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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  May 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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behind him and played winning over the crowd and not helpingmh them then 400-meter women's record we have a book coming out but it is open for pre- ord ordering. thank you all very much and we appreciate your support. it's great to be on the show with all of you this weekendguys . >> your book god a big shout out from donald trump.s he congratulations on that. >> amazing. we will see you nextre weekend. life liberty and live-in starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪.
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mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. we have two great guests and that congressman michael walt's an excellent lawyer alan dershowitz. before we get to them, i am watching joe biden. i'm listening to joe biden, or not. the speech he gave the other night about the horrendous jew hatred and anti-semitism swelling the country. an anti- americanism was contemptible. absolute contemptible. then i got to thinking i am not the youngest guy on fox. i grew up in the reagan era worked in the reagan administration. i worked on the confirmation i saw what he did as chairman of the senate judiciary committee. i saw what he was saying about the israelis about ronald reagan and other people. this is a diabolical evil nasty
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man. and i want to give you a taste of it. nbc news a couple years back joe biden did not just compromise segregationist, he fought for their cause and schools expose, nbc loves biden. 1975 senate during the legendary civil rights lawyer jack greenberg at somethi somebody wo freshman senator joe biden. greenberg longtime director of the naacp legal defense fund took biden to task for sponsoring a bill that would limit the power of courts order school desegregation with the busing was a move th that felled the wishes of many biden's white constituents in delaware. the bill he said was a break to the window school integration said greenberg on the lawyers who won brown versus board of education case, and illegal school segregation 21 years of the according to greenberg biden with the mouth h samantha's hane brick. the support of civil rights and other arena said not simply compromise was segregationist. he led the charge cap black
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students away from classrooms of white students are more palatable version of separate but equal doctrine and undermine the nation's short-lived effort of education equality our education history expert site. joe biden. racism and segregation if it is good for joe biden, and to get votes you would support we have the gazette. must never forget joe biden once wantonceamerican surrender theiy racist legacy fo for the sake bt we should take his advice for their advice is as follows. there were 37 members said biden of the house of representatives were open members of the clan. there were five, if i'm not mistaken it could have been seven. think it was five members and i sit senate open members of the clan. men's of white americans belong to the clan they were embarrassed by it. they were proud of it said biden in a speech. biden seemed proud of it he
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sighed with segregationist to oppose integrated busing bird sang a 1977 he did not was white children to grow up in a jungle of the jungle being a racial jungle quote unquote. biden called senator robert byrd a friend bert's funeral biden called him a mentor in he was a giant bird elevated the senate he said. this is a man you know exactly what he is doing biden said while he eulogized byrd he was praised or posted about friendship with lease six segregationist out include bird, georgia, eastland and status of mississippi. that is for and their two others. lecturing the american people been talking about us is that we were the white supremacist and racist when he wasn't. he did it for votes. i did for politics. here's a piece from our friend mark of the "washington post" a couple years back. president biden wants credit for nominated first black woman to the supreme court. here is the shameful ironing. federate byron president george
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w. bush may nominated the first black woman to serve on the supreme court he would filibuster and kill her nomination. the story begins in 2003 bush nominated judge janice rogers brown to serve in this court of appeals for d.c. consider the country's second most cour courts produce more se court justices than any other federal court. brown was timidly hailed as a potential supreme court nominee. well from a biden did what he does best character assassination pretty tried to destroy her. he filibustered her, he blocked her because he did not want george bush getting credit for potentially the first black woman nominee to the u.s. supreme court. although biden called the filibuster the relic of jim crow through the use that i can see black woman who lived under jim crow. that is brown. who was this woman? daughter and granddaughter sharecroppers grew up in rural alabama to the dark days of segregation. when her family refused to enter
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restaurants with theaters and fruit separate entrances or black customer she rose from poverty put herself through college at ucla law school as a working single mother. she ishe's a self-made african l start with outspoken conservatives are biden set out to destroy her. clarence thomas created equal, clarence thomas in his own words lashes out the democrats and biden who chaired the senate judiciary committee oversaw its confirmation process. among other things he says do i have like stupid written on the back of my shirt? i mean come on we know what this is all about that is the effort to destroy him. people should just tell the truth. this is the wrong black guy. he has to be destroyed just say it. now we are at least honest with each other the idea was to get rid of me and then after i was there it was to undermine me. thomas does not mention biden by name is asked by filmmakers to respond to his questioning during hearings. i have no idea what he is talking about.
