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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 3, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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five for her. a bottleing where of water. >> and, you know, i loveh stories like this to her all. o'briefir n all right.wa >> here we go. special thanks to klif for are they going to start airing our showtos tomorrow, starting on may six, on monday, over in dallas. thanksg ou so much, guys. >> appreciate that. your career is going off a cliff. yeah. so that'going a s like a legende station party. okay, i guess i'm done. e. all right. one more to veteran named jack. milton was a sophomore at western kentucky university when he was called to active we. t >> he went on to earnatgr a bachelor's degree there, or maryland. they couldn't attend the graduation because he was deployed to vietnam. be d , the 100aduati year old finally received the diploma. and there are nearly 60 yearsma. ago, he said at the ceremony. and a part of this was the best . he also served in the korean war, so congratulations to him. wow. all right. >> ath the table. >> do you want to live to your 100? ,yeah. >> okay. all right. that's it for us. have a great night. what was[ ♪ that?
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>> welcome to a special edition of jesse waters, pete:oe primetime, 2:08 p.m.d on the east coast and 7 p.m. in god's countryd god's . i'm ho on pete hegseth holding down the fort on a friday nightld f. >> anarchy rippling through america, seemingly from coastcot to coast. the core tenets of our republic are the targetenc of an anti-american, pro terror. that'sn, pro t what they call i. >> that's what intifada is. >> the kind of image images you thought were reserved for the war on terror that we saw overseas have come home. statues of george washington defiled with islamist scarves coverings of g his face and thes genocidal warmonger spray painted on them at george washington university. washin >> and radicals sporting hamas headbands trying to turngt our college campuses into the third
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world. >> but just like in the aforementioned war on terror, the battlee: but je may have bet messy, but the good guys never waveres d while they screamed intifada and burn it all down. the brave men an alld womennt in uniform rushed into action. o we saw it from the nypd to therd police in portland.
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we now all the police are here in america, 26 states, over, ovr 2000 arrests, almost half of the little plac0e, school radicals at columbia. they weren't even college kidstr . they're anarchists or marxists or both. my my personal favorite combo co deliver chaos and infiltrate young minds in the process. >> you remember bill ayers, obama's buddy, former weather widerground co-founder, you know, the group that bombed the pentagon? well, he's back and he was seene lecturing at the university of chicago's liberation zone.
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that right there tells you where the battle lines tells are drawn. >> but this week proved that the american spirit is no te poli going to be broken while police restored law and order on our campusesce , patriotic college our kids restored our hope frat bros guarding the american flag. >> while arab spring breakers were clawing to tear it down. remember, most of these kids were not even alive on 911, but they've been taught what we used to know in our dna is that you never caved to terrorists. terrorists.d states,a lo the president, the united states of america could learn a lot from these frat rowsom t frat p because while hamas and antifa raged this week, the presidentea waved the white flag. fis $6 billion in student loan bailouts, catering to the activists themselvesloan bai . and this week, the biden white house announced, get this, n whe welcoming so-calledwe palestinian refugees into
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paley with open arms. >> is the administration looking to admit into the united states refugees from gaza? if so, from gaza? are how is the administration sure there is no hamas infiltration? co since the beginning of the conflict, we have helped more than 1800 american citizens and their familiesnf havhelped leave gazay of whom come to the united states. palestinians may be eligiblepaln for a variety of existing pathways to enter the unitedte states, such as immigrant or nonimmigrant visas. we are constantly evaluatingevaa policy proposals to further poli who arestiniansti family members of american citizens and may want to joifamn them in the united states. so i'm going to read from my paper now because i know this answer is terrible. they're not allowed into egypt, but we're letting them int in here . >> instead of radical activists for gaza. now we? get actual radicals from fro gaza. heck of a bargaim gan if you thk the campus caliphate will pack up their bags and stop of course they won't. they think they're winning
