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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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you have a potential terroristic angle here and civil rights violations. if we go to the f.b.i.'s website. i go there quite frequently. i want to know what they are telling the public, you the general american audience. june of 2021 the f.b.i. posted a press release to their website against think about this the timing. in light of post george floyd, the chaos in our country with cities burning to the ground after the summer of 2020. well, their message was look, hate crimes are the top priority for the f.b.i. if you are the victim or a witness of a hate crime, that's our top priority for our civil rights program. it was very clearly stated. now my question to you, where are they now? does it only matter when it's certain groups that are receiving hate crimes? because by definition a hate crime is a crime that is motivated by a bias because of gender, ethnicity, religion. in my opinion all of those apply
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right now. >> dana: thank you so much. we have to get some other breaking news. lots of breaking news today. i'm sure we'll see you again as the day rolls along. thank you. >> this is the most violent resistance we have seen, i think, anywhere in the country so far. >> you want cops on the ground tackling somebody. these cops are definitely going to get injured in there today. >> i might be scared if i saw this coming at me. >> dana: a fox news alert. riot police cracked down at ucla overnight if you are just waking up, this is what happened. >> bill: hundreds of officers went in and tore down the barricades, made a lot of arrests taking decisive action to clear the campus there in los angeles. a lot of folks coming out with masks and they were removed. many of them. most were taken off their faces. they were led away on camera. officers moving in breaking up an aggressive confrontational
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anti-israel mob that had been set up for more than a week. >> dana: massive law enforcement and cleanup operation is underway. william la jeunesse has been on the scene for us. what do you see now? it is quiet but it's a mess. >> it is, dana indeed. we did confirm with chp a few minutes ago there have been hundreds of arrests. now the cleanup begins. i want to show you lapd or chp is still here. activists in the background they want to make sure they don't repopulate that encampment, right? the student activists have been lecturing the police about u.s./middle east policy and how complicit they are about the genocide in israel. i've seen probably 50 or 60 of these coolers, right? over 100 tents. over here is the medical station over here, part of it. some of the stuff they have a number of gloves and gauze and that kind of thing. then here are some batteries and
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so forth. some crutches that were used more like weapons. fans, what i wanted to show you, dana. here is some of the other medical gear. look at this. addressed to the ucla pediatric infectious disease department. it is right across the street from the hospital. there are multiple boxes here like that. so how did it end up here? did ucla donate it or did someone lift it? that's a good question for somebody else to answer. let me give you a quick reset. literally it was about 12 hours ago that lapd and chp and sheriff's department showed up here and gave the order. already been declared an unlawful assembly and then they said you had to leave, right? well, people gave the opportunity, they chose not to. so about probably around midnight we were here and there were probably about 1,000, maybe 1500 students around the
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perimeter of this encampment and the buildings surrounding it. they were loaded for bear but very angry, very energized and sympathetic to the cause here. the fear by police was they would start coming through some of these alleys and impede police. police sealed those off and they began to peel back the layers. they started with the plywood and the fences, took that down and then came in. they slowly moved forward and started knocking down these push-up tents and started taking down the tents, tore it away, plywood as well and started making arrests. that lasted until about maybe an hour, hour and a half ago the last arrest. they gave people the opportunity saying listen, if you want to walk away right now you can. no arrests. if you want to be arrested, you will be. they corraled them like sheep up
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against the wall and started making arrests and then it was pretty clean. we did not see any injuries. there may be some reports of that but for the most part it was a pretty surgical operation by the chp and lapd. >> bill: you told us last hour you went to school there and got your master's degree there. you said the graffiti turns your stomach. i don't know what you can and cannot show on television but why don't you just take our viewers through what is written there on that brick and stone wall if you can? >> well, we're on our way there now, bill. so this is royce hall. an iconic building. you've seen it in movies before and now take you up the steps. they barricaded this as you can see. let's go up here. they didn't want the cops coming through these doors, right? so they sealed this off and, of course, they controlled the perimeter. but you can see not only river to the sea, usual kind of stuff.
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they boarded this up and filled these garbage containers, really heavy. feels like sand in there but it is something else. wood, brick, something like this. put this up and then free palestine. it is one thing to post it, big deal, right? it is another thing to spray paint. that will have to be paid for by taxpayers, by you and me, by the student funds, whatever you want to call it. that didn't have to be done. that's just destruction of property that is mindless criminality in my opinion and it is all over. all down through this hall. look at this way. crazy. >> dana: it is outrageous and upsetting not only for alumni but parents, students, faculty to have this happen. it is like they had read too much versions of a book and think they are -- a senior fellow at aei.
