tv Hannity FOX News April 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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economically disadvantaged children scholarships to attend high quality values based k-12 schools if you want to be supportive go to hope through that is hope through it's a great organization mike from indiana can the dallas cowboys draft that state trooper we could use a big linebacker, so could the eagles i will take him also, wayne many louisiana, many louisiana, if shifts luggage is missing the fbi will probably raid monologue oh thank you for watching always or member i am water's and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> sean: welcome to hannity tonight more violent displays of hatred and extremism at far left protest all across the country and more and more embarrassing moments for your president joe plus adam shift robbed in northern california, now making him the latest california democrat to become a victim of his party's own soft on crime policy how is that no bail defund reimagine the police thing working out not good for the american people at all, we begin in new york while president trump spends yet another day in court missing his wife milani's birthday joe biden shuffling around the city without a care in the world last night attending a glitzy fundraiser mixing it up near and dear to his heart telling the crowd we certainly never forget the dark days of june sixth, june 6th? really? biden eventually corrected himself but anyway apparently he
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did, meanwhile incredible news biden sat down with an interview but sadly hard-hitting questions off the table biden joined former shock jock turned proudly woke democrat howard stern on his radio show where biden dusted off a lot of his tall tales we call them lies, first he bragged about his time as a civil rights icon and an arrest that never happened, listen. >> he said do you remember and this is a true story he said remember when they were indeed segregating when filled the neighbourhood with 70 homes and i said there was a black family moving in and people were down there protesting and they told you not to go down there but you went down there if you ever that and you came and got arrested and were standing on the porch standing on a black family they brought you back the police and i said, yeah, i remember that.
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>> sean: first of all that story is not true, howard are you really supporting this mumbling and bumbling and stumbling guide but anyway instead here is the truth as a young senator biden worked with his mentor and of course friend a segregationist and appalled around with racist and the former clansman robert kkk bird why, together they wanted to stop the integration of public schools and busing and he didn't want kids to go to schools in his words where they would grow up in a racial jungle that's what joe biden said that's the truth but joe didn't stop there in this interview listen to this bizarre story about all of the wooden women according to biden that hand him racy photographs take a listen. >> i got put on the ten most eligible bachelor list. >> you were a senator you were a catch. >> a lot of lovely women would send very salacious pictures and
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i would just give them to the secret service. >> sean: again that's likely not true he didn't have secret service potential it -- as a senator and that's not all at one point during the stern interview joe biden turned to violence openly fantasizing about a physical confrontation with donald trump which he has done in the past listen. >> for example listen trump makes fun of me he's the kind of guy in the neighbourhood that we would meat head-to-head. >> sean: go head-to-head, tough guy joe biden, this guy has a hard enough time with the stairs of air force one he can't use the big boy stares you see him going up the back ramp, the little boy stairs so he might want to sit despite out now of course he will have the chance to square off against donald trump head-to-head in a debate but remember tough guy joe he
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fell three times once going up the big boy stairs and when he got up there he's spoke people said it's very windy outside i felt the wind myself that's probably why joe was tripping and falling all over himself they are typically three debates in any presidential election i'm glad this came up on the show he told howard stern that he is happy to debate trump he just doesn't know when we will believe it when we see it, at least one good thing did come out of that interview if that debate happens. but biden's closest allies seem to think that the president he's just not capable of debating trump remember he could not even do the super bowl interview it is no secret that joe biden is not doing well mentally or physically and i'm sure that if he does have a debate they will just jack came up with red bull or caffeine or whatever he took before the state of of the union, that's only saw jacked up joe clearly the white house trying to hide what is obvious according to a report from
