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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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and call it marijuana but i call it something else, thc, cannabis, it is dangerous a's p disgrace purely political as usual by the bidenw administration. >> laura: monica, you and i both know as parents who haverr dealt with most horrific newifsi that you can get of your kidsn who started on a weed, who went to much more dangerous drugs here and not everybody who does weed goes to heroin and you don't start with heroin most of the time. so horrible stories out there. and you know, it is just terrific. we are out of time, monica, dr. siegel. thank you very much for joining us tonight.t that is it for us make sure you follow me on >> todd: happening today, former president trump returns to court for day 11 of his new york
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criminal trial. we have a preview before another key witness retakes the stand and details on the new gag order fight. remember the border agents falsely accused of whipping migrants by democrats and white house? we have major update and you won't believe what it is. plus, students demanding final exams be cancelled due to so-called trauma. new body cam video takes us inside the police operation to retake hamilton hall. after days of chaos, we're seeing a much different movement take shape. [cheering] >> the land of the free. >> todd: more on the pro-america demonstrations sweeping college campuses and how americans are responsing in a big way. you're watching "fox and friends
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first," i'm todd piro. carley shimkus is off. let's get to madeleine rivera live in washington with the latest on the protest and president biden's delayed response. good morning. >> madeleine: good morning, todd. pro protesters at rutgers have begun taking down tents after the university gave in to some demands. final exams were postponed because of the protest. schools are trying to regain control. ucla is taking down the encampment there. ucla police department arrested more than 200 people for failure to disburse, which is a misdemeanor. the l.a. county has not received any cases from the university. and a pro-palestinian encampment stand still stands. and portland state university library was cleared out again. thursday the situation reached a
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boiling point as protesters charged at police. [screaming] >> yeah. >> madeleine: about 2000 have been arrested on 44 college campuses across 24 states since april 18th. president biden is ruling out getting the national guard involved. sgll we are not an authoritarian nation, american people are heard. peaceful protect is best tradition of how americans response to consequential issues. but, but, neither are we a lawless country. we're a civil society and order must prevail. >> do you think the shall naguard should intervene? >> no. >> madeleine: protest could be a critical issue for the president.
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axios says they are anxious and longer they continue, worse it will be for the election overall, demonstrations are bringing out the most conservative side. they are focusing on campus security, online antisemitism and federal coordination to protect jewish communities. >> todd: we'll talk about that axios article with joe concha later in the show. and what it looked like for officers breaches overtaken by anti-israel protesters. watch. [scr [scream] [whistle sounding] >> stay on the ground. stay down. stay on the ground. >> todd: a professor at columbia school of business joins me now.
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what is your reaction when you see scenes like that playing out at the school that employs you where you work as a professor? >> thank you for having me. it's a pleasure to be here. i'm incredibly distressed by the scenes happening here. when it played out in the last six months is a travesty and unfortunately university administration failed to step up to the plate and do what they need to do. it is also very clear that the simultaneous out sburst in such volumes of different campuses is not happenstance and shows what is coming out from the data of the nypd that this was organized
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and instigated by outside forces, many whom participated in the riots. it is deplorable and something we should investigate seriously, should investigate -- yes? >> todd: to that point, roughly half protesters arrested at columbia and city college roughly half had no zero affiliation to either school. to your point, now that our assumptions about the outside agitators has been proven true, how can we stop this from happening again? what do you want to see done? >> what i want to see done, intensive trace of who the outsiders were and in particular who organized and financed them. we have through various pub --
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publications in the media, maybe not conclusive, very convince ing evidence, certain individuals, such as soros who has been funding campaigns of democrats have provided funds for this. i wouldn't be surprised, not proven yet, if some money came from iran and its proxies. it is important we trace this and find where the money is coming from, to prevent this being a repetitive scene. >> todd: you heard iran cheering this on. come to university of tehran, we'll give you a free scholarship. that goes to your point and drives it home. i know you're in the business school, your thoughts on what happened at the law school. editors of columbia law review
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calling on the school to cancel their final exam because of trauma caused by police presence, they wrote, the violence has shaken us and it is the same for classmates, police were clad in gear mocking and brutalizing students. we are unable to focus during this time. what do you make of law students, they are supposed to be best and brightest and will become officers of court upon graduation being so shaken by the mere sight of police, huge com component of our laws they are asking for exams to be cancelled? >> i have no sympathy for that deal. first of all, these activities were, nobody forced them to perform them. people that chose to be part of them took this on their own
