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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 25, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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their assignment while medical personnel were summoned. the vicel were s president was r at the naval observatory when the incident occurred. >> npr to o impact her departurm jpa. they go on to say that the secret service takes safetyd and health of our employees very seriously. this washef a medical matter.l matt we will not disclose anye further details now after the agent receives additional medical attention and further evaluation. sean.t it'll be determined if they can return to work. usuall b they cany then after an internas review its then determine if the top secretualla in clearance is removed for medical or for disciplinary reasons. captain corke, thank you for that report. scary. all right. than. u fok you for being with us.'s s that's all the time we have. please set your dvr so you never miss an episodr misse in the meantime, let not the heart be trouble. greg gutfeld standing to put a smile on your face. thanks for being with us. have a great night.
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have you ever had one?l ed >>it welcome to a special edition of gutfeld i'm tom shillue, filling in for greg, who's working off the last of his winter. >> wait zumba class. so let'st get to some headlines . >> we. archeologists working at george washington's mount vernon homeis say they've discovered two intact, sealed bottles containing cherries under a brick floor laid in the 1770s. >> archeology sites are also proud to announce they've finally destroyed george washington's floor. a nine year old nicknamed cigar boy is the winner of a european screeching contest. >> and now face off in thes off world finals against america's top scratcher. >> some women are reportedly paying five hundred dollars
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to have salman p to injections saying it will improve their im maveprovs. >> but it does unfortunately make them 40% more likely to eaten by bears because feel it will eliminate burnout. >> millennials are pushing for a four day workweek, however, after all that pushing, they got burned ouhet and quity >> the trailer for deadpool and wolverine out this week.olvi the plot involves the two characters joining forcenes to save the world from another fast and furious sequel. and finally, a woman in louisiana was arrested after cocaine was found in her son's cubby at school. >> school officials became suspicious when the boy never participated in nap and owed everyone money. well, okay, let's do the monologue. it was the best of times. >> it was the worst of times. that is, of course, very
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quotable. >> opening line from a tale of two cities by charles dickens. i it opened with a literary reference because it makes me seem smartn, but also it's something i've been thinking about lately. martare in good times or bad? ae can be hard to tell. obviously a of what's goingd is on in the world today is very grim. grim, these more signs are the end times. they actually let joe mackie host thi lets show two nights a also, one party'sn tria presidential candidate is on trial by members of the other party. >> and we're memof the o to prei that this has anything to do with the law. anything wand as if that weren'y glaringly obvious that this is all political. thatt glarin in one of those noses placed a gag on this candidate. >> and no, not the kindt e that greg wakis like. like o >> how obvious can they be? mithey know if he keeps talking, he might win. so let's just prevenn sot from talking. i wonder if he thinks this is a total disgraceal, totally's
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unconstitutional. >> and if it's ever, ever happened befor eveened befe. >> i think it's a disgrace. l. don'tlly unconstitutiona i don't believe it. not to this extent ever happened. i'm not allowed to defend myself. and yet other people areery, have to say whatever they want about me. very v very unfair. >> all the while, the other candidate insists, he hadth thi nothing to do with this, which is almost believables.lmost be e he rarely appears to know where he is. >>s but yesterday, did joe finally admit what we've all knowlln some time? >> i don't know why he were surprised. he trump. how many times we have to prove we can't be truste can'td. excuse me. did you just say we? >> maybe he meant he. but then again, maybe he did mean we. >> usually when joe has a slip, it's off the edge of a stage. s
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and remember that big story about trump and the very fine people oofn, both sides? well, it seems on some issues, joe does see both sides. >> and i submit that protests on college campuses, hiking down nationally. up that's why i've set upprog a program to do that. rait thai can help those who dot understand what's going on. the palestinians. wait a minute. you condemn people whorstand understand what's going on. isn't that kind of like the pot saying the kettl win e has dementia so we don't trust our government? >> but what about the scienca w >> well, that ship sailedp as almostsa that ship sailed in 2020. if covid any more, obviously made in china, it would have a nike swoosash on it. >> and just this week, the ap finalltey admitted that china hs a long history of lying about the origins of covid. d s histhey at length how chinal meaningful domestic and international effortsweeks
