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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 8, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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three. there's a bad man. >>ese are the true stories. their legends. this is outlaws and lawmen coming soos n to. soon >> fox nation. o >> set a tombstone was awesome. i think you're going to like it. mbston u willthe first episode dropsodr tomorrow. fox nation. we hope you'll check it ouops t also, i will be on o "fox and friends" tomorrow, 830 eastern. we hope you'll be watching that aatchins well. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening . as always, thank you for being with us and thank you for making this show possible. we hope you'll please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode a of hannity. in the meantime, i have good newn hannits. not your heart. be troubled. greg gutfeld is standing by to put smile on your face.o oh, i need one. have a great night.
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happy tuesday, everybody. py tuesdall right. so we were supposed have governor kristi noem on the show tonight, but she canceled. her staff blamed bad weather. ol we go to some locals fors reaction. >> but who knows why shenceled canceled, right? >> when we asked her hown her week had been going. she replied, rough. >> maybe it was the bad weather. i heard it was raining cats and dogs dogs. >> i tried to convince them
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to stay, do our show. and i even told her that my dog gus had all his shots. she replied, not yet. he hasn'shott. oh yeah. she just shoot a dog. she screwed the pooc't jush. oc >> of course. nome faces controversy over stories from her new book. cbs news claims nome is now in the doghouse with maga. but lucky for her, we now know there's plenty room. e is wow. than plentk you. >> see the dogs dead and the house is roomier. it's funny. it's li >> it's like o.j., but we know who the killer is. yes, exactly. karine jean-pierre blasted nome for suggesting biden's dog commander also be put down. dow it was a good strategy by nome. try to get other people to shoot dogs, to blend in.
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she's also accused of making up a story of meeting kim jong un. according to sources, kim jong un was upset they didn't since he'd already prepared one of his country's signature dishesee . >> oh. >> now, there's speculation noem has ended her chances as trump's potential vp, ying s but some say she's boosted her chances for another position in governmenthe government. >> wow. critics add that noem has been criticized over using the dog story to sell books. ok >> not true, she said. >> i oh, you know, you coulde sw have done the show, could have done this show were nice people. everybody teases everybodyever else. we have a good time. ybody elsed would. you probably would have come
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off looking a lot better than you do because we would have had fun. >> but instead chose to run. >> you boo.o on all right. >> onto other news. famous obese liberal michael moore is strongl y students to take over more campusin buildingc.s, asking that they start with the cafeterias first. . >> kevin spacey, the actor, said, endorsing presidential candidate robert f. kennedy junior says hd >> said spacey, you had me at junior. >> spacey called rfk a formidable fighter for justice. also adding that he has an incredible . wow. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hae e ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. >> wow. joe biden is witnessing a 28% decline in black support. the president claims that number is actually zero since he says they are no longer.
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>> stormy daniels took the stand today in the daniels h money trial, though her testimony was marred when she deep throwing the microphone to to swear her in. >> the bailiff placed her right hand on an old copy of hustler h . are there an rigy copies? >> i don't know. and finally, zoo goers in china were shocked to find out that the pandas on display were actually dogs died to look like pandas. upset customers immediatelyntace contacted someone to rectify the situation. >> all right, let's do a monologue. >> you guys are great. >> so yesterday, politico ran a piece mourning the death swagger in journalism. the writer jack shafer, that wounded and limping, doubting its own future.
