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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 7, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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do we have your attention yet? is this the new face of the winged american race. is this you dance on a crazy photo. how you find diamond in the desert. how you beat the heat with this gladiator to be the last man standing. who's going to take on the rest of the pack? let's do it. last question. are you in? okay. the goodyear 400 from darlington on fs1. >> welcome to fox nation, a place where we look to the future and host to our past. this is fox nation where. all of america's stories are told to sign up and start streaming today. >> all right, guys. thanks[ is a fox news alert. im ashley strohmier, live in new york. israel. taking a major
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step against hamas at this hour. the idf confirms one of its tank brigades has taken control of the gaza side of the rafah border crossing. it connects the war torn territory to egypt. this is new video showing the tanks moving in. officials say the operation was very precise and very limited. they also say it was only in specific areas of eastern rafah. the crossing is one of the main supply routes for humanitarian aid into gaza. and we are told all movement there has stopped at least for now. 20 hamas militants were reportedly killed during today's sees. three terror shafts were also apparently found in that area. this is one of the first significant military actions israel has taken in part of the enclave, where more than a million palestinians are taking refuge. before today, the idf mainly hit targets with airstrikes in rafah. israel claims the gaza side of the crossing was being used for terror activity. the idf says hamas fired mortars toward israel's border from the area of the crossing over the
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weekend. four idf soldiers were killed. several others got hurt. israel says the operation isn't over yet. on monday, israel started ordering evacuations for the estimated 100,000 people who live in this part of rafah. it also comes a day after hamas agreed to a proposed cease fire deal with israel. but israel claims the group agreed to a different proposal than what was crafted by israel, and says the terms accepted are, quote, far from meeting their demands. but israel says it will send a delegation to egypt for more talks. again, if you are just now tuning in. israel's military says it has taken over the gaza side of the rafah border. it's what connects the territory to egypt. and officials say the operation was limited in precise. of course, we will continue to monitor this and bring you developments as we learn them. for now, i'm. we wilngl send you back to regur programming already in progress. >> laura: tj ducklow, senior
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advisor to biden. that will transalate to the trumhep speech being whittled dn to sharpest, most dynamic form. that is what you're seeing. okay. sharpest? most dynamic? well, maybe the angriest. i can hardly wait.ed >> president biden: united states of america an sd nothing under our capacity. we are the united states of e america. big dealth day. we aream the united states of r america, let's get out and workl together and get this done. >> lauramake: don't ride your b on my lawn, makes tracks. for trump, less rather than -- less is e thmore, that really i working. ♪ >> usa, usa, usa! >> laura: yeah. kee keeping him in court was going
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to keep him down, now rock star every time. joining me iajors ned ryan and moldov moldova mollie hemingway. ned, it kind of is, i was howling watching that montage. it makes sence and tracks with what biden produced with his policies, right? less is more. less prosperity, less safety, less hope for the future and less of biden period. it does make sense.ti >> it was, i was laughing at thi qual quality over quantity. he has nothing honest to say noh that is positive about economy, immigration orig foreign policy. you are right, they are trying to hide the football again, thei don't have the biden basement
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routin ue and are using aids to walk him to marine one to hide his shuffling and shortening his speeches to avoid more uncle beau was eaten by cab cannibals and he will be a mute walking off stage the wrong way, this is where we are headed with the biden campaign right now. >> laura : there is a guy we have never heard of before, biden willd not be able to talk, quinton fu lkes wants everyone to understand what less is more really does mean, watch. >> quality over quantity, touches, smaller things getting to point of whaton i is going o stakes of this election are going to be easier for voters to tap into.
