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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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harry & david makes mother's day easy. share a gift, made with love, with the mom in your life. choose from hundreds of stunning baskets and towers. it's the perfect way to say thank you - for everything. harry & david. life is a gift. share more. [inaudible]
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over 2100 people have been arrested anti- israel campus protests as a police a clear encampments at colleges across the u.s. more leadership at universities cracking down on students, faculty and outside agitators universities have shifted their focus to limiting disruptions at this weekends and graduation ceremonies. today's commencement at university of michigan was interrupted by a line of protesters for parading with flags and signs on the isle of the university football stadium but will have the latest on the campus chaos in just a minute. but first, this. >> three people have reportedly been charged in the case of three surfers. one an american who disappeared in mexico last weekend. mexican authorities have found three bodies in a well. and now, though it for dna results to see if those bodies
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could be the missing surfers. welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville. hi jonathan. >> good to be with you today i am jonathan hunt. eric shawn is on assignment. a straight brothers callum and jake robinson went missing apri. they've been camping and surfing and the baja california region of mexico. that area has seen a record levels of violent crime including vehicle theft, homicide, and cartel activity. christina coleman has spoken with friends of the missing surfers she is live in los angeles. >> height jonathan that is right we just spoke with a good friend of the surfers he tells me he was shocked to learn of their disappearance and the popular surfing area. >> we may have had a false sense of security pre-going down there seem so safe it's marketed as everyone can do it it's can't come it's great come at the
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baja. there is cartel violence it's always been cordoned off. >> from the three bodies and eight waterhole about 130 miles south of san diego. state prosecutors have not yet confirmed whether the bodies of belonged to the missing men. mexican authorities have the pick up truck belonging to the american surfer was found burned near a remote area along the coast. they believe it was set on fire. cute men and a woman had been detained on suspicion of kidnapping for the lead prosecutor in baja california told the "new york times" that her team believes the three suspects tried to steal the victim's vehicle. when they resisted one of the suspects shot them and try to dispose of their bodies. again, family and friends of the missing surfers identify them as jack carter rode from san diego. and jack and callum robinson two brothers from australia. the family and friends of the victim said they notified police their loved ones were missing after they did not show up to an
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therapy and be as expected earlier this week. and another surfing area close to the border. they say the last time they heard from them was last saturday. >> i just want the world to know how credible these men were. i know a lot of things can be said when folks pass away. but even in life they're bigger than life they there was a lign every room. carter, callum, and jake they could do friends with everyone on their legacy to continue to live on. >> very heartfelt words though the fbi is in contact with the family of carter road and officials within the u.s. and austrian consulates are working together on this case it. >> just an awful story christina coleman thank you. >> thank you. we'll go back to our top story in more arrests this weekend anti- israel protests continue on college campuses from coast to coast a paid police and administrators are trying to control the rallies in time for
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commencement ceremonies. let's go to matt finn. he is live at new york university and new york city were nypd cleared an encampment just yesterday. so what is it like on campus now? >> much more calm today. we have been your for the past couple of hours but not a protester incites a stark contrast to last night when police ultimately arrived here to nyu. hundreds of pro- palestinian protesters gathered here some using umbrellas to shield the camp from cameras. nypd dismantled removed the encampment took 59 people into custody at last night. twelve are quickly released with notices to appear. fox's alexis mcadams asked one of the protesters this week why they had been wearing masks. >> not wearing a mask to hide your identity buffer covered? >> yes especially since we are y'all yelling at the same space it's pretty much like, i don't
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know it's kind of asking for but that's my wearing a mask could be a good idea. >> thank you for talking with us. that's a new and we had not heard just yet. outside wearing a mask below your nose there. not to protect who she is but more so talking about protecting her from covid. >> headed south to washington d.c. at george washington university yesterday staff unfurled a large american flag above the anti- israel protesters they are. but then later on protesters projected a genocide joe signal onto the american flag. in west, and los angeles at ucla the propel scene and kant was quite literally trashed. bulldozers came through cleared out the remnants of the camp. countless pieces of debris, lawn furniture, tents, plastic all put in the dumpsters after protests turn violent there in westwood, los angeles this week. fact live here in new york you can see nypd is still manning this area. nypd outnumbers any civilians or
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potential protesters here at the section office section nyu. we are keeping our eye on potential demonstrations across the city and at the university of michigan where the graduation ceremony was interrupted not long ago. arthel: indeed alrig all right t finn thank you very much. arthel: anti-defamation league says new research showed 140% increase in anti- semitic attacks last year. it says most of them happened after october 7 when hamas slaughtered almost 12 and a people in israel and israel then launches war against hamas which has killed thousands of palestinians. madison is live in lancet with more. >> yes, jonathan these attacks are happening all across the country. here in atlanta at edward university tore the many schools were police shut down anti- israel protests. i take a shot right off campus the owners there are jewish.