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christine, thank you so much. your perspective on this i think is very timely not only are you knowledgeable about it but you have two sons who will be going to college next year. you've been going through this process. as a mom and someone who understands the policy, your take on all this that's happened over the last several days. >> like many parents with kids going off to college and in college i have been watching to see what the so-called college leadership is doing to respond to the threats. unfortunately i think overall not enough. i'm glad to see ucla acting and same thing at columbia. but it's a little late in the game. they allowed a lot of these students not only break the law over and over again but negl negligent -- you lay down the law and enforce it as parents. we aren't siegien forcement of the college's own policies and a
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lot of disorder and law breaking going unpunished and unchecked and sends a very poor message. >> bill: it appears negotiations at various universities are still underway, brown, northwestern. these negotiations about brown anyway saying we'll look at our investments in israel and give you a report sometime soon. that's what they said. >> kids are in charge. i don't think that's what the message should be. if you are breaking the rules of your campus you shouldn't be on campus. you should be suspended or expelled. there are a lot of americans watching this and wondering what these elite campuses are producing in terms of students. what have they been taught over the last ten or 20 years? ahead of us as parents and americans we have a generational challenge in terms of how to educate the next generation. >> dana: eric adams said this about the flag. listen to him here. >> that's our flag, folks. don't take over our buildings
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and put another flag up. that may be fine to other people but it is not to me. my uncle died defending this country. and these men and women put their lives on the line and it is despicable that schools will allow another country flag to fly in our country. so blame me for being proud to be an american. >> dana: he is exhibiting what i would say is clear moral clarity. the president we have not heard from directly. why do you think that? >> he is still fearful about the upcoming election and youth vote. he probably thought the college loan transfer of debt to non-college educated americans would win him some time. these students are pretty radical. he is worried about coming across as scolding but he should be scolding. that's what the bully pulpit is for. this is unacceptable the level of violence, assault and threats toward jewish students in this country. unacceptable. we know it is because if any other group was being attacked in this way, the president would
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speak about it. >> bill: the american president has become a hostage to the hardest of the u.s. hard left. he won't cross them and they know it, end quote. you just said something that's rather telling. how do you begin a new educational process? where does that start? >> that starts with if you are in a state university system, it starts with your legislature. parents and others bringing pressures to bear on legislatures, teaching them values on what built the country not something to be embarrassed about. a generational challenge. we need to think about how some of the faculty that have participated in these protests should be disciplined or removed from their positions. they are teaching these kids that it is okay to use violence and threats against fellow students. >> dana: to the extent you are willing to talk about your sons' thoughts about all this and
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feelings about it. you spend a lot of time talking to them. >> they've been watching very closely and they are appalled. and i think that one of the things we'll see from their generation is there is a very activist class among the young. that is not most of the students. most want to go and learn. i think they worry about as jewish american kids you go into a classroom, is your teacher going to give you any sort of different treatment because they know you are jewish? do you have to hide that? these are not things in the 21st century american children should ever have to worry about but they do now. >> bill: in a capitalistic society as a consumer you can walk away. you wonder if that's part of the decision making now on behalf of a lot of students across the country and parents as well. >> absolutely. that is something we can look forward to in terms of long-term change. alternative institutions of education devised by people who understand what we see on campuses today is not what their children to be steeped in for four years.
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>> dana: last question to you and maybe you'll cover it on the podcast. for those of us supportive of israel and jewish students and we want everyone in america to have these opportunities to learn at our higher education institutions, i read a lot of jewish scholars saying unfortunately when it comes to combating anti-semitism, education is not the answer. what is the answer? how do we fight back? >> i think the answer is to uphold the principles of western civilization. freedom and principles of our founding. those apply to everyone regardless of race, creed, ethnicity. insuring that that is what we're operating from in terms of policy making, education, that protects everyone. while we want to teach history, for example, we want to teach the honest truth. a lot of kids today haven't learned the true history of the holocaust. they can't find on a map a lot of the countries claiming to support. it is a failure of education. generally an we need to go back
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to founding principles. >> bill: every two to four years we see a different cause. the far left is after somebody for something. >> protest season. >> bill: protest season. pick your issue. i live in greenwich village and i'm a block and a half from washington square park. i've watched it for 20 years, christine. it is almost like a metronome on a piano. like every two or four years they will be back out there. >> we want to train students to be educated, not to be activists necessarily. they need to be educated first and go on to activism when they find a job and become tax paying decent citizens. >> dana: you can catch her work on the podcast and aei. >> bill: thank you. >> going to trial now. getting ready to spend another day in the courthouse, which is bogus trial. alvin bragg didn't want to bring it. it could have been brought eight years ago. eight years ago.