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remo removee clutter and get to the message to make it easier for voters to follow. >> laura: i wouldn't say with the touches, i wouldn't have said that.>> is this going to fly? >> mollie: not a bad strategy on the campaign trail. for bide n campaign, it is not that people have a problem with joe biden,have they have a prob with his policies and that is something you can't hide, as well having said that, you have corporate media that will do anything in their power to help joe biden be re-elected, any strategy he chooses, they will help. you see it how they are not raising alarm about democratic lawfare against t political opponents, something completely unheard of until a few years ago and covering up problems on the border or with foreign policy.en
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you can do anything you want when you have corporate media doing your bidding and joe biden does have that. >> laura: one problem for them,e ned, less of biden is going to necessarily mean more of kamala, right? they are putting her outs to do -- she did such a bang-upe job on the border, they're going to put her out there to fill the vacuum especially with growing deficit among certain minority and, woing class voters.>> watch this. >> there are certain communities that have faced historically and currently profound ocstackels. president biden and i have invested hundreds of billions of dollars to address these disparities, disparity in access to capital and lending, po disparity inrt homeownership an access to government contracts. >> laura: ned be is that the way
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you're going to get the voters? i think less is more with her for sure. >> they box themselves into the corner when they made this decision they were sticking with biden, who clearly is not up to running a rigorous campaign and you have kamala out there.ea this is a creature of their own creation. asad bad as they are, as mollie said, corporate propagandist will prop them up. this election comes down to seven key states, they will hide ink incompetence and decrepe iotid e biden because of assets they haved re protecting them and attempting to lie to the american people to deceive them beforebefo november 5.: >> laura: i don't know, i agree with you, they will do everything they can, some point, the bills come in. people's bills are coming in,
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mollie. you have written this for four years now, cost of daily life subassumes at some point this propaganda, i think. that is what polls look like. mollie. >> mollie: i.f this were an election run like we used to run elections, we would be seeing 1980 style blowout probably. americans are so distraught by h what they are seeing with the ma economy and how out of touch people in washington, d.c. are, as well. numbers are bad for joe biden and will continue to be. also they don't seem as nervous as they should be and that is related to how they run ballot operation runinstead of runnine elections like we used to where will o outf the people represen by voting on election day. they seem completely clueless about ho thew bad the problems and don't seem to be doing anything to address them even am this late hour. >> laura: gned, only place they don't care about using dei is in
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their campaign operation. theyai hire the best of the peoe fohar that. that dei is out the window witht fundraising and ballot t. harvesting, that is best of the best. >> that is right, winning elections, political power is what they desire, they go for vt the best, have best people in place. exi fully expect them to have a well-oiled machine in seven th states. the thinweg we should think aboi how much more of various votes and various demographics can a they max out sf if we max out our vote, i think they are tapped out. they hit their high water in e 2020, we have more left on the t table. >> lauraan: hispanic voters and hispanic radio ads. thank you. anti-israel protesters chants intifada revolution outside tonight's met gala, couldn't
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happen to a better group of people. police f arein making arrests. matt finn is there with the latest. what are you wearing tonight, first of all? >> wearing lululemon, not fancy like the a-listers. we are one block from the met gala, we saw jennifer lopez and such. there is day of rage protest happening in new york city and short while ago we saw arrests being made and you see nypd regrouping and looking at pp special response group. someotes protests, these pro-palestinian protesters couldn't get as close to the gala tol, police told them to g ou bect of the middle of the sto they areck blocking traffic. ultimately, nypd rushed in and
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madee ve some arrests. we are hearing strong chants calling police kkk, calling them pigies.s. police made some put people arrested in the van. they are regrouping, you can ng hear the chopper ahead. >> laura: we'll continue to monitor this throughout the hour. now time tmoo take the pulse ofh the nation, bad news for biden pouring in. abc news poll has trump leading by two points in the co head-to-head match up. when it comes to biden's job approval, the man is just 35%, two points away from career low and well below level that is associated with re-election d going back to carter. abc had to wonder why biden is competitive at all. >> we are seeing daylight open o
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up on immigration, economy, crime and public safety, trump-areas, he has significant advantage in handling these id issues. only areen ha biden has advantas healthcare and protecting abortion rights. >> laura: and democrats have rue away witmoh key voting blocks a biden is your honor itting them, off, too. >> well, is significant softness in support for joe biden among core democrats, carrying black voters by 61%, that sounds like a lot, it was 84 points in 2020. latino voters, 21-point advantage inac exit polls in 20. under 30, seeing trump with a b slight edge, that was a big win for biden last time around. >> laura: wait, slight edge? five points is not a slight edge. chris bedford has been chewing m over the numbers. chris, do the last first.
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on youngthat people with 29-poi swing when you add it all up ano five up for trump? what does that tell you? >> it tells me democrats ought to be worried and abc reading through the numbers was worried. it's been a long time coming. i've been trying to ep coo an eye on. younck.g people like to push ba and rebel and be different.e i see punk rockers walking around with rainbow flag, biden patch, mask on and i wonder who they are rebelling against. theyesse represent essentially man. you have seen campus riots and unrestst, you see normal studen comeothe out, football player, sor sororities come out, they have . lot of young people with them.en more than numbers changing with blacrs ak voters, hispanic vote
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the young voter count did surprise me. >> laura: economic news, the unde standing for biden on the econom bony just 16 prps say th are better off financially under biden, plurality saying worse off. i don' 16%t know who the 16% ot than jeff bezos and a few like c him. we were talking last block, democrats have better campaign , operation, turn out the vote, is there anything good coming out of number one issue and concern for voters including young people? anything good for biden?ac >> no, you are exactly right, people who benefit from still strongultr dollar, ultrarich deg with wage stagflattion are really hurting. p real estate prices and rent going up, it is difficult for folknds trying to make bills.
