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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 2, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> it is a busy news day today, moments ago we saw the former president trump walking back into his new york criminal trial and they are resuming at this time after a very short break. it is the former lawyer now, who will get a cross examination by defense attorneys, that lawyer represents the former porn star worker stormy daniels, and that former lawyer is can it take the stand for cross-examination as i mentioned by the defense and earlier today, both sides the defense and prosecution were arguing if trump committed more gag order violations. prosecution said they were for additional ones and they are not asking for jail time this time but how generous are they, because that would be just a gift to a republican candidate running for the white house, trump. right? it will put him right in the spots where the optics of that would be horrible if it ever happened. so we are all over it, we are
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getting moment by moment updates that we will share with you in real time from our producers and journalists were inside the courtroom. first, let's get no reaction from president biden on the violent protests that are sweeping across college campuses in america. he says dissent is a key part of our american democracy, however that dissent should never lead to a disorder that we have been seen. >> we have all seen images, and they put a task to fundamental principles of american policies, the first is a right to free speech, and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. the second, that is the rule of law. both must be upheld, so let me be clear. peaceful protests in america, and violent protest is not protected. peaceful protest is. it is against the law when violence occurs, destroying property is not a peaceful
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protest, it is against the law. vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of cat deliver classes and graduation, none of this is a peaceful protest. threatening people and intimidating people, that is not peaceful protests, it is against the law. there should be no place in any campus, no place in america for anti-semitism, or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether it is anti-semitism or homophobia or discrimination against americans or palestinian americans. it is simply wrong, there is no place for racism in america. it is all wrong, it is not american. i understand people have strong feelings of deep convictions, and in america, we respect the rights and protect the right for them to express that, but it does not mean anything goes. you need to be done without
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violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. >> harris: we wanted to give you those i will go comments that we took a left during the faulkner focus so that we can really get into what was there and what might be missing. this is "outnumbered," i am harris faulkner here with emily compagno and kayleigh mceany. joining us today fox news contributor, marie harf, and also fox business anchor, david asman. david, let's talk about what we heard and what you feel might be missing. by the way he didn't take any questions he spun on his heel and walked out the door. >> david: we are missing some sort of dialogue between the president -- this is one of those moments i think you will agree, it is really important for the presidency played a role that you play, to have the dialogue with the press to ask the questions in americans, i had no problem with what he said. it was well phrased, he delivered it in a straight fashion.
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i mean, this is something that has been going out for -- how much of what we seen over the past 48 hours is not the past e could have been prevented? had he said this earlier. again, i do not want to bury a good statement, which is what that was, it was red and there wasn't much dialogue. that is what i think was missing. >> harris: i'm glad we started off with his full comments because i think it is important for everybody to kind of keep seeing it and digesting it because we may not get another nugget for nine -- we don't know emily? >> emily: it was a little too little, too late, but i appreciated that he acknowledges that even vandalism, even property destruction, even threats, that all of those things are not only criminal but that they are not peaceful protest. and i really appreciated that he said that they are peaceful but he realized they are not. if you sit there cross like it in the middle of the grass but
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you are holding a sign that calls for it -- yes, that is violent. so i appreciated that. and i also just have to point out that the trauma and choked that is these outside agitators that are coming in and then requesting a laundry list of items that isn't just food and water that we saw a bunch of students at columbia doing, but they're asking for gloves and zip ties and skipper hound that and no bagels and a banana but yes want this. it would be laughable if it can it wasn't violent and violent that these people are thinking that we are going to somehow acknowledge and therefore provide their setup wish list and ignore that they are calling for -- i mean it is a joke to me and i hope that these campuses come out and they acknowledge that part of it as well. >> harris: to follow-up with you to make such these wonderful
