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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 3, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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point. biden and jv administration created all of this. we are not just talking about campuses. we are talking about at the border. we are talking about in cities like san francisco, chicago, new york, and people moving to places like florida, tennessee and texas. donald trump is going to run on law and order ultimately and that very well can put him in the white house again. >> combine these two which is going to be more impactful come november? people angry like specifics robert deniro trump bad or actual scenes of chaos that people are scared. >> it's what people feel. inflation, what they see at the border and what they see going on overseas in terms of all these wars they want normalcy again like it was under trump 2017 to 2019. >> todd: joe concha we fit it all in. you will see the two of us on every network on every show. >> that's true. >> todd: "fox & friends" have great weekend, everybody. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. in the east coast, friday, may 3rd, what a week it's been this is l. remain
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"fox & friends" as far as i know it. now the crazy stuff. campus anarchy continuing. anti-israeli encampment still standing on campuses across the country. some students are over it in italics. [chanting free, free palestine] [chanting u.s.a.] lawrence lawrence yeah, that's what we need more of. trump might be stuck in court but he is making moves. taking pizza to a firehouse and apparently narrow ring down the vp list. we will tell you who is on the list. >> lawrence: might be you, lawrence. >> guy: ainsley having breakfast with friends in columbia, south carolina. she is getting the pulse of the people. looks like we are interrupting. >> brian: sorry to bother you, ainsley. >> rachel: "fox & friends" starts right now, and, remember, mornings are better with your friends. ♪ >> lawrence: buckle up, we begin this morning with the ongoing
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chaos on college campuses across the united states. >> brian: growing number of colleges are getting the police involved, about time. as pro-palestinian activists interfere with day-to-day operations. >> rachel: some schools are letting the encampments grow despite what we saw a full 24 hours ago at ucla. >> guy: a lot of the chaos here. molly line live from nyu here in new york city with more on this. mollie, good morning to you. >> molly: good morning, rachel, guy, lawrence and brian. great to be with you. even as president biden has broken 10 days of silence saying the u.s. is not a lawless country. nyu leaders continue to urge the protesters to pick up their bongings and leave. as can you see they have not. these demonstrators continue to violated university rules and not to mention the rules regarding the walkway. school i do struggle and divest and end with israel. second location where nyu protesters have embedded themselves after arrest on the plaza by the business school. as police right gear move in on
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protests across the country. president biden finally addressed the strife. >> we are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest is the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but, neither are we a lawless country. we are a civil society, and order must prevail. >> mr. president, do you think the national guard should intervene? >> no. >> at this time yesterday all eyes were on ucla as law enforcement moved in to break up protest encampment clashing in dramatic fashion. it took hours, officers and body armor moving very deliberately hundreds were arrested. bulldozers then forced to all the trash left behind. portland state university in oregon, police cleared library building. the protesters had attempted to fortify breaking that up protest. it was an all day event, really.
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dozens of arrests were made there since april 18th, police have arrested or detained roughly 2,000 people, all across the country during these protests, at least 45 college campuses across 24 different states. back to you. >> brian: wow that, is unbelievable. thanks so much. >> lawrence: thanks, mollie. >> brian: what we are finding out more and more the people on these campuses as mayor adams brought up and that we suspected, over half of them arrested are not from the college. nyu, city college, new school as well as columbia, obviously. fit of all places. they decided not to wear paisley over the weekend. that was they're protest. they are from outside organizations. some are in their -- 30 years old. is this crazy? >> lawrence: william la jeunesse did a great job of breaking down the money where it was from the soros foundation, the rockefellers, these are all paid people, professional protesters. they don't really know what they believe. we will get on to that later in the show. now they are already panicking and the they want class
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canceled. they want extra credit this is whaching columbia law. left many of our peers unable to focus and highly emotional during the tumultuous time. current exam questions raises concerns about equity here we go again and academic integrity. many are unwell at this time. >> brian: unwell? fantastic. concentrate while peers are being hauled to jail. columbia law school cancel examinations or mandate mandatory pass for all law students. this is ivy league institution. they are crying because they chose to riot, protest, and now they can't do their law exam. >> rachel: so convenient. right around final exams, they are just too traumatized to do the exams. it's just so obvious what this is about. i'm so glad you brought up how half of these people are paid.