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they moved to the united states from israel just a few years ago. they tell us that since october 7 they have received tons of threatening calls, e-mails, and people aren't vandalizing the building. they say that since all of these protests began, things are getting worse. the couple started displaying an israeli flag in the store since the start of the war. they say things went downhill from there here's one incident from last month. you can see a man who appears to be wearing a turban splattering paint on the back of the building paid the owners of state police caught the guy but site threats and attacks like this happen to -- three times a week. >> i don't know if it's only students or only not students. i think it's got five a kind ofa combination. i believe it is a small group. i believe we are strong and we are fighting back whatever it is we are fighting back. in the history will not repeat itself.
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we are not going to let it. >> they're not alone unfortunately britt according to the latest data from the anti-defamation league, 60% of all anti-semitic attacks last year happened after the start of the israel/hamas war on on wednesday north carolina man was sentenced to 18 months in prison for e-mailing threats to a jewish organization just days after the war began. on college campuses the number of jewish students who say they feel comfortable with other students knowing they are jewish is drastically dropping. back to you. see fortsupport madison atlantik you very much. arthel: madison and jonathan some universities like george washington in d.c. and northeastern in boston stay tuned non- student agitators and professional protesters have been taking part in these demonstrations for more on this let's bring in brett sadler heritage foundation senior
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fellow. retired navy captain former pentagon official. we talk about who is behind the training of the student protesters. if you lump them in as a pro left wing groups are you giving cover two infiltrators sent by or working on behalf of russia or china or terrorists? >> think it is an open secret that hamas is h's had a presidet presence in the united states or its direct supporters. one just has to look at the record of arrest are those put under sanctions for their connections to the economic aid they have given that terrorist organization in the last few years. and certainly the russians and chinese do have a presence in the united states either for intelligence collection but for nefarious purposes. just a few of many years ago if we would recall there is an organization of russians there are basically sleeper cells that were rolled up.
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the chinese also have been intimidating. even elected officials running for office in the united states and chinese americans through ch intimidation and threats to basically x repatriate them back to mainland china for their chitrials disappear it's a very real threat. it is here now. it is not a deal in but in the current environment on our college campuses we are seeing the extent at which we have been infiltrated and the extent at which the danger is confronting us now. arthel: does the knowledge of these organized agitators including russia, china, terrorists, hamas actors and activists as well, training student protesters. this is change the way university administrators respond to the students taking part in these protests? >> oh well, the first thing on that matter is this is not a new issue. it is only just beginning to hold many of these presidents of
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these institutions accountable for their actions and their decisions and spineless leadership, quite frankly, for the last number of years. invitation to non- terrorists or countries and diplomats known for genocide, speaking of china in this case but at the same time conservative speakers are prevented or encouraged not to show up on campus is got to stop. it creates an environment you do not have diversity of opinion and thought. it gets us to where we are now at the protests. rachel: out hang on i asked you a question of how these administrators these students are being trained and prompted by outside agitators, foes of america. how universities see should handle these students are involved in this process. you jump to the administrators who are supporting anti- israel causes it. i think that is part of the problem people are not straight on what is happening here. it's very convoluted it's
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difficult to figure it out i would like for you to clarify and answer my question which is how should these universities take care or handle these students knowing they are beingg prompted by outside agitators? coax the board should fire the presidents if they have not taken action and reporting the students that are there that have been arrested. they should be expelled not suspended. that is starting to happen. it's only happening by action of the boards and by action of threatening university's bottom line. it's too little too late quite frankly. >> so does a knowledge of these agitators again open up options for law enforcement trying to contain and control the violence sparked by these protests? >> this is an interesting question are two parts to this. one are the students would havee gotten caught up in this. they committed illegal acts should be held accountable and expelled. the other are the professional