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to trace the virus from the first weeks of the outbreak. and the specifically points to the possibility that china inspected the wuhan wet a full week before they say they did. >> and that search has neverlicl been mentioned publicly or by the world health organization . that seems pretty significant, right? yet look at how the aphow the headlined their story, how the search for the origins of covid 19 turned politically poisonous, turned you. >> say you turned it, dude. you and the rest of,ia ended the mainstream media blamed it on bat soup. >>up meanwhile, across the stret was a lab with more active viruses than huntetiver biden'ss boxer briefs. >> what that headline shouldwith have said wa thes we knew chinao lied and covered it up, and here's how they did it. theye least, the media should admit they twisted the truth like a balloon animal on behalf of the chinese government. the show and the reckless that have been gabbl gambling with public safety in the name of scienceina. while frauds like fauci denied
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fatting the fun in gang of function. >> so we don'tuc truste the politicians, the courts, the establishment, big pharma, but ncg pharmae but we used to l enjoy movies, didn't we? that's over too, according to jerry seinfeld. in a recen2t, he said this about his hollywood friends. they don't have any idea o the movie business is over. ebut film doesn't occupycl the pinnacle in the social cultural hierarchy that it did for mostd hierarc of our lives.t he added. when a movie came out, if it g waoos good, we all went to see it. we all discussed it. he's right. but why did that all go away? because the left has to make everything about politics and everpoy movie has more annoying messages in it than cat fan page in box. they took the fun outun of everything, but i have todorr look for a silver lining. and it's not just because i'm friends with william devane . yeah. yeah, yeah.
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and here's where i take solace. it seems like every dayseems more peopleve are waking up and realizing how bad it's gotten. >> have you heard about red pill h america?y didn well, we didn't just stop't at one pill. we're gobbling 1 things like their fruity pebbles. >> so we don't trust our institutions anymore s. and maybe that's a good thing. maybe we were never meant to trust these peo >> maybe wple should put our trust and our energy into our families shoul and our fries and the people who mean something to ud hs. on no >> and we should be putting the elites on notice. we're no longetir what you're selling. plus, because of biden nomics. we you're afford it. aff and we're saying, i'm not going to read your newspapers or watch your shows or see your movies. >> me and my friends are having our own party right. and our party is better. yours. that's why tonight's guest is in high school. he hung out with the lunch.
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>> ladies, host of the guy benson show. guy benson. his jokes. all right. like the hindenburg. comedian joe mackey. she's so chickens.he run away from her. "new york times" bestselling author, fox news contributor. and he only serves tsunamis. . onlnew york bestselling autho, comedian and former nwa world champion tyra cyrus. revie >> i got to start with you. what? first time ever. >> i'm so excited, huh? well, first of all, did i makelt a lot of sense? little sense? no i it was.s beauti it was beautiful. but you love the word, maybe. yeaht yo , but you got to keepmayb the possibilities open. >> hey, maybe. hey, maybe. maybe you're talking the line. , but.owin but the thing about the movies, real quicklinevies rig, you. >> we're just one goodt movie away. 1 movi
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so if you have one movie that everyone loves, they'll talklove about. perfect example, barbie. right. it was my all. 't mad sorry the fellows didn't like. it wasn't made for us. we're good boys. boysav. o dle ite doesn't have to be about us.inng i didn't go into barbie. l there's no one who looks likeo e me in this movie. let's go. bee't be lik't okay. my daughters loved it. i napped during it. durinthe seven times that we sa but it was a great movie. and girls like us, everyone was wanted to add just the attitude. it was a movie about. mov >> if the movie was about g.i. g joe, i probably would have liked it better because i used.i l to be a little boy py with g.i. joe. >> i didn't play with barbies. soplayin doesn't relate.t but the point is, it wase ou a great movie. people came out to see it tot, d great numbers. so he's full of it. his movies mights so not be doig that well anymore. but in general, the woke movies, when they come out, o sp they don't do well. so stop making woke movies. start making movies and the people will be there. >> do you think it's possible that they're going to do that? ohe. yeah. agains >> a prime example. king kong was godzilla. flawless was packeas packed seas
