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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 2, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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should you had say that to the squad privately that you are on the wrong side of this and it's not -- it's against jews and against americans? >> well, i have not been private. i have been pretty public about my outrage overall. >> steve: right. >> and my deep concern about what's going on. not just on college campuses but overall the way people are talking about and frankly hate toward anyone. >> steve: sure. and i think, again, that should be our message. discrimination on college campuses is unacceptable. hate of this kind and targeted hate is unacceptable. and that, again, there is a way to disagree on college campuses and debate issues. this is not how you handle things. you don't scream and harass and punch other kids. >> steve: right. >> and scream for zionists to die. that is not the way we should handle it in this >> steve: we did hear from former president trump, he had a
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truth social post about it. also heard from speaker mike johnson, republican speaker of the house a couple of days ago. he announced an investigation into antisemitism on campus. he was surrounded by republicans. will democrats like you also join the speaker on the investigation into antisemitism at places like ucla and your almamater, harvard and upenn? >> i've been looking at this and speaking out on this for years. i've made it clear to the speaker, this initiative is important. you heard from hakeem jeffries speak out clearly against what is going on. he did it yesterday again against college campuses and antisemitism. leadership in our party came out
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strong. i don't think there is daylight between our views and leadership views on what he we should do. there should not be anything partisan when it comes to antisemitism. >> brian: that comes instinctively from you. what surprises me chuck schumer h hasn't said one thing, he never saw a camera he didn't like he talks about energy drinks and zen. he won't talk about antisemitism c con consistently? that has to disasppoint you. >> i hope we hear from senator schumer and again, we should hear from everybody. we want our students to be safe,
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communities and law enforcement to be safe and schools free from discrimination, hate and antisemitism. that has to be the message. you can protest, something we have a great history of in our country, even when we don't agree with each other, that is part of our freedoms. there is a way to do that, what we are seeing is opposite of what we are seeing. students don't feel safe, being harassed and discriminated against. i want all students, jewish or not, to be able to go to class, get education and debate the way they should be able to debate and students don't feel safe. >> steve: he is the co-sponsor of the antisemitism bill, josh gott gottheimer, he is my congressman for my district and we thank him for coming on.
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>> lawrence: thank you, congressman. three minutes past 8:00, we are looking at chaos on campus at ucla, pro-palestinian, pro-hamas protesters are starting to run away as police make their way over to them. we are looking at two hours plus of coverage. police destroyed the make-shift barriers, blocking them from entering. >> brian: officering using rubber bullets as the mob turns violent in some sections. >> carley: let's bring in willi william la jeunesse. >> william: police took down the plywood and moved forward. they had allowed us to be right
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on top of them. they continue to move to make the address. protesters have locked arms. the white helmets are protesters. they have been arresting them, taking them away one by one by one. some have made it difficult. others have not. thank you. they are trying to move us. go ahead. >> lawrence: we know this is a fluid situation, when you cover protests. i want to document it for us, sometimes police move the line back and you adjust. when you get to a secure place, let us know. back to the desk, two plus hours of cops trying to make their way in and no statement from the president of the united states. insurance policy for the party, gavin newsom, no statement. karen bass, mayor, we have not
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heard a statement from her, as well. you would think when chaos and violence against cops and jewish community, we would hear something. >> brian: this is an opportunity, if you are a leader like governor of maryland who stepped up when the bridge was wrecked. i don't care democrat or republican, talking to everybody, this is an opportunity. if you are a leader and you want that job, you do it for moments like this. you think you are the right person at the right time. why don't i stay silent? you knew 8:00 local time ultimatum given to protesters to that we're coming in. we don't hear anything, we see state police that would not be there without gavin newsom saying it. >> lawrence: he put them in a dangerous situation. on the third hour of this and they were just able to get into
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the encampment, they had to go through barriers because every single minute they allowed chaos was another barrier they had to breakthrough. >> carley: think about the mind of the police officers right now, they have been standing there for hours and hours. we originally heard police were going to break up this encampment at 3:00 a.m. eastern time, midnight west coast time, it started six hours later, definitely a time lapse. i'm sure police officers are mix of tired with adrenalin moving through them. so far we have not seen anybody with injuries, their absolute goal, to make sure every protesters stays safe as possible. it is a dangerous situation and you can credit, if you want to