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agitators both here in the united states that make a living out of agitating a any cause tht pops up. also the foreign agents you mentioned at the same time. i think there's probably time to look at our laws on the books with regard to incitement. looking how to go after these professional protesters without violating our first amendment rights. and then action inc. cia and fbi starting to turn the screws on these foreign agents that are operating noticeably on our campuses today. we know social media was not around in the 60s to talk and other platforms were not infiltrated with this information by foreign foes of america. given the current landscape you just mentioned it. how do you bounce a constitutional right to free speech and the right to assemble peacefully or can you? >> absolutely paid that is the fundamental understanding of what it means to be american and
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our constitutional republic quite frankly. and certainly it can coexist and it has coexist even in more times we're living in now but we need to get back to basic principles. institutions of higher education exist for that free flow of intellectual pursuit and curiosity. an actual debate without fear of retribution be it physical or even in your professional career. i'm tech among professors in this case they do not conform to the conventional wisdom. one side or the other. and that unfortunates what i was getting at earlier. the university created an environment that is not conducive to that. arthel: understood pre-thank you for that. they're just trying to graduate where they worked hard too. they're working hard for this day. what about them? what about their rights? >> absolutely. and the parents too. some of the schools you are reading about were taken off the list of where she might consider
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going. they should be his presidents td the university are protecting. they should be looking after that all of the students can attend their graduation, finish their finals of course without distraction. somewhere along the line they have lost track of what their priorities are with education and rewarding at the academic excellence their graduates have demonstrated at this graduation ceremony. arthel: the conversation is far from over. what have you back again, thank you very much for joining us. take care. >> worth remembering a lot of the students graduate this year all or hope to be graduate those at the high school graduation stolen from them by at covid back in 2020. not a good scenario for those students. meantime april jobs report shows hiring slow down more than economists expected. more bad news for president
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bided as the fed admits inflation is proving to be pretty stubborn. more and what it could mean in the race for the white house coming up next. ng down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price.
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at home and abroad. the president will be in wilmington, delaware this weekend as questions grow about his handling of anti- israel protests across the country and israel's war on hamas in gaza. let's go to lucas at thomason life at the white house with all the details. >> but took the president over a week to address the country after a wave of sometimes violent protests across the country. certain colleges and universities he spoke to the nation here at the white house ain the roosevelt room on thursday. >> there is no place for hate speech. or violence of any kind with its anti-semitism, islamic phobia r discrimination against arab-americans or palestinian americans and sadly wrong. >> earlier on fox lawmaker from the president's own party criticized the president. >> if it was me it would've made a slightly stronger statement really emphasized the need like i said to not silence in
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opposing voices. he made a statement he made it clear how should be handled. >> here's the scene at george washington university five blocks from where i am talking to the statue of george washington has been defaced is now clad in ache at the drake by the palestinian flag. you also saw small tent live right next door. note sign of pulitzer prize-winning biography of our first president in there but we also saw this giant american flag on referral but the geo w staff yesterday afternoon but we also heard the call to prayer. that was an art tent nearby. last night things took a little more of an ominous turn when protesters superimpose this image that reads a genocide joe on the american flag but some think these protests are the hallmark of 1968. neil cavuto spoke to a presidential historian, douglas brinkley earlier. >> the democrats are meeting in chicago this august. which was a symbol of the battle of michigan avenue where police are rioor rioters and anti- ware
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clashed. it is ringing a lot of nixon 1968 bells this year. >> president biden's former press secretary jen psaki will be given the commencement address to students at george washington university on the mall two weeks from now. the university president has called in police to disband that encampment on the campus but the police refuse but that's my house oversight committee james a comber at once to speak to the deceit merit the chief of police and gw president. arthel: all right lucas tomlinson thank you. jonathan: more problems here at home the president is also facing criticism over the economy. president biden began the year confident the war on inflation was nearing its end. that it was one. recent economic growth has slowed consumer confidence is down. gas prices are once again slightly out. yesterday we saw a weaker than expected april jobs report.
