stood side by side with aoc while she praised s these anti-semitic protesters at nyu and yale and columbia. ei this is their base. this is the democrat party. and joe biden sat there with agn goofy grin on his face and said, you got to listehin. this woman, a sitting member of congress, it is disgraceful r . sean, i'll tell you what a real president would do. a real president would presiden. ng jewish students are going to be safe on our campuses. and if the universitie ssan t will not protect them, the federal government will. and if need be, we'll sendt wi sen in the national guard like eisenhower did when democrat s refused to integrate schools. a real president would say federal law enforcement will be there. you will not be subject to violenc ne. but joe biden won't say s that because he's terrified of ticking off the radical left in his own party. well, rememberhis own , joe alsd with the former klansman, robert byrd, his mentor,
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his friend, and didn't want the integration of schools or school integ bussing because he didn't want schools to become racial jungles. he said nobody in the media seems to remember that but me. last questiothatn. i know you have to run. h if you have to run, go, leave. g i'll i'll i'll take over for you. but if you can get it in yourre mouth to vote on this aid package, i read your statement. >> i agree youd with 99.9% of i. >> so, sean, i'm going to vote no. but i will tell you, this is a very close call. and i struggled fos r a time with how to vote because there are elements of this bill. i really strongly support. this has military aid for israel. israel is in the middle of a war. we should have provided this emergency militaryof the war aii six months ago in november, i joined several other senators . we forced a vote on the senate floor to provide emergency a voa to israel in november, and every single democrat voted no. and every day since then, the delay in aid has beend ha because the democrats were blocking it. i alsobeen
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support what they'rere doing on tick tock, but i can't support this bill ultimatel buty, it gives ms to gaza. it gives money for the ngosickig that are trafficking illegal gp thrants, and it does nothin zero to stop the invasion at our southern border. that's gotvasion to be our prio. i totally agree that bordere bug and the budget, it's not complicated. etot cothat's why 195 days matters. y all right, senator, thank. i know you have to run. appreciate your time. all right. when we come back, en trump wasto gat back in court today where prosecutors were arguing that he violated a gag order. jonathan turley with legal analysis straight ahead. this program has been brought to you by the south dakota governor's office of economic development. >> south dakota has the blueprint for success. recently, we led the nation in new home building, but we're still growing so fast. we need to hire builders to keep up. so i'm pitching in south dakota
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president of violating his very restrictive gag order. meanwhile, others in the case, they're free to pretty much say anything they like. no restraints at all. sylcome to joe biden's weaponized system of justice. and while the prosecution tries to keeste p trump from accurate stating how unfairly he is being treategd, some legald, scholars, as a matter of fact, many legalsome l scholars are pointing this out in an opinion piece, believepo it or not, even in the "new york times", a guest essay. n in the newlaw professor at bon university writing, quote, i thought the case against trump was a legal embarrassment. nost trumpw i think it's a hists mistake. and it is no wonder then, whente biggest enemies have to keep inventing ways to keep this casenemies interesting. t now we've learned they might be colluding. listenhemight be to this report. trump hating cable commentators are allegedly now getting together regularly to talkth mor trump's cases. it was more fox newsx
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contributor jonathan turley is with us. why do i doubt you get togethers with like minded lawyerslike-min and say, well, what are we going to say about trump todayyh ? and why do i doubt that ever d happened in your life? ever? uo thais you're an independentde thinker? well, i'vependent thinke i've na happy not to be invited somewhere. >> sppt o i think that this is a mutual decision of both parties . but, you know, look, no matterit how much they talk about it, you can't makeu ca a spouse earl into a cell purse. and that's what this trialrson , it's getting more and more embarrassing. you knowgiving, today they suggd there is a second crime, another dead, that they're zapping back into life by saying that trump illegally conspire intd to promote his own election. and ifmote sort of get your mind around that, even if everything that they stated is proven to be true factuallyte, all of
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the the payment of the nondisclosure agreement, the recording of it in this thi way, that's not being really that contested because all os f that can be true and there would still be no crim true. ha and that's what has left many of us mystified that the judge is letting this get by because we stillt th don't seete that legal linchpin. the judge seems to be shruggineg and saying, well, it's close enough for jazz. >> let's go ahead and let it go to the jury for jazt it whens don't see a crime here. >> well, let me look at this. you have called this an a embarrassment. you say you are in utter disbelief if this case neverever should have been brought. z, andy mccarthy, i mentioned the new york times op ed, mark levin, greg jarrett, and i watched and listened very closely to the opening arguments. they keep talking about a commpiracy to commitnts and they talk about election fraud, election interference. ouall these big buzzwords, none
