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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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yeah, that's adam schiff. all right, dana. >> check out echo and australian shepherd. echo the australian shepherd. and everest is a golden retriever. and this is what the mom came home to the dogs. >> they're not just on the furniture. they're on the counter and the refrigerator. i judge your dogs wouldn't do that. >> oh, never. that's all i got. how do they get out there? >> okay. orlando police and the make-a-wish foundation teamed up to give this young man a four year old who's battling kidney disease. stone hicks said he wanted to be an officer for the day, so they made him an officer, got him his uniform, he got his car. >> and i guess what you want to do happens. you got a chance to meet some paw patrol characters. his favorite on his favorite show. >> way to go, officer stone, my man. oh, what a great story. >> that is terrific. all right, >> that's itxt for us tonight.ed have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. >> primetime tonight.
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oh, my goodness. >> campus day of rage, shockbida the nation. >> biden's got a problem. s a prthe i. >> it's not all, you know, roses. it's gone too far. it's becom ime ande a religion. >> happy dui thursday. thn. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. not everyone in hollywood lovesh behind guard gates. we didn't feel safe anymore. gulywood reasone biggestin that we we moved los angeles no longer safe for models and actresses. candace cameron berry joins primetime why lanza was. what do you think about him? was that his last namee is kennedy. >> if you like that fox news alert. >> a night of anarchy on the west coast after kieferhr
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and chief got their hands on more weapons than zelenskyy. >>r hand the west coast martyrst brigade stormed ucla's campus last nightorampu, strapped with helmets, gas masks and riot gear. not your typical mostly peaceful protesters. >> weapons of choiceicaly pe ind fire extinguishers, bottles, two by fours and umbrellas. clashes with the police went on until the crack of dawns witt where? now get back.
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>> over two hundred arrestscops made overnight. cops snatching their masks off like scooby doo. villains. >> wait, that's not a college student. th a 40 year old woman. other protesters cuffed and frog marched, grinning earoa to ear. >> their parents must be so proud at portland state university. anarchists also laid siegeat poa library that was, let's be honest, already empty. >> police reports that the only books they stole were comioks they wc books. >> but then they retreated from the library when the cops arrived. watc libra wheh. yeah, that guy got here making
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a shield from a rubbermaid trash can like a homeless middle schooler playing dungeons and dragonsddle sch. oscar, the groucho marx never played football because he bounced footbal off their coe a bowling pin. running towards policeke in a bankruptcy barrel. not the brightest escape tactiee . police don't know what to expect. is that hacksaw, jim duggan or mary poppins? >> body cam footage justt releas released the moment the nypd at tnup cololumbia's liberatio zoneum with this guy.
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>> joe biden ran on unifying the country and he has now the left and the right are chanting, let's go, brandoftnrm. in pitch perfect harmony. >>sic to my ears. thisood thing biden is already here. but this morning he hangd mornig joe cranked up to a ten. >> how do the democrats how do all of us on that side say january 6 was wrong? if you can have the same pictures going on on college campus or don't make a parallel between my ficampusx the riots on college campuses, the riots at the chicago convention in 68, all of those
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things move my family fromre li being democrats their entire life to being republicans. if you're offended by this, eas' please, i'm trying to help you. i don't want donald trump too get electehelpt d. ou right. i'll try to help you. if you're too stupid to figure o stupid that out, you change to another channel. >> biden got the messagechange.v his favorite tv shows telling him he's going to lose in a going and orderorder candidate like nixon because of campus chaoxon s. and history has a way of repeating itself. after ten days of silence silen to save his presidency, biden held a press, to conferene and said, don't wear a civill st society and order must prevail throughoutr must our history, ws often faced moments like this because we are a big, diversbec free thinking and freedom loving nation and moments like this are always those who rush in to score political points. ts but this isn't a moment for politics. t fo it's a moment for clarity. there is no place for hatee spee
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speechch or violence of any kin, whether it's anti-semitism, islamophobia vio, or discriminan against arab-americans or palestinian americans.icans. >> biden told republicans not to pounce and condemned islamophobiald him. has anybody seen any islamophobia? all we've seen is anti-semitism. and so incredible being bravee to come out against violence, churchillian. >> he could have said that during the summer of love. wonder what change od. s to now, while biden tries to save his political hide. potrump has been beating this a drum for a week, thanked copsk and demanded biden stop seekingosec prosecutors. autumn when the real threats on the radicalutors >> so proud of the new york's p finest. the great, great people too. i know so many of them. they they're incredibl mane. a n they did their job at columbia thislikewise in the bus, said jones. they did a really good job at ucla. this is a movement from the left, no i froe t from the i the right is not your problem.
