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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ]er >> speaker-01: i'm shannonyo with judge, charlie and greg and
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this is at the 5 in new york city. [ ♪♪ ] a big day in the big apple e for joe biden and donald trump both in new york at the same time.rn trump chatte, d with howard sten saying he would be happy to be on a debate stage with trump speaking of which the former f president was in court for day n of his criminally hush money trial. the former national enquirer cheat rat dub's testimony and we get to hear from the prosecutions next 2 witnesses. his former assistantwi 34 year veteran of the trump organization and gary pharoah a forme member when michael cohen was seekinapg to arrange the 133,000 payment to stormy daniels trumps sounded off on another day in court. >> this is all biden indictment
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to rig the election for a political opponent and nothing like this is ever happened. if biden wants a debate he can do any time including i'm here ready willing and able and if he wants i will do it on monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night we will be in michigan a state he has destroyed. >> he was on the mind of the current president joe biden repeatedly brought up donald trump being interviewed byby howard stern. >> i don't know if you are going to debate your opponent.ere, >> president joe biden: i am some time. s >> what you thincok is going to happen? i can't imaging e you would los. >> he's promised if he doesn't win there will be a blood met beth. trump makes fun of me he is the kind of guy who wishes they will meet head-to-head.
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>> the sitdown comes as biden takes friendly fire from the ner york timesk . the greag t lady accusing the president of setting a dangerous precedent for avoiding interviews with most media andfr despite biden's best efforts to shuffle away from the press art new and alarming report is out on his gate saying instead of walking to and from marine 1 byi himself heng started walkingy ai surrounded by aids concerns andf videos of biden walking alone especially on grass highlightinv his age. we can't stop the giggles overeh here today. >> whether it's trump talking about how he wants to debate biden or the fact the real concern in the white house is the tall grasses going to wipei out joe biden. if you wonder why the economy it in the tank and we have an open border and we have wars popping up all over the place as the white house is more concerned m orabout shielding and walking 2 helicopter than they are about solving any problem is.go
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>> he says goes back to the grass which i know you knew something about. >> are you alluding to dsomething?ing? >> i need you to google that. >> i look out the trials trials or fuel for trump if these popeye, l'affaire is a spinach he's a leading in the polls because of the trials it's hilarious to watch it is. who would think howard stern would be a safe space for an elderly clueless fossil and also the joe biden i loved him but he is changed risk has been has replaced with reward if you listen to the interview he isu i defanged and rendered kind of a harmless stir in the opposite of what the brand he used to be that's what happens when you get
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co-opted by power and famouswe friends it's weirdir to see him switch side so trump for many year ss supported stern gave mis best shows i bet at that time stern auld have branded moral hazard in need of censorship, yeah, from trashing trump who reflects the frankness of this sitter -- sternen phenomenon insteadom he embracee the phony that early stern would've mercilessly mocked no 1 to your chief -- sheet cheap gaffe about the grass they're talking about sta sticky date there's a stiff gate it's a bigger scandal called feeble gate it's a scandal to cover up biden's ever diminishing function let's be honest the only way biden can look youngert is to surround himself with younge r -- corpses is not the walk that should be alarming it said the dementia which makesmo
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him even more oblivious to thest destruction of allru orutio institutions the woke handlerse accelerating our nation's demise and he is there along for the ride.l who knows how much longer he will be there and started to walk when you have a load in your pants. that's why they call him dark brandon ask of the white house laundry. >> no confirmation from the white house laundry so we willof move on from w there's also people walking witm him as he wanted more downtimeoa less formal time with his aids t so thehe walk between the white house and marine 1.: >> that would doth it i the reason he has his aids therh is becauseer they are going to n him a question. it's quiet nothing is going on and they are a phrase going to answer andhat they are the ones you have toha make ht e doesn't say anything t of line i think we are readyme
