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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 1, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> carley: fox news alert, happening right now lapd is moving in on the ucla campus after anti-israel protests turn
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violent overnight. brawls between pro-palestinian and pro-life protesters erupting. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. violence at ucla one of many developing situation ings on wet coast campuses. lucas tomlinson here with the latest. >> lucas: violence erupting on the campus of ucla when pro-life protesters took on the pro-palestinian protesters. you see pepper spray, fireworks being set off. ambulances arrived on scene. this statement is from deputy mayor of communication, the mayor has spoken to the chancellor and lapd is responding immediately to the request for support on campus.
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riot police have just arrived. people are wondering why the police didn't come sooner. private security officers are standing around watching the chaos, here is how one person described it. >> there are people getting hurt and injured and police officers left their post. security abandoned this encampment. i called earlier and you hung up on me. just hung up again. i cannot believe what i'm seeing. i'm looking at people, violence, look at this, they are throwing things at each other, pepper spraying each other. how can they have weapons on campus. lucas tomlinson we received this statement from ucla, saying this
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violents university policy and law enforcement is ready to arrest people. leave the encampment and depart the campus immediately. it is noisy at arizona state where 70 people have been arrested and protest at portland state university. they have taken over the local library and say they will not leave until their demands are met. the school's president says, if you can communicate with friends and family inside the library, encourage them to leave. international workers day is rooted in marxist idology, chaos on campuses, police needed to be called in sooner. recall occupation of the building named after hamilton, that was dealt with and now chaos at ucla in los angeles.
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>> carley: lucas tomlinson, thank you. bring in retired nypd detective, vincent marr. from karen bass, she posted violence unfolding at ucla is ab abhorrent and excusable. lapd has arrived on campus. now they are there, what can we expect to take place? >> what is going to take place, they will mimic what the nypd has already done. the nypd, they are the model for precision policing in america. it is unfortunate we have to be the ones to go through the door first and have everyone else foll follow. illegal encampments and illegal group of violent protesters are congregating, causing chaos and disruption and property damage
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and been allowed to do whatever they want. it took nypd to say enough, we are going to take aksz and it is funny now you see other places are going to follow suit. >> todd: my concern, at columbia, it was more or less one building where the operation occurred and nypd know how to get in and out of buildings in this kind of situation and number of protest eers at columa was not a mob like you are seeing at ucla. my concern for the lapd and the riot police on scene and i want your perspective on this, how do you approach a situation like that, that has been going more and more out of control as the hours progress and you are so outnumbered at this point in time with pro-israel and anti-israel protesters trying to make sense who is doing what to
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who, it makes no sense. bring us into the mind of riot police as they try to end it. >> it will be difficult to differentiate what side individuals are on. in big picture, you can't concern yourself with that on the scene. when you are boots on the ground, your job is to make a safe environment, make arrest, apprehension, bring back civility, bring back common sense law and order situation. after the dust clears and things settle down, you can start separating people and decide who isa agitators and who is there for the right or wrong reason. across the country, what is happening, this is domestic terrorism at the definition. majority of people don't go to
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schools, they don't belong in the locations, they are professional agitators funded by left radical agenda to cause disruption, chaos, property damage to bring the mind, this mob mass mentality to the forefront and to control the narrative what is going on in this country. we are in danger. american public is in danger. there are things going on in this country that we've never seen before. we've had protests before, civil unrest. we've never seen this before. we survive the blm riots and survive things of this nature before. this is different, this is poisoning the mind of young people in highly stouted educational institutions and their minds are being poisoned by professional agitators whose
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job is to create chaos and mind set that we know better, follow us. pick up that rock, burn this building, occupy this space. we have to stop that at the core, we have to do proactive precision policing to identify individuals, have them held accountable for action so they don't poison the mind of people who are educated, care, are protesting for the right reasons. we have to give those people their opportunity to have god-given right of freedom of speech and freedom of protest. we have to not have these people's minds persuaded in all these negative direction and people directing them are profe professional, paid, funded agitators. this has become a business.