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you go to latin american they give them lunches. this is socialist kind of activity. and now they say they are traumatized and they can't go to school. listen, these schools have become indoctrination camps. fine, don't give them final exams. what we should do as a culture, look at these ivy leagues and stop elevating these kids into positions of power. because they are communists. and they went to comi camp for four years. they have been coddled and they are going to be our rulers soon. i really hope people in positions of power right now aren't looking to these ivy league schools higher up. >> guy: in that statement that lawrence has read from, it wasn't just columbia law. it was the law review. this is supposed to be the most elite sort of stratosphere of elite college. we put terms like prestigious in quotes because i'm not sure how much prestige should be attached to this stuff anymore, frankly. it's just this hysterical rant that oh the distress of what
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happened, police clearing out criminals, the distress is too much to have exams? i mean, we haven't seen this kind of whining and complaining from the jewish students who have been targeted for months with unbelievable hateful slurs people chanting for the jewish state to be annihilated. they are not running around saying cancel exams. one night makes these people sad equity concern cancel exams. what a joke i don't think we should be fighting to take down encampments, what you see on your screen when you see encampments put on the chyron underneath just put democrats. these are democrats. >> brian: brian college democrat association take away support for joe biden. they call this a campus crackdown. while he says no to the national
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guard that isn't a crack down. he hasn't made one phone call to the presidents. whatever he does. if he is strong i give him credit that means he a principled guy not worried about politics. if he sells i'm going to go the other way that means he agrees with these protesters. he has done the worse. he has done right in between so the people that are crack down are mad and people are upset that he hasn't cracked down. he has done the impossible once again. >> rachel: why stop then? >> brian: donald trump has not come up in any of this. >> lawrence: both sides biden. yesterday i went to nyu. this is something that we are starting to recognize. these people don't know what they believe and they have been indoctrinated. they are being fed propaganda, but, when you try to talk to them, look at this, they don't want their faces to be revealed. >> brian: pop. >> lawrence: pop the umbrella up. try to chase the camera crews off with this. and then they have campus security. this is a public area right bye the way, blocking outsiders from come in. you had to give some sort of password. but, i guess my point is if you
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are trying to convince -- this happened all across the country. if you want us to be a part of your movement and if you want to effect u.s. policy, then talk about it, tell us what you believe in. the problem is, they don't know what they believe. in they just parrot the talking points over and over and over again. and when you do get the chance to interview them. they are not october the 7th. they say it didn't happen at all. >> brian: if you break down over at city college, there was 170 arrested. 68 students. 102 weren't. at the columbia university, 112 were arrested. 80 were students. 32 unaffiliated and the people that are not students. they don't want to be on camera, and the ones on students really can't answer a question like what's the river and what's the sea. and then the nypd is realizing this because they recognize a lot of the same faces. what kills please brown and rutted gears has caved to the students, too. but they -- to get the
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encampments up. they are going to revisit where they invest. and they are going to talk about how many palestinians they will allow to come in here and palestinian protesters will come into rutted gears. >> rachel: i think it was at rutgers they are actually demand dog give scholarships to 10 displaced palestinian students. they are also asking for flags kashmir to be flown along with the foreign flag. i think we should just flight american flag. and that's what's happening at rutgers a lot of student are saying enough of this and they're chanting u.s.a. and flying the american flag. take a look free free palestine. >> from the river to the sea. [chanting u.s.a.] [chanting palestine will be free] [chanting u.s.a.]
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♪ and the home of the brave. >> rachel: what you are seeing america still has a heart beat. >> brian: two schools. >> guy: chanting u.s.a., faces out in the open. happy to show their faces. these other people won't show their faces, won't talk to journalists, won't even explain their so-called position. they claim to have passion about genocide which is a lie. you would think you would be looking to the cameras to really get your message out to the american people. but they are not doing that, which i think speaks volumes this is not the moment. i know everybody has work. this is not the moment to be silent in this country. part of me i agree with you,
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rachel, wants to let the civil war between the democratic party just flame on. the fact of the matter is though there is outside influence, terrorist organizations that are plotting to take down this country from the inside, so i can't let that happen, and if you think can you just sit back and let this flame on, you'll be looking at the next attack in this country. >> brian: at stanford they had the guy show up with a full hamas are a gail i can't. you should be arrested on the spot. we terrorist organization. >> rachel: only maga flag draping people, protesters get arrested in this country. >> brian: right. >> rachel: fbi puts them on no fly lists and all kinds of things to up end their lives. these people, and i agree with you, who they need to go after is george soros, is all this dark money that's funding this. that's what needs to be exposed. these tools are just tools. they are useful idiots. >> guy: we will have much more on this conversation throughout the program today. meantime turn to this.