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know how he treats his aids hetm curses and yells at them referred all the stories about what's going on in the white house i agree with greg the guy is lost it what he said on theen howard stern show he came upy with more lies the guy's a plagiarist plagiarized his whole career it whizzes 8898 presidential campaign they from out because he was a liar and now he comes up with new ones hr says when he was a lifeguard her saved half a dozen people fromg. drowning and you want to tell me why he waited until he was 81 to tell people about that and thenr he said get this. whenever he is a senator received salacious picturesr re women would give him he would give it to the secret service. joe you don't haves secret service when you were a senator. then he said when he was younger he was on the ports with a black family
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only white kid on the ports of a black family protesting segregation and they arrested him. joe with the why would they arrest you and then he was a runner in state scoring football what the hell is that first of all yellow city is the first 1 in his family to go to collegele then wgee heard his grandfather played college football and hesh was the best you need to have drinks to get through this it's ridiculous and he represents usa hend talks to xi jinping and pun oh my gosh.on >> i'm going: to need to go don to the table into a wellness check on the judge down there. >> should be debate moderator. >> is purely going down at theo. courthouse if you're free they have offered to do so thiy,s interview is where is howard stern but the near times
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says traditional news outlets are not getting a chance they say it's troubling biden has so actively avoided questions from independent journalists during his terms du avoiding questionsr major news organizations doesn's just undermine an important nor, it establishes a debt -- i dangerous precedent they can ust to avoid scrutiny and accountability so there thinkinr not only about now but theirha self-interest also thet other presidents will say it's notore. done that way anymore.y >> fairpoint by the new york times and that the president should probably give more interviews to traditional pres spr and thosese who sit in the brief room it's a fair assessment nows i watched the same interview yoi ewdid have the same assessment f it but that's all fair in love and war. i appreciated the party talked about especially at this point in our country he talked about t the time he lost both his wifes and daughterda in the ideal of o what hf e was dealing with talkd about thinking about drinkingwih
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the idea of his own suicidal ideations after losing both hish daughter and wife coming out time in our country when we know black and youth the suicide rate there is up 100 44% for college athletes it's doubled in this country so we have young peoplet struggling with esso to hear th president of the unites statesni they listen when ite was a youns person struggled witonh this isa real moment for him to say i feel your pain that's what he's good at doing what are your yo disagree for politics or notis i it's important to see our leaders say i struggle with thii as welthl especially as young people in struggle with it. p >> teoo betty does nothing about it i'm all for feeling pain. >> talk is cheap. i think somebody said that oncen talk is cheak p the fact is wes have >> talking about suicidal ideations g i use all the. >> if you want to buy into thatt that'sha fine.
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he said nothing about fentanyle he said nothing about crime nothing about inflation. >> that has nothing to do if suicidal ideation. >> i would give you this.n suicidal ideation isis bad there you go. >> ever but he can agree on tha. coming up shocking scenes of california lawlessness a bodyguard attacked on camera and guy got robbed. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators,
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victim does people fallingust victims of crime. a congressman got robbed in san franciscadamo taking the luggagt of the car forcing him to attenc a fancy dinner looking like a slob without a suit and tie. the los angeles mayor had her house broken into and the gua security guard for the democratic mayor of san jose was a tackle giving an interview to a tv station. >> i worked there were cool. i appreciate you. i'll do well i was going to do before you walked up to me. >> and if that isn't the perfect metaphor for san francisco goin down the drain and neighborhood through a mini festival to celebrate a public toilet that
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cost $200,000 instead of the original price tag of whopping $1.7 million obviously first we go to our toilet correspondent greg gutfeld who have to say as sharp as you always look adamd ship shoupw to the party like le he was burrowing your wardrobe.. >> we do shop at the same places that toilet cost over a million dollars so when someone in san francisco says you look like any million bucks there telling you that you look like crap san francisco used to be celebrated as ato glistening jewel of a ciy with amazing views now people resort to celebrating a toilet they get it is a rare feat in the city when anybody defecates indoors it's a cause for celebration and what you'relo going to see with a lot of these