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initiative and to use as an excuse for the exam is unacceptable and should never be considered and i hope the various university administration will never do. it is indeed very scary to think that the same students might be in very important positions or likely to be in important positions in the future. as i said before, it is exceedingly important to trace from where this -- these financing and organization took place in particular in light of statistics coming out close to half the participants are indeed not affiliated with the university. to claim -- >> todd: to your point, if seeing a cop makes you unable to study for an exam, this may not be the profession for you. >> absolutely. >> todd: rutgers, ole miss and
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lsu, seeing patriotism, when you see that opposite reaction, what do you think? >> that is encouraging, it doesn't take away the fact so many riots and encampments have taken place on many campuses and this is a serious problem we need to investigate. my fellow professor and i are organizing a workshop in which we will try to trace this issue. in general, what needs to be said, whole reason for people to go to a major university such as columbia to an ivy league university in order to be trained to address the problems of the world by looking and searching for facts and data and being able to analyze them. instead, what we're seeing, many students are being trained to jump on unsubstantiated theories
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without any attempt to verify facts or analyze data. good example of that is the perv pervasiveness that claims israel is responsible for things such as famine in gaza. the professor and i wrote two opeds to demonstrate and debunk this is not true. >> todd: glad you did. we need truth in this world and professors like you to spell it out for people. sorry this happened at your school this week. thank you for joining us to talk about it. pleasure to be here. thank you are very much. >> todd: former president trump due in court for day 11 of new york versus trump trial. brooke singman has details. >> brooke: court resumes 9 a.m. eastern time, doug dous will
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return to the stand. yesterday he examined two former presidents cell phones including this phone call between trump and then attorney michael cohen. listen. >> i need to open up a company for the transfer of information regarding our friend david, so that i'm going to do that right away. >> give it to me. >> i've spoken to allen wicellberg, i spoke to allen about it, when it comes to f financing. >> brooke: and attorney for karen mcdougal and stormy daniels testified about interactions with cohen before and after the election. stormy daniels denial of affair with trump was technically true and money was not payoff, but a consideration. the judge heard arguments about
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four more alleged gag order viol violation, something the former president is not happy about. >> we'll be appealing the gag order, i'm not allowed to testify, this judge has me under unconstitutional gag order, nobody ever had that before. we don't like it, it is not fair. other people are allowed to do what they want to us and i'm not allowed as presidential candidate, leading candidate, republican party nominee and one who is leading biden by a lot, i'm not allowed to talk. >> brooke: trump campaign says the former president was referring to inability to speak due to the gag order. trump will appeal that gag order, which he calls unconstitutional. yesterday he made a stop to fdny fire house to deliver pizza to firefighters, quite a scene. >> todd: thank you. right now, speaking of a scene,
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crews are working to clean up portions of major interstate after fuel truck explodes in a massive inferno. it is all caught on camera. details next. philadelphia crime victims and families tell their stories to house lawmakers in a hearing on soft on crime district attorney. family of officer fit zgerald will be part of that hearing, they're here next.
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>> todd: i-95 in connecticut will be closed for several days after a tanker truck slammed into a tractor trailer and burst into flames. look at that video. it happened in town of norwalk yesterday morning. demulation underway due to severity of the damage. the massive fire burned for nearly three hours before it was brought under control. that portion of the interstate will be closed until at least monday. fortunately no one was seriously injured. second boeing whistleblower dead
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after expressing concern over -- joshua dean was auditor for boeing supplier, he died from a sudden infection this week. he filed a complaint with faa 2023 about senior gross misconduct of the 737 product line. still under federal investigation after several other complaints filed following safety mishaps. dean was represented by same law firm that took on john barnett, the other whistleblower who was found dead this year after testifying against the company. today the house judiciary committee will hold a field hearing in philadelphia examining soft on crime policies under d.a. larry larry krasner and hear from victims of crime crisis, including the family of christopher fitzgerald who was
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killed while responsing to a robbery. sergeant firzgerald's parents joel and christ pauline will be testifying and join me with sergeant firzgerald's wife marissa. we are so sorry for your loss and impact it has on your entire family. marissa, tell us your husband's story. >> so christopher is the most incredible police officer, he is an amazing husband, incredible father. i met christopher, i'm from houston and we met when he was living there and had our first baby and ended up moving back to pennsylvania. he was a correctional officer for lehigh county.