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call it credit, leadership of the college for allowing this to take place. >> steve: they brought this on. if you are just tuning in, you see the police in the foreground, spot of green glass was part of the encampment. it moved back and the anti- anti-israeli protesters are linking arms. jonathan hunt from l.a. we have seen this with protesters coast to coast, all campuses, a lot wearing masks for variety of reasons. a lot of them probably don't go to the school. we know at columbia for sure and other places. they knew something was coming because these people are wearing gas masks. they are waiting for the copings
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s to teargas them so they'll have a better story. william l >> william: they have equipped themselves in that fashion because they have had a week to get ready, one week they have been bringing in supplies day after day after day preparing for what they knew was inevitable, they would be forced off campus, they have been preparing and brought in the gear they needed. you are looking at the final, we are estimating 100 or so who are performing in essence final stand. police seem to be holding off with this final group, perhaps regathering their resources. this is a hard core that will refuse to go easily. that looks like a shift change
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there. chp members move out and others come in to replace them. they have been on the ground for a long time, those officers. they were stand ing waiting for the orders longer than we thought. they went in around 5 a.m. east coast time, three hours after we thought they would. looks like they will wrap up fairly soon. that is hard core you are looking at there. officers are moving them, it is a move in the direction you want them to go. this will be over soon. >> lawrence: looks like they are shifting, if you are just joining the program, cops have used multiple tactics, rubber bullets and pepper spray, smoke to try to fight their vision.
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the protesters, jonathan, have also used bear spray, fire extinguishers, they have thrown things at the cops, talk about what you have seen on the ground. >> william: first hour or so, quite an exchange, police officers were firing flash bangs, canisters that explode in the air to disorient the protesters. we saw them with rifles that fire rubber bullets drawn. i did not see those fired, we can't confirm that for sure. that is pretty much a last resort. met with barrage of smoke from fire extinguishers, pepper spray, we know the pro-palestinian protesters have been stockpiling, as well. it was a violent confrontation,
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since then we've seen it calm down as police officers basically round up this last quadry of protesters. >> brian: whoever wants to get arrested, they will get arrested and they will not chase them down. >> carley: bring in a ucla medical student, third year ucla medical student. you describe yourself as jewish asian american. this hits close to home for you. take it away, tell us your reactsion to chaos unfolding on your campus? >> i'm a proud asian jewish american woman and confirmed z zionist. what is happening is absolute insanity and chaos, i don't know how the school has let it come to this point. law enforcement should have come on day one, when protesters were
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chantings for intifada, which means violence against jews. this is not free speech, they can ask for ceasefire or ask the school to divest, that is free speech. calling for death to me and a lot of other jewish students, that crossed the line. the school waited until there was mayhem and riots to send in law enforcement. >> steve: your parents are worried and your friends are checking on you. you are scared for your physical safety. one of your friends, a protester pushed her off a ledge. not like it has been peaceful up until now. that is not true. speak about the impact of social media in the whole thing. there is a lot of propaganda, you say, being spread. explain what you're reading on social media and how the
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protesters have been putting out stuff that just is not true. >> there is a lot of propaganda on social media, tiktok has been a brain-washing machine in this pro-palestinian movement especially. i've been seeing on instagram, people saying zionist are r racist, white supremacist, i'm asian american jew, this is a cut men tality. a lot ofun stereo -- students are sharing false information and it is spreading like wildfire. >> brian: do you have a sence of how many of these are students and how many are outsiders? they seem pretty organized, there are different layers, they have equipment. how many are actually students? >> i have a sence a lot of these
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people are not students. i saw three buses on the first day of the encampment, i don't know where they came from. >> steve: out of town? >> people looked like they were in their fo40s or 30s, not all students. >> lawrence: if this continues, will you stay at ucla? >> i'm not going to let these hateful anti-semites push me out of school, i believe israel has the right to exist and in america we should be allowed to think what we want without being bullied or harassed. i will not cave in to their harassment. ucla needs to step up and keep their jewish students safe. this is a total disaster and
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resulted in physical and emotional trauma for jewish students. >> brian: they look organized, they linked arms with masks and glasses, why are they allowed to keep the masks and glasses? i guess they're going to arrest them one by one, you can't 4r9 them sit there. >> lawrence: look closely, look at the cops, that white s substance all over them is the fire extinguisher they were blowing on them. we are past protest, this is assault on cops, resisting arrest and failure to disburse. >> carley: thank you for joining us. >> brian: she's been in the front whole time, why is she not in jail? >> steve: listen and see if we can tell what they are chanting.