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left-wing politicians is that they are forced to pretend their victimization is no big deal because it's their own policiess that lede to the increase inthy lawlessness so they would bee seen as hypocritical they can no longer cite any data with cities no longer submitting crime data because they are overtaxed or should i say overstretched notue to confuse people to much kindeo apart they don't have time to do it so they're working in parcel figures can't figure it out theh victims reporting is skyrocketed so the gap between actual crimes and reported numbers is huge att to the fact victims are still despite this actually underreporting crime because that should down charging of offences displays people from going to the police especiallyc when they call the police they don't show up. >> i will not mock your sweater. >> this is an amazing sweater.rh
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adam schiff would not where that >> when you go through look atin the crimes going on in san francisco this week with young leaders what crime do you fear the >> okf lost luggage many times that's a crime that leads to fashion crimes but i was and noted he was warned not to leavw his luggage in the garage where his car was parked so evene people were there like san francisco's no longer view saven you to leave your luggage in your car he is 1 of many victims remember those san francisco voters not long ago went it to the polls and crack down on the stuff reversing policies loosing up clampdown on police because they recognize what they havese done is led to these policies why they are so busy celebrating the toilet i don't know i thought this was babylon be when i first read this there were toilet themed games at the party celebrating the toilet chocolate
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cupcakes dedicated -- decorated like crap and that they took turns trying the new shane the stainless steel bowl i can't believe there aren't more w important things toro worry aboo >> you read this more deeply than i did like toilet olympics. >> speaker-01: dark brandon strikes again. >> i don't know what the competitions are. >> the reason i asked that question is i want to talk about the roundhouse kick the san jose bears bodyguard landed. the guy that roundhouse kicked the bodyguard is looking for bread for his family.i >> i have noha radio what he'swt looking for its friday but i won't worship a porcelain got as don't understandta stainless stl god knock a worship any of them but i want to draw a direct line for the point shannon made because it's the right 1 whichin you seen happen in san francisco don't get me wrong i think san
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francisco from wear was in its heyday to where it is now there's real issues there theyn, think what you seen the votersfh of the city do as well as city leadership is try to put some things in place to bring down crime rate and into a 22 theyed launched the violencuce reductit initiative and ahas a result of that you see homicides go downr and also the coroner's office reporting this week you see a decrease in the number of unintended drug overdoses o happening there for getting folks resources so they're not overdosing on fentanyl or othere taser drugs not shipped saying it's where it should be but it's good to see the cities moving ie the wet rate direction 1 because voters want it but they're responding to voters saying, hey, we can make a choice to fix this also comes a time when our nation is on a point where it sees crime decreased to the t lowest pointhe it was almost sie the obama administration.mi >> ini would like to see this i the right direction. >> but judge janine i'me
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assuming. 1 thing that's absolutely thiseo not the fault of republican policies. >> the democrats are facing the consequences of their own policies turnabout is fair playa okay they wanted social justice reform criminal justice reform they don't want bail they want cashless bail they don't want people in bail and we are now experiencing it when you've got a guy on the street you've gotmo them mayor there trying to given an interview and somebodd y is coming up beating the hell of the security guard at least he is a security guard the truth is the politicians only care whenar it affects them and it's about time that it did.' now person's homhoe was burglarized and i think londonar
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she was apparently initially in favor of defunding the police wi are in that mess because of thet democrats in sans francisco ri now being a victim of a crime is like a rite of passage it'ska going to happey?n and that's tha way it is in the end until this all changes we will all be is victims of crimes that's all i have to say. >> the most frustrating part is these policies the democrat policies in place when theybut don't do anything about it your also not allowed to protect yourself. >> just ask what's his name from the subway. penny you can't defend yourselfy new goout idiots who don't know who to prosecute and he would let go.or it's a george soros fundede de prosecutor the democrat socialists are putting people in da offices you don't know how to
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fight crime as right now she is in china on a taxpayer-funded verb pandas and when it comes back with the pandas somebody. >> there's enough there is in san francisco. >> just stop.harl >> we've gotta go. rep >> a new route report george soros is helping fund thatolle israel protests on college campuses next. >> ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check.