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i came to tell you all that we went through, most importantly dedication and effort he put in police academy. he studied everyday, up every morning before anybody else and put his all whchl he graduated, i can't tell you how proud we were when he became a police officer for philadelphia housing authority. he then worked for philadelphia sheriff's office and decided to go to temple. we had the greatest life. he was a family man, always wanted to spend time with his family and keep citizens safe and temple students. there were times he took away from spending time with us to either run, which is what he loved to do, to speak on gun v violence in the city of philadelphia and also do a lot of overtime on temple campus to make sure not only his brothers
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and sisters were safe, but temple university. my best friend. the only person that knows me better than i know myself. most incredible role model my kids could have. a girl dad, loved his girls and boys and is extremely hard to get up every single day and live this life without him. raise our babies without him. we were a unit, a team, a family. it breaks my heart that i have to now be a single mom and a dad and this was not my choice at all. >> todd: marissa, that is one of the most beautiful tributes to anyone that i've ever heard, especially on this show. joel, as a father, you hear that, you are scheduled to be a witness at this hearing, you are in this line of work. you understand.
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when you look at the numbers, philadelphia crimes have gone up every year since 2021 and since larry krasner took office the number is up by 57%. where are you on telling what larry krasner's policies have done to your family and the city of philadelphia, as well? >> i plan to speak about the revolving door he has, great work the philadelphia police department does everyday, they bring cases in and make arrests. however, contrary to that, they make arrest with frustration of knowing many are left at the door step, what is the door step? the courtroom. inexperienced prosecutors or prosecution that lead to the open door. plea bargaining down to maybe time served and other inappropriate sentencing, it is
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really upsetting when your district attorney tries to tell the city the same thing that you said in the exact reverse, that the crime is down, it is trending down. yes, crime since pandemic has trended down, however, what we're seeing here is pre-pandemic crime levels were atrocious anyway. there are diligent men and women working everyday, they do a hell of a job. police commissioner in philadelphia, great man, dedicated to his job. i've known him since i was a child. don't misrepresent to people and citizens of philadelphia that we're not in a situation where recidivism is likely result when you are targeted or robbed or
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preyed upon in the street. cr larry krasner went on tv yesterday and told fox he knew nothing about this hearing until as he put it, yesterday, speaking of day before yesterday. that is false. we met with larry krasner on the 24th of april and had to present our own case as a family for why the murderer in this case deserved the death penalty. how can we have people of philadelphia have any confidence in district attorney when he went on the news yesterday and m misrepresented the fact he did not know this hearing was going to happen. we gave it to him on paper and gave it to him twice, on the 24th of this month and a week. >> todd: unreal. mom, we'll give you the final
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word, pauline, what do you hope your testimony accomplishes? >> i hope they get a chance to hear from us and understand what we're experiencing. we went to the d.a.'s office and basically put on our own case for them. there was not a dry eye, except for mr. larry krasner, it was traumatic to relive that, we felt compelled we needed to do this to make sure things are being done and handled in way they should be handled. >> to have to narrate a video of your son being assass nalted on the streets of philadelphia is traumatic in and of itself. we have to put the case on to make him do the right thing about this job is ridiculous. citizens of philadelphia deserve better and any politicians that sit on their hands and don't open their mouths and say he's
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the problem are part of the problem themselves. >> todd: thank you three for being a voice for your son and husband and for all victims. right now in our country, not just in philadelphia, seems like the criminals have the rights and the victims and their families have nothing and folks like you, hopefully will change that. thank you for your time, we'll be right back. right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> todd: border patrol agent falsely accused by president biden of whipping migrants in 2021 now being rewarded for his service. live with details. >> the agent's name was not released for protection, he is
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being given the reward for heroism and life-saving efforts while serving with border patrol. these photos were misin misinterpreted. in 511-page report u.s. custom and border patrol office found this, no evidence that eshg epa struck and migrant there reigns. an about face from the aftermath where the president served justice against agents involved. >> it was horrible to see people treated like they did, horses nearly running them over and people being strapped, those people will pay. >> the probe determined agents used unnecessary force.
