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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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campus expected to move in on the anti-israel encampment at a. as you look live at the scene right now, protesters using orders to dismantle and fortify themselves with makeshift barriers and even releasing demands. the police have established a perimeter up you are you are watching "fox & friends first" you're on a thursday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus and we have team coverage with brooke singman watching protest and arrest across the country, jonathan hunt and robert charles standing by but we start with bill milugan on the ucl campus, hi, bill. >> the police declared an unlawful assembly on the campus and gave another dispersal order but so far the people on this camp are not going anywhere. a live look at the scene and you can see a lot of these protesters are sitting up on the walls right now watching the police, waiting for something to
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happen. they have constructed a wall essentially of all of this plywood and wooden palace. they built a wall to keep law enforcement out. you can see they are waiting for law enforcement to try to break into the camp and we will show you how much is here if we pan to the right, highway patrol, crowd control gear and behind them legions of l.a.p.d. officers also in crowd control, some of them with less lethal weapons, beanbags, pepper balls, that sort of thing. often the distance my large group of pro-palestine protesters on the perimeter who have shown up in support of this camp. they are chanting, that is what you can hear, kkk and into the thought of revolution of those sort of things. right now we are in a holding pattern but we hear from law enforcement sources that they are owing to take action on this camp tonight. we don't know when. we are hearing the teams are on
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the way and multiple agencies are out here, l.a.p.d., l.a. county sheriff's department and california highway patrol working together to try to clear this camp out. at some point after the violence we sell out your last night with the students and protesters have been saying, what they are not going anywhere. they have been mocking police every time they issue a dispersal order. they say in a chant, "we are not leaving, we are not leaving, we are not leaving!" you hear people [boos] ing, shame, shame, shame, they get on their flashlights and law enforcement to try to get in people's eyes and talked law enforcement so we are waiting to find out if an win law enforcement tries to breach this camp, b back to you. >> carley: the plan relates to law enforcement sources in los angeles police department will secure the perimeter. the california highway patrol will enter the encampment and the los angeles sheriff's
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department will be responsible for crowd control. do you know, bill, what the police are waiting for? it seems the longer they wait the more details released, the harder it will be for the police to get the job done. >> it is possible they could be waiting for these outside protesters who have shown up to calm down a little bit or disperse more. there are hundreds of them out there right now. they could be getting their planning together still. you are talking three different agencies accountable to three different people. you have the police, the mayor, the city council. then you have the elected sheriff with his deputies and california highway patrol answer to mike answerable to the governor so a bunch of entities trying to work together. but an operation like this is going to take, obviously a lot of planning and coordination because once they go into that camp, they have to deal with optics issues. a lot of people are probably not going to cooperate. a lot of people who are big fans
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of police. they don't know what they have come a lot are wearing cast max, shields, they have been preparing for a breach like this all day long and several long now. the please have to make sure they cross they are tees and thought their eyes because once they do, it is going to be a big issue and we see what's happening on other campuses across the company go my country. take as long as we need we will get in there because their biggest fear and other last night what happened when nonstop violent fights taking place and i don't think anybody wants to see that. >> todd: everybody has a camera these days so they are looking any opportunity to call into action the police and exactly what the police are supposed to do per their own protocols. we tease at the top of the show this list of demands, requests as well the protest are seeking a lot of comical ones on the list and we will get into that with other guest and i don't want to waste your time on that
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but i want to get into zip ties. why would the protesters need zip ties? i understand the l.a.p.d., chp and law enforcement need zip ties to restrain these individuals ultimately to take them into custody. a but i'm trying to wrap my head around why, why the protesters need zip ties? you mentioned the shield on the wood, they are loaded up for bayer here. >> if we compound back over the wall, we have been using the zip ties for tying together of those wood pallets with that steel gate. that is how they are tying everything together, using those zip ties and screwing those wooden planks in with drill. so, i don't believe that they are using the zip ties because they will try to detain people in any way, but they are using zip ties to secure the fourth they have built for themselves. evidently, they believe wall to work because they built one out
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there. >> carley: they have made their stance clear on the illegal immigration and the fact they have literally built a wall on the quad as the police close and pure there has got to be a better way then physically build one on ucla campus. thank you so much and we will certainly check in on you with things ramp up. let's bring in fox news correspondent live in los angeles, jonathan, the president said the encampment will be cleared. so for that time is not common you have to wonder why. >> it is bizarre as we have watched it unfold over the last several hours alongside vilma lucian, doing great work on the campus. and it is amusing that we have this first dispersal order on the 67 hours ago now and in the meantime, the only thing that has happened as far as we can tell is the crowd beyond the encampment, the crowd
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coming onto the public university campus has gotten bigger and bigger and bigger. so many bad actors who simply think here is a chance to cause some trouble have come from all corners of the l.a. appearance of the l.a.p.d. the sheriff's department as bill was talking about and the chp, they need to get this coordinated. they need to take some action because all they have done is give more and more protesters and sympathizers with the pro-palestinian cause time to get there and make their job more difficult. now you see those officers where they are standing on the lawn that come at, on one side and a huge group of protesters on the other side of them. they are in a sense surrounded. i have talked to law enforcement people through the night, and everybody seems to be struggling to understand exactly what the l.a. law enforcement authorities are doing here.