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former president trump due back in court this morning. this will be day 11 of new york vs. trump that, trial. >> rachel: eric shawn is live at the new york state supreme court with details. eric? well for the first time the jurors here former president trump's words from his own mouth. the question is will they help acquit or convicted them. it was a dramatic moment late yesterday afternoon here at manhattan criminal court as the vices of trump and michael cohen echoed in the carve news courtroom. secret recordings made between the two that cohen made on iphone voice memo app. two months before the november presidential election in 2016. trump can be heard talking about paying with cash for the deal to see lines playboy playmate mcgoogle's claims of their affair, when it comes time for the financing, which will be. >> listen, what financing? >> we have to pay.
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>> pay with cash? >> oh, no, no, no. no. >> check? >> you can hear the former president say pay can cash. alleged conspiracy to influence the election. they can also claim it was a standard nondisclosure agreement that he was making. after court, the former president, who is under a gag order, falsely said he is not allowed to testify here. >> well, i'm not allowed to testify, i'm under a gag order, i guess. you can't testify with that we will be appealing the gag order. i would love to answer that question. it's a very easy question. the easiest question so far. but. i'm not allowed to testify because this judge, who is totally conflicted. >> that is just not true. is he allowed to testify. the gag order has nothing to do with will he testify. the former president says he wants to testify here when it
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comes time for the defense to present its case. back on the stand today, cross-examination of a expert from manhattan district attorney alvin bragg's case in terms of what's on the tapes another exciting day, explosive one here at court. back to you in the studio. >> rachel: appreciate it. we're going to move to a fox news alert right now. the nypd going in to nyu incar. in new york city. a major show of force right now. >> brian: right. so this is not a surprise. this is one of those ongoing things that keeps getting bigger. the problem with nyu if you are listening around the country no locked in campus. not surrounded with anything. a slice of the city. one minute walking past a building and next minute you are seeing a bunch of buildings with nyu on it washington square park across the street. they have taken full advantage of that a lot of nyu students ended up at columbia. a lot of them coming back now that columbia has broken up. they are looking to create chaos right in washington square. >> lawrence: this is interesting
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to me. i was there yesterday. they essentially aloud the protesters to police the area. they have campus security there that allowing the protesters to control that area. it's interesting now, and it will be interesting to see when we get our reporters on the ground. have they officially released a letter. >> copy that. >> lawrence: asking the nypd to come in because the commissioner made it very clear yesterday. the only way they are coming to these campuses, if they have the legal protection, with a letter signed by the president of the university inviting them in. guy they seem invited here a lot awful lot of them with zip ties. how often is this going to go on? day after day because they drag them off in the zip ties and then they cut them loose in this revolving door, and then they are back out there the next day. i mean, are they going to get board of this at some point?
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maybe students will face academic consequences? >> brian: talking about i do vets temperature same thing at rutgers, new school the faculty down the road. faculty took a vote. and they said we want to divest from israel. i don't know how much money they have in. i don't know why they are taking the vote. these are the types of things they are looking to get. so, they are trying to make some gains here. they are trying to get known. but, f. it's not a surprise if anyone walks by nyu outside the stern school of business that these guys are way to the left people show up there know they have compliant people to go along with and we will see what happens. i thought the mayor had a great statement. he said we will charge you for going in there say there until the 17th of the month. think should charge nyu if the nyu has to go in there in overtime. >> rachel: all this stuff
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happening on these campuses, the circus with donald trump's trials going on over here. all the while the police force which is already strained having to deal with these two things as crime and everything else growing in the city, it's quite a big deal. ainsley, is in a much safer, calmer place. >> brian: with her security detail. she took a lot of cops out of the season. she is luck haddie in. she is in kentucky, south carolina having breakfast with friends astley sadr's thicket, ainsley, good morning. >> ainsley: good morning to you, guys. thank you so much. i'm back home in my hometown. my dad is back here with some his friends and lots of people will be joining us this morning. they all have a lot of reaction about what is happening across the country. i see heads shaking. i'm here with mark weber. he is head of the republican party for one of the largest parties in our state. lexington county. you said you are a ucla grad? >> yeah. it's really kind of embarrassing to see what is happening out there. i'm so glad they finally went out and cleared out that encampment. it's just crazy.