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left. at the university of south california has announced their mainstage graduation ceremony is canceled because of safety concerns after 100 pro- palestinian protesters were arrested on campus keep in mind between 24 college graduates are the same ones who graduated high school without a ceremony because of the pandemic. students at the university are not thrilled about it. >> it's awful not fair i don't think it's right. >> these are the students from 2020 and mr high school graduation now missing their college grad that's messed up. >> i was class between 19 and transferred so i got a high school graduation they i'm hoping to get this year's graduation them. >> enough is enough though it's time to follow the money on who is feeling the anti- israel
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protests shocking report from the new york post claims free pope -- pro- palestinian encampment leaders are fellows that soros funded groups i will go to you first because you are in the news what you know about this. >> a few things we've been covering 1 of the best questions is when you have people getting arrested her into trouble and some are getting arrested which arrested processed there's no fingerprinting or picture or arrest record they are 22 years old these people are over as their outside organizers what they are doing their as they're missing out on a second big milestone in the rate as they want to get these you for voters you want to decide which side you're going to want tell only your claim to. a lot of young people upset with how you're handling the gaza
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situation with israel but many greater percentage are upset how it's impacting their college experience in the white house said yesterday the spokeswoman that this is up to governors about sending the national guard and settling things down not for the president we know that the in history has sent them on campuses in trouble into riots they gotta have a conversation if you're the party of law and order and rule of law where and she hoping the students having saying so precious snatched away from them. >> the interesting thing about having a conversation columbia university is having the conversation every 48 hours you're 48 hours left to leave and they don't 48 hours they have to leave another conversation there is nothing that people can do to stop this that kids can graduate. >> the only people dumber than the kids on campus doing this are the adults negotiating with
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them. >> i don't understand any part of it there is a heckler's veto were a heckler can walk into a situation and completely shut down free speech that's what's going on here in this college campus they're empowering nitwits and morons and i don't doubt some of them are there because they're emotionally upset about what they see on tv but you look at the tents and you can tell this is a inorganic thing it's definitely a set up an operation and the university proving how irrelevant they are buckles to them and let's these people shut down the lies and free speech and an important milestone for these other people >> greg what's your take on george soros. >> i will get to that because i
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think the tents tell you the story i see these new tents and none of these people appear to be outdoorsy right they don't look like repeat shoppers at dick's sporting goods you see the signs are brand-new the catered food all designed to make a protest a comfortable experience with people with a low threshold for hardship rate is curated and catered like the backstage at coachella a protest for the prophetic and the passive the soros funding shows you none of this is accidental because if it is accidental and bad things happen people try to fix it when it's accidental if you look at all of our problem is whether it's the squatting the no cash bail or border chaos the drug overdoses there's no fixing right feels part of the greater deliberate mission on purpose because nobody is
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bothering to fix it the das don't even blink an eye when they are shown the destruction wielded by those they let out. again all these variables from the campus occupations crime homelessness together they tell you there's an ideology at play meant to dismantle the structure of capitalistic society and replace it with something you can call it marxist or whatever you want there's no attempt to stop it. >> so let's talk about how there's no way you attempt to stop it. >> let's start here 1 recent poll talking to voters under 30 including many of these young people on the college campuses rating their top issues of the top issues it was health care and housing and inflation and gun violence at the bottom of
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that was at the israel hamas crisis. second because i think there's a critique of the media and it's important we make this critique what's happened even at my own alma mater is a focus of the cameras on the folks at this encampment we have about 10,000 undergraduates they focused on the 100 or so at the encampment and not the 9000900 going to class or are in finals every day my problem with that is every day students are trying to complete school and everybody should be allowed to protest because protest is what makes the democracy great at the same time when you say anti-semitic things not protected by free speech however calling for disinvestment is pretty protected by free speech and free expression is protected and nonviolent to protesting is protected by free speech we have to make that clear if you want to be a college campus and say i want a cease-fire now and you
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want to say you disagree without the united states federal government is engaging with israel you have every right to do that if you say something anti-semitic you don't have the right to do that and that's what needs to be said in the media is conflating the things it's harmful to complete them because they are not the same. >> of your university of a code of conduct many universities are >> that's not true when columbia's university president talked about who she suspended who she expelled. >> liza still going on if you watched the news? >> there are koda connex at the universities there following and it just hasn't been clear what is or isn't. >> ♪ ♪ shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash
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can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today.
