tv FOX and Friends FOX News May 1, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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>> ainsley: let's turn to c.b. cotton with latest live report from columbia university in new york city. actually, you are looking at ucla. it looks like something is. >> brian: yeah, we have breaking news here, i guess. they are trying to bring some semblance of order back to ucla. that's a flat screen or something in the square. it looks like it's outdoors. you see it pull out and that reveals where the chaos was taking place throughout the night, ainsley. i thought we would be talking about columbia today this was the story when we walked in. >> ainsley: columbia happened last night and this morning there was a lot of chaos. lots of fighting breaking out at ucla campus. that's in front of the royce hall. royce quad where everyone was camping out. i think g.g. is live there for us. >> steve: i think we will have her in just a moment. >> ainsley: this is all breaking. [laughter] >> brian: that's an apt term. >> steve: 4:01 as you can see the right the calls have been
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called in by the mayor and the administration of ucla and protests continue throughout this morning at ucla and some in tulane as well lapd is on the scene after pro-israel and pro-palestinian protesters faced off. there were fireworks, tear gas, fights broke out as pro-israeli protesters tried to seize the barricade and as you can see right there the place was trashed, not only there but in tulane as well. >> brian: all right. >> ainsley: have had enough, right? they have had enough. they wanted the cops to come in. they started trying to remove many. >> brian: tulane relatively quiet. under supervisorsed with the terrible mayor. they were worried about what is going to happen on campus. it's hard enough when they control mardi gras with cops. they don't have enough. let alone something unscripted like this on their campus. you are seeing some of that what is happening in los angeles. speaking of los angeles.
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let's go out to john the hunt who had the conch throughout the night as we try to find out if there is going to be some order brought to that campus. jonathan, after three hours with no cops now you have cops. what's changed? >> what we have now on scene on the campus of ucla california highway patrol who have established a couple of skirmish lines to keep the two sides apart. we are told that lapd are also on scene there. but i have to tell you guys that it was 2:00 a.m. eastern roughly that the -- these brawls, this out and out fighting, what at times looked like a riot, started it wasn't until after 5:00 a.m. eastern that any law enforcement got onto the campus. so it was an extraordinary three hours or so in which we watched scenes like this and brought them live to our viewers courtesy of our friends at our fox affiliate kttv in which protesters and counter
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protesters were attacking each other with wooden poles. they were throwing fire crackers into groups of each other. they were pepper spraying each other. it was complete and utter chaos on the campus of a major american university. one of the blue ribbon colleges of the uc system. and not a single law enforcement officer was anywhere to be scene for three hours. now, as we understand it, a group of pro-israel counter protesters who were not for the most part at least certainly college students, decided that they needed, it was time to take matters into their own hands the ucla administration was doing nothing, they felt, to protect jewish students on campus. so, they literally took matters into their own hands and went there to confront the protesters. the pro-palestinian protesters and tried to dismantle that camp. that's when all the violence
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broke out. so now you have got finally law enforcement on scene. they are keeping the two sides separated. we have to waited to see now, guys, whether those same law enforcement officials are ordered by u:a, the mayor of l.a. karen bass. and perhaps with the intervention of governor newsom as well to dismantle the original pro-palestinian protest camp. we will see if that happens in the next few hours, guys. >> steve: and, jonathan, it seems like it all got started when the ucla administration declared that that encampment was illegal. so, that's when stuff started happening. the people from the community came in and faced off with the protesters who have been there for a while. but then your mayor, karen bass, called the violence absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable. but apparently she did that long distance because she is actually
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in washington, d.c. at like a homeless summit. >> yeah. she is not here in l.a. at the moment. she issued that statement, as you say, while in d.c. i think timingwise, it's interesting you point out the statement from ucla declaring the encampment illegal. i think that it is not purely coincidental this was just as passover ended on tuesday night. clearly members of the jewish community decided they need to stand up for themselves because nobody else either within the ucla administration or within any branch of l.a. or chp law enforcement was standing up for them, either, they felt. this group of not students for the most part decided to get together and take a stand. and there are people that i know in one of these groups here