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everywhere. yes. right. you love it. oyon geamerican who get tw big bosses fighting all over the world? >> it was even a suplet binsterx in there for us wrestlers. >> it was a great movie and people loved it. it ts whers the thing i disagree with. just make us a movie. we can go. it doesn't matter how vote or se who you sleep with, you can just sit and go, oh, this fun and that. >> and they'll come back and tell chris, i'm going to put you in the positive camp. re it's kind of like if it's good times or bad times. are you more cynical ? >> are you a positive guy? like tyrus is very cerebral, very dickensian of you. >> i like that. yes. i'm kind of with him. i would say gun was another example that we're like into it . >> it's hard to be overly rosy these days, though, and i have a bone to. i think you're being a little bit too tough on president w biden. the man just lost an uncle to cannibals. he's grieving town. he's grieving. d ho and you take shots the way you did, how could you? so here's the other thing. >> so on the trial stuff,ma people listen to my show or follow my commentary. they know i'm not a huge or
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trump guy, but we can smel tl a rat from far away when it's unfair. and he keeps saying it's unfaiit . he says that all the time, but he happens to be right. i like as i've read moreo a about the story and like talking to legal experts, one fact just stoppetsd me in my tracks. the judge is a biden donor. are you kidding? look at what fair minded american says. you know, even someone who hates trump. like, can you find a single judge in new york city who didn't give money to thehoth political of the man that you are now presiding over his trial? you eris trialthat just seems n. right? how is that allowed to happeatn and during the campaign, i mean, perhaps i think legal scholars are looking at this thing and they're saying there's no justification ford y' know this, at least a new york trial. >> sure. but maybe pun.t on hold. i mean, this is a campaign. it's like we're coming up to november and they've got a gag order on him. >> you have to talk. the whole point is to wholeo it. now, putting on hold is not anwn option.
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i think it'll probably, ifg he gets convicted, they'll throw it out down the line on appeal. the whole point is for the nex n tht month months, at some point to have the brand. inconvicted felon on trump. and then if it all falls apartti after november they don't care. >> yeah. is that too cynical? i think that's what it's all about. they're just not counting the the fact that americans have no problem with convicted felons. it's jusfact t nt you're sayingi >> yes. i don't think it's going to hurt, do you, joe machiwill , yeah. i think for low information n throwthat you ca that label on to not really paying attention, that's a big problem we have all the timet'si is that a lot of people aren't paying attention at what you were saying about their trust in the monologue. it's like trust is like greg's cosmic theology degree. b>> it has to be earned.o thmany many times that the expe, the authorities weree they were wrong on inflation fromoi printing money. oh, that'sng to not going to ha- or19 covid didn't come from a place where you're makin g covid came out of. yeah, you don't have to worry about that at
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ukraine's going to win the warey that we keep saying they're going to win, event sale everyone keeps dying and we keep having to send them more money. they just come w havin up with r excuse, you know, and it just it just seems like the people that are wrong all of the timepr keep failing upwards like a buffaldso field goal attempt. kat, i think you're with me on the idea that it maybe because i don't think that you >> m trusted these incidents, right? >> am i right? so if more people don'if mort tt these institutions, which we know are not just flawed, i mean, at this poine kn fa all our major institutions in my eyes have fallen. and ifll people realize that, then maybe we can get about repairing this culture on our own. >> am i right? yes. and i never trusted them because of the history of lying. but also, if you think about it, they have the motivationbecause of ng to lie,ai to remain in power. and also that power gives them the means to lie m th. r to it's a lot easier when you have all that power to do something like that. >>wh and what's all the more sad about it when it was happeningm orar it does happen throughouthout covid, just for example,
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is tha covt those of us who aret part of those institutions just, you know, people, jobs, not in the government with no r, that's like the government would hate each other baserd on the lies these institutions were sharing. right? relapeople their real lives with their relationships with other people were severedwh because of, for example, if you want to keep your business open, your grandma and you're mr a murderer and how could you not care? >> and so many of these things were liew ands the entire time' yeah. so i think it's actuallys good for people toaci thin kinde up and not put all this trust in these institutionts. t' oh, it's true. because they say so. but why? but. saybut why? why would you trust that with all the different lies that all of us have pointede di out and o just really focus on our relationships with each othet f boom. >> i'm going to say best of times, that's better. times are ahead. before we go, i'll are performig my solo show, spontaneous combustion, this weekend april2h 26 and 27th at the st. louis funny bone and may 24th