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that is why all tents are same and media propaganda is the same. what you see on the ground, all the same, all the scarves and garb the individuals are wearing. you think a store is funding that? no temperature is being funded. >> carley: it is being funded and nypd is looking into who is funding the protests. how difficult will it be for the nypd to discover the answer? >> well, i don't think it will be as hard as you think. as strong as these people seem to be on the ground at the s scene, once they are held accountable and charged for their actions, these people are weaker than the minds they are poisoning, they are the wackest
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individuals on the ground. i believe they are easy to identify. the police have to be allowed to do their job, conduct the investigations, be pro-active, make arrest, do interrogation and district attorney's office has to hold these people accountable in front of a jury or grand jury. >> todd: the concern is we will not see that, we have to see what plays out in the days, weeks and months, my concern is that does not happen, we appreciate your time. let's get a student perspective. university of florida student, emily stern. you are watching scenes unfold at ucla, we saw columbia, protests getting out of control. university of florida sent a statement saying, we will shut
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this stuff down. why do you think the response on your campus is different from what you have seen around the country? >> university of florida set a clear example of how universities should respond to this type of situation happening on campus. anti-israel protesters took over for the past week or so in front of our main library during finals week. students like myself, just trying to make it to exams on time and get last-minute studying in and agitators are causing disruption on campus. my university upheld law and order and arrested some students, which sent a clear message this type of behavior will not be tolerated on our campus. florida is a law and order state and university of florida is upholding that standard. >> carley: tell us about your
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experience on campus as a jewish student. >> thank you for having me, my experience has byeeen different nyu threatened suspension and protests are still going on, still there and they are more pervasive than before. i've heard chants like intifada revolution ensight ing violence against jews. my friends have been told to go back to poland. as a jewish student, this makes me feel unsafe on campus. i hope nyu will restore safety to campus. >> todd: there is a pattern and we need to call out what we see as a pattern, red states are shutting down protests and blue states are allow ing scenes lik this to unfold at columbia and
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ucla. what is in the make up of the leaders of both states that blue states say wait until it gets to point of riot and red states say not on our watch. your thoughts, emily? >> like i said, florida is a law and order state. ron desantis and ben saace has made that clear. university of florida is prestigious institution for hard-working students, we're not a day care for protesters acting like children. protesters need to understand campuses are not places to have this behavior. campuses are places where individuals are expected to act responsibly and be held accountable for their action. arrest of protesters send a message disruptive and violent
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action will not be tolerated and individuals who violent regulation will and should face consequences. >> carley: what are professors on nyu campus responding to this in terms of jewish students versus pro-palestinian students, what is your experience with professors? >> professors have not been so great through all of this and we've been seeing this from the start of october 7. a lot of professors have encouraged protests and encouraged students to go to protests even for extra credit oftentimes. when you expect professors to be there for support for any student, not just jewish students, that is not what we're seeing now. if anything, they are offering the opposite and making students feel extremely uncomfortable in
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class and unsafe on campus. >> carley: you said professors are giving extra credit to people who go to pro-palestinian anti-israel protests. how does that make you feel? >> that happened to my friends in other classes, that is wrong for any type of protest, any group of people. i don't think professors should be indoctrinating students and forcing them to have certain views. nyu and all universities are supposed to be encouraging public discourse and allowing different persfpectives to be heard. professors and universities are not allowing this to happen. >> todd: when i look at ucla, one main thought popped interest my head. number of students protesting and rioting came of age in high
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school during 2020 during george floyd riots and they looked at the scenes unfolding and said this is normal behavior when we are told there is something we are not supposed to like. what are your thoughts seeing insanity on what is normally peaceful ucla campus. >> the left love -- pushes marxist principles to indoctrine ate next generation of voters indoctrinating students and encouraging them to go to protest, this is how left brings next generation to the polling booth. this reminds me of blm protest and if is sickening to see college students so out of touch with reality they are attempting to rationalize and celebrate hamas kidnapping children, raping women and killing
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innocent civilians. i'm not surprised, this is the type of behavior the left teaches college students to have on college campuses. >> carley: do you plan to remain an nyu student? >> i do plan on remaining nyu student although i do have one or two friends who have left the school because of the antisemitism they faced. a lot of my friends have left campus for now while they can. they do have to return for f finals and a lot of students are extremely afraid to be on campus. you hear antisemitic chants and they are allowed to continue by our administration. administration is not being strong the way florida schools are and not taking action we need to see. >> todd: kayla, what should happen to faculty encouraging
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protest? giving extra credit and fo menting and we're seeing on campus? that seems like a fireable offense, what do you say? >> absolutely, it is difficult because some professors are tenured and that has been a large issue at hand. but i think the administration needs to have a talk with professors trying to indoctrinate students and push their views on their students. this is not okay, not acceptable and not what students are going to universities for. i myself went to college hoping for public discourse and open debate and that is not what i'm seeing. >> todd: tenure ends when violence starts. >> carley: you are both well spoken union women with bright futures, thank you for joining
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us. >> todd: following new developments from campus protests across the nation, we'll get reaction from joe concha, nicole mail and -- don't go anywhere. that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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>> todd: in case you are just waking up, fox news alert, lapd moving in on the ucla campus after anti-israel protests turn violent overnight. brawls between pro-palestinian and pro-israel protesters. >> brooke: local reports say it began with hundreds of pro-israel protesters taking on the pro-palestinian protesters. karen bass says the vielsz is abhorrent and inexcusable.