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of which donald trump has even been charged with in this casetr . and i'm sitting there thinking beyond the fact the statute of limitatio n has gone beyondnd the fact that the judge donated to thefact tha biden campaign. and there are questions about whether or not he should have recused himselfons abou. >> i believe he should have. beyond the fact that this is eight years old. beyond the fact that the dojan law that they're now relying on because new york state statutes don't cover thi s, it's only a misdemeanor. even in that case, biden's doj passed on charging donald trump because they didn't think it was applicablpassed donald ec you know, how are we here? and it's an it's a venueabndly that is not friendly to donald trump. you could still get a guilty verdic t out of this jury.s that's scary to me. >> it is scary. and it is very much in the play here that i think that barack is hoping the jury will nott look beyond the identity of the defendant, because, you knowlo ,
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the fact is they're saying, well, you shouldn't have listed this as a legal expenssavee. all right. what is he supposed to list? it is what if he put down a nuisance paymentn nuisan? what if he put downe pu a settlement of a personal embarrassment? con would that really convert this to a non crime? there wasn't thi a crime here because this was in a federal campaign contributio n to thent of department of justice, as you noted, did not seeju a that ascm a criminal act. they did not charge that. and soinct not, once again, youe back to the role of the judge here. >> they were going through a tria judl that seemed desperaa to find a crime, but youdraw can't even get that fromin the indictment or opening statements. the fact that we had to wait for the opening statementse facm barack to even fully articulate what his theory shows, how weak this case really is, and it'sy o only that weakness is only becoming more and more evident morey. ae an but. okay, but -- but what what i see them trying to do you t and correct me if you think i'm wrong, i see that they're
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i they the waters. they're using a lot of loadeda terms about donald trump. they sound like they're trying to make this into the crime of the centurye tr. there's no applicable law. and now you now the defense hasa to explain all of that to mostly non-lawyers that are on a jury. >> there are two lawyers apparently t j on the jury. so my question is, what would t you say to donald trump's attorneys? how would you argurue the smoker and mirrors that they keep throwing up? and where are the objectionss . >> i'd like to seeons. >>re objections. >> well, they're going to have to keep on hammering away to this jury that it's not a question of proving facts, that are lawful. it's like saying we're going to prove, we're going to sho it' w you. he drove 55 miles an hour down the highway. well, you're allowed to do that. right. so they're setting up all of thes hat.e claims that can be proven because they're largely not denied. this really reversible error in this case mayno down to the
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instructions and how the judge tries to put this together for the jury. >> because at point he's got to inform the jury that there's nothing unlawfulo about an nda. there's nothing. this is not a federal campaign contribution in the view of the federal government. make those legal issuesga clear is to disassemble case. so a lot is going to be sort of unfolding here. but >> but i think the trump team has done a very good job. soam in bringing that out.n and we're going to be looking at some major fireworks in the next few days. you know, when when you put cohen on the stand, you're going to have a trulyus e like environment. i mean, you've got someone yo recently just denounced as a serial perjureron ,and he's going to getstand on the stand and he's going to be the star witnessan gonna. >> yeah. and you have a biden dominatinge
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perhaps conflicted judge that should have been recusederhaps r should have recused himself, which obviously would be an issue appeal.bu but any appeal may happen after the election. that doesn't hel happep. jonathan turley, thank you. we appreciate it. when we come back, between kamala harris' very weird, bizarre, uncomfortable laughter and giggling and jokes, blunders. well, the administration now is struggling on the campaign w trail. we'll check in with kellyanne conway, tammy bruce, as we continueith ke what is going onn american campuses, what do our enemies want to enforce? they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you see someone's pronoun wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding their dorm, afraid to go to class. from the river to the sea, palestine must be free. that was allowed to be sat on campus. how did we get to this point? and can we stand up to it? poison ivy with.
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with many pointing to her laugh. we calth many pol it giggling. it's sort of a habit of coming out and pretty bizarre ways i and at inappropriate times. just in case you forgot. here is a reminder. t the >> take a look. do you plan to visit the border ? not today. . more parents are seeing the value of educatorss ar when they act and say we're not paying them nearly enough of american. >> i'm kind of a geek. >> so to that extent, what are the things i love? a venn diagram lov. >> since taking office, the president and have made an incredible investment, the largest investment ever to take on the climate crisis,
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roughly $1,000,000,000,000 with atr t. >> i had to.. >> oh, you're giggling, vice>> s president. the only thing missingean: you'n diagrams, anyway, joe, is not very much better.g in he spent the day campaigning in the free state of florida frh and as usual, he mumbled, bumbled. >> he stumbled his way arounmum >> take a look.>> y you lost your phone. get that man. is he goinoug to be in trouble? >> we're going to call them folks. in a sense. re i don't know why we were surprised by trump. how many times had to prove wenn can't be trusted. don't mess with the momentumow america. oh, sorry.