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>> todd: what you said about this thing growing concerns me, could it be spread? i was speaking at the outset of this protest and carley mentioned there is a perimeter now outside of the general area that we see on our screen. but jonathan, like we mentioned, there are a lot of homes. this is a residential area that surrounds ucla. roy's hole, you have the law school next to it, obviously i know that will and you cross the drive and multimillion dollar hu again in a city like l.a. that has a pretty bad history of protest spreading out of control and becoming riots and extending into residential areas, i'm looking at you early 1990s, rodney kane. is there a concern in los angeles the ucla protest in particular could spread to the surrounding community? >> it is a good point, todd. i think last night when we were looking at it, it was very much
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contained in that one area of campus. but now you have literally got hundreds, possibly as many as a couple thousand protesters who are on the edge of the campus, if you like and closer to those residential areas and not contained by the barricades that the original protesters have themselves put up to in case there encampment. so yes, there is a concern in that situation, but if those protesters on the edge start attacking the police, if and when the police officers make their move, it could easily spread elsewhere because that campus as you rightly say is right in the heart of a residential and retail area of l.a. so it is a concern. it speaks to the decision-making here and those who are making and will make those decisions will have to answer for whatever
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happens when we see the police finally make a move here. >> carley: decision-making is right, and apparently it took college officials and our and to the unrest to even call the police, which is one of the reasons the police were delayed to get on the ucla campus yesterday. maybe, jonathan, that could be happening today and why the police have not moved in, because they are waiting for a word from college officials? >> to me, the whole idea that any law enforcement authority here in l.a. have to wait for an invitation from ucla seems a little disingenuous. this is a public university. for instance, that say again, we have to leave it to campus police first. we have to wait to be invited toward no, that is not true. if firehouse number four sees a fire taking place in a district that they think is firehouse
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number 5, we will not cope with the flames out here but this was essentially a riot in a public place in los angeles. any law enforcement agency could have gone in there at any point. they did not need to wait for an invitation from ucla. it is completely disingenuous line of accountability. >> carley: jonathan, especially because people were injured up here of the college president said 15 people were injured and demonstrators said 25 and your wife was pepper sprayed, wasn't she? >> she was met she is fine and thank you for bringing it up here and she has a tougher reporter than i will ever be. there was injuries and the violence we saw, you saw the people attacking each other with large, wooden poles. the people pepper spraying each other, throwing firecrackers into groups. it was a very serious outbreak
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of violence that went on for more than two w hours and no law enforcement went near it. i think we were above three hours of the time they actually arrived on the scene. it was thoroughly incomprehensible last night, and it certainly may be incomprehensible, but a little confusing as to why we are getting this delay and actions this morning. >> todd: don't sell yourself short because we have seen you in war zones. but we are asking the exact same questions today 24 hours later when the situation should have been taking care of in those 24 hours. yet, again, we are watching potentially a violent night unfolding. stay with us and we will check with you as the news unfolds. >> carley: not just ucla, todd but popping up and brooke singman with the latest from other campuses around the country. >> the chaos continues from coast to coast chanting late in
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the night in new york city. listen. [chanting] >> 15 protesters were arrested and charged with protesting after nypd broke up anti-israel camp here the students were suspended and banned from camp here or they will not be able to participate in final exams, senior week or commencement. alvin bragg gave the update on 280 protesters who were arrested after the police cleared out demonstrators at columbia and city college. listen. >> you already know by the nypd from approximately 80 were arrested and 170 were summons as that will be seen today.
