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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 3, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> happening right now in new york criminal trial for trump, the top aide is on the
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witness stand, hicks served in the trump administration as what her communications director and then later as an advisor, now she is a nice witness called by the prosecution. we are also awaiting a ruling on for more gag order violations, both sides argued on the matter yesterday but the judge is yet to make a decision. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am emily compagno, here with harris faulkner and kayleigh mceany. also joining us today is called anchor of america reports sandra smith, "fox & friends" weekend cohost and author of the upcoming book "the work on worrier" pete hegseth. first, let's go was to eric was outside the u.s. supreme court? >> yes emily she was at their side during the election campaign and in the white house, now former close aide hope hicks to form a president trump is looking at him directly from the
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witness stand. as we speak at this moment she is testifying in this child in the criminal court, she of course is a long time loyal member of the inner circle is the press secretary and later counselor for the present. she is testifying about what she may know concerning payments to keep the stories of the alleged affairs quiet. in his testimony, "national enquirer" publisher david said that it was hope hicks who was in and out of that meeting at trump tower in 2015 where the three of them hatched a plan for her to be the eyes and ears to keep a lookout for any potential scandal spectra toners donald trump. they also testified that he did have a phone call with hope hicks and former white house press secretary, sarah huckabee sanders and one point after karen mcdougal went public with her claims that she had had an affair with the former president. that phone call happening in
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2018. hope hicks will likely be asked if those efforts were made to protect the president's reputation as the defense claims or if the prosecution to charge us to hide those claims from mcdougall and stormy daniels to protect the trump election. as the former boss looked on she submitted this money and she took the stand i said "i am really nervous" she stopped at one point to say that this will get some getting used to and she appeared to be an ease. she has detail with her rolling her camping at the white house saying that she was in key meetings as she just a few moments ago was asked about michael cohen, but there is no major development about that. they also testified that she used to speak with and also see the former president every single day, but has not spoken with him since about a year and a half ago. she is also testifying here not voluntarily, but under subpoena. that's even the studio. >> emily: thank you so much, bring it back to the couch, let
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us break down this ninth witness, then next to the latest development sham of a trial. >> pete: other networks are willing to openly say that there's precious little evidence here, to begin with the charges are not predicated in anything serious and the evidence they try to develop isn't there, take yesterday for example, you have stormy daniels lawyer on the stand and he refuses to say that it was hush money, refuses to say it was a payoff, instead he says it was consideration, do you know what that is code for? extortion. that's what this guy does for a living, he finds clients who have been involved with or have alleged to be involved with with high-profile clients and they fight for money for consideration to protect their reputation. as effectively what they are talking about, he's the same money who helped draft the statement from stormy daniels that they're not all of it, so he's also on the stand try to keep his law license because the letter that he signed was from porn star, stormy daniels, say
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nothing happened so he's contorting himself saying it wasn't romantic, it was all a mess. and then you have also on michael cohen, he acknowledges stormy daniels lawyer about how he was suicidal and wanted to kill himself because he didn't have a child before the trump administration, that gives them plenty of motive because he is angry. he is angry why would he not miss character as if they don't have the good evidence here. >> emily: there just so many questions by us just watching can you imagine the question that jerry has if this is playing out? >> sandra: yes, it is great to be here by the way, but hope hicks, she has a stronger reputation in the minds of many americans. they recognize her, this is a familiar name to so many and she was the press secretary during the 2016 campaign and she was also the communications director inside of the white house during trump's era, she is very close to the former president during those days in office. it was reported heading into
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this that she has not spoken to the former president since 2022, she has since said that i understand, and just the last few moments, that obviously the effort here is to try and reveal anything she knows about those discussions, conversations that might've taken place. of that goal might be surrounding the "access hollywood" tape and the release of that, and any other efforts to obviously by the silence of stormy daniels. so this will be an interesting thing to watch, people want to stop and listen to see what comes from this, but it's about the relationships in the discussions inside of the white house and she's going to have a lot of information to share on that silly look see where she goes with that. >> emily: let's talk about silence for a second and how it pertains to trump, the judge has said that you can testify here, you can testify in court but the reality is we are navigating these gag orders that the president cannot complain