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the agent was reassigned and a source saying i find it hilarious and ridiculous three years later, a border patrol agent accused of being racist now wins achievement for p preventing smuggling before he gets a public apology. the agent was allowed to return to work and interact with migrants. >> todd: nice to see the good guys win in the end. thank you. a 700% increase of antisemitic acts on college campuses since october 7. despite acts of antisemitism, doj yet to announce any civil rights investigations into the protests. matt whitaker joins me. what the heck are they waiting
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for? actual question for you, if you were in charge of doj, what concrete stipulates would you take to investigate these protests and and to be clear, those funding them? >> it's good to be with you, first of all. what i see is a lack of curiosity and lack of priorities. if you think about where the doj is allocating resources, putting a lot of time and effort into donald trump and prosecuting him and trying to get him to trial federally in washington and in florida. they should focus on acts of crime, of antisemitic and civil rights violations on college campuses. the previous segment in philadelphia and crime, they should be putting resources into philadelphia, atf, dea, whatever is needed to bring federal cases
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to get trigger pullers and violent criminals off the streets. they are misallocating resources away from priorities and into things that do not matter and will not make americans feel safer. >> todd: maybe number three at doj, matthew colangelo, instead of spending time at trump trial, take time to stay with doj and investigate serious things like antisemitism. that is not the case, he is on the case in new york versus trump, entering day 11 with former president trump facing four new gag order violations. thousands in fines so far, jail time still on the table. can you ever think of a situation where every single person involved in a case can say whatever they want except defendant, the party that gag orders have in place to protect? >> you're right. what is happening is not only
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taking him off the campaign trail, they are preventing him from speaking. not only is this interference with the election, this is very dangerous. the jury is certainly going to have a sence that something is going on, hearing witnesses not supporting the state's case, the facts are bad and bad legal theories and the witnesses are terrible. i don't know how this will get to jury conviction, if they do, it shows how biassed the jury pool is. 90% of new york county, manhattan voters, voted for joe biden. more than half when polled said they couldn't be fair because they believe the president is guilty. this is railroad job if i've ever seen one.
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>> todd: your point about horrible witnesses, seems prosecution is putting on a great case, dot, dot, dot, if their case is michael cohen. i still don't know what the crime is for the defendant donald trump. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. republicans demanding answers about foreign cash flowing into campuses rocked by protest. new pro-american movement taking place. cheryl casone has details coming up. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest.
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(husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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>> todd: fox business alert, awaiting april jobs report, expected to be lower than next month. cheryl casone is here. cheryl. >> cheryl: what is interesting, what this will talk about, inflation story for the jobs report. looki looking for 243,000 jobs addad, that is down from the 303,000 in march. une unemployment rate staying steady. what is interesting is the wages
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numbers. if wages are ticking higher that is inflationary aspect, that is one thing. another thing, if you have strong jobs market, rate cut from the fed goes down, that is part of this. treasury secretary janet yellen will speak out in arizona and will deliver an address. the topic is talking about democracy, about undercutting democracy. she will say that undercuts foundation of sustainable and inclusive growth story, a very different thing coming from a treasury secretary. you don't normally hear this speak, they stick to monetary policy and banking. >> todd: the person in that position shouldn't be doing that, you are right to point out. open the books on colleges.
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>> cheryl: if you spend $90,000 to send your child to college, you have a question with how much cash is flowing. there are several lawmakers that want to take a look and think wait a minute, where is money coming from as far as donations, billions in donations. countries in middle east have given u.s. colleges $10 billion in know grants over the last 25 years, saudis, qatar, uae, kuwait and china has given colleges 3 billion over the same timeframe. this is coming up with white house, kjp was asked about this and who was funding the protest, direct money going into the protest. here is the response given. >> does president biden want his
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administration to find out who is funding the protests? >> you know, i cannot speak to the organizations that are being reported on the ground, that is not something for me to speak to. >> cheryl: somebody needs to speak to it and get to the bottom of it. look at arrest numbers. according to nypd, 47% of those arrested were not affiliated with either school. the money is coming from somewhere, the tents all match at multiple colleges. if not students, someone sent them there and they are getting galvanized on tiktok. >> todd: 13 billion dollars, they are not donating that to build a new soccer field. they are trying to get into the bloodstream, end on positive
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note. patriotic move mment sweeping campuses, this one at rutgers. watch. >> the star-spangled banner yet wave os'er the land of the free and the home -- >> cheryl: seeing this start to change the dynamic at universities and look what happened at unc chapel hill, fraternity brothers wanted the flag raised. there was a palestinian flag and they got in a big fight and screamed at and made sure at chapel hill that flag went up. gofund me was started, multiple fraternity brothers from different chapt ers dids this.