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[chanting] >> carley: we have a reporter on the ground, william la jeunesse is live at ucla, william, what are they saying? what are you seeing? >> william: this is remnants. they corraled protesters like sheep and started moving them in the library. funneling them into this area. this is what the encampment looks like. >> steve: you are inside the camp, the illegal camp. >> william: this is what is left, most have been taken down by police when they came through. they peeled off layers and layers of protesters and took them off one by one and corraled a lot of them into the library. i come up here, i have a light
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in here. >> lawrence: these aren't cheap tents, these are industrial tents. >> william: i had stories about so much money behind this, you are looking at tip of the iceberg that kept the protest alive. >> brian: you did a great piece on the funding, rockefellers and ford foundation and groups that funded this, can you talk about it? >> william: we started where is money coming from for students for justice for palestinian and you find layer upon layer of foundations, shell companies, difficult to trace, unlike 501c 3, there is a paper trail, that does not exist, there is dark
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money, 50, 60, 70 foundations that give money. >> brian: soros. "john wick" there is george soros camp that gives to some foundation and funnel money to groups like this. go ahead. >> steve: you were starting to show what is on the ground, see what these people were doing over last couple weeks there. >> william: is that apple juice or under? >> brian: i hope apple juice. >> william: these are tents they have got. you can see they push protesters there, police moved line there.
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sprinkled throughout. protesters, you can see over here, with white helmets, those are protesters corraled up against that wall. the palestinian flag in the background and police in the foreground, i think they are making an arrest one by one. they pushed them out of the encampment up against the wall and in a controlled situation. they melted pretty easy. the cops are big and have their vests. these guys are there with shields and gas masks, boom, they were gone. >> lawrence: they are not giving themselves up, they are still resisting, not surrounding to the cops even though they have them surrounded. >> william: they are surrounded at this point in time.
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line here and just beyond them, what is left of protesters, they came through here and witnesses told us there were 400 people inside here. they have taken away innumerable people, over 100. >> brian: take the masks down and show the faces. >> steve: stay away from the jar with the yellow stuff in it. join us here in new york as carrie, fox news legal editor used to be with department of justice. carrie, talking about the money, people have been saying where does the money come from, this would seem like something department of justice or fbi and kjp eluded to this, it is not
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peaceful protest, conspiracy across the country to spread antisemitism. which is illegal. >> uh-huh. for sure. department of justice and fbi can look into it, they can because when i was at doj post-george floyd, we were looking to see where the money was coming from, was it traceable to antifa. where are they getting the gas moofks? who is buying the tents? it is something the fbi can do and i hope they are doing. >> brian: they said at columbia, 170 of the 300 people are getting summons. out of 280 arrested, nobody is
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going to jail. what is the lesson there? they are as light on crime as new york. will they go on the bus and get fi fingerprinted and get a parking ticket? >> they shouldn't be, laws are broken, trespassing, vandalism, resisting arrest, destruction of property. things we saw during the summer of 2020, it is bringing back memories, especially during that summer, it was not protesters who got hurt, it was the police. protesters would throw things at them, under, feceshg es, rubber bullets. >> lawrence: new york counter terrorism released information and theyed sammy el iran who pled guilty back in 2006, his
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wife was seen at one protest in columbia, they said she is leading the protest. she is not a student at columbia, she is organizing and giving people radicalization happening realtime. what can the department of justice do to stop odds actors from radicalizing young people? >> discovery of that woman makes it easier for doj and fbi. there is fine line, free speech and not profiling people. the fact that woman was discovered on campus and has ties to terrorism makes it easier to look into funding, work for law enforcement to see what is going on here. >> carley: the man, her husband, was deported, he pled guilty for
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providing services to islamist jihad, he posted a picture of his wife and says she stands in solidarity with brave and determined columbia university students. the question is, do you want a woman like that finfluencing young minds on college campuses? other things have taken place, look at death to america chants in deerborn, michigan. i know a level of free speech comes into play, do you think the doj, what is going on at college campuses? there are eyes on these people investigating, looking into who they are? >> yes, there is difference between saying death to america and gathered somewhere saying that versus you have weapons and committing crime as you do that. it opens the door for fbi to get
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involved in a more clean way. >> brian: mayor adams said there are people in coordinated event corrupting minds of these students. democrats and republicans should be on same page, democrats are so concerned about november, losing jewish vote and losing muslim vote and palestinian vote, they are thinking more deerborn than more about us. speaker mccarthy wrote and said people need to they wank the po for their professionalism. make the people who funded this group pay for the clean up. >> carley: who is going to clean all this up? >> steve: ucla. >> lawrence: i was talking to a sup super superintendent at columbia and he said they have to hire an