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axial's biden changed his walking routine from marine one and instead of walking across the south lawn to and from marine one by himself he is now often surrounded by aids they go on quote with aids walking between biden and journalist camera position outside the white house the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old halting and stiff gate right on cue this afternoon biden was seen walking back from marine one surrounded by staffers who were trying to hide his every step i very own jimmy was on the scene today at the white house covering the upcoming correspondence dinner he will weigh in ahead tonight, but just to keep track biden can't answer questions from reporters without his staffers telling him who to call on he can't answer those questions without statements written down by staffers on giant notecards he can't give a speech that was
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not written by a staffer and put into a giant teleprompter with massive font by his staffers and by the way even then it's a struggle, to remember this? >> president joe biden: imagine what we can do next, four more years [ chanting ] >> jason: -- >> sean: four more years paused but then the white house transcript had in audible for pause, they didn't want the truth to get out, anyway he can't even walk without the help from his trustee staff, why even have a president if he is incapable of doing anything, look at the gallop numbers in his approval rating and now is at a historic low 38 percent we showed you swing state numbers last night trump winning six out of seven it could go even lower in the case of jill biden if the
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disruptive anti-american anti- israel protests continued to disrupt colleges and cities nationwide he refuses to deal with it at george washington university in our nation's capital one so-called protester carrying a sign echoing adolf hitler's final solution that's out nazis referred to the holocaust and what is israel and death to america mean anyway back in new york a columbia university protest leader now expressing regret after getting caught calling for the murder of zionists which means let's kill the jews, again win people tell you who they are and what they plan to do believe them here with reaction the rnc cochair laura trump is with us thank you laura. [ simultaneous talking ] >> sean: by the way for more years pause any reaction? >> well first of all that's the most staged thing i have ever
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seen clearly they had the pause in there because they told the audience as soon as he says four more years you guys jump in that what they do at trump rallies except at trump rallies it's authentic we don't manufacture anything like this when donald trump visited bodega in harlem that's not manufactured either when he visits a chick-fil-a in atlanta not manufactured when joe biden tries to attempt the same thing and has crickets around him no one is excited the entire thing is staged itself only but that's the president of the united states and i have to tell you it's great to run against someone like jill biden because he makes the job for our campaign and the rnc much easier every single day it is a sad state of affairs that that guy is the leader of the free world, the commander-in-chief and the person sitting at 1600 penciling avenue. >> sean: they have to train his walking routine to get onto marine wine he can't use the big
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boy stairs any longer to get on air force one and yet as he had said previously a while ago i want to take donald trump behind the gym meanwhile he goes up the big boy stairs and they say the wind blew him over three times on one trip up the stairs i guess you could just blow in the wind and he would fall down. >> could you imagine if there were actually a physical altercation between joe biden and donald trump this guy already knows what would happen is preposterous, this whole thing is crazy i am glad that today we got the information because i'll tell you the rnc and the campaign we bask every single day when are we going to set up the debates i'm glad to know joe biden is ready to debate has donald trump i said multiple times and i think he said today any time anywhere anyway he's ready to go donald trump would do it right now today so we want to send that message out there to the biden
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campaign thank you for accepting it's very good for america we need these two men on the stage on. >> sean: his polling a new low we have the bloomberg poll he's winning in wisconsin pennsylvania north carolina georgia arizona nevada this is while your father-in-law is literally sitting in a courtroom that has a judge that happened to donate to biden in 2020 and has accusations of family ties that are inappropriate that would create a conflict and a reason for recusal we know that, in fact, these were misdemeanours the statute of luke -- limitation has run out the judges forcing them to be there every day he can't be on the campaign trail i'm pretty convinced that if the left had their way they would keep your father-in-law off the campaign trail for the next 192 days if they could and not run any
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campaign your reaction. >> it's amazing you're exactly right that's what this is designed to do it's designed to give it joe biden an advantage to let joe biden go out and it campaign and i put that in air quotes because it's a sad showing whenever he goes out on the campaign trail and of course keep donald trump stuck there in a manhattan courtroom why is it that they're doing that? they are doing it as a distraction because the truth is too hard for the biden camp to deal with the truth is that they don't have a single positive thing they can point to from a policy perspective or otherwise that joe biden has been able to do for the people of this country in the three and a half years that he has been in office everyone's life is harder everyone's life has gotten more expensive we are less safe as a country the entire world is destabilized that's not a heck of a campaign platform to tout out there so the best solution that can come up with his keep donald trump off the campaign trail the amazing thing though