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many feel helpless on ucla campus and asked why police have not arrived sooner. camera shows private security standing around. >> people are getting hurt and injured and police officers left their post. security abandoned this encampment. i called earlier, you hung up on me. they hung up again. came down to see what is going on and i cannot believe what i'm seeing, i'm looking at people, violence, they are throwing things at each other, pepper spraying each other. how are they allowed on have weapons on campus. >> brooke: this violents university policy, law enforcement is ready to arrest
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people with applicable law. chaos on a number of college campuses, critics say calls to police needed to come sooner. police ended occupation at columbia last night, now chaos in los angeles. jerem >> carley: jeremy hunt has been covering this all night long, latest from lapd headquarter x account at request of ucla due to multiple acts of violence, lapd is responding to assist y5 ucla pd to restore order and maintain public safety. these police officers are being put in a difficult position, their actions will be put under the might be scope. >> they are.
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this violence broke out, extraordinary display of decision-making or lack of decision-making process from the mayor's office down to the police chief to officers who are now on scene. we are told in full riot gear and what they appear to be doing is simply separating the two sides engaged in ongoing battle for something like 3-1/2 hours. they have been attacking each other with large wooden poles and throwing firecrackers at each other, punches thrown, brawls going on, quite simply campus chaos for 3-1/2 hours. now it seems the lapd is there. mayor karen bass has described the violence as abhorrent,
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governor gavin newsom is monitoring the situation closely. will lapd officers be given fur further instruction to dismantle tent encampment that is p preventing jewish students from walking around the public university campus and that led to this pro-israeli group end of passover tuesday night deciding to go to campus and make their own stand. we saw what was and were live on air throughout 3-1/2 hours of terrible violence in the middle of a public university campus for 3-1/2 hours and not a single law enforcement official on
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site. >> todd: that needs to be addressed. when you explain the history, what i took from it, powder keg on ucla campus ready to explode. at 6:00 pacific time, 9:00 eastern time, when i got a statement as ucla alum, from the chance lchancellor, there was nt a sense they were ready for the scenes we see now and i extend it to the mayor and governor. failure of preparation, when quite frankly, jonathan, we should have been prepared for this, ucla should have been prepared and stopped it before sc scenes we're seeing right now. >> jonathan: you would have thought ucla administrations
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would have been more determined in their approach to this. it was clear frustration was boiling up among the jewish community at ucla, they were not being allowed to walk to library, or being allowed to move around campus. some found it annoying and others were quite simply fearful because of the atmosphere on campus and ucla did nothing about it. you saw these -- this group of pro-israeli demonstrators who decided to make a stand. i think a lot of them from what we could tell were not students at ucla, members of the jewish community in some cases or those who support israel who just had enough and wanted to make a stand in the absence of anybody
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else making a stand. lapd clearly were not given orders to move in or perhaps and this is important distinction, were given orders not to go there, maybe they were told to hold off and let the situation play out. we'll find that out, mayor karen bass has to answer the questions and governor newsom has to answer questions and somebody has to do something about this. you put a line of lapd officers between the two groups, that can keep calm for a little while, some point, you have to start clearing people out from the campus, interesting to see how quickly ucla and lapd decide to do that. >> carley: this is happening because of ongoing war in gaza and secretary of state blinken arrived in israel on tuesday, the latest on any sort of ceasefire negotiations ongoing
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in terms communication. hamas officials say the group is studying offers and hamas says anything blinken said his comments on ceasefire are attempt to put pressure on hamas and acquit israel. you have to wonder, what these images that are unfolding out of ucla, columbia and college campuses in between nationwide, how those images are being perceived by our enemies and adversaries, hamas and iran. >> jonathan: it is really interesting point you bring up, carley, hamas is in the physical sense, losing the war, israel will destroy what is left of hamas in gaza. they have made that perfectly clear. they have the ability to do
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that. they will no doubt hunt down hamas terrorists and israel will win the war in a physical sense. the images on the screen show hamas they are winning the propaganda war and they have thousands of students shouting hamas terrorist slogans on campuses of american universities. in one major sense, the propaganda sense, hamas will believe that october 7 did not bring terrible retributiretribu a huge propaganda agenda. terrorist slogans, that is a victory for hamas and being declared as you mention, victory by leadership in iran, too. hamas has won a big victory when
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you look at what we're seeing on the screen now. >> carley: october 7 should have united this country in ways we have not seen since the 9/11 terror attack. >> todd: bring in joe concha to talk about the messages, we are talking about the list of elements, strong statement from the biden white house to protests. i don't see that right there. i can't call anything up because nothing exists. on the other side, former president trump putting out this statement, the violence has to stop immediately. antisemitism cannot be allowed to fester, it must be stopped quickly and effectively. such a simple statement to make, why can trump do that in middle