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american journalism seems to be losing a quality that carried it through a century and a halfa of trials. its swagger wounded and the limping. sounds like they're describing one of kristi noem dogs. >> and that's it. describand but earth to legacyy you stop crying now it's over and you lost bigly. you're less truste ove d than week old tuna salad. safer's point is that journalism become too timid. t but his real purpose seems to be a call to action for his his fellow reporters to get tougherterr. so >> sorry, brian stelter. can't even do a girl push up st >> now, schaffer goes on to claim that there are a few approved journalists there with swagger, but apparently its definition of swagge appr is writers who despise half the country. because, of coursey hi, they'ree either left or far left. eie listele is a bit lik listen to your grandfather reminisce about the crazy days
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of his youthnireminisc while wa around the old age home with the back of his hospital or i opeh ckn. or if we're talking biden, bid the front. >> but the article cluelessly proves its own point. if schaffer, a longtime media type new york and d.c., set out to mourn the death of traditional journalism, ting he just wrote its epitaph. and on that gravestoneon of woud be a story about russiagate. >> what traditional media missed today isn't swagger likebiden' joe biden's. it's control. s bowe strangely, all of the swaggering typesnot the that shafer cites from the good old days are the characters who would be drummed out of the first newsroom they applied to by people like jack shafer. d i'm talking about the hard drinking, hard charging, grizzled, hard white dudes who r often abrasive, obnoxious and politically incorrect. think lee marvin. dinowith a typewriter, the kind of dinosaurs that founded the country but are now the world's designated coun lane.en
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if ben franklin were alive t today, he'd be sitting in h.r. ,lectured by a nonbinary karen because no women signed the declaration of independence . >> but really what schaefer's mad about is that the medi.era are no longer seen as heroes. he write.s, quote, thanksn part in part to a fall in status as well as ever, irrational attacks from politicians like trump. today' irratis routinely experience ril ridicule and harassment at publid harassc like rallies and demonstrations. true, they're like kilmeadeschol in high school. >> so let's get this straight. sis you, soledad, poor brian, she says. >> you sold a years long lie on russian collusion. you tried to convinc liee that s laptop that was obviously genuine was fake. geth fakg the bogus lawfare against the leading presidential candidate. now you're crying becausee trum trump doesn't like you, because the rest of us no longer genufleclikee tht.
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>> you're lucky we don't lock up your entire profession on a heco chargn't unloe. >> but jack does have a point p that today's main streameroint are cowards. here's former cnn reporter abouelle kosinski writinaeportex about a dinner she recently attended in florida, which she claims she still haunts her quo. all were at well-educated and successful and careers. they seemed great an the surface for like an hour. but slowly over a few drinks, they began hou to let their true maga natures slip way. were they polite? did they pay bill?n do did they not burn down a police station? what gave theme stat away? i bet someone called bull don or legacy media elitist conformity. perhaps it was a little maga swagger. no[ bleepshonor may gew see, ita at all. it's that someone has more than them. >> trump isn't living in thee' media is head. >> he's the landlord who keeps raising the rent. he's like a squatter owned
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owners can't get rid of because he changed the locksater. haferi >> so the main thing shafer misses is that the direction of this doom called journalism originated from the mentality of the grad schools, and the group think that he coddled scdr the shapers of the world. really want to see how their hod. e machdegradet to look no further thanin the machine that churned out these clones. these cbut can't say that becae he's one of them, which makes him a bystander to the decline. you're not some whistle blower here, jack. you're just another cou wa tg ie machine. then there's this little tell regarding what's i really on ths guy's mind. >> at the end, he adds, no fox news does not swagger. sorr ny. >> have you seen trace gallagher? huughter ]h? >> he's like james dean mixed with a dodge charger. >> but jack felt compelled h to add that part because he knew that that would be the reactione the re that there is , but it's coming from all the places he and his buddies hate.