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i understood what he was trying to do. i did not really appreciated. natural law is something more than a way of tricking me into talking about abortion. biden is a sleaze. he is minute cancer on the body politic from the day he walked into the u.s. senate. look at a deal with one of the most route renowned and brilliant legal scholars in the history of this country. jon paul stevens. liberal appointee to the supreme court by gerald ford. the longest-serving liberal justice in modern times has lamented the treatment of a conservative judge prevents her fpreventedfrom joining him on te court by joe biden. the failed supreme court nomination of robert borg change public perception of would-be jurists, seen and now for their political views then legal experience and qualifications says retired justice jon paul stevens. i've always ranked him, as the most persuasive solicitor general who represented the united states before the supreme court wha while i was a justice. i thought and still think he was
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eminently qualified for the position. of course president reagan nominated and then senator joe biden was the chairman of the committee. presided over confirmation hearings and is viewed as helping lay the groundwork for a hyper politiforhyper political n battles that persist today. joe biden destroyed the confirmation system in the senate. he unleashed the filibuster against the judges and judicial nominees. really in a major way in the first time in american history before he was nominated to the high court biden said he would support his nomination of top of the supreme court biden reversed his position and said democrats and liberal groups oppose him and launched a campaign to derail his nomination. to smear him. your character assassinate him. the confirmation set up stage for ideological wars over supreme court nominees ever since. center on judicial philosophy rather than o a qualifications o give rise to the verb defined by
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merriam-webster diction to attack or defeat unfairly through an organized campaign of harsh public criticism and vilification the tactics of bork's opponents include misstatements about his use this is justice stevens and a certain amount of comment on his character motivated in part by a fear that disapproval might lead to the re-examination possible overturning of roe v wade stevens wrote what about reagan? what did reagan think? reagan was a very kind man. the reagan administration adopted a foreign policy of unwise intervention rigid ideology which is filled of the soviet union, nicaragua and south africa democratic presidential contender joseph biden said yesterday the kennedy school of government this is 1987 biden who will officially announce his candidacy said reagan had lost the confidence of both the american people and the western european nations and by sponsoring quote military adventures unquote around the world. by avoiding normal foreign-policy channels.
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he said military intervention as embodied in the reagan doctrine is in tatters it is led to the deceiving of our our allies trading arms or tears, circumventing congress the most profoundly losing the confidence of the american people are european allies. one of the greatest presidents in american history who destroyed the soviet union, who push communism out of our hemisphere. this is joe biden. who is a disaster and so many respects, foreign policy at the top. biden said american foreign policy has failed to adapt to changing realities. has instead and characteri chary outdated approaches to the soviet union and world problems particular in central america and south africa. that is biden attacking reagan. what did reagan think? presidepresidential bite is absy right. writes the washington examiner to make a case now, on behalf of farmington crane but though he chose to do is hypocritical as can be. biden uses that model behavior
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famous speech or gorbachev tear down this wall. when a problem, biden at the time hated that speech you heard it he said it was dangerous rhetoric. personal vows rarely mentions a biden. after the berlin wall speech, reagan was infuriated by biden with the time at the time was race for president of fizzle to nothingness. i do repeatedly lied about his heritage in his resume. biden have blessed reagan speech in the reagan doctrine of people willing to fight for their own freedom against regimes. for starte diaries he wrote talt senator biden now candidate for president someone cnn speaking harvard university's pure demagogue out to save america from the reagan doctrine. reagan was right. biden is a pure demigod and always has been. robert gates, served under every president since nixon say bit sl clinton.