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outside company. this is larger, i can only imagine how much it will take to clean this. >> steve: tuition money from ucla, probably. >> brian: not that much. >> steve: carry, we were talking to eliana, she had friends who were attacked and she's lived in fear. she was talking about the toxic relationship with social media, so much disinformation out there. we're back in an election year, back in 2020, you remember the department of justice and fbi, c content moderation. we're now in another election season. it is pretty much hands off, no c content moderation, department of justice don't want to there finger on the scale, that is a
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problem, no referee on what is true and what is not. >> brian: meta dialed down political speech. >> steve: not tiktok, she cited tiktoks. >> leaders can step up, we are not calling for extermination of jews. >> steve: should be red line. >> there can be and easy one given what happened on october 7, what they did to women alone is appalling and the fact you see hundreds of students protesting in support of rape and violence is unbelievable to me. >> lawrence: legal aspect of this, where are parents? i covered freddy gray, when that mom saw her son protesting, out of control. she left her house and grabbed him by the neck and brought him
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home. where is leadership in the households watching our kids say th things anti--american, post flags that are not the american flag. there is role of parents here, too, right? >> these students at their core are operating in incredibly selfish way. think about resources they are pulling away. >> they are not taking care of emergencies and this is happening across the country, putting lives in danger. it is remarkable when you think about the self-centered nature of protests, it is quite something. >> brian: where you going today? covering trump trial? guess what, alvin bragg will be in the courtroom all day, there is massive unrest, antisemitism running rampant at city college,
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nyu and fordham, you would think resources trying a former president, now we're in 2024, think about the money, time and effort on that, opposed to where it belong. >> all in attempt to put former president in jail for classifying legal expense, considering it was compensation for an nda. >> carley: bring in jonathan hunt who has following all morning long. we are seeing sorry hfr looking prot protesters getting taken away by police who appear to have this situation under control right now. >> jonathan: very much under control, you are looking at pro-palestinian protesters who have been there for a week now and campus of ucla being taken away, it will be wrapped up in
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terms of putting them in buses, they'll be wrapped up in a few minutes. they are doing that in front of media. >> lawrence: look at her smiling. >> jonathan: yeah, i think -- >> brian: so happy. >> jonathan: fair to say, many protesters are very proud of what they believe they have achieved over past seven days, they have given hamas with many sympathize huge propaganda victory. >> brian: it is incredible what is going on right now, you don't hear anything from southern california leaders at all, you don't see anybody down there. the cops are doing the dirty work. the lapd has a reason to feel proud today, along with
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coordination from state police. they did not let emotion get the best of them, getting fire extinguishers there face, strobe lights, they kept formation and discipline. i'm sure they want to rap them in the head, although most are women. >> jonathan: took a long time to get moving, once they did, it was textbook operation. it was led by california highway patrol who were at the forefront of this, moving in and making the arrest. they showed extraordinary restraint as far as we are aware, no teargas was fireed. we saw flash bangs to disorient
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protesters and as far as we were aware never fired. this was a very restrained and effective operation led by the california highway patrol. >> lawrence: standby, look at protesters, smiles on their face. >> brian: proud. >> lawrence: police are showing who they are, bring in senator tom cotton. we're glad to have you this morning. we have not heard from the president, governor gavin newsom or mayor karen bass, thank god for law enforcement, what is your reaction to developments we've been covering all morning? >> i commend the peace officers who broke up little gaza. it is way too late, they should have been able to do this from the beginning. you have joe biden and gavin
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newsom who are afraid of the antisemitism wing of the democratic party. none of little gaza should have been able to remain. they are full of pro-hamas sympathizers and freaks assaulting jewish students, blocking their path going to classrooms and telling them to go back to their real home, painting swastikas and fault of liberal politicians it was tolerated in the first place. >> carley: what is your reaction on what took place, the american flag was taken down and replaced by the palestinian flag. what message does that send to hamas and to our greatest adversary iran? >> it is a revolt ing display o anti-ame
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anti-americanism, ayatollahs in iran are celebrating fanatics that have built little gaza all over campuses while joe biden remains silent. he refused to speak out in unequivocal way, where is department of state revoke ing visas for people in little gaza. department of justice and department of education investigating why jewish civil rights have been violated without recourse by college administrator or where the funding is coming from, these are not people living under tarps, they have pup tents. these are questions joe biden could have been tackling, he's been silent and paralyzed by indecision, he is afraid of antisemitic wing of his own party. >> brian: he wants to talk about abortion, that is all they got, roe v. wade. couple things, unlike columbia,