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and 25th at detroit house of comedy. 5th atgo to times for tickets and information. and up next, can withstand and tik-tok getting banned if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to see gutfeld, go to fox slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. you're being watched the new show that's changing crime tv is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey, criminals we're still watching sean sticks walking returns to the show where every shot tells a different story, but every frame uncovers the truth. >> close by showtime from the streets to your screens. justice is always in focus. buckle up, america. crime camp 24/7 returns
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up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? company is on the clock to find tiktye tr for tiktok. today president biden signed a law that forces the companyite that owns tiktok to either sell it or face a ban. >> legislatorsce a ban from both parties expressed concern. tiktok was collecting valuable
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data from users about how badd y they are dancing bytedance will have nine months to sell tiktok or be banne d thus leaving millions of young, vapid, mindless influencers without an outlet to express their hatred for america or their preferred pronouns. on the bright side, though, they'll have plenty of extra time to protesthey havt israel. even though biden signed a law potentially banning tiktoke , fox is told his campaign will remain on the apps remainst makes sense. joe only uses tiktok to clear up his hey tickled talkers. look, here's the deal. let's clear something up. all righout? you misheard me. you heard me. i didn't say uncle was eaten by cannibals. i said my son was eating cannabis. l he likes it. what are you going to do? well, i'll have a snack. saare snacksy, he likes cannabi.
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i like ice cream. i all right, all right, orange man, bad. let's do some hand jive shuba, chihuahua. boom, boom. shake chain can change your muscle overall. yeah. favorite not one of the many dangers of tik tok. he's clearly he's not grievingto . so he got over a all ollf the js guy what do you think? n whic >> let me just get your takerpri on this whole tiktok. it's bipartisan, which is absolutelng.y surprising to . >> i'm glad that they did it. it's an espionage tool and, a propaganda tool of our number one adversary poisoning liketorr youth of america. this is an actually serious decision by a countrpoisonin ams that seems increasingly unserious. so i'm glad that we did it. i think that was like maybe a a way to get around it without an outrighwa at legislative act, which was or maybe to tweak it a little bit, which was to force american tiktok users to play by the rules that china
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imposes on kids in their countrs ony using tiktok, where they have limited hours in a may where you can use tik tok and it has to be educational material. i think tiktok i should be sprinting toward us instagram reels or something. yeah, because it because would t the purpose. but i think that's insightful beca the chinesery use tik tok in their own country is almost the opposite of how they've sold it to us. so i'm glad that congress actually did this. >> interesting. let's go over very libertarian viewpoins goarian vit suspect wt get a little pushback from kat what do you think kat i disagree with gu i y benson. >> all right. i mean, i don't disagree i look at it the reason i think what i do actually is nothing to do with tik tok itself. it has to do with the languagen in the bill talking about.y you know, for an adversary, it's actually a very vague definition of a broad definition. when this passed in the house with a tick, they'll back in the house. rand paul wrote a piece about it, citing first amendment concerns potentiallye ,fifth amendment concerns,
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because there are actually americans who have ownership ok in tiktok as well. and the government can't seize your property without process. so there's all of that. but also just looking back again, going back to what we talked about in the last segment, telling americans to be afraid of something from wha a foreign adversary. that's how we got the patriot act. that's how we got fisawe had th so i do i do not feel comfortable with with this potential to take away our right. pohow is china paying you? >> yeah. yeah. you know what? the the bomber is? not a dollar, not even a single . >> yeah, well, that's it. >> thank you, tyrus. we have. i mean, we we allow china buy farmland in the united states. our t is aunited s russian netwk that i can watch right after we take the show. n wah righi can go watch r.t. ss all sorts of foreign mediaf and kind of influence in our country. >> why this app at this time foers in our countr it's pointln i'm on a train because