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and every major respect for 40 years. that is close enough. we all know it to be true. what about biden's treatment of the state of israel? he loves israel. oh my gosh. a loggerheads with israel he wrote this has been brewing for decades by infamously i love you i don't agree with the thing you say. biden seems to have learned nothing from his personal contentious relationship with israel going back decades. biden's animus towards israel is not been confined to netanyahu biden's long and contentious relationship with israel goes back to june 1982 and s energy threat another israeli prime minister we talked about this, with holding back u.s. aid to israel which caused him to respond in other words just like he is blackmailing netanyahu. just like he is behind the icc
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effort to issue an arrest warrant against the prime minister of israel. this is his operand that you see threat is life on the senate floor with the racist you can see when he is sent to the senate judiciary committee how he attacked reagan and thomas and not just attack them, character assassinate them. don't threaten us of covenant cutting off your eight it will not work i'm not a jew with trembling knees i am a proud jew with 3700 years of civilized history. nobody came to our aid we're dying in the gas chambers and ovens. nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. we paid for, we fought for, we died for prayer will stand by our principles. we will defend them and witnesses that will die for them again. with or without your eight he says to biden. eyeball to eyeball 1982 senator biden reportedly banged on the table with his fists to which she retorted this desk is designed for writing not for fists do not threaten us with the slashing aid you think that because the u.s. lends us the
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money it is entitled to impose on us but they think we must do? we are grateful for the assistance we have received. but we are not to be threatened. i am a proud jew 3000 years of culture behind me. you will not frighten me with threats. take notes, we do not want a single soldier of yours to die for us. it seems biden failed to learn from that expense is a fledging sender he made his first visit to israel 1972. just days before the arab attack against israel in the war. biden visited out the prime minister having come from egypt and according to one official president at the meeting biden told the tents prime minister don't worry, each of his not preparing for war against the jewish state because as he put it they accepted israel's military superiority biden was wrong again. forty days later egypt, syria and jordan launched launch a wat the jewish states. on the holiest day. biden have been deceived by the
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arabs and the deceptive message to israel some people are saying is doing the same thing today. vice president the final days biden played a key role in delivering anti- israel votes in the un security council resolution 2334. december 23, 2068 which in its deceptive language cast israel's illegally occupied land on 19677 had been illegally occupied by jordan since airport of 1948 on territory that have been granted to israel by virtue of a majority vote for the un partition plan resolution. this was obama's stab in israel's back as they were preparing to leave the white house after they defeat at the hands of donald trump. obama has been upset by prime minister netanyahu vocal challenge of the obama/biden disastrous appeasement policy toward a nuclear ambitious iran. biden's role in this duplicitous diplomatic move was delivering the votes for obama who deliberately failed to apply the u.s. veto to a damaging the anti- israel bill he effectively
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supported. the name-calling the character assess the issue "new york post" a month and a half ago biden called netanyahu a bad thing guy he is undermining netanyahu publicly and privately. he is undermining netanyahu's government. he is now back in the icc this corrupt left-wing european courts. and it's fine to issue an arrest warrant against netanyahu all he has to do is say n stay tuned ny wants, why? because he is behind it. biden doesn't praise a certain people this is from the daily biden praises fighter promised to keep her family safe. eight marxists islamists american hating jew hater. biden praises her wealth he is trashing netanyahu. i admire your intellect i admire your passion, i admire your concern for so many other people biden said at the dearborn ford plants it is from my heart i
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pray your grandmom and family are well i promise i'm going to do everything to see that they are in the west bank. you are a fighter and god thank you for being a fighter. just as he kissed a ocs lower half the other day as well. so this is who joe biden is. and now his focus is on donald trump. how do i destroy it donald trump? and in politico they leak a biden blast trump is a despicable danger to democracy. you can see the man who fought immigration, who supported racism and segregation, the most anti- somatic president in american history who is undermining the state of israel. who is attacking the prime minister of israel day in and day out and once an arrest warrant issued against him by the notorious icc. a man who will not let israel defeat hamas while he is funding
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fronting iran and the terrorists that surround israel. the men who sits silently for weeks on end while the jew hatred is spreading through the colleges and universities that he is relying on for votes for dearborn, michigan that he is relying on for votes democrat party voters take comes out with that lame pathetic statement. no profile certainly will not but that wa is where the great speeches in american history he can barely get it out, three and half minutes who have sent nothing is not lifted a finger to fight anti-semitism in this country. just as he never lifted a finger to fight racism and segregation when he went into the senate. quite the opposite. if you do not vote for him donald trump threatens democracy. donald trump is hitler. donald trump is a dictator. donald trump will imprison his opponents which of course is exactly biden and the democrats are doing. donald trump needs to be painted but was he painted as he painted bork as he paints netanyahu. i see painted.