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>> ainsley: what's your reaction to what they are doing now. now they are clearing out the encampment at nyu. we saw two nights ago with a big police tank go in and get those kids out of hamilton hall at columbia university. >> they should have never been allowed to thereby in the first place. peaceful protest is one thing. when it comes to the stuff that they're doing. graffitiing, and then asking for food and water like they are going to be somehow deprived, i mean, it's insane situation. >> ainsley: thank you so much, mark. i was talking to a veteran. this guy, this young man, he drove up from florida. and thank you so much. is he from the jacksonville area. and you have an organization that's called restoring and it's restoring american values and teaching young people why it's important to vote. and we were talking about the students who took down the palestinian flag and put up the american flag and replaced it at unc. what's your reaction? >> god bless them. that's all i can say. i spent 50 years of my life supporting the constitution of this country. and the youth,.
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>> ainsley: have you been praying. you said you wake up every morning and read your bible and pray for our country. >> yes. that's how i started my organization. i would pray and good lord reached down one morning and slapped me and said 1kwreu78, here do this and i will help you. and that's why i'm doing it, ma'am. >> ainsley: god bless you. thank you so much. 50 years in the navy. 30 years active and 20 as what do you call that. >> supporting the constitution working for the department of the navy. >> ainsley: thank you so much god bless. >> he is the official lexington county sheriff. >> ainsley: back to you in the studio. >> brian: thank you very much. meanwhile some weather related news. >> rachel: weather? oh right, we do. now turning to fox weather. >> brian: i don't know there was counter points. sorry about that. major damage, actually, reported in texas and missouri after tornadoes touched down in those
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states yesterday powerful system swept through the region. lots of flooding in south texas with some towns near houston getting up to 8 inches of rain. one driver failing to realize how high the water had risen. >> what are you doing? what is this person doings? >> that is a creek. >> you are driving into the creek. no, no, no, no. stop. stop. no, no. no! okay, that got bad very quickly. >> rachel: oh my goodness. got to be frustrating to watch. fortunately that driver is okay. we're glad to hear that parts of i # 5 in connecticut. tanker truck carrying mother more than $8,000 in gasoline slammed into a tractor-trailer and burst into flames. the fiery crash happened on an overpass in the town of norwalk. early yesterday morning. demolition is already underway due to the severity of the
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damage. governor ned lamont says that portion of the interstate will be closed until at least monday. fortunately, again here, no one was seriously hurt and we are glad to hear that the second boeing whistleblower is dead. after a brief illness. very strange. this comes after joshua dean expressed concerns over manufacturing issues with the company's 737 max planes. he was a former quality auditor for a boeing supplier. dean filed the complaint with the faa back in 2023 over, quote: serious and gross misconduct of senior quality management of the 737 production line. dean was represented by the same south carolina law firm who took on john barrett. the other boeing whistleblower who was also found dead earlier this year after testifying against the company. hmmm. arkansas governor sarah huckabee
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sanders now signing an executive order to protect women's sports. she did that yesterday. and she had a message for joe biden. listen. >> and if president biden threatens our state with loss of educational funding. because we refuse to go along with his election year pandering, arkansas will take the federal government to court. that's because this issue goes far beyond a single locker room or a missed scholarship. the truth is important. >> rachel: contributor riley gaines was also in attendance showing support for the latest republican led state to go against the title ix changes. and those are your headlines. brian? >> brian: okay, thank you very much. if you don't mind, i'm going to take the tease from now. talk about the unrest in this city. fox news alert. the nypd making arrests now at the nyu encampment. you are looking at it live with us. it's happening right downtown, about 15 blocks from us. we will be following this all morning. [chanting shame on you]
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by law enforcement as these protests and encampments persist really all across the country. molly line is live at nyu with a lot more as this is all breaking, literally right now, mollie, what are you seeing? >> yeah, the nypd rolling up about a half an hour ago with a couple of large buses, the police presence very strong after that arriving on scene. there came equipped with their helmets, batons, moved very quickly through this encampment. people rising and getting out of their tents. in less than half an hour, they have basically moved all the people back through all the way walkway next to the paulson center and out the back of this kind of narrow alley way between two buildings, the tents, of course, left behind, all of the rubbish of the signs and the things here as they have created kind of a line here. but the people, the people that have been in these tents that, were roused when the officers arrived have. essentially been moved out to the back of this area. back to you. >> guy: quite an alarm clock
