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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. >> it's 8:00 a.m. on east coast, tuesday may 7, this is "fox and friends." catastrophic tornados ripping through central u.s. [roaring sounds] >> brian: wow, like a movie. millions of americans still at
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risk, janice is tracking them. >> steve: police moving in overnight to clear the encampment at university of chicago. they said, you have to go. president biden will address antisemitism today in washington, d.c. >> ainsley: divine intervention, a pastor, while preaching, he's thanking god after a gun was pulled on him in the middle of a sermon to have the firearm jam. he joined "fox and friends" earlier. watch this. >> i'm grateful to god. all it take is one and i would not be with my family today. >> ainsley: wow, that is amazing. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends, especially when it is brian's birthday. >> brian: all right. >> steve: more on the celebration in a bit. serious news to start this hour
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with. powerful tornados rip through oklahoma, killing at least one person and hurt several others. communities in ruins, you see the destruction as remember tos storms go through buildings and destroy homes. >> ainsley: it might not be able, millions are under risk of more storms which could bring hail the size of baseballs. >> brian: check in with janice dean. >> janice: this is the past 24 hours, storm reports, tornado reports for oklahoma toward kansas and this is one tornado we're watching we had tornado emergency only second time we've had a tornado morning in this region of oklahoma, tulsa, oklahoma. you can see the hook we see on
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radar, tornado on the ground at least an hour. the damage, you see in the images, complete devastation. this was incredibly strong tornado that devastated the area. people are waking up to nothing. severe weather warnings, 67 tornado-warned storms, thunderstorms and one tornado emergency with that large tornado on the ground for at least an hour covering a lot of real estate north much tulsa area. tornado watch in effect in peoria, springfield to chester. conditions are favorable for tornados. line of dangerous storm and lightning, heavy rain could cause flash flooding. in the barnstall area, we had the destructive tornado and weekends and hail. the environment is favorable for tornados through this morning
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and overnight tonight from louisville, to columbus, ohio, tennessee, mid-mississippi river valley, be on alert, potential for strong storms. above average for the last several months, beginning of 2024 and we just continue to see destruction throughout the day today and rest of the work week. very active, have a way to get watches and warns, storms came in the overnight we will continue to update you. stook i was down in texas over the weekend and houston really got hit. >> ainsley: my cousins live there, they said it's been pretty back. fox news alert, anti-israel protesters clash with police at
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university of chicago after they began working to remove the encampment. >> brian: this is live pictures, faculty sworn they are going to get arrested, too, and refused to leave. campus police surrounded the quad and began removing tents and signs and announced anyone remaining in the encampment will be arrest said. >> steve: university said they s suspended negotiations, that did not work. protesters have been camped out for over a week. president biden will be in chicago for a fundraiser and i imagine anybody asked to leave that demonstration today will show up where the president is tomorrow in chicago. >> brian: that is the site of the dnc and university of chicago, where they think they know more and understand the
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israeli deal. big mistake. texas did not make that mistake over university of texas and obviously, columbia, unc did and they threaten and people come from outside to fortify. they bring evil expertise and it is a bigger standoff and cops are in the middle. >> ainsley: that crowd wants to go beyond police, not sure what is back there. >> steve: maybe the encampment. >> ainsley: there are a few in the back and that yellow gate to block them, as well. >> steve: this started weeks ago, tents started popping up and administration is nodding, we respect your first amendment rights. things turn, they become d
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disruptive, rampant antisemitism coming from the encampments directed at jewish students. unless you get rid of encampments and vacate, you will be suspend # from school. at university of chicago, it is not suspension, you will be arrested. one thing for university, hard to find out if a potential employee has been suspended from college, it is ezaer to easier to find out if someone has been arrested. will they actually write anybody up and charge them with something? will it be adjudicated? many places, it is not. >> brian: joe biden is sweating this out, he has a democratic convention, to reverse the trend
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and they are chanting genocide joe and prime minister netanyahu wants to finish off hamas and these people are saying, you better not. they are not even chanting for ceasefire, they are wanting end of israel, they are chanting kkk and calling them pigs. >> ainsley: it is peaceful enough to walk through? what if you have the star of david around your neck. they are yelling death to america, death to israel, wipe israel off the face of the map. jewish students do not feel safe. one mom pulled her child out will school because her child is jewish and she didn't feel comfortable. yesterday protesting down the middle of the street on park avenue. new yorkers trying to get home. the hospital next to where the
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protest was. they are standing in the middle of the street not allowing traffic to work. that is not peaceful. >> brian: faculty is making it worse. if you are president of university of chicago or faculty or senate or board, who are you signing with? many are picked from the faculty and they might side with them. cops are in the middle with riot gear, underpaid and undermanned. >> steve: big donors issue as embarrassment for most part, look, you want more money, pull the plug and we're seeing it happen at university of chicago. anything beyond this develops, we'll take you back there live. >> brian: secretary of education testifying today in front of the house committee. what will you do to get ahold of higher education?
