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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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117 home runs. new york yankees hosting red sox at polo grounds in manhattan. ruth stepped up to the plate and smaxd the ball into the right field stands that record of 714 home runs would stand until 1974 when hank arron hit number 715. aaron's record of 755 was broken by barry bonds in 2007. there you go. tomorrow on "special report," we'll have an exclusive interview with pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman about the college protests, some other big issues where he has bucked his party. he will be here on set live. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3 p.m. on the west coast. that's it for this "special report" fair balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> good evening. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle. thanks as always for joining us. israel has begun its rafah
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offensive. rejecting hamas' cease-fire ploy. we're going to have the latest from the ground. plus, democracy under attack. a new york judge now threatening to jail trump. yeah. again. and we have all the details. >> we all know what is he like when he is really on the trail. >> the most significant investment in the climate ever the work that you risk your lives doing lots of it. >> no billionaire. [applause] >> new manufacturing jobs since i took office and poe, we are just getting started. it ignited a manufacturing boom. >> brunt of led pipe poisoning for so long. there is a lot of the corporations are adding on the costs that aren't justified. those countries in berlin or in toronto, canada. >> laura: wherever they are. well, it's not exactly barack obama style rhetoric or energy
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circa 2008, but, heck, is he slipping so fast, he is not even joe biden style energy last month. but this election cycle they don't have the excuse of a pandemic to keep joe in the basement so they had come up with a new justification for keeping his campaign appearances let's just say to main mum. it's a new branding campaign. less is more. his campaign's newest strategy to get americans on board with the second term is, look, what his campaign aides are saying it's aiming for the quality of joe over the quantity of joe on the. there is a strategic advantage at this point in the race to boiling down your message to the three or four most salient compelling arguments for why president biden should be reelected said t.j. duck low. is he a senior adviser to biden
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that will often translate to the stuck peach being winnowed down to the sharpest, most dynamic form, that's what you are seeing, okay. sharpest? and most dynamic? maybe the angriest, i can hardly wait. the united states of america and there is nothing beyond our capacity. we are the united states of america. >> this is a big deal day. >> we are the united states of america! let's get out and work together and get this done. >> laura: don't ride your bike on my lawn! makes tracks. meanwhile, for trump, well, less, rather than -- well, less is more that really is actually working. [cheers] >> [chanting u.s.a.] >> laura: they thought keeping him in court is going to keep him down. the few appearances trump does
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are just rock star every time. joining me now ned ryun, ceo of american majority and mollie hemingway, editor and chief at "the federalist," fox news contributor. all right, ned, now, it kind of is, i'm sorry i was howling watching that montage. it makes since it. tracks with what biden actually produced with his policies, right? less is more less prosperity and safety and less hope for the future and less of biden period, it kind of makes sense? >> it really does. i'm laughing over the quantity over quality. quality of what? clearly is he decrepit. no quality of biden. quality of a record? if he spends five minutes or five seconds he looks like he has nothing say about economy, foreign policy, you are right, laura, this is more of them trying to hide the football again. they don't have as you mention the covid scheme to do the
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basement biden routine. they are using aides to walk him tout marine one to hide his shuffling, they are shortening the speeches to hide his mention and physical weakness. really to avoid more uncle bosey was eaten by can bell moments between now and april 5th. biden being a moot waving to crowds. >> this is where we are hiding with the. >> i think we are going to hear a lot from peopleee never heard of before biden. >> he wants to -- everyone to understand what less is more really does mean, watch touches, what is going on in the stakes of this election are going to be easier for voters to tap into. we have to remove all of the clutter and get directly to the
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message to make it easy for voters to follow. >> laura: first of all, mollie with biden's predilections i wouldn't say with the touches. i wouldn't have said that at all. is this going to fly? >> it's not a bad strategy if you have such trouble with someone being out on the campaign trail. but the -- for the biden campaign, one of the problems is it's not that people have a particular problem with joe biden. they really have a problem with his policies and that's something that you can't hide as well. but having said that you have corporate media that will do anything in their power to help joe biden be reelected. and so, any strategy he chooses they will help. they will down play all the problems you see democrat lawfare against democrat opponents. something in this country completely unheard of until just a few years ago. and covering up the problems on the border, covering up the problems with the foreign policy and so you really can do anything you want when you have