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is john that it's spectacularly backfiring on them were racing around a million dollars every day for the campaign that donald trump is sitting in that courtroom, donald jay, if you want to contribute we are encouraging people to get involved you see the tactics they are using right now against donald trump their communist in nature we can't leave anything to chance in this election protect the if you want to come volunteer to be part of our election integrity team these things are vital look at where we are right now look at the date we have six months to go in this campaign cycle you know they're going to pull out all the stops this is not the end of what you will see out of this clown show. >> sean: thank you for being with us we appreciate it, joining is now fox news contributor joe contra and our friend former congressman jason chaffetz, we start with you tonight your reaction to all of this there's a lot on the table here poll numbers are one thing but we still have a hundred and 92 days to go this issue about
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not having moral clarity in the war against radical terrorists, that really scares me as bad as it is that he is letting in over 10 million unvented illegal immigrants from some of our top geophysical flows this economy but now you can't even say to your ally that we support you winning your war on terror after october 7th? >> the left has lurched so far out there to these radical progressives people that believe and i used to believe when i first went to congress that we were all fighting for the same thing and we just had to ways of getting there but i left and i'm more convinced than ever that we aren't actually starting for the same things you have too many people that don't believe that america in american essentialism that america is the greatest country on the face of the planet and the leader of that movement is joe biden kamala harris they allow people by the millions to come into our country they are not locking
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down the safety and security they don't properly support our troops or our veterans they put illegal aliens ahead of them and on the world stage the world is more volatile, it was safe under donald trump, we were worried about things we were signing peace accords in the middle east and under jill biden there's more, so if people would just look at how good it was under donald trump and compare that to the feckless joe biden that can't even walk back and forth to a helicopter without staff running behind him to make sure that he doesn't fall and that it doesn't look bad there's a contrast here it's truly a choice election. >> sean: the media in this country probably the biggest campaign donors to the biden campaign of anyone right? >> the media and that includes fact checkers who have been basically on a three year spring break since joe biden came to office and i have to talk about that stern interview again because that was just something
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to behold, of course this kind of slobbering interview is, we accept this from howard stern but i say this is a former fan i used to like him back in the k. rock days in the nineties but he has become patently insufferable utterly pious and sometime around eight years ago when donald trump came into office basically the beta mail version of joy behar we heard him tell biden will i. after lie rhetorically drooling all over him, if i cringed any harder listening to that i might have become a fossil and my favourite three moments today by the way biden telling the tale that he was arrested alongside a black family during the civil rights movement that never happened in an easy rule with biden's when he starts to tell a family -- story and he says true story it's probably not true but second favourite was joe biden apparently was the david hasselhoff of his day he said he saved six people from drowning as a lifeguard at a community swimming pool? near drowning that town pools are totally a common thing but the all-time favourite part of
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this train wreck of energy as you share earlier was him insisting that women use to send him salacious pictures back in the seventies when he was a senator was sexing a thing on land lines in the seventies? to these women take polaroid selfies and mail them pictures in envelopes to him it's not that biden is a pathological liar. [ simultaneous talking ] >> sean: he certainly wasn't the mental and physical mess that he is today but you raise a good point and i brought it to the secret service, did he walk over to the white house and just hand it the secret service over there? more likely he probably forgot that he didn't have secret service while he was in the senate that's my guess. >> yes 50 years later when he was vice president he gets a good service but senators don't have secret service it's in the interview howard stern seth meyers these kind of softball forget softball t-ball interviews are what we can