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president biden will deliver a big address today on antisemitism in this country. every time we ask him why he wasn't speaking, they say big address coming up. national holocaust museum on may 7. >> steve: >> ainsley: we have peter doocy live at the white house. >> peter: protesters are ignoring president biden's calls to remain peaceful and ignoring that there is no place for hate speech in this country. last night outside the met gala in niyc, the police were be ing taunted with chants of kkk. >> free, free, free palestine. >> free, free, free palestine. >> free, free, free palestine. >> peter: look at this video. it is still happening, white house officials told protesters, police will only get involved in
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demonstrations if laws are being broken. there is also still a huge mess at mit, authorities successfully cleared an encampment on campus only to watch protesters come back and reoccupy it hours later. president biden's remarks will likely not satisfy protesters hoping the u.s. stops supporting israel, his remarks are marking holocaust remembrance day. u.s. support for in the military, defied biden calls not to go into rafah. the vice was carrying leftovers. >> madam vice president, hamas said it has accepted a ceasefire deal. your reaction? >> peter: people on both sides
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surprised to hear the position on the ceasefire deal was shrimp and grits. back to you. >> steve: peter, we're looking at all these protests across the country at campuses and streets of new york city, it is about one thing and it is about trying to pressure joe biden to change his stance regarding israel. protesters do not like the fanth we are israel's greatest ally? any suggestion he will address that today and change u.s. policy or will they leave that unside? >> peter: no. something looking at live picture from university of chicago, i'm sure a lot of people we see are repeat customers at democratic national convention this summer. protesters are not pushing another candidate or saying we want trump.
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so they are causing a lot of problems, but in tefrms of affecting nominating process, they will make it difficult for delegates to get around. they are not organizing around another person to put somebody else in there, a diagram accurate who would not have sump such strong support for israel. make a point by causing problems issue causing chaos for everybody as opposed to trying to operate within normal process. >> steve: it is working. >> ainsley: how do they decide where to have conventions? milwaukee, chicago, dnc in august, i would think republicans would have a swing state? >> peter: logistics and lobbying. powerful democrats from chicago
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lobbied dnc and you need to go to a place that has the week has available hotel rooms and convention center, more logistical than anything else. >> brian: new york has all the illegals in hotel rooms, we're out of the running. >> steve: good for the rv and camper business. >> brian: china and iran using methods of online instigation in terms of supporting this effort. they are not necessarily generating this effort, they are supporting it. they are behind it through cyber social. >> ainsley: who is funding this, we've been asking this question, george soros, rockefeller group and pritzker family and hiatt hotel owners.
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>> steve: change gears in just over an hour, former president donald trump is set to be back in a new york city courtroom for day 13 of his criminal trial. an attorney says stormy daniels will appear as a witness in trump's hush money case today. stormer will show up. >> brian: eric shawn is live outside the courthouse with what to expect today. follow the coo with someone a little more exciting. yeah, brian and steve, stormy on the stand is what the ap has been reporting breaking a few moments ago. next witness in the trump trial will be stormy daniels, expected to testify about getting paid off according toer had claim by michael cohen to keep her alleged affair with the former president secret so it
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not affect the 2016 election and mr. trump's presidency would not be hurt if that alleged one-night stand was me made public. the president said he is willing to go to jail to protect his constitutional rights. >> i have to watch every word. he asked a simple question, i would like to give it, i can't talk about it. this judge is giving me a gag order and says, you will go to jail if you violate it. frankly, our constitution is more important than jail, not even close. i'll do that sacrifice any day. >> judge merchan says trump could wind up behind bars if he is in contempt of court. defendant called into question legitimacy and raised question
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of fear for the jurors. in court yesterday focus on the trump organization process to pay michael cohen to allegedly reimburse him for paying stormy to keep quiet. 35,000 dollars each for checks to reimburse michael cohen for paying off stormy. jef jeffrey mcconnie admitted he was told the checks were meant to reimburse michael cohen. he doubled the payout because of taxes. mcconnie says the check was for michael cohen's legal work. start of a big day for miss daniels taking the stand and being in the same room with the
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president since her alleged affair with him many years ago. she what she has to say. what the president may have told her or michael cohen may have told her. big day. >> steve: bring in fox legal editor carry urbon, we just heard the news and got the stormer warning. we'll hear from her depiction of the relationship, encounter with donald trump. >> so much for nda's. this is what we've been hearing, donald trump traditionally would not pay people for nda's or to kill stories he says the story gets out and here we are. >> brian: what is the prosecution's approach, what does the prosecution need her to say? >> they are going to, i think, delve into why she thinks donald