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putting out calls last night for social media for anybody who was interested to come to the ucla campus and they were putting it on these social media posts eggs court jewish students around the campus. clearly it turned into a lot more than that they organized to take a stand because they felt they were being letdown by everybody else. >> brian: all right. jonathan, thanks so much. >> ainsley: they have been on the campus on sunday night, you know, the jewish community is small. i believe there are a limits less than 16 million in the entire world. you might look at these and say where are the jewish protests? where are the ones standing up for the jewish people. they are at ucla, israeli american council denounced protests as anti-semitic. they drew thousands into their campus on that campus. they led prayers, they hosted speakers and they had performers who were singing israeli pop songs there ucla, if you live in state it costs you about $17,000, which is remarkably
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cheap. >> steve: tuition. >> brian: 48,000 out of state. a little bit of an investment. regardless it's not worth a dollar if you can't get on campus and can't study. let's bring in lawrence jones who is outside of columbia. columbia we understand is $68,400 a semester. and i can't imagine. >> ainsley: a semester? >> brian: a year. i can't imagine, lawrence, any college high school senior who would check the box saying they are coming to columbia still coming, can you? >> lawrence: not right now. not right now after they allowed this to get out of control high pressure on campus this was a failure from the university. let's be clear. nypd has been stationed, ready to go for a while now. the mayor made it very clear, the commissioner and as well as the police chief. because this is a private university, they had to wait for the invitation from them. so i have been seeing some people trying to make the comparison for what is happening at ucla to what is happening at columbia. it's totally different.
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the state police and lapd did not need permission to go onto the campus it was a failure of leadership from the political leaders inside of ucla. what we have here in columbia is just a failure of the president of the university and the faculty and staff here. i mean, if you need any indicator, after these students were arrested last night from taking over a building holding hostage three janitors. they released a statement. that's what we are dealing with from columbia. >> steve: yesterday you were told by one of the activists it was a false narrative that it wasn't true. >> lawrence: that it didn't happen. >> steve: we know for a fact that it did. you know what brian, and lawrence, and ainsley. do you know who actually would be signing up to go to columbia right now? keep in mind there are universities all across the country that have degrees in activism that's where you apply
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right there. the question is how will the students and agitators that were in hamilton hall, how will they be pun nirkd. everybody in the building last night when the strategic research group went new think have been charged with vandalism, trespassing, burglary in the third degree and criminal mischief. but we don't know what is going to happen to the outside agitators. they can't be he expelled. what's going to happen to them? we had a former federal prosecutor on about 45 minutes on, andrew cherkowski. he said that the organizers could actually be charged with conspiracy. because we are seeing this all across the country. he even said they could use ricco, racketeering laws perhaps to figure out who all is involved in making all of this happen. >> brian: columbia university professor just the mindset. the classics professor, joseph halle posted a statement on behalf of columbia, faculty that says in part they hold the university leadership responsible for this moment and that leadership will bear
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responsibility for any injuries that may occur during any police action. oh, really? so, any police action. just let them take over the hall, grab their little dumb waiters, fill up the little baskets and get them pizzato and razzles and stay there for the rest of the semester. so the faculty is outraged at the president of the university. >> ainsley: this is an historic landmark. this building, hamilton hall, they broke into it. they were ramming things into the doors. then they barricaded themselves inside with wooden chairs, from it looked like classrooms or professors offices. they put drink machines in front of the doors. so, last night, if you are watching fox, around 9:00 p.m. this huge, what looked like a tank from nypd comes rolling down the street, the whole roof of it was covered with officers. in tactical gear with their shields, with their masks and helmets and their weapons. they had to hoist themselves up through a window on the second