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instead they wait and wait and wait. they know it is not a good case and now it has turned out to be they've lost every -- they have no case. they have no case. >> dana: donald trump back in the new york courtroom. trial continues today as prosecutors try to slam more gag order violations on the former president. >> bill: colleges in chaos across america, anti-israeli protests during violent overnight. we saw it again. mounting arrests and massive barricades, encampments flooding schools. which school is next? the next question could be where is the comment from the white house and the president of the united states? >> these students don't know what they are advocating. and they are encouraged and emboldened by an administration at ucla and faculty there. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more
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>> dana: fox news alert. let's get you caught up on the trump hush money criminal trial. trump is in court. jury isn't there yet. they were talking about the gag orders. that hearing part is now over. we don't know what the result is but we'll hopefully find out soon. they'll take a five-minute break and bring the jury in to resume witness testimony. president trump is at the defense table as always. he is conferring with his lawyers as this -- another day of court gets ready to go. >> bill: that from new york. this from capitol hill. right now senior u.s. intel officials testifying before the senate armed services committee. admiral haines is part of this and says a moment ago that the ukraine war will last for some time. paraphrasing may not be a large surprise to a lot of people. you have the concerns about cooperation with russia, iran, and china.
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anti-western sentiment surging in protests across the u.s. we're watching this as part of our news diet live now as well. 20 past. let's get to this now. >> it was 10% unemployment. it was high single digits inflation. right now we have -- and very slow growth. we will return inflation to 2% and that won't be -- i don't see the stagflation, actually. >> jerome powell shuging off concerns about stagflation and fighting inflation is no sure thing. we don't know what will happen. hillary vaughn from fox business is at the white house. >> inflation is too high. the fed decided not to cut rates keeping interest rates at a 23 year high for the sixth straight month. inflation isn't coming down as fast as they would like. it is ticking up moving in the wrong direction. in april cpi inflation showing
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inflation increased.4%. fed chair admitting yesterday he doesn't know what the future holds. >> inflation is still too high. further progress in bringing it down is not assured and the path forward is uncertain. >> powell denied they would opt to actually hike rates to get inflation down to the desired 2% level telling fox business they think it will take time to get back to 2% but don't see a reason to believe that keeping rates where they are will not eventually bring inflation down to the desired level. even though some democrats on capitol hill have been pressuring powell to bring down rates, the white house is not weighing in. >> the president is very, very clear. we've been clear since the beginning of this administration and we believe that the federal reserve is independent. >> and fears of stagflation really not percolating at the fed. scenario where there is high inflation, high unemployment and slow growth all at the same time.
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you heard powell earlier saying he doesn't see the stag or the flation. >> dana: everyone is trying to pick apart the sentences like i did in eighth grade diagramming. >> charlottesville where a moment i thought silence would be complicity. how do you explain his silence this week? >> the president has not been l comes to hate speech, anti-semitism. >> the school building at an ivy league campus got taken over. >> we called it out and said that is not peacefully protesting. we are going to continue -- we are going to continue to do the work. >> a for effort. nice try, right? he did try. but now you have the third day in a row that americans wake up to anti-israel riots on college campus and still no comment from the president on much of that, if at all.