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points, in some instances calling for the death of jewish people on their campuses and widely. but they're not calling for the life of palestinians which i felt was this about. either taking the food -- i want to know these are some of the most perfect people on the planet, and if they are not paying for it president biden will pay for through student loans. so you and curious to know -- >> david: which means we are paying for it. >> harris: i want to talk about the life, none of it has anything to do with what they are doing that is helpful to anybody. marie, the question i have is why is the president not leaning in on calling out these universities? particularly the private ones that have the policies to do this, to suspend and expel into go through the roster and to see who has a foreign visa to be here at the put them on a list for -- because they are getting
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arrested. >> marie: he didn't take questions but he didn't get to shada questions that he answered at the end and i want to mention this because they're interestin, they asked if he would change his policy toward israel because of the protest he said no. president biden is getting a lot of pressure from part of his political constituency over this issue and he is greatly looking at is your and getting more aid for them, and that was interesting to me. he said no, he believes this deeply, he is a democrat of a generation that really believes this. and the second question was whether about the national guard to go and he said no, i think he struck a really good tone of the statement, delineating between the different type of protest, and i think it is also up to each university in each city and state to figure out how to deal with the stem, i think joe biden be too forceful on that -- teachers are trying to
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navigate these different ways is that the most helpful thing to do but what he did today was helpful. >> harris: earlier today, before the president's had worried about the anti-israel protesting unfolding >> i will comment quickly on the colleges and universities, i am so proud of the new york's finest and the great people as well, they are so many of them were incredible and they did that happen columbia and likewise in los angeles, they did a really good job at ucla, it is very much invented, just so you understand this is the radical left -- the right is not -- the fbi director said that he weighs about the right -- worry -- this is a movt from the left is a -- they have to be stopped because it is
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going to go on and on and it's gonna get worse and worse and they take over countries and we are not letting them take over the united states, we are not letting the radical -- take over this country. you cannot let that happen. >> harris: so it is a political issue in the presidential campaign as well. >> emily: bingo. stop talking to me about anti-semitism this is the problem of -- president biden health -- he is a democrat president. i'm sorry but i given the credit today. zero credit today. i like to give credit where it is due but not today, april 22nd is the last time you spoke about this why did you speak today's the question? is what i postulate, democrats are petrified about this issue they asked the democrat lawmaker are you worried about this issue? how could we not be? president biden speaks today because politically demonic and then admit that what he have time to do over the last nine d?
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take issues with the effort uploaded to protect unborn babies, he went to the white house correspondents' dinner get a campaign event in d.c. and in delaware and he had time for all of that he even went on howard stern but he couldn't speak about this. you don't get credit for that. one minute into a speech that lasted only about one minute or two, so clearly not prioritizing this, he says this is not a moment for politics it's a moment for more clarity. then why have you treated it so politically? here's the setback, the press will let him get away with this, it trump had done that, i would be all that he would be your thing and we would be asked do you denounce the support from any anti-semitic protester and unless we did not every young person in the country that will be enough and then we would be asked william poole their student loans? if he didn't answer they would
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be a ferocious roar from the white house -- s donald trump says, joe biden is the moral authority of this country. he is left from behind, the former president has been over authority on this issue not the current one. >> david: actions speak louder than words, i thought they were good words from the president but we are waiting for the action, yesterday we heard not only good words from the mayor of new york, but he had action in the night before. so he delivered something in addition to his comments to very different presentations on that side of the story. >> harris: people ask then what would they equivalent be to let eric adams stated what the president could have been, this fbi has said, that hate crimes, particularly among white supremacist for the thing that they were really focusing on, they hate -- that is what the
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signage is. with the fbi? i thought they were going to defend against anti-semitism? only when it is -- so the present critical for that too. and on reasking, maybe he would've gotten that question. but when you walk away at your heels, goodbye. what do they call the game? where in the well this carmen sandiego? >> all right. trump is back in court today after a short break, and he is facing additional gag order accusations as witness testimony is resuming his well because not the defense for prosecution the attorney for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal, a live report coming up next. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind
