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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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for these demonstrators that have aligned themselves with butchering terrorists. the reality is they are not sure what those consequences might be. it remains to be seen what might happen. will there be consequences for that? >> the president said they were unable to reach agreement with the protesters and exploring alternative options to remove the encampment. that is going to be tested in one hour and 30 seconds. >> there go the rest of the campuses that are popping up like the university of georgia happens they are also looking at the same thing. you saw a unc out in california. what happens at columbia university, those leaderships and law enforcement, we will be watching and covering it. "america reports" now.
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>> once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student led protests on campus. >> president biden: i learned a long time ago to listen to that lady. >> this university needs to get control of the situation. >> we want them to be peaceful protests. >> john: we are awaiting a white house briefing as the anti-semitism spread across the country. president biden and his team still have not delivered formal remarks addressing this escalating situation. >> setting a deadline for one hour away. ordering students who have occupied the campus for days to clear that encampment or face suspension. >> sandra: hello and welcome, everyone. i am sandra smith in new york.
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john, great to be with you as we kick off a brand-new week and continue to see scenes like this on our college campuses coast-to-coast. >> john: we began this week month as we began last week. so far president biden has not made any official remarks about the protests which have jewish students feeling unsafe on campus as they get ready for finals and graduation ceremonies. >> sandra: protests hitting dozens of elite universities in 12 states now where students say they will not leave until their demands are met. the top demand being divestment from israel. >> john: full coverage now. we will talk to a jewish student at the university of michigan. >> sandra: demonstrators have torn down the police barricades there. first, we go to brian live outside columbia university where a letter to the students set that 2:00 deadline l less tn
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an hour from now. what exactly did that letter say? are the students saying that they are going to listen to the university's requests? >> so far, what we know is that 2:00 p.m. deadline is set and those that do not leave the encampment face suspension immediately, really, and disciplinary probation until 2025. in the students inside that encampment are being told that they must check in with a university official as they leave to self identify themselves, as well as sign a document committing to following university guidelines from here on out until they graduate. no warning sent to this encampment this morning said this in part. "it is important for you to know that the university has already identified many students in the encampment. if you do not identify yourself, you will not be eligible to sign a completeness complete the semester in good standing.
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in other words, a graduate if you do not leave by 2:00 p.m., you will be suspended pending further investigation. over the last half hour, we have seen two dozen nypd officers start to line up outside the main gates here on 116th street and duke columbia. this is important. the letter that was sent to the students did not mention that the nypd would be used if the students decided to stay after 2:00 p.m. no mention of physical removal. just 3 days ago, the university said that using the nypd would be counterproductive citing what happened here on april 18th with the mass arrests. the nypd is here right now i'm massing outside the gates less than an hour before that 2:00 p.m. deadline. will they be on campus? what will they do when they go inside? those are all questions we are awaiting to get answered. this is a private university after the columbia university
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president said this morning and negotiations with student protest leaders were over after 5 days. they said they will not divest from israel, and that they will move on with commencement. it was time for this encampment to disband. that letter went on to say about following as well. the encampment has created an unwelcoming environment for many of our jewish students and faculty, external actors have contributed to creating a hostile environment and creation of title ix. this is unsafe for everyone including our neighbors. while this is happening at columbia, we have a live look at nyu here in new york and at y yale. i was encampment's right now, no doubt those encampments are looking at how these protesters are going to respond and how this university will respond to take their cues from here. you initially asked me at the top, how they students are responding.
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the organization outlined on the x telling students tuesday, urging them to stay at the encampment past this deadline, urging people to calm here at noon. we will see what happens. it appears a standoff is ready to go. today is the last day of classes. final exams start on friday. commencement is may 15th brother university making clear, they want this commencement to happen. that is why they are taking the action they said they are taking today. >> sandra: according to some of "the new york post" reporting at this hour, breaking from columbia, student organizers telling "the new york post" that they are announcing, ," we will not give them what they want and committing to making it hard to disperse us." we are about 54 minutes away from that deadline. we will be watching that very closely. thank you.