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>> over to wisconsin protesters and the police already disbanded. 34 new arrests were made there and now in new hampshire, 90 protesters were arrested at dartmouth college for criminal trespassing and criminal rest. thanks to all those who worked with unh in dartmouth to provide on the ground and peaceful protests are fine but breaking the law is not. protesters continue to occupy the library on portland state university's campus as negotiations with the students fell apart. the school's president said wednesday she had offers student protesters occupying the library a guarantee that they would not face suspension or expulsion if they left the building near the school's campus is set to reopen today despite the ongoing protests. >> carley: brooke singman live for us, thank you so much. former secretary of state and
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columbia law school grad, good morning to you from columbia to ucla and beyond, what do you think about this particularly ucla, there was a riot that broke out at a public university yesterday and 24 hours later encampment that sparked it all, the police are surrounding it but not moving in. >> perspective is important both of you. all of us need to think about the fact civil disobedience is not constitutionally protected free speech. obviously in civil disobedience committing crimes, trespass, represents criminal violations. i think ultimately the police are going to move in here there is undoubtedly method to the map in a spirit i would go a step further and i would bet more than half of those people are not students. they are paid agitators and come from outside of organizations. the procurement of a crime is a crime. i think the bigger question, who
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are they organizations behind all of these protests? these are not disorganize and not a coincidence dartmouth college, columbia and all of these places in california are experiencing the soul of the same time. social media, but it is more than that. law enforcement, the underfunded group that everybody tries to run down is frankly the thin blue line mc between total chaos and civil order. we have to remember that the proportionality is important that they have a very sensitive job on their hands right now. if we did not have law enforcement there, we would be in big trouble. this is like 1960s again when ronald reagan was the governor of california and had to break up what became sometimes violent protests in the 1960s against the vietnam war. i'm not judging whether this will be done peacefully or not. it is a tough moment and ought to be grateful for law enforcement. curates me when it says that in your title
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former secretary of state and you view things from geopolitical linens, a very, very scholarly 30,000-foot view. put that hat on for a moment. at their core whether paid or not outside groups, these protesters hate america, they hit american values. if they hate america so much, why don't they leave? is it simply that they are here to foment unrest and fundamentally change our country? when i look what is happening, i don't know any of the college student i went to school with to participate in these things. ultimately these individuals we are watching or trying to change our nation. your thoughts, robert. >> you are absolutely right, todd. they have in their minds i chaos and disruption and fomenting of disorder. they want disorder and want to create a kind of chaotic environment that brings disorder. don't think for a minute are not foreign countries involved in
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this. there absolutely your spirit i will tell you once the dust has settled and snow globe is finally settled again, what you are going to learn, there were a lot of organizations involved in this. this was not indigenous outgrowth of students who were upset before they took their finals. that is not what we are witnessing. this is the creation of a cell, if you will, an army of sorts intended to disrupt the college campuses. this is exactly what china wants, iran wants and russia is celebrating. this is a combination of internal organizations that need to be frankly taken apart and prosecuted and perhaps also some of the surfacing of things chris wray was talking about may sort of slow acceleration of disorder in the country that thank god we have law enforcement. i think people need to sit down and remember this is a tough job. disarming of this camp may be
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done quickly but it may also be disorderly and something if we didn't have law enforcement come all of those homes would be overrun. so honestly, todd, this is a combination of domestic and foreign organizations intending to disrupt the united states of america. we cannot appease this and i encourage those at the university level, the administrative level, to work closely with law enforcement and encourage them to act early and decisively, not to keep waiting. >> carley: we can't appease this but going all the way to the top, president biden is. at the last public comments he made about what's going on on college campuses, robert, april 22nd. at that time, he said he does not like anti-semitism. he rejects it, but he also rejects people who don't understand what's going on with the palestinian cause. what do you think about that and the message that that sends? >> i hate to tell you, but i
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sometimes think the white house is filled with empty chairs. i don't see any decisive actions on his part. if he is the president of the united states, he needs to intervene. by the way one of the reasons he was so effective on issues when he broke up the strike of air traffic controllers as he had done decisive things as a governor of california. joe biden is a law, frankly. it is discouraging, but not unexpected. i think one americans need to do is recognize a big burden is falling on governors, mayors, administrators of universities, and they in turn have to be happy to work with law enforcement, respect law enforcement, and ultimately i will come back to where we started here in civil disobedience is not protected free speech. these are criminals now. okay which mark they are out there committing criminal acts. if they are not shut down now, they will have to be shut down later with greater force.