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so move over, donald. you've got company in theiovr. in fact, there's plenty of usth swaggering around in their tiney brains. >> lucky for you, jack, i don't take up much tak space yet. well, tags. guess she can do a swan dive into her birdbath. host of america's newsroom and co-hos amerit of the five.vo and she never shot a dog. dana perino, auror aa. . he never says make yourselfs ma at home because that's not his dumpsterke. the loft is party .com michael loft. she often gets cranky wheny when stocked by her cousin frankie. stopped "new york times" best sg author and fox news contributor kat timp cf ed. old faithful is his birthday. "new york times" best selling author, comedian, former nwa world champion terez dana
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you for stepping in at the last moment we will be doing kristi noem book segmentlast lar without kristi noem, which going to be amazing. dana, what do you think about using the word swagger?. >> you were you've been around m the media years.eir swag >> do you think they lost their swagger? i was thinking back to the movie. yes. and that's where you would have the newsroooom and all i the action was in the news. all the president's men. all the president's men. ye.presidens. also, a newsroom was a places that was like cool and fast and everybody smoking cigarettes fasd and slamming dw the phone. and they were going after the story and it was cool to be thererre. and now, if you think about that npr story from just a few weeks ago where they one of the journalists, longtime editor there, sends in a note and says, did you notice that 89% of the people that work here are registered democrats? how
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and npr's is how dare you? but i actually think you looked if you were to do that on all the newsrooms now, that's now yo. would and there's a reason for the decline is that diversity used to be a strength. ngth n it's not just diversity of ethnicities, diversity of thought. and theyoty of have it. and they hired too many elitist kids from journalism. it watch those movies thinking that's what it would be like. but instead, they're just tryingd beea to advanceo the progressive agenda. therefore they have no money. and now there was another stor y today that said biden is in big trouble because a lot of the left-wing news outlets don'tn know how to run a business. >> so they're running out of money as well. busitlbusiness rngy their idea g a business is looking on the internet for a story that waslookin already written g and then read jumbling the senses and then printing iht as their own story. >> you know, michael, as a homelessmichael , by the way, it's amazing how you gotl hair that facial hair to grow. >> thanks, davo growe for of thu treatment that i'm just in america's dumpster waiting
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for another girl who wants a corn dog. >> i don't know what that means, don't but i seem to like. think of i do think that what dana is talking to might have been a myth to begin with. >> the idea of this swaggeringws newsroom. maybe it was always this, i don't know, arrogance it's. >> it's been horrible, but now it's just being revealed. that's. that's. the glorious thing. as legacy media goes down, like i looked at thisa this article today and he's like, journalism is missing something. >> the thing that got us through for the past centur e and a half. >> and then he's like, swagger. you're like, no, you missed it. missh. te know >> the truth is what we need. legacy media now is, that fat chick at the bar, you know, when you want to talkis her attractive friend, who was the truth, right? >> you want to talk to theh here truth? >> here comes legacy media. god, cdia you know trump wasludg in russia. he's collusion with russia. that's ossia i talk to you.u i don't want to talk to you. i want to talk to the trut lhika overlk there.
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you know, that laptop honors. that wasn't real. that wasn't real. okays likei want. m of i want to talk you know how badp that came from a wet mark. that was a bad soa tp. ou then you're like, could someone just get the fat chick out of here? d no and now that's what's happening with legacy medit's happa. e and you're finally being able to go on the internet and get to the thernet and truth all by. that is the most unusual analogy i've ever heard. but you know what's interesting about michael? about michaeeresting is whenl, t fat, he means page 80. >> okay. first of all, that's cultural appropriation. how tempting. that's how ours is up, cannot be trademarked or used to build tough situations and keep fat.wd >> yeah. what do you think, tyrusu thin?e i love how he diagnoses everything but the real problem, which is ththinte over the media. well, listen, i this kills me because apparently he wrote a piece and it was pretty good. so much sooo that i quoted it.he if we could have it up there on the screen for a moment while i whip these. te and something you wrote, i don't know if you did it don't
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on purpose. i not, but quote when it comeso it down to it, why don't people like us anymore? >> they never did like.. >> you you're the media. no one's supposed to lik yoyou. you're supposed to be the one who's just the facts and the truth. and those movies jushe. nobody liked robert redford and dustin hoffman because they were going to get the truth, not your version. that's why ur versi the interviewed so souc many sources. and then they would come to the likeor and he's likees, you have enough sources. this story sits until you can figure it out. but i want don't enoug to get it out by 5:00. then you need to bring me more sources. and brind the hard work2 boxe and apparently 12 boxes of marlboros, they found a waysf to get the source because being a journalist is hard work . and when you start doing it for likes and clicks because even her little dinnean r was like, apparently she's feeling lonely so she needed other to rally around her. and you are so brave for sitting through three courses, a meal with highly educated people who don't3 quarts want tk about how they voted.