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>> john: now to washington, d.c., where george washington university, they are also pushing back against anti-israel demonstrations on campus. ordering students to take out protest encampments because they violate campus rules. live at george washington university. have they taken down those tents yet? >> they have not. they have been here since thursday. while there are tents here like brian was reporting in new york columbia, the posture of police definitely much less aggressive here. the d.c. police and g.w. police are in the area, but not collectively governing like we are seeing in columbia perhaps these authorities concerned that calming and would escalate tensions even more. the university clearly wants this group behind me to disperse at university yard in the heart of the george washington university campus. i spoke to some of these pro-palestinian protesters who said they had no intention of
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leaving. chaotic moments overnight when folks stormed some of those police barriers, putting the barriers on top of one another and putting them in the middle of university yard. this is right in the middle of campus. the president says these protesters need to go elsewhere. a support free speech. in some cases like this one, they say it's gone too far. here's one of the protesters this morning. >> we have had a really good momentum. all of that being inspired by the people in gaza, by the genocide. that inspiration has kept us going. and as i vowed us to be out here for 80 plus hours. and, i think it is being received really positively by our community. >> not received positively, john and sandra by the jewish students who tell fox news, they don't feel safe on campus at all. watch this. >> i am jewish.
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i am israeli. it is not only a jewish problem. it is an american problem. these people are not only chanting against the jews. they are chanting against american values. it stems from the faculty. they are indoctrinating kids with anti-israel lies and hate. >> john: the president at the school says free expression and activism are not limited to encampment. clearly defined rules of conduct and behavior. the actions of protesters have been highly offensive to many members of our community jeopardizing our ability to meet the priorities of university community and the hateful language being displayed has no place on our campus. as far as commencement is concerned, that is a few weeks on may 17th. about what to do to make sure there is safety. at this point, it doesn't seem like g.w. is anywhere near the university of southern california in los angeles which canceled their commencement over safety
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concerns. >> the university of southern california as well. they were denied a graduation ceremony because of covid. now they will be denied the same thing because of these protests. thank you. >> sandra: joining us now as a student at the university of michigan and president of wolverine for israel. thank you very much for joining us. i want to put this up on the screen a map show where the protests are happening on campus all over the country right now. a number of states and universities has been growing by the day. the number of arrests made, 900 since april 18th. 275 arrests on saturday alone. none yet done your campus. can you tell us what jewish students have been experiencing there? >> thank you very much for having me. it is very difficult for jewish students. seeing language like "anti-fado
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revolution." it brings strict fear to us. if we think about, what happened during the first and second, violent uprising against our friends and family. we feel like we are being targeted and seeing other messaging and players that have been handed out that glorify october 7th. we have seen flyers that one of the leaders of hamas. we have seen flyers that say "death to america." on the website called greek rank which focuses on the sororities and -- we have seen very anti-semitic rhetoric where there is one post that suggested something -- it should be turned into a gas chamber. that is taking an extreme to the point where it is not safe for students. it's ruining the campus atmosphere. >> sandra: can i back to
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something you've said about the pamphlet circulating on campus? i ask you this question in the context of not hearing anything formal from the president. he had a member of congress leading into a speech last week talking about how these are peaceful protests at the students are entitled to preop you have provided us with multiple pamphlets that have been circulating on your campus that glorify october 7th and hamas. >> yes, yes, that is correct. most pamphlets are being passed around on our campus. it is deplorable to see that. it is really frustrating that the university administration is not standing up for what is morally right and educating students and correcting against this disinformation. it pains us deeply. we all have friends or family by a degree of separation. some have no degrees of separation. they were kidnapped or killed or we know someone who is directly impacted by the events
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of october 7th. seeing that glorified is deplorable. >> sandra: what about the bottom-line basics of protecting students and ensuring their safety? i know that you said that you have been spent on just for being jewish. >> yeah, absolutely. there was a time 2 or so weeks ago. i was walking with my friend, myself, and a rabbi. we were spat out. it's incredible we are seeing slowly escalating violence toward the jewish students, towards the pro-israel students. yesterday they had a massive rally in which the anti-israel students at the encampment brought in a whole variety of nonstudents to basically occupy the entire center of campus area. one of the speeches, they talked about how zionists should feel uncomfortable on campus. that is absolutely not how it should be. zionism is the jewish right to