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i see painted clarence thomas. that is who joe bite it is. he is a thug. i will be righ (woman) ugh, of course it stops loading at the best part. (tony hale) i wasn't eavesdropping, yes i was. you need verizon. get their crazy powerful network out here, and get six months of disney bundle on them! and it is all good. (vo) that's right, stream on the go, with six months of disney bundle on us. all your favorite content from hulu, disney plus and espn plus is all yours,
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mark: welcome back america. we are here with michael walt's a good meant member the house armed services committee u.s. national guard former green beret combat veteran in afghanistan. thank you for your service to our hero my friend. i want to ask if you gents here criminal court court is made itr it's issuing criminal arrest warrant against the democracy against the elected prime minister of israel and his staff. but trying to they have defended their country in the most humane ways possible despite the hamas of propaganda and our immediate despite what anti- blinken and abide abidensay you are offendi. it is my view because biden will not speak out the state department will not say nothing for they are behind this. they are behind this they want to take up the prime minister of israel print they will do anything possible. do you think i am wrong? >> you know, i do not think you are wrong, mark appeared at the state time the state department spokesperson a standing there at
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the podium talking about sanctioning the idf for war crimes. an ally in the middle of the war was civilian oversight of its military majority conducted multiple investigations into one particular unit with civilian parliamentarians that were freely elected i do not think us or the international criminal court would dispute. yet we are going to sanction them which would then put restrictions on us being able to provide aid to them and all of this sends a message to hamas and iran hold fast, keep to what you are doing. your strategy to turn world opinion including israel's greatest ally, the united six of america, against israel and isolated is working. they are literally trying to negotiate for hostages. yet at the same time were turning a blind eye to the international criminal court too. and at the same time from washington d.c. talking about
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sanctioning our own ally in the middle of a war. it is the most absurd and ridiculous thing i've ever seen. mark: biden and blinken they are purposely killing palestinian siblings that they are not being careful, meanwhile it is an army that is held back. they'll cost the lives of idf soldiers wouldn't taking rafah and so forth their informed siblings were they going to bob so they get out of there we don't do that, no army does that. hamas and iran certainly do not do that this a blood arrival, here is my point is because of the attacks in the state department and blinken are concert the attacks under the white house and kirby are constant. don't you think this helps fuel the jew hatred anti-semitism we are seeing? just not just in the american media bidding campuses all across the country it's coming from the top. it's coming from the white house. >> it does and here's the distinction they don't make and
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should be making every single day. there is a clear distinction between terrorist who deliberately target civilians, use or rape, use torture, use a kidnapping where they are then again or raped and tortured while in captivity to terrorize civilians and deliberately target civilians versus a military that may kill civilians as part of collateral damage. i can tell you having sat in those headquarters you have lawyers there. you have civilian oversight. you have inspector generals. you have the soldiers that know their adversary, the terrorists are going to use any mistake you made against you in propaganda and are literally risking their own lives and often times not taking the shot on hamas fighters. letting them live to fight and kill another day to try to avoid civilian casualties but you have an enemy that is willing too
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whether it is hamas, hezbollah, isis, the taliban, al qaeda, they're willing to sacrifice their own people what they believe is a noble g hard in order to win the propaganda war. these students, their professors, the biden administration are all playing right into their hands. it is unbelievable to see israeli soldiers sacrificing themselves to try to avoid civilian casualties but then you see the white house with the moral equivalence of putting everybody in the same boat. by the way there was a genocide announced by the state department last week formally and officially it is in china. it is in china they have eight mass rape campaign and mass incarceration campaign, slave labor this producing the goods that these students are buying every day. we do not see any students demanding divestiture from china or professors there because at the end of the date this is
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anti-semitism at the bottom of it. mark: you do not see the international court or the genocidal maniacs all throughout the world. i just want to raise this point with you after the break, congressman, which is this but everything is said is so true and everything you said is actually known by biden and blinken. they know about the enemy. they know what the enemy is doing they probably know better than we do. so what motivates them? or are they willing to throw the jewish state into the arms of the terrorists into the arms of iran? why are they willing to sit back while our nation is on fire because of dark money, qatar, hamas fighting communist china funding, they sit there, they do nothing with the fbi nothing with dhs. they do not cut off the money's going to iran. what exactly is the bide remember space? and legroom? (♪)
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two sides to continue negotiating. i am jon scott back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ welcome back america. congressman michael waltz. biden comes into office they were going to get to back to a normal routine foreign policy where we support our allies, we believe in global, international relations. what policy is this? he is attacking our allies, undermining our allies, supporting our enemies, defunding, the borders wide open