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effectively, and he may change this, especially the court of public opinion where he cannot even address or respond to the debian attacks coming this way while other witnesses and other participants get to enjoy the netflix and tiktok and all the social media. >> i'm struck by the argument made by the gag order, first a pretty obvious point, the press is peppering him with questions, a cnn reporter was shouting at trump, the media of shutting these questions related to the campaign despite this being separate in the mind of the judge, but he supposed to just be silent and walk off? >> kayleigh: he cannot defend himself and makes no sense. they also said that president biden has mentioned this case, saying that trump has had a few tough days, stormy weather. so the current president can make comments, but the guy running against and can't speak that makes no sense. and then delete out all of the
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times that michael cohen, had talk about trump and a political article that says question the truth telling of trump, to your point, tiktok, they said that michael cohen is making money off of tiktok, these are all the arguments of trump's defense, and they are powerful arguments but the pipe and stuck out to me is when they reconvened yesterday, trump and his attorney came to the judge and give them a pile of articles from legal scholars, i imagine some of those were from jonathan turley, andy mccarthy, and said it trump post these on to social where they violate the gag order? what if the judge say? this is an attempt to comply with the gecko yet and the judge said when in doubt steer clear, the attendant has a follow up and said no don't argue with me when in doubt steer clear. even in an attempt to comply with the guys order it is struck down by the judge. >> emily: which as you know should be grounds for overturning anything in a legal argument, it is unconstitutional, i find it ironic because this is a stretch
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that being said there are laws against profiting against your criminal behavior as you know, you cannot write a book detailing a crime and the o.j. thing was an exception but the point remains qvc michael cohen who clearly is profiting you can argue off of his crime, why cannot president trump even talk about where he's being accused of. >> it would blow this case out of the water, speak to michael: had some motives for what he's doing then and now, he did do the job into the white house, anybody who would've s surreptitious -- i have been asking all day with the president have known he is being reported do you think you would've had a problem with that? >> pete: even if it's illegal it's unfair? >> harris: who shares their client information is not to have some type of motive, i want to get to this quickly because we are getting play-by-play in said equipment, so, this is the
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prosecution who was asking hope hicks, about what was going on and donald trump's office during the donald trump/david tucker meeting. let the catch and cain with karen mcdougal -- they bring in the salacious case into the child to somehow show that donald trump had a whole string of one man and he was paying them in bubble block -- anyway, that is why he is part of this. hope hicks says that she doesn't have a recollection but it is possible that she confirmed she saw tucker at trump tower, she didn't know because overhearing a conversation between donald trump discussing an article about ben carson and medical malpractice. she said that trump congratulated david on a great investigative piece and hope hicks says that this is the most vivid recollection book, also recalls praising coverage about ted cruz, father involved with
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lee harvey oswald, that sort of thing at those type of stories, they said "nothing remarkable with great reporting to david" they are trying to get to who had texture and connective tissue and any type about the people who have been called to the stand and other people who are part of this case now. >> emily: there are so much more to come including this, a university in iran is offering scholarships to the anti-israel demonstrators on u.s. college campuses. that is coming up next. honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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every day millions of people ask, "what is scientology?" here's an idea, what if you just take a look? what if you see for yourself who we are, what we believe and what we stand for? our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world. so what is scientology?
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maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. >> anti-israel protesters have been trashing campuses across the country, leaving behind a trail of graffiti, vandalism, and hate filled posters. just look at what they did to
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the statue of our first president george washington at george washington university in d.c., they covered him with a palestinian scarf and flag. they have occupied buildings, vandalize campuses, and even fought with police, charging right at them as we saw yesterday at portland state and oregon look at that. they are even demanding concessions from their schools, at ucla to demented the school cop did not come from hot food for lunch, and they had parameters, and also not even the craziest finance, here's the laundry list that protesters at the university of chicago walk. medical tent, he clubs, hiv tests, dental dams, even frank d. they are the victims remember. they've then updated their demands to stress the need for covert testing, flashlights, and portable chargers. it is like christmas i suppose.