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the law enforcemen t people, doj the doj, instead of going after donald trump, they got to lookda at what's happening in their own offices because they're loaded up with radicalhs left, people that want this country to fail. and we're not going to let this country fail.. the iranians are offering scholarships now to american protesters . t stat >> a terrorist state wants to sponsor these little johnny jihadsthes who swear allegiance to hamas on the quad. >> why isn't the fbi and media unmasking these traitors? >> a woman's life got turned upside down and inside out because she opened up a hair salon duringep the pandemic jut to feed her family. no one's even a little curious about this radical crew. there's a terror nexus staringie us right in the face. bill ayers, former weather the underground, former domestic terrorist. the guyss grou group bombed the pentagon. he's out there inspiring the university of chicagoring brigade with stories of revolutions pas t. and he's a professor at the school there. no wonde r it's out of control.
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>> stanford universityford called in the fbi when a manhama wearing a hamas headband was spotted on campued os. nick sandmann wore a maga hat and the media wrote a hundred thousand words about him. this guy with a hamas headband flies right under the radar during the george floyd riots,rt america saw four months of mayhem. >> thousands of cops injured, two dozen dead, $2 billion in damage. almost no one went to prison. mob rule one. >> four years later, they have the samee th expectations. >> biden can say don't only wants our enemies, won'tll listen to them. >> why would our citizens you ca whyn smack an old lady'syou ca head off and walk out with nok bailan. nobody's no one's worried about goingbout to jail for a protest. using >> you think the foreign exchange students hoisting the palestinian flagn exstudenti are worried about being deported? >> biden hasn't deported anybod gettingjoe biy. >> they see a justice system focused on prosecuting republicans, not them.
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they're not stopping at free palestine either.t ha this movement's morphed into a grab bag. if you're typicamorphed intol an activism. >> you demand that you repair the home. and it's called in palestine. chicago and beyond. that includes expelling itsas lead emerging platform. a lot of implementing a community, a kind of a program of reparation, disbanding, using decarbonizing your rabbient t and reducing emissions by 50% by 2030. >> reparations. >> defund the police. global warming. what does that have to do with gaz wha? gaza and how does divesting from israel help palestinians? it doesn't. these protests aren't helping anyone. the protesters aren't eventhe pr helping themselves. >> no one's going to hire these psychorehes after their identitt break. >> they've lost the plot the p. >> any time what you are protesting for right becomes secondary to what you are doing. then you're really not
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protesting quarry. and you in many ways dramatized when we did this is what i didas later and in other situations was to bring attention to a cause that become the cause. right. and what is troubling me about a lot of this is they become the cause. it's about them. it is not about pushing not the cause they los abot the mese . >> everybody wants to fights to the power in college. it's a rite of passage. but what's the fight? life's too at's t good in america. but they still want to suffer for their cause. rity o >> sf o their idea of the struggle is losing their meal plan because they're livinlosino in a tent. they want the cops to hurt them a little. it's the a litt only time they'll evernl feel real pain. makes them feel alive. willtheir raging against the the machine that dropped the s.a.t.s paid off their loan machine s and hired them justd them for their identity. isn't that what they wante jusd >> francis fukuyama warned in the end of history that if men cannot struggle on behalf of a just causruggle oe, then
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they struggle for the sake of struggle out of boredom forgl they cannot imagine living in a world without struggle. >> and there's plenty of people willing to finance the struggle. pbd flagged the financialson wh reason why the ivies have gones so soft on arab spring break. >>have t they get half their moy from donations and gifts, and a lot of that money pours in from the mideast. dle eastwe saw how chinese monee massage universities posture mone couldy talks in many diffet languages. >> look around the campfire and see who's smiling. whil see e america burns. >> cornell law professor william jacobson joins me now. u >> so you went throught a little bit. wit what's going on with you, professor? >> yeah, well, when i spoke outl against black lives matterl whe i was targeted. but there's a much bigger problem nos w than the riotsot of 2020. we have on our campuses and inat our cities a marriage between