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of the night and biden administration has not been able to? >> joe: i'll answer your question with a question. what are chances the sitting president joe biden is even awake right now or watching or monitoring what is going on as far as protests are concerned that have gone out of control. huge difference between donald trump and joe biden. former president, has been making definitive statements in support of israel and nypd. in support of law enforcement in general and against protesters, some of whom are bought and paid for, outside agitators brainwashing students thanks to liberal and woke faculty at places like ucla or columbia or anywhere in between. from political perspective, what do you think the democratic national convention will look
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like this summer in chicago? it will make the 1968 convention look like disney world. like 56 years ago, people will see chaos as far as what is going on outside the convention, i just want law and order restored. we talk about how elections about economy and immigration and the border, just as much about law and order and bringing normalcy back to this country. >> carley: it is politics when it comes to messaging by the biden administration. president biden is taking a both-sides approach when he says he condemns antisemitism and condemns people who don't know what is going on the palestinian side of things. is that a mistake? he's messaging to people in michigan, a swing state and
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doesn't want to offend voters. when you try to take all sides, no side ends up siding with you. do you think the president's decision to take both sides will be something he'll live to regret? >> joe: carley, there are two sides to a road, take the right side or left side, if you try to go in the middle, you get squished like a grape. it is a two-state solution in the mind of joe biden and his handlers and the two states are not about israel and palestine, it is michigan and nevada and being so fearful you are going to lose voters in derborn, michigan, you say, i understand this and that and it looks weak. jonathan hunt spoke about clearing people out, the
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students should be expelled that are engaging and outsidea agitators should be jailed, it is that simple. at university of florida gators, the statement that school put out said we're not dealing with children here, this is not daycare, if you act this i wa, you will be removed from campus. we are not seeing images out of the university of florida because they are handling things. ucla, what do you do to reverse this? you allowed this to fester and boil and this is powder keg we're seeing as a result, it will not get better any time soon. >> todd: joe concha, thank you from the media perspective, sad we are having this discussion. joe biden should make a comment. >> carley: bring in nicole malliotakis, she joins us now.
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congresswoman, good morning. your reaction to what is unfolding out of ucla and what unfolded last night on the campus of columbia? >> nicole: my hat off to nypd for doing an amazing job, they have been able to deescalate the situation and within one hour removed thea agitators. it is a shame the university president took so long. we warned her last week that nego negotiating would not be a winning strategy, she should have brought nypd on campus sooner. glad there were no injuries and no nypd officers were safe. this lawlessness has been allowed to fester. in new york, people have been
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arrested, i'm sure they will be released on the street due to laws of kathy hochul and democrats who run our state and to d.a.s like alvin bragg, more concerned with prosecuting president trump, everyone else gets reduced charges, that is what we face at the city and state level. larger issue is that we as members of congress need to tackle, so much taxpayer money is going to universities and we need to look at stripping federal funding from institutions that allow antisemitism to persist, that did not hold professors and staff and students accountable and i've introduced legislation that will do that. i hope the house will take up that legislation and another bill i authored to strip visas from foreign students participating in this activity. >> todd: funding for colleges
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makes sense, only problem getting this through congress, you have democratic party that relies on college vote, faculty and student vote for 90% of who makes them up, that is going to be tough to get through. another point, the new york d.a. loves to charge conspiracy when there isn't one, maybe prepare conspiracy charges for what we're seeing in new york and los angeles. following the money, what do you want to see our armed fed response be? should we have national guard come out in the states? should joe biden mobilize the army or some type of larger body to get into the universities and stop this. as carley said, this is not america, scenes in columbia and ucla, this is not america and can't be america going forward,
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congresswoman. >> yes, certainly where we've seen vilsolence, with people usg bats, national guard should have been called immediately. nypd should have been allowed on campus early on . it is worse when you talk to students on campus. the students at columbia told us they were spat on, assaulted, racial slurs that were being used against them. there were serious issues there, swastikas on campus, they are be ing subjected to antisemitism. do these organizations have terrorist organizations? are these nonprofit
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organizations receiving foreign money, we need to crack down on foreign money infiltrating our country, is it from terrorist organizations, from the ccp. i'll introduce legislation that would prohibit nonprofit that receive foreign funding from having an affiliate affiliated influences our elections. we can't receive foreign money why are nonprofits allowed to have affiliated pacts? get to bottom of what is going on with regard to funding, terrorist ties, with regard to these organizations that have received tax benefits, tax benefits from the government from taxpayers and in turn are committing anti-american and antisemitism activities.