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trump wanted to pay her as part of this to keep the story quiet. they will want to talk about whether she thought the reason this came together was to help him win the election. they will focus on that and defense will say, isn't it possible he wanted to suppress this story, can't all things be true? >> ainsley: what about the gag order? threatening jail time. donald trump can't even retweet someone's comments on social media. >> it is unfair the judge imposed a gag shorder, that is >> steve: yesterday mr. trump was found in violation and fined another $1000. fox news confirm there are
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internal conversations within the u.s. secret service regarding donald trump going to jail. those conversations picked up yesterday after the judge floated -- >> ainsley: i think it would help him. >> i think it would help him, too. >> the secret service has to be prepared, which is wild, if you think about it. >> brian: president came out and seemed to be disciplined the weekend before. he can hold it back. if the jigsaw puzzle for the prosecution coming together last week and this week? they are trying to show he paid off them for election fortune and trying to take it from a b bookkeeping error to win an election. is this puzzle coming together for prosecution? >> i continue not to think so. i pulled up a statement michael cohen put out in 2018 and you know what he said in the statement, this payment was for
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the election and because donald trump was concerned about his family, in michael cohen's own fa family, five or six years ago. that is important because i think the prosecution theory appears he was defrauding, defrauding who, i'm unclear, the american people to help him win the election? somehow that is violation of -- the federal piece not make sense. >> ainsley: you have been in there everyday, anything you would do differently if you were donald trump's attorney? >> one thing i'm surprised about, why not own the fact, yes, i paid this woman compensation for this nda, it is not illegal. there were discussions about cash and kill scheme, not illegal. i did not want stories about myself and women, there are
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crimes and elements that need to be proven. i was sitting with a fox business correspondent in the courtroom yesterday and talked about intent to defraud charge. we were talking and saying, whos he intending to defraud? the american people what about politicians that make promises to lower taxes, close partisan divide and if they don't execute those promises, were they defrauding people? are there ground attached to a payment? >> brian: how many weeks do you think we're looking at? >> prosecution said two weeks from yesterday they will be finished with their case. >> steve: you have two weeks. >> ainsley: ready to be over.
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>> steve: headline, according to associated press, stormy daniels will take the stand today. >> ainsley: no cameras in the courtroom, right? thank you so much, kerri. so normal? an ex-cnn reporter haunted by trump supporters. >> brian: it gets worse. >> steve: and the mclemore's are here to discuss their cookbook that comes out today. you're going to want one. ♪ ♪ hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor.
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tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. i'm franklin graham. the world ems to be engulfe with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he camame on a rescue mission to save us from our sin.
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he died and d shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raed him to life. and if we're willing t to put our faith and trust in jesus chris god will forgive us of our sins and hehe will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart proroblem. only g can change the human heart, and take t that hate and fill i with his love. if you've never invited chris in your heart, pray t this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your n. i nt to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prad that prayer, call that number right now that'sn the screen. we have someone who'd ke to speak with you,u, d pray with you. god bless you!
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>> ainsley: happening today exconaccused of murdering detective jonathan diller is expected back in court. guy rivera faces first and second-degree murder charges. nypd officers filled the queens courtroom last month when the other man charged in connection to diller's death was arained. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene says she will meet with mike johnson today as she
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threatened to oust him. the congresswoman has been at the center of calls to remove johnson from his seat. yesterday's meeting is figuring out way to move forward with republican-led house. >> steve: see how that goes. president biden former press secretary sharing advice for her old boss over refusal to sit down and chat with the "new york times." >> if you're in the white house, you are not thinking am i checking the box on most interviews? you are thinking about communicating to the american people. more howard stern, come on "the view," more smart conversations about policy, real ones. >> steve: in an interview, "new york times" editor claims times is not responsible for being biden's campaign arm.