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>> the former lawyer of stormy daniels is on the stand. eric is live right now outside the courthouse and a question mark >> this morning that lawyer for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal told the court that he thought michael cohen had lied to him, it was brought out during the prosecution case this morning and that lawyer is beverly hills attorney kevin davidson. he is now back on the stand now, detailing the max interactions he had and they know that an agreement to pay his client. stormy daniels was to keep quiet about the alleged affair with donald trump, they felt is the agreements with both stormy and mcdougall were meant to help trump campaign but he has not told the jury if they had any direct communication or contact with donald trump to back that up, in an cross-examination he just said he has never met tr
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trump. he did recall a phone call where he was despondent and send it because the president was not taking michael cohan with... to the white house. he said jesus christ, can you believe i am not going to washington after everything i've done for that man, i cannot believe i am not going to washington, i saved his [bleep] the morning started with blanche attacking michael cohan, cullen for raising money on tickets up by slamming his former boss on e social media site. they said at this tweet saying "keep messing with me and i won't send you any money for your commissary" it shows a donald trump doll and orange jumpsuit for prison, get your hands on that present action figure, grabbed his now before they all escape. before david to finish his direct examination, he is not
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undergoing cross by the former president's lawyer, and he just brought up the fact that he says michael cohen felt when he want to washington he would be made into a white house chief of staff or the attorney general of the united states. back to you. >> emily: thank you so much, david baycol at new york versus donald trump, at trial at search of an imaginary car and what dou say? >> david: well, i used to work with one of brad's former prosecutors at the d.a. of manhattan for 30 years, he was a lifelong democrat and his father was a lifelong democrat, and we had personal political differences but we worked together on a number of cases. we were together on bbci and a number of very key cases and i was "wall street journal," i think the prestige of that office and how that pristiq has
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been brought so low by the d.a., to become a purely political case. you have a political judge and they're making decisions that probably would not be made by a more neutral judge and you have a prosecutor who was brought in from the doj for president biden stuart jay, to prosecute the case. there are so many conflicts of interest here, air force why is the case brought in at all because it was denied by the media press predecessor, denied by the southern district of the new york attorney's office, although these are the people looked at the misdemeanor crimes and said there's nothing there plus you have president in the case of gone edwards back in 2012. >> we never talk about that. >> david: never made it to cases because there was never a case there, all of these things they really disparage an office that was once held in such high order when morgan bower was there and even when his predecessor took over.
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they're a little bit more political but even more so. that is the main problem that i see with this case as a lifelong new yorker. it really gets under my skin. >> murray let's pretend for a second it's going well for democrats how would you phrase any positive think like show me on whether or not this is working or there's a good thing coming out of this, is anything? >> marie: putting it into context of the 80 plus criminal charges donald trump has been indicted with, a lot of democrats will say this isn't the case we think is the most important initiative gone first, the election interference cases i think democrats would actually have prefer that first. but i also think democrats will tell you that it underscores that donald trump is a political liability, particularly on the independent and among women, he is chaotic and spending his days in the courtroom and we are hearing about the cd details of affairs and thing them off even the "national enquirer" testimony, that is not good.
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that doesn't bring a lot of independence back to your site. putting that into context -- putting into context, i'm saying to you today the longer this goes on when trump is repeatedly breaking gag orders, he does it every single day, when he is defending himself against much more serious charges related to trying to overturn the selection, if that's something that a lot of voters -- >> david: he was running for president for goodness sake -- before you can grease agree but that is the case there were say that these are a goodly crimes and there's enough evidence to indict. and for many people do trump paid off kamala harris to get elected. >> harris: i am looking for a crime that people felt was important enough to go for six years or even more recently in the last couple and that is not what you are going to find underlying hear what you gonna find here is a fear of injury. that we wish that the court case
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had gone first because may be blah, blah, blah, but the big disappointment is for democrats that i would imagine is that this does take a while that this has a delay because of the u.s. supreme court looking at donald trump's claim for immunity, that this gets pushed past the summer and then the delay is the defeat for democrats politically. i get that he wanted to go faster you want to go. thank you wanted to go now -- >> marie: voters need all the information about whether or not he is convicted for the 80 plus criminal charges he's been charged with! voters should have that information before they vote. before they vote. >> david: we don't understand the charges brought up we had a whole week of all the salacious details that didn't affect the things that his been charged with. >> marie: the people are smart, they can understand a lot of things in their head at one time and they are not so easily sold as to what is this and what is porn star, if you guys have tried that respectfully, i was at a set on cnn down the road in