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expect from this president now until election day because if he is asked a real question about his record on inflation or gas prices or crime or the border we all know the answer will sound like either angry or incoherent or both. >> sean: last were jason. >> no weight joe biden debates he forgot to ask the puppeteers if he could go out and debate no way does he do it he cannot physically get through a debate there is no way will let him up there. >> sean: if he does debate we will see jacked of joe to point o. whatever reed bull he drank more caffeine pills you took or whatever he might have taken. >> pixie sticks. >> sean: don't give it to him again when we come back the trump witchhunt in new york continues the house judiciary committee just released a report which alleges that alvin bragg's office allowed political motivations to in fact there prosecution of donald trump
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>> this is a fox news update from washington several spring storms putting 60 million americans under threat of tornado thunderstorms and hail in fact there are reports of widespread damage in the heartland with semi's flipping over in waverley nebraska a large manufacturing facility there also collapsed injuring several workers try to watch is now in effect for at least a half dozen states from nebraska through texas the pentagon announcing $6 billion in additional military aid for ukraine it is the biggest package to date and includes patriot missiles needed needed to fight back against russian
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air assault the aid comes from the 61 billion-dollar aid package passed by congress earlier this week i am kevin cork in washington now back to hannity. >> sean: today marked the eighth day of trump's quote of my guys she made a bookkeeping error documents trial in new york and new house judiciary committee report is saying we have been telling you all along radical manhattan da alvin bragg has allowed his political motivations and his promises as a candidate to drive the prosecution of donald trump in this report over 300 pages the committee highlights the fact that bragg used a novel legal theory we've been telling you to bootstrap these allegations as a felony in new york they'd be a misdemeanour and the statute of limitations that already past
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here with more chairman of the house judiciary committee jim jordan mr chairman and congressman welcome back back and anatomy of a put a prosecution the manhattan da office vendetta against president donald jay trump usually in report when you get to 300 plus pages you have a lot of information that's goes through some of the fundamentals >> well first of all alvin bragg bragged about it bragged about the idea that he would sue president trump or went after president trump hundreds of times when he was campaigning but once he gets into office he realizes there is no real case here he realizes what the department of justice realized when they didn't bring the case what the federal elections commission realizing what his predecessor realized the manhattan da when he did not bring the case but he has a guy working for him who volunteered assistant da who was pushing this case saying we have to go after trump he came to work for alvin bragg to singly go after
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trump and he is the one that persuades alvin bragg to do it not while he is assistant da but only after he resigns throws a temper tantrum does a media blitz and most importantly writes a book where he lays it out loud how he was out to get the president from the get-go that is what prompted alvin bragg and that frankly and donald trump announcing he would run for president that is what prompted alvin bragg to bring this ridiculous case. >> sean: calling it the zombie case because it was dead gone and buried in the statute of limitation and past anyway talk about this as well how is, wouldn't you consider the third highest ranking official in the biden department of justice to be a pretty prestigious job? wood you consider that to be? >> sean: then why did this guy move from that job to giving opening arguments to work on this case in a da office in the state of new york? why would you give up that big
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job? >> the same reason that he was willing to work for free they had a vendetta they have an agenda to go after president trump the department just as goes to the da office to go after president trump and mark pomerantz does the same thing it was all about getting trump, in fact, these are the guys who said we can put michael cohen as our star witness one thing that probably bothers me the most about this case right now is the fact that they put a gag order on president trump former president current republican nominee for president of the nine states likely going to be the next president i certainly hope he is he is not allowed to talk about michael cohen is a convicted perjurer guy who came in front of congress in life six times in one congressional hearing he is allowed to say whatever he wants? but president trump has a gag order from this judge this obviously partisan judge whose daughter works for every democrat you can thank of this is what is so unfair it's all driven by politics the whole plan here is to keep biden in