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in a crockpot can come over the border. what is he joe biden foreign policy doctrine, sir question a. >> at the end of the day this is the obama 2.0 apology doctrine. what is driven by? is driven by two things. one, if you are seeing biden thapander to the progressive let that at its core believes america is a bad nation. that believes america at its core is this misogynist, racist and colonialist and not a force for good or around the world. that is why you see things like antony blinken, the secretary of state apologizing to that un or all of america's ills. you couple that with a bunch of academics that are around him and they all are a belief appeasement first, concessions first approach. if we are just nice enough and talk about de-escalation our adversaries like i iran and china will beat nice it back. we know the reality they see
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that his weakness and advancement for you couple those two things together, the apology underpinnings with the concessions first approach. you have a global breakdown of deterrence. and market, i just asked biden's defense secretary lloyd austin at a hearing i said i will give you my entire time for questioning. tell me at one place in the world that is safer under joe biden's leadership and under your leadership in the last three years. certainly not africa, something at the middle east of the south china sea. you know what he said after a long pause he said europe. at the end of the day they believe funneling money into a stalemate is going to make the world a safer place. and ignore the fact that torrance is completely crumbling because of a lack of american leadership and a military we have allowed to atrophy in terms of recruiting and readiness and technological superiority. all that together you have eight
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which is a brew all of our adversaries on the march there don't only going to accelerate between now and november they feared donald trump going back into the white house. mark: you painted this a picture and i have painted a picture as well i hope somebody come a president who doesn't tell he loves the country. you don't keep the border open images most powerful military in the face of the earth. if you do not step israel and the fact that you do not fail to support taiwan the way it needs to be supported and ukraine, if you're going to provide them with arms provide them with them on time and the types of arms they need to actually win. but he won't do that is perfectly about the stalemate there even though the ukrainians are dying. this this man sound to you like he loves america when he campaigned licampaign like obamn fundamentally transforming america and then give speeches about american white racism? he's the biggest white racist in the country in the senate when he entered the senate wh the ses through the skies mind to the extent that it exists?
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>> we do not know what's going on in his mind anymore. we know people around him that her from the progressive left there actually running things i would recommend everyone read the book he talks about the long march to the institution the book is how the left to cover everything. america's cultural revolution. this combination of movements from the 60s the neo- marxists the via black nationalists, decide to stop blowing up things and start the long march the institution starting with tenured professorships at universities. angela davis and others and progressed from academia to that media to entertainment to the sports industry. now they have the holy grail for the communists which are corporate boards and the military through esg and critical race theory. all of that is exploding on the
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scene right now on these campuses. biden is pandering to it. he is afraid of it. tale they are at the tail the tg the dog on a farm policy this is the most dangerous time i've seen in my lifetime. mark: he was the italian comments he checked out the long march of the instituti to the ie west. the marxists the revolution would not come from the rising up that's our middle class we fight wars to defend our country. you need to take over the culture, slowly but surely and control it. there's another book folks might want to read american marxism. congressman, i want to thank you as always thank you for your patriotism before and now. god bless you my friend. looks thank you, introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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mark: welcome back america. professor alan dershowitz our good friend. the international criminal court that has no jurisdiction over israel or the united states, where sovereign countries are starting now to issue criminal arrest warrants against adventure and netanyahu the elected prime minister of israel in the middle of a war as well as other senior staff members and i am not hearing anything from this administration condemning it. what you make of this? >> not only are you right about that but the international criminal court issued a statement threatening to criminally prosecute anyone who takes any kind of retaliatory measures against the international criminal court. so for example if congress or if the administration were to impose sanctions on the international criminal court for violating their own rules on their own rules require something called complementarity that is you cannot go after a democratic western country with
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a decent judiciary unless you have concluded beyond any doubt they are incapable of responding. if sanctions were to be issued based on that the international criminal court is now threatening american senators. threatening american congressman. threatening members of the american political system. they are playing real hard ball here. i've been very close touch with the israeli government on a daily basis about this. when obviously planning a response of the process of writing a pretty strong letter to the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court. we are in a fight. this is part of a bigger process israel has become the foremost target of hate's of any country in the world but more than syria, where than iraq from the hard hard left and from international organizations like that un, international justice international criminal court. this is part of the not suffocation of the world today.