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the world is watching at one university in iran is offering scholarships to any anti-israel protesters expelled from the united states schools, remember you actually risk your life to protest and iran, the last time that happened hundreds were reportedly killed in a unknown number was rounded up and jailed and some were tortured by secret police. so, these protesters if they wanted to do this in iran here's what would likely happen, the body of 16-year-old who disappeared in september 20th after joining a demonstration of the capital was found after a week at the time and authorities and iran the ninth the desk listening to the protest and they claim she -- the teenager had been assaulted and killed after being arrested by members of the islamic revolutionary guard. >> pete: a crime was to get to show a little bit of her hair, that was a crime and set the protest for which she was abused
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and killed. i hope a lot of students leave their campuses and go out to iran just to see -- that's a problem with all of this this our children for gluten-free meals and allergy medication and tests because their children. they did not have parents who raise them right and then they were put into institutions where they were not taught to think they were told what to think, and then they found their virtue in signaling where they were on their oppressed versus oppressed matrix and these are little white kids who have been told how bad they are and without real religion find religion and signal how wonderful they are. and then the adults in the room, the teachers, administrators, knowing is pulling down the scarf on george washington at george washington university? why, because they taught these kids to be at this. this is not a suppressor then this is what you get. go be an activist so they are doing it because they are disarming and then they retreat as well you see are these universities giving it to the demands, and then a president
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who will talk about it in a unholy mix of what the left does. we do not understand the irony of this. >> at both the big piece -- there is still a professor who called october 7th something who has a job. >> harris: you have the complicity now by some leadership saying all eyes on can't bear to see what happens with this, but if they start telling students that they do not have to take their final exams to finish out the year so -- if they give everybody a pass, a pass, to move forward they have rewarded people who probably have not been in class in weeks as they have participated with this. look, i was really offended by all of the list of demands, but i want to this website where "the wall street journal" and if you have not read that article today on whether getting this idea dishes organize and paid for it and it is right after the dash right out of something in
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the anarchist cookbook back in the 1970s, i printed that and read it and how to read it since college, but there is a section called basin for an knights of love. and it is a crime thing for beginners, there is a chapter on -- from democracy the freedom, the difference between government and self-determination in all the cloak to see them walk up self-determination in iran, and iran is saying they are going to give free rides to students, what is mechanical like when they show up with their hair and all the things that we are seeing play out here. >> at iran offering scholarship but also who feeds our offering education to students. >> beyond that there are some company showing who they are they're coming that insane we were hired those protesters they are so strong the only thing i would take issue with is that these are children, i do not think they are, these are grown adult acting like children as we see the latest percentages of
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outside agitators you have people grow into their adulthood, 30s and 40s who are showing up -- >> pete: but they are still children and their maturity. they are young men -- young boys who never became men. >> the next wave of anger is coming from parents because these universities in some cases at least have hijacked their children who are now spreading these messages but splitting these messages, which shocks me every day if the inability to articulate their message. we have said many times left on the hair to a reporter grabbed one of the protesters and have them come on, umbrella in the face and they cover themselves up that they wear a mask they're not even a building to get the message out there when it chemicals on them. >> meanwhile there is a sign that said death to america and of course it is vile, and added to this recipe of toxicity, i will add that is the outside agitators that are influencing these highly susceptible youth
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that have had no consequences thus far to pete's point, we learned in the initial columbia student protesters will be learned about who they work who would be suspended just one of them amidst the many with the child of a multibillion-dollar big-box company that i'm sure it is in all of our closets at home, who just sit across the yellow line and killed a elderly couple in their 70s after which her mother paid the 260 bella moving violation fine with no accountability and then cut to she is enjoying shouting i am hamas, alongside the other absolutely vile. i think shame on the parents, they knew what was what was happening and they have exhibited no influence or no faith in the household and no responsibility or accountability. columbia professors just took up the mantle and now hamas has taken it to another degree. >> pete hegseth has a new book on the way, the war on warriors behind the trail on the man who
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keeps us free, you can preorder it now on fox news he is also the host of new special on fox nation, poison ivy protest rate on campus, i was in it, it is available to stream right now. tell us more about the project. >> pete: it brings me back to 2020, i was in the -- i was holding the right shield, it's a real looking back at the white house in the middle of the night and your fellow citizens are attacking you and i remember thinking looking at those kids or adults, saying it is not for the kind of education you receive you might be on my side, you are young and courageous and you believe in something bigger than you but we are in opposite sides of americans and that's the indoctrination piece of the poison ivy but they're also not joining the military so we have a huge recruiting price and it's a lot of my own stories but it's not a book about how the military wet it's how it allowed itself to go awoke, their geners
