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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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of the crazy things that a been happening at he's very popular because of it. your citizen and a resident of new york city, do something, those comments were about as welcomed at the jazz festival as a dog shelter at this point, they did not go over so well, sorry. >> when they start me up to the start me up with what the nitroglycerin pills? they are pretty impressive, i like the stones but so stupid. >> they put on a good show, do it when you're home in new york, not louisiana. >> i love the strutting, is there an age limitation on when you can start striding across the stage? great to see you as always. that is it for us tonight. we'll continue to monitor what's happening in new york at the met gala, not just the dresses, we should ask the protesters what are you wearing tonight. jesse's next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime" tonight.
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>> and windsor-essex go chance. >> jesse: trump kicks the campaign into overdrive while biden stuck in neutral. [ chanting ] columbia cancels graduation. a primetime investigation into who funnels the money. >> they put more immigrants in cages than us border policies. >> all night he's been using this tool that aaron hernandez kicked up from under himself. >> jesse: tom brady rose, counsel culture over. >> you'll always be remembered as eli manning's [ bleep ] >> jesse: plus, it's my first derby any advice?
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: six months of the finish line and one guy is hitting the gas. trump hit up the formula one miami grand prix sunday and fans thought he was elvis. >> we are voting for you. >> i am never washing the sand. >> jesse: marching down the racetrack former president chatted up the pit crews and met with the ceo of mclaren and f1 and got a lot of love from the crowd. [ chanting ] >> jesse: the first car across the finish line even the announcers were talking about them. >> mclaren welcome the former president of the united states
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into the garage before the race, arrays that was meant to be about maximus, but here the checkers leg, noris trumps and wins the miami grand prix and wins the grand prix for the first time in history. lando norris has landed. >> jesse: that was his first win, total upset and later trump claimed that it was his lucky charm. but 45 cannot lay on too much time because he was gagged. >> i was in miami this weekend and reporters are asking me questions, same questions like you are asking me and had a gig ordering can't speak about it, never happened before ever. >> jesse: cards are not just getting trump the gagging biden too. trump is going past the trumps speech limits biden's pulling the emergency brake. the biden campaign is going to keep the president away from crowds and keep him quiet. trump's cake from telling the truth that biden's gig from
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telling stories like his uncle was eaten by cannibals. they call it less is more. >> campaign beliefs and quality over quantity, we believe that these touches and smaller things that are given directly to the point about what is going on in the stakes of this election are going to be easier for voters to tap into. >> jesse: quality over quantity? since when is less biden better quality? if you like chocolate, you want the whole hershey bar, you don't just want the hershey kiss. hershey kids is not quality over quantity, it's the same chocolate. usually when you like something you don't want less of it. the media things hiding biden's brilliant because his handlers can control him like a puppet. >> to be honest with you, i think that's a very smart idea, i think -- >> for everyone. >> and i appreciate that approach because it is a way for the president to hit with clarity, stick his points and
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move on and not get lost and sidetracked. >> jesse: the media believes a puppet reading from a script has a better shot beating trump than the real joe biden. the biden campaign prefers a quiet puppet. and the media agrees. and how do we know biden's not in control of his campaign? because no one likes to talk more than joe biden. but you're goodness c7 minute speeches once every three days till november 5th. and election where both politicians are not allowed to talk. it one talks too much he gets in trouble with staff. if another talks too much he gets thrown in jail. not only does the media no one biden to debate, they don't want them doing any more press conferences. they say he should just do the view. >> my view is is that he should come on the view before he does a press conference. i would say more howard stern come on the view, more smart conversations we had a conversations about policy but they are real ones that people
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can follow. >> jesse: policy conversation with joy and howard, really? what she means is that she wants biden to do interviews were no one won't ask him why his policies are not working. donald trump's running for president, joe biden's running scared. the pandemic is over. dodging the press back then was safe for eight euros, dodging the press now he looks scared. if you can handle peter how can you handle vladimir putin? back to the basement strategy began after trump started dominated biden in the polls. trumps up four points nationally went rfk juniors on the ballot and beating biden in every single battleground in both the real clear politics and 538 averages. biden is losing big time on all the major issues, look at that? economy, inflation, crime, israel the border its simple math. trump is persuading and adding voters who used to back joe.