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the basement because he can't talk anybody then keep biden in the basement and trump on trial that's what the democrats are trying to do that their whole plan because they know president trump will win if he's out there able to campaign and that's why they're trying to keep him tied up. >> sean: we have a biden donor is the judge with family members and accused family financial conflicts the statute of limitations on what were misdemeanour's passes even joe's weapon eyes doj even they had passed on the federal charges that they are trying to use in this case which i don't think that even legally have a right to do but yet they're throwing everything they have up against the wall and it really comes down to a bookkeeping error which would be a misdemeanour in other words they filed what was a nondisclosure agreement and labelled it as a business expense okay is that meanwhile by the way if you beat up cops
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in times square you get released from jail and probably not charged by the same da and even if it was a bookkeeping error it's a misdemeanour it's a two-year statute of limitation but they're going to use that and somehow say it dealt with campaign financing election laws and the charges really are conspiracy to influence a 2016 election and it's funny because jack smith he is charges conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding regarding the 2020 election i think the truth is this alvin bragg and jack smith are the ones who are in a conspiracy and that conspiracy is to impact the 2024 presidential race that is what is going on here and again i think that the american people see that. >> sean: let me ask you to we know and all these cases, new york, dc, fani willis in fulton county georgia i have not heard anything bad about florida but when these da's show up at the
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biden white house do we know who they are meeting with? do we know if there is collusion going on i would like to know who their meeting with you there talking to are they strategizing together? are they getting advice or maybe they're just sharing a cup of coffee. >> we've subpoenaed information regarding the number of trips he made to dc when it looked like he talked with a generous six committee the white house council and that the biden dartmouth just as we want to get all of that information i think this is one big effort the conspiracy this is i think this that's keep this point conspiracy president trump jack smith 2020 but the real conspiracy is bragg jack smith fani willis all of these democrats conspiring to impact the 2024 race that's what's going on and again i think the american people see it plain and clear. >> sean: the anatomy of critical prosecution the manhattan district attorney's office vendetta against donald
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trump all 300 plus pages of it are on jim jordan thank he we appreciate your time when we come back yes the congenital liar adam schiff the california congressman the guy who wants to be a senator allegedly now robbed in san francisco forcing him to attend a campaign dinner without a suit we will check in with the great judge straight ahead
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leaving him to attend the event reportedly without a suit meanwhile a wild video the mayor of san jose's security guard was assaulted during an on camera interview, take a look at this this is amazing. >> were doing an interview sir. >> you doing interview i work right there i'm just talking okay cool i appreciate you. >> hey,. >> sean: i urge everyone please learn some situational self defence it so important these are very violent times anyway here with reaction to this and president trump's trial and the weaponization of justice in new york the cohost of the five jeanine pirro is with us i'm getting sick and tired of all of the violence that we see
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going on and i don't like adam shift i don't want anyone to be a victim of any crime that's how i feel. >> my position is this i am so fat up with the crime going on in this country that would so easily be resolved if we went back to good old-fashioned consequences and law & order but it was the left became a with the idea that they were going to have this criminal justice reform but to me right now sean i don't care about them what i care about right now turnaround is fair play and in the end they don't care about us they don't care about ordinary americans they only care about themselves and this progressive nonsense has created a very dangerous situation for every american in this country and if this is what it takes then so be it and by the way did you know he had his suitcase taken out of his car i
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think sam britons probably walk around this clothing on he worked for the biden association was stealing to places in clothing but they created a haven of lawlessness. >> sean: i forgot about that i did forget about that part. >> will they cost created this have been and it won't create and to let it impacts them they have the mayor and his security detail getting beat up while the guy is trying to give an interview if we don't turn this country around there's only one man who can do it and you know who i'm talking about is donald trump and right now he's in a ridiculous trial in a courtroom in manhattan while jill biden is out there promoting himself as the candidate that's going to save this country jill biden the reason one of these things is going on in america today. >> sean: when you think about this if you want the right and