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>> yeah. proud of you. does.that'sha literally what shy yeah. you know, and she didn't want to pay and.o oh, and they didn't want to get in debate with me. why? h meyou're unemployed? because you couldn't do that. you're actually the perfect person to have a debate. e your fire journalist who doesn't get it. so again, it just goesrnalishe e whole thing. the idea of being liked stm extting your story froa of opposed to going out and doing the work that's problem. b they want to be like they wantke to be famous. they want to they want to interruptd and the crowd inp of interviewing the trump rally, they want to make fun of the lightinlytog or they wane to say, oh, there's really not that many people here sort of just telling the story. >> yeah. >> kat i believe that you>> gre always have swaggeg:r. k yo i think you have swagger. and i think if jax actually watched this show, he would have to make it make a correctioneo make on his show. >> thank you. she's in shock. i am in shock. i think there' she's is a joke here>> i w somewhere. >> i know i was waiting for you to say, but waas waitings n. >> you also didn't shoot a dog.
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okay, i'm out of your eye. that's true. and i'm not. i' i'm not a journalist either. but if i were, i would be chasing i very huge story. >> that must be that bad weather. yeah, that's going to cause she has to miss the show. it's so bad. it must be some real bad weather. she the whole reasonre told shed the dog story, she says, is to show that a leader and she can stand up and handle problems. handy then why did you run from this show? yes, because in ordethr to be a leader, you also need to be able to solve the kind of problems that you can't shoooe kindf t. >> yes, hold on to me. so few problems in the world where the solution is just a cold blooded assassination. >> yeah, that's true. and you know what else she claimen.d in the north korea thing that like i'm used to dealing with like little useds because i was a pastor and it's like, but you ran from this little one. >> i was like, like sodidn't m i'm beginning to think she really didn't meet kim jong un.
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>> and yeah, and it just also>>d the lack of it, that couldn't be greg gutfeld either. >> yeah, that former a gutfeld the haunted that tweet, she was shocked there were republicans o in florida. >> how do you think you're the most educated at the table okay. >> yeah. yeah. there's a cowboys in texas. cowboys in texas. what's going on? surfers in california, ly i all right. we must move on. up next with a judge. drop the hammer and throf iforne in the slammer when if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studioio ent. . so rich so i don't it's new body lush silky indulgent bye bye dry skin hello glow ts and 14 days and out with body c wash does it to have a crack truss safe like customer hadous.
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bars, then your cigars because
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donald may prevail with a stint in jail as the judge in trump's trial keeps threatening them with jail for violating the gag orde apr. the possibility of it actually happening is getting more real. the judge claims they're tryingd to preserve the dignity of the court. in between testimonyig across c, he a disbarred lawyer and a washed up porn star. a >> at least i hope she washed up. oh, my. before.daon monday, trump was fr in contempt of for a 10th time, accusing it, criticizing jurors ,court personnel. if he earns one more, he getsonl a free frozeitn yogurt. >> and while the judge says jailing him is the last thing he wants to do, the wisest among us say wises it on. >> i hope they do arrest trump. i hope they put him in jail because that does guarantee that he wins. please, please i. f th >> this is becoming the greatest third actgreate ofi political story. >> but i've said it a million times. i won't say it againcal stora . it's focusing and sharpening trump. he comes out of the gate likcus
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a bronco, ready to just roar. >> and it's i mean, bad.e he >> it's like he's up. >> god, he's gorgeous. someone get that man his own ow or at least a cell adjoining trump's. but perhap cels trump in jail fr just one day. we'll seal his victory. it'll be like when they up martha stewart. >> suddenly snoop dogg wanted to marrywalked her. plus, trump's orange jumpsuit would match his complexion. >> but with a two tiered system, democrats commit real crimes office and they don't dot go to jail. trump sleeps with ga porn starp 20 years ago, and they want to throw him in jail for criticizing the judg 2years age >> they'll probably bring me in for having an illegally firme infor ha, but i can't lier way. >> the dems kiss biden's democ reelection goodbye, and while they're at it, they can kiss trump' reelects too, because ths no silencing him. i'm like biden, you juster on can't put a pacifier in his mouth. trump's like the son giant orange, and it just keeps rising. if democrats aren't careful, they'll end up like this.