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>> there is significant softness in the support for joe biden among court democrats in this pool he's carrying black voters by 61 points. that sound like a lot but he carried them by 84 points back in 2020. latino voters, a very slight edge in this pool but that was a 21-point advantage back in 2020. and younger voters, under 30 seeing trump with a slight edge and that was a big win for biden last time around. >> democrats have taken their base for granted and now they're paying for it, young americans hate his foreign-policy and can afford a house. black voters tell johnny that they had more money under trump. and joe was too old. hispanics don't like hearing they are oppressed and don't like being called a latin ask or tacos by the first lady. that the media says that is malarkey. trump voters have bad taste in those standards. >> i think the polls are tight because donald trump voters have very low standards and joe biden's voters have standards that are probably a little too high.
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>> jesse: voting for a puppet doesn't mean you have high standards it means you have a low opinion of voters. democrats believe you are too stupid to notice the puppet strings being pulled and just don't know what is good for you. that is exactly what this election is about. weather you are better off than you were four years ago or you can be bamboozled into believing you don't know the difference. from her speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now, speaker you think this back to the basement strategy is going to work? >> no. think about it for one moment. first they put president trump in court, he has to escape and in one weekend he saw more voters, he walks more distance and that biden has done in the last six months. this idea to hide from people is never gonna win. if you tidying he's not telling what he has done. and its can come down to who has a low standards, that it's what they're saying about trump voters, you and everybody else in this country today, what they
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are saying is they can't stand up to the real heat or to the topics. who worked harder to secure the border, to make the economy stronger? worked harder to make your streets safer? same guy that has to work so hard to get a gauge order against him but work 24/7, i want a president that's gonna work hard for me every single day of the week. not to talk less, but to work more. >> jesse: imagine having the bully pulpit in saying i don't want to use it, glasses more, you can go out and make news like that. you can have anyone you want the white house, you can go wherever you want you have your own jet. you have the media behind you, you'll just parrot whatever you say in your strategy is, maybe seven minutes reading from a script and then i go back to wilmington, what is that tell you? >> it tells you you cannot run on his own ideas and cannot run what he has done, but what's really concerning to me october 7th when israel was attacked,
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when the world was looking for a leader, what did joe biden do? he pulled a lid on it. he did not even talk for seven minutes, he talked for no time. what does it do for our country in the world? that really becomes the question. if they are saying he has to do less, not up to the job? is he too old for the job? when you're going to hire someone are you gonna say you only have to work part-time? we want someone to work beyond the hours we expect you to do, and especially in a time of crisis, we want our president able to respond. >> jesse: both guys being gags, one for the right and one for the wrong reasons, it's just a disgrace, speaker mccarthy, thank you as always for joining primetime. >> think you. >> jesse: donald trump might be stuffed enough meat locker but the vp race is heating up. trump held a vice presidential audition in marra law go over the weekend and told us what he thinks of him.
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marco rubio was there and said that his name is coming up a lot for vice president. tim scott trump says that as a candidate he did a good job but as a surrogate he is unbelievable. the senator vans, he was not a supporter of mine at the very beginning, he was saying things like the guys a total disaster. i got to know him a little bit as a nonpolitician he's become one of the greatest senators. what about utah senator? trump says at love your haircut. and he's a good man too. marsha blackburn, he says, like an energizer bunny when campaigning in 2018 she would go from stop to stop to stop. trump gave a nice not to north dakota governor saying this, i did not know this he was a supporter of mine my two campaigns, he's a very rich man.
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he's a very smart person, upstate new york when i met her, little did we realize that should be such a big factor. and congressman brian donald's is someone who created something very special politically, i like diversity, i like diversity. and donors worth millions of dollars all want a piece of him. then there's south dakota governor kristy, she is quote, somebody that i love. she's been with me as a supporter of mine and i've been a supporter of hers for a long time. whoever trump chooses for vp will have to debate this woman. >> madame vice president hamas wants a cease-fire and they've accepted a cease-fire deal, your reaction. >> shrimp and grits. south dakota governor and author of no going back joins me now.