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the extrembetweee left. the extreme left that wants to tear us down, that hates the united states is anti-american, anti-western, merican,anti-capitalist, and the islamists and who hate america, hate israel. >> so everything you're seeing is really a social contagionevel >> you have highly ideologically motivated leadersz ,organizers, and you have era bunch of students who many of them maybe not most, alonmany of them are goinge no along because it's the thing to do. hating israel, hatin thig the united states. chanting almost like cult like phrasestates, likes back and fon captured a lot of the campuses. hbut this is a serious situation. >> it's the extreme left that to wants to paris down almost khmer rouge. >> go back two years, nero,s zeo and start over. and the extreme isla andm is who are worshiping hamas, who want to take us bacworshik to the eit century. so this is really a wake up call for this countr y that what
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is happening now is not justg a social contagionnow is. it it is extremely dangerous. and this marriage of the extremextreme left and the islas is not something that we've really seen beforeot. to >> and people need to recognize this is a serious situation. so the department of justicet of tried to frame and concoct a connection between the righttn and russia. remember what they did thered with trump, russia collusion. theyd that fraudulently. >> there was never any connection between the rightrus. and russia. ou here you have the radical left.v there's a direct connection between islamic forces. >>mic forc it's staring us righe face. they're chanting it. they're financiny arg it. >> they're encouraging it. how come the feds aren't lookinh thg at this the waylooka they looked at the fake trump russia collusione ? >> yeah, that's a great question, because what we're seeing is right outione what wte open, they're not even trying to hide it. they're wearing hamas h
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headbands. they're praising hamas. they are projecting on buildings. >> glory to the martyrs. they aree mart chanting for an intifada, which was the bloody shoot of suicide bombingha campaign that killed over a thousand israeli jews. killed othey chant from the rivn to the sea in english. but the islamist englis who were chanting when they chant itrabi in arabic, they chanc,t from the river to the sea. palestine will be arab. so you have manipulation goinggo on here. >> you have students who want to jusing ont be part of the cr. >> just like in prior experiences. exper but it's worse now becauseieit's the people who are driving this and manipulating it and speaking on really as the of hamas and ofs an the iranian regime have the worst intentions for: our country. >> i don't think it's any. they should do. and if you're if s you're a republican waving a russian flagrussian , chanting, you kno, praise putin, oh, you're getting a knock on your door. these people, they don't mind.
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t all day. em do i and it's just not right. there's a national securityituai situation here. we got to look into it. professor, thanks as alwayonwe >> great. thank you.: across across american universities, arab spring breakers have been tearing down american flagspale and flying palestinian ones. but when a mobstin pulled thesed of shenanigans that you see, you can see chapel hill shc fraternity brothers stepped in and said, not today. hamas. are you? >> the brothers of pi kappa phie defended the flarsg, making sure it never touched the ground. .one of the jewish brothers held up his israeli flag. this made the key for karens livid. >> they cursed them out, doused theyr, but they stood strong like the men of the jima
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. >> the moment resonated with the nation and to show their appreciatiothe momena these young americans. >> a go fund me was set up so g the brothers could throw the t a ranger. it's going to be some party of the year because almostars wa a half a million dollars was already raised. >> you can see chapel hillandono fraternity brother brendon rosenbloom joins me now.brandon, >> brendon, describe how this situation got started. >> take us through it. orce yeah, first of all, thank you so much, jesse, for having me. i really appreciate it. basically, there is a protest after five days of encampmentt and you're in chapel hill. chapp by myself at firstd th and then my friend trevor came and we held the israelyi flag while they protested. that protest led to the middle of campus where we then went back to the south building where they were standing, and weh buildi watched them chat and chant intifada, intifadar to
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from the river to the sea. palestine will be free. and as they di thed that day, te down the american flag. afteican flar that, they contind to stay there. and thenhere and our chancellore police went to the middle of campus to put the flag back up, which they did. and then they ha uicd to eventue leave because of the protesters. that's when weof thetesters. any fraternity brothers went to the mi and i heldpus the israeli flag and they held up the american flag while protesters they held chanted at screamed at us. i was told to kill myself about 50 times, called a white supremacist a fascis called t. it was a really troubling scene, but we stood there strong, representing what we believe in. >> good. who were thesengwe in. people?o? were they even students? t of so a lot of them were students. but i would sa y there are alsoe a lot of people that were not students. eg re was a woman ther that basically was calling me a chicken and telling me to go to the front of the front of the crowd. and o to i could be beaten up. and i think that's the problem.