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biden managed in state of union to convince democratic party no tohe primary or replace them. he did not convince the american people yet because of daily realities. >> laura: one thing i found fascinateings is whether trump or biden are too old to run fora office. look at t thise to too old for 1 term. 81to% say biden is too old for anothebur term. only 55% say trump is too old for another term. people see that sharpness, trump 42%, biden 23%, better physical health, trump 42-20. trump is only four years or so, 3.5 years younger than biden. people see whaeyt they see like t they see with their wallets; correct? >> exactly right. we have family who have aged anf
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seen effects of someom people suffer more, some people slow downdi in different ways. look s at bernie sanders, secon oldest senator talking about running for another six years, his mental acuity has not shown a huge difference, he still ne speaks. compare to joe biden, his decline is massive. donald trump has established vibes and things he gives off to different voters, slowing down is not one of them, just as quick anergyd fast as used to b. that is what voters pick up on. >> laura: less is more is bidenl strategy now on the campaign trail. less is more is working for trump. bizarre.. always great to see you. thank you. toit's israel, striking targets rafah, city in the gaza strip, just hours after hamas said it did accept supposed ceasefire deal that was brokered by egypt and qatar.
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live to tel aviv, fox's jeff paul has details. jeff, what can you tell us? >> jeff: we're learning israeli war cabinet decided to continue operation inerat rafah, it want keep pressure on hamas to get more hostages released. we'rwe ae learning israel is signalling it could send a delegation ondinf meed yarpts t esse essentially work on a deal in the future in their words more acceptable to israeli interest. shorts shortly after comments were released idf confirmed it had started conducting targetedf airstrikes in rafah today and started warning civilians to begin evacuating using fliers and text messages urging palestinians triano move to the humanitarianescr zone. israeli military described it as
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limited scope operation and not a large-scale evacuation. here is how idf spokespartner described the current situation in the deal and actions in rafah. >> we examine every answer and e reply seriously and find every possible regarding negotiations for return oof tf hostages to t homes as central task as quickl as possible and same time we ra continue our operation upons in th e gaza strip and will continue to do so. >> jeff: shortly after news broke of hamas agreeing to deal, they are clearly happy about tha dev development. detailreeds remain unclear, how, in israel, a different scene. s throughout the country including families of hostages t started protested in downtown tel aviv, outraged 132 people were kidnapped on october 7 and are still missing. they are pushing the israeli
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government to do everything they can to bring the hostages home. hamas releasing statement saying any ground operation in rafah would not be a picnic.: laura.t >> laurain: middle of the nightw israel, thank hayou. whatis biden promising to get y on board with in a second tomorrow? my angle explains it.
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>> laura: dei and weed is the focus of tonight's angle. that is pretty much the agenda, more giveaways, push for abortion on demand, end to gas-powered cars and stoves and cannabis shops on every street corner and student loan for forgiveness, this is how they hope to entice you. don't forget who is waiting in the wings. >> we understand you can't truly invest inspect strength of our nation if you don't pay attention to dei. inflation reduction act is about at least trillion invested in climate, clean energy economy.
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we are in the process of putting a lot of money in the streets of america. >> laura: a lot of money in the streets of america. we are borrowing and printing money we don't have and driving up inflation. i don't know what is worse, her hyena-like life or embesill thinking. voters are on. new gallup survey shows why never-trumpers are up right now. more voting for joe and kamala is chaos in the economy. 38% of u.s. adults have confidence in biden to take the right step for the economy. by capitulating to the squad and all social issues like elevating trans radicals over girls in women's athletes and they have lost debate on issues people care about the most.