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>> carley: president biden certainly trying to appease both sides. when you try to make both sides happy, no site is. robert charles, thank you for joining us, we appreciated. the police to move into the israel campus on ucla campus and we are live on campus with bill melugin coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> todd: a fox news alert. let's head out to bill melugin and the last few seconds, we are told they were as significant activity campus. what is happening? >> todd, we had a flash bang go off a minute ago. it appears law enforcement is starting to breaches campus on the opposite side of the wall where we are right now. we heard and so everybody in the chemical rushing to the other side. as we saw them rushing over, we could hear a simile being given
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out and then a flash bang went off. youyou can see, if you zoom in n the balcony, law enforcement on the balcony looking down into the camp we were dead appears law enforcement is preaching the other side of the camp right now or in the process of starting that. most of the protesters at the camp have searched to that part of the camp. we heard one single flash bang go off and another group of protesters out of frame to the camera to the left knocking gates over. it appears something is happening and something escalated in the last 5 minutes or so on our side of the wall. it is fairly calm here at the place here in the scrimmage lines but the other side of thep we don't have a great visual of right now, all of the protesters rushed over that way and we heard law enforcement over the loudspeakers, and we did hear one single flash bang go off. >> carley: bill, have you gotten a sense how many protesters are in the camp? >> several hundred, definitely
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several hundred. >> carley: so, i saw you posted on x a couple of hours ago, ucla lease declared on a loudspeaker at the ucla campus s unlawful and everyone must leav. those who do not leave will be subject to arrest. the encampment cheered, and you say we see a large amount of law-enforcement gathering gathering. several hundred protesters, more police officers from multiple different agencies, and you were expecting that these protesters won't just get summons. but they could be taken off in handcuffs and arrested? >> yeah, feasibly just like what we saw at columbia. there have been a million of these disbursal orders given this evening so far. the student and the camp have ignored all of them. the fact that they have actually chanted that they are not going to leave here they have been given lawful orders to disperse
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and they have been told the assembly is unlawful. they said over the loudspeaker if you don't leave, you will possibly be arrested. we are waiting to see if something is going to happen on our side of the camp. we heard a commotion and so everybody rushing over to the other side. as that was happening, law enforcement on the loudspeaker and a huge boom flash bang that made everybody in the media flinch because i it was the first loud sound and we were not expecting it. it appears law enforcement action is underway now. it sounds like potentially coming and heavy on the other side there if they open up with a flash bang. >> carley: can you give us a sense what is on the other side? it may be law enforcement strategy if it is that they are coming in from the outside that you aren't at right now? how is this encampment set up? >> so, the camp goes about
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100 yards to their site about a football field and a series of steps that go down. earlier this evening, there were several hundred protesters that were blocking those steps, which is essentially entrance to the camp not allowing law enforcement to get in and so law enforcement from that side and i will add to, there is not a wall over there like you see on our side. there is not a big bowl of plywood over there. so it would potentially be a physical barrier standpoint. but they will have a lot of human bodies they have to go through over there. >> todd: i'm not trying to equate this in any way, shape, or foam to the alamo, so please don't discount or take it that way. but literally what they have done is set up in encampment surrounded plywood in the meadw of a field and told buildings around them with her royce hall were far off to the right so they were extremely vulnerable t
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i want to touch on what carley was mentioning on the other side of it. what is the situation when it comes to the pro-israel demonstrators? are they in full force right now? are they being allowed and what do you expect to see from them, if anything, and the next few minutes? >> we are not releasing pro-israel protesters tonight purely saw a handful five or six with israel flags, but as of right now, we are not sink counterprotesters the way we were seeing last night when a couple hundred of them and fights broke out. right now, tonight, pro-palestinian protesters, hundreds of them, potentially thousands of them and then many hundreds of law enforcement officers from different police agencies, l.a.p.d., l.a. sheriff's office and l.a. county highway patrol. it is quiet on our side with as well as, but unfortunately, we can't see what is going on on the other side where the flash bang went off and where most of the protesters have surged to
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the other side. where the sheriff's department has been posting up. we have been hearing from law enforcement officers that the sheriff's response to ms. being brought in here are those are guys that deal with crowd control and flash bangs. we have only heard one so far, which is a good sign. we do not hear active shouting or fighting or skirmishing or anything like that. about something definitely has happened here within the last 10 minutes or so. right before that, minutes before that, we got a text from law enforcement officer who said, it's about to go down. it appears this operation is in its early phase here. >> carley: it is incredible what inaction does. if you think about it 24 hours ago, there was a riot that took place on ucla's campus. you would think the police would have given the directive to not only break up that riot but clear out the encampment and 24 hours later, we are still