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self-determination and their ancestral homeland. it is wrong to be saying that. it is very disappointing to h hear. >> to see and hear what you have to say on their college campuses and fearing for your own safety and so many others as well. we will certainly circle back and check in with you. we hope the situation gets better. thank you. we've got some breaking news. >> john: the state department now, briefing about the potential for sanctions against an idf unit that we were speaking about last week. >> and consultations and engagement with the government in israel. they have submitted additional information as it pertains to that unit. throughout those conversations consistent with the memorandum of understanding that we have about the government of israel that was entered into in 2021. when conclusions are made under actions that fall under the auspices of the foreign resistances act, we are required
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to consult with officials from the government of israel. that is ongoing. we are engaging with them in that process. we will make an ultimate decision when it comes to that unit, when that process is complete. i would also want to note that the remediation standard is consistent. it is the same for all coun countries. when we ask of host governments in that situation is effective steps being taken taken, consistent with in their processes and systems to bring perceptive parties to justice. as it relates to the process, that is all of the update we will have for now. we will continue to engage with the government on that and have more to share. >> there doesn't seem to be a sense of urgency in the meantime. is there a concern for a palestinian civilians exposed to
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these units? to the timing? >> i would 100% dispute the premise of that question. this is a deliberate process. it is a detail-oriented process. it is a rigorous process. it is easy to sometimes want things to happen as quickly as possible. it is more important to ensure that these processes are happening in the most robust and rigorous rate possible. we are ultimately dealing with facts and we want to make sure that we can follow the facts and make sure we are appropriately engaging with appropriate stakeholders, including in this case, the government of israel. there is a clear process on this that we intend to follow. that is the same process for determining these things. the standards of which are consistent with all countries. >> i just want to follow up on what you have been saying about the standard being a typical process that you follow.
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and remediation being standard across the board. what is the remediation sta standard? >> that is the point i was making. the standard of remediation is that these respective countries take effective steps to hold the accountable party to justice. that is different on a country by country basis. i'm not going to be prescriptive of that on here including in this incident. >> then it is not standard if you are saying it is different on a country by country basis. >> and a standard in the sense that we expect to see remediation. each country in which we have a security relationship is different. there are different protocols and procedures in place and those respective countries. they can speak to about accountability measures they have. >> so you won't speak to about the process you are expecting to play out is how long.
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>> correct, absolutely. i'm not going to get into you t. i'm sure we will have more to share in the time ahead. >> the secretary said 10 days ago that a determination of the front with israel had been made in that we would see results. i am wondering if the determination he made 10 days ago is this determination that you guys are making public or if the change due to engagement with israel. >> the gross violations of human rights. as it relates to this one particular unit, this process continues to be ongoing given this additional information that we are engaging with the government of israel, consistent with the memorandum of understanding that we have with them. >> no answer as to if it is changed. the determination, 10 days ago. >> what we were speaking of is
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the gross violations of human rights. that is what the secretary was alluding to. i will say that this process with the government of israel is ongoing as it relates to this one unit. >> just to clarify where we are for the u.s. government has concluded 5 different israeli units committed gross human rights violations. all of those units can continue to receive u.s. arms, weapons, ammunition. >> 4 of those instances, we have seen remediation of those violations. that is of course what we expect of partners. beyond that as it relates to this 50 unit, that is a process that is still ongoing. since you have given me the opportunity, when we are talking about the law, what we are talking about is a unit with restrictions. >> john: the deputy
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spokesperson that the state department talking about the potential for sanctions against idf units who they accuse of gross human rights violations. the united states does. in particular was unit. it is an orthodox jewish unit operating in the west bank called the netzah yehuda battalion. it was believed that sanctions were going to be leveled against that unit. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu came up full force against that. it sounds like there were some remediation efforts that were put in place. they got 4 of the units out loud. they are still looking at the netzah yehuda battalion unit, sandra. it looks like they will not sanction them. >> sandra: we are going to take a quick break and have more on this information and more from the state department as the briefing is ongoing. we will continue to monitor it. john. >> john: former president donald trump criminal
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trial resuming tomorrow and during its third week. leo terrell is up next with what we have heard from witnesses so far and where we can expect it to go from here. >> sandra: deadly tornadoes devastated oklahoma over the weekend. katie burns is there. >> we are learning more about the victims who died because of this tornado outbreak in america's heartland. we will have the latest from oklahoma coming up. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart.