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corporate media doing your bidding and joe biden does have that one problem for them, ned, less of biden is going to necessarily mean more of kamala, right? and she -- so they are putting her out -- she did such a bang up job on the border. they are going to put her out there to fill the vacuum especially with their growing deficit among certain minority voters and working class voters watch this. >> there are certain communities that have faced historically and currently profound obstacles, president biden and i have invested hundreds of billions of dollars to address these disparities. including dissupporter in access to capital and lending. dissupporter in home ownership and access to government contracts ned, is that the way you are going to get the voters
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to they boxed themselves in the corner sticking with biden. and then you have kamala out there. this is a creature of their own creation. they put themselves into the situation. that all to say, laura, as bad as they are as mollie said corporate propagandist going to prop them up. this election comes down to seven key states. they are going to do everything they can to hide the incompetence and the decrepit nature of biden and see how many ballots they can collect and fully expect this to be a close election just because of all of the assets that they will have protecting them and really attempting to lie to the american people to deceive them before november 5th. >> laura: i don't know. i agree with you. obviously do everything they can. people's bills are coming in, mollie. have you written about this, you know, for four years now.
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the cost of daily life kind of suburb siewms this propaganda, i think. at least that's what the polls are looking like. >> if this were an we will be seeing 1980s blowout. americans are so distraught by what they are seeing with their economy and how out of touch many people in washington are as well numbers numbers or are bad for joe biden. it's related to how they run ballot operations instead of actually running elections like we used to where the will of the people were somehow represented by going out and voting on election day. but, this is they seem completely clueless now bad their problems are and they don't seem to be doing anything to address them at this late
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hour. >> laura: only place they don't care about using dei is in their campaign operation. they hire the best of the people of that that dei is out the window when it's fundraising or ballot harvesting. that's the best of the best. >> that's right. they understand when it comes down to the fundamentals of winning elections because, again, political power is what they desire, they are going to go for the best. they are going to have the best people in place. i fully expect them to have a -- i expect them to have a well-oiled machine in these seven states. the thing, laura, i think we should think about is how much more of the various votes in these various demographics can they actually max out. that's something we should discuss. if we max out our vote i think they are tapped out. they hit their high water in 2020. we have a lot more left on the table if we will do the right things before the fall. >> laura: hispanic voters and hispanic language radio ads. ned and mollie, thank you so much. >> laura: all right, anti-israel protesters chanting intifada revolution outside tonight's met gala.
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couldn't have happened to a better group of people. nypd now making arrests. correspondent matt finn joins me there with the latest. matt, what are you wearing tonight, matt, first of all? mat mat ha ha i'm wearing lululemon. certainly not anything fancy enough like some of the a listers are wearing. to set the scene for you, laura, we are one block one avenue from the met gala. we saw big time arrivals jennifer lopez and such. at the same time there is this day of rage protest happening here in new york city right now. a short while ago we saw some arrests being made and right now you could see nypd kind of regrouping. we are looking at the special response group. so what happened was some of these protests these pro-palestinian antipolice protesters were trying to get as close as possible to the met gala. they couldn't get as close as they wanted to. politic ultimately got on the loud speaker and told them to get out of the middle of the street because being in the middle of the street is unlawful. they are blocking traffic. ultimately nypd rushed in and made some arrests. we are hearing some very strong
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chants here. calling police kkk, calling them piggies. taunting police. the scene was pretty tense just a short while ago. >> police made some arrests. put the people they arrested into the van. and right now they are kind of regrouping. you can hear the chopper above monitoring the scene as well, laura. >> laura: matt, thank you. we will continue to monitor this throughout the hour. time to take the pulse of the nation. the bad news for biden keeps pouring in. abc news/ipsos poll just came out has trump leading by 2 points in the head-to-head matchup. when it comes to biden's job approval, the man is at just 35% that's 2 points away from his career low and well bloat level that's historically associated with re-election when you go all the way back to carter. now, even abc had to wonder why biden is competitive at all given his substantial disadvantages. >> we're starting to see some daylight open up on the issues most salient to voters in polls.