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and it's about a two decade story. >> at the pictures great. >> we can't see your socks. >> june 4th check it out , tune in tonight hannity, filling in for the great sean hannity as a guest host, we have a great lineup, congressional oversight and the lake and senator ron johnson and all of the latest on the trump legal cases, tuning this evening. hope hicks pharma trump what has to medication director is testifying right now in the new york criminal trial, we will talk with her former federal prosecutor about the latest development coming up next
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the "access hollywood" tape, you know the one, billy bush and the former president instead of the tour bus, the reaction to hearing the tape is a little stunned, it is hard to describe that yes, it was definitely concerning. i had a good sense that this is going to be a massive story and dominate the new cycle for the next several days at least, it was a damaging development it did not feel like the type of story that was helpful. angelo, who was the prosecution who is directly questioning her right now asked about the campaign response, hope hicks said that trump felt like it was not good to guys talking privately and did not want to insert anyone but pretty standard stuff or two guys, he always like to weigh in on responses and cannot remember who prepared the response, but trump had input. so that is moment by moment coming in, for more on hope hicks and her testimony and what it to me for the case, i want to bring then now criminal defense attorney, andrew. so you are just reacting to this
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understand? >> what a interesting witness, because the prosecution calls for the testified but she seems like someone who is likely going to have some affinity and some connection to trump and the whole family, so what her testimony will come back with is hopefully for both sides, i think they want the truth from her, but i think trump is expecting from her is that she is likely just there for some conversations, and she was certainly aware that the "access hollywood" tape is not helpful to the campaign and that may have ultimately motivated or increase the motivation to ensure that the nondisclosure agreement with karen mcdougal over at stormy daniels were in place and insecure, but i do not suspect had to think that suspect -- that she's going to present something that she overheard or that she was part of some sort of scheme her plan to do criminal behavior in order to get that story quiet. we know now it is all about this
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being a legal contract and whether or not there was some other type of devious illegal activity and we haven't heard that and i don't expect it. >> harris: we have for comments word for word as they are coming in from the courtroom now. and they are really drilling down on this, it is so interesting, so from your perspective on why they bring this tape and it's because they're trying to show what he might keep other women quiet, given the statements. but it also fits this sort of tapestry right on this case, i'm giving this a salacious -- spin everyone's head about turning up this client. let's dirty up this client of michael cohen as best as we can. >> what is your thought -- exactly that's what has been going on not only through the trial, before the trial itself that started as well, the defense in this case filed motions to keep the "access hollywood" tape out, but the judge and the prosecutor said it is admissible to show
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that he has this increasing motivation. this underlying intent to commit some type of election interference because of that "access hollywood" tape. i do not think that that actually connects the dots to criminal activity here and that's where they have to draw the dots but instead, what they get to do is put forth all of the salacious information they have been doing it for days and days but they still lack actual evidence of criminal conduct. again i do not think hope hicks seems to have any sort of evidence that is going to put that link that those meetings had some sort of criminal undermining get it meant undermining our criminal intent to them it was the idea more of trying to protect the reputation of trump generally. >> harris: thank you so much and you for your expertise and your time. so, i am reading through this as you probably are lower, michael is asking about mitch mcconnell and his reaction, you remember at the time that they say that the tip
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was repugnant and unacceptable, they didn't ask about mitt romney statement and they said she thinks she said disgraceful disgusting things. so angela is our guidance here for link on this point, is to show there is some sort of effort to keep things quiet on the campaign. that is to react to your bus coming out with a comment, ask president biden, they have to do it every day. oh, my goodness, so you took the classified documents from the skittish when you a senator? this happens every day, we see the press secretary up there trying to say no he didn't mean to say that japan was xenophobic which is what i'm guessing. >> pete: you are exactly right, that's what they want from all of this, the judge blocked in the early days of this case, the playing of the "access hollywood" tape, because it would've been presidential, it was his determination but att this point they almost don't
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need it to your point, they are belaboring everything around it so that if you are in the jury, if he didn't know about it, you reminded of it and you generally have a sense of what it was and you've heard it now -- there is one version where they ask hope hicks to read it, they want access hollywood and the judges said they can't. >> harris: so hope hicks sancho, had received emails in the first one was from "the washington post," because the minute that happened, everybody wanted to know what was the response from the white house? that is what hope hicks and the team communications were working on inside the white house. or at least on the campaign excuse me, literally do moving for us? >> sandra: the effort here is to do everything you can without carrying the actual video because the jack hasz particle boss are on that and saying that would be unfair to the former president. you could almost have the video spelled out verbatim and heavy