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they said if you stay, you are s suspends and ucla says we will look at this. they are celebrating this in iran, celebrating this in gaza. this fortifies hamas position against hostage swap. hezbollah is high fiving. how much more difficult is the israeli situation right now and how much more jet fuel do the governments have because of what college students and infill traitors have done in 20 states across our country? >> of course they are celeb celebrating little gaza in real gaza and iran. they know it is putting political pressure on joe biden and putting pressure on israel. this is straight out of iran
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game plan to use political pressure from the democratic party in america to constrain israel and limit action and war of survival. if joe biden, hadn't been knit picking benjamin netanyahu expressing how terrible israeli action result in -- this war may have already been over, which is what every israeli would like, they would like the war to be over and hamas destroyed and be safe and secure. joe biden has been knit picking israel for six or seven months and allowing this political pressure, it makes it more likely they will return the hostages. >> lawrence: how did we get here? some of these students are americans and they hate our country and israelis and jewish
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people. they made it very clear, how did our young people become so radicalized so quickly? >> part is they have been indoctrinated by american faculty for years. look at columbia, little gaza was erected andun stereos were threatened with punishment and faculty members wnth and locked arms in front of little gaza. part of left wing idiology ideology, they come to hate their country and celebrate hamas, a foreign terrorist organization thatip raed women and burned children alive on october 7. i've seen them called anti-war protesters, they are not
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anti-war protesters, they are pro-war, they celebrate war against jewish people. >> brian: faculty is standing with emthis, being arrested at city college. columbia, they stood by the encampments and you have guys on a platform while lapd or highway patrol were moving forward. the faculty is proud of what they produced. >> absolutely right, faculty has been producing fanatics and terrorist sympathizer for years. if america and israel are strong and confident and prosperous, that means our nations must be the oppressor nation, there world view we are morally evil when the opposite is true. america and israel stand for everything that is good among na nations. that is why people are desperate to come to america and look to
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america for leadership. in the antisemitic wing, marxist wing of the democratic position they turn that on its head. >> brian: thank you, great press conference yesterday, too bad your leader does not have the same opinion. >> carley: last time president byted made a comment was april 22, he said he condemns antisemitism and what is going on on the palestinian side of things, making that moral ek equivalency. mark levin joins us. this is something you are passionate about, what is your reaction to the scene unfolding before us? it does not look like the united states, it looks like a third world country. we have pro-hamas protesters clashing with police, getting ar arrested after encampment was
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allowed to stay for several weeks now. >> mark: this is fusion of marxists, they have voices like bernie sanders, big chunk of democratic party. william la jeunesse has done a great job on the funding story, it is a soros-tied foundation, groups they lounder their money through, you have jo george washington university and qatar that poured into our universities, communist china, that pours money into our universities, these have become anti-american. professors, how did professors become professors? professors hire professors.
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administrator allows like-minded individuals from same ivy league colleges. if we want to get to the bottom of this, get to the bottom of it. how do we construct a university system with people who hate our country, get tenure. un stereos for justice in palestine ran by a man who runs middle east organization on two colleges, ties with hamas. as far as department of justice can do, i was chief of staff to eshg d meeks who worked with governor ronald reagan. this would not be happening if ronald reagan were president or if donald trump -- government has a lot of power. this is not first amendment, this has nothing to do with
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first amendment. this is violence, criminality, civil rights violations. laws that were started in the 1950s and upheld by the supreme court. this is worst example of the history of the united states going on and -- president of the united states says nothing? let me tell you why he says nothing, because his party is funding this, his billionaires, his groups are behind this, these aren't republicans. people in congress don't speak up. where is schumer and hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi ini ireland trashing benjamin netanyahu. talking about how many civilians
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they are killing, it is shameless propaganda. on campus, we have anti-israel protesters. these are anti-american protesters. if you hate america, you hate israel, if you hate israel, you hate america. these are shared values. israel surrounded by terrorists who abuse their people. israel is under attack and blinken is in israel trashing israel. international criminal want issue arrest warrants against benjamin netanyahu. this feeds hamas and look at bernie sanders, he is a -- backed every genocidal communist regime in his lifetime, he has joe biden's ear. he's a bernie sanders supporter.