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i'm disagreeing with guy here and this has come from a parente . no legislation. this is a joke. okay? you're just you're banningameric them. so what? an american company can come in and do the same thing. let's not acompany co th act like facebook the and instagram and all the other ot. don't do the same thingse so if they were really pro concerned with protecting our our kidstect , they would put a lock on the algorithms, they would use the algorithms. a a man can go on social media,ia look at child, do all thisu ho stuff, and the algorithms can tell you how old he is, how often he does it. it's simple. they can catch them doing this. your traffickind youg. you want to stop that? fentanyl, the drug dealing stuff. it's all on the ne comes tot when it comes to our kids. a kid will go on there and be like, oh, i'm going to go on an website. knlg they know to the algorithm that i'm normaorithml. >> he's still a kid. they can tell he's 12 years old saying he's 18 or olde sayr on pornhub. they just don't care becauseey it's the people who use this stuff, who buy the fake bots, who, by the way, are the and stuff like that. so money is more important to these companieseys thanid
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our children are, because if they really cared about our kids, they would use this to catchs thwoul the pet of the predators. but they don't. they inspire them. they help them build instthems. t >> so it's complete. you're going to who cares who owns it? [ ] the it's going to be the sa] >> so that's that's my issue. do you think do you agree with cyrus that they're just going to sell this to some >> dy, going to dog the same stuff that's happening with tiktok? >> it's a highly successfu stufy product. they probably would. you see the very same thing. and the idea that the governmentoulddo idea cares about privacy or china, is this laughable, as one of my standup shows has . wow. because if they wanted to stop privacy violations, they would k just make it illegal for companies to spy on you just becausillegae you want to use ae and they don't do that. and chinese buy that informationa phon . y does a third party like our government already does. ar theand part of the first amet is the right to listen. i have the right to hear what a foreign adversary says, and if if we really want to stop china, maybe we should get rid of the free trade deals so we
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don't have to depend on themics for our like era biotics and pants. >> yeah. guy, you have 6 seconds sec to rebut all three arguments. go. i'm just the only person here who loveot als. ameri and i would say ifca we're going to poison our brains with nonsense, i would rather dononsense i it to ourselves.t f >> i'd rather we do it to our american nuns than have china do. it, too. where >> yeah. there you go. up next, why kids chosy ech southern hospitality over ivyvy league brutality. they they have you surrounded. they they have you surrounded. take your lawn back with building. terrific action. it gets freeze up, start at it gets freeze up, start at once, kills weedfet. and keeps it growing. strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn tips and customized planted lawn feed it. >> what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy's surprisingly ageless skin
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it's part of a nationwide enrollment trend impacted by anti-israel campus protests at top tier universities. that's impacte right.scrimi schools that years ago discriminated against jews. now discriminatena asiansagains and jews. >> places like columbia and yale have seen violent demonstrations and even arrestsh as mobs of students take to the streets professing tastreetm for jewish students. the fervor unfolding in formerly prestigious institutes is enough reasonn to look elsewhere, not just for saucation,re but for their own safety. take scott katz, a student at north carolina's elanfety.ery university, as he explained in a recent interview. the madnes es reached schoolsas down south, saying, quote, even sc intod nohave gottenn' orbit, i wouldn't have gone. >> i definitely feel very safe on campus regardingsafe oh religion. you heard that right. the south is now the landis of tolerancef tolera. common sense, too. but progressive policies are also pushing students away. >> everything from harsh lockdowns, restrictions on free speechdowns re, an obsession with gender and race are finally bearing the rotten
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fruit of their labor. chicago native beth miles, now a student at southern miss,said said, quote, since day one, s my classmates have made me welcome other than the accents and their cowboy bootsr than. that was wild to me, man. they wear cowboy boots everywhere. >> it was like i'd found my second home. which is kind of ironic because if anyon.d ofe should be wearing boots, it's an ivy league school. >> i mean, where else are you going to find that deep? oh, maggie, did you put that word in my script? so i had to say it on camera.ra >> i don't curse when i host tom. >> i w. joe feel right there >> the veto strikes again. joe, what do you think of this. people going to school down south to avoid all this politically correct stufk abt tp north? >> well, there was just a protest at ut-austin today, but they as a pro did deal with the civil disobedience. >> i'll say this to the protests in the north might