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2016 when you brought this up over and over and over again, here we are talking about it eight years later as a you are still pending and up and he won in 2016 and now it is happening again in the american people look and they see that there's a gag order eric trump he cannot speak but this guide michael: according to the chump attorneys are tiktoker making money that's what we had today but donald trump can't speak? and he's in a courtroom instead of on the campaign trail? people can set this up in their head and quite frankly they look at all of this and i think they turned their head and they say, i don't care about this but i care about the dinner table and i care about the inflation to care about all these things that trump is talking about when he is commanding a huge national platform on cnn and also msnbc and also fox news and all over the country where he speaks in front of the courtroom, he setting it to the issues and -- >> david: what they didn't have, in 2016 and in 2020 and, was a record. he now has to defend his record, a record that most americans
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have -- he is under the water and all of the major issues, is it like all of the key issues that people care about, now he has to defend that record and the only people in the other person to talk about it right now is donald trump. >> we have a fox news alert, three have pictures right now? >> harris: this have a ago, this is portland, oregon, police in riot gear arresting protesters, actually last hour we showed you there is a man with a bullhorn, apparently he got hot since then and protesters have been crushing there with police officers. i do not know how good that education is but you do not fight with police officers. i am not sure how bright these people are but the police officers are trained to do their job and break up the encampment that they put, another one has taken over a campus and they are at the campuses main library
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now, so imagine the look on the right and that is the video from moment to go as they clear out the encampment and yes they run with the masks and their disguises and all the rest and they don't want anyone to know the extent that you can't get past the cops because there is police tape there and you have been committing a crime, it gets complicated when the consequences come for you, and it looks like that. they were going to charge the cops. emily, talk to me about the law. because these people are they going to go free in 15 minutes? >> let's just wait for the mug shots. the inevitable arrest mug shots where it shows a bunch of people who look like they're in their 40s or 30s or even 50s, with kaleidoscope of your color in the luxury of having not paid employment other than organize agitators shows that all of the home addresses are anywhere but portland.
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i predict that is where all these individuals are from witches that that they are coming from elsewhere to sell agitation inside the cities. >> harris: holland, emily that is what you have been seen giving these universities and ground to move on because these are not necessarily students which they have policies and they can move anywhere but if you know you have strangers on campus you are responsible for everybody safety including the protesters. >> they are right downtown in portland it is a urban campus, and if i think this is the right campus i am thinking of, and i bring that up because remember in the summer of love of people referred to in seattle just three hours south, portland was anything but and again one of the most intense scenes one of the most saturated scenes of outside agitators influence and violence was important, i watched it from a higher raise and allow for them looking down with it was a small group dealing with people trying to
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protect themselves from a tiny and very forceful violent group with trump was vilified for daring to say that i need the federal law enforcement to come in and help these guys. >> he was right. cool bum-rush is a line of swap cops. >> i am stunned. it looks like it is cut up garbage can and emily to pointed out earlier they are asking for and zip ties who are these pu punks? that is what they are hoping charge cops and then charge police officers and talk about -- as they were going at the pond where they were comparing the police to the kkk, take the university of florida approach at a texas approach and arrest them, you are not a day care columbia or ucla,
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arrest these -- >> david: and they were looking at police officers. >> harris: particularly black police officers and accusing them of being a part of the cake -- they did not want to be taken away and i guess they were praying that flipped the switch but the idiocy you see -- the guy ran underneath and they're trying to get beyond the police to appear. it's just craziness right now. but yes they are lining up again. on the left of your screen is a live look. so the ones who have gone through and police have either in custody i would imagine, we haven't seen them zip tie anybody. but they have wrestled some people to the ground. to the ones in the left as they can chime bum-rush the cops as well? unbelievable. look at how tight that perimeter is they are not far from where they would try to do that to police officers again. we are all over the news breaking right now and will be right back.