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biden is not speaking out because his party is involved in this. christopher christopher wray does an interview, we monitor these groups. what the hell are you talking about? of course you monitor these groups, foreign money, terrorist money coming in, billionaires are funding this, look at these people. what are they protesting? america and jews. it starts with the jews and spreads and it is spreading across blue states, blue cities, blue controlled universities and colleges. >> lawrence: how do we stop it? >> mark: what do you mean, how do we stop it? we are not magicians, we can't wave a wand and stop it, took
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100 years to get here, it is hard work, look at how universities are funding, how they hire faculty, why they have tenure, why state legislate ure ors keep funding them, why civil rights department of justice is sitting on their ass. we have a lot to do. the government gets bigger and bigger, it is time the federal government and state government is held to account. we have to stop one other thing. i wrote a book called "the democratic party hates america" what a title, where are democrats, we need a leader, we don't have a leader. co commu
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comm comm communism -- the only one who hasn't is joe biden because he's afraid because his party is funding it, he's in bed with qatar, he's on wrong side. you stop it by having congressmen and committee and senate who will dig into this. we know who is behind this. we know the names of the professors, the fund ing source. i have done three shows on it, available to anybody who wants to see it. the other problem is the american media, they spew hamas line, coming out of blinken and this administration, they have a big problem in this country. there will not be an easy answer, it will take time. get our culture back, be pro-american, can't depend on
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professors and the dei, these are marxist movements, i wrote about it. people go, you are overstating it. no. it is here. third chapter, hate america inc., it is here. this is academic freedom, this is not free speech. this is islamist revolution. it is on college campuses. >> brian: do you have a monitor on? do you see the people they are arresting? m mutants with nose rings, lip rings, colored hair, idiots, people that held ucla hostage. >> mark: people need to understand, this is like the
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hitler youth. i don't care what they look like, who brainwashed them, they are what they are. violent people who are out there with swastikas, talking about from the river to the sea and extermination of the jews. people look like wow, they are throwbacks or look like nice students, poor kid. not poor kids. >> brian: no one thinks that, everyone despises them i talk to. good news, it is no longer subtle. this is not like what is mark levin talking about? multiple college campuses from wisconsin to california, five different colleges in new york city. even happening university of southern florida, now we can't deny it. everyone is forced to make a decision, mark. >> mark: you are looking at these hitler youth.
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how many black kids do you see here? almost none. >> brian: yeah. >> mark: how many -- do you see here? almost none. you see white spoiled little -- coming from elite, mostly families, you see what appear to be palestinians in the way they speak or other arabs, the clothing they are wearing. this is fusion of marxism and islammism, this is not a spontaneous revolution on the streets of america people are put upon about the injustices. this is funded by terrorists, foreign government and democratic party billionaires. that's it, that is why christopher wray is sitting on his ass, and won't do anything about it. have you heard about -- not a
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word. nothing. >> carley: we are seeing protesters some of them get arrested and they are smileings as police cart them away, proud to be getting arrested. thank you for your insight. we'll go back to william la jeunesse on ucla campus to give us an update. the sun is shining now, it's a new day as this unfolded overnight, police have this situation under control. what are you seeing? >> william: it is carley. i'm sorry, are they coming to us? >> brian: you are hot now, william. >> william: sorry, i'm talking to several people here, bring you up to date. the situation is under control, but not over. you see chp behind me. go ahead, keith, you see r
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remnants of protesters and encampments. the ones in the white helmet were given option to leave down this corridor, anyone here wants to be arrested. they had hours to vacate, they were told 12 hours ago when lapd and chp and sheriff's office said it is time to disburse and these people chose not to. spin around. this is where the encampment was. we're there now, walk through, if you will. these are tents, sleeping bags, goggles and gas masks. one point i was going to make earlier, the university called this unlawful two days ago, they continued to allow them to resupply and set down roots and that is why the police had a
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difficult time getting through. what is piece of 44-x-8 plywood cost? a lot of money and tents, as well. b barricades set up and layering, police took away the fences and threw away the tents and moved methodically forward peeling away barriers and the people themselves. i'm sure realists will be -- the arrests will be in the hundreds. you have the situation here and they are arresting a few in this cauldron here. they corraled them like sheep up against the building, they locked arms and continued to shout free, free palestine. you can't pass this pushup,