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at this point, i think most americans agree they are safer and more prosperous if we re-elect donald trump. all they can do on the democrat side is try as hard as they can to peel off votes by dangling items on the liberal wish list in front of them. if you love that skunk under smell of marijuana in most major cities these days, get ready to smell is everywhere in biden second term and scramble for biden to salvage michigan and appealing to pro-hamas crowd by pausing ammo shipments to israel. wait a second, didn't move like that get trump impeached when ukraine was involved? of course if none of that works, his official or unofficial i guess to be accurate, comm staffers step in to repeat tired
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old lines. >> trump brazenly be ing autocratic in desire. choice so stark little doubt this is most important election of our time. trump says no violence if he wins and -- >> laura: jonathan, you don't believe that. and auntie maxeen is throwing her weight around. >> i will ask the president to tell us what they are going to do to protect our country against violence if he loses. i want to know about right wing organizations he's connected with who are training in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they are going to attack. >> laura: i mean, you can smell desperation. if she actually believes what she's saying, the woman is not a
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half wit, she's a quarter wit. bottom line, party confident in against and upbeat about the future brags about impressive record. they don't need to collapse into this illusion. >> if donald trump gets re-elected no doubt he will try to stay in office beyond his four-year term, he will destroy this country, our democracy. yaw yawning] >> laura: sorry, they have lost all credibility, when you lose all credibility when you happen to be the party trying to put your chief political opponent in jail. there seems to be no end to their sick fantasy. another from this writer tom
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nichols, he imagines former president and right-wing governor attempting to use the u.s. military as personal muscle. he warns that voters need to use their imagine agsz, they are too stupid to think for themselves to see how trump in charge will paralyze democracy limb by limb. that is bad writing. all these slurs, fearmongering and nonstop gaslighting, biden's campaign knows what it is asking, asking people to vote to make themselves and the country poorer and weaker. man, that is a hard sell. they dress it all up with a lot of lame rhetoric about climate cons consciousness. this party does not like americans anyway and don't care if you suffer. if i think thises end where they
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should in november and biden shuffles out to coon seed on election night, only thing we need to worry about is whether self-proclaimed defenders of democracy will themselves really accept the will of the voters for who they have shown so little respect. that's the angle. coming up, one thing that will stop some elite or so-called elite colleges from bending to the pro-hamas brats. i'll explain it next. ah, these bills are crazy. she
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>> laura: this is a fox news alert, you're looking live just outside of the met gala, police have arrested protesters. they're now regroup ing apparently because the pro-hamas protesters, set the stage.
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they started out at hunter college and started running and walking toward the met, all the celebs are there, for what they are calling the day of rage. okay. isn't everyday a day of rage, how do you tell the difference between any other day? the police snapped into action and locked them down. they were pushed blocks from the met and protesters got frustrated, some siphoned into the park and tried to come around the other side and police blockaded them. they were frustrated, they could see the gala, they couldn't get there. the pro-palestined palestinian crowd is promising more protests in chicago at the dnc. i have a feeling they will block
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off the dnc by many blocks and will not be able to harass politicians there. we'll monitor this tonight in new york. and now, what is worst thing any parent can do when a child throws a tantrum? that is easy, parents. give in to them. here is a candy bar, stop crying. that is what rutgers university is doing with pro-hamas wing of the student alliance, caving to eight of the 10 demands, including accepting 10 displaced gazan students to study at the university on scholarship and hiring additional professors who specialize in palestinian and middle eastern studies? will they be anti-jewish? ucla is moving all classes to
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remote now and columbia university is cancelling main graduation ceremony, but promises parents who shelled out money for graugsz inn graduation, they have other activities plan said ed to celebrate. bill barret. i know you wish you were at the met gala, couldn't happen to a better crowd. university of michigan did hold graduation and when it was d disrupted, the students re responded this way, watch. [booing] [bleep] [booing] [long bleep] >> laura: normal kids are fed
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up, they wanted to have a great time with parents and friends and the pro-hamas group is getting demands accepted by their colleges. your thought? >> normal kids are fed up. this is what happens when adults capitulate authority, they give it up. you talked about the temper tantrum, that is right. who is in charge at rutgers, columbia, ucla? small group of demonstrators closing down institutions. a long time ago, long before i knew you, writing about shame of universities hiring leftists and these leftists hire their own leftists who were hire other leftists. humanities and social science,
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allen bloom wrote, we saw this occuring and did not take steps to prevent it from spreading. now instead of these students finding reality, this stuff is exported to the real world. maybe we are seeing backlash. i was encouraged to see google firing people who demonstrated. >> laura: bill, these protesters in some cases depending on their ta ta tactics, they are getting money to do this. they are supported by a web of organizations. we are talking hundreds of millions of dollars funneling into umbrella groups like tide foundation and others and a lot of reporting on this, gets in