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it's nypd, good morning. molly line. let's get more on this with katy terkowski a former federal prosecutor and constitutional law attorney. thanks for coming. >> in thanks for having me. >> guy: on their first. how much. how much of this is a law enforcement issue? obviously there is a component to that how much has to be a university enforcement issue. >> i think what happened here there was some sort of conflation between the idea of first amendment rights, which hate speech is a first amendment protected kind of speech. an actual criminal acts like trespass, making actual threats of violence against people. false imprisonment, all these other things we have heard about. so, certainly, i think that the line was crossed a long time ago that would have necessitated law enforcement involvement. of course, the university was trying to kind of play it both ways because they were being overly sensitive to the idea of protesting and free speech. but, certainly, that is a completely different analysis when you actually look at the criminality that was occurring very early on. >> the two trump trial. let's talk about what is
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happening in lower manhattan. it gets going again later this morning. we have seen in court a lot of evidence of unseemly behavior and sleaze and pay offs and hush money and all of that. have we seen the prosecution, in your mind, advance the ball on crimes being committed though? >> well, i will say what many have been saying, which is that there has not been any affirmative evidence presented of a criminal act on the part of donald trump. and certainly there has been a lot of presentation by the prosecution. a lot of insinuation that there was something criminal about the agreement. >> isn't that the whole point of a criminal trial to proof a crime. >> one would think that would be the case. this case is a prosecutorial theory which is probably why it was not brought by any of these other prosecutor's office that looked at it. no fec action taken by president trump. certainly the idea of the criminality has not been established. now, the prosecution may have a certain order of events in terms of the witnesses they are calling to try to tie donald trump to some of this, and,
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largely it's going to rely upon michael cohen, which is something that is not going to go necessarily very well for them, but ultimately roy just have is he salacious details no evidence. >> guy: might say they are building. convicted witnesses, disbarred proven liar. tricky business for the prosecutor quickly on the gag order controversy. obviously president trump very upset about it. the judge has already fined him. what do you make of this? find gag order is entirely unconstitutional something the judge has completely disregarded. when you have a political candidate, the heightened idea of their first amendment protections is something that the judge has totally disregarded. the idea that the prosecutors wanted this trial to go right in the heart of an election campaign season is something that would otherwise protect those first amendment rights more than what they are doing here. on top of that, unlawfully vague. there is no way for president trump to even know what is a
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violation apparently anything, any discussion at all about any of these witnesses can be a violation of that even if they're talking as much as they want about his potential criminality here. >> guy: each time it's deemed he violates it cha ching every time. so we are watching it. katie, it's good to see you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> guy: coming up, the university of north carolina has some students there, some frat bros who protected the american flag last week. they are getting a massive and growing reward, this story is wild. two of those students join us next. but, first, ainsley is in columbia, south carolina, she is astley zardz thicket, that's next. ♪ spirits are using me ♪ guard your voices ♪
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>> rachel: go fund me page has raised over half a million dollars. the incident happened earlier this week when protesters replaced the american flag with a palestinian one after faculty from the university brought a new flag. protesters tried to bring that one down as well. but a couple dozen u.n.c. students prevented the flag from touching the ground. and we're now joined by two u.n.c. students jay karras and trevor land. jake, i'm going to start with you. why did you want to protect the american flag? >> yeah. as jewish students on campus we had been exposed to the protests for a while. these protests started out i'm going to say there is there is a fundamental right to protest i respect that and respect other people's opinions.