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we cover full range of issues people have, immigration is top and economy is second. fox news contributor katie pavlich join us now. for years "new york times" has been accused of being in the tank for democrat. they are saying, look, we have to cover the news. sorry, joe. >> katie: biden administration, few republicans work inside that media body, is not giving them access to a president who would have a cake walk when it comes to these issues and jen psaki is trying to argue there are alternative forms of media and don't need to do press conve conferences with the white house press corps, which is a fair point. they are not checking the boxes on giving access to the
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president, not doing a lot of alternative media. one interview every three to six months, with radio program that is pretaped or in a controlled environment is not access to the president and this has hurt him. we saw during afghanistan he did not talk about the crisis there. he's had a hard time selling ukraine funding, resulted in stalemates with congress over aid getting passed. he has not made the case for his own policy. he becomes the most unpopular president since world war ii. >> steve: we wanted to hear about the antisemitism sweeping our country on campuses, we were told, hold on, he'll have a big speech. it is actually today, interesting to see how he plays it. he has to support first
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amendment. when kids disrupt everything and graduations are cancelled and buildings are seized, it crosses the line. >> katie: he's never out front on anything. he has to be managed when it comes to this campus issue before he comes out to talk about problems. this is not a sentiment on campuses, this has been building since october 7 and this administration's flip flopping on this fuelled fire when it comes to what is acceptable and not acceptable in this pro-hamas narrative about israel. and that is what administration has done without putting president out there at the beginning and having to play catch up. >> steve: sounds as if you were talking about how the white house press room, other channels have democrats, too. we'll play, we've got a quote
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from former cnn and nbc reporter. michele kizinski. i had dinner with friends of friends, all well educated, they seemed great on the surface. my friends and i realize we were surrounded by carefully closeted mag maggets. ext extremists can't help but leak out and from people you least expect. they are out there. this dinner continues to haunt me, they all seem so normal. they look just like me, then i discovered they like donald trump, what is the matter with them? >> katie: we hear from the left about bigotry and intolerance
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and you have statements like this that say if you are in intelligent and successful you cannot be a trump supporter. 75 million people voted for donald trump. a lot of people vote republican and this is attitude inside of the belt dli way. they are out of touch with the rest of the ka country. for her to call them maggots, a reverence to the insect. >> steve: i like to go out to dinner with people with other view points, it always gets exciting and interesting. >> katie: just a conversation, there is disagreement, people
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can have conversations, you shouldn't be closeted br it. i'm sorry she is triggered by it, get out more. >> steve: more safe spaces, just saying. thank you. meanwhile, fox news alert, 25 before top of the hour, police are blocking college protesters from reaching star-studded met gala last night, not before hurling antisemitism smears across new york city. our next guest witnessed that, hear them coming up next.
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>> brian: fox news alert, live look at chicago, we have seen this drill, police facing off with anti-israeli protesters. faculty is in the middle this as
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anti-israel protesters vandalize memorials, burn the u.s. flag, tount taunt nypd officers. listen. [chanting] >> you are funding genocide. >> brian: they are probably all wears masks. next guests there, a hunter college sophomore joins us, gideon, you knew about this ahead of time. >> yes, they did not say anything until two hours before, they shut down the day in the middle of the school day. i told the chancellor 24 hours in advance.