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p theand have reason to think se under, joe, that's what they call them. they give them an inch and they take a mile and then they build a camp arouna miled it. >> and colleges, they're caving. rutgers university today caving. announced they agreed to eight out of the ten demandsd frombre their arab spring breakers includes scholarshiprss for refugees from gaza and agreeing to fly the palestinian and kurdish and kashmiri flags on their campus. i guess we'r on e all now kashm, too. colleges would rather cave to the will of the marxists than to the will of the patriotic majorityarxist . ority when the minority marxists, they can't even tell you whama tprotes they're protesting for. >> what do you think you're processing for? no comment. why are you guys out here today? the organizers? why can't i? i wanted to as k you official statements from the organizers only. why are you guys protestin >>g? just to be a part of the cause. and what's the cause? >> yeah. i'm not the right person to talk to. what is the empiren
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? why empire? empire.. u.s israel. the empire that's propped up, th by capitalism and free palesti palestine. free congo. free sudanne, free. e ha free, daddy. free, away, free puerto rico. liberation for hawaii, all. >> a free ice cream. speak to thesp organizers. >> this is who we are relinquishing our campuses to. our mpuses tn, crazi the crazier they get. >> during vietnam, you knew what the protesterer s wanted.e draf >> avoidt the draft and stop the war. but these little radicalse today, they've been programed to want anarchy. >>to wananarch you heard >> death to israel. death to america. death to jews. death the christians. am th to the west. it didn't just happen overnight. this kind of indoctrinatio n has scene been going on behind the scenes for decades. i've been a part of warning about this. >> go into great detail on how we got here in a brandia new special on fox natiol on fn a new update to poison ivy watch. >> it's just unbelievablpoisone
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>> the jewish kids are hiding in their dorms and they're afraid to go to clashi rms ans because they're being ostracized because of all of these demonstrations and all these kids that are pro-hamas, not whofiles standing and pro-hamas, which is the most bizarre thingt that you could ever imagine. princeton professor robert george joins me now. professor, thanks fore on being here. >> you were one of my mentors as an undergraduate. you've beee mentorn there longen i have at an ivy league school. so how are school. you surprisee level of radicalization we're seeing on campuseslevel right >> well, pete, it's good to beuo with you. and thanks very much for inviting me on. i'm sorrr in y that we have to talk about such a distressing subject. yes, i'm surprised that howd th extreme it's gotten and the large number of students la of std intorecruite what i believe is a very bad cause is that what it is, this outside recruitment or are these kids showing up, say,i at princeton or other ivy league schools who are already radicalized? >> where'sncetonr iv the radican
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>>ppening? >> well, i'v ie been worried, as you know, about indoctrination goingeds fo on at universities for really my entire 39 years as an academic entirely here at princeton. >> but i think the big change in the past ten years or so is that students come to us pre indoctrinated. ampant the realities that were rampant on campuses even back thenno fie have now filtered down into high schools and even middle schools. so students come to us alreadylr eadydeeply immersed in identitan ideologies. what we sometimes call woke etiology, their heads filled with the stuff ideolog, and it'y difficult to get them to open their minds. dot it's our jobn their mi as fy to do that. >> and so i take it on. most people don' t it know this, professor, but you've created quite a foothold for freethinking at princeto cre qn but the james madison program, where ideas are actually freelyn exchanged. when that happens, what happens at a campus? i know princeton is not perfec i owt . >> i've heard from jewish students at princeton, where a 're still facingat a lot
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of anti-semitism, but at least a free exchang e. >> you're forced to explain your position, which the marxist don't have to in a lot of other placepositione mar >> well, we founded the james madison program on american and ideals and institutions nearly 25 years ago in the millennialno year of 2000. >> and it's a place in our university. it's notf a the only place, but it's a place in our university where we have genuine diversitya ine exch of opinion. we have genuine exchanges of ideas where students are entitled to, in fact be encouraged to speak their mindnouraged s. d also encourage the people listentolisten t some of their e of critical to learn to be their own best critics. the whole purpose of an institution of learnine whole gt is to get at the truth of things. >> we're a truth seeking institutio trun. >> and that means we have toourw acknowledge our own fallibility, that we could be wrongn fathat w about things. wee have to be opencritic to criticism, open to other people's ideasisd open. princeto and in the james madison program here at princeton, we do that.