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dealing with the very exact same thing. who is the leadership, bill and it was to blame for this? >> it is a great question and the school has taken all hands off approach for a better part of the week. here is a result, look what festered appeared a few camps and an entire tent city and now you've let them build an entire wall in a fort system to fortify themselves. tensions boiled over last night. you saw the results, nonstop fights, people getting hurt, fireworks going off, people hitting each other with sticks and skateboards. they allow the situation to completely fester. what we told from our sources last night, ucla waited too long i'm over an hour when the fighting and violence happen to call outside help from the police. and right now, it sounds like it's pretty quiet in the camp. so, i just wish i could see what is going on on the other side. it looks like --
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>> todd: bill, let me step in here because we can actually see because we have a camera shot. it looks like scuffles are breaking out. it looks like confrontation and while eileen income of the shot is a two screen. people are being let out and one gentleman giving the finger. that is where at the gathering is and a lot of activity right now. it is getting loud. we can hear it audibly in our ears right now. it definitely raising up the stakes when it comes to the sense we can get through the screen right now. if i'm not mistaken, it does look like it is down by the steps, the very famous tab spirit not that this matters but the steps on every single movie on the ucla overtaken by protesters. >> that is the side where there were hundreds of other protesters essentially forming human shields and the entrance
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to the camp here they have been doing that for hours to create a buffer, if you will for if and when law enforcement arrives. that appears that is the side they will potentially try to come in on. for here, tommy come if we can pan to the right, we still have more l.a.p.d. arriving and still highway still might california highway patrol. they are controlling the site and is quiet over here but the other side of the camp is where some of the action is going on right now where potential scuffles could be breaking out. that is the side where we heard the flash bang go off earlier. appearance of each of these protesters -- go with ed, bill. >> it's looked and sounded like some of the protesters are trying to knock over a metal gate, but they stopped. we are trying to keep an eye on both sides here. >> carley: bill, we will check back with you as the situation develops or escalates any further, we will break in and
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get coverage, video as it is unfolding. thank you so much for bringing us what is happening right now. we will where all of this goes. u.s. army special forces, joins us now, jim, what do you think about all of this going on across the country right now? ground zero appears to be ucla's campus and it columbia as well. ucla in particular, man, waiting so long to clear out this encampment. as a result, the escalation, the hostility, the situation where people could get injured continues to increase. >> yeah, they are facing a motley crew of actual supporters of hamas who think they did the right thing october 7th. and then a collection of radical activists, many paid by outside foreign organizations who gather from all over the country. and even a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries who think they
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are reenacting campus version of these emma raabe barricades who will cause problems when the police have to clear them out. i think the delay is most likely political. could be be incoordination but all in all, the cubs are ready for this. they have a plan and when they get a plan, they will move these people out and i think it will be a ugly scene but necessary one. spoon on the right-hand side of the screen, you definitely see a a wall of protesters across a number of police officers. we are waiting for something almost like you see two sides in a stand up and waiting for one to break. but i am glad you mentioned the money, jim, because the government goes after you if you foment terror. this is terror on college campuses. why isn't the government cutting off the funding to these groups? they have the technology, remember, target conservatives who went to sporting his goods. why can't we stop this?
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>> i think at some level of the biden administration is a little too sympathetic to the cause or concern about boats coming from arabs in the united states. they were as foreign funding. everybody is aware of it and they have been investigating those. a network of charities gathering money from the u.s. and funneling to hamas overseas and now we are attracting money overseas into the united states to fund these protests. i would like to say, we are tracking the incidence of hate against israelis/jewish students. if any of you have anything to send it to any we tried to push the government and other agencies to take action against this because this is a material support for terrorism. allowing it to happen is the wrong way all the way around. >> carley: there are focus on who these protesters are. nypd confirmed a wife of a man giving material support to terrorism was on columbia's campus protesting just a few
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days ago. according to the doj the woman's husband pled guilty to conspired to provide services to palestinian/islamic jihad. he posted on x a picture of his wife in the encampment in solidarity with brave and determined columbia students. is this woman someone should be on a college campus influencing young people? >> absolutely not. this is just the part out this has been allowed to incubate on the campuses because it is a bunch of people who believe that the united states and the western culture is a bad idea. right now, the cause célèbre, the palestinians and false they claim going on in because of. they have gathered a motley crew of demonstrators and activists that they really want to tear down this country and turn it into chaos. it is time for somebody to take a look at where the organization
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and the funding, groups like students for justice in palestine, american muslims for palestine who have been a part of this and tied to hamas or other designated terrorist groups and who have been raising money and using it to fund these demonstrations and to cause essentially this type of horrible activity against the students who are trying to attend class. >> todd: if you have any doubt what jim said, take this little nugget at the university of tehran professor and iran said that iran might see protest on college campuses, i think those are they are if ever a conflict between the two countries. so take that for what it is worth. one other question that i have for you, we have college. how do what we fixed college and i don't want to send my kids to this powder cake. i want to set them up to make the most money when they graduate.