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floor. they used this ramp. they crawl into the window and can you see on the right-hand side of your screen. this is them inside. they will went room to room and they removed these protesters, who look, they have to destroy that door to go in there to arrest people. they ended up arresting a lot of people. we have read 48. we have read 100. whatever it was. dozens of people. and they put them on these buses. the visuals were spectacular because finally, nypd was called in because the president of columbia, lawrence, said there was no other way to ensure safety and to restore order on campus and now she is requesting the police stay there. there are the images on the right, until may 17th. >> after graduation, lawrence. >> lawrence: but, ainsley, right before that happened, she was in the negotiation with these people. she is negotiating. >> brian: she still is. >> lawrence: negotiating with people who hijacked a building. brian, the crazy part about this, these students -- they say it's not coordinated, total b.s. it's being coordinated. >> steve: of course. >> lawrence: they had a press conference yesterday. one of their demands was to get
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food catered to the building that they hijacked. so, they are living in an alternative universe right here. and then you have counter-terrorism who, by the way, outside of the fbi counter-terrorism is the number one counter-terrorism group within the country which is nypd counter-terrorism. they say this is being coordinated. there has been outside groups being a part of this. so my question is this: when will all of these university presidents get with the program? when will the commander-in-chief address this issue? you can't have universities students on the campus coordinating with terrorist groups and hamas and hezbollah. i mean, it's only a matter of time before there is an attack on the homeland as a result of this guys. >> ainsley: lawrence, if you want to be a leader, you better lead. if you are the president of the university, you're in charge. not these protesters. >> brian: right. >> steve: if i were one of the parents of the students who were involved in taking over hamilton hall, i would ask for my money back for my kids' education
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because they obviously have not learned anything. if you're going to take over a building, take a sandwich with you. don't demand basic humanitarian supplies, which is what they asked for. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> steve: if you are going to have a two week seeing on something take a bunch of food. they didn't even take a power bar? come on, guys. >> brian: you listen to the press conference, they were led by activists, they are agitators. >> steve: there are students there. >> brian: they might even be from the outside. they said we have been tracking these people. and we watched them turn up throughout the city. >> steve: they should have taken snacks, just saying. >> brian: the cops here when they're outside and inside, you are all pigs, nypd, kkk. can you imagine that? called in to save the day, to save the campus. and you have to deal with these barbs from these idiots. >> steve: okay. so that's what's happening here in new york last night. >> ainsley: can i add one more thing? here in new york i was watching some of the local news conch, too. our local leaders were telling
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the columbia parents, if that's your child. if your child someone of these, you need to get ahold of your child and tell them to stop. this is preventing kids from being able to learn. >> brian: yeah, can you text them. >> lawrence: should have did it a long time ago. >> brian: at least during spring break a few weeks ago. [laughter] >> lawrence: right, brian. >> brian: they were probably in barbados somewhere. faced off on campus overnight. >> ainsley: we now have g.g. got i can't tell she is live from ucla for us. gg? >> good morning we have been on campus about two hours i can tell you the situation extremely tense. you are looking live at a police skirmish line. this is not only the lapd. this is also the campus police. we have our statewide california highway patrol we understand the
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sheriff's department is in route. these police officers are keeping both counter protesters and anyone pan to the left we see a large group there this has been the site of multiple fights just about 20 minutes ago. they were screaming someone had a knife. we have seen just tension extremely high. i want to show you what the scene looked like late last night. about 10:45 when about 150 to 200 pro-israel demonstrators arrived to face off with the people that are barricaded in this encampment. and i say barricaded in the pro-palestine encampment because they put up wooden pallets, boards, plywood, two by fours, chairs, melts, anything and everything to protect their encampment. the face-off got extremely violent. we saw people with some severe head injuries, people using metal bats. it was hard to tell who was who at times. and we spoke to a lot of the
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pro-israel supporters because they are outside the encampment. they told us that the demonstrators inside the encampment were using mace. they were using bear spray. they were using pepper spray. they would open up t the wood that's blocking their encampment and then spray the pro-israel demonstrators. so, even though many of them told us that they came in peace, there was a lot of violence and the situation still extremely tense. >> steve: gigi we saw this stuff with the fireworks and tear gas and hand-to-hand combat. people getting whacked with boards and with a speaker. all sorts of stuff. why didn't the cops step in there? they have security at ucla. why are they just going to let it be a tag team wwe event? >> well, they certainly should have been prepared for, this given what you have been talking about all morning long, what happened yesterday in new york at columbia university. they should have expected something similar to happen here