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actually make school seely makem a little more attractive up there to me, because i remember at the end of the term, i'm like worried about studying for finalstudyin or writing tham paper. >> not like going camping until they pretend to arrest you. >> it is all they need is for 1 one university president to do the right thinersity pg and say you can't take over portions of the school and falsely imprison and assault people and the rest of the presidents will then it. yeah. guy, you're kind of an ivy league type of guy. >> do you think it's much worse in these elite schools? i'm a big ten guy. i wentl? to northwestern, whichn is like the nerd school. >> i cats go caters. o they've been awful on this issue, unfortunately. so it's sort of on issue un on brand, on trend. there was an analysis of like by sports. how many of the schools are under investigation for
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anti-semitisem? big the ivy league had more than half. the big ten had quite a few. the sc ac in the southeast had0f zero of those 16 schools. >> so there's something to be said there. >> and here's one thing. and this is like a very i thinsk ,sort of superficial point, because it's a very serious probles problem m. but part of college, of course, learning is paramoun ist, but i supposed to be fun, too. and nothinfug about this stufffu is fun on these campuses. it is exhausting. yeah campuse, it's awful. >> it's bigotry on parade. and fod r my it's a lots mo less money to go to some of these schools down south. neo thfirst of all. it seems like if you're going to be a huge group of people gatheredg to g screaming somethg on a lawn, one side is doingg against the jews and in favor of terrorists and other schools terr becausell win they stormed the field after a football win. at's thethat's the one i want t. and i think most americans agree with it. you're in a new documentary
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about, hillsdale college, are you not? yes. yes. how was your experience at that school? i am assuming a school like hillsdale. >> a great reputation didn't was it didn't have a this kind of nonsense there. this definitely not happening there. >> yeah. also, what was happening there i was i got a i had a full tuition scholarship. onwow. yeah. for academics and journalism. but i was expecting applause. no, i didn't. i do not know. what's your quote?week no, i beat people up, pretend. no, i did no ip.t. make i actually i actually am making i'm actually making a point which. whh i'm using that to make a point, which is that ivy league schools other, on the otr hand, i got into one. right. and i and i couldn't afford to go, so i didn't t affo go there. also extremely expense save and really the only reason you go to, for example, i columbia is to then say, i went toa and then everyone saying, wow. but now you could sad iy that d
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people might say, wow, in like a different way. yeah, it was this this heraldedl association to havdee but now it's controversial to have so the one thing that really was a value may maybe some ofhe the connections but really was the brand of these universitie s i went to an ivy league school. >> when you don' it have thatwhn a lot people would say, whyd al would you spend all that money when you could get a scholarshioup, maybe somewhere else or go somewhere else that is not that expensive. >> yeah, tyrus, is the sheen gone from these elite universities? >> listen, i live in the south,h and, you know, it's nice to be finally recognized, nviting. being tolerant and we inviting. we want all all these smartsmar brains coming to our colleges comi. sexualions don't care if you're black, what,, your orientation whatever you are welcome. and that's how it works down there. the only thing we issue is just .. therh keep the dutch out. other than that, we're
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i don't but stand for racial intolerance, but there's a hyphen to dutch, so just keep them out. and my reasi have my reasons at is happening you guys and this goes back to the point you hadct a chance to go to ivy league school. i threw people over the roado aa here in the same chair. that's america. that's beautiful. 's beautbut the sadness of it ae to make a joke because there's really no joking in thisno. you're you're going to a higher level of learning and you're with troglodytes. that is crazy. yeah, that's a big word. look it up loo. but and it's but they're more than they're not just scared to go to school. these kids are chanting, i am hamamas. and they're not just kids. the reason one group that was arrested was like 25 these, 28. these aren't 21-year-old 20 year impressionable children who are marching these screa are grown adults who are screaming, i am hamas, which means which s and then the medis to soften it pro hamas know hams you're hamas.