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anyway, here with reaction, fox news contributors kellyannen conway and tammy bruce with us. good to see you both. uce, gooouall tammy, you're laug harder. i don't know what's wors are la is it the giggling vice president or the mumbling, bumbling, stumblinpresideng, jo. >> you tell me. yeah. is this is now a cartoon? we we live.roger we live. i'm waiting for roger rabbit. that's the only person missingr. missi this entire scenario. now. now, the problem i was kind of shocked that it took the white house, the dnc, the democrats, to do a focus group to tryo to find out why people don't like kamala harrisr ,that they're that clueless, that they couldn't figure it out themselveseles . and the laugh, i would argue it's not the laughs per se. se. it's that it signifies someone who is unseriousit's t. and that is it's a crutch. it's a distractionserious.. e le and, you know, we live in a media environment now where people makate ene their decisioo there's a book about it in the blink of an eyut te that, we ass
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people immediately and we can tell when we can't trust and we feel apparently and her approval ratings now. it's always been likproval re a1 to 14 point underwater dynamic when it comes to approva0 tont underl. so this is an astounding dynamic. but now foso ir them in 2020, kw neither one of them was known like this. now they're known and they're realizing that they can't hide anymory e. t cl but as you saw in that last clip that you played, he was at an evenipt regarding abortio. and that is going to be the key. and they're goine thg to use hen that issue and they're just going to try to ru d theyn. it's going to be like a train without brakes. and only the america tran people are going to save the country from the debacle that has bee saven, of course, e afflicting us for the last several years now. several kellyanne, i don't know who's worse. >> loono wk i don't wish this in many ways, even though i, you know, we kind of laugh at joe, it's not funny because a
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don't think we have a president, a leader of the free world. i think he's abdicated of th america's role on the world stage. america'y is aolic disaster. he's capitulating to the radical environmentalists, his party, the new green deal, socialists, 10 million, unvetted joe biden, the illegal immigrants coming from our topto geopolitical foes, tens and tens of thousands from f their. so it's dangerous. however, i meaere.t's dangn, hee look like he's in the best of health. are we looking close's ist o eng at kamala? >> i think kamala harris is joe biden as policy more than his partner? thk, shawn.hin it was ridiculous of him to choose kamala harris. she a fairly unremarkable senator. she's very unimpressive, uninspired, on informative and public figure.k jo but now i think joe biden did a brilliant thing by picking kamalat thin because he chose of three people in the whole country who could not upstage
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hipeoplee m. t and in the end, as she is hishe insurance policy, you getw two people no vote for joe i s a vote for kamala, folks, possibly for 12 years. i want you to think out. 12 years. how old will you be? where do you think you'll be? how old were your kids,owl you e and grandkids be? you might be stuck with this woman who has no interestthinki in thinking deeply or working hard. don't believe me. workinglook at her public scheh available for all to see. the viceedul president schedule public schedule has nothing on it most days. thisnr most d is just a fact. and once in a while, i have national security briefings. she go to l.a. fora while the d with her husband and to cook and relax. >> thio s not a serious personse is working on any serious issues at a time when her or boss, joe biden and their entire party, he should be made to eat all of their failings and failings. no democrat should escape the liabilit failingy of joe bia kamala harris and what they wrought on this on thisho country. i have a question. how many democratic candidates this timw many -e? gn we're going to ask kamala to come and campaign with them.
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i think that's a big tell. . ig tell.and whoever is running a harris' teleprompter, we're going to find out if thereomptea trump mole has to be. all right. thank you, paul. tommy, appreciate it. good to see.preciate by the way, we have this just coming in now. e thisfox news alert.ha the senate has just passed the foreign aid bill that gives$ over $90 billion to ukraine, israel, taiwan also gives tiktok, nine months to be sold to a non-chinese entity. the bill now goes to thenc s desk. finanese the final vote, 79 to 18.te when we come back, a video of alec baldwin being harassed go a pro-hamas protester that's gone viral. i'm actuallyne going to defendi baldwin. i mean it. straight aheadmean it.. so you're telling me this battle to pass gets us into the creation, too? yep. how cool is that? what are we waiting for? let's go.