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and i'm very proud to sat and io that this year we have our largest number of undergraduate fellows, nearlurr of y 270 of our students are now undergraduate anllows of the madison program at princeton. and these are outstanding young men and women, outstandingese a >> that that is fascinating. where where conservatism where face, where, where our american founding is celebrated. professoh, amer george, thanks r a little encouragement and a dark night tonight. tonik you.or, thant >> pleasure. thank you. you got it. all right.pite c despite claiming thisla national uprising is about israel and hamasnational, you k, these terrorist sympathizers have been parroting the samezer left-wing talking points we've been hearing for years. >> the manfo we dema tha that ur the horn at his homes n in palestinepalest, chicago and beyond. that includebeyond!s explicitly acknowledging that form, as well as implementing a usually a kind of a program of reparation. >> disbanding cpd, disband the copss an and give reparatios to everybody. if there's one thing we know
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about college radicalsif there'w who have taken over campuses around the country, it's that they hate the policearound. >> most of these colleges were too scared to bring in the cops when they the settlements whenst took root, so they grew. and when they finally sounded the alarm, y so the insurgents did everything they could to kick the cops out .. but once tensions got too high and the counterprotest started clashing with thethe en encampments, guess who the college radicals blamed foca wer the escalating or follo violence? >> they literally do not carlene about our safety, about our lives. they would rather watch us be killed than to protect us. they stood on a line and they watchewad and then they stoodfor in the line and they moved forward a little bit more to kind of start dispersinga little whatever. and they pushed us closer to the zionists. they moved in and the eno e
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movedd like .do >> they didn't do anything. so why call mom? >> but here's the thing. thosll youe ucla radicals sayind the cops didn't do enough to stop the violence. >>o engh they brought upon thems are actively calling for the policeves and to be abolisk >> you can't make this stuff up. st here'e ths the moral of the story. >> maybe think about not attacking the peopley. who areg supposed to defend you and then come crying back to themo th for help. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul mauro joins meeco now. >> we giggler a little bijoints at that. yeah, but that is their expectation is i should i should not be harmed. i live in a bubble. but if someone confronts me fois my views, for my very violentd views and the cops show up, the ones i wantethe cow upd to d of, they should protect me and do nothing wrong in the process. >> oh, yeah. you have to bein the >> b perfect.e you know what? the great disappointment of this entire campus occupationment of thas been? that nobody has been hurt.ats there haven't been any seriousbu injuries. >> oh, you mean amongst the protest, amongst the protesters?
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this is what they're dying >> this forth . that's why every time the cops go on, they start screaming like there's no tomorrow, because manye coshow e have never been manhandled in the slightest, as you and i both know. >> theyo but it's part of the e. >> they want the bragging rights of having been arrestedhu . they don't want any of the negatives. obviously. they want to get them into the precinct. they don't want to be processe a . they can't believe they might have a record. and, you know, let's enlarge the scope here a little biecorda i don't have to speculate on that because think about our currente aboutt president, right?n to >> he's not to tell maybe a few tall tales. you two of them have to do d with arrests. >> right. ne says he waso wi arrested with nelson mandela, never happened. >> says he was arrested on the porch which never of a black family's the black family's porch during a desegregation march desegregation demonstration. noe >> o none of even the progressie media can find anyrogressi evide of that. that didn't happen either. so the point is, it's oneto of the things that they want to embed in this whole thing. and it's because this is a olprofes professional class of agitators driving all of this. the college students are just usefulsiass ofr idiots.h they come, they go. o it's every couple of years we had blm and then befor hade thaa
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had occupy professional agitators. they know how this workstonow. they work it, and it's always the same message. k about just think about this, how it must feel. nypd is majority minoritt fey nt >> think about how it must feel for the black cops out there to havcops oute these clowns chr in their face that they're the same as the kkek. m >> we're going to talkorr. about this a little bit more later, too. when i held the riot shiel d during the riots of 2020, i was in the national guard. dhe most i've never hear more racist, vile things. oh, they think they can get away with. they scream. ey getm. a terrible stuff. i saw it during the blm thing, particularly the black cops took a lot of grief. >> yeah. how did. how are they doing? thes the force doing in light of that? you're right. they have to be perfect. and i think i thought it wass co great. they held a press conference s. traying how they do thinferer >> but how do you feel like they're doing? they're doing fine. going?this this is a >> they'n old institution. nypd has been around. they know what to do. you know, that goes foy know r lapd and the l.a. county sheriffs, etc.. thesncae the green light is given to these units, they know how to do it. as we've seey known, they go any
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surgically do it. >> it's just that the the political class jus dithers until it gets to the point. i mean, what are the what is the expectation of these protesters? they've built a little bedroom for it. the bedrooand so as a result, t of israel is going to disappeair . >> i don't think so. great insight. all day long i've been watching the channel >> great whe. >> thank you so much for being here. thank you. this year. all right. >>y pelosi and al gore. what you need to know. look, we know it's going to be a big change, but it's the right thing to do for all of us. it's just your mother and i want different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app. that's right. that gets live sports and news and i get my reality shows. >> and when we don't want to pay, your mom and i can still get hundreds of channels for free. sling is really keeping this family together. you have no idea. >> you have no idea. sling the life tv.