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the ability to pursue happiness a prerequisite for that needs to be law & order and safety and security or else you can pursue your dreams you can't pursue happiness what is frustrating to me and i think that we share the same frustration is that no bail , defund dismantle reimagine the police whatever you want to call it this is what the result of this is but meanwhile the guy in new york that is the da in manhattan alvin bragg that ran to go against one man one family one organization this is the very same guy that is releasing or lowering 60 percent of cell felonies to misdemeanours only wanting to take misdemeanour and turned it into a felony after the statute of limitations went away with a judge that donated to biden with obvious family conflict it shouldn't be happening they should we had videotapes of people in times square in new york the crap out of cops they are let flee in
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seconds just to flip the bird to new york and head out to california what a great country. >> and the sad part about all of this is that alvin bragg is a soros funded prosecutor in our finding out that soros is behind a lot of what's going on on the college campus is right now they are talking about i am hamas and all of that other revolution but let's stick with bragg this guy should be in charge of legal aid he has no idea how to prosecute a case he has no idea what he's doing the only thing that he is is a political operative and this show trial that is going on in new york is going to be reversed just like the trial of harvey weinstein was reversed and i'll tell you why because the evidence that they are admitting right now has nothing to do with a crime it has nothing to do a donald trump whatever michael cohen may have done and whatever who is in
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there now david packer may have done they are trying to attribute his knowledge of campaign finance violations to donald trump there should have been instruction right there and then by the court that you can't assume that because david packer new something that donald trump knew it but this is the kind of case that inexperienced political operatives are trying in manhattan let me just say one more thing this gag order the gag order was to make sure that the president did not make or direct others to make public statements when donald trump repeats on true social what other people have said you is not making for directing them to make public statements and that's why he is not holding him in contempt yet because it's so poorly written these people are so incensed so full of hate that they will do anything to keep this man down and he goes
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outside he talks to construction workers he goes to a bodega and they cheer him, he goes to a kentucky fried chicken or whatever, took flight and they cheer him this man is a hero and was happening in this country is a crime and the people who are doing it have got to be punished for what they are doing because it is a violation of all of his constitutional rights. >> sean: let me tell you what the answer is you know what judge victory would be the answer we can stop this in 192 days i would say this is the biggest inflection point for this country that we have ever witnessed in our lifetime for sure. >> and you know what sean if he gets elected he has to put the right people in power to make sure that none of the nonsense that happened last time is going to happen this time and that involves people who are close to him that he was relying on, enough said. >> sean: thank you coming up the biden white house jimmy is
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>> sean: as we told you earlier it appears that president joad needs all the help he can get take a look at your screen joe now surrounded by aides every time he walks to or from marine one on the south lawn of the white house so they can distract from his very awkward shuffling gait if you will but in the long history of biden blunders this week will probably stand out as having some of the very worst, especially this moment from biden speech to union workers take a look.
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>> president joe biden: imagine what we can do next four more years. [ chanting ] >> sean: four more years pause that may be the worst blunder of the week but it certainly wasn't the only one take a look. >> by the way that's not hyperbole that's literal, together with the leader and i, today folks, folks see shovels in the ground and these projects this is a big deal day are you ready to choose freedom over democracy for democracy i still sometimes cut the yard but the secret service doesn't let me do it anymore trump and his maga allies want to repeal the most significant investments in climate ever the work that you risked your lives doing a lot of it i don't know why we are surprised by trump how many
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times do we have to prove that he can't be trusted. >> sean: anyway here with reaction jimmy fail a who will be live tomorrow for a special two hour edition of fox news saturday night direct from the white house correspondents dinner know you were actually on the south lawn today when biden landed back from his trip to new york you saw this. >> they were nice enough there to invite us there for the landing because the way it works is when the helicopter lands one guy gets a hand another guy gets a foot and we kind of carry him into the white house i thought i was there as a thought i was there as a reporter but i was just there to catch the guy is sad to watch because there now traditionally the president depart marine one their own walk across the lawn and you'd say wow that is the leader the free world don't mess with that guy but now they literally have them surrounded like their bumper bowling him back into the white