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so governor hears the book, you'll be debating and if you are the vp kamala harris, what will you tell her. >> i've never had shrimp and grits before, that's for sure. but i would actually enjoy that debate. i think she's into big of a job for her capacity and i think president trump is going to be back in the white house real soon and i told him i'll do whatever he wants me to do to help them win. when he was in the white house as governor i was on offence every day, i got the chance to solve problems for south dakota since joe biden has been there all i do is beyond defence and try to defend our freedoms and liberties. this president trump that has been so persecuted politically i'll do everything i can to help them get back into leadership with this country. >> jesse: what happens if you are debating kamala harris and she says, wait a second, you shot your dog and wrote a book about it breaking about it, how
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can you be vice president? >> that story was a choice as a mom, the safety of my children versus a dangerous dog that was killing livestock and attacking people. so this book that i've written is full of stories of my past, hard decisions and i told the truth. and i think it's very different than a lot of politicians that we have today. >> jesse: do you regret telling that story and feel like maybe i should have said it. you understand why people don't like that story. >> everybody's known that story for year, they don't realize that in south dakota they'd use that story to attack me my particle campaigns for years. i wanted people to know the truth, the dog was vicious and dangerous and killing livestock for the joy of it and attacking people and i had a choice between keeping my family safe, little kids at the time, very public business of inviting people to come out and enjoy our hunting lodge in business and i don't pass my responsibilities off to anybody else. that stories in the book because i want people to know i'm honest and that when i have difficult
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jobs i take responsibility. >> jesse: you are standing by the dog story. >> i'll tell you what it's the facts i understand that they are attacking me for it. >> there also attacking you, you met kim jong. >> i've been to north korea, i don't talk about my conversations with world leaders. when i looked at the book and i saw the excerpt i decided to make a change the content of the book and it's been done. >> jesse: you did not have a conversation with kim when you were there. >> i don't have conversations with my conversations with world leaders pick up and working on policies for 30 years and that's what people remember about me is that i'm old. i'm a mom, a grandma i have three grandbaby. >> jesse: you're not that old, maybe you did have a conversation but you don't want to talk about it. >> i will not talk about my personal conversations with any world leaders i won't and won't do it. >> jesse: what have you learned from this book tour? >> that i've had these interviews and we should be talking about what americans care about.
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they care about how to get our country back and that is what this book is about, it's a how-to guide for the american citizen that is how do i take my country back and what can i do. does my voice matter doesn't matter if i show up and vote, how do i make a difference. and every small chapter in this book says, yes there is corruption a politics, monies to powerful, yes consultants are lining there pockets with your money and they don't give a rip about who gets elected they just want to get rich. this is what the average citizen can do, it uses my past and stories and lessons learned and tell the average citizens that when they show up they make a difference, when they call it matters. when you send an e-mail people set up and pay attention. it's not the time to check out on america, is a time to save america, we have an election coming for donald trump is that people that support and more people who love america, everybody else that is in the white house right now are trying to destroy america, this is when it matters that the average citizen as a blueprint on how to do that. >> jesse: i just found out because i was so excited that you gave me a cowboy hat and then i found out that you also
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gave got felled one and i feel like you give hats out to anybody. i thought it was special, governor. >> you are special now you need cowboy boots. >> jesse: thank you very much. johnny goes to the kentucky derby. >> what does doing a derby mean to you? >> we don't do the derby, the horses do it. we can just bet on them. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay. does this look ok?!
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>> jesse: fox news alert arrest being made outside the met gala minutes ago as pro- hamas protesters are clashing with cops. and you investigation revealing major biden donors have been bankrolling the arab spring break movement. you heard that. democrat dark money is fuelling pulp college rides backing thomas terrace.
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i guess that's why the fbi says that they do not monitor protest. the funders are george, david rockefeller junior, chicago family by -- behind the hotel. these mega- donors have been unmasked. and are fair game. >> these protests are backed by biden's donors, are you listening, i hope you're listening israel, but they are backed by biden donors, that is where the money is coming from. >> jesse: these donations tracked back to foreign countries. for instance the people's forum which is ties to the chinese communist party and gets millions of dollars from goldman sachs, spearheaded the protest here in manhattan. left-wing organizations train college students for months before the riots. they even trained them in self defence tactics to defeat right
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police. one professional protester who was arrested inside colombian hamilton hall was a 40-year-old animal activist who cut his teeth during the summer of love. the nypd says half of the protesters arrested in new york city college protests were not even students. democrat mega- donors gave professional protesters millions of dollars to train undergrads to conduct urban warfare for hamas. maxine waters, no relation, says that republicans are the ones plotting violence. >> we have to be very concerned about a former president of the united states talking about attacking his own country, talking about perhaps a bloodbath. she wants to be a dictator, this is a dangerous human being, i want to know about all those right-wing organizations that he is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they will attack.