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loftis you've been in and out of the pokey. yeah, i might be going back, but you're here. >> but your career always does. well after you've been in jail.o do you think this is do you believe in my theory that? one day in jail, it'll be minimum security. wi anmight send him home ankle bracelet. >> i think trump would would stil l be a better leader of this country from jail. >> yeah, like he could. e behi >> he could be behind a the plexiglass and just be like, you know what? ndkim un bad things are goingre to happen here. it's jusoingt he's not goingo gl to jail ever. like, that's jus t can't happen knowuse no one even knows what he's on trial for, right? >> it's hard like that. it's really tough. he's like they're like, oh, he's got 91 indictments. for what? explexplain one of them. yes. without a slide rule. yeah. it's like, oh, he soldlued some real estate, but he undervalued it. and if you g ao back and look h at the way he did
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the accounting, it's like, shut up. >> it's like askine accountinggy where they went to college, right? when somebody once goes, you have real charges against trump. it would be a short answer. ealumright? it's like, hey, so where'dd of you go to school? well, i started off and, you know this community college, and i hope my things transfer over to you. those the trump charges right you need i'm looking for a short answer. >> i went to ohio state. that's what i'm talkinwent tg a. >> it's completely ridiculous that it is true. it's lik >> greg:e this. >> this is it. i if you no one knows. this is a casea case about like how you wrote in on a businessac record of an accounting of a legal expense. outhey all think it's about hush payments and a stripper and whatnot, whatnot and the whatnot. yeah. that work. yeah. thank you. when in just say what, not what. >> you know, i think also there just are so many different trials and things happeningg an and trials are really long and i feel like people'str r spn with it kind of starts to go
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after while. do i agree with your theory that there are out therehate h that hate him that would suddenly vote for him if he went to priso td suddn? i don't necessarily think so, no. i do think it definitely firesae up the base more. i think that that's accurate. i think also that if he di d wo to jail or prison, people would pay attention because we want to know likeulao how that would work. >> exactly right. you can't just like toss in gen pop. nooss hi, you're right.local >> what do you caljal in too fo "fox and friends"? ten? oh, that would be amazing. hello. collect the collec t woul t call. yes, that's a ringtone. yeah. from the president. it would be incredible tires. i do think that this is we'rerel livingivin in an absolute amazig movie, aren't we? >> we just don't know who's directing it right now. the here's the thing. t it's gotten to the point wheree this is the moment where you've your child four times. do not take the ice cream outhe of the fridge and the door is open and they've already climb the stairs and they're
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looking at you and they're looking at the ice cream the anf the judge is like, if you if you take that ice cream, if you do it, don't you?e crea okay. if you open it. trump's now open ice cream. if you put your don't you put your hand and don't you do it. don't you dou do. e to oh, you did it all. you did. now i have to put you in jail. so. and it's all for one thing. it's all for one thing. just st' o biden can say, try to remember and say convicted felon. yeah, that's what this entirsaye thing is all about. and i think at the end, you know, it's about that whenun they're literally got the testimony from the stare tecause she's a porn star. >> so chances are she could tell a pretty good sex story. mm-hmm. sand could interchange any nam. it's pretty much we've all seen' the movies. it's not played dumb. so maybe dana, but like, we've all seen the movies. l seenhe it's pretty much the same s thing. so it's not like she couldn't say this happene shed. >> then this happened, and then the judge like you. you know what?y but it's what happened, and it's completely irrelevant and means nothing. but thisnt meanst's what this case
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is about and this all he's trying to do as a husband going, i have to go home after this guy's like, please make this go away. it was juslickast embarrass hima in front of his wife and get that. convthey want is that little title that little guarantee that says convicted felon. >> that's what this is about. what do you thinwhatboutk? do you think this lawfare is going to continue to help trump ork this is it going or i. >> i do not see it helpingon't e biden at all i don't see it hurting trump. i don't think it's a helping trump. he did do something today that i thought was better when he came oue came ot, give some s afterwards. he didn't spend a lot of time ae going after the judge or stormy daniels after court today. w what did he talk about? talk about the economy, inflation. he talked about colombiabout tho protests. he talked about anti-semitism. he talked about all the things that areti-semitl the th the isu that people care about and that will help him i do think also the other thing is that judge, he's i don't muc know how much america's paying attention. this guyh america's . tells th such a . yeah. he tells the prosecution, stop