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actions to it. as far as mitt romney's response, these are obviously horrible things in horrible words that they use to describe what they heard in the video, i can only imagine for hope hicks, i don't think there's any efforts there, she would not want to ruin her integrity or anything like that, she wants to answer these questions as honestly as possible. but without airing the video, all they can do a surround it. it seems like that's the effort for the prosecution right now. >> harris: so sandra has hinted at something, do they have to go into detail? or is she only doing it because what she says today has to match with what she's previously said? >> emily: the prosecution right now is trying to underscore paint a picture that it was so damaging, such a volatile situation for the president, or for the campaign for president, that it kicked into high gear if the frenzy in the slurry for them to try and extinguish any other type of
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negative story, and i note that because at the time when responding to the campaign, they can't they reaction that she testified how president trump said it is two guys talking privately and didn't want to upset anyone of course pretty standard for two guys but she explains how the media coverage dominated it for 36 hours including blowing out a category for her, so all this does is illustrate the media's obsession with speeds 14, and that is what you are seeing here in this moment as well. >> you are not just given us a hypothetical? >> emily: correct. >> harris: i misspoke of this was the campaign for the former president at the time what what this have been like, you were up white house press secretary, on the campaign what with this have been like for her? >> sandra: not at the time, but i would imagine it is a fire every time you get a bad press inquiry a year trying to gather facts as best you can and handle it and i was reading through the
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emails that's what she's doing gather the facts and evidence and get the comment of the principal in this case it was citizen trump before he was president and give the best response back to the press, but to all of your points this "access hollywood" tape which the judge ruled you cannot play but you can read parts of the, they are going so hard on this on the prosecution, this is all about this aura of grossness that they are trying to surround the former president and they can allege a crime, so they are trying as best as they can to take this damaging picture but with this interesting is this morning the lawyers for trump want to talk to the judge about weinstein, which says that unchurched crime if it's not directly relevant you cannot begin but on appeal this gets tough it's a shame case to begin with, but why did doing things that could get tossed? i think they care about a guilty verdict before november of this year, their appeal will come after and the inference of guilt will come before the election.
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>> harris: wow, boy "outnumbered" coming up next. should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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>> emily: from the courtroom to the campaign trail and back again, there has been the current path for trump, even on quick days he is maximizing his time making small but effective campaign stops here in new york city. two weeks ago he visited the bodega whose owner had been charged with murder for defending his store and his body against an attack, trump used the stopped to call for tougher crime laws and remember there were crowds in that brooklyn bodega shouting four more years and go donald trump. last week they spent time with construction workers praising their hard work before heading for court for the day and yesterday he delivered pizzas to
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the new york city firefighters in new york pray this, dave dembeck trump to "stay" watch. [applause] yes, i think the five highest speaks for a lot of us, if we could sos be lord and who better to hear that them president trump. >> i think he got the message that he can be out there campaigning and he sent to use the opportunity to do things like this such as the construction workers who arrived in the construction sites early in the morning they got pictures also as he was heading into the courtroom this morning he used the opportunity to talk about the economy we had some brand-new job numbers and he said these are really bad and his take is the economy is not
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going well so more and more he is trying to get the message out there in the hours he is not sitting in the courtroom. >> emily: to be frank it is incredibly impressive, i get a good night's sleep, and i can't keep up with the president schedule even reading this is a incredible example of his stamina and his endurance and his commitment i argue to those he does represent and you put that in contrast to the current president who does anything but. >> pete: it is sheer fortitude and a willingness to say you are locking me up in a courtroom i know it's election interference and i'm gonna tell everyone that every time and remind you i should be campaigning some rust but since you had me trapped i'm going to go to other places where democrats used to go and where joe could never go. reminding the world i am the different kind of candidate you think ten years it republican going to a bodega or the fdny are going to go to scene instruction? no they think they haven't
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trapped the heat smarter than them. >> the irony is that he was just a block away but don't that they say he didn't visit all these places, with president trump has said by -- >> e >> harris: what about columbia university had a whole host of opportunities he could have delved into of course they would have been as many pickets tried to get him. you mention something sandra and it was when he came out to talk this morning and he did talk about the economy and if i was really fascinating that after he made his comments and he talked about court and some other things as well, reporters were asking him about how you solve our problems and put that jobs and he talked about energy, and then he moved on to other things but display on behalf of work