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these people that don' t belong on this campus shouldn't shouldn't be here. ofey make us feeuld nol unsafe. a lot of the students herere are peacefully protesting. they have the right to protestrd and they should keep right.e however, if you don't belonge to this campus, you should not be here and you should not advocate against israel. you should not advocate against anything because you don't belongagainsocatything b >> absolutely. and what are you guys going to do with this monethy? >> unfortunately, we don'the have real control of the money. it's not up to us. and it's, it'snot up not in our. i will say we appreciate w the sport and we appreciatileo e everyone trying to reach out and. all right. o >> listen, the president is and if you do get your hands on the money, maybe throwybe a party, but maybe donate a little to charit lity. party, still throw a party little to charity. do the right thing. for you guys.cte >> it's good to know that there's some patriotic e. an men out ther g >> the flag still out there. thank you so much. good luck out ther luce. >> >> thank you. so much appreciated.
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get a faster motor for five miles of steps per hour. the step counter the sport mat and wireless remote call now fox news alert. >> bloomberg reporting trump's narrownews down his vp list to s candidates. nay? ead ohio senator j.d. vance, north dakota j governor doug burgum. florida senator marco rubio. south carolina senator tim scott. t, a lot of people missing from the list. kristi noem. sarah huckabee sandersnders,. the vague tulsi. but this just could be abe a smokescreen planted by the trump team. >> so they shock everybody when kescreenlantedtrump he announces the senator's kidding. >> maybe i'm not. we'll keep you updated.
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>> trump and biden were both on the move today. biden was in north carolina tali talking about lead pipes pis we're detecting and removing so-called forever chemicals.s referred to as fastm >> piedad chef has dash drumsdee in new york delivering pizzari to firefighters. ] >> trump shook some hand sign a some autographs and talked with the guy s, say, hi, how do you guys are so respected? you don't even knoh respecw howo give me a good signature now, right? yeah. here, the whole thing. >> now, trump's in new york because it's day ten of a
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the trial where they won't tell us what the crime is. triae they, contrary to the fake news media, i don't fall g the crooked days. the witch hunt. especially not today. i simply d da close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes listen intensely and take it all in. >> tulsi gabbard is a formerntia presidential candidate and author of for the love of country or f. se i >> i should have used that excuse in math class. all right. this was is beautiful eyesf trum all the images of trump, the pizza delivery man, there's nothing like trump holdingp, h pizza. >> it's like he thinks it's gold. but peopleng pizza h love it. >> and it is new york pizza. it's different. >> js new york pizza. these these play well, you gots the bodega you got the pizzahe man. you got the construction site. this is getting tractiononstruch >> i mean, the images, i think, speak for themselves i that trup is out here and he is with the people. and the other clipe
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that you played of the p dash face dash speech, you know, they're getting exactly what they want. president biden, the democrat, they can't competewant they're on the issues. so they're trying to essentially keep president trumg p locked up in m courtroom wherever and for whermme long they can drain hi of his time and his resources. president is no less blatant than dictators. we see like putin and others and other pseudo democracies where they weaponize thesec public institutions to go after their political opponent, whether it's the department of justice a, law enforcement, all these different agencies to try to save us, the american people, from making the, quotei" unquote, wrong choice. >> and this is what i talk about in the book, is that they are destroyinutgou our democracy in order to save it. and they really believacy ineien that they are justified in doing this. >> yeah, we're gonna get to the book in a second. so d pizzwe w trump has pizza and is with firefighters and he's telling the federal government w ,can you start prosecuting me? >> because we have hamas lovers
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out there coordinating with iranians possiblyh iraniaa screaming in the streets, kill the jews and the doj is out to lunch. >> the doj is out to lunch. president bide t>> at n gave a , very weak statement today, refusing ver to speak the truth about calling out these pro-hamas terrorist apologists for exactly who they are ander t the danger that this poses, the greater danger that this poses. obviously, they're disturbing the peace and undermining the rule of law and our our citiess eitherthace and ano but we're seeing as mmuna sympte of the the radical islamist ideology, ideological warfare. a >> so tell us, he's got a new book. it's called for the love of country leave the democraticc party behind. it. lystarted i absolutely love it. tell us why we need to get thi s book. our country is under threat. our freedom is under attack.ack, the democrats in thedemo biden administration are responsiblcrine. i we need to defeat them in this election to save our country. e ouall right, tulsi, get up.