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in los angeles. what we understand -- and there's been no official statement, so we don't know this for a fact. but we do understand the campus police did respond but apparently they were outnumbered. so they retreated. and immediately called lapd. as you know, police agencies have to be requested to come on to campus. they have to be formally requested. now, there has been a tweeted put out by the governor's office, governor gavin newsom saying that resources are being mobilized, whether he means just the local resources or we're going to start seeing some state officers come in. still, unclear. they are staging outside the campus. i can tell you there is a huge response. they have called in lapd officers from all over los angeles. and los angeles is a big city. >> brian: i guess they had to wait for him to wake up so they waited four hours? all right. thank you so much. i don't get it. like what has to happen on a campus for cops to come on their own volition? especially it's a state school. i never heard of that. a brawl on campus i have to stay
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outside even though it's an open campus. not even a gate at ucla. >> ainsley: is it because it's not their -- the campus police are the ones that would have to call them in? >> steve: campus cops are in charge of the campus but as gigi just said, lawrence, the campus cops retreated. so it's like ah, we are out of here. >> lawrence: we should stop pretending. okay? we just saw another state school, the university of texas, where the state police, the local police, came in and took care of business. let's stop making new rules for liberal cities and liberal states. okay? the governor could have got on the phone, called in the state police immediately, the mayor of the town. >> steve: absolutely. >> lawrence: she was in washington, d.c., apparently okay have called in the city police to go take care of the job. they were not prepared because they have a lack of leadership. so us pretending and recreating rules for what we know could happen we just saw an example at the university of texas where they took care of business immediately. do you know what else they
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found? 70% of the people that were there that they arrested were not even from the town. weren't even from -- weren't even students. they are outside factors. so, you know, the old way of terrorism was hijacking the plane and causing havoc in new york city. bringing us to our knees. the radicalization now is happening on these college campuses and we need to be prepared for it. >> steve: well, to your point, lawrence, we just zoomed in on the insignia a of a championships officer highway state patrol. we will see what happens. meanwhile here is what we know these protests not just happening in l.a. and no. really spreading throughout our nation. new orleans, tulane university clearing out what is left of an encampment after the swat team moved, in quickly moved everyone out. tulane has one of the largest
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jewish populations in the country when it comes to a college campus. police in riot gear surrounding protesters u of a, university of arizona. university president ordering police to remove protesters. recordedly arrests have been made. the encampment has been broken up there as well. demonstrators occupying a heavily vandalized library at portland state university. campus is closed for the second state day there. the county's d.a. says his office is prepared to prosecute prosecutors who occupy that library. police also destroying anti-israel encampment at indiana university. and at northwestern university, in illinois, the school reaching a deal with students to curb protests. northwestern president michael shill saying, quote: this agreement was forged by the hard work of students and faculty working closely with members of the administration to help ensure that the violence and escalation we have seen elsewhere does not happen here at northwestern. end quote. and at the university of utah,
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police clearing the campus of protesters. 19 people reportedly arrested only four of them were students. the protesters moved to salt lake county metro jail where they called for the release of those who were arrested. [chanting let him go] [chanting let him go] >> todd: so, again, not just the coastal thing, in the heartland these protests happening all across the country, leaving universities and local law enforcement to coordinate on how to handle the growing number of protesters. but, as lawrence and brian, steve and ainsley, you have been saying all morning long, there seems to be a plan in place in some places. no plan in others. and when these let's call them what they are, red states, red cities follow the plan we are not really talking about the protest there, why? because they are not getting violent and being quashed immediately. look at the blue states a different story.