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charlie hurt is with us all. good morning to you. just want to play this clip. this is wisconsin yesterday. it is short but here is donald trump on biden's silence. >> biden should speak out. he should speak out and say something. nobody knows where he is. he is definitely against israel. >> bill: listen, joe biden to a lot of people was seen as a zionist before all this happened. and he would talk that way about how much he loved the country of israel. but in the last two weeks, he is the invisible man, charlie. >> yeah, it is not like joe biden as somebody who keeps his mouth shut about things that he is animated about. he launches into -- he has very big opinions about a lot of things and as you pointed out, as peter pointed out in that clip right there, he launched his entire presidential campaign allegedly an charlottesville. let's not forget joe biden's
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greatest attribute going into the white house is his 50 years as one of the leading, most influential people -- politicians on foreign policy. that is his strongest point. and this is what you wind up with. now you have a guy who is sitting in the white house, who could have influence over these -- this mayhem here, and he cares more about getting reelected than he does about the country. he cares more about pandering than he does having the moral clarity to say what is right in this situation. and so what you wind up with is this in an election year because he desperately wants these kids, these uneducated, idiotic kids, to vote for him. he cares more about that than doing the right thing. >> dana: this is a monmouth poll showing that the importance of
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gaza war in determining vote for dem -- 18% to 34%, minor role 33%. not that big. when it comes to voters under 30, yeah, his numbers aren't great. he is still looking at the fact that trump is above him by 18 points where he wasn't before when it came to november of 2020. but what's baffling to me is this issue of the gaza war, which is not even what these protestors are asking for now. one of them just asked for the green new deal to be passed. that's at the university of chicago. they want the green new deal passed before they leave. it has nothing to do with the palestinians. i'm curious about president biden's political instincts here. if he wants to win re-election why be silent on this and leave the rest of us totally baffled. help a sister out, we could use cover here, sir, if you are in the press office. >> the biden campaign is absolutely freaked out over
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these numbers where trump is beating biden among younger voters. the democrat party does not exist without younger voters and to be -- to look at the numbers they are looking at right now is absolutely devastating for them. which is why joe biden is doing all of this crazy stuff about violating the constitution, violating the supreme court by paying off student debt, forcing americans who, you have know, are plumbers and carpenters to pay off the student debts of these clowns. it has set up an interesting situation where all donald trump has to say is not only is all of this stuff going on and joe biden is silent on it, but he has set it up so that you are paying for this. you are paying for these kids to go to these colleges and to act like this. i think that is going to wind up being the most powerful -- that's the bumper sticker for the election. nothing beats the economy. the economy is the most
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important thing but it is a great bumper sticker and against this back drop, this is -- you can't ask for a better playing field if you are donald trump. >> bill: it was an interesting decision before we came on air yesterday, dana. the student loan deal. >> dana: oh my gosh for art students. >> bill: digging in yet again. >> dana: for art students. >> yeah. and, of course, for a lot of these people, taxpayers paying for this stuff, they had to make a decision 20 years ago not to pay for their own children's education maybe. they had to sacrifice because they couldn't afford that. now they are being forced to pay for other people's perhaps wealthier parents' kids to go to college and do this nonsense. >> bill: charlie, thank you. we shall continue very soon. charlie hurt. >> dana: donald trump's new york criminal trial. the lawyer who represented
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stormy daniels and mcdougal is back on the stand and we'll bring you the latest from the courtroom. plus there is this. >> this was never peaceful. jews were not allowed to go into the campus. jews were not allowed to go into the library or go to classes. it was never peaceful. the people that want law and order lose and the terrorists win. >> dana: chaos and violence at ucla. police in riot gear faced off against demonstrators as jewish students and faculty fear for their safety. fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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only time we heard president biden address the anti-israel college protests was when a fox news reporter shouted a question to the president on april 22nd. his response was i condemn the anti-seam itic protest and why i've set up a program to deal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. that was april 22nd. more than ten days ago. >> dana: it was earth day and he was with alexandria ocasio-cortez in virginia to do an event. had plenty of other opportunities to say something. interesting how the president's political instincts seem to be so dull, right? you have to be jack be nick bell, jack be quick. it's not the students it's the parents, faculty, taxpayers, jewish students and faculty who are worried, not to mention what do our adversaries think as they look at this and love watching america look like it is in chaos? it's a problem spreading and has gone from anti-semitism to far