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a couple of months ago, back in march, another boeing whistleblower, john barnet wling wht, took his own life in the midst of a legal battle with boeinf ge his team manufactured the door plug that blew out midaidoorr oa alaska airlines flight back in january. shortly thereafterligh, he toldt the wall street journal he was fired because he simply pointerd out that the holes were drilled in the wrong spot on the fuselage, something his employerlong vigorously denn in february. he also told npr he thoughiet wg sending a message that if you're too loud, will simply silence you. >> and to add to the growing number of very interesting question g numbs about this case. both deceased whistleblowers were represented decease the vey same south carolina law firm. don't know what to make of that, jesse. very mysterious, kevin. we'll continue to follow ivery >> thank you so much. ever since the 20s, los angeles has been the film and television capital of the world, a magnet for beautiful and talented women lookin beautif g to hit it big.l th audrey hepburn came all the way
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from belgiumom belgi. elizabeth taylor made the voyage from great britaioya lucille ball came from brooklyn. but now actresses and covers girls can't seem to get out of hollywood fast enough. >> tt a sports illustrated moda scared to go to the store. >>re is there going to be a model? >> exodus? you know, you come to california, it's the city of dreams, a state of dreams, right? and you think this is where i can accomplish anything? i ge college but it does not feele ar safe anymore. i don't feel safe going to the grocery store. t anywhere outside, especially in metropolitan areas, without my husband with mo anywhee. and it >> and i certainly don't take s my kids into city limits. first, it was the homeless, then it was crime. then migrants and now arab spring breakers are takingra ovr campus. >> even hollywood lifers are leavinwood lg. actress candace cameron berry was born and raisee camerod in , but she just hightailed it out t of there. an >> and is cameron berry, star of the new movie unsung hero? joins me now. candace, why dide you leave?
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>> hi, jesse. well, my family and i didn't feel safe anymore. we don't live behind closedbehid gates. and i feel like that's part of the protection, you know, that you cgatethin can feel andg someone that's in the public eybodye, a lot of people would u show up at our door and it was quite unnerving and paparazzi and all kinds of things. so we we moved out of los angeles. >> you're not allowed to have a gun. ange: you art guard dog.t amou >> you just said i'm out. oh, nont. we have both of those. really? it's that crazy. jesse: , yeah, yeah. to the point where it just. i it. yeah. wasn't worth it for us anymore. we're alsosn't wt in a differene of life. >> i've three grown children, and they're not living in l.a. anymorown chile either. are >> and i want to be where they are. was it like, mommy, mommy, who's that? >> homeless with a mac the mace >> you'd be surprised. .
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>> okay, maybe i'm overdoing it a little bit. tell us about this movie, unsung hero, who's. th well, we are the number i two movie in america, right now and the number one faith based movie. >> and it is a beautiful story that celebrates moms, the unsung hero. it's about miracle girls. it' it's about hope. it's based on the real life story of the smallbone-life fa. you might know them from the band for king and country oror the singer rebecca saint james. im and this story is about how they immigrated fromo australia to america, lost absolutely everything, and their mom made life an adventure. they slept on beds made of clothes that they started a lawnmowefe an bedr business e they could put foodd s on the table and it is full of adventure and miracles and tears, but happy ones.r st it's a strong story of of faith ,and i'm so proud to be a part of it. i'm in the movie , but also executive produced it. >> oh, you big show off camerasu