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>> jesse: maxine, no one's training in the hills, their training in the quad, in your donors are funding them. biden's hard of hearing but even he can hear genocide to joe chance emanating from campuses. as you watched michigan slip through his fingers. [ chanting ] >> you are funding genocide. >> jesse: biden sees that the wars hurting his reelection so he's holding up military aid to israel so they don't move into southern gaza. i thought delaying a to an ally to help yourself when an election was an impeachable offence. dozens of universities are surrendering to hamas, caving to protesters demands. records is weaving the whitefly, evergreen college is devasting from israel, george washington university allowing the statue of washington to be defiled. and now ucla has cancelled all
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of their classes. and at columbia, graduation has been sold. parents who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to see their children earn a diploma not happy. >> your daughter must feel supported when she's out there. >> what's that? one whose daughter is out there? >> at the protest. you are bugging. alexis manasseh roberts better have a budding class. let me find out she's in one of those tendons to the dorm room that i pay for. >> i thought you were in favour of the student protest. >> i am supportive of you all's kids protesting. not my kid. my kids know better, she's not talking about free this are free that because what 83, columbia. >> jesse: columbia senior who supposed walking graduation and her dad jason join me now.
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katie. you also were not able to have graduation at high school because of covid-19. >> i was not. >> jesse: it's now this second ceremony that is been cancelled, how do you feel? >> get so disappointing, honestly picked to be honest with you even weeks ago when i saw the horrific terrorism unfolding on our campus, i did not want to go to my graduation anymore, i worked my entire life to get into columbia, i got straight a's my entire college career and now i don't want to walk in my graduation because i know that i'd ministration is proven time and time again for the last seven months the last three or four weeks that it refuses to protect jewish students and students who are just regular americans i just want to go to class. >> jesse: we know how expensive columbia is, you must have worked very hard to pay that tuition as a dad, probably want your proudest moments is seeing your son or daughter walk and receive a diploma. now you will be able to do that
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a columbia your reaction? >> it's heartbreaking more than just the graduation that you expect to set your child up for life, they get into an ivy league school, incredibly proud of that moment. and then you say, will go get a diploma daughter said she straight a's. she just won an award for the best researcher in her department. and now i think, is going to look at her may get a seat columbia universe with it, are they going to want to whether she was one of the radicalized students want to hire? and no one wanted to let into their graduate school to do the same thing there school? that's the real fear for me is that set her up with a degree and paid very simply for a
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degree that will hurt her instead of helpers. >> you are gonna be discriminated against by prospective employers. and fair, fair it's just so sad, what was it like after october 7th at columbia for you? >> it's just been vendors for the last seven months, on october 12, 5 days after the massacre, hundreds of students on my campus were protesting in support of hamas for israel ever engaged in a counteroffensive to defend the country. was never about, it was never about freeing palestine as they think they paint their name stein in the encampment 10, it's about finding some kind of community for people who clearly do not have one. in spreading terrorism across the country that is purely antistatic, anti- israel and
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anti- american every pro- israeli protest that we have american and israeli flags in these terror supporters ripped them from our hands, step on them and set them on fire. >> jesse: when you say they are pro- terrorism, what kind of things did you see and hear from them? >> heard them scream october 7th is going to happen every day to you 10,000 times, my jewish friends, they throwing rocks at my friends they have screamed and held signs that say the next targets in front of jews that are singing songs of peace, there was a student who said that all zionist deserve to die we should all be grateful that they've not gone around murdering us, it should not be allowed anywhere in the country let alone, this that has 5000 jewish students. >> you self mock flags? >> hamas legs, symbols, isa symbols, nazi symbols, they are agree justly pro- terror and i'm a big believer let someone show