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♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> time for this first of all step away from the shower experts say you do not need to take a daily scrub because it's proven there is no health benefits and could actually harm you we only do it because we don't want to stink.i do i don't know who the experts are about fire all of them i take multiple showers a day. >> that explains everything. >> i don't know about you. >> they want you to eat bugs not take a shower and live in 500 square feet it's all nonsense. that's the end of it. >> they claim there is a social stigma did not showering it's because you stink and nobody wants yoyeu to be sitting on thr furniture you literal dirt bag and also these are so-called experts. it's based on the assumption nobody works out it if you extra
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days every day you should use shower not only are they t dirtbags they probably are fatab bags as well disgusting.>> >> i want to hear your take on this. >> is not a stigma it's called t manners you don't want to smell bad for other people. >> showers are terrible for you. >> i take showers upon going to be around people but if you live on a farm you don't take shower you keepyo your distance.ha >> a slapping the hogs or not showering. >> sure it's good for you. showers are terrible.le >> you don't have any evidence. >> i'm going to need to take some acts and spray down. >> e. coli is dangerous for health for but i'm with the jude they want us eating bugs everyone wears but john was no they wonder why population rates are down. >> we learn something new about you every day today we land you
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don't take showers. >> up next crocs not only ugly but also dangerous. they are banning the footwear on it it's escalator because getting chewed up in the teeth., a delay low shoes i don't own a pair of crocs do you yet to think about that 1. >> i worked for warner bros. ones and 1 christmas everybodyy got crocs i didn't keep them though that's all i have to says fast to get stuck in an h escalator it's becauseig my high heel g doesn't fit it goes into the steal i can get it out. >> gopher stilettos. >> charlie stop talking. so i'm walking off my she was still going on the escalator. >> i agree stilettos are much more dangerous on an escalator i thought crocs were for gardenina home time walking the dogs i don't know wearing them on a
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desk escalator that's way too fancy of an event for crocs. >> i don't own a 1.wn i own 4 pairs of crocs includino check out these exclusive fur-lined crocs. >> for dog walking? >> yep and p breaks for the dog and me always wear crocs in a public shower. >> not for >> how often: do take show shoe their showers at s a public shor >> have you ever been to turkey equally. >> and finally what is a name anyway. emma stoneme said she prefer tol by her real name which is emily she revealed aos new interview e goes by emma because emily stone was nabbed by another actress in their union so here's my question if you could change your name what would it be.? >> my name was always janine bu. then you become judge janineju
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your name does change but i'm still janine at least. >> i don't understan>>d people o get upset. >> isn't your real name henre py mckay names henry equally. >> henry. >> he changed hiy!s name just le emma stone. >> was very not interesting but my name going up was chuck win see peoplegr and who knew me growing up and say check across her mind like i'm back home.e. >> how is that not an interesting story that will be paper view. >> would you change your name? >> my original name was greg ang then i changed it to drag i'd jur op t the second g and it was quite a move for me i thought about it as the lord told me to drop the g there. >> at home the commie june yeara
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because i am jr to my father.ok >> you're an initials are raf the royal air >> that's true' >> fan male friday is next. >> ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> i like this. >> fan male friday let's talk about a question from the viewers from a can't say what is your best help tip must be something that gives you the best health do you enjoy.ta come oken. what's your best self tip onsuns why? >> showering. >> come on. >> sunshine. richard? >> i meditate before bed i. >> that's cheating you do it ino the morning. >> you can do that toorn. >> you fall asleep at >> that's part of the process. >> cheater . >> shannon what's your best rd: health for the people at ho. >> get social media and physical healthnnon i would say sleeping although we don't get enough of it. j
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>> the best healthud to buy can give people's eliminate sugar from your diet something themdi always fighting with peoplete wn they limit sugar i feel better. >> does that include oreos? >> it >> i hatgae to say this becauset goes against my brand but quitting drinking that's the healthiest thing you can do. >> it helps us destroy your sleep as well drinking. a >> i finally slept like a normal person. >> is the mostis t most vulneran moments you shared with this stranger that you never saw again know 1 night stand.nt memorable moments yo yu sharedwh with the stranger, shannon?ng >> about right now?it i mean i did 1 time sit next toi a gurpy on that airplane wehe exchanged information because hc was doing work in dc i got an e-mail from him weeks later that his nephew was dying and all he
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wanted was afr message from somebody from the avengers so iy put out a tweet to make itpe happen andn several of them actually got to this guy and got messages to the little boyd th calling him in the hospitalas before he passed away which wast awesome never saw the uncle again though. >> a judge?er >> tough 1 to answer..em emthey believe member being someone on the plane. >> 2 weeks ago flowers with this name and i never followed up with it.rlie >> i can think of so many we were getting on a plane we had several children with the babynd on her hip and said, hey, i can alter babel you put in the overhead bins she handed me the. baby and they flew the entiretr
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way across the country the little baby on my hand arms which was all areas that i handed the baby back and went my own way. >> well,. >> nice and creepy at the same time. [ laughter ]eani >> richard? >> there's a lady in tears and those embraced them and i was just like it's going to be okay i don't know what happened her but i remember that >> it's so weird t i rented to this lady is that help me a black man just like me on the street. [ laughter ]goin >> i will let you have that 1 because it's friday night. >> 1 more thing is up next. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans.