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left demands like the green new deal and ending campus police. like at the university of utah is one of the things they asked for. northwestern university they agreed to do a set of dormitories that would just be for muslim students and segregate there. parents, students, faculty, taxpayers, adversaries and allies are all watching this. we expect these comments any minute. >> bill: from a communication's standpoint what do you do? how do you ride the line here? that's what it seems that he has been trying to do thus far. if you were to characterize it on whose side will he stand? >> dana: strange to me that it takes so long in order to come up with this idea. what they have done is he will say he has issued a couple of paper statements, that is true. they've also had deputy press secretary andrew baits issue a couple of strong statements, also true. but that is not a substitute for
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the commander-in-chief. he is set up here to give remarks in the roosevelt room. once again i would imagine that the reporters are going to shout questions at him because he doesn't ever answer questions. >> bill: he may not today. >> dana: maybe he will. it is mid morning. so perhaps he has had a chance to digest the news coming in overnight. there is no substitute for having something like this be without a comment from the president of the united states. >> bill: here is the schedule as of today. may two. he makes a visit to wilmington, north carolina talking about the economy later today. we'll follow that in the afternoon. 16 electoral votes in north carolina. could be razor tight. may not. some polls suggest donald trump is ahead five and seven points. >> dana: maybe glad he isn't going to do remarks shouting over the helicopter. >> bill: when he leaves the white house that may happen. on the first of may yesterday had a campaign event in d.c. april 30th a campaign event in
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wilmington, delaware. monday he was down. sunday he was down. saturday he had the white house correspondents dinner with address on teleprompter and he didn't comment. the day before that he had the interview are howard stern. so that has been the last week the president's official schedule. any moment now we'll see him in the roosevelt room and see what choice the white house decided to make when to address this and the last thing i would add is that what we have heard from some very close to the administration, is that the issue of israel and gaza doesn't rate high with young americans despite what you see on college campuses. we asked the question an hour ago, do you allow these waters to pass and ride over you and then does the distraction of america by way of the media and social media take us in a different direction? is that the card they are playing? >> dana: you have to think about jewish americans looking at this
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saying what are -- jewish americans wondering if their vote should stay with the biden administration. should it switch to president trump? should they stay home? all of those things are under consideration as well. it is not just these student protests they're worried about. >> bill: in the meantime while that's happening we'll stand by for the white house. there is a lot of news inside this courtroom in southern manhattan. witness testimony continuing right now in the former president's new york criminal trial. the judge just -- the d.a.'s office said trump violated the gag order for four more times. the judge says trump can't talk about any witnesses. but his attorneys are saying michael cohen is talking about him on a daily basis. do i have that right? >> you absolutely do. bill. going after michael cohen for trashing his former boss during the proceedings, the gag order
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this morning. mr. blanch showed and talked about some tweets and some postings that michael cohen, the star witness in the trial, has made over the past several weeks, including on tiktok, including showing a doll of president trump in an orange jumpsuit saying you can send money to his commissary telling donald to stop messing with me. you should get your donald trump action figure in the orange jumpsuit before it escapes. that caused some giggles and laughing where people are watching the trial in the overthrow room. the basic legal foundation for this is that mr. blanch is trying to show there is no gag order on michael cohen and that his client, former president trump, is within the legal boundaries to attack cohen and attack others who are attacking him. it seems that judge merchan is giving blanch a little morally way in this gag order hearing
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than he gave in the first. the judge has found the former president violated nine of the gag order rulings in terms of speaking out about the jury and witnesses in this case. the former president faces four new ones including one in which he attacked the jury saying the jury is 95% democratic. but that may have changed the former president's mind at a rally yesterday in michigan. he said this area is 95% democratic leaving out the word jury. we'll see what the judge decides. right now the keith davidson, the lawyer who negotiated the deals with stormy daniels and karen mcdougal is back on the stand. >> bill: back to you shortly. >> dana: joining us for more on this is former assistant u.s. attorney and fox news contributor andy mccarthy. you have the decoder ring. what did that all just mean? >> it is mostly theater at this point, dana. he is fighting this politically.
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the trial is one thing, the gag order stuff is all about the politics of the campaign. and i must say i think that judge merchan understands that putting trump in jail, which he can do for up to 30 days for any violation of the gag order, would be a catastrophe politically for democrats. so he is fining him $1 thousand every time. no doubt there are violations of the gag order. i think it is unconstitutional but that ship has sailed. if i were trump, i would be tempted to just give judge merchan a check for about $10,000 every monday and say this is this week's violations and go do what he is going to do. i don't think he will put him in jail. >> bill: clever, have you read andy mccarthy today. you say next act in the farce holding trump in contempt. the big point you make here, andy, is if the judge really wanted to be fair, he would have held this trial until after the november election.