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175,000 jobs added. that is about 65000 fewer than economists expected. critics say it is a bleak outlook for preside president bn an issue his camp had hoped would be a winning message. joining us now one of president biden's critics steve moore freedom works senior economist who also served as senior economic advisor to the trump 2016 campaign. good to have you here. where did it all go wrong? [laughter] cooks you were talking about how the biden administration was going into this year thinking we were going to have a stronger economy. former fed chairman alan greenspan once famously said that was a little bit of irrational exuberance. because what we have seen and just the last week to 10 days as a triple play of bad news. which had been declining is starting to rise again. exactly the opposite of what the
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fed and the biden administration wanted to see. hthe report of the jobs report was disappointing we did not get nearly the jobs we had hoped. and finally let's not forget last week we had a really loud gdp report on american production grew by 1.6%. the bottom line is we very nervous about this. and jonathan i forgot to mention the other report that came out this week more bad news for biden on the economy is consumer confidence but how americans feel about where the economy is headed. that dropped again. it looks like a biden is facing real headwinds on the economy right now. jonathan: and steve, that consumer confidence report plays directly into a fox news poll that was conducted a couple of weeks ago. comparing voters of thoughts on whether they trust president biden or former president trump more on the economy. think we can put the pool up.
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it's really again not good news for president bided. he seems to be underwater in those numbers as wellin terms of who the voters trust more to do a decent job on the economy. >> there's a good reason for that. if you look at the major statistics we have a study coming out showing if you look at the 15 major indices of the economy performance trump versus a biden wins 12 out of 15 of those. one of them is obviously much better job. remember when trump left office the inflation it is my 1.6%. biden and 18 months took it to 9.1%. if you look at the current trends we are so only 4% range. one of the reasons wall street is nervous we were there helping with the rate cuts that were hoping that doesn't happen. we are in an economy right n now -- here's the point. tune with the biggest sector of
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growth in the economy is today? the government. it's all being built on government debt and government spending. it was healthcare in government employment. we want to be building things in america. what manufacturing jobs, construction jobs, blue-collar jobs for america technology that's not where it is happening. you can't build an economy and government debt. that's what's happening now. >> athere seem to be a shift in there trying to campaign on economic issues. instead of looking at the broader economy saying things are getting better. because all of the date it said they aren't. they seem to be drilling down on smaller issues like we will do a better job on your healthcare cost then a trump administration would. you're better off with us in terms of taxes they knew it would be under president trump administration. is that a smart strategy?
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>> would love to see a debate on taxes. we cut taxes vary significantly for middle-class people and for american businesses. that tax cut was a big success. biden had another blunder last week he basically said i'm going to repeal the entire trump tax cut. for the average family with an income of 60 or $80000 this thing i'm going to raise your taxes but of the 10,000 dollars but i do not think given the fact that her love the idea of paying more taxes. >> steve moore always wait to right hereinside spread thank y. have a great weekend to request you too. arthel: thank you. in fighting and the house gop, marjorie taylor greene is still looking to oust speaker mike johnson. will she get her wish next week? that is up next.
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arthel: anti- israel protesters disrupt the commencement ceremony at the university of michigan. dozens of student demonstrators marched through the aisles with palestinian flags. they chanted that the school is complicit in genocide and demanded it divest from israel or companies that support its military efforts. meantime, tension escalated at the university of virginia as a protesters battle police. state troopers working to clear the encampment of nearly 1000 demonstrators. jonathan: cease-fire talks are reportedly intensifying between hamas and israel in the egyptian capitol of cairo today. there is word the two sides have reached agreement of many disputed points. israeli officials are dumpling the prospect of a full end to the war. >> hi jonathan.