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>> ainsley: absolutely. thank you much, todd. >> steve: show you north carolina we showed you the images yesterday. u.n.c. chapel hill. what's interesting is at one point yesterday in the quad, the that flag was taken down and replaced by a palestinian flag. and it was surrounded by, it looked like about a hundred of the pro-palestinian activists. well, shortly after that, the cops came in and they cleared those people out. and they took down the flag. and they put up old glory, just as it had been, and look what happened. [chanting u.s.a.] ♪ the rockets' red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ o say does that star-spangled
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> lawrence: fox news alert. chaos overnight on columbia's campus' after nypd officers in riot gear stormed the campus reportedly arresting hundreds much and israeli protesters, loading them on to police buses and clearing out the apartment t in encampments. meanwhile the police confirm a professional agitator on campus during the protest. joining me now with more journalists and pro-israeli activist emily austin. emily, this has been a tough time for you. you have been on the forefront of this. what do you think about yesterday's response? >> i think the president of columbia and all the
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universities, first of all, owed the nypd behind us a huge apology because despite them being the heroes that basically got rid of the terrorism on campus for now, the situation that they had to be forced into was so easily avoidable and they chose to let the terrorists and the agitators prevail rather than letting democracy and civil society prevail. so they owe the students an apology. jewish students their tuition back. all of the columbia students came to receive an education their tuition back. honestly, if i don't start seeing some federal civil rights lawsuits coming from the discrimination of the jewish students, i'm going to be disappointed. >> lawrence: yesterday i was here on campus. and during one of my live shots, went and talked with one of the protesters, i asked her about october the 7th. they said that was disinformation. i asked her about, you know, people being barricaded within the building, and holding the three janitorial staff members hostage, she said that did not happen. what do you think about so many
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people denying october the 7th and what is happening to your community? >> unfortunately, it's not something that is so surprising to me. i mean, i face constantly preoctober 7th holocaust denial. and as a jew you can obviously imagine how badly that stipulation. what i noticed in general about confronting these agitators and protesters is that, a, they really don't know what's going on. you have seen enough videos to con that. b, if it doesn't. jesus palestinian. israel never existed. david didn't build the temple. they will literally reform history to fit their narrative and they don't want to hear any differing opinions. >> lawrence: i want to read this. i actually this is a sign from mayor adams he is warning the escalation of these activists, watch it. >> we have sounded the alarm. numerous times before about external actors who are tempted to hijack this protest. they are here to create discord
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and divisiveness. that is why i'm urging every student and every protester to walk away from this situation now. >> lawrence: so, what we have found out is that obviously some of the students are ignorant as you talked about. the mayor was talking about outside, international, national forces, agitators from the outside who are essentially coordinating the propaganda of hamas are influencing these students on campus. have you seen that? >> i mean, absolutely. look, you have a college student, universally, almost like a revolution. where you have the copy and paste north face $500 tents being set up within minutes all over campus. you have adults, not students on campus that are behind them morally supporting them, financially supporting them. i really don't know why there is not like a group or organization that single-handedly focused on
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following the money. tracing the funds. where is this coming from? who is funding this? i don't think these helpless students who are voluntarily missing classes and not carrying about their futures are doing this on their own. i don't think they have the mental capacity to do so. so just the beginning. do you think you should address the country on this issue. so lonely to be a jew, forget a student, especially the student, but student in general. but i don't want to pull this card. but just imagine it was any other group of people. the president would have a statement out the very same minute. if this was the lgbtq community, black community, the asian community. suddenly it seems there is always an exception when it comes to the jewish students. we hear your silence. we see it and we feel it. and we are suffering the consequences. >> lawrence: especially when you guys are experiencing 60% of the hate crimes. we are always praying for you. thank you my friend for getting up this morning. >> thank you. >> lawrence: emily austin, folks. let's bring in our colleague,