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if you say, i'm hamas, the hamas, w iy e have in this country protesting at our schools and we'r we doing nothig about it, because right now, if lord forbid, you're not dutch, right. >> so we don't know if3 the three of you decided to beco and stand outside fox buildingko . >> how long before you think if you fire, never act back the momentu wo lowed ba you didn't you wouldn't even get the out. you get that done. e bu yeah but for some reason rea they keep saying pro thisos pro no they say if i say i'm hamas it means i'm claiming everything that hamas does. i'm literally in broad daylight saying i am a terrorishing ther what are you going to do about it, america, and get them out of our campuses? they should be arrested. >> and charges pressedm s. >> cm coming up, something new ainings canine brings the heat. south dakota has the blueprint for success recently. we led the nation in new home building, but we're still
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and a robot dog who'll turnnt you into a yule log. >> our video of the day comes to us froma log ohio companyd that created a flame throwing robotic dog called. ths the terminator. >> watch. >> now i am the commander, . the destroyer of worlds . developers say if this dog
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wants to on your lawn, you'd po. er let him okay. mcwant to start with. does anybody think thisgive is cool? >> i want to give time to people who like this. timpl maggie, you know, i think thish' is a terrible idea. >>a terr one of the things our society doesn't need is more ways to start fires. . plus, you just can't blastng living things into screaming with a robot unless it's a joe biden approved drone strikes de cat. i mean, i love when maggie's on the show. it's great.t's gr but my dogea, i have put him ona leash and he's a nice dog. >> right. i think that in this video, the music selection doing a lot like a lot of the heavy lifting because they're playing like the lyric, playing like a fun video game and triumphant they're playing triumphant music. yeah. you put othe you putr after thal
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then you start crying probably. so yeah, i agree. i don't think that this is a good thing. i mean and, the amount of times like my phone started malfunctioning today a little bit mon. >> which is bad, right? s i can't, like, send textsages bu messages. at yeah, but that doesn't mean anyone's house is on firmean ae exactly. if this dog gets away, get it's high risk. this thing is priced underer $10,000. >> oh, no. everybody's going to get one of myese down for three with mike gutfeld. credit carfeldd. . >> listen, this is not a dog. okay, let's stop that.t a do that's the government foolingevo you because everyone. >> oh, it's a dog. it's a cuto it'se. >> do you realize this entire r room would be in flames right now if this dog decided that we were expendable? u shou >> but yould should be afraid. m i'll be honest with you. normally, my resolution or the solution to ansolutiy type a of robot is cup of water. >> we need a bigger cup forr this. ce
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>> forget the fire. notice the jumping right.minato you're not getting away. this is terminator, but they don't have arms to do it.or i think in fairness, at least before you diedo at, least a dog can say, like, lighten up or give us a, you know, like, stick around. you know, like, you know, because you're not going to fee funnyt becausl a thing when the flamethrower hits you. that's at this thing. e does it's like and it doesn't apparently run out, but it was just goingn like he was just going. which means it's not just you,ty it's your entire village. yes. that's going over city. so we should be really concerned that you start seeing them walking around the streets of remember, originally it was to help with crime, deterrence alking . yeah. they would see something and report it. and then i guess the messageeysn get back is burn it. >> yeah. guy i mean, it's i guess maybe it's for clearing brush or something. maybe it'i'm not sure what thep of this. >> you said clearing the dutch. no, nooses.ou say, no, no.h al leave that a looundw.