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>> carley: columbia university professor released a statement and says columbia faculty says they hold university leadership responsible for this moment and that leadership will bear responsibility for any injuries that may occur during any police action. he does not want police on campus and said nypd presence in our neighborhood endanger the community. armed police places students and everyone else on campus at risk. there has been criticism to the columbia president, is she really the problem here? >> she's a weak leader, i've called for her resignation, she allowed this to fester and escalate. she tried to negotiate with student and not use her
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authority for the laws and expel students participating, she failed to protect her students and keep them safe. i will say, it is troubling the rhetoric we've seen from or heard from the professors. some have praised openly hamas, hezbollah, one was hired after taking to social media following it is october 7 attack praising hamas and hezbollah. why are individuals like that teaching our young people. what you are hearing from some professor is likes of what aoc and other socialists are saying, m marxist belief, same people in charge of defund police move 19in summer of 2020, they don't believe in authority, rules or laws and accountability.
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they believe in lawlessness, that is part of the problem, that is what left wing believes in, they are pro-marxist and sadly far left is pro-hamas and pro-terrorism. >> todd: congresswoman nicole malliotakis, we appreciate your time on this. ucla campus, new images from the campus. 5:00 eastern, riot police from lapd were called in to the scene there. i'm kind of looking at, it is dark, i can't tell if that is riot police, we heard from jonathan hunt that protesters were disbursing and it was becoming more peaceful. that looks like riot police moving in. this is out of ucla. looks like hopefully the situation there is calming down
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somewhat. >> carley: police are on campus right now appearing to separate pro-palestinian and pro-israeli protesters. continuing coverage coming up with mike huckabee, who is next. >> todd: first lawrence jones with what is coming up on "fox and friends." lawrence. >> lawrence: video across the country is not middle east or gaza, it is united states of america. we have you covered this morning across the country, protesters across the country, we begin at ucla with breaking news there after stumble after stumble from the mayor, campus leadership, finally the lapd have been invited to the college campus. last night after delay, after delay, nypd comes in and takes back the campus of columbia
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university, we're hosting all morning long live from columbia university. we'll be back in a couple. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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>> will: breaking right now from l.a. the city and l.a. the state. swat officers and police arriving on tulane's campus there in louisiana to disperse anti-israel protesters. now, according to local reports, several protesters have been arrested since rallies began two days ago. of course, we have been
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monitoring the situation the ucla in los angeles, california as well. >> carley: if you thought the chaos ebb suing stop at ucla, you would be wrong. with that let's bring in former arkansas governor mike huckabee to discuss all that's going on. governor, good morning to you. it took mayor karen bass. mayor of l.a. three hours to call the violence unfolding on ucla campus' absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable. if you look at the images, governor, it doesn't look like something that happens in the united states. looks like images that unfold in a third world country. how did we get here? >> we got there by having people like karen bass and other mayors and governors across the country who have pushed us toward a third world world. i mean, that's what we have got. you've got the former president of the united states on trial and these thugs who are creating incredible mayhem on university campuses. they are going to be, you know, let out of jail in time to get a
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warm cup of milk and a doughnut before daylight. this is insane. no consequences. when people commit serious crimes and they impede not only the lives of others, but they engage in hateful behavior, that is threatening to jewish people, there's no consequence for it. until there are serious consequences. this continues. i think we need to remember 1968. i heard it was joe co concha talking about it i remember it well screaming in the streets of chicago the whole world is watching. they were, they did. they said to the democrats that year we're done with you. and i think we're going to see that again this year. >> todd: it's clear that these protests, let's call them what he they're, riots in some cases have spread well beyond just the coast. weave see that video in there from tulane university. governor, if this spreads to the university of arkansas, what do you expect the current governor of arkansas to do about it and what will the consequences to the