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>> yeah, sandra, it is a lot to take in, especially for the family members who lost their lives. a man who lived in this house behind me was in his 30s. 1 of 2 victims in this town who passed away because of the tornadoes that hit this weekend. we have met his family members who have come to take this all in. they are trying to figure out funeral arrangements right now. we have the fox flight team to show you a bird's-eye view. you can see that the home was lifted off its foundation and sent guards away from where it started. unfortunately, we know that man in his 30s was inside when the storm hits. his family members tell me that he was protecting his 13-year-old niece and 20-year-old nephew who are both in the hospital right now recovering from this. he unfortunately did not make it. we know from funeral home director's around the area, because of all the water this area has taken on in the last
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few days, a lot of the funerals will have to be delayed, because the ground is so saturated. they got 5 inches of rain this weekend. we heard from the fire chief about the family of a 4-month-old baby who also passed away in this town. they say that parents got the baby in the car seat. the storm came through. it was too late. they had to hunker down in a closet. the tornado hit their home in search and rescue crews were able to find the baby three hours later. unfortunately, she did not make it. speak to so very sad. thank you for your reporting from there and those folks who are going through so much picking up the pieces. >> such a tragedy for that for a family. anti-israel protests raging on college campuses across the country. gathering outside of columbia university as students are given a strict ultimatum voluntarily leave the encampment by 2:00 p.m. today.
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that's about 33 minutes or face suspension through civil rights attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell joins me now. here is what columbia university said and they "notice to the encampment" earlier today. it is regrettably at an impasse. if you do not leave by 2:00 p.m., you will be suspended pending further investigation. a lot of people are saying, about time. >> john, it is about time come about that agreement is toothless. they are elevating the student protesters to equal status. i will tell you right now. that agreement does not prevent the federal government, criminal prosecution private lawsuits against the students. they are being motivated and organized by outside agitators. i would submit to you, i don't expect them to clear out at 2:00
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eastern standard time. while this school is offering them is really meaningless. the students are going to be facing in my opinion, severe criminal and civil penalties. >> john: as we pointed out, we have got 31 minutes until the deadline hits. let's pause for a second and listen to the ruckus that is being raised on the grounds of columbia university or just outside on the sidewalk. [indistinct chatter] >> john: that is what is happening right now. about 30 minutes left to go. humans into the outside agitators. certainly columbia university recognize that and that's notice to the encampment. "internal factors have contributed around our gates causing safety concerns including for our neighbors. it was the same thing at the
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university of texas in austin." "this outside group presence is what we have seen from the affiliated national organizations efforts to disrupt and create disorder. roughly half, 26 of the 55 people who violated institutional rules and were ultimately arrested were unaffiliated with the university of texas. the question is, are these people from outside these agitators writing on the coattails of students, or are they leading the bus here? >> they are leading the bus. the democratic party is conflicted. follow the money. a lot of these organizations are funded by george soros. the democrats are not going to go after their democratic kingpin. john kirby to go on television and say this is a local problem. where is the department of justice?