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i don't want them dealing with this. how do we fix this, jim? >> our campuses right now are hotbeds of revolutionary activity designed to destroy the norms and ways for the united states and culture appear at a what we need to do is stop this fantasy, diversity, equity and inclusion and all of the gender craziness and get back to what they were supposed to do, teach them to think and not indoctrinate them to left leftist, socialist and build utn ashes. it is time to shut all of that down and it actually has diversity of thought. maybe if we have more than just campus radicals and old hippies teaching there might have some actual learning going on as opposed to just planning for they are one. >> carley: jim hansen, thank you for joining us pure and wise words in this
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interview. thank you for joining us as this ucla unfolds. the correspondent and ucla student, justin, what is your reaction to what is unfolding on your campus right now? >> come i was there last night at the 11:30 prime time and the first thing i heard was protesters scream, "ucla divest. and i heard a lot the ucla students from entering their own campus. and i was in front of the barrier and hurt the students talking about that. there is also one guy with a mistake and power. and a lot of people i spoke to not just students but adults around the campus are very scared to go around and a lot of these people are giving them a hard time whether or not trying to get to class or not.
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>> todd: let's talk about the breakdown of students and i'm not looking for exact numbers but a guesstimate. what percentage of fellow ucla students and there are tens of thousands of them support the protest that you see on campus right now? >> i think it is around -- i think it is around 40%. 40%, 50%, a lot of people supporting this whole movement, maybe half of them are pro-palestine. but i think a lot of them are in this because of the trends on tiktok. we saw what happened in the 2020 blm riots and people so what was happening and trending on tiktok and social media so they decided to go out and protest. a lot of that has to do with that, but i believe a large portion of them are out there because they generally believe that palestine is under attack. >> carley: can you believe this encampment is still standing 24 hours after the riot broke out? what are your thoughts on the
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college administration and how they were handling all of this? >> no, again, still crazy. i think ucla has been very weak with dealing with the protesters because buildings have been graffiti and destructive for students and regular students who want to enter the building. i know you had a jewish student on a couple of days ago but he was not able to enter a building. just because he was jewish. ucla should be doing better. when violence happened last night, the crowds and the protest last night around 1:00 a.m., l.a.p.d. it took three hours after the event to come in. i think ucla should have done a much better job stopping this to begin with. and also, one of the reporters was attacked for no reason. i think that is because ucla is doing absolutely nothing. >> todd: to that point, there have been calls for chancellor gene block to resign but you
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have to understand how the uc system works. yes, there is a man in charge, yes, gene block, but also regions. justin, you have not heard a thing from them. have you? >> i have not either. we got a statement from the chancellor this afternoon around 3:00 p.m. pacific time. and that was kind of late, in my opinion, 24 hours after the whole violence broke out last night. and so, the chancellor has been complacent, taking him so long and i've heard nothing. >> carley: we saw someone holding a banner ucla faculty we stand with our students. and that was an encampment as the police are potentially closing in on this thing. what is your experience with the professors? what is that experience like? >> i do know a lot of professors are supporting the pr pro-palestinian side.