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>> witness testimony is back underway and trump and his criminal trial in new york is also facing for new gag order violations. the prosecution isn't threatening jail time for now. let's begin george washington university law professional and johnathan jonathan thank you for coming on. let's start with a gag order, and they are the case and the attorney for donald trump and they said look at the press is asking us about these witnesses and chumps should be able to respond and they also pointed out and this is according to trump's attorney that michael cohen is on tiktok making money and he points out that michael cohen according to him shopping for a tv show he is allowed to speak but the former president is not. how is that fair? >> i don't think it is fair and i think the judge knows he made a mistake here and he's being stubborn.
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this order is poorly written and overly broad. what are you protecting michael cohen from, it is not like he is just some witness who saw a drive-by shooting and wants to keep his name and at the press this is someone who is actively courting attention and trying to raise money and attacking donald trump daily even after he said he wouldn't do it anymore during the trial. what are you him from? but putting that aside there is no recognition of the unique circumstances here that is the prosecutor's way to bring this case and before an election and then they sought this gag order on the leading candidate for the presidency, an election will weaponize in the criminal justice system is on the top of the list of many voters. and yet this court is refusing to acknowledge that that he is gagging the leading candidate on one of the leading issues in a presidential election. >> that is the key point. the aclu is an unlikely defender
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about trump especially those legal actions against him, they argued on behalf of donald trump singh that this was unusual broad and are giving that speech in this matter is in inextricable from the 2010 for campaign are those issues with those gag order remain here? >> i think so, the string is none of this make sense to me it is all disconnected from the purpose of the gag order. it is not stopping anyone attacking these witnesses it is not stopping the identification of the witnesses, these are all public figures when it comes to people like michael cohen. and when you have this guy out there, sending and shooting barbs at the defendant, while you are gagging him that should be a big problem for the court, but the court keeps on shrugging it off even suggesting can you show me how these people have attacked the president? you can take judicial notice of that by turning on the tv.
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>> witness testimony is underway, this is a trial in search of a crime and you've argued no crime has been alleged had they found a crimea? speak speak >> . >> no. they won't. the problem is the members of the jury probably believe now that there is a crying of unlawful campaign contribution discharged allows the jury told by the prosecutors that they were election violators it but that's not true when it comes to trump, but i'm sure most of them not believe that and i think there is reversible error here, but what is really weird is that they are leading the table for their star witness mikah coleman but these three witnesses these pretestimony witnesses are trashing him. they are saying that he was prone to exaggeration a he is in this witness says believe it or not michael cohen thought he might be attorney general making him delusional not just
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unethical. >> take you so much professor you are just as brilliant as always. fox news alert, like pictures of portland state university vikings and george washington university were anti-israel protesters are gathering right there. protesters just crashed a short time ago with police and right gear, take a look at that. we're watching is all of this and folds course george washington actually took the statue of the first president george washington and defaced it. we are looking at police we are looking a protesters and they are facing off as this moment -- we saw just about 15 minutes ago with those protesters marched away at police officers with what looked to be have cut trash cans they were using a shield and you see here, here they are the students in these outside agitators we do not know who they are, facing off with police officers. they should be in class, finance approaching, but here they are face-to-face with the long arm
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>> protesters and police standing off at portland state. the intense scene has been developing this hour and you can see that on the left side of your screen there, we see a line of what looks like right attire for police officer in portland, oregon, facing off with protesters there, you can see cut up large garbage cans as makeshift shields for these demonstrators, all way masks and all wing beanies, you see a few large cameras they that you can assume are part of generalists in that lake. the police are wearing helmets, there are more commonly seen reinforcements on the left side of your screen and they are
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carrying bolt cutters right there you can see in one of their arms. there is a lot of gear and there is a lot of defensive gear that our law enforcement is wearing and perhaps it makes sense given the list of demands for example we saw in california by these protesters that called for things such as utility gloves and helmets and batteries and things that you wouldn't normally associate with what has been called protest demonstrators and students on campus, at this moment it looks to be calm there but given what law enforcement is wearing, these heavy riot gear helmets they came to play. the protesters were demanding zip ties. >> harris: they are outside of what they called the gaza liberation library. it is the encampment that they have set up. >> emily: just like we saw here they can lift whatever flag