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for those people are coming from, they are asking for americans we want to know how would you fix it? which was fascinating to me. we don't see that with joe biden. >> at the answer was drill baby drill. >> images are everything in politics, and he has really hit his stride because the image you are getting is donald trump is a man of the people when he's at the harlem bodega and with the union workers at 6:00 a.m., when he is sending up pizzas, and then the establishment attacking trump is the contrast when he is in court, and he is learning to play little defense and say no, this may be the case but then moved to economy or immigration a move to the protest. the image of getting is someone who's an outsider he's not outsider he's an incumbent you want to be an outsider in this political climate in this image of the establishment and the courthouse men of the people is a powerful one he's made himself the outsider that will behoove them in a few months. >> trump, hope hicks is not testifying in the criminal trial, we are monitoring all the breaking news coming now of the courtroom. more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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♪ ♪ >> we are celebrating their tenth anniversary of "outnumbered," all weekend and it's fighter this is the last day and we will make it count and go behind the scenes to learn more about kayleigh mceany. >> kayleigh: i am
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kayleigh mceany and i'm the cohost of "outnumbered." i have had the honor of working at the highest levels of politics, as the spokesperson of the republican national committee, the press secretary for the presidential campaign and finally, as white house press secretary, though she template and the expertise that i have the pleasure of bringing to the couch each and every day. at the white house press secretary i communicated directly with you the american people. >> i have an announcement, this is a very important issue, the president is aware of the situation, now i had the privilege of communicated with the american people from the coach about numbered. over preparing has been in my nature and i bring that work ethic to my job. fox. safe and family are most important to me my husband and i have two beautiful children a 4-year-old daughter and a 1-year-old son named nash, they bring so much joy to my life and being a working mom can be a little crazy. in fact one day i got a call from my husband and he said are you okay? and i replied yes why and he
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sent me a picture and i had left baby wipes in the refrigerator. another day i actually brought the baby monitor all the way from home to the couch about numbered as if it would actually work there. that's when you just laugh and roll with it. i'm a person of faith and i was rose southern baptist. i talk about my faith are not numbered and it is such a privilege to share that part of my life with our reviewers. fox news and "outnumbered" are family, this is amazing to have the support and sit security in this broadcast, it is a true honor to call fox news, "outnumbered," my home. happy tenth birthday "outnumbered." >> that was incredible. i loved it. >> it was a lot of fun. and it really is the owner of a lifetime, harris, emily, all of you, we are a fox family and there's a lot of love in this building. >> ui amplifier and you amplify everyone who is around you and you make them better,
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stronger, more faith filled, you prepare harder and you inspire and educate all of us every day but to be ever best, you are our best. >> my sisters in. >> harris: i remember that baby monitor date. >> it didn't have that kind of battery. >> him to step it was the baby wipes and not the baby. >> while said. >> harris: let's take a look back at one of the most unforgettable moments, sandra we were together. live outside the 2016 republican national convention in clev cleveland, >> hashtag hair gate is a real thing. i wear when the block of our television version about numbered at noon today, there is a lot of wind that rolled through the set -- >> that's not right. i have seen that video.
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>> harris: but now you know i am not wearing a weave. [laughter] okay, i have a full set of hair on this head. alessandra -- >> i have a full head of hair but your head is just as the bond because that stuff stayed on. >> you look fabulous. look at her, she is going. >> i have been fortunate enough to show the couch on days where there are insane breaking news and their crazy things happening in the world and sometimes they are absurd sometimes they are crazy like this -- i have never experienced so many texts and tweets about one subject. >> harris: we are going to take a twitter poll, some of my coworkers here are going to take a twitter poll as well. >> outnumbered ladies, should
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they have left the wind? and on its side, yes or no, and use #outnumber #outnumberedharrogateclose -- >> irememberthat.ihada14-month-w asthinkingtomyselfisawthelightsb lowing was put up the day before. and i was thinking if one of those fly after i am done. >> harris: i said i am at the mercy of whoever hung those -- >> i am sure they were amazing but i was not willing to risk it we moved inside. [laughter] >> we have a jewish student coming on who was arrested in the anti-semitism protest, who then cancel the final exam and then told his students and amongst them the jewish students told him to attend the protest and place of the exam joins us live. >> will be watching, "america reports" at the top of the hour.
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( ♪ ) >> all right here we go real time from in the courtroom donald trump is facing new york his former communications director hope hicks says she learned from a "wall street journal" article that she -- when she was on trump's plane getting ready for a hanger rally in ohio she received the email just as they were landing "wall street journal" article would outline karen mcdougal's story purchased by the "national enquirer" but never published. and wanted comment. again, she was reached out to buy media to try and respond and now they are getting her real-time reaction to some of the things that were happening around donald trump with all of this. thank you for watching. "america reports," send or you there? sandra are you there? >> i have to go through this trial da


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