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aand a lot of the professors coe i wouldn't say a large portion but definitely they have an ageo indoctrinating children, college students. so, it is not a surprise to see college professors out there, but i hope that it will get whittled out pretty quickly. >> todd: . >> todd: trust and, once is over, how did you, and more importantly, your fellow jewish students go back into a classroom with one of these professors? this goes well beyond, oh, i have to take a class with a professor who doesn't share my point of view. that is what college is supposed to be, learning divergent points of view. these professors are advocating for violence. how can you head into a classroom with professor x and a couple of weeks if not next semester and learn from this individual? >> no, absolutely. jewish students and later on in the future are scared. i absolutely sympathize with them. what the university needs to do
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is be more strict whether law enforcement or policies. ucla needs to be strict in terms how they deal with these people. everyone has a right to free speech and everyone has a right to protest, but people who actively call for violence, people who are out there stating stuff like intifada. ucla has to be stricter and show to the students that we cannot stand for that here that is an important step that ucla must take. >> carley: to get a sense what these protesters believe them and what they want, they released a list of demands and demands include investment, withdrawal ucla funds from companies and institutions complacent in israeli occupation. those are their words. provide transparency to all about investments, donations, grants beer the last demand, justin, polish policing and targeting of pro-palestinian advocacy on
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campus. yesterday according to bill melugin, our reporter down there among the protesters, the ucla conference, they were victims of life-threatening assault with zionists and they complained the police did not do enough to convene. however, they are demands include abolishing police. what is your reaction to that? >> i was just talking about it with people around me. earlier today, the protesters held a press conference asking why there is not enough police presence and the police should have done more to ensure violence. but that is kind of funny because it contradicts their previous demand about the police. a chance for a cav, which i will not say on live television. and that last part, but it literally contradicts previous demands of the police and abolishing. but is funny. it is crazy, if you want to know
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the truth. >> todd: justin, i'm sorry you have to deal with this. this is not like columbia where they will get graduation and a couple of days to end all of this. you are in a trimester you have to deal with weeks more, you do not graduate until june. i'm sorry you have to deal with this and no end in sight for a while. stay safe. let's check in with bill melugin what is happening on the ground. a bill has been with us on the first 45 minutes. how has the scene changed? >> so what is happening, law enforcement primarily l.a.p.d. and starting to move into the other side of the camp. you have been showing a live shot of l.a.p.d. skirmish line as pro-palestinian protesters lining up across with shields getting ready to defend their area of. that is l.a.p.d. moving up the steps i was talking about earlier, the entrance of the encampment. that is the same area where we heard a loud bang, flash bang, 20 minutes ago. as it appears they are moving into that part of the camp.
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we have not seen activity on our side where we are right now where the big wall built up here or there is a large amount of law enforcement on this side but they have not made motion towars that wall. the activity appears to be on the other side of the camp, which is the live shot you are looking at right now. l.a.p.d. officers and crowd control gear, face shields down, moving up slowly towards the camp as the camp's inhabitants are rushing to that area and putting up shields and lining up in trying to make themselves basically a human blockade before officers can get into the camp. activists in the camp have tweeted out l.a.p.d. is within the limits of their camp. they are urging the folks to respond. how they will respond remains to be seen. are they going to stand there and use their shields? are things going to get physical? we don't know. it will take a little bit of time. we have only heard one paying so
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far, flash bang, other than that based on what we see from the other side of the camp, a standoff again. >> carley: okay, the latest on what is happening so far, bill, police and crowd control gear on the other side of this encampment, opposite of where you are. they are not in the middle of it yet but on the outer edges of it getting ready to move in? >> correct, that is our understanding. they are in the area steps leading up to the camp here they are already there and a huge group of pro-palestinian protesters and camp members that have rushed to that era to create a bottleneck. that is the visual where they hold up shields and forming a line to block l.a.p.d. it does not appear l.a.p.d. is moving any further just yet. you see them standing off a few feet from each other and staring at each other. likely that we will see more
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activity in the coming minutes and hours, but that is where things stand right now, carley. >> todd: bill, apologies if you have already set this up on your side of the camp, obviously you can't look in the other side but how many police officers, see hpd l.a.p.d., whatever, how many do you see on your side? >> tommy, if we compare into the other side, they are asking how many officers, multiple scrimmage lines and a mixture of california highway patrol and l.a.p.d. as i'm talking to you, we hear another dispersal order given at the camp. there is a balcony above the camp voice paul and several officers giving a dispersal and they are saying this is police camp and unlawful assembly and you must disperse and if you don't, you'll be subject to arrest. they have given that warning multiple times today, and it has not been heated at all. that is essentially laying the
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bricks, link the foundation, building blocks to an arrest taking place, "hey, we have givn you warning over and over, and you have been warned you can be subject to arrest and you reap what you so." you have police on both sides of the camp right now and pushing only into one area. what will be interesting to see if police decide to do a double breach or a sandwich for these protesters and push in on this side where this wall is, which ucla has allowed them to build this wall without any opposition. >> carley: and they are not leaving because they feel like they are making a real difference as they sit on the quad sunny l.a. near ivy league public university in los angeles, california. a bill, before i let you go, have you talked to any of the protesters? can you give us a sense of what they are like and what they are asking for and their motivations? >> so earlier, they actually