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objecting so much. and then then they say, well, we don't think you should have thious. and he's like, shut up in that. so then they're like, okay, let' ands object too much because we're going to get him off. and then afterwards he says, yu why didn't you guys object? >> yeah, how did you not object? and now it's your proble m. ard pl they're caught between a rock and a hard place. it seems very unfairac. ee >> that's like i can to. i'll go out and i go, dowon' you need an umbrella? i saidt ra to wife, no, it won't rain that it rains. >> and then she goes, why are you spraying it? bralette? by the way, my favorite part when trump comes out to speagvo the guy next to him who doesn't say anything. yeah, they're like a power suitl version of penn and teller. >> you ever notice that?le all right. >> it was the absurdly dressed against those who protest allergies with alegria. they won't stop me. nothing beats allegra. it's the fastest non-drowsywhene it >> live your greatness when >> live your greatness when a normal is gone cannot get ita.
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to close our new life journey so faces wait and see how proud to be at 33 i'm a guinness can be straight fashion crazy. they hope to get a mention by wearing for attention t. it was fashionistas versus those who bathe the least to i speak of diamond encrusted elites who gathered last night fospeak r met gala at the metropolitan museum of art in new york. it's america's chanc's e to admire the work of hundreds of gifted plastic surgeons. >> also, a night of fashion. this year's theme garden a of time which is also the namemr of that spot in my yard where i buried tony. oh, wow. >> here's singer erykah badu. take a look at her trying t our best to look like a floral trash ba likg.
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the last hitch she had must have been drugs. it's lit's like a buckingham pae guard. didn't know what to wear. to she stapled a pile of streeet garbage together. look at that thing. here's dune actress rebeccer loa ferguson looking like a boring glad bag. on a sad note, when she was waiting outside on the curb, she got picked up by sanitatione man and hasn't been heard from since ten.m cardassian was there to look at that, wearing a skintight alt set, friends worried he might cut off circulation to her, leaving her brain dead. thank. here's rapper cardi b. look at that thing. at th. it's like an what do you call it? what are those things that's shooting liquid?ooting she's squid.e' she's like a weight explodeds l interesting side note, that dress is actually home to 91 illegal immigrants. >> but you might be asking, dide
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she walk around in that gown? great question. this is out with a bunch of dudesith carrying it for he. see, it's not about race. it's class.t none she's got none of it. here's jordan roth, broadway producer dressed like the garden section from homebroy depot. just looking at him gives meat h hay feveimr. >> here's singer lana del rey. wiat the is going on with landis? she's wearing a beekeeper veiltb . or maybe she was wearinge sh a mosquito net because there were so many bloodwear nets sucs there. >> oh, wow the snooty libs lipsn hobnobbed inside. >> police stopped a mob of more than a thousand anti-israeli anti-american marchers from crashing gala, but not beforegaa meey vandalized a world war one memorial in central park and burned, of course, an american fla andburned ag, or, s like to call it, having a conversations so they have i. idiots of all stripes gatheredsl on one night in new york. it was a superspreader event. the virus wa w yos stupidity catch
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you are the of fashionista, yet you always dress tastefully. >> do you think they overdo it? do i watch that i wear track pants to work? >> yeah. that you do you look at these things and go, what the are thes du lookee thinking? well, i love lana del re y so s she could do no wrong in my eyes. and i don't actually know any of her music at all. >> i just. i don'i know i'm serious. i don't know any of it.y i do know this story. when her album came ouwht a feen w years, she got one billboard to promote it in her ex's hometownbillboar. >> guys that like that i love. i aspire to be that level of petty. >> that is incredible. dana>> gre, you love to get dred up whatever. if they invited you, go to the get gala, would you go? oh, no, i would. i would definitely call in to this. i would have what the kids call social. i did want to show one, though. i saw this one fromi sa rachel zegna. she was super classyw this and,a looked amazing, like that is what you wear the met folks.. >> that's what you wear. l