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immigration, economy, crime and public safety, these are all trump areas. he has a significant sad vantage and trust handling these issues. the only areas where biden has an advantage healthcare and protecting boring rice. >> laura: when it comes to key voting rights. democrats have run away with for years. biden is turning them off, too. >> there is significant softness in the support nor joe biden among core democrats. carrying black voters by 61 points that sounds like a lot. he carried them by 84 points back in 2020. la dean know voters, a very slight biden edge in this poll. it was a 21 point advantage in the exit polls back in 2020. among younger voters under 20. seeing trump with a slight edge that was a big win for biden last time around. >> laura: a slight edge. 5 points is not a slight edge with that swing. here with more analysis is political columnist chris bedford chewing over these numbers. we will start from last -- do that first. on the young people, with
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that -- what is it 29 point swing when you add it all up and now five up for trump? what does that tell you? >> tells me that they ought to be very worried. abc very worried. young people really do like to pushback. they like to rebel. they like to be different. i see these punk rockers walking around these days they have their ran bow flag and biden patch and mask on and i wonder who they are rebelling against. they are representing essentially the man. but, now, especially over the last week, where you have seen the campus riot and the campus unrest. you are starting to seat normal students come out. starting to seat football players, the fraternity brothers, the sorority sisters come out. the counter protests these activists and lunatics on campus and it turns out that they have got a lot of young people who are with them. even more that and the numbers we have seen changing with black voters and hispanic voters and young voter count did actually
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surprise me. >> laura: well, speaking of this economic news, i mean, the standing, we will put the graphics up on the screen, the standing for biden on the economy, just 16% say that they are better off financially under biden. the plurality saying they are worse off. i mean, first of all, i don't know hot 16%, other than jeff bezos and a few others like him. but, we were talking last block of, well, the democrats have a better campaign operation, turn out the vote. but, is there anything good coming out the number one issue and concern for voters? including young people? anything good for biden? >> no. and you are exactly right. the people who benefit from and still strong dollar are the ultra rich. the rest of us dealing with wage stagflation. dealing with inflation are really hurting. the real estate prices going up. rent prices going up. it's difficult for folks. they are trying to make their bills. now, biden managed in his state of the union and you and ned
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were just talking about this to convince the democratic party not to primary him. not to replace him like we have seen in the "new york times" and other places calls to do. but he didn't convince the american people yet. and this is reflected now these kind of polls because of 30 daily realities. >> one of the things i found fascinating is whether trump or biden are too old to run for office. look at the too old for another term, 81% say biden's too old for another term. but only 55% say trump is too old for another term. so people see that sharpness, trump 42%. is he sharp enough, biden 23%. better physical health, trump is 42 to 20. look, trump is only four years. three and a half years younger than biden. but people see what they see. just like they see what they see with their wallets, correct? >> yeah. that's exactly right. so, and we all have family who have aged and we have all seen the effects of aging.