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>> it's going to help a lot of patients. saturday we have this of marxism. islam is going on. islam is going on. leo terrell sounds the future is here. we've been creating it for more than 100 years, putting the most advanced technology into people's hands. generation after generation. tool after tool. again and again. bringing you the most reliable network of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. the fox alert?job numb april's job numbers came in and they are way weaker than expected, falling about 70,000 short of what economistsnomist p predicted. >> and on top of that, unemployment actually rose to 3.9%. >> now, remember, biden-nomicsre is the centerpiece of joe's
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campaign. there's literally nothing elsep. he could run on.n tr he's been trying to convince us that the economy is as strongconvinceus tha as an but the numbers tell a very different story. y on here's trump's plan from today on turning things aroundg thingy the job numbers just came out and it's horrible. ha and a very and i say that not i half of the u.s. is verys to dri unhappy with my plan for job is to drill, baby, drill bod bring energy down to close up the border to get rid of all the criminals that are being allowed into our country. >> yeah,. that sounds good to w me. >> sounds like it would help wages, too. wellages, the presidential medal of freedom is the highest honor a civilian canfreedo receive in. country. ronald reagan presented roel to mother theresa.. bill clinton awarded one to rosa parks. >> trump gave one to elvis presley and babe ruth.. well, today, joe awarded 19 people with the presidential medal of freedom. pe as he calls it, the presidential freedom of medalreedom o.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, my fellow americans, i congratulate eight presidential freedom recipients and now and their families. lies. >> biden decided to give the freedom of medaled to gi tou of our favorites nancy pelosi, al gore, john and mike bloomberg. how did these people earne land the highest honor in the land? >> well, they've dedicated their careers to kneecapping f thei freedom in pursuit of their own self-interest. >> al gore and johlfn kerry spet their careers killing our economy with government funded climate reers ki junk while they got rich. bloomberg created a nanny statey in new york regulating what you can eat and drink. >> ntingt yoo big gulps for you doesn't sound a lot likea lo freedom. and nancy pelosi's lifelong politician, as you know, with a perfectly timed stock trades. why did she get a medal? >> well, january 6th, on january six, nancy stood in the bridge and defend democrach any with her husband, paul.
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they stood up to extremism and absolute with absoluteup tox courage. history will remember you, nancy, as the greatest speaker of the house. >> you have the whole world. >> rachel campos-duffy is the co-host of fox and friends the and the perfect guest for this. >> rachel, i thought you mightth have somisu mae suggestions and reactions. i do have some suggestions, but first i say i hadn't thought about the medal of freedom until t abou the last time r i thought about was rush limbaugh. remember when he got it? this was a man limb got who truly lovedm, loved freedom, loved america. i don't think joe biden could have picked three. >> what is the freedom of medal so mreedom? a medal of freedom. a medal. so maybe that's what it is. maybs what ie. s the >> maybe that's the issue. because these are the people most committeuse these pg away your freedom and destroying the american way of life. you know, these are elitist, mean. think about rush. he was.are elit the man of the , a midwesterner that could connect with everybody o. this is you know, these are millionaires, billionaires
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,as in the case of bloomberg, who don't care that their caviar climate agenda is ruining, you know, the economy. they don't care. you know, they're killing american jobs, are killing killg american energy. it doesn't matter to them. so this is actually very on brand. pete, with with thisstration administration, because let's face it, they have totally alienatebecause d themselves frm the middle class and they pick giese recipientsan who don't give a damn about the working class or the middle clasabous, t and they're so bad. >> pete, even those coddlend, you know, protesters, hey, hey, l of theseand al recipients. so i did have a list of some suggestions. what do you like? you know, so here's what i thought. america's frat boys, they could boys use the for the medal of freedom. donald j. nev trump. giv he never gives up on america. elon musk foes r, you know, absolutely caring about, you know, freedom of speecly cal