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when i started seeing jewish students getting mobbed with flags and chants and signs, i started to kind of realize that maybe these protests have evolved a little bit. and so i stepped up kind of to give a voice to the jewish community on campus. and to protect my identity and when i saw the american flag, go down, you know, i knew i kind of had to step in and. >> rachel: this was a bridge too far? >> yeah, essentially. >> rachel: all right. trevor. so the u.n.c. students have decided to respond -- first of all, the american people have responded to this. the american people feel like there suspects a little bit of a heart beat yet. they weren't sure what was happening on college campuses. and they seem sort of very reassured that the fact there were young men like yourselves willing to defend the flag against those wanting to fly a foreign flag above the university campus and desecrate the american flag. so the response from the u.n.c. students was to have a rager, i
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guess. what's your response to the fact that $500,000 has been raised. that john rich has offered to do a concert for the campus. what are your thoughts on that? >> yeah, i think, first of all, thanks so much for having us on. we are incredibly appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you. i would like to clarify that the $500,000 fundraiser was not started by us. >> rachel: correct. >> however, we have since been in contact with the person who started the fundraiser and are working to use those funds in a manner that's, i think, more respectable and while, you know, i think there is a big event in the works, and we are appreciative of john rich and anyone else who is coming to be a part of that event, we are starting a nonprofit called mac abbee' intend to disseminate those funds in a manner that goes to whether it be our troops or the fallen police officers in
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charlotte, so that we can support the causes that are important to us and we think important to the american people. >> rachel: yeah, i think a rager would be fine, guys. it's nice to do some good causes. we are all thinking about our college days it would be okay to do that with a little bit of the money. listen, rutgers university has also stood up for the flag and patriotism during the riots that there you see some images there. singing the national anthem. do you think this is what you guys there at your school, do you think this is a sparking something bigger that might spread across other universities? >> yeah. i think us putting our voice out there, you know, standing up for our identity and what we believe in and, you know, that being us as jewish american students, the first thing that we went out there for is to support, you know, israel's right to exist because we felt that that part of our identity was being definitely a little bit stifled.
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we feel that by putting our voice out there, we definitely were able to not really start a movement, but definitely make it easier for people to stand up for what they believe in. our, you know, little group, started at maybe 3 or 4 people. and by the time that it reached its peek, we had probably 40. >> rachel: sam adams said it does not take a majority to prevail but rather a few, irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires, freedom in the mind of others. so i think maybe you started that brush fire. we're hoping that you did. and we don't mind at all if you throw a limits party, maybe a big party in response to that. thanks a lot, guys. really appreciate you joining us. >> yeah. thank you so much for having us. >> thank you very much. >> rachel: you got it. let's check in with ainsley live from columbia, south carolina, having breakfast with friends at lizards thicket.
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ainsley, good morning. >> ainsley: come on down if you are in the columbia area. good morning, rachel. what a powerful interview. those guys are very impressive. i'm sitting here with two ladies and they were reacting to your interview, too. what's your response? these individualsy protecting the american flag? >> i was so excited, so happy that those students were protecting our flag and they were willing to go against those hamas or whatever they are. >> ainsley: pro-palestinian protesters? >> yeah. and i was so proud of them. i mean, we still have hope. we still have some hope here. >> i agree with that and those students i wish more would take the opportunity to look and see what some of these students are good. i mean, they are good people. they like our country. and to see our country going out the way that it's going, it makes me so sad. >> makes us very sick.
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>> ainsley: thank you so much, ladies. let's work our way back here. jimmy derek a friend of our family and verb. what do you think about these awesome fraternity boys protecting the american flag. >> sound like the sigma n nu draftee of vietnam. i really salute them for doing what they did. i think it's fantastic. and i really don't really understand all this protesting that's going on it. doesn't really make a lot of sense to me. i guess you have a right to do that. i don't really think they understand what they are doing, particularly the way they breaking in buildings and doing that type of thing. i think that's wrong. >> ainsley: the sigma nus would not have done that dad was a sigma with this man mr. foster, too. come down to lizard's thicket. we are on elmwood after, and also a new fox nation special faith on campus. this was a story we went out to do at the university of tennessee. you got a little taste of that yesterday. we interviewed so many college students who love jesus.