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house so he doesn't go the wrong way so he doesn't fall there's like i'm nervous energy when you watch it at sad because the reporters aren't going wow it's the president the reporters are saying i think he's going to wrong way that's not good. >> sean: he has to be guided to the exit stage left or right by the way i am proud of my record and all of my years in radio my 20 years here at fox i have never been to one white house correspondents dinner i'm proud of that are not breaking my record i'll never go and i'll be honest i don't like them i don't think they like me so i think it works out perfectly but how did you like four more years pause. >> the best business to be in right now is selling liquor next to the white house press room because every time that man gets near microphone someone winds up doing a shot at something man but don't worry sean i will represent all represent the with
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the dinner they let me into these things because i dress like a waiter so it's fine. >> sean: and i'm sure when you met with these people yesterday they were glad to see you anyway their lack of that guy who has the hit show now and saturday night according to reports there is now a petty feud between the biden white house and the new york times of all places team biden is thinking the new york times is too harsh on joe and new -- not harsh enough on trump you can't make that out that the new york times meanwhile is apparently incensed that biden will not sit down for an interview and constantly avoids taking questions from the press but he did go on howard stern now things are so bad that the entire dispute got a prelong right up being the politico this week and the publisher of the times literally confronted vice president harris, this is the new york times over biden's
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refusal to take questions, reaction. >> it's amazing to think that the new york times is calling them out because you know they were fine with us at the beginning of the administration but now they are just bored sean they have nothing to do covering this president is like covering the groundhog you don't get a lot of action on the detail and right now the new york times is desperate because a lot of their friends and their friends kids go to columbia and there's only so much they can write about those protests because they look terrible i just think they need the content at this point. >> sean: it's pretty amazing actually one last story breaking earlier today this is from the hollywood reporter apparently steven spielberg is helping biden and his team plan the d&c the democratic convention in chicago this summer by the way i am predicting based on what were saying on college campuses this will be a absolute had him shift show but apparently his
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specialty is helping biden tell his story and present his vision for a second term because he can't do it himself. >> what people need to know stephen spielberg directed e.t. but in the biden version of et the alien gets a stimulus check in a free hotel room so it's going to be a totally different remake, but, yes, that's how bad we are sean were bringing in stephen spielberg to make the president look alive i mean really think about that it's going to be as you said and s. shall i agree but you know it won't be jimmy at the red carpet >> sean: that's what i want to ask you you're going to that correspondents dinner there enough, you're working it, i'm not going to count that as you actually attending, if you ever been to one before? >> to be clear sean i have been to these, i like going, because we are the away team at fox news
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but we are kicking everybody's ass in the rating so it's kind of fun it's like walking into fenway park in a yankee jersey and winning the game. >> sean: if you got alive. >> you make at that point i don't have your fighting skills i don't train like you but let me give you one thing, at first i thought it was an honour that fox was letting me hosted two hour show on the red carpet but i'm realizing they're just trying to keep me away from the open bar that's all this is is just a way of babysitting me. >> sean: they don't want to sit next to let's be honest they just don't want to hang with you >> how dare you used to be my guy that was a low blow. >> sean: well whatever you want to drink it's probably on joe you probably have to pay is probably a cash bar for crying out loud but i can afford as many drink this year because of the inflation that's all stay sober. >> sean: you can't go to that party and see all of those people that we know don't like
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>> sean: before we go if you are looking for something fun to do this weekend you can bring the whole family my friend michael w. smith took me off about this a great new family friendly faith-based movie hitting theatres called unsung hero based on a true story of grammy-winning artist king and country and rebecca st. james it is the story of their lives coming from australia to the united states as kids growing up with music and faith and eventually finding great six dayses success anyway it's in peter's all across the country check it out unsung hero that's all the time we have left please set your dvr to never miss an episode of hannity in the meantime greg gutfeld is standing by have a great weekend we will see you on monda
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