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the delegation from hamas arrived from gaza in cairo a short while ago. they are looking at israelis for a cease-fire. by all appearances, we are getting noticeable progress in those negotiations. that at least according to egyptian state media. egypt in a position to know what is going on inside inside the room because egypt, alongside the united states and saudi arabia are negotiating this cease-fire or these first steps in the cease-fire arrangement alongside the israelis. and hamas. the wall street journal is reporting the israelis have given hamas one week to accept their cease-fire or face a assaults up and that they do or die all offer an ultimatum israel is saying that rafah is serving as a safe haven for the
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last remnants of hamas fighters which they've long vowed to destroy prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said israel will l go into rafah whether there is a cease-fire or not. that's the question is his position change? hamas had that will be a non- start of the israelis could not go into rafah that's going to be a cease-fire. big picture, what is at stake here? the prospect we could be, this is a prospect not a given we could be getting closer to the beginning of the end of the seven-month war. this deal would seat hamas release, depending on who you aren't listening to at any given moment somewhere between 20 and 33 hostages. in other words not all of the hostages this to be a partial release of the hostages as a first step in exchange if it happens for a 40 day low in the fighting. that, in theory could be the beginning of more longer
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cease-fire. talks are u underway in kabul rt now. they look cautiously optimistic according to one egyptian official who just spoke with reuters. we think it's cautiously optimistic comment from the israelis and from hamas but we are not there yet. jonathan: ryan, thank you very much. >> is not a lot of support for this i don't really know how many members would actually vote for it. i do know it won't past. no space and what exactly? that mike johnson brought bills to the floor that were necessary for national security? the vast majority of members want to vote on? they are so mad about that they wenwant a motion to vacate the speaker. they make it impossible for the speaker to actionable leverage over democrats and get things that we want like border security. arthel: 's texas congressman dan crenshaw dismissing the threat from hardline republicans house
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speaker mike johnson. marjorie taylor greene's motion expected to hit the floor next week but does not get in the support she needs from either party let's bring it former advisor to speaker jon weiner. loot stack and strategy founder and principal. so speaker johnson was recently at mar-a-lago. speaker johnson has aligned himself with former president trump. speaker johnson has a blocked or stalled bipartisan border bill as advised by the former president. so it will or should any of this be entered into the equation as the democrats calculate saving speaker johnson? >> democrats are looking at this more about how to they want to see the institution run? how do they want to get things done before they go into an election for reelection come november. hence important members doing gut check what did they would to see happen on the house floor? did they want to continue to be in a constant speakers of vote
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back and forth? or did they want to get things done for republicans are bringing this to the floor as marjorie taylor greene is, it does not do her any favors to continue to cause kassem house floor they are not getting a lot done for they have enough to tout to their constituents. they need to be doing so to get reelected. arthel: if they ultimately block marjorie taylor greene vote to vacate what does this mean for the intramural fighting inside the gop? can you hear me? i think we lost her. >> go ahead, go ahead and got youryou back ahead. eczema here? yes so i think marjorie taylor greene is not the influential member of congress she think she is. she no longer even has trump backing her because he said he supports and mike johnson for
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speaker. that's really where members should be looking close to what mike johnson is trying to get done. he is not just be good for only republic is he speaker of the whole house he needs to do what he can he only has control over one part of the federal government and has to work across the isle aisle that is hw things get done. it's naïve and foolish to think you could dripping by yourself for that is not how congress works. speedboats are deeply political lesson for speaker johnson and all of this? >> i would hope he has now learned it is crucial the only way to get things done is to work across the aisle. explained to members while you're doing what you are doing appeal to the better instincts. if you want to win in november we have to get things that we cannot have another round of 15 votes for speaker for some of you cannot get elected is hard enough to get him at the gavel they cannot jeopardize their opportunities to have any chance of having an impact.
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the lesson for him is continue to take my poor bosses advice to the right things for the right reasons and the right things will happen. arthel: at the democrats ultimate kill the motion what would it mean for them? >> i think for them they can tell they are the ones where the adults in the room. they are the ones interested in governing seville campaign off of that. but to the question you're asking, while they have any issues at home who don't want them to be supporting mike johnson? i think for some maybe they won't show up for the vote some make motion to vacate some don't show up and it becomes the number scheme for mike johnson. if democrats decide to not go to the boat it end up helping him. arthel: listen, it's a big old ball of >> here pretty touched on earlier and i would to end on this asking you, most importantly what would it mean for the house of representatives?
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can americans count on it being a functioning chamber in short order? >> it needs to meet the need to bring it to the american people they can get things done. right now they've not done the best job of doing that. this motion to vacate honestly does throw things back into chaos. it shows whether you agree or not agree her being a republican in the house does not look at for the rest of them. it really does provide a bad taste in people's mouth about what congress can get done. it is unfortunate but again it shows you she does not know how governing orcs but she does not know how congress works. it conserves her concessions as well. arthel: perhaps she's not realizing this is echoing across the globe. and enemies as well as friends and foes alike are watching. >> it makes us look weak and we don't need that. >> all right, you've got your shot stuck a little bit earlier but i think we've got all of your points in. we will leave it there and have you back again.