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. yeah. there's cameron berry. thanks for joining jesse watters primetim f e and off to greener pastures. >> thanks, jesse. good luck. yes. is rfk >> who's rfk jr? taking votes fror anm the polls? say he's taking more from biden. polls alsoare ying said thatolls that hillary would win. that didn't work out. no, absolutely als tha not. >> you said, no, i don't like hillary. you better start being real careful. this is no ordinary kind of mush. the guilty shall be punished look how much is it worth to have, a clear conscience? >> look, things may seem fine down there, but you need
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learn how to protect yourself from life threatening blood clots that stop the clot. morgan. >> spread the word. >> who does rfk jr hurt? do people want a third party, johnny. hit the streets to find oujohnn >> trump or biden? >> cha because he gave a stimulus check. biden the only choice right now is trump. i do not support people who support. trumn i not pick? there's another candidate out there. what do you think about him? who was that? e is kennedy. e dead >> is he like that? what did you say? >> he's not happy. he has beautiful blue eyes. ?he's anti-palestinian. i commend him fo he isr questiog covid. >> you're so misinformed. it's extraordinary. rfk jr is running as an our so men t. not a republican, not
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a democrat. does that intrigue you? that would intrigut, not repubei at this point. i can't possibly support rft. like rfk jr. >> you got to pick a side, man. pick me toe, choose me., choo lovese me this election. what issues are most important to you? >> i want money. >>nnd vergainst the gaza people. abortion. i'm very pro-life. peace in the middle east. freedoo-life m of speech. whether i like it or not i.. trump's been gagged. if you're under criminal under investigation. shut your mouth. in a politically motivated tria it commenarge amol, where'r the claim? it's a claim. you got a democrat judge, democrat prosecutod r biden paid, the judge's family. >> those are not claims. well, okayn pays, again, right to me, they're claims. >> unless i investigate them. look it up. asmenlesigate th>> artk jr is be health, corruption the working class. >> does those issues intrigue you? he's anti-vaccinthos intrigue as anti-science and it's good right now. i mean the temperature is just
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right. we need more leaders that are ethical. is joe, we biden corrupt? ck >> if he walks like a duck, that is a duck. his last name is kennedy. what does the kennedck.y name mn to you? >> jackie and marily n and conspiracy theories. it was for the black people.oo >> then he died. so i'm not a huge fan of the kennedys mysel f. >> so. and i'm from boston. no putting things right. you amaze me, aren't you?me. junior wanted secret service, but joe biden saided secre not , rfk jr. how do you feel about that? hypocritical for someone who has secret service himself. joe biden like to swim f naked t front of his secret service. >> what a creep. watch med in, cam and trump shod not have clearance. hould some shouldn't have secret service. no, because he doesn't protect the americanno secret people. >> half of the country felt>> h very protectedal.
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rfk jr is polling at 15% nationally. how big a deal15 is that?iden b >> that's a large number, man. biden better watch his .et>> i is hs e going to take fromm biden voters or trump voters. >> the polls say he's taking more from biden. polls also said that that hillary win.t work that didn't work out. no, absolutely not. you said o, no, i don't like hillary. >> i know you think i'm crazy. you're right >>. who would you vote for in 2020? i didn't i didn't vote. i didn't vote. >> wour injill stein, trump, tr, biden. >> my dad swayed me to forr biden. daddy, those you are going to vote fon.r in 2020 for anything but red or blue. rfk jewish, somebody to go sit in. >> trump green party. donald trump. baby trump. t. del wes i'm going to vote for trump. sorry, dad, what do you want to hear? jesse watter. s on fox news. >> i don't know who jesse watters is, really. no ion't. >> oh, he's a big star, so i don't care. get it together. >>are.k. the boo >> no, he making stars out here. let's do the boo it. >> fox news will be doing this on a weekly basis.