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>> all right. even alec baldwin has had enough of these pro-hamas protestersd. baldwin was harassed by an anti-israel protester in a new york coffee shop on monday. the agitator repeatedlney. baldwin, who eventually got fed up and smacked the phone outof e of this individual's hand. >> frankly, i don't blamiduals >> take a look at the canan you please say free palestine ys one time? why did you kill that lady? one llyou kill that little guy. no jail time. one time. tijust one time, please. and i'll leave you alone. free palestinell leave. >> israel. zionism. please say it one time.e time you can give me one free. >> while the now viral video>> : was filmed by a far left activist now identified as crack head barney on socialrv captioned, the video white devil. i was baldwin attacked me while
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i was trying to get coffee, which the proves not to beoves t true. hey, what reaction? fox is analyst greg jarrett along with former florida attorney general pam bondi. >> good to see you both.lo look, i've now found myself. do i think that thatthat a alec baldwin purposely tried to kill the cinematographer? pam,n purpy tr i think he triedt purposely. is that negligence? a court will decidy de that paa of the case in this case. you knowsehis case what? there's only so much. i think anybody should have to puonly sp theyt up with. and i'm a little old schoolttleo and it doesn'tld bother me nottf to phone out of out of her hand. she was harassin. g the hell out of them. your thoughts? well t, shawn, course she was. and she followed him there. this is the same crackhead, barney. that's her name who previously had been swearing at nyping,d. when i was attorney general, i was followed to a movie theater. i was set up. i was screamed at, i was threatened. they spit on my headrted
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all because i supported president trump building the wall at the border. can you believe that? and you how that worked out for those. nohow di ww and so this is whata woman was doing to alec baldwin . i felt for him. and frankly, i think he handled it well. she's a boy. t she wanted him to fight back. she wanted him to hit her. and hee hi didn't. >> i think he handled it fine. yeah. well, wouldn't surprise me. him they're probably charged with a nolony in new yorkwith with. no bail. dismantle, defund, reimagine the policentled, . should probably he should have had a little more discipline. d morediscipgreg if he was thin about the legal side of this. but you know what? there'this.u s only so much people are going to take. >> yeah. >> w >> yeah. what struck me on the video is the profanity she t used to describe jews in israel. but, sean, you know, this the sick mentality of the anti-semitic demagogue ms have commandeered city streets and bridges and college campuses, columbia, yale, nyu.
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>> most of these people couldn't point outl or israel or gaza on a map. >> it's bad enough. >> they're ignorant, but they're spewing hatred thre and threats against jews reminiscent of the holocaust. >> many should be arrested and charged with harassment and stalking and importantly, a hate crimes under the new york penal statuttly hatee. it's a criminal offense to target people because of their religioaiminal on in oe ,threatening words can riseg to the level of. and assault and anti-semitism then elevates it to a hate crime. this is a phenomena hatexperienc that we're experiencing. >> you know, this was just one isolated incident involving alec baldwin. shthis w juse was the aggressor. she was the agitator she provoked in his response was natural. do you think, pam, that there will be charges here? >> i certainly hope not.. i can't imagine there were. wor,
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and really, i'm glad the video is out there now becauses all e did was he grabbed her phone, got her out of there got, and tn there are also photographs on the street afterwards of him just holding phone, never touched him. she grabbed his arm. soone, nev i i can't imagine ite but now we have the liberals going after the liberals. so going i think they're seeing what we've all been subjected to foren many years. and, you know, back to greg's point, whe peopese people are out there identifying as hamas, saying they suppor ot hamas. all sean, we all know hamas. it's been a governmenten registered terrorist group since the 90s. so iovernment f you're identifying as hamas, you're a terrorist. you should be kicked out or you should be made to go live in gaza with these people. >> seeein gaz how is going to tt her. but these students who are doing thisw toat, it's trulyutru outrageous, it's got to stop. and these universities cannot condone this. >> you know, we've all had this >> you've had i know
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it happen, you know, and i've had worse. wori just don't bring it publi. the fatwa on my head that was real wasn't a good moment in particular. but anyway, i think if you see people you don't agreeh ho with them. how about you believe in freedom and you leave them alonureedome? >> all right. thank you, greg. thank you. good to see you bothu gr. take a quick break. more "hannity" straight ahead. >> check it out. my work from anywhere cozy. >> grab yourself a drink. is this dog food in your fridge? >> it's not dog food. it's fresh pit, real meat, real veggies. >> seems like a lot of space to waste on a dog where there's a lot of space near all the family. i need a fresh pet. >> it's not dog food. it's food. food. your emblem of devotion. have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange jews, a one carat lab
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