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how about the truly peacefulpros protesters of the pro-lifet ar movement, the ones that are in jail right now? ck and kid rock and john rich, we knowe they love freedom. >> true, riley gains the classical school movement. a you and i can appreciate and how about our u.s. borderd patrolhor u.s.? >> oh, that's a great caret colu about america for the guys that cleared out colombia. i'mbo d like to add them to whatever you. i mean, but it seems probably more likely to g ly moro to pauld pelosi, susan rice and gavin newsom. >> so i think your list is correct. but a little off brand forbund big joe. >> rachel yeah. well, maybe paul pelosi needs the the hammer instead of theado metal. wellf th, it's metal. all right, rachel, we wish himws well. h >> we wish him as you wish. you will see in nine and a half hour biden's doj could jail.coul another political riva l. >> imagine a future where
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. >> fox news alert biden's doj rtexas anothe political rival, this time texas congressman henry cuellacr and his wife. the charges include conspiracy and acceptin g over halfbe a million in bribes from foreign entities. e tw >> now, the feds raided claire's home two years ago proe as of a probe into business ties to the country of azerbaijausineso thn. queiroz told at the time that he wasn't a target of the ' investigation. that's what they say in a say. e nt todas what he says bothsa he and his wifehi are innocent. >> remember, he's one of the few pro-life democrats in congresrememb is and has beec critical of biden's wide open borderri's. >> all seems interesting to me . today, donald trump sat in a freezing courtroom for daytodayd 11 of elvin bragg's delusional trial of the centurye delusi. his former advisor, hope hicks, took the stand, testifying t that she didn't recall david pecker, who ran "the national enquirer"
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agreeing to help the trump campaign. hicks also dumped coldhelp the r on the prosecution's star witness, the admitted liarstar michael cohen, saying he often inserted himself into campaign activities. hope hicks told the court, quote, he used to like to call himself mister fix i mt, but it was only because he first broke it. all in all, a pretty good dayal foin goor trump. t >>ha he's saying tgif and the government, doj, etc., etc.. and in particular, likely this office india, which is letting w crime, violent crime runhi rampanch t all over our city, is aciou lucious, vicious, radical left-wing lunatics. the d.a. saw a soros ban.o sowi i just want to wish everybody a very good weekend and good weekend. >> and for all the chaosl surrounding the highly politicized case, itof the does seem to be moving the needlebe
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with voters and majority. they're not evenng the ne with paying attention to them. >> it's just more white noise surroundinn. g the andlectio more election interference. non cew that kind of number is triggering severe cases of trump derangement syndrom e. >> hollywood and robert de niro needs serious medicaanl attention. ho i don't think w they understand how dangerous it will be if he ever goty ha being becomes president. in germany, they had it with hitler. theythey don't take him serioust a looks like a clown acts like a clown. mussolincln.i. ini, t same thing. the guy is a monster. he is beyond mhe monste. it's almost like he wants to do the most horrible things h he cn think of. >> and it's scary. so trump's a big mean monster, but de niro seems to be methodcn acting for another mob movie with this unhinged advicae for joe. >> i use figuratively, but i say punch in the face, go ath in him. a bully you punch in the face. trouble with trump is he's facet
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just a bully. he's a stupid bully. he's a he's sickis bully. perso he is really genuinely a sick person that's somehow has been allowed into our system. ot o he's played a lot of bad guys. would you ever play donald trump? never is. there's nothing about him. onand that one redeeming thing in him that i can see ever. >> i'm such an angry man. >> so who is the real bully here? the guy patientlrealy attending court every day. or the president who used his own department to put himo u there in the first place? >> former assistant treasury secretary monica crowley joins primetime now. >> monica, i don't know if you've seen that clip. that's a prettu haclipy that'se how the left characterizes trump, because they've lost their mind for a long time erizes t. t but how how do you think they're feeling right nowt about day 11 of court as more and more evidence is showing this a shaanncm? yeah, you know, peter, it's so>o interesting because the left
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and the imperial media and all of trump's enemies and cannot believe that the man is not just still standing, but that h he is thriving. part of what is giving rise, robert de niro's outburst and all of this anti-trump psychosiurst ands, which is worw than it's ever been. it's because donals everd trumpn now leading in all of the swing states a huge margin way out of the margin, the margins of error here. so the frustration that has been building, that has beennti- anti-trump for the last seven or eight yearsmp the, it'w exploding because they cannot fathom that donalduse they truml win a second term. >> you're right. some new polling that came oute. today showed a double digit lead, a ten point lead in a national pols th, a 10-pl that r we just showed showed that most americans see exactly what this triaws thamericansl is and theyt paying attention. >> so how does the theey d left panics? >> what does the left dopanic? in that panic? yeah, well, it makes them increasingly dangerous becausewn