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some people suffer more from it. some people slow down in different ways. if you look at bernie sanders, for example, the second oldest senator now talking about running for another six years. his mental acuity doesn't show a major, major difference in the last 8 years. he still speaks as quickly as you he used. to say compare that to joe biden the level of decline in the last 8 years it's massive. while donald trump has a lot of established vibes and things he gives off to different voters, slowing down is not one of them. is he just as quick. is he just as fast as he used to be. and that's an energy that voters can really pick up on. >> laura: yeah. chris, less is more is the biden strategy on the campaign trail. that tells you everything. but less is more is actually working for trump. it is just bizarre. chris, great to see you. thank you so much. now to israel where it's striking targets in rapha, a city in the gaza strip. just hours after hamas said it did accept a supposed cease-fire deal that was brokered by both egypt and qatar, for more we go live to tel aviv continue
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operation in rafah saying it wants to keep pressure on hamas to eventually get more hostages released. we are also learning that israel is signaling that it could be sending a delegation of mediators to essentially work on a deal in the future that is, in their words, more to israeli interests. shortly after those comments, the idf then confirmed that it had started conducting targeted airstrikes against hamas terror targets in eastern rafah. that is where earlier today the israeli military started of warning civilians to begin evacuating using fliers, phone calls and text messages. the idf urged roughly 100,000 palestinians to move to the humanitarian zone. the israeli military describes it as a limited scope operation and not a large scale
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evacuation. here's how idf spokesperson daniel hagary described the current situation involving both the possible deal and their actions in rafah. we examine every answer and reply seriously and apply negotiations for return of the hostages to their homes as a central task as quickly as possible. and at the same time, we continue our operations in the gaza strip. and we'll continue to do so. >> now, shortly after news broke palestinians in gaza could be seen celebrating in the street clearly happy about the development. the detail of the deal that the hamas agreed to, those remain unclear. however, in israel, a much different scene unraveled there. thousands throughout the country, including some families of hostages started protesting, including right there in downtown tel aviv. they are outraged that there are 132 people who were kidnapped back on october 7th who are still missing. they are pushing the israeli government to do everything they
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can to bring those hostages back home, meanwhile, hamas releasing a statement today saying that any sort of ground operation in rafah would not be a, quote: picnic, laura? >> laura: middle of the night in israel. jeff, thank you. all right, what biden is promising to get you on board with in a second term, well, my angle explains it. ♪ -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there!
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-where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart,
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pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you! everyday chaos. this mother's day, help mom take it in stride with thoughtful gifts from weathertech. from playing in the rain with muddy cleats on the floorliners. to dirty camping reminders in the cargo liner. spunky toddlers testing out the all-purpose mat. epic food fights contained by the seat protector. add a cupfone to secure her phone and just like that... isade
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>> laura: dei, abortions, evs and weed. that's the focus of tonight's angle. yeah, that's pretty much the agenda. more giveaways to the blmers and placate the transloby. at relentless push for abortion on demand and end to gas powered cars and stoves and cannabis shops on every street corner. and then throw in some unconstitutional student loan forgiveness, this is how they hope to entice you to vote against your own economic self-interest. and don't forget who is waiting in the wings. >> we understand that you can't truly invest in the strength of our nation if you don't pay attention to diversity, equity and inclusion. inflation reduction act, which is about at least a trillion dollars invested in the climate but a clean energy economy. we are in the process of putting
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a lot of money in the streets of america. >> laura: a lot of money in the streets of america. translation, we're borrowing and printing money we don't have and driving up inflation. now, i don't know what's worse, her hyena like laugh or elm buy sill lick thinking. it turns out voters are on to shell game show why never trumpers are freaking out right now. much more foreboding for joe and kamala chaos on campus is the chaos in the economy. only 38% have great deal or fair amount of confidence in biden to take the right steps for economy. by capitulating to the squad girls and women athletes and creeing to all their wild climate demands. well, they have lost the debates
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at this point i think most americans agree that they are going to be safer and more prosperous for sure if we reelect donald trump. so, all they can do on the democrat side is try as hard as they can to peel off votes by dangling items on the liberal wish list in front of them. and, yes, if you love that skunk urine smell of marijuana as you drive into most major cities these days, get ready to smell it everywhere in a biden second term. then there is the battleground scramble for michigan. he is trying to appeal to the pro-hamas crowd by pausing ammo shipments to israel. wait a second, didn't a move like that kind of get trump impd when ukraine was involved? , if none of that works. his official or unofficial, i guess, to be accurate, comms staffers they step in to repeat their tired old lines. >> unlike 2016.