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held a press conference out here where they complained the police did not respond fast enough last night to protect them when all of those fights were going on. if you look at their list of demands, one of their demands is abolished the police and cut all ties with l.a.p.d.! so they are trying to have it both ways with that, carley. >> carley: they certainly are. >> todd: quickly on to geography and it's been 20 years since i have been on the campus come up the steps that you are referring to him as far as my memory takes me, though steps are pretty darn steep in this encampment ultimately broken up and you see the students fleeing my ambition students falling down the steps and entries from that. in my off base and based on the campus and the lady outcome of that could be one of the areas where potential injuries here. >> i've only seen it in images but any time a mass group trying
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to get out of an area especially with all sorts of equipment in the way and potentially people going down. what's up? >> we keep hearing different groups and trying to figure out -- >> todd: we are starting to see skirmishes on our video on the right-hand side of the screen. you heard it in your audio. i can sense there. >> i'm starting to see it from my side, strobe lights going off over here. basically, these protesters have high-powered flashlights that strobe and they point them in your face and law enforcement space. if you look at it, it is like looking in the sun for a little. it is rough here they are currently strobe in law enforcement from what we se. we have people on our side cheering. we don't know what they are cheering for as there have been
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no action on this site just yeah. look, it is almost 2:00 in the morning right now and we start to see some activity happening. i am being told l.a.p.d. is retreating on the certain side appeared and that is what the cheering that we are hearing is. it could just be repositioning. it could be a repositioning. we don't know exactly. we don't have eyes all over the place. but yeah, look it up here or something is underway right now, and all we can kind of do is wait and see because the most activity is on that side with the steps right now. we are not seeing anything on the wall area just yet. >> carley: bill, stand by and we will get to you in just a moment but let's bring in fox news correspondent, jonathan hunt. your reaction to the latest as the police appeared to have just moved in and then bill reported that a portion of the
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law enforcement that moved and retreated. >> yeah, if you look at that, that is on the far side from where bill is, probably 7500 yards where bill is. that has always appeared to us looking at the aerial shots as the weakest side from the protesters point of view. les barricaded the, but it is protected in a sense like that set of steps you are looking at correctly now. it up here the l.a.p.d. officers have managed to breach the encampment on that side. but then we saw a line of them and the pictures you were looking at a couple of minutes ago show them coming back out going back down those steps, now they are taking a position again at the bottom of those steps. clearly, they are beginning to put some sort of operation into action. but whether that was reconnaissance mission for those officers to go in and take a look at the layout of the camp
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firsthand and then pull back and share that information for whatever the next stage of the operation is, it is impossible to say. it is curious, to say the least, they appear to be inside of the encampment and move back outside of the encampment once again. none of us sitting here today, law enforcement tacticians, so it is hard to say for sure what they were doing. but definitely an odd movement to be in there and then to step back out. as bill was rightly sagging, that seem to prompt a huge cheer from those pro-palestinian protesters who clearly saw it as a victory that the police having moved and were moving back out. >> carley: the hesitation is incredible, if it is hesitation. sometimes, it is difficult to engage what is going on from our view in the fox news studios. but you have to take into consideration, these are mainly college students, and they were
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demands include hot food for lunch, vegan food, gluten free food and we are not talking about highly militarized navy seals here. it should be pretty easy to take this down from law enforcement standpoint. >> todd: jonathan, from that perspective, what do you hear from the sources on the ground because you are well sourced in the area. do you hear anything with regard to information beyond, headache, these guys will move in tonight? >> we have been told now for a period of i would say 8-10 hours that they were planning on moving in. we heard 9:00 p.m. wednesday evening and then it moved to midnight coming up to 2:00 a.m. here. i've been here so long it is hard to keep track. we are coming up to 2:00 a.m. so it is certainly taking longer. appear to be our eight hours from the first dispersal order being given. so clearly the l.a.p.d., the chp
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that you are looking at and the sheriff's department far more complex operation than nypd carried out on the campus, a gated campus where relatively easily clear and just deal with those left and hamilton hall. this is a much more sprawling encampment that they have to deal with. they can come at it from various sides, but clearly, they have got protesters who have come to support the encampment behind them as well. it was a more complex operation. so maybe that is why we are seeing this hour after hour delay. i can tell you from a lot of law enforcement sources that i have spoken to, they are a little bemused by the spirit this year from riverside candy outside of east l.a. said and describe the way l.a. law enforcement has run this is "an embarrassment." there is a lot of disagreement law enforcement in the area in
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southern california as to how this is being run, guys. >> carley: about how it is being run, the plan according to law enforcement sources is the los angeles police department will secure the perimeter and the california highway patrol will enter the encampment and los angeles sheriff's department will be responsible for crowd control or its three different law enforcement agencies all working in tandem an end coordination. you have to wonder who is at the head of this thing and who is coordinating it because it appears they are not quite ready to execute the plan yet. >> and maybe a simple case of too many cooks in the kitchen in that case with three agencies as bill was pointing out to different authorities trying to get a together i


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