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when they are backed into a corner, like a cornered rabacp they will ratchet up all kinds of behavior and certainly saw this over the last eight years cance donald trump first came down that escalator between now and the election. petethlator. you can expect allr of lashing out. we see it now on college campuses with this kind of revolutionary activitcollh ty and trying to burn down the country, create chaos. but this time around, time it's actually backfiring. it's working for president trumar p. it's working for the republicans, because jusg ft like 1968, people want law and order restoredw and donalda trump is promising that plus a booming economy and then forced order rebuildingildi our military, rebuilding, rebuilding our citieng oy anshe and restoring peace in the world, all of the thingsst that he delivered in the first term he's going to deliver will, people thatback a they want him back.e and so the backlash is only going to continubackonlye to buh >> you're exactly right. and joe couldn't contain the chaos abroad at home iaoitf he wanted to at this point.
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monica crowley, thank you so muchthank yo. all right. a biden voter goes berserkater right back in texas. it is a land of mystery and legend teeming with life or nature has selected the most adaptable and those willing to stake their claim. this is a story for all who i will blesshe those who bless you. it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union. but we're finding thousands of destitute elder led jews who are alone and in need of basic food.mpty.
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while the entire country is laser focused on pro-hamas encampmentcountrs, illegals arel pouring into our borders at a rapid pacepourin. >> nearly 200,000 illegal near. ters occurred in march >> and that was that's what we know. this is not the garraway's and it doesn'that go seem to be slowing down. >> this is all part of joe's down. ate plan >> abandoned everyday americans and cater to illegalds . >> in a campaign event, biden told his supporters that ourgals.event, tol economyh and this is his words, not mine, becausise we welcome illegal immigration. he said, quote, why is china stalling so badly economically? whling so y is japan having tro? because they're xenophobic. they don't want immigrants. immigrants are what make ime. ump not a jok that's not hyperbole. oh, i can't stand those phrasesv because we have an influx inf of workers who want to be herelu and want to contribute and quote, it's not justno
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a kumbaya liberal talking point. biden's pro illega al rhetoric is strategic. new this week, we learned that 80% of biden's illegal flights for migrants illeg were. to florida, which, if you ask me, sounds like a bi t of political payback. not a bit. a lot from martha's they want control. they're angrre y that there wasn't enough free handouts. >> biden's get green lighting rp doca recipients now access obamacare. but joiee biden's plan to rally latino voters is actually still r latinobackfiring on him. al im >> it turns ouigt supporting illegal immigration does not guarante guarae you the latino . >> just ask univision. they're actually giving him the cold shoulder. >> i spoke i spoken off the recordhim thder. with some e newscasters and they said that they were leaning, they were pushing theme pushin right way d had trump on. they wouldn't allow biden commercials on. >> and then they didn't have biden on for a long, long time.. when univision jumped ship,>> we you know, you're losingc
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the hispanic vote. and if it wasn't worse for w biden alreadorsey, texas is notm becoming the blue state democrats were hoping for. remembererhoping, they want to n texas blue. >> a texas hispanic policy foundation. polic poll finds trump leading biden with latino voters in texay finds by a margn of 12 points. to this is a more than a warning sign to democrats. joe biden better restrategis e s eyes where it's going to be lights out foror i his reelecti >> florida congresswoman ana paulina luna joins us now. and i than.k you for being here. >> does it surprise you that joe's strategy is import illegals and why is it nots? working for him?>> it >> no, it does. not in fact, i couldn't be happier that this is backfiring. for a long time, this administration ng has largely taken the hispanic voting demographic for granted. remember, his wife called itsta breakfast tacos and joe biden thought that getting ane bidethoughthe hispanic voteg despacito by justin bieber last cycle. but i will tell you the number