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come true. get your car your way. get it with gurus that present your day off because here is where it happens saturday on fox just swaggered up to a suicide to score saturday on fox. you he put on a show in new york. you saw that right? saturday on fox. he's up on his way to the breakfast and it was saturday on fox when harper went off saturday on fox. is where it happens right there. has the beltway covered lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news across the country to the global events shaping our world. we'll bring you there and have a live report special report with brit baer weeknights on fox news channel. america is watching it. >> it is time now for one mor
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thing. let's start with you. what a show tonig now ft, 10 p.. you got pig eggs, vince,s against captive tigersdo thi. >> that's tonight at 10 p.m. let's do this. s news who knew that tortoises ibut? look a >> but get this, they have nerve cells on their shells. >> look at that little guy shaking his . look at that. oh, yeah. righget it right there. that's at the nashville zoo. a little lower, buddy. oh, yeahoh. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah . s there. >> there are less sensitive in their skin, but they do have nerve endings there. so remembemember te your that t you see a turtle. >> go ahead. scratch is shellschi so understated. >> yeah. so you should see it when >> gre when t to mitch mcconnel. oh, boy. george, i think this t is his isa to good time to get to you. >> i will start.nnec okay. so two barbers in connecticutict are being hailed as heroes after they ran out of their establishmenat to rescue a child who was running into traffic. >> they were in the middle of a haircut when they noticed a toddler and their first reaction was sprin to spring int action.
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they later and look at this. look at thisle girl. running li. >> she's running in the direction of traffic. look at these guys.. rb and they later located. the girl's mother at a nearby s bus stop. i guess she had too many other kids are lost sight of her or somethin osomethind g, but theyc hailed as heroes in connecticuut . >> phenomenal, huh? that is better. i love that they have the vide ono on both ends. yeah. that recognizing the trouble and going into. yeah. charlie you got to the y were the kidnapers tonight i'm on hand the>>ony will see that's m? here. >> 9:00. all right, henry. t outt >> richard. hello? hello, henry. this shout out to my friend and colleague, eugene daniels. he is set to become the firstfi black woman to be the president of thers whiteciation. house correspondents association. i hope to honor him this past monday at the first inaugural angela trouble makers dinnerempe hosted by the bayard baldwin institutes, whose mission is to alr black women in allce industries. speaking of the white house correspondents dinner, you can catch special coverage of the dinner right hereht on fi
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news at 9 p.m. with our friend jimmy taylor. >>'m going i'm going to join hie back. >> it's always right when nature steps in. >> pga golfers at zurich open hadn't really teeing off ty. t a >> boy, for a totally unbothered alligator across the $70 tee bocototax. >> this didn't come as a totalda shock. endurance course is known for its occasional reptiley onlyd ao spectator greg the delaye only lasted about 7 minutes. >> ibat didn't seem to be bad luck for the golfers who had the pouring and birding the hole, respectively. >> wow. okay. dana: to tellfoun the people of the five-year-old that you have important fans that watch you. week out this weekd just someone else had told meicer that they watched the fiveand "e retired justice stephen breyer. >> i interviewed him this week d and the five came up and he said that he watches it in histi exercisene. routine., >> there you go. so, judge justice. hello, those are thethe re restf my books that will see you on fox news sunday of my intervie♪w with the justice. >> i'm verery nice♪


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