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c.b. cotton. she has been on the ground on columbia witnessing all the chaos. c.b. great reporting. what are you seeing here and it's a calm today, but it wasn't the case yesterday. >> well, i think one of the things that i have to point out is that all these student negotiations, all these negotiations with students really got the leadership of columbia university essentially nowhere. there is, however, a lot of damage left behind that both the university and the city will have to deal with. we were just over there on the other side of campus. and you can see the glass in a bus stop has been absolutely smashed. there is a lot of things lit erred. protest signs that are lit erred all across the campus. we got a view inside through the campus gates and also there is a lot of litter outside the campus as well. and i think an important thing to note this is the culmination of two weeks of incessant
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protests that are have paralyzed columbia university. and, look, university leadership said our actions now in response to this it's not about attacking the cause of the protesters, it's about attacking their actions. and going after their actions, showing that they have consequences. the right to peacefully assemble is enshrined. it's a corner stone of our democracy. that's the key word there. peaceful. and we see that things have escalated day by day here on the campus. >> lawrence: so i witnessed this yesterday when i tried to talk with some of the protesters, they deny what happened, as someone that's been there on the ground. have you found that some of the, you know, the anti-israeli, anti-jewish, pro-hamas, are willing to talk to you and tell you what the actual cause is like when they say free palestine? when they say from the river to the sea when they call for intifada, what they mean by
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that. >> i think they are selective about which voices they want to speak to which i think is odd. if you are a part of one of these movements, you'd think that you would want to share your message with the masses. even with people who may not agree with you. but, what i have found with some of these student demonstrators is that they are selective about who they speak with. i did try to go into their encampment shortly after it was reerected. probably about two fridays ago. and they didn't want to speak with fox news. they didn't want to talk with me but did i see other cameras in that encampment filming at the time. that just shows you how selective they are about who they will speak with. >> lawrence: cb cotton excellent reporting here on the ground. senator john kennedy is going to be joining us live, next. ♪
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>> steve: fox news alert. more campus protests happening overnight. looking at the protest in new orleans as crews at tulane university are clearing out what's left of his pro-palestinian encampment after the swat team moved in and quickly moved everybody out. and now you can see what it was like inside there. >> brian: they had to clean out three buildings at tulane. they had them closed for two days but now they are open. >> ainsley: meanwhile back in washington we are now learning that the white house is reportedly considering bringing certain palestinians to the u.s. as refugees to offer them safe haven. >> brian: fantastic. here is senator john kennedy. senator, before we even comment on that. your reaction to the way the white house has handled the pervasive unrest on college campuses? >> well, it -- brian, it should
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not go unnoticed that president biden has the ability to stop all of this on a dime. all he has got do is call the college presidents and say look, if you don't get control of your campuses, i'm going to withhold your federal money. >> steve: right. >> now, the president hasn't done that. the moral of the story is, you're never -- i guess you are never too old to suck. the reason he hasn't done this is because of politics. cnn just came out with a poll, it said that 52% of likely voters in america will not vote for president biden under any circumstance, any circumstances. they prefer -- they would vote for the guy who salts the fries at mcdonalds before they would vote for president biden. and the white house knows this.
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so they are scared to alienate the not in substantial hamas wing of the democrat party. so that's what's behind a lot of this, in my opinion. >> steve: senator, the fries are delicious. >> they are good. i'm not saying that guy is not qualified to be president. i mean, history shows anybody can do it. >> ainsley: you know, senator, we know the history of the joshua people and all the persecution over thousands and thousands of years. where are the people standing up for our jewish friends? that country is our ally. we are committed to helping them and our people. we are watching and listening to these interviews with jewish students who can't even walk on their own campuses that paid 70,000 a year to be able to get an education, and they can't even walk around and feel safe. >> well, i think most republicans are standing up. some democrats are.