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>> that's right, bill. if what your concern is the administration of justice, that should be a subordinate concern when we're in a campaign season where there is a public interest in having a presidential campaign with robust political speech and where trump has a constitutional right to run for office. so if you are worried about the administration of justice, which gives you the ability to do things like gag orders, put the trial off until after the election and then the judge has a very important interest in the administration of justice. it is not trump's fault that this trial got scheduled for the campaign. this was tactically done by bragg for exactly the reason that we're seeing, so that they could clamp down on him. clamp down on his ability to speak, and tie him to a courtroom for weeks at a time when he would otherwise be on the campaign trail. this is all a strategy by the democrats and the judge is letting them get away with it. >> dana: the headline in forbes saying could trump be jailed at
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ryker's island? experts say it's possible. it could be click bait. let's answer the question here. is that within the realm of possibility? >> dana, the sentence statutorily is 1,000 bucks and up to 30 days in jail for each offense. that doesn't mean the judge has to impose it. that's the potential statutory sentence. i think that this case is so driven by politics, they understand that putting trump in jail, even though trump doesn't want to spend five minutes in jail even with the secret service coming along with him, but putting him in would be a catastrophe for the democrats, i think, in terms of the politics of the election. it would be such overkill for this ridiculous case that i think it would really go to their detriment. i think the judge knows that. this is all going to be about how many times can we fine a
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billionaire $1 thousand bucks for transgressing a ridiculous gag order. >> bill: the irony if they send them to ryker's, it's a horrendous prison. on an island near the airport and trump would see his former accountant there, alan wisenberg who is now in ryker's for the second time at age 76, andy. we'll see what the judge decides. >> another very serious criminal. not one of those ones doing the unserious stuff at hamilton hall or breaking down the campuses. this is the second time. >> dana: or holding a janitor hostage. >> this is the second time. you have a prosecutor won't prosecute and he puts this guy in twice. >> bill: we will see what happens in court. talk soon, andy. we're waiting remarks from the president. we were told they will happen at
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10:30 a.m. eastern time. 15 minutes ago. we can expect they're imminent and we will have that for you while the former president goes back to court. we're on top of all of it as our show continues. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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>> bill: a couple of things going on right now.
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president biden should be out any moment, we're told, in the roosevelt room to issue comments on what is happening on america's college campuses and the ongoing war in the middle east. we'll get it to you momentarily. beautiful day in washington. >> dana: david spunt is there in washington, d.c. on the campus of george washington university just a stone's throw from the white house. david, good morning. >> good morning, dana and bill. i'm about half a mile, a few blocks from the white house. you are looking at a picture of our first president, george washington, dressed in a head scarf, genocidal is painted on the actual base of the statue here on the george washington university campus. also shame on d.c. this has been a group that has been chanting probably for 40 minutes or so, probably about 200 people here. nothing violent at this point. though they are saying shut it down and talking about revolution. i want to point out the juxtaposition as we wait for the
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current president to speak from the white house. this is how the first president of the united states, george washington, is being depicted here today on the university named for him. dana and bill. >> dana: the president might want to appease these students but they don't care. >> bill: when donald trump was in the white house there were protests across the street in lafayette park on a consistent basis and they were loud. i'm sure you remember them. has this gone to that park yet or not? >> no, it hasn't, bill. i asked about that yesterday. i think the reason it hasn't at this point is because that's park police and federal property. from what i understand people would be taken out there very quickly. clearly they found some kind of way to get by the system when i say they i mean the protestors here on the campus of george washington university because today marks one year -- one week of them being here and they still have not been cleared out yet. so the second they go to lafayette park it is a totally different ballgame. >> dana: are they having classes
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there today? >> there are classes here today, yeah, they plan to have graduation as well next week. it starts next thursday with ceremonies going five days. these protests have not cleared here. this is nothing like we've seen in columbia, in los angeles with ucla. it is a different vibe, no question. we aren't seeing flash bangs and rubber bullets but the tents are here for the full week with no sign of leaving. >> dana: thank you. the president of the united states set to speak any moment now and we'll squeeze in a quick break and we'll be right back. but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at
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10:30 a.m. but we're getting close to 11. >> bill: you wonder about the schedule. not necessarily with the white house but with the protests. a couple days ago we saw one school and yesterday we watched columbia get cleared out and overnight last night we watched ucla and saw david spunt in gwu in washington, d.c. is gw next? >> dana: this is a picture that david spunt. a statue of george washington at the george washington university campus. that's what the students have done to this to deface it. >> are we at the beginning of this story or in the middle of this story? if we're in the middle, what comes next? and how hot is the summer on this topic? yesterday we were sitting here and benjamin netanyahu told antony blinken that despite the protests, they will still conduct the war they see fit.
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they will go into rafah. the question is when. when that happens, what -- how do these protestors react? i think it's safe to assume, dana, that they will only accelerate in other parts of the country. >> dana: possibly. with graduation and people going home for the summer, you might get a little bit of a lessening of it. they aren't talking about palestine so much anymore. the university of chicago they're asking for the green new deal and for admissions to be cut by 50% by 2030. >> one sign side blank your borders. >> dana: they want to end campus police at the university of utah. a lot of this has morphed and become left wing progressive nonsense. the president of the united states we'll wait to see what he has to say. so far he hasn't said much at all except on paper. a quick couple of hours. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: let's begin with the breaking news as we monitor


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