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>> i'm just annoyed that you saved a story about a flamethrower for the day that greg isn't here for i cannot make the jokes that iao want to. aga >> and i just have to, again,wi disagree with tyrus. thisth t identifies as a dog, go and that's good enough for me. >> and i. i think it should participatet r and compete in westminster for the competition. riley games will be all madpeope about it, but i say let it live. let it liv md aboue. >> i think it has. it's got a switch on it. i'm assuming that you've got to be holding the trigger at all, that there's no we're an impenetrable security system . don't worry. it have a snake. yeah, it's on the dog. yeah. catch it first. >>if i says, like, fire and you can switch it to ? >>t to hum but definitely not. you've thought of. >> up next, find out why there's good news. the sky. >> if you'll be in the new york
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5 million people's lives, it's overwhelming. it's everything it's a story in five words, stories
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by words. >> automatic refunds for canceled flights. for kat, this is the transportation department. this is thnced new rules forcing airlines to automatically give cash refunds for delayed or flights.a what do you think of that? i mean, this is this is actual real news. >> i mean, i guess but when i'm in that situation, what i want is the flight. >> and yeah, that's why i made that exchange of the money for the flight. i already decided rather have the flight. yeah. why? t >> i get on the flight. but then when they try to give you some voucher or they sendasy you to some other thing, this is automatic. you get the moneou moneyy back . >> okay? i want the flight. he's not happy about it. >> i know you're acting like this is amazing thing. you don't get the servicewell m and they're going to give you a refund. >> whoa. mind blown? yeah, yeah, yeah. before before we go forward, i have said some things about the dutce h. apolog
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and i would just like to apologize. yeahiz, to tell a family secretn >> my grandmother wadms dutcoth and we hated her. >> it came from wooden shoes. windmills are great. yeah. you know, i recant. >> i still hate the dutch. sorry, catt a of trade. >> what about these airlines? >> we giving you a] th refund. >> no, thank you. >>ke, hey,an heyk you.. if you just let and get out, w we'll give you towel. >> or you would be like, thisarw is dumb. you announce you're doing what you're supposed to do. >> treal questiopposed tn is, wd it take so long? >> well, this is part of the biden administration. he's alway on s been talking about these fees. you know, while rome burns. he's been talking these kind of fees. and you got mayor pete is thee one who announced this like we're all supposed to be happy about it. what do you think? su y about .i secretary pete tom, t
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he still like mayor pete? e i don't know, actually. okay. right now, he's technically in charge of this, i think. yeah. now, does only apply to domestic airlines because i exclusively fl this on ines iy klm, which is the dutch airline. that's right. that's right. son of a . >> and there's not in the eyes and they're good. that's>>ar a airline. >> i actually i don't know. why is it good just becausgoeodt they're dutcchh. re you've flown klm? i have not. great. ohav t., my great. very arrogant. oh, maggie, what do you think of this? you fly a lot. >> i fly a lot. lot the airlines treat you so horribly. i'd rather airline with epstein. did you?t yo but the reason they treat you horribly is the government allowerribly i d them local monopolies. they. they like one airline controls each airport. ask me they should get rid of that. and as long as we're talking will long as the purveyor of junk fees is the government. yeah. you know, like when like,
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you know, you treated me pretty terribly. but when i die, they're not going to take 50% of my wealth . that is a great point. so you don'tealt you don't givee federal government props for fo r the go in, plus like they're going to hurt the airlines, bottom line. well ailing t, they keep bailing them out. >> so it's like all our money that's going to havet al go back to the airline if they start hurting because they have to give these refunds. >> so don't go away. >> we'll be right back with what is going on on american campuses. what do our enemies want to influence? they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you say someone's pronoun wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class from the river to the sea, palestine must be free. that was allowed to be sat on campus. how did we get to this point feel poison ivy with pete hegseth streaming now on fox nation.
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