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many democrats are scared to. it would be -- let me see it again, ainsley. there's a substantial hamas wing of the democratic party and they believe in diversity, equity, inclusion and the right to kill jews. and some of my democratic colleagues, not all of them, but they are scared of them. some universities are handling this well, tulane, vanderbilt. university of florida they have good leadership. i know their presidents. their presidents passionately support free speech, but they know the constitution doesn't protect disruptive behavior. >> steve: well, senator, you know, we haven't heard much from the president regarding this, but do you know what they could do, and you are on the senate judiciary committee. the department of justice should open an investigation into, you know, we have heard that the people who took over the building here in new york sounds
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like they were for the most part all the leaders were outside agitators. it sounds like there is some sort of a conspiracy. we had a former federal prosecutor on about two hours ago who said they could be charged with conspiracy. they could use ricco stuff. we could figure out who is behind this and who's funding it. >> well, i don't know about the conspiracy part, though i will say we probably need to get some new conspiracy theaters because all the old ones turned out to be true. i do know that president biden could stop this on a dime. all he has got do is pick up the phone and quietly call the president of columbia and say, listen, madame president, i give you 14 days to get this straight or i'm going to withhold all of your federal money. >> steve: right. >> you would see the leadership
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at columbia pounce on that like a ninja, man. they would get it straight. >> brian: right. absolutely. and then it would protect them from their crazy boards that don't want them to do anything, senator. i just got to ask you -- >> -- the problem is the faculty. the problem in a lot of these places not all but it's the faculty. >> brian: we're seeing it. they are sitting in the encampments. >> yeah. they think -- the faculty members think they're right. and they will hurt you if you disagree with them. >> brian: senator, i just got to get you to comment on the palestinian situation. are you encouraged that we are going to start bringing in palestinian refugees because i guess we are out of illegal aliens? >> number one, i think congress is going to have something to say about that, brian. number two, those refugees need to go to egypt. now, egypt -- there was just a big article in the economist magazine. egypt will allow palestinian refugees to come in as long as you pay $5,000.
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okay? that's unacceptable. we give billions of dollars to egypt. the imf bales them out every other thursday with our permission. president biden needs to call egypt and tell them to do their part. >> brian: the problems is palestinians create unrest every country they go into including egypt and they say we're not going to be that stupid again. >> what now will continue. if you allow these jack wagons on the college campuses to continue to do what they're doing, they're going to continue to do what they're doing. duh. what will continue. >> steve: senator, thank you very much for joining us live from the ruffle rotunda. >> thank you, guys. >> steve: a lot going on this morning. andy mccarthy coming up next. ♪ connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin.
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>> brian: laptop still on the scene at ucla as protesters clash on campus. jewish students on campus across the country still say they feel unsafe and we believe them. here with reaction andy mccarthy, former federal prosecutor, fox news contributor, andy, what should these -- how would -- what can these schools do to make their jewish students feel safe? and i mean, let alone how we got
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to this point? >> it has to be the expulsions. if people aren't expelled, brian, this is going to go on, you know, sending out exactly the wrong signal, was it northwestern yesterday, completely folded and gave a bunch of concessions to them. that's the kind of thing that tells these people this stuff works. what will matter to these kids is being expelled because that has academic c consequences andt has professional consequences. i was looking this morning at the charges that are going to be brought against these guys in new york. >> brian: yep. >> like all of the ones in hamilton hall were charged with third degree burglary. first of all, that's a no jail crime in new york. you get probation for it because it's deemed, believe it or not, to be a nonviolent felony. and the second thing is the cops can try to charge these guys with whatever they want to. it's up to whether alvin bragg will prosecute them. it's not like these kids did something serious like falsify
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their business records or something so, you know. i wouldn't hold my breath waiting to see heavy duty charges from the criminal justice system. >> brian: brown university also acquiesced re-evaluate about investing in israel. isn't that great? i want to ask you about the trump trial what went down yesterday. the trump reimbursed cohen. logged payments as a legal expense which was deceptive. is he going to say he did log it. they had the banker on the stand yesterday. what was accomplished from the prosecution? >> well, i think what's been accomplished from the beginning is they are duping the jury into thinking the charge in the case is not the charge in the indictment. so, what they have told the jury from the first sentence in the opening statement, is that trump is on trial for a conspiracy to steal the 2016 election by violating federal campaign finance law. that's not the charge in the case. the charge in the case is falsifying documents. >> brian: gotcha. andy mccarthy, thanks so much.
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