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they want but that will come down and the united states cyclical lots. but it will be restored to the name of the library that it is because these demonstrators do not have the power they want to- eric adams warned of a global effort to radicalize american students at a news conference yesterday watch this. >> there is a movement to radicalize young people. and i am not going to wait until it is done, and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it this is a global problem that young people are being influenced by those who are professionals in radicalizing our children. and i am not going to allow that to happen. >> mayor adams praise the nypd for reraising the american flag that we just spoke about at city college of new york. and slammed the internet is surely anti-american demonstrators that took down the stars & stripes to instead fly
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palestinian flags. >> that is our flags. we will put another flag up. you may be fined to other people but it is not to me. my uncle died defending this country. these men and women put their lives on the line. it is despicable that schools will allow another country flag to fly in our country. so blame me for being proud to be an american and i think commissioner putting that flag back up. we are not surrendering our way of life to anyone. >> that flag is the reason those demonstrators even have the option to stay the rhetoric that they want to say. >> good for the mayor for speaking with passion on this i believe every what he said it sounded like it was coming from the heart and i want to get some praise right now i think there are some good stories that are coming out of this that don't
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get enough attention like the five fraternity brothers at unc it's been reported by "newsweek" and "new york post" in these brothers were being pelted and had to breathe through nothing by protesters, being taunted and with that they do think that the american flag before it hit the ground and they made sure that it was -- thank you to the greek organization for control thank you. >> did you see something that just happen right there, do you see the line of swat that is happening in portland, a is that campus you were talking about and emily knows that harry really was a university that is in the urban area, they had a line of agitators protesters and students remember we can't see anyone's faces except for one guy who is telling them to work out. and so the entire line of people in all of these young people that you see here is some of faces you can see are not exiting peacefully back i said something that did not look nice
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but whatever they are not having to use their clubs are having to hold the line wow. >> more "outnumbered" coming up next.
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>> it is the tenth anniversary of outnumbered and we are celebrating here all week long are we are going behind-the-scenes to learn more about emily compagno. >> emily: hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am emily compagno, that is how i introduce our beloved show to you, and it still gives me chills every time i say it. i am in my fourth year on the couch and i thank god every day that i am living my dream. i get to inform and mostly entertained millions of people. through the lens of who i am and my varied experiences. and of course all my facial expressions. i am the proud grand daughter of immigrants who came to this country in search of the american dream. my family has strong military roots that has spanned its generation including those who have made the ultimate sacrifice i thought for justice during my time is ephemeral and criminal law attorney and have the honor of visiting troops in iraq in 2009 with fellow nfl
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cheerleaders. go raiders. on the show you will hear my opinions living in south africa and brazil thing a number of air force rotc working on ranches raising muscle cars and trying to do every daredevil activity can think of. including my favorite the flamethrower. but my best adventure is being on the outnumbered couch with my cohost. most importantly i am fiercely committed to using of a platform for important classes like supporting veterans and law enforcement and canines. it is an exciting life and i am enjoying every minute. happy tenth birthday outnu outnumbered. >> it was beautiful. >> it is not just illegal brilliance you bring to the show, you bring vivacious this and find it more than anything you bring your faith, it shines. it is such an honor to see you.
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>> david: and your faith in america as well i have to bring that up. it's not only the richest fans and as a father of marie and i have to say all the work and all the shadows you've given to the people in service it means a lot to families in the military. >> emily: thank you. because their families my family and that service is my service and i am deeply grateful thank you. i know that i speak for all americans when i say thank you for their service because it is the reason why we can sit yesterday and sharing news and cover the news and share the stories of everyone and hosts of these diverse thoughts and opinions and i am so honored to be a part of every day i love you guys thank you. before we are enriched every day by you being you god bless you. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. >> these two lucky guys have had the opportunity to be that one lucky guy many times and we love it what a great show ten years congratulations.
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