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one issue for the hispanic american voting bloc, me being mexican-american, is the economy. is they of us are,d ge you know, second or third generation from people that came herm e the right way.pletely so to be completely disrespected and then honestly treated as stupid by this administration and their talking puppet, you know, it's rightfully so that they're backfiring with the vote. >> i mean, is is it xenophobicbe to believe you should secure your own borders and only have peopllievldyoure coming in? >> absolutely not.ol in facutely t i'm, you know, a d states air force veteran and clearly i'm a womaforce vend you know, i am the granddaughter of immigrants. and what i will tell you is it is not racisat iilt to want born security and it's certainly not xenophobic. in fact, it's probablyena one od the most responsible and also humanitarian things you can do. you know, open ngs yo borders aren't contributing to human trafficking. and fortunately, we are seeing cont that this administration is not only complicit in ignoring that and alslicit ino the traffg of women and children, but they're also, too, from their own words, treating immigrants that are coming here as the hel coming p and basicali
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i think, concerned, saying that if it weren't for >> wgrantsf itfor im would pick the crops. >> that's what nancy pelosi said. no doubt about it. that'sheard thethat's t the way. and they're taking it for granted. they're losing it. beautiful thing to see. congresswoma fon, thank you for your time. >> appreciate it. thank you. all right. warr our warriors. >> coming up next. start your day with nature. meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brands. >> when i started mypillow, it was just a problem. solution. one product company. well, since then, with the help of my dedicated employees, we now have hundreds of products. some you might not even know about to get the word out. we're having a $25 extravaganza to pack multi-use my pillows, $25, mypillow sandal, $25.
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jackets. fine. one volume cashmere at a fair price. get free shipping and 365 day returns at quinn scott. >> we have breaking news as stories develop across the world. a lot of fast moving action on capitol hill. get smart insight on the top headlines we've been covering all of it. the story with martha maccallum weekdays at three on fox news channel. america is watching. >> in the past few weeks, we've all watched as young radicals>>t clashed with police, clashed with patriots. and of course:e paste, with thes patriarchy. and e is jews buttim and loving hamas. but the real issue is with the america, the big satan. >> watching the street clashesd reminded me of my final army deployment. mind me ofit wasn't overseas. >> it was right here at home in our nation's capital in june. of 2020, after deployments unin cuba and i held a riot shield outsidee th
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the white house with the army national guard clashing with blme with rioters and antia anarchists. >> we held the line black soldiers, white soldiers, male and female soldiers, but mostly men. >> the reason these men held the line with such honor line witr anand discipline was e things about them that the left hated. they were normal, strong men with honor, guys who refused to let what made them different distract from t their unity and brotherhood. >> men who put others first. they didn't try to be the center of attention. men who refuse d to see themselves as victims. men with a rock solid sens e self. and they got that in large partf fromro american military.e line we held the line, and atad that moment i had a bit of an epiphany. >> you see the antifa and blmfa rioters on the other sid ande or were not very different thanverd ifour soldiers. we're
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in fact, we were quite similar. we were both passionatboe. >> we're both brave. we did not fear pain orr th what the other side could dof to us. >> we believed in the righteousness of our cause. at any other tim e, esters american history, those protesters would have fought injustic w e by joining the military. but today, we are on separaten sides. the same goes for the hamasse thsupporters in our streets right now. why these kids fighting for justice with a uniform on with a flag on their shoulders. this is exactly the typey th of same of people that all my soldiers in gitmo, iraq and afghanistan came from the same neighborhoods, the same emotional framework, the exact same public schools. >> what changed in the past 20 years? why are these brave whd choosing hamas instead of humvees or antifa instead of the airborne. under well, first, under obama now and now biden, the pentagon acrs across all branches, has peddled the social justices al
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of gender equity, racial diversity, climate stupidity and the lgbt alphabet soup inside their ranksinside t and y recruiting pushes only one problem. there aren't enough fromncisco san francisco who want to joine the 82nd airborne, and at the same time, these very same adse ame ad turn off the yt patriotic christian men who have traditionally filleiccd most of our ranks and women so they don't join in the first place. or they leave early. or in my case, they get pushedr out and they're called an extremist by the very same army that they love. yep. that happened to m me. or >> that's one of the many stories from my new book, the war on warriorew boos, whicj comes out on june 4th and can be preordered right now anywhere books are sold. >> thankfully, there are still more o f us than them.hem. the hamas activists are loud, but they're also maskemad, skiny and marginalized across america from small and town to small town. there are still hundreds of thousands of patriotic,