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there is standoff between law enforcement and protesters. this situation should be wrapped up in terms of arrests and then there is clean-up and as we talked about before, they deface buildings with graffiti and spray paint. taxpayers will pick up the bill. they don't want cameras to see who they were, others didn't mind. that is the situation, the university established itself seven days ago and been continuing and will take some time toen cloo up. >> carley: it will take a lot of time to clean up. that is where we're left this morning, the arrests are taking place, it will take a while to clear these people out, there is
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massive clean-up effort and students left jarred because of what just happened. what will it look like for days and weeks ahead? >> william: the library is closed until monday, classes won't resume until monday. university put out a statement and said, you may be subject to some disciplinary action. faculty here, there were ac activists here who were not students, they will go through the academic committee, university continues to take a light touch as any consequence to the individual who created this situation and stayed here and ignored rules of university and law enforcement, as well, that brought this upon themselves. university gave out mikxed
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signals. they wanted to respect free speech and this is result of that. there is a lot of criticism of chancellor sxp president of uc system about how this was handled. carley. >> lawrence: william, the question is, as you are on the ground, have you heard anything? is there going to be a press conference from the governor talking about move bing forward? have you heard from the mayor on what is next? we have not heard anything. >> william: i think the governor put out a tweet or statement day or so ago decrying the violence that occurred. the catalyst for a lot of what we saw was the counter protest day or so ago. there were injuries. that caused the university to
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say, we have a problem, somebody is going to get injured and it could happen again. >> brian: thank you so much. >> carley: covering all morning long. >> lawrence: thanks. >> brian: we've been following the ucla protests and arrests, ainsley was with students at university of tennessee at scrambled jakes. what can you tell us? what is >> ainsley: we had a restaurant full of students from the university of tennessee. totally different story on this campus from ucla. we're down the street from the university and last night all of these students were there but there were 8,000 students in attendance for something called unite. unite has been going to a lot of
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the southern colleges. five so far but open to more. if you are interested go to their website, unite us together. unite us auburn university, assistant basketball coach's wife started this and so she has gone to all these different schools like fsu, you've seen it. tell me about last night and how different things looked last night than they are at ucla? >> it is so incredible to see all these different people believers and non-believers, christians just coming together and worshipping god, jesus christ, our savior. in that place it was incredible. you could feel the spirit. >> passion was the worship leaders. speakers last night. stark difference from what was happening in your basketball arena. >> we had 120 baptisms right on our parking garage last night.
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incredible. my cousin flew from boston and baptize her because she heard about the movement. it was truly special. a lot of people have that god-sized hole in their heart trying to fill. people are burning down cities in the name of justice but missing the manual. that's the bible. >> ainsley: our instruction book for life. 8,000 people were there last night. it was so much fun. what is your reaction to what you are seeing on tv and what's happening here? >> when you look at what is going on in the world in general, in gaza, in california, it is so much violence, so much hate. and it is from a lot of different sides. i have opinions on that but this isn't really about politics or conservative versus liberal. this is about jesus. jesus is the answer to all whether you are liberal or conservative. american, israeli, palestinian, i don't care. if you come to jesus, that is the end all-be all. my sister got baptized last night. i will spend eternity with her and forever grateful for that.
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>> ainsley: donald trump needs a vice president. >> i'll put my name in the running. >> ainsley: what was so special about your situation last night? >> i have no words. it was so, so incredible to just see so many people from different backgrounds and different denominations come together under the name of jesus and just worship. i have no words. >> ainsley: it was great. thank you so much. it's the end of our show. thank you for being patient. they have been here all morning. they weren't able to be on because of the breaking news. god bless you all. amazing message. we want to thank the restaurant here. lizards thicket in elmwood tomorrow morning. >> so glad we were able to end is show with those messages. a message of hope after all this chaos. more coverage on fox after this. >> bill: thank you, guys, we'll pick it up from here and we're waking up yet again to another day of this.
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police moving in


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