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in the 1930s many in the world said the jews are to blame for everything and of poland and the way nick, lafayette, germany, and france. i know it they are saying is israel is at fault for everything it is the worst pariah in the world it is the only country that you can organize thousands of students against you cannot organize them against iran you cannot organize them against the chinese what they are doing to the you cannot get them together for any issue except israel. that is the reality it is a sad reality these students who are participating obviously our cult members they are zombies. they are just listening to their rabidly anti-semitic professors. if the icc joins in this and fans the flames of anti-semitism with warrants against the only democratic country in the middle east they are not issuing warrants against other countries fighpredicates the only democran
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the middle east this will cause an increase in anti-semitism and it will destroy the integrity of the international criminal court in the eyes of decent people. mark: you know this the statement you said they just put out they are talking about basically potentially indicting members of congress or even and diplomats of the united states are members of the biden administration then why doesn't joe biden speak out and antony blinken speak out and condemn this? >> he showed and they showed and i hope they will at some point. i hope it's not too late they're coming after people like you and me the international criminal court said in the individual, individual we are individuals who threatens retaliation against the court. let me be very clear if the court were to issue warrants i would do everything in my power to weaken the credibility of this courtship. so come after me folks, i'm
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ready to defend myself and international criminal court for exercising my free speech rights to condemn the international criminal court for not following its own law. they are not above the law. they have to follow and they have no jurisdiction over this case. mark: is not sought the court to me it sounds like a stolid distributor we have no control over who they appoint. they have a prosecutor. we have no control over the prosecutor we have no relationship with that court. donald trump said he was nothing to do that court in fact he said get this court ever reaches out and reaches into america or our military or diplomats or whatever, that he would sanction them and i am not hearing the same thing from the biden/a blinken administration as her allies hanging out there like this [sfx] water lapping.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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mark: welcome back america. we are at professor alan dershowitz who wrote a fantastic book how now is the time to get it. alan, i was thinking you have to think outside the box with all these things going on on our campuses and so forth.
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from a parent of a student and pay $70000 for that had to go to columbia or ucla or wherever they are going my kid can get to class my kid can't get an education is eight contract the contract is been broken. why can't thousands and thousands of students who these universities in order to get their tuition back? >> they can and they should. we must fight a law fair with l'affailaw fair we start a new p called herd eight jew wheat suit you you give me the name of somebody who hurt a jew you give me the name of the person who is hurt, we will sue them will take away their storm rooms will take away their cars spread will take away their boomboxes. we will bankrupt them because you cannot hurt a jew and get away with it anymore. the same thing is true of universities. this should be a multifaceted approach number one to the universities number two, get congress, if they can, to take
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away their federal funding. or bring a lawsuit to prevent the federal government from paying them funding for teaching this kind of anti- american anti- semitic anti- israel stuff which is in violation of federal statutes. so if the fight back legally put i'm 85 years old if i were 25 i would be in the gaza strip fighting for israel. all i can do is fight with my pen, my tongue in my ability to be on shows like yours have such a big impact on people. mark: anti- semitism act having people say it violates the first amendment print i want to ask if you questions in the lead up to this. in the short time we have the emancipation proclamation was signed by lincoln and many people said it was unconstitutional. it may well have been but lincoln decided it needed to be done. 1964 civil rights act set that is not constitutional even though we supported. and yet it was signed in the court sorted it out now we have anti- semitism awareness act and
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people are saying that is unconstitutional. it is the core of the act unconstitutional in the first place? and is of the place to sort that out in the supreme court? what you get an a plus in law you are absolutely right too. the core of the act that requires jews to be treated the way blacks are treated that they be equality is perfectly constitutional in fact it is demanded by the equal protection clause. are there are claims the definition of anti-semitism at the edges may be too extreme for example congresswoman gree greee said it would prevent christians from abiding by that new testament the description of the death of jesus. alright, take that case and bring it up. it'll probably lose but take it up and pass the statute. as ecclesiastes said to everything there is a sees it sd this is the season for everybody in the united states government coming out against anti-semitism on a nonpartisan basis, past the
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statute, challenge the president to sign a lessee if he does. we will see congresspeople from the squad opposing the signing. they do not care about the first amendment they only care about piling on against israel. put the challenge forward. sign the statute, put it into law. let it be challenge will sue the court says. mark: the book is war against the jews get it i'll see you soon god bless you my friend. >> god bless you, than if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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♪ ♪ welcome to the roots of our legacy. where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv. ♪ welcome back, america. joe biden is concerned about free speech. we are not in authoritarian country, you know. do hatred, violence, brutality, threats, very concerned about the first amendment. attorney general an entire
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federal police force telling them to monitor the parents. when it comes to pro-lifers peacefully protesting abortion clinics, the department of justice restaurant grandpas and present. the catholic church, it is not islam a phobia, of course, that is catholic phobia. they are told that it is very, very radical. this administration with its disinformation board and government approach to social media trying to influence what is in is not said. joe biden is for the first amendment. i am on to you joe biden. i know what you are, i know who you are. i will see you next time on life , liberty and live in. ♪


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