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>> trump's brazenly being autocratic in his desires. the choice so stark there is little doubt this really is the most important election of our time. trump says no violence if he wins, all bets are off if he loses. >> jonathan, jonathan, you know better than that you don't even believe that you know they are worried when auntie maxine starts throwing her weight around. >> i'm going to ask the justice department and i'm going to ask the president to tell us what they're going to do to protect this country against violence if he loses. i want to know about all of those right wing organizations that he is connected with, who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting you know, what communities they are going to attack. >> laura: i mean, can i smell the desperation. if she actually believes what she is saying, the woman is not a half whit, she is a quarter
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wit. the bottom line here is this: a party that's confident in its agenda and really upbeat about the future? what does that party do? it brags about its impressive record. certainly, they don't need to collapse into this dystopian delusion. >> if donald trump gets reelected, there is no doubt that he will try to stay in office beyond his four year term. he will destroy this country, our democracy. [yawn] did he realize or not realize that they have lost all credibility on the protecting democracy issue? they don't see it? they don't look in the mirror? when you lose all credibility on that, when you are happen to be the party that's trying to put your chief political opponent in jail. yet, there seems to be no end to their sick fancy fantasies, another one from tom nickels in the atlantic where he imagines the former president and right
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wing governors attempting to use the u.s. military and national guard as their personal muscle. he warns that the voters need to use their imaginations because they are too stupid to really think for themselves, to see how trump in charge will, quote: paralyze democracy. limb by limb. okay. that's just bad writing. beneath all the slurs and phony fear-mongering and nonstop gaslighting, biden's campaign nopes that what it's really asking is it's asking people to vote to make themselves and the country poorer and weaker. man, that's a hard sell. so they dress it all up with a lot of lame rhetoric about equity and climate consciousness and all the stuff we just talked about. now, remember, this is now a party that doesn't like americans anyway. they don't really care if you suffer. if things end up where they should end up in november and biden shuffles out to concede on
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elections night, the only thing we need to worry about is whether these self-proclaimed defenders of democracy will themselves really accept the will of the voters for whom they have shown so little respect. and that's the an government all right. coming up, there's one thing that will stop some of these elite or so-called elite colleges from bending to the pro-hamas brats. i'm going to explain it, next. ♪
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we pull people off the street and ask them about their hearts. how's your heart? doing good, thank you. is it? i think so. you think so but, how do you know, right? i don't actually know. how do i know? you don't actually know. i'm believing so. with kardio mobile, you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardia mobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation,
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one of the leading causes of stroke. this year give mom peace of mind for mother's day with kardia mobile for just $79, check out our mother's day sale at or amazon. >> laura: all right. this is a fox news alert. you are looking live just outside of the met gala where police are arrested protesters. they are now regrouping, apparently, because the pro-hamas protesters, let's just set the stage. they started out at hunter
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college. and then they started some of them running and walking toward the met where the big gala is. all the celebs are there for what they're calling the day of rage. okay. isn't every day a day of rage? how do you tell the difference from any other day? but, the police really snapped into action. and they blocked them down, locked them down, so they were pushed blocks away from the met. and the protesters got very frustrated. some siphoned off into the park. they tried to come around the other side. the police blockaded them there. so they were very frustrated because they could see the gala in the distance but they couldn't get there so you might be seeing the same tactics that are going to be used at the dnc where the pro-palestinian crowd is promising more protests in chicago. but i have a feeling if this is the way it's going to go down, they are going to block off that dnc in chicago by many blocks so people are not going to get the
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video, perhaps, or the imagery that they would like in harassing some of the politicians there. but, we'll keep monitoring this tonight in new york. and, now, >> laura: what's the worst thing any parent can do when a child throw as tantrum? well, that's easy. parents you know that give into them. here's a candy bar stop crying. that's what rutgers university is doing with the pro-hamas wing of the democrat student alliance. they are reportedly caving to eight of the 10 demands that the protesters put out, including accepting at least 10 displaced gazan students to study at the university on a scholarship. and hiring additional professors who specialize in palestine and middle eastern studies. are they going to be anti-jewish? we will see. ucla as you know is moving all classes to be remote now.