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maura gillespie thank you take care. jonathan: the countdown is on to the first leg in a horse races at triple crown it will not be just any kentucky derby today. we are live at the 150th derby in louisville coming up on fox news live. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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arthel: i95 that was compromised
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by a fiery tanker crash thursday state department of transportation put up a live camera at the scene in norwalk so people can track the progress. that section of the highway is expected to be closed for several days for the governor's office said to 160,000 cars use the stretch of i95 every single day. steve of courtroom drama former president trump onetime communications director testified yesterday in trump's manhattan criminal trial. she got emotional she described the fallout from the access hollywood tape as well as the response when stories about hush money payments commercial. madeleine rivera has more. >> hope hicks broke out in tears at one point she testified before former boss of friday. hicks who worked for fox corporation for a time as well laid out with the trump campaign
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went through after they first learned about the infamous act hollywood tape back in october 2016. she described how the campaign scrambled to respond to the content which she said were a damaging development. this test my ski for prosecutors trying to make the case the follow-up from the tape fueled trump's team to triton squash negative stories about his alleged affairs. >> think the prosecution made headway in all of these witnesses just about showing president trump wanted to make sure the stories did not get out her books hicks also mention former president trump was concerned about what his family would think. hicks testified he even asked for newspapers not to be delivered to their home sync trump did not with anyone to be hurt or embarrassed by anything that was happening on the campaign. she criticized michael cohen who she said would go rogue and do things that were frustrating to campaign staff. she said he used to like to call himself mr. fix-it it's only because he first broke it.
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cohen is expected to be a key witness in the case. today trump is back in palm beach, florida he's headlining rnc spring donut retreat mingling with wealthy donors and possible running mates he once again slams the trial for keeping him off the campaign trail. >> went courthouse and said being in georgia. we are in the courthouse instead of being in anyone i would save 10 states where i'd like to be right now >> trump said he will not make a decision about avp until closer to the republican national convention in july. jonathan: matter group thank you very much and we will be right back. and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell?
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♪ ♪. arthel: i like at a legate just a few hours until horse racing triple crown officially breaks out of the gate 150th kentucky derby celebrities and famous athletes descending on churchill downs this afternoon. for the animal run for the roses foxbusiness correspondent kelly is thereto. hello kelly m levin the hat its a 41. >> thank you so much.
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this is america's longest held sporting event and as you mentioned we are here for the wonder 50th anniversary post time is 657, 20 horses will be featured the purses $5 million the race is unique because the horses only have one shot to win. when they are three years so toldthat's only time they can compete now let's take a look at this as you mentioned the first leg of the triple crown. wonder 50000 people will be on-site today to watch the festivities. you can really feel the energy inside the building for the special anniversary correct this is thesecond most watch spt outside of the super bowl last year. randy hill is the coat owner of horse a door knock full brother to lester's derby winner he was and been involved in horse racing for some 30 years and says winning this race is something he cannot even fathom what it feels like he described to us what keeps them coming
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back. >> is every horseman's dream a number of great ones but everyone wants to be here. but to win it is hard to imagine. i said to my wife i said i don't know if we can think about winning. i don't how i would feel. my wife said we have the lead coming down the stretch put me in a straitjacket progress one person will not be in attendance as legendary trainer bob who has a record-tying six victories. his suspension was extended another year. this will be his third consecutive year on the sidelines. now, let's go to the food and drink for that's just important as the races. and of course the passion. we are hearing 120 120,000 mentr julie ups will be consumed in the course of this week and part of that is not special enough reserve has 815,000-dollar bottle of bourbon that's thrice and barreled using a wood from churchill downs. if you want to feel like a winner tried to grab one of
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those 150 exclusive bottles. affects. arthel: absolutely, kelly working hard but hopefully having fun there at the kentucky derby. thank you very much. jonathan: new drama for fox superstar brittney spears reportedly injured during a fight with her boyfriend at a hotel in l.a. this week and where the incident sparking new concerns among her fans with some wondering whether it was a missed steak for her to end her conservatorship. we'll dig into that in the next hour at 4:00 p.m. eastern criminal defense attorney mercedes. arthel: might producer eric schaeffer is arranging this and allow me too share a special honor in new orleans for my family for their two blocks of street called vallen street was officially renamed honorary neville away this week. the move was to recognize the legacy of my late father music
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legend art novel and of course his brothers charles, erin and cereal the city council reprint approved a request to read in the blocks back in september i was at the renaming ceremony this weekend. it was a joyous occasion what a fun site to see neville away. we've got to go down together to seat neville waite, jonathan. jonathan: any time, arthel.
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12:00 pm
♪ paul: welcome to the journal editorial the report. i'


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