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them who you are and believe that. >> you should be part of your daughters the brilliant woman was straight a's, one award, i think no matter what happens with the employment creation shell do just fine, congratulations. tom brady roast and what it means for america. >> tom brady five time super bowl mvp, most career wins in touchdowns you have seven rings, outages okay first back. >> tom is afraid of the giants which is why kevin hart is hosting tonight. where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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slapped with the tenth gag order violation, that means its another 1000-dollar fine for the former president and the judge remarked that it seems that these findings are not doing much to do church rooms public comments it seemed to violate the gag order, the judge said that this in court today, the last thing that i want to consider is a jail, you are a former president and possibly the next president, in court it seem like trump sat still taking this information from the judge, meanwhile trumps defence attorney todd blanche seemed frustrated, yeah, one point hung his head in frustration, hands through his hair, notable because i've taught blanche that maintained his composure what he sustains many blows for the the judge on the trail could be also heard from jeffrey a. former trump organization controller that he detailed payments made to cohen throughout 2017 and the full-time fixer and his testimony did not do much to
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link trump to any schemes surrounding stormy daniels, in fact he testified that he did not know exactly what the payments to michael coleman for four, he rarely spoke directly to trump and if you did it would not have discussed payments to cohen, in the afternoon we hewed -- heard from the financial supervisor, she was sympathetic witness that fielded questions about payments to cohen, pair checks for trump to sign, trump maintained all payments made to cohen were legitimate, legal expenses. prosecutors say that they will need two more weeks to present their case and in the we'll hear from the defence with their case and closing arguments. trail resumes tomorrow and i would like to tell you who the next witness is going to be called by the prosecutors to the stand. but i can't pick its not public information. in reality defence attorneys only found out a couple hours ago within the next witness is going to be because prosecutors are only telling defence
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attorneys the night before. i send it back to you. >> jesse: thank you. let's bring an former federal prosecutor and author of woke warriors. why is the prosecution it not telling defence their witnesses are, they're saying to let them know the night before, house at legal? >> that's another issue with this case, the defence has not been notified of the next witness, have to prepare cross-examination by the judge has allowed them to keep this information for hypothetical thought that they might save them. >> the judge is really on the side of the prosecution and this thing will go on for weeks, trump has complained about it, today it looks like he got find for saying that the jury in manhattan is 95 percent democrat which is the truth. and then he says, we have to defend the constitution make that sacrifice and go to jail,
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watch. >> have to watch every word i say to people, you asked me a simple question and i like to give it but i can talk about it. the judge is giving me a gag order and saying i'll go to jail if i violate it. and frankly our constitution is more important than jail, it's not even close. y'all do that sacrifice any day. >> jesse: you think you'll get thrown in jail? >> i think the democrats are in a tough position, they are stuck between the dream up financing trump behind bars and other nightmare that he'll become some sort of civil rights martyr when he gets put in there. it's the most likely chance that those he and behind bars based on the prosecution presentation so far. i don't think the judge wants to do it because logistically it's a nightmare. but the threats keep building, the order is so vague that it's anyone's guess whether trump does violate it. that's part of the significant problem here with the constitutionality the order is
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that essentially anything can be interpreted it to be a violation of the orders. >> would secret service go to jail with trump? >> i would hope so. he was a world leader. >> former president has to take a catnap, move over. >> for the sake of our national security want to have protection of something that has that many state secrets or president we're talking the practicality is preposterous but again trying to keep insisting that that is the next step. >> jesse: how come out with the prison body. that's what happens when you go to prison, you work out, that's all there is to do. thank you. johnny goes to the races. >> we have a big horse race coming in november, trump versus biden who's your money on? >> trump, he likes to do what he likes to do, he has an attitude problem and i love it. one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? ...and for fast topical pain relief,try alevex.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: seinfeld was right political correctness does not make for good comedy but america's ready to laugh again. nonawoke comedian killed on s&l years after they fired him over a joke. joe rogan has the number 1 podcast on spot if i, and in the
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first quarter of 24 with the highest rated late-night show. and this weekend netflix drops two specials that were anything but pc. literally nothing was off-limits at the roast of tom brady, watch. >> tom brady five time super bowl mvp, most career wins and touchdowns, you have seven rings, eight now that giselle gave hers back. >> tom is afraid of the giants which is why kevin hart is hosting tonight. it's true. all night he's been using this tool that aaron hernandez kicked up from under himself. >> like the rest of america always remember where i was not beat full day in september of 2001. one tragically those two jets slammed into true. >> speaking of tom and i dating i know there were rumours that we were, i do know it would never work out.