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and columbia university is canceling its main graduation ceremony. but promises parents who has already shelled out money to show up at graduation that they have other activities planned to celebrate student achievement. joining me now bill bennett, former secretary of education. bill, i know you wish you were up at that met gala where all that fun is taking place. but couldn't happen to a better crowd there, right? the university of michigan did hold its graduation, bill, and when it was disrupted, the students responded this way, watch. [cheers] [crowd boos] [bleep] [bleep] birth, the
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normal kids are fed up. they wanted to have great time with their parents and friends. and the pro-hamas crowd is getting their demands accepted and answered by colleges. your take tonight? >> normal kids are fed up. and i imagine normal kids would be fed up at columbia. but this is what happens when adults to capitulate their authority. they give it up. you talked about the temper tantrum, that's right. now, who is in charge at columbia? who is in charge at rutgers? who is in charge at ucla. certainly not the administrators. a small group of demonstrators closing down these institutions. you know, laura, a long time ago, even long before i knew you, i was writing about shaming the universities, hiring these leftists, and these leftists would hire their own leftist who would then hire other leftists and we would see this transformation of the university. in the humanities and the social sciences as smarter guy than i
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allen blume wrote we saw this occurring and we didn't take the steps to prevent it from spreading. now, rather than these students going out into the real world and finding reality, unfortunately, some of this stuff is a sport to the real world. maybe we are seeing a backlash now in corporate america. i was encouraged to see google firing people who demonstrated. maybe the met gala. >> laura: these protesters, in some cases, depending on their tactics and what -- they are getting money to do this. i mean, i'm not saying each of them being paid. >> bill: of course they are. >> laura: they are getting supported by a web of organizations and sometimes it's difficult to track who is giving what or they are loosely affiliated. but we're talking hundreds of millions of dollars funneling into these, you know, umbrella groups like the tide's foundation and others. and there has been a lot of reporting on this that ends up getting in the hands of these
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anti-israel pro-hamas protesters. and that has to be totally exposed foreign countries funneling money, in bin laden institute at harvard, and on and on it goes. corruption of the university. one thing that may come from this laura, we may see that these are truly, when it comes to the arts and humanities, at least, corrupt institutions. and why should one spend all this money. people like me have been saying for a long time maybe you ought to reconsider how you spend that money. the other thing i would like to point out and people haven't is why do they turn on the jews? the left always turns out to turn on the jews. communism hates the jews. a party that has as its operating faith that there is no god, that is atheistic.
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>> laura: they hate the christians, and the jews. >> not tolerate god's chosen people. they start with the jews and then the christians. you know how it works. >> laura: yeah. >> start with the jews and then the americans. >> laura: well, bill, we appreciate you. thank you so much for joining us tonight. now, trump behind bars is the sick fantasy of the left. and what judge juan merchan threatened again today. we're going to explain it, next. ♪
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>> all right. look. i think they are getting to realize that brag's case is going south at a pretty decent clip. they don't have many options. one of the few moves they have on chest board includes hitting donald trump for violating the unlawful gag order. well, today, judge juan merchan fined trump another $1,000 bringing the total up to now $10,000. and then the judge warned that the court may inel pose a jail sentence going forward adding this: the last thing i want to consider is jail. you are the former president and possibly the next president, yea. the magnitude of that decision is not lost on me joining me now
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mike davis article iii project. former clerk to gorsuch. i do like when he said possible future president. so, or potential future president. that was kind of like a gulp moment. it felt like he was gulping when he said that like rut row, your thoughts on what happened today? >> yes. you have democrat manhattan judge who donated to biden and adult dau lauren merchan raising millions of dollars off 246 casework a biden democrat political appointee and democrat national committee consultant matthew colangelo to illegally gag a criminal defendant during his trial while they ago go on tiktok trashing trump. if trump mentions any of that. this judge is threatening to put trump in jail. this is clearly unconstitutional.