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this is something we must have . >> happy thursday. our favorite dayesse: ha of thek in honor of reverend al sharpton. >> we're bringing you the best stories about diversit whey, eqy and inclusion. >> first up, kamala harris went on the drew barrymore show the other day. >> remember, wemember?e all nee. i've been thinking that we really all need a giall justn as hug in the world right now. but in our country, we need you to be mom. >> a lot of the country. e ma "new york times" race baiter charles blow didn't like that. not because drew barrymorech wasn't social distancing, but because he thinks drew barrymore is racis bart. he wrote this in the "new york times", quote, it's an illustrations in, the ny ification of black women that casts them as racialized, l humans. security blankets, little things, calling kamala, mommina was racist. but kamala has been calling herself mama la for years. watccalling mmala h. mala >> family is our beautiful children. call and ella who call me mamala
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la. >> it is one of my favoritebein titlesma being mama la. and i've had a lot of titles over my career and certainly the vice president will be great. but mama lt,a will always be tht one that means the most. ha >> arizona hasn't been the same ever since governor katie hobbs was reelectethe samed. radical transgenderism has wreaked havoc, and now ar it's seeped into arizona's own capital. >> what is it?o ch time to choose a new name? why does someone becomane ane activist? how does one begin? that's one of the things when kd the whole topic of kidss up. being trans come up. don't listen. listenw, liste to your kids. they're going to gender. and i'm going the gender. >> so please use they them pronouns. >> portland parents were disturbed to discover that an outdoor science school has beene letting male students sleep in the same cabin as their
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teenage daughters. >> according to the schoolacg t the female cabins are for female students regardless sex assigned at birth. nonbinary students and transgender who feel safer in this space.ybod seems like they asked everybody if they feltelt safe safe.actuaf >> the actual females. but don't worry, they have bu. lution it up and leave. well, you know what? >> maybe they should. no no dui thursday is complete without a prime time victory. ith you know, the left's gone to far when don lemon is calling dui a cult. . >> i think a lot of media lot companies need to do som some self-examination about what's happening insidee the company. diy is there are some great things about design, but it's not all, you know, roses. and i think we need to take a look at it and we needok to sort of do some rejiggering because it's gone too far. it's become a religion. yod ifar you don't abide by the
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religion, exactly, when you get, you know, you get kicked out of th of the church. >> oh, happy diy thursday, everybody. >> we got lemon our movement♪ ou imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over intoc make things that keep our food things that keep our food fresher, our familierss safer ad our planet cleaner to help us get thereroducts. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling products and new recycling technologies for because when you push for smarter solution oooh! s, bigs can happen. ast fo >> oh, i can't wait for r this family getaway shoot. doesn't care. shingles is a painful, >> that didn't last for weeks.
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suicide doesn't matter. the quiz with premieres may 28 on fox. >> as news breaks. fox news is reporting live. >> mr. trump was found in contempt of court. some these people are very, very brazen. it's going to continue here. we don't know how many more days. israel has put its latest proposal on the table, only on fox news channel. >> remember joel, the violinist joe biden, paid off his quartero million dollar student loan debt. >> and we found ouff studentt h' alone. there's more artists where that guy came from. one ther wjoe biden's are facino billion in student loan debt. you ready for people who got art degreeho gots from the art institute? mellege went belly up. ready? meet piggly. er >> she's a 34-year-old cosplayer who posts raunchy content on onlyfans. she's pro-palestinian. ut >> all about trans lives matter. we bailed her out.
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next up, yara, who sells korean boy band merch and writes f the pigs on her social media. . >> she enjoys nice walks in thek retr and retweeting videos. pro-hamas protesters at columbia. you paid her loaof pron. we also have lepley. luckily, she's a variety streamer and an anthropologist. >> she describes herself, partia as mostly void, partially funny with big gremlin energy. >> she's an enthusiast e of drippy animal plush pillowsnh ,demon statues and, of course, frog mascot costumes. asco you paid her student loan off. then wstumes.e have andrew, a vs game live streamer who goes by skull and when he's not going by skull, his online communities call him cyborg corpse. >> and last but definitely not least, meet travis. he useis.he uses he him and thed pronouns. >> who calls himself a sophisticate the hated cartool with an absurdist burlesque sense of humorf
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. l of we paid all of their student loans off art degrees. ees. >> there you go. . >> serious question. do women get turneserious d when men nail the parallel park job ? you know what i'm talking about. when we were like, looabout?k, e nail it. i'm like, huh? >> you see that? she never notices. like, do they? do they like it? let me know. >> you know, you like it. text m chnow from corona. >> i choked up during your interview with the frat boy. maybe there's hope for all of us. >> marc from chino, california when al sharpton's criticizing your liberal protest, you're reallen al shy lost the . april from tampa. >> when did gas masks and riot gear part of the packing listngl
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for college? this protestt for has a writer. >> it's insane. andy from floral park, new york. >> trump better be careful if he keeps be holding pizza boxes like that. >> the cheese is going to slide right? are you still? i thought it looked pretty even. e one likes that tilting cheese. >> michael from elmwood park, new jersey. trump says, i'm just thinking when he closes his eyes. that was my go to excuse when te the teacher caught me sleeping in class. >> workeght med like a charm. he's just taking it all in.l in >> evan from florida. if trump delivers a pizza to myd house, my dad said the only tip he's going to get is tak os goe the sats before as your vp.ic why did desantis rumorsg floating around? >> not sure what to think about it. aroundi'm waters, and this is my world. and welcome to hannity. now breaking tonight, anti-israel protests. they continue to ragi- israe


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