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thoks like a smurf threw uikp on her. >> thank you. doesn't that beautiful christian diorl., huh? >> i know hi i don't. tyrum.s what do you thinkha about the protesters? >> any thoughts? why didn't they le y t him in? it's not who they're supporting and donating to and cheering for. like come on in. the protest is fin thet ane. i'll do it together. everyone can hide under cardi b's dress. it'll be greather they. t. you know, loftis, you must look at this and go with all those people wearing trash bags. it's culturaall appropriation of your homeless lifestyle. that's right. i feelr ho used. i actually like this whole metsl gail. i like jusl t get them all together in their little hunger games of, you know, thig sycophant horrible. >> it's just the thing i is they shouldn't be allowed to hang out after the met right where becauscause the that is the thie they can get together and ooh and are over everybody'ser after but when they get together
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afterwards and start like making decisions and having ideas that's when you need just the shock collar. just a put them out right there like and i think we should never a wall and guns gie really bad and free speech or just give him the old dart g gun. yeah invite kristi noeunm time there you go. and have them all dress as dogs now. yeah. nd i wonder how much times pl and effort is placed in each dress. you knowaco ea, energy requiresl energy. you know, i don't think they about that when they're raving about climate change. coming up, how hollywoodn they t we coming up, how hollywoodn they t wrong with movies that are too longll. >> well done, viv. you got the presents, you got the presents, the balloons and the raptoaspen >> now, how about something to put a smile on your face? foe aspen dental provides complete affordable care with dentistw ss and labs in one place, plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans for everyoneway aspe quality care aa
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there's certain movies that they got to be long.. it just, you know, like casino, no issues because it's a great i movie. but sometimes they can go way too long trying to send get a message that no one's getting. yeahting, there's no reason for, dare i say it, three hour star wars. like there's just there's no, you know, without these extra long and the hidden scenes and deleteeasod we don't need t. but if you enjoy a good movie i know you hate long movies. >> you hate them.. sex city was so yeah but if it's the sucky movie it's 3 minutes is too long. yeah, that's just like a conversation with the other half. it's already too long since it' you said. how was your day? oh, you coward. just saylike ersation because she's next to you. never. three day over three dna. >> no matter how short a movieke is you, it still takes3 da you three days to watch it with a woman. becausyso e you could stop the movie at any time. if you get a text, stop the movie, if you need a blanket, stop the movie. if you want a snac ak >> you know, used to be when wen
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you went to a movie, you had a race to the toilet or the snack bar because you might miss tt ork ba a killing or yout miss the most important part of a movie. now you just stop it. stop you. so the ball for the dog. and yes, so i don'i t minddon' f movie if it's good, but i do think that when they said of 90 minutes is a perfect length, it kind of is. yeah. the series now where a it's like just 45 minutes perit time's and then it all adds up w and then it's like a really long movie. >> yeah,ou be you know, loftus i find that the problem a short movies is they also too,ls because they're easy. the lo w budget ones like cash out with john travolta, which i watched the other night . >> awful. but i still watched it because it was 90 minutes. >> well, this is we're in into swagger territory here with the journalism people. >> it's not about the length of the movie. it's about the quality of the storytelling we like we don't have an aversionve to long moviesrsio we have an aversion to movie rights, right. >>movies and seriously, and it'r
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if you're supposed to sit and endure, you know, captaisupe marvel like that movie should be 3 minutes. yes, i know. now some of my best where i worked in hollywood for lot ng timt e, worked on a lot of shows and films, and some of my bestms work is done in 3 minutes. >> i bet taxn 3 minu last word . you watch stuff with subtitles . >> i do. i don't watch movies. i like to watch reality tv. i like toty t watch because movies, you it's like you sit down and you feel you get to be committed to that movie. >>itte but if it's trash tv,rasi you're like, it's just trash. >> i can walk away whenever i want walan. lway >> unfortunately, that's not always the case that it's that same kind of mentality has also caused me to waste years of my life in relationships cos. but the idea behind it as if it's just trash anyway, you can just walk whenever, but youo never do because you form a bond with the trash. yeyou fos, some. >> you don't see that one comment. bill, how long to wait? let me ask you a question. ls when she tells you to posit whyh she goes get something, how long deno you before you go