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>> brian: how has the antisemitism been for you? >> we have had students threaten to kill me and now planning to jump me. >> brian: how many people understand what is going on in the middle east? >> very few, vast majority, you have groups like queers for palestine, who are fully unaware what would happen to emthis. >> brian: how do they accept homo sexuality? >> they do not, they would throw you off the building or shoot you. >> brian: october 7 happens, and people are siding with the other side. >> it is surprising that it is so widespread, it is not entirely, we have seen a lotted of hatred for america. >> brian: who mobilized and militarized them? >> a lot is the ideology they are taught, it teaches students
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to hate america, hate israel and western civilization. >> brian: if they are not hift rear or political science majors? >> none of them are history majors or they would think diff differently. >> brian: are you going to stay at hunter? >> i'm going to stay. i was just talking to someone who is not going to stay. people don't feel safe staying to take finals. i think i am able to cast light on this and bring to the attention of the country. a lot of students don't feel comfortable standing up and i understand that. >> brian: what do your parents say? >> my parents are close to switching me out and so are my grandparents, who are holocaust survivors. >> brian: that gives you strength, you know what they
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went through. >> i think about my grandmother was born in a barn while fleeing nazi germany. to think i'll be pushed off my campus funded by u.s. taxpayer dollars, i don't think so. >> brian: i love it. hang in there and keep in touch with us. keep on speaking out. divine intervention, a pastor thanking god after a gun was pulled on him midsermon only to have the firearm jammed. >> i'm thankful, all it takes is one and i would not be with my family today. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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so, ditch the other guys and switch today. buy one line of unlimited, get one free for a year with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. >> steve: this is incredible, one pennsylvania pastor calling that confrontation there an act of god after attempted shooter's gun just clicked in the middle of the sermon while the guy was trying to shoot him. watch. >> god had chose -- [screaming] >> jesus. [video playing] >> steve: can you imagine? he was that close. >> brian: stood up there and walked up, what about the guy
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from behind. the guy comes from behind to grab him, he was going to walk around the lectern. watch this. the guy from behind, to sprint. it doesn't usually jam twice. >> ainsley: it doesn't usually jam. he was preaching gospel. the police went to the suspect's house and they found his uncle dead. >> steve: the shooter before he went to the church shot somebody in the house, he lives with his uncle and the guy is dead. he heard voices, according to what he told the pastor and cops, he said he heard voices. he walked into the church because the door was open and this is -- that man, pastor
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glenn germany talking on our show by the grace of god he is still alive. here he is. >> it seems like a gunpointed at me, bullet coming next. i'm trying to get out of the way. the officer showed us the bullet and said this bullet had your name on it. i'm grateful to god, all it takes is one and i would not be with my family today. i'm grateful to god, i did not see him coming. i forgave him twice. i was holding him down and i forgave him. >> steve: he forgave the shooter. >> ainsley: he said, i gave him my name, if you need to talk, i'm here for you. >> brian: he looks like he's on something, you see how slow he is walking and didn't react normally. >> steve: he was hearing voices. keep you posted when he is
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charged. >> ainsley: the mclemore's are here cooking from their new cookbook. >> brian: check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up top of the hour. >> bill: happy birthday. dana and i are singing birthday songs during the commercial break. >> ainsley: give us a take. >> bill: happy birthday to you. we have a storm warning, we expect stormy daniels on the stand more about headlines than facts, know andy mccarthy is coming up, lead guest today. biden team is halting arm sales to the idf during time of warp. how will this go? american soldier being held in putin's russia. how did he get and and why is he held? who was at met gala and who is af artificial intelligence? we have pictures you must see, top of the hour.
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i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin, and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful,
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and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at >> steve: you know, the mclemore's have been bringing barbecue to "fox & friends" for years. now they have a brand-new book called "gather and grill." >> ainsley: master built founding family members, we have
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john senior, john two. john junior. congratulations. this is wonderful. what can we find inside the cookbook? >> 125 recipes, father/son duo. we love to gather and grill. that's what we love to do at home. dad throw a towel over his shoulder and cook for family and friends. >> we love the stories. you can get a recipe anywhere. we love the fact we send barbecue home with you after every friday concert, steve, thank you for lighting our forward. the traditional "fox & friends" ribs are steve's that we have here. thank you for the forward. we have every recipe from our family. we have every recipe from our sponsors. >> steve: the thing about you, not only can you cook, you are the brains behind master built, one of america's favorite
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smoking companies. you know how to do it easy. >> correct. we have nine different categories throughout the book from breakfast to leftovers. all your main meats, techniques and tips and tricks. we have conversion in there from outdoor barbecue grilling and smoking to the kitchen. a great father's day gift. great summer grilling guide for your family. mother's day coming up this weekend. >> ainsley: what does it feel like to hold your book? all your family recipes? >> it is wild. it is wild. it is surreal. i don't know if it's hit me yet to have that name on a book. it is unreal. >> ainsley: you can pass them to your children one day. >> 100%. one thing cool about this. a lot of these are recipes that we bring to family gatherings. mom's backed beans.
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bailey's french toast. a baked recipe on the grill. we smoked that. >> steve: we have to point out for years you have done summer concert series where the folks come from all across the country and listen to music and you feed them and you'll do it again this year. >> 15 back-to-back to back-to-back to back fridays here in new york with the mclemore boys. >> we have all the artists that we cooked for the last two years and this year. go to to buy this book. all the major bookstores have it and we couldn't do it without our fox family. we have stories in there as well >> yeah, baby. >> amazon, go, baby, order it. we love you so much. >> bill: good morning, everybody. a storm is coming any moment now. right now former president donald trump is en rou


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