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and ask athlete, high cheekbones, silky hair, you remind me too much of my stepdad now. >> i know kim was terrified to be here tonight, not because of this but because her kids are home with their dad. >> tom lost $30 million of crypto, how did you fall for that? even drunk was like, me know that not real money. [ laughter ] >> jesse: so much material we can't show you on fox but it was just brutal. but they are jokes, good comedy is supposed to shock and even make you a little uncomfortable. but the roast proved one thing, you can have a laugh at someone else's expense and still be friends. there was no hard feelings, no one was cancelled, just good clean may be unclean fun. that's something that's been lost in this country. and comedian katt williams has had it. in his new special woke folk he
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skewers the far left that has tied comedian's hands for years. >> they want me to be mad at woke, i'm not going to change awoke. you won't act like that's a bad word, what the [ bleep ] you mean. it's so political, it's not [ bleep ] political. the last time i checked, woke was the opposite of sleep [ bleep ], look it up. >> jesse: people are mad about that. two years ago this would've been rage fuelled for the far left. comedy stage? both of these specials, by the way, live on netflix. high risk, high reward for the streaming giant. this weekend was 150th kentucky derby in louisville, johnny begged me to go. so first i sent into the red carpet at the barnstable ground and then of course to the big rigs. and now we can stop hearing about his winnings.
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>> 150 years of the kentucky derby. i think joe biden is probably have been to every single one. i have my money on mystic dan, let's see if i win because i need a plane ticket home. >> what does doing a derby mean to you? >> we don't do it, the horses do it. we can only bet on them. >> hello. >> we party, baby. let's go! >> horses get beer drinks. >> i like your flower. >> last time i met up with you guys i got punched in the beard by certain jesse. >> let's do it anyway. >> did that hurt? >> who are you betting on? >> i'm not telling you that.
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>> one he was bored, whose mother was, i don't know. >> how much money you spending? >> it is biden's economy. >> $200 cash. >> it into hundred dollars in your pocket, if he accept you can go where you want to go. >> is my first derby, any advice? >> don't [ bleep ] it up. >> if you don't bed, triple it, if you're going to drink, double it. it's gonna be more expensive in and. >> lose your voice by the end unless -- or alter not doing something right. >> we are making the $5000 minted julep, will take are meant garnish, i rose garnish and this beautiful sipping straw. >> i cannot drink out of the straw. >> why? >> it's not manly. >> come on. >> oh my gosh. >> and other horserace in
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november, trump versus biden who's your money on? >> trump, trump, trump. >> let's go trump. >> what you like trump? >> i'm really drunk, i think. >> trump, he likes to do what he likes to do, he got an attitude problem and i love it. >> trump, baby. >> what you like about donald trump? >> he's spreading across the finish line and biden can barely crawl. >> i'm a biden supporter. >> who do you believe? >> a lot of things that are good. >> if joy biden was a horse who would he be? >> what a disgusting assertion. >> what issues are most important? >> cost, groceries. >> we are piecing russia off that we need to stop. >> gas prices. >> not really. >> what is going on on the
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college campuses. >> entitled kid. >> if you're not happy, leave. >> encampments there looks like the streets of san francisco. >> not a big thing, okay. >> what you want to tell jesse? >> i'm fantastic at a party. >> don't bet all on one horse. >> i've seen it. couple years ago, he acted like he loved me. >> he loves you. >> let's not get too gay with it. >> not that there's anything wrong with that. >> let's do $100 on mystic dan. here we go. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] [ cheering ] we did! i think we one, yes! >> jesse: johnny is drunk. our movement plus more ahead. dupixent can help people with asthma breathe
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i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem.
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only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you! (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the get-together movement continues at another bombastic book signing, a lot of love. look i said you can nuzzle me, and people did. they run their fingers threw my hair, squeeze my biceps. a lot of cases, smooches and obviously if you wear a great shirt you will get on television. "we love jesse and johnny," didn't love that sure as much but a lot of patriots other. men of new jersey get it together is still available where books are sold as my car sold. let's see some tax map correct form michigan your interview with katie the student from columbia renewed my faith in young people. thank you. she was fantastic and i don't think you'll have a problem getting a job. be from arizona, is my kid missus graduation because of a bunch of tupperware shield wielding idiots that hold my beer."
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tupperware shield. [laughter] bob from clifton park new york, "can trump get around this guy quarterback using invalid focused on me?" jack from missouri catholic the judge throws trump in jail really kind of -- what kind of tattoo should he get?" biden can from main capo do you think biden was better trump in prison like that time he tried to visit nelson mandela?" i don't know but -- sunshine from louisiana, "if maxine waters knows about people in the hills getting ready for a bloodbath why hasn't she called the fbi?" strangely the fbi is so silent. kevin from florida, "can we rose jesse watters next?" bring it on. i am waters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "id," we b


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