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rioters,/protesters/agitators be? >> well,, todd it, will be a different situation than what you have seen in some of these states university presidents and governors and mayors trying to be on the side of the rioters. current governor of arkansas would do what any they say no we're not going to tolerate, this send in the police agencies, whether it's the state police and local police and they don't wait until they get an invitation handwritten and engraved. they go in and stop this nonsense. they do for many reasons, the most important of which is they do to to protect students who simply want to go to class. parents who pay, for example, to columbia, $90,000 a year for their little darlings to go there, they ought to get their money back and then have a class action lawsuit and sue the heck out of columbia, same with harvard and yale and other ivy
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league schools where parents pay so much and say, you know, you owe us money because you robbed my student of being able to have a safe and decent environment in a place where there ought to be environment for learning, not an environment for righting. this is crazy stuff. and i hope that people of america start waking up. you hear this phrase the wrong side of history? well, let me just say these rioters are on the wrong side of history. this never ends well for them. and they ought to do a little bit of historical his study and realize some of them should end up in serious years of consequence such as incarceration where they belong. >> carley: speaking of that, governor, here is what a columbia protester thinks will happen to them if they get arrested. watch this. >> what will you guys do when the police come right in here and, you know, end up maybe handcuffing people and arresting them? >> we will do what we have always done. we will get arrested, just like the criminals in the subway.
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they are always right back out in 24 hours. >> carley: what's your reaction to that, governor? can you believe it? >> yeah, i can he is exactly right. alvin bragg is so busy going after the former president for something that isn't even a crime for total nonsense political attempt to just create chaos in the election system and influence an election. but he's not prosecuting people who are breaking into buildings and impeding the safe entry and study of students who have a right to be there. did they check the student ids to see where these real students or are they outside agitators? i know that seems like anathema to some people on the left that actually look at a student i.d. or any photo i.d., but that would be a start, wouldn't it? and the endowments of these universities are humongous, in the billions of dollars. i hope at the time this is over the lawsuits will drain every bit of it and they will learn a lesson. >> todd: you mentioned when it's over. what happens to the movement from here, governor. is this the end or it is this
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just the beginning? >> no. i think it's the beginning. i think we will see it all through the summer. this is going to be like the so-called summer of love 2020. but i certainly wouldn't want to book a ticket to chicago during the democrat convention. this is going to be a mess. and the left has invited it upon themselves by catering to the people who are absolutely just pure lunatics. there's no other way. these are people who hate america. they hate law and order. i'm not sure what it is exactly that they want. but, other than the destruction of a free and open society. they want totalitarianism. they really don't because when they get it, they are going to wish they didn't. it's the old classic statement, you're going to get what you want but you're not going to want what you get. >> carley: you know, governor, it's so clear that president biden is nervous to offend these protesters when they're not worried about offending him. they call him genocide joe left and right. why is president biden taking this stance?
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>> i think he believes he's got to cater to these crazies on the left. particularly in states like michigan. the so-called squad, who are openly supporting hamas. first of all, that's insane. you wave a palestinian flag and say that you are pro-hamas? what you are say suggest are for the slaughter, the mutilation, the massacre of innocent people. you're for the sexual exploitation and the sexual violence that was inflicted upon hundreds of israeli women on october the 7th. and, if you can openly say you support that, you're one sick puppy. you need some help. and i don't know if it's just incarceration, counseling or mental health facilities in which locked up so you don't get out on the street and spew that garbage. but anyone who understands what happened october 7th. anybody who realizes hamas is still holding american hostages, that joe wearily ever talks about, if ever, that's where
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thee students, whether they know it or not, that's what they're begging for hate-filled tirades against people because they are jewish. i just think every decent american needs to stand up and say we're all jewish these days. we're all standing together against this craziness. >> todd: governor mike huckabee, thank you for your insights and what i find fascinating by what you just said you would assume joe biden would know if somebody is putting the name genocide before your name, they are probably not pulling the lever for you come november. apparently he still thinks he has a shot. governor, thank you as always. >> thank you. >> carley: what a busy night of protesting, rioting taking place from columbia university to ucla. it has now spread to tulane university in new orleans as well. >> todd: "fox & friends" picks up the conch from here beginning right now. ♪ ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 a.m. here in new york city. and it is 3:00 a.m


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