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that gofunme has been stopped, this is for a big party, who knows what they will do with the money. bill ackman gave 10 grand to the fraternity gentlemen. he said, thank you for what you were doing and standing up for the american flag. >> todd: next month's cover i am all for it. >> cheryl: were you greek? >> todd: i am. tomorrow is 150th running of kentucky derby, to celebrate, we will whip up drinks. janice dean live from churchill downs to show you cocktails. jd, i'm wearing my hat. >> janice: i love it, i can see you, it is pouring rain in louisville, kentucky, which happens. most years i've been here, it has rained on oaks day, which is friday.
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race for lilly for the three year olds and i have will brooks here, which will serve up drinks. i think we need it in the rain. what is your title and who are you representing today? >> will brooks, ambassador for teq tequila, this is a big year for us, not just 150 for derby, we have amazing hometown town related to brown foreman, distilling for 150 years. >> janice: i've never had a tequila drink at the oaks before. >> the most lucky drink today, horseshoe margarita. >> will it make the rain stop? >> we'll find out. key to good marga rita is quality tequila, two parts of blanco tequila with notes of pepper, citrus and cooked agave.
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fresh lime juice is the move. one part of lime juice, boom. >> i can smell it. >> and agave nectar syrup that comes from the plant itself. >> janice: i can't wait, rest of my reports today will be spectacular. >> that's it. with the rain, have a nice drink on the rocks and everything will work out. are you ready? >> tequila makes everything better. >> celebrating another big year, the 50th an vniversary of r repisado, this beautiful bottle, one of the most popular types of tequila, we are excited to share that. >> janice: pour this, i will drink when you toss to todd. in the pouring rain for 150
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churchill downs. >> todd: appreciate it. joe concha next, first check in with lj. >> lawrence: good morning, coming up, big show, fed up with encampments on college campuses, patriot being ic counter protesters wave the american flag and they are chanting, more on that later in the show. pizza delivery, former president trump greeted by cheers from nypd and fdny as we learn more about his vp list. president biden talks about great work with jobs and economy in north carolina. new poll spells out trouble for americans concerned about inflation. and people are worried for britney spears after she was seen in l.a. barefoot wrapped in a blanket, surrounded by emergency services. we got involved in that conflict with her family way too soon.
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it can be avoided. >> todd: so angry, robert deniro he never cared about politics until former president donald trump's election. joe concha is a fox news contributor. joe joins me now. why such a raging bull, bob. >> good reference. i will go a couple more. take away godfather ii where he played a young trivino. this is who robert deniro is. is he a multi millionaire who doesn't feel inflation or rising gas prices. he is a guy who has personal security so he doesn't feel crime in new york spiraling out of control. is he a guys who job isn't taken away by illegal immigration. instead of doing movies. co-host a show with is stephanie rule over on msnbc at this point. is he just another elitist with too much time on his hands, todd. and, you know, is he telling us how to think, basically. by the way, he owes an apology for meet the parents ii.
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parents one classic. >> todd: called meet the faulkers? >> yeah with barbra streisand. >> todd: according to axios worry about protests. the long they continue the worse they get, the worse it's going to be for the election, dot dot dot. to that point, joe, was there any better campaign commercial for trump than the scenes of absolute chaos at our campuses this week. >> none, zero. this is 1968 all over again. 1968 we both weren't alive, of course, that democratic national convention was in chicago it completely overtook the airways. democrats couldn't get their message out, now they just see chaos. this summer chicago they will see even mover chaos because social media fuels this stuff. here is the irony. biden ran from his basement saying i'm going to return this country to normalcy, from the chaos of donald trump. now, donald trump is running on i'm going to return this country to normalcy from the chaos that was created by joe biden.
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so, that's what we have at this point. biden and jv administration created all of this. we are not just talking about campuses. we are talking about at the border. we are talking about in cities like san francisco, chicago, new york, and people moving to places like florida, tennessee and texas. donald trump is going to run on law and order ultimately and that very well can put him in the white house again. >> combine these two which is going to be more impactful come november? people angry like specifics robert deniro trump bad or actual scenes of chaos that people are scared. >> it's what people feel. inflation, what they see at the border and what they see going on overseas in terms of all these wars they want normalcy again like it was under trump 2017 to 2019. >> todd: joe concha we fit it all in. you will see the two of us on every network on every show. >> that's true. >> todd: "fox & friends" have great weekend, everybody. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. in the east coast, friday, may 3rd, what a week it's been this is l


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