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hands of anti-israel, pro-hamas protesters. that has to be exposed. >> tide, soros, rockefeller brothers, others, and foreign countries funneling money in. the bin laden institute at harvard and on and on it goes. this is corruption in the university. these are corrupt institution says, why spend all this money? people like me have been saying, maybe you ought to reconsider how you spend that money. other thing i like to point out, why did they turn on the jews? the left turns out to turn on the jews. com communism hates jews, party has operating faith, there is no god
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atheistic, cannot tolerate -- >> laura: hate christians and jews. >> cannot tolerate god's chosen people, start with jews, then christians, start with jews, therrien americans. >> laura: thank you for joining us. why seeing trump behind bars is sick fantasy of the left and what judge merchan threatened again today. we'll explain it next.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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>> laura: look, i think they're getting to realize bragg's case is going south at pretty decent clip. they don't have many options in manhattan in that court. one of the few moves is hitting donald trump for violating the unlawful gag order. today judge juan merchan fined donald trump $10,000 and warned the court may impose a jail sentence going forward. adding this, last thing i want
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to -- article three project, former clerk to gorsuch. mike, i like when he said possible future president or potential future president, that was like a gulp moment, felt like he was gulping when he said that, uh-oh. your thoughts on what happened? >> you have judge who donated to biden and whose adult daughter is raising millions off this caseworking with biden democratic political apinapinted working with michael colangelo, while they let michael cohen, a disbarred attorney and perjurier go on tiktok and talk about trump. this judge is threatening to put
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trump in jail. this is unconstitutional and election interference. >> laura: one thing trump said that got him tagged with gag viol violation, trump is saying this is democrat jurisdiction with democrat jury and i'm not goings to gets a fair shake here. terms of gag order, he is not personally attacking or naming people. even under illegal gag order that does not seem to be violation is of it. >> this gag order is overvague and prior restraint on trump's constitutional rights. gag orders are supposed to protect criminal defendants to have a fair trial and fair, public and speedy trial. this judge and biden democrat
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prosecutor have turned constitution on his head. >> laura: and colangela, a former consultant. great to see you. up next, raymond arroyo is up in "seen and unseen" and i can't wait. stay there. [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard.
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>> laura: it is time for seen and unseen, we turn to raymond arroyo. on friday, i believe you told us about that "star wars" actor mark hamill stopping by the white house briefing room, now we have an idea what he was doing there. >> raymond: making videos. they released heavily edited videos for the campaign. "star wars" day, empire released these. >> hey, i'm mark hamill, i'm voting for joe-bi wan kenobi.
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>> may the fourth be with you. >> oh, remember, always be forcefully yours. >> president biden: may the fourth be with you, always. >> what the heck? is that allowed? >> raymond: who do celebrity drop-byes have to do with politics, do they think mark hamill moves the needle? disney wrecked, they don't care, i guess chubakah was not available. >> laura: mark hamill. >> raymond: waiting for biden to show up with quaker oats guy to get old people to vote for him. trump hit grand prix in miami and received heroes welcome and biden nowhere to be seen until
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today when he presented army with award for winning game over the navy. when they gave him a jersey, biden didn't know what to do with it. [laughter] >> raymond: laura, he's lost. >> laura: can't even do that. >> raymond: when he does sleep, campaign cut his addresses so short, he might need to submit written statement. he gave voice to briefity from the staff the other day, watch. >> my staff hates me doing ad-libbing, i had to keep doing when i was writing introductions and make them shorter and shorter, so much to say, we'd be here 12 hours. >> raymond: he couldn't write a grocery list at this point, that
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is not hyperbole, don't jump, cutting him shorter and shorter, sad to watch. >> laura: sometimes you eat and miss your mouth, for biden, may the fork be with him. sorry. i can't stand the mark hamill thing. down in new orleans, jazz fest, what the rolls stons front man jagger called out the -- i hope mr. know landry is enjoying the show, he's inclusive, trying to take us back to the stone age. >> raymond: the governor snapped back, posting on x, you can't always get what you want, the only person that might remember the stone age is jagger. you are always welcome in nuew orleans. love my country music. they did a poll, 56% approval.
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he rolled back some crazy things happening and he's popular because of it. nick, you're a citizen and resident of new york city. do something there. those comments were welcome at jazz fest as kristi noem at a dog shelter, did not go over well. >> laura: start me up with the stones and nitroglycerin pills. i like the stones, so stupid. >> raymond: put on good show, save the punditry. >> laura: i like the strutting, age limitation when to stop strutting. that's it for us tonight, we'll monitor what is happening at the met gala. ask the protesters, what are you wearing tonight? jesse next. >> fox news alert, another day of riot and destruction in new york city. anti-israe


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