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and many of them have just come to note lord. there were 8,000 students there. so that will give you hope for our younger generation. and there were 150 baptisms in the parking lot at the basketball arena at the university of tennessee. [applause] >> ainsley: thank you so much. okay, back to you all in the studio. >> rachel: i love that, ainsley. giving us so much hope this morning. >> ainsley: thank you. >> rachel: i love it. we're off to the races and janice dean joins us live from the 150th kentucky derby and she already has some hardware. that's next. ♪ i get a good feeling ♪ i get a feeling
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>> guy: well, here is a story we are following. >> brian: you were following this guy? >> guy: very closely, brian. over the well-being of britney spears. >> rachel: back in the headlines after an ambulance was rushed to the iconic hotel in los angeles where the pop star apparently got into a dust-up with her latest love interest. >> lawrence: chanley painter is here with the details. i think we got involved in that family business way too soon. >> brian: absolutely. >> absolutely. a lot of people are following this story, guys. reportedly britney spears got into a huge fight with her on
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again and off again boyfriend at hollywood's more monday hotel here can you see the headline from tmz someone called police claiming a woman matching spears description was harassing and threatening hotel employees and guests. officers showed up and saw no signs of trouble and left. apparently the couple continued to cause a scene. according to tmz. spears was screaming out of control and possibly hurt. the hotel called paramedics fearing a mental break down she left without security and boyfriend by the way. singer now taking to instagram writing, quote: just to let people know the news is fake. i would like respect at this time for people to understand i'm getting stronger every day. i also twisted my ankle last night and paramedics showed up at my door illegally. they never came in my room, but i felt completely harassed. and guys will recall in 2007 when spears infamously shaved
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her head after leaving rehab facility and of course after a 2008 breakdown she was committed to a psych ward and placed in that conservatorship. now these new revelations, the social media videos follow her on instagram and all of these reports, she is actually going through a fortune, apparently, too. these are reigniting concerns for this star, guys. >> lawrence: we just get involved in the scandals, put all our opinion in to stuff without getting all the facts. >> brian: are you saying when they came out with that documentary that said free britney. >> lawrence: britney may have needed help. >> brian: her dad to control her checkbook. lawrence lawrence i didn't agree with that now looking at some of the revelations every week there is something with britney crying out for more help again. >> rachel: i get it. the country is falling apart. and i'm not as interested in this story as i probably should be. but, okay. >> brian: is she that interested in our lives? we seem to be all over hers. >> lawrence: she has been on vacation for a little bit. >> rachel: this will be a big story on the weekend because you
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all know that pete hegseth is in love with britney spears. we will follow up on it. >> brian: you do your pop culture thing. >> rachel: we will cover it. >> brian: we will see. >> lawrence: 150th. queshed is here this year the winner will take home a special trophy to commemorate a historic run for the roses live with the family who brought this vision to life. >> janice: hello. we are at churchill downs 150 years of the kentucky derby. we have suzanne blackington injury war and her daughter skyler. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much for having us. >> tell me about your family. >> we have been making the trophy since 1975. it's our 50th year. my dad started it and i trained from his silver smith and i always dreamed of making it one day. but now to making it with my husband and now my daughter, so it's skyla, what is so special
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about this trophy? >> this is the first one that i have ever worked and i feel very special it. has rubies, it has emeralds, diamonds on it for the anniversary trophy. probably the most spectacular trophy the derby has ever seen. >> janice: tell me about your dad real quick. >> my dad passed away in december of 2020. he passed away from als. did he talk about the trophy. he wanted his say what it was going to look like. put diamonds and rubies. he knew he wasn't going to be here he wanted his part. we hope he is happy with it. >> janice: i love it, spectacular trophy. thank you both for being here the blackenton family has been designing this trophy for many decades and it's going to be a wonderful year. thank you both, ladies. >> you too. >> janice: 150th derby and today at the kentucky oaks it's pouring rain but we are still going to have a great time back to you. >> brian: you predicted it and you are dry.
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>> janice: it's the hat. >> rachel: it's helping. americans feeling pinched by inflation still. new poll showing it's their top financial concern. >> brian: not weather-related. ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay. does this look ok?! ugh. how do i protect myself? with the new scotts healthy plus lawn food. it's the only product that prevents 27 diseases while feeding your grass to help keep your lawn healthy this season. want me to show you how to put it on? no, i think i know how to use a spreader. pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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