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where is the fbi? where is the federal government to get involved who are denying their jewish students the right to get an education? it's called title vi. these jewish students are being denied their rights under the law. >> john: if it is a local problem, and it's a problem with a lot of localities. >> john: we will see what happens at 29 minutes. >> sandra: a lot of activity. president biden an informal president donald trump computing on dueling tax plans. but you need to know on how it affects you and your money. our panel is up next to break that down for us. >> john: minutes away from the start of today's white house press briefing. college campuses deceived into chaos things to anti-israel protesters. though the biden administration to step up to condemn them? >> these school presidents need to be more active and vocal
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about the fact that they will not tolerate this type of anti-semitism. they will get control of their college campuses. it is time for congress to start investigating. he's got so many life experiences that he can share. finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, was special to share with my grandfather. you don't get that moment every day. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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♪ ♪ >> john: live look at the white house were any minute now, karine jean-pierre is said to hold a press briefing. the unrelenting anti-israel protests that we've been seeing on college campuses all across the country. peter doocy joins us now from the lawn. >> this briefing is set to start at 2:00, the same exact time that students at columbia have been given this deadline do basically clear out of there encampment. it will be very interesting to hear what the white house says about that and also whether or not they are still going to try to have it both ways where they say they have a problem with anti-semitic rhetoric on campuses, but do they also have a problem with protesters who are critical what is happening right now in gaza even though based on pretty much everything
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that we see from our crews that are fanned out and campuses across the country, that is a lot less of a problem. will there be an equivalence? we won't know here in about 25 minutes. >> something else to come up at the briefing's tales of palace intrigue. regarding the press secretary herself. >> there was a new york post article that came out at the beginning of this correspondence weekend that we just went through that says according to unnamed sources at top communications officials at the white house were trying to get karine jean-pierre to resign her job and move on from the white house at the end of last year according to this report. asking influential democrats on the outside to come and tell her that it was time to go. we know because of what is happening 25 minutes from now, she did not.
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>> john: we will see what she has to say on that front. peter doocy, thank you. now this. >> president biden: trump is proud of his tax cut. overwhelmingly benefit at the very wealthy and the biggest corporations. now trump is saying if he gets elected, that tax cut expires next year. let me tell you something. it's going to take -- if i'm elected. >> sandra: president biden campaigning on a drastically different tax ben brittain letting that trump era inspired by the end of the year saying, they will be dead forever if he gets reelected. and spring on their econ panel. robert will come a former economic advisor to president obama. there's no better way to get you fired up and talking about letting those trump era tax cuts
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expire. from your vantage point, what impact would that have on our earners, on our economy? >> you are right. this does get me fired out. it was people like larry kudlow and i who put that plan together. we happen to think it was a tremendous success. we brought a lot of capital and jobs back to the united states by reducing your corporate tax rate. it was aligned with the rest of the world. i think the president may have forgotten about that. this president that there was a huge middle-class component to this tax bill that saved the average household about $2500 in the amount of income taxes that they pay. how can joe biden say he's not going to raise taxes on people who make less than 400,000 at the same time that he wants to retire these tax cuts? sandra: those lower earners are not going to be affected. it is not appear to be the case.
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they took out their calculator. they say that if these cuts expire, a single person making $30,000 a year would pay an additional $253 in taxes. those with two trinkets, $52,000 a year. they would be paying $1500 more. no kids making $75,000 a year. this affects just about everyone. not just the rich. >> thanks. i've figured i would not attack my friend steve, i figured i would quote some people that are nonpartisan. that tax policy declared that the top 1% and 5% benefited the most. the center on budget and policy said that 2017 trump tax laws skewed to the rich. it was expensive and failed to deliver on its promises. >> sandra: that gets away from that point. you are getting away from the
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point. >> if i could just vanish. my .2 steve is going when they went from 39.6-37, that was not needed. when it went on corporate tax from 35-21, all corporate's would have been fine at 25-28. it is absolutely clear it is skewed to the upper class. he is he wants to extend that child tax credit. he wants to extend -- >> sandra: that is not the point. will you pay more if you make less than $400,000 a year? >> no, you will not. he wants to not change anything under 400,000. >> sandra: he wants did not change. that's not the say that they won't be paying more. we are shortening time because of the breaking news. >> a lot of those tax cuts at the middle class. the reason we got the highest income tax rates and gave small businesses a tax cut is because
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we want small businesses to succeed and hire more workers. you are not going to get small businesses with higher tax tax rates. >> sandra: you did a very good job of keeping this short. on the surface, there's a lot more we can dig into. we will have you guys back. we are short because of the breaking news. important stuff on who is affected by this. >> john: vice president kamala harris kicking up an economic tour in georgia. it comes during scrutiny over biden student loan bailout, and who should fit the bill. our other econ panel tackles that coming up. uts] [paparazzi cameras] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking.