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stronge'l, manly men ripe forrih recruitment. >> think the boyt r recruis at c and rutgers and ole miss, the military just needs to speak to them and then stand alongside them. they will their lives for this country. >> but this country and our military has to show that it valuesyd our mio show them firs. you see, the left scorns these types men. but america needs them. black, white rich, poor, rural,h urban america needs our strong men and to defend us. david bellavia is a medalan of honor recipient. >> he's seen a lot of the most dangerous placess se on earth.. >> david, what do you think? do you see that same comparison of the bravery of our generation and now these kids completely misguided? >> first of all, every timest o i comeal on, you bring up the of the 82nd airborne. all right. and just telling you what your book battle foreally the american mind, really opened my eyes to what i'm seeing right now on collegyh
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campuses. and when i just heard your monologueea, i it reallyfoe is emotional for me because, you know b, you might lookink at education today and think all is lost. >> but today we say that abouts lor military is the dathy america is lost. so tl to actiona cal for people to fix our institutions by becoming a part of our institutions. >> it's a clarion call for mor action. and more importantly, impoc because that's what we have to have in bad times throughout american history. it was the american spirit. it was har. d. it was discipline. it was tenaciousness. e. the world war two generation are great because they knewt they were at war. they knew who their enemies were. and they knew theywa w who to win. so i heard your monologue, i and i'm you. this is it. you've got the answer. inyou've got to fix this by beig involved as citizens and,
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pushing back against injustice. we're going to use the word injustice. and pete, we have to save democracy, don't we? because it appears to be on the line. well, i end book by sayinger t writing a letter to my sons about whether i would want them to serve or not. >> and you hear i hear from vets all the timse e saying, wan kidon't know if i would want my kids or grandkids serving. >> and part of that is becausede they feel like they've been betrayed by the leadership of the military, which is laid rshi down while leftist pushed all these political priorities into the ranks. >> that had nothing to do with being lethal, nothing to do with killing terrorist, ns you did in fallujah. and so they're worried that if e their son or daughter to this institution, that they're not going to be y that bdaugtie fixeond? ixed >> absolutely, it can be fixed. and by the way, you know, we'v.e that throughout our history, whether it was from the gilded age going into world war one. i mean, every time wy you know,k at our major policies in the military, we assume don't ask,
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don't tell is a military policy . it was not. that was congress pushing its will on the military. es when you look at all the times the military wanted to integrate its forces, it was a president who was also premiering ku klux movies in the whitewas also klu house s woodrow wilson. but it was a president that said no aid, we don't want this. the military has actually been a reflection of of that evolution in america. and most it's our last linet lie of defense. and when we hear death oic to america in america, we t all have to be at a at a higher condition of alert. and that meanst a, you know, what is christopher wray of the fbi doing? , wh iwhat is congress doing wht our military doing right now? >> we spent a lot of timecali fighting white radicalism, pete. appea tha that there ise guy at least set himself on fire. and, you know, bradley manning wasn't exactly a trump
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delegate. fire.bradley ing wasnyou know, g faction radical out there, too. >> ne.o doubt. and we're watching live pictures right now of a pro-hamas protest livet in chico it is a product of ourroduct education system. but, david o, as you said,se har it's one thing to lose harvard. it's another thing to losevait'a the marine corps. and we only have one. and either we proteccorps.ave 1o and fight for it or we lose it.. david bellavia, thank you for your service. d everyt and medal of honor recipient. everything you've done for our country and for talking about the war on warriors, it's out right now. you can preorder it. itdrything we just talke about, you talk about in the book as well. thank you, david. book as wu david.all right. >> that's all for tonight. remember to watch "fox and friends" weekend tomorrow at, 6 a.m. >> it's in about 9 hours. tulsi gabbard, kevin o'leary, john rich, andy mccarthy, plus chastity, and of course, all rachel campos-duffy, mom and will cain will be there. kayleigh mcenanykaylei hosting. hannity coming up next. welcome to this special edition of "hannity". >> i'm kayleigh mcenany. and fo


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