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oh, what's in it in head? >> exactly. i'm just like i'm. >> but you're afraid. yeah. yeah. because he's going to make. you rewind it. yeah. all right. up next, an interview with christit an e nome. >> even though she went home. it's true. missing out on the things you love because of asthma. and get back to betterse breathinnra isg with the centra. breathinnra isg with the centra. an ad on treatment for eosinophilic asthma. and it'sdoop your once every eight weeks, if not present breathing problems or other eosinophilicour doct conditionsa allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking p with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens headache and sorry for worsens headache and sorry for only occur you have a parasitic infection. step back out ther purple'e wite camera. ask your doctor if it's right for you. only purple's gel flex grip passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come get your best sleep. guaranteed. save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit purple .com or a store near you.
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first thing i noticed was the energy and recovery that it cannot work. i want to try it right arm recon. so this weekend i did somethingw
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i rarely do. i read a guest booeek k for a segment we had planned. kris called no going back byen kristi noem. who knew the title was referring to thioeo knews show e today she canceled on.eled yeah, the one time i actually o read the book and th 1e authoree sorry. >> i mean, the person whose name is on the boorson'sk cances blames the weather. believe i don't believe it. i thst think it's a little late to keep her on a short leash. i >> i'd hope she'd reconsider, but i'm not going to sit up u and beg. >> at any rate, every dog haser its day. it's just may 7th, 2024, 7th and i'm not going to let them waste my. so we're moving forwardfo with the interview. standing in for kristi noerwardi is she wished she had listened to before she ever wrote this stupid book? , >> dana perino i so a.k.a governor nome did you write
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the book yourself? t you know, that's a greatth question for someone wrote the book and i don't think i willan dignify your question. a response. there are so many other important issues in the world like animal crueltotheiss >> you know, i noticed that youk seemed not to know what was in the book, yet you voice the audio fovoicedr the. eve >> did you ever read the book? thank you for readin g my book. i some words that were written about me and they were in a certain order of they call them sentences. yes. and so i rea orderd those aloud. i don't know if that meanst kn i read about, you know,ou'v what would you blame a you've got a lot of controversy. the ghostwriter, the editor, the publisher. it would publisher. >> was it their fault? well, a little known fact. anothe knowr of my dogs, his namewrit
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was ghostwriteerr, and i killed him this morning. does it bother you?o thes >> does it bother you that thish these stories about the doeg in north korea overshadow the rest of this book? >> you know what bothers me is that apparently i'm being overshadowed by the governor ofa the lesser dakota doug burgum and apparently i'm off the list for vp because he only kills rattlesnake ex. oh, yes and no. i really think that the lamestream media should focus on that because the rattlesnake is notcause , you know, somethig that we should be killing because they actually killed the rats. yeah. yes. and so i know a lot more abouttg than the governor of north dakota. >> yeah. do you regregovernort the dog s? >> because it's been reported you were told not to include. it. >> you know what i regret is that i regret that i was
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in germany in the eighties doing movies. i regret that i include that in the book. and now i regret not including e book that in the book. i also regret not cancelingo re on yougr on saturday. r ti so i didn't waste your time reading a book that i was not going to com wasn'e on to doen the interview about a man in iceland. >> i think that's how you do it. christie. i spend >> i'll go away. we'll be right back.f the da you know, i spend a lot time dii thinking about deer at three in the morning. in the morning. any timekind of nts. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. right kind of nutrients. look at this from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. everybody should have it. it iout the worked great for u. this is as good as gold in any garden.
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