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politically. let's bring in the chief political correspondent at the "washington examiner." here is what a new cnn poll found. if the presidential election was held today, who dealing most tort? joe biden 33%. donald trump 42% followed by robert kennedy jr. at 16%. things are looking pretty good for trump despite the fact that he's spending most of his time in a courtroom. >> there really interesting thing about that poll's it was taken from april 18th to 23rd after the trump trial started, after there was wall-to-wall news coverage of it. people knew that he was on trial for this. i know he's in the courtroom. they still seem to prefer trump over biden. one revealing part about the poll is they asked basically, do you remember donald trump's presidency as being a success or a failure? you think joe biden's presidency
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is a success or failure? 55% that trump's candidacy was a success. 61% says that biden's presidency is a failure. big, big difference. >> john: you read my mind. we had a fancy graphic made of that. take a look at it. obviously, through the prism of time, very often, presidencies look more favorable than they did at that time. that is an amazing number. that has got to strike fear into the heart of the biden campaign. >> we have seen a lot of other polls that have asked the question is slightly different ways. a lot of voters think that the trump presidency was more successful and better for them. they were better off in trump was president than biden. there is something called rosy recollection. you think of things in the past
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and maybe forget about some of the bad stuff. the fact is, that's going on here. it is because we have this historic situation where both of them major candidates have been president of the united states. we got it now. >> john: when you come down to it, do you think that between the hush money case and their real estate case and the arguments that we heard on immunity that all of these court cases are engendering sympathy for donald trump? >> you raise a fascinating question. we were talking about do you think trump's ratings were go down if they were indicted? he was indicted 4 times. now we are saying, what about the trial? is that going to affect his writings? it does not appear to from the poll. if he were to be convicted,
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would that affect his ratings? it is impossible to predict. so far i think what you were talking about which is perhaps some of this helping trump with a large number of voters think he is being unfairly targeted. that is what has been happening so far. >> john: when you have legal analysts across the board talking about this hush money case, where is the underlying crime? maybe people are looking at trump as a sympathetic figure. wouldn't that be something? thank you. speak to the white house press briefing is set to begin any moment now. chaos on our college campuses all across the country. big questions loom over whether or not president biden will directly address the growing anti-israel, anti-semitic protests on these campuses. we are watching for that briefing to begin shortly as colombia faces at 2:00 p.m. deadline. we will be right back. ovide com, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo!
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>> sandra: it may come as a shock to many, american citizenship no longer a requirement for local elections. who can go into the voting bo booth? >> good afternoon. not a resident, not a problem when it comes to voting for some offices in washington, d.c. this is the pamphlet d.c. voters
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got explaining how noncitizens can vote for mayor and city council. >> there is a long history in the united states of allowing noncitizens to vote in local, state, territorial, and federal elections. >> there is a restriction for voting for president or d.c. delegate. republicans are contesting the local law. congress serves as a counsel for the district of columbia. a house committee oversees elections. he questions the local law. >> i have been working to ban noncitizens voting. i think it is ridiculous in our nation's capital an individual who may work at the russian industry residing in d.c. for only 30 days under current law and vote for mayor in our nation's capital. >> you must have legal status in the u.s. to vote in d.c. defenders claim any interference
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by congress infringes on home world. election integrity is key for the g.o.p. house speaker mike johnson and former president trump held a news conference at mar-a-lago. they want to strip noncitizens from voting rules. >> sandra: chad bell graham on the hill for us. >> john: controversy and chaos on colleges coast-to-coast. today's deadline at columbia and now just minutes away. reaction from a jewish professor at ucla. >> the migrant crisis moving west of stop order policies and taxes forced smugglers to shift their operations to states run by democrats where it's easier to sneak across the border into the u.s.
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>> john: live looks at the white house briefing room at columbia university where it is now 2:00 eastern. the schoea


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