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this is clearly lawfare and democrat election interference. >> laura: one of the things that trump said at least the part i read. maybe i missed part of it. what i read trump is basically saying this is a democrat jurisdiction with a democrat, you know, likely democrat jury and i'm not going to get a fair shake here. how is that by how is that violating the gag order? he is not personally attacking people. he is not naming people. so, even under the illegal gag order, that doesn't seem to be a violation of it. >> and that proves that this gag order is both overbroad and vague. it's clearly unconstitutional. it is a prior restraint on trump's constitutional rights. gag orders are supposed to protected criminal defendants. not the government to make sure criminal defendants have their constitutional rights to a fair trial and a fair, public and speedy trial. this judge and biden democrat
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prosecutor, they have turned the constitution on its head from a shield into a sword. >> and colangelo a former dnc consultant fox news exclusively reported today, mike as you alluded. to say mike, as always, great to see you. thank you. up next, raymond arroyo is up and it's "seen and unseen" and i can't wait. stay there. ♪
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>> laura: time first seen and unseen where we reveal the stories behind the headlines we turn to fox news contributor. and friday i believe you told us about that star wars actor mark hamill the dropping by the white house briefing room, now we have a clear idea but what the heck she was doing there. >> reporter: he was making campaign videos. the white house team has decided to limit the president's public profile and to release these heavily edited videos for the rest the campaign. since may 4th was the annual star wars day, the empire released these. >> i mark hamill and i'm voting
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for joe biden. >> may the 4th be with you. >> remember always be forcefully be yours. >> may the 4th be with you. always. >> laura: that allowed? >> what do these celebrity drop eyes have to do with policy and we really think, do they really think mark hamill moves the needle for the elect tort disney wrecked the star wars franchise, young people don't care, i guess chewbacca was not available. you have the other representative of the death star. >> laura: he would have moved some votes but he looks like obi-wan kenobi, i don't recognize mark hamill. >> i'm waiting for biden to show up on instagram with the quaker oats guide to get the white people to vote for him. but as you mentioned earlier trump hit the formula one grand prix this weekend in miami, and received a hero's welcome. meanwhile biden was nowhere to
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be seen until today, when he presented the army with a presidential award for winning a game over the navy. but when they gave him a jersey biden did not know what to do with it. [ laughter ] she is just lost. as you reported earlier when he does speak the campaign has cut his addresses show -- short that he might need to submit written statements from here on out. he even gave voice to the imposed brevity from the staff the other day, watch. >> that was my staff they hate me ad-libbing. but i had to keep doing when i was riding these introductions is make them shorter and shorter and shorter, so much more to say about each one of them. but we'd be here for 12 hours. >> he could not right a grocery list at this point. but he keeps falling back on all those lines, the crutches, that
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is not hyperbole. that's not a joke, don't jump so they're cutting him down shorter and shorter, it's sad to watch. >> laura: sometimes you eat and you miss your mouth when you are eating. for biden it's made a fork be with him. [ laughter ] i can't stand the mark hamill thank. down in new orleans jazz festival with the rolling stones front man, make jaeger called out louisiana governor and said, i hope mr landry's enjoying the show, he's really inclusive, he's trying to take us back to the stone age. >> the governor snapped back posting on asked, you can't always get what you want to pick the only person who might remember this stone age is make jager, love you, you're always welcome in louisiana, love my country music, hashtag he wrote. look, they did a poll, 56 percent approval rating in louisiana, yes he's in anti-
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crime agenda, he's ruled backs of the crazy things that a been happening at he's very popular because of it. your citizen and a resident of new york city, do something, those comments were about as welcomed at the jazz festival as a dog shelter at this point, they did not go over so well, sorry. >> when they start me up to the start me up with what the nitroglycerin pills? they are pretty impressive, i like the stones but so stupid. >> they put on a good show, do it when you're home in new york, not louisiana. >> i love the strutting, is there an age limitation on when you can start striding across the stage? great to see you as always. that is it for us tonight. we'll continue to monitor what's happening in new york at the met gala, not just the dresses, we should ask the protesters what